The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 03, 1868, Image 4

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NdtionolHepublicmi LARGEST CITY CIRCI LATIOJi Official Organ of the U. S. Government. TUESDAY MORNING Novembers, I‘6B Latest New York News! THE PEOPLE G-reatly Excited, WAR’’® TIB MB LADIES! LOOK OIT! LOOK OUT 11 A BEAUTIFIED 'as is' A BHIUTIFIER. | L'fdittjlagazint for \ “Henry R. Cottar, of No. 1# Crosby Street, is said to be ‘out’with a hfavtifikr that, eclipses anything ever known in this line The Ladies are wild with delight One lady says, ‘1 know its right,* and pointed to a bkin as 8(> ? a . ae * licate as a child Another lady said, ‘if it cost |tl).00 a bottle, I d have itand another, ‘Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only Costar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. 7 ’ It gives beauty to the a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the Lips,nnd nap, piuese complete. ! ! Beware!! of worthless imitations All DruggieU in AUGUSTA sell it. One bottle fl.IHI; three, bottles, $2.00. Ur address “CoStar,” No 141 Crosby st.,N.Y. “COSTAIfS” Standard Preparations ARE “Costar's” Rat, Roach, Etc., Exterminators. “Costars” Bed Bug Exterminators. “Costar's” (only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known. “18 years established in New York.'' "2,(MlOßoxes and Flasks manufactured daily.” “All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them.'' “! I ! Beware! I! of spurious imitations.” SI.OO sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. |2.00 for any three f 1.00 sizes by express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Hskry (successor to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold by alt Druggists in Augusta, Ca. novi—lydw _______ NATIONAL FItKIWMAN’S SAVINGS • AND TRUST COMPANY. o Chartered by Act off’C«H»«re»w. ——o— — Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 10th street, Washington, D. C. IHI.IVI’II LT AUUUOTA, <lJh W 46 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from ‘J a. m. to 2p. m., and Saturday evenings from fi to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong io the depositors. Investiuehts are only made ia SaMirilioe of the United States. GEO. 11. IIAURIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T.KkNT, Secretary. DAVID A, RITTER, Acting Cashier. au2l—dAwtf •. NEW FALL HENRY L. A. BALK I7» BROAD STREET I am now opening a CAREFULLY A ELECT ED TOOK OF SEASONABLE GOODS —SUCH AS — Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, C'dlKS, HOOP-SKIRTS, || CORSETS, F Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. As these Goods are bought, only for READY MONEY, they, of course, will be sold at POPULAR PRICES. . IH'XRV E. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street, sep 20 Coal! Coal! Coal! The undersigned having been Appointed agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from this time, and during the Winter, One Thousand Tons of the above VERY SUPERIOR COAL. This Coal will be sold FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WOOD, ia proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition of our system of labor, its advantages are important, and should be considered by all consumers: 1 st It is cheaper. •d. One third less labor is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pilfer is move . 4th. Great security against the acident its o fires. It wifi be sold, at the Coal Yard Georgia Railroad Depot), at Eleven Dollar* per Ton ! . Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of the City! To parties taking a CAR LOAD, prk to Sep tember Ist (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduetion of Four nollara per Car Load will be made. CHAS." A ROWLAND. jy 14—ts Rail Road Schedules. Change of Schedule. Ornes S. C.'R. R. Co., ) Augusta, G*., May 7,1868. J A FAST NEW YORK THROUGH MAIL and Passenger Train, direct from Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N. C., WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May 10th, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co lunibia, South Catolina, Charlotte Hoad, and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Leave Augusta Central Joint Depot at... 3:10 a. in. Arrive “ “ “ “ ...9:45 p.m Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and parts beyond, are respectfully requested NOT to take this Train, as it dobs not make con nection with any Train tor above points. They will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at.. ; 5-50 a. in. “ “ " “ 4:00 p. m. 11, T. PEAKE, myß Gen’l Sup't. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD- GENERAL SUPT’S OFFICE, 1 Chabustok, £. C., March 26, 1868. ( ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, the Passenger Trains of the South Carolina Railrood will run as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston....... 6.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p.m. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont gomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p. w. Arrive at Columbia 3.50 p. ui. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta ....... 6.00 a m. Arrive at Charleston. 3.10 p. m. Leave Columbia 6.00 a. in. Arrive at Charlsston 3.10 p. m. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. ‘ (SUNDAYS EXCErTCfi.) Leave Charleston 7.3# p. m- Arrive at Augusta 6.45 a. in. ■ Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash ville and Now Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta 4.10 p. m. Arrive at Charleston LOO p. m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS KXCEI'TBD.I Leave Charleston „.... 5.40 a. m. Arrive at Columbia.... . 6.20 a. m- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green ville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave KingviUe 2.20 p. m. Arrive at Camden 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden.... 3.10 a. in. Attire at KingviUe -7 40 a. m. * (Signed) 11. T. PEAKE, jo 18 General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Atlantic A Gutr Ran.noAn Company, !• Savannah, April 10th, 1868 J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12th instant, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRI ANS on thia Road will bo as follows: Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays ex cepted) at 4:00 p. iu. Arrive at Bainbridge.. 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Live Oak 2:05 a. m. Arrive nt Jacksonville.... 7:30 a.m. LeaveJacksonville(Bun<laysexceptod) 8:50 p. in. Leave Live Oak 2:30 a. in. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays excopted)lo:oo p.m. Arrive at Savannah 1:00 p. tu PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through from Savannah to Jacksonville. Steamer Hattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9.00 a. m. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at LOO p. m. Steamer Darlington leaves Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at ...4:00 p. m. JJtdf' Through tickets by this line as low as by any other. Passengers for St. Augustine have choice of Line of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Pioolata on arrival of boats. —lll. r> S>«Ure.ul, uaHyiXO Gainesville and Vo,ter. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day and Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tueaday and Saturday. Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, Eu faula, and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. IL S. HAINES, ap2ft—tf General Superintendent. New and Most Direct ROU T E T <> CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. VIA THE .N axis ville mid Clialtniiooßa, ABB Naabville asul northwesters* K.K From Atlanta to st louis, 20'2 miles shorter than via Memphis. From Atlanta to St. Lodis, 27 niflea shorter than via Corinth. From Atlanta to>St. Louis. 151 miles shelter than Via Indianapolis. From Atlanta to St. Louis, ItHt miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta,making close connection at Übat tanooga for NASHVILLE. I’ADI'CAII, CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all important points Northwest HUMHOLT, JACKSON (Tenn ), MEMPHIS. JACKSON l.Uies.). VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, and all other points South and South west. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vicks burg and New Orleans, good,either by RAIL or RIVER from MempWs. Five hours quicker to Memphis, and no delay at Chattanooga by this route. Fifteen boars and twenty minnts delay if you have tickets via Mem phis & Charleston Railroad, At Nashville, Trains olthe Nashville & CluUta ncogaaud Nashville and Northwestern Rullwhvb ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM TlfE SAMEDI4POT. time avoiding Omnibus Transfer. ONLY TWO CHANGES Between Chattanooga and St. Louis, via Ilickmnu. Meats and State Rooms on Steamers Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. AMPLETIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGF. CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Money by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS. Be sure to ask for Tickets Via Nashville & Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with die patch and safety. Water carriage from fjt. Ix>uie, New Orleans and Memphis and other points to Hickman, aud from Hickman to Atlanta. Augusta, Macon and Montgomery, etc., without chasgk of cans. Coin from til Louis to Angustu...,| 46 perbushei Flour from St Louie to Augnet a.... 2 ‘JOperbarrel Aud equally low rates on other goods. WM.P. INNES. J. D. MANEY, . Receiver audGen'i Supt. Gen l I’icket AgmiL M. GRANT, Gen l Freight Agent. may 10-3ni NORTH GERMAN ILOYD STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Steamers of theNortli Germcn Lloyd run regularly between New York. Bremen and Southampton carrying the United States Mail. FRt >M BREMEN..: EVERY SATURDAY. FROMSOUTHAMPTON.EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Price of Passage—From New York to Bremen, London, Havre, and Southampton—First Cabin, sl2ll. Second Csdal,2:Steerage,s3.', From lire men to. New York—First Cabin, $12(1; SwouJ Ca bin. 2; Steerage. $ H*. Price of passage payable in gold. Triose vessels take freight to Loudon and Hull for which through bills of lading are signed. An experienced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters must puss through the Post office. BTNo Bills of Lading lull those of the Com pany will be signed. Bills of I-ading will positively not be delivered before goods are ieftrod at the Custom House. (SUSpecie taken to Havre. Southampton and Bremen at the lowest ratog. For freight or passage appl v to OELRICHS & Co. myli f'ig SSBroad Street, New Yor Rail Road Schedule*. Western and Atlantic Railread. ON AND AFTER MAY 12th, 1868, PAS SENGEK TRAINS will ruu as follows : GOING NORTH. Leave A_tlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Express Pas senger.—Arrive at Chattanooga 4.45 p. in., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville, and the Wert, and for New York and other Eastern cities, via Louis ville; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Memphis, New Orleans, etc- 4.15 P. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation. —Arrive at Marietta at-5.55 p.m., Cartersville 8.13 pin., Kingston 9.19 p in., Dalton 12.32 7.00 P. M. Daily Great Northern Mail. -Ar rive at Dalton 1.20 a.m., connecting with trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,and New York. Arrive at Chattanooga at 4.00 a.m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Lonisvillo, ana the West, aud for New York and other Eastern cities, via Louis ville; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Railroad fur Memphis, St. Louis, and the West. COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.45 A. M L'ai y Great Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chatfauooga at 7 10 p m., connecting with trains of Nashville aud Chatta nooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads, and Dalton at 9.48 p.m-, con necting with trains of E. T. and Georgia Railroad. . 11.00 A. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation.—Leave Dalton at 2.15 a. tn., Kingston 5.23 a.m., Cartersville 6.18 a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a m. 1.10 I*. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 4.30,, connecting with, trains of Nash ville amd Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads. Pullman’# Patent Sleepiog Coaches on ALT. NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, l-HILADKLPIIU, WASHINGTON, AND OI'IIEIt aster n Citi es, Via Western and Atlantic AND Virgina and Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, FRIDAY, MAY l a, IS6B. NORTH. Leave Atlanta at 7 M p.m. Leave Dalton 2 30 A.m. Leave Knoxville 11 17 a.m. Leave Bristol 7 18 p.m. Leave Lynchburg. 9 «.m. Leave Washington < 7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore r 8 55 n heave Philadelphia ’ a,ul. Arrive at Vorn 20 a.m. soil'll. Leave New York 7 30 p.m. Reave Philadelphia 11 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 3 50 a.m Leave Waabioffton aan - Lc«vo Lynchburg 5 25 p.m. Leave Bristol 7 10 a.m. Leave Knoxville 2 56 p.m. Leave Dalton P 48 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta 4 45 a.m. Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours. GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and Now Yurk is carried exolusivoly by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains- Through Tickets Ginid until used, anil Baggage Checked Through to all important points. E. B. WALKER,. Master of Transportation, W. 4 A. 11. R. 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement. MEAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, OK 11 id iai lapol is. Passengers by this Route hav. choice of twenty-five different Routes to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON. Passengers holding Tickets by this Route to New Yogk, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can visit Washington without extra charge. tssu Fare same as via Knoxville er Augusta. I'rains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. in., and 7 p. m., after arrival of all Southern Trains, aud make close connections to above named Cities. Check Baggage to Louisville, and it will be re-checked to destination on Trains of Louis ville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at Louisville. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample time for Meals, and good Hotels. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. Tickets by this Route for sale at the General Ticket Office. Atlanta. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, aug3o—ly W. ,(■ A. R. R. CITY REGISTRY LIST. List of persons registered from the sth to tho 17th of October, 1868, under an act to reorganiM the Municipal Government of the city of Au gusta : FIRST WARD. Anderson, Bradley c Austin, Isaac c Appleton, Seaborne c Ardis, Alec c Atkinson, Paul c Allen, William H c Anthony, Lavosier L Ashley, Robert c Aiken, Wm c Atkinson, Robt B Ashby, Lewis P Alexander, Jas c Alexander, Wm W Atkinson, Wm J Brown, Gabriel G c Blodgett, Foster Brown, Stephen c Bowman, Wash e Bunch, ?.obert c Burr, Edmund c Brown, Isaac c Brickel, Samuel e Brown, Jim c Brutton, Emanuel c Brown, Israel D c Bruce, Nelson c Butler, Benj F c Bricklayer, Chas c Bryant, Jno C c Baker, John c Banks, Ned c Bunch, John M Brown, Charlie c Brown, John c Barnes, James B c Beverly, Randolph c Brown, John c Beard, James C Bell, Henry D Bower, Harry c Butler, Grandison c Brown, Wm c Bugg, Ben c Butts, Joseph c Burt, Stephen c Banks, Jas E c Botbourne, Jas J c Braxton, Arthur c Brodie, Alex M Bright, Hector c Brown, Enoch W Brown, Joe c Burton, Francis Brooks, Jesse W c Brahe, ‘Henry A Blount, Gustavus A Carr, Wm c Calvin, Martin V Cooper, James c Cummings, Joe c Collins, Henry c Clements, Jesse c Chavous, Toby c Christian, Robt e Cobb, Sam le Coleman, John c Christian, John A Cummings, Robt c Cox, John c Chapman, Emanuel c Cooper, March c Cunningham, Edw c Castleberry, Thos c Colvert, Jack e Colington, Titus e Clarke, Daniel c Crosby, Chas c Crumpton, John B Cherry, John c Curry, Titus c Cheeseborough,-Wm 15 Clarke, Jackson Cory, Eugene A Cummings, Alec c Cohen, Phillip L Collis, Tom c Carr, Goorgs o Cook, Jeff c Clarke, Henry E Couturier, Carter Campbell, Samuel W Clay, Henry c Cates, John W Dent, Thomas Dean, Joshua Dorsey, Dennis c Datts, Wm c Davis, Gilbert c Doughty, E W Dasher, Thos c Dennis, Wm c Davis, Wright c Davis, Nelson c Duel, Wm c Dent, Moses c Derry, Joseph T Early, Wm c Edward, Billy c Elsey, Elbert c Elbert, Reuben Easterling, Jas T Edwards, Wm c Emery, Cupid o Emery Ceasor c Fullington, Dennis c Flemings, Goo c Fullington, Hobby T c Fuss, John F Fitts, Falworth W Fountain, Gilbert Fuller, Isaac c Goodwin, Daniel c Green, Smart c Golding, Jerry c Glascow, Septimus c Green, Chas c Green, Jas c Gant, Jacob o Gardner, Jim e Givens, Alfred c Glover, Jas R Gibbons, Patrick Gould, Wm T Griffin, John C Grady, Martin George, Thos II Green, Pulaski c Griffin, Wiley B Golphin, Luke c Gadsden, Tony c Green, Linnius c Glover, Wm Gould, Burrell c Godwin, Joseph T Hamlet, Gideon A Halsoy, Pompey c Harris, Thos c Hankerson, Thos II d Handy, Edmund o Hampton, Thos c Harper, Chas e Howard, Thos L Holmes, Harry c Huger, Malvin c Hankerson, Peter o Hudson, Edmund o Halsey, Alexander c Hood, Geo M Ilnd. jn, Frederick c Howard, Wm H Hollingsworth, Jas JI Hale, William c Harbin, Wm A Hall, Robt c Iloopor, Zed c Holmes, Charlie c Hud on, Edward c Hampton, Willis c Howard, Jas c Harrison, Handy c Harris, Ben c Hopkins, David L Holly, Geo W Hart, Duke c Hall, Pickens B Harbig, Geo Ingram, Sam c Izzard, John c uennings, anas c Jackson, John o Jenkins, Anthony c Johnson, Ben c Jeans, Jesse M Johnson. Paul Jones, Owen o Jonnson, Phoceou c Jones, King « Johnson, David c Jenkins, Andrew c Johnson, David e Jefferson) David c Jackson, Frank c r..„os, Peter o Jones, Randall c Johnson, Henry c Joseph, Joseph Johnson, Henry c Johnson, Wm c James, Richard c Johnson, Alfred o Jones, Samuel King, Joshua Key, Peter c Kelly, Goo » Kavanaugh, John Kyle, John c King, Geo e Kennedy, Daniel e Keith, Frank c Kelly, John c King, Wm W Kirkpatrick, D, jr Leon, Henry L Lee, Scott c Levy, Isaac Lindsey, Geo c Lamar, Dick c Levorman, Win J Larkin, Richard c Low, Geo fc Lawson, Henry e Lamar, Daniel 8 Lewis, John S c Lanum, Kit c Lee, Moses c Leverman, Il B Lyon, Mack ,c Lallerstedt F W c Larkin,Thos c Lark, John c Lowrey, Isaac c Lee, Wm H Moseley, Lewis c Manigault, Allen c Mitchell, Primus c Martin, Columbus c Manigault, Jas c Martin, John c Marshall, F V c Milledge, Peter c Moffat, Thos Madison, Adam c Matthew, Alec c Mitchell, Robt o McKensie, It e McConnell, John Marshall. Stephen e Moore, John c McGar, Daniel c Moses, Pleasant c Maddox, Luke c McGraw, Moses c Mitchell, John E c Milledge, Bob c Moore, Henry, o Mathew, R W c Miller, Wm 11 c. Maxwell, Jas R c McKinzie, S W McKenzie, John 11 Mann, Merry e Martin, Wm c Mitchell, Paul c Matthews, Geo c Mosely, Geo c Marsh, Albert H Moore, Lin ise- e McCarty, Jeremiah Miller, John Marberry, Willis <i McDowell, Chas u Matthews, Luke <? Norman, Jack c Nally, Cleon Noble, t’ytus ' b Newby, Jos M Oliver, Rasmus c Oakman, Moses c Oliver, Gao L Oliver, Philip c O’Connell, Patrick ParJue, S.S Page, Thos c Philpot, David A Pcmble, Chas Preston, Edmund c Pryor, Lewis c Philpot, John M Pardue, Peter Philpot, Henry R Philpot, Thos N Porter, David Pitts, Pournellc c Pleasant, Bep c .Parr, John Parker, G G Page, Silas c Pleasant, Robt c Paint, r, Wm Payne, Thos c Paul, Wm A Rhodes, TV 11 Rouse, Henry C e Radford,Lemuel F Robinson, Doctor c Red, Peter c Redfield, Nelson c Russell, John c Rowland, Wm c Robertson, Joseph o Kiley, Jacob e Rumley, Elijah Robinson, Frank e Reardon, Thos Russell, Thos Reynolds, Chas c Riley, Joe e ■ Ramsey, Jos W Robert, John A Rand>ll, Geo H Rodgers, Henry C Raiford, Elbert o Radford, Smithfield Roberts, Thos o Stewart, Chas E Smith, John c Snelling, Jas M Smith, Jackson c Satterwhite, John c Seals, Daniel c Sims, Geo c Spellman, R P Shaekelford, Sam c Scott, Henry c Sykes, Wm R Simmons, Jas S Shsakalford, J H Seals, Smith c Snipes, Paul c Stokes, RS c Scott, Jordan c Smith, Stafford D e Small, Charlie e Shackelford, Wm H Shannon, Bob c Shackelford, Jas Shaw, George e Smith, Jxeob c Skiine. Edwin c Stokes, Miles c Simpkins, Alfred e Sheffield, Jaw N SKaw, Albert R Smith, Wm c Spencer, Perry c Swint, Wm c Smilh, Henry e Schinner, Wm R Scott, Jerry c Tlremqs, Berry e Thompson, Isham Talialerro, Tom c Turner,Jacksen c Turner, Ed e Talbot, John c Thompson, Chas c Tindall, Ned e Thomas, Jas c Thomas, John c Turner, Daniel c Turner, Wade c Turner, Jacob e Tarver, Frank B Thomae, Charlie c Taylor, Geo « Tankersley, (I V Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Mingo c Thompson, Jas F Ugnm, Wm c Van Buren, Marlin c Walker, Nathan e Williams, Geo o Williams, Wm M Walls, I'eter e Williams, Bradford c Wade, Andrew c Williams, Joe c Williams, Henry o Wright, Jack c Welsh, John Williams, Jackson o Warren, Wesley c Williams, Albert c Wimberly. Hunter c Walker, Elbert c Williams, Henry c Williams, Abram e Williams, Heo o Walker, Kdward c Williams, Frank c Wright, Wm o Walker, Ben e White, Ned c Wimberly, Wright c Wigftdl, Cyrus o Watkins, Henry c Williams, Bill c Walker, John D Wright, Abel o Winburn, Simeon Williams, Henry c Walker, John W Wiggins, Amos P Wheeler, Wm 11 Weems, Newton c . White, T W Walker, Goo H o Wolf, Hilliard K Young, Andrew e Young, Robt c Young, Daniel, c Youngblood, A c saconn wabu Atwell, Robert W Adams, Doc o Anderson, Mack x c Abrams, Charles o Bell, Robert c Bcnnefield, Abram 8 c Brown, Kelsey c Bolton, John c Bolton, Handy c Branch, Abram c Bruyor, Washington o Bird, Nassau « Bailey, Bery c Brooks, Jacob c Bennett, Ben o Bryant, John K Burdell, Nat c Bennett, Elijah T Battey, Robert c Bostwick, Willis c Bleakly, Isaac c Bridges, Robert D Brinckley, Baker c Barnes, George c Bricquet, James J Beallc, George e Carter, Hiram c Cain, Alien o Culver, Wm o. Carter, J oseph o Carroll, Thos c Clayton, Charlie c Cummings,Adolphus c Clayton, J Joseph Clarke, leh arc c Curtis, Robert K Curry, Ceascr 0 Cox, Jack c Costello, James Carr, Freeman c Duggins, General c Davis, Sim c Drayton, John c Dwyer, Thomas Dwyer, Geo T Davis, Albert c Dobson, Alexander e Dortic, WmT Davis, John c Denning,David II Davis, Francis c Drayton, Andrew c Estes, Richard o Emanuel, Enoch c Evans, Moses c Edwards, Henry c Ector, Henry c Edwards, Ben o Elbert, Ben c Franklin, Benj c Frazier, Henry o Goldberry, Wm H c Green, Robert c Grant, James c Dolphin, Janies c Green, Jim o Guilfoyle, John Gootchius, Phil o Gardner, John c Goudy, Robert c Gordon, Harvey c Graham, David Gouedy, Preston o Green, Alee c Garahan, James Goss, Lucius H o Hooper, Isaac e Harris, Jonas c Hull, John . c Holloway, Henry c Hardin, Jim o Harley, Stephen c Hampton, Hartwell c Hankinson, Rob't II c Hamilton, Wm c Houseley, Wm Horton, Moses c Hull, Henry \ c Harris, Tom o Hammond.’,Stephen c Hiller, Wm J Ingraham, Sidney c Jenkins, Chas c Johnson, Moses K c Johnson, Ben c. Jennings, Asa o Johnson, Phillip c Jefferson, Henry c Johnson, Chas C c Johnson, Rob’t c Jones, Joseph c Jackson, John c Jenkins, Jack o King, Abnor o Kittrol. Grandison c Kennedy, Frank c King, Robert c Lamar, John c Lamback, Leo o Limmons, John c Lewis, John c Low, James c Lewis, John C c Lewis, Robert c Lawler, James Leo, Henry c Lacy, Wesley c Lamar, Newman c Lampkin, Portor c McGrath, Cato c McLean, Edward c xr.i'.ffiv, Hooos o Mcßride, Doc o Mon:<c Jesse o McNeil, Adam c McGhee, John c McKenzie, Thomas o Mitehell, Henry c Mitchell, Wm c Mimms, Moses, c McKinnie, Dick o Matthews, Sam c Monroe, Wm c Middleton, Jacob c Moore, Henry c Manly, Joseph c McCann, Patrick H Murphy, Edmund T McMahon, Wm II Mann, John II Maddory, Moses M Myers, Simeon M Mitchell, Lewis c Murphy, Daniel G McGhee, Wm o McCarthy, George Murray, Francis Meredith, James W McKenzie, Wm e Moore, J W Morris, Martin M Myers, David Nelson, Wm c Ncblett, James M Nelson, Robert c Owens, Wm J Oakman, Henry o Osborne, Lewis c Owens, July c • Porter, Reuben c Pritchard, Edward Pope, John Pinos, Prince c Page, John c Powell, Wm c Pelot, Benj 8 Perry, Oliver c Pritchard, B«<hus C" Phinizy, Robert M Phinizy, John jr Parker, Gustavus A Phller, Jim o Preston, Ben o Prager, Julius Penn, John c Robertson, Alfred c Rich, Chas T Ross, Dick e Rivers, Prince c Rooney, James Rhodes, G Crawford Roe, Joseph R c Roberson, Jasper o Rhodes, W Poyton Rudler, Anthony F Ross, Albert H c Speed, Grandison c Smith, Henry e Sinquefield, Wm c Stewart, Horton c Stokes, Henry c Smith, Wm c Steed, Alfred o Snead, John C Savage, Zcdrick c Segoc, Isaiah c Shaughnessy, Ed Stevens, Jordan e Smyth, Frank Barling, Solomon Tilgbman, Jim c Thompson, Jim c Thomas, Richard c Thomae, Richard e Thomas, Burke c Tweedy, Ephraim Thomas, Wm e Thomas, Robert c Tustjne, George c Thorn, George Tillman, Sim e Whaley, Jacob Williams, Richard c Watts, George c Wilburn, Clarence c Williams, Richard c William’, Jerry c Walker, Robert e Wesley, Kit o Williams, Jesse c Wilson, Thomas L e Wiley, Orange o Worrell, Wm c Walton, William L c Walker, Thomas c Ware. Richard c Williams, Weston e Williams, Robert c Williams, Aiken c Walker, Albert c Williams, Peter c Walton, William A Williams, James c THIRD WARD. Adams, David c Affeldcr, Wm II Addison* Butler c Allen, Grief c Brooks, Richard c Brown, Jefferson c Brown, Edward c Brown, Howard c Bougs, Henry c Butler, Jarrett c Buchanan, Juber c Bryan, John c Boggs, Willis c Battice, John c Bugg, Achy c Bussey, Daniel c Burns, John c Barnes, Bill c Blalock, Augustus E Brown, Robert J c Baldwin, John c Brown, Wash c Brown, Sam e Bostwick, Crawford c Cotton, Lorenzo D c Cook, Harrison c Cummings, Isaac c Conlon, Patrick Clements, Burnett c Caaimell, David c Cummings, Julias c Cole, Joe e Calhoun, Julius c Campbell, Aaron c Casbin, Charles c Dixon, Abner c Dent, Sandy c Davie, John J Duke, Wm H c Daniels, Henry Elbert, Joe c Emery, Isaac c Evers, Jack c Ffshbarn, Ben c Fullerton, Orborne e Floyd, John e Fagan, John Flsbbnrn, Thoms’ e Ford, Adolphes M Gilbert, Willis e Green, Aaron e Gibsun, Hector "e Gteaueuek, Bristow e Gilliard, Joseph e Gardner, Gad S e Graham, Lawson e Green, Washington e Gibson, Samuel L Gallaher, Edward Gant, Thoen** c Guernsey, James M Garrett, Sam r Golphin, Jefferson c Gordon, John e Harris, Grandison c Honey, James Hay, Jerry c Hammonds, Albert c Hall, Robert c Hughes, Horace c Hearn, John « Harris, Andrew c Howard, Thomas c Honson, Charles c Hammond, Richard c Jones, Wm c Jones, Jwe c Johnson, Joseph c James, Sam c Junior, Charles c Jones, Henry Johnson, Priest c Jones, Robert <’ Johnson, Daniel c Jackson. Dick e Jackson, John c Junes, Albert c Jones, Dempsey o Jones, Folia o Jackson, Isham e Jones, Edgar E Johnson, lease c Jonoe, Allen ti Johnson, Jordan e King, Edgar c Kennally, John Knox. David C King, John R 0 Kelly. Henry o Kneel, Cha* M Lockhart, Isham c Lyons, Thomas Lacy, Edward c Lewis, Henry * e McKouzio, Wesley c Mims. James L McDonald, Martin May. Riebnrd J Madison, Thomas c MoCay. Wm R Moore, Wm « McCarthy, John McNair, Edmund c Malouc, Philip Merriweather, Jack c MoKinnie, Dirk c Morgan, Sam c Mealing, Wm J Miller, Richard o Morris, Peter o Meigs, John e Matthews, Jesse c Mitchell, Wm e Messiah, Felix c Mitchell, Newton c Narrington, Jacob c Norrington, Jackson c O’Donnell, Kdward Oaliorne, Toby c Parker, Robert e Pvrry, Tom 0 Parks, Imvi « Plumb, Daniel 11 Pago, Sully e Pool, Peter o Rone, Morris Robinson, Wm o Reed, Jeremiah c Rhodon, Win Richardson, Henry c Rone, Wm c Seott, Dennis o Sullivan, Jerry c Sims, Kd <’ Scott. Nathan e Schaufele, Frederick Stnilll, Gcbrgo o Saddler, Austin <■ Shuar, Wiu Snowdon, Gen B o Smith, James o Samuel, Gabo c Scott, Gabriel o Secret, Jacob c Smith, Edward o Sims, Lewis c Smith, John o Swooney, Randall o Scott, Wm 0 c Small, George e Sullivan, Qoruelius Solomon, Frank c Stovall, Joseph H Story, James Sohncider, Ernest R Summers, Andrew c Tyson, Oliver c Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Philip c Thompson,Ephraim o Thompson, Andrew c Terrell, Emanuel c . Telfair, Israel e Thomas, Henry c Vance, Richard c Wyatt, Wm c Washington, Jarnos c Watkins, Sam 0 Walton, Goorgo c Warren, James c Weeks, Hampton c Watkins, Newman o Walker, Milas u Williams, Burgess c Williams, Jack o Waggoner, Solomon o Wrenn, Beverly W Wright, Starling 0 Wigfall, Govrgo 0 Young, John c roBitTH wAim. Alston, Anthony c Ambrose, Frank o Alien, Richmond c Allen, Henry c Archer, Anool o Armstrong, Jo 'H e Allen, Henry c Allen, Ned c Atkins, Willis e Anthony, Wiu e Anderson, Robert o Auimeus,John Avret, WilliiHi! Allen,•Newton c Armstrong, William o Anderson, David c Anderson, John c Armstrong, Wm c Alien, Solomon e Bass, Richard c Blount, Chas c Booker, Israel e Bryant, Gus <’ Barnes, Geo T Boyd, Edlow c Brown, Josso C Brown, Joo o Butler, Honry c Hlackhurn*CHnt»n <> Butlor, Jasper o llrbwn, Charlie o Barnes, Jno A Brown, Alfred c Builoy, Philip o Bell, William o Ballou, Edmund e Brown, Robt c Bell, David c Butler, Gus c Bacon, Marlin ’ c Bannoster, Jacob o Beall, Seott o Barrow, Jus Brown, Jno T c Brown, Isaac c Beall, Columbus e Bellis, Elmore o Brown, Jim e Brenner, August Bailey, Marctdluu o 'Boll, Win c Brunson, Allen c Brown, Andrew o Beall, Frank c Bird, Harrison o Bacon, Robt o Bernard, Frederick Brenner, Peter Brantly, Robt o Boyce, John o Uut<», Beni c Bugg, Gus o Brown, James Bush, Ben o Boalnor, Aaron c Black, Jas C C Bailey, George c Bland, Jas C Butler, Joseph e Broadnax, Henry c Brown, Thos .1 o Brown, January e Boyle, Michael Boatwright, Cupid c Bonson, Jno c Brown, Honry c Bacon, Ben o Boyd, Duhiid c Builoy, Elijah o Berry. Thomas c Bailey, Tlsos c Brown, Berry 11 Blocker, Hearties- c Bcnnefield, Wm e Corniick, Wm c I’arr, Robt A c Crawford, Jerry <- Curler, Henry v Cummings, Elbert c Collier, Charlie c Cook, John C Conlan, Dominick Chavous, Honry c Cage, Sam c Clanton, Lawrence c Cox, Dallas c Cooper, Jim c Cook, Milton c Collier, Randall c Chase, Andrew c Cunningham, S A Cage, Joe c Collier, John e Cummings, Robt c Cotter, Nicholas Cook, Arthur c Colo, Wm c Collins, Timothy Clarke, Nelson o Coffin, Chas E Christian, Wilsan c Cobb, J’oter o Cooper, Ben e Calvin,Tony c Collier, Lewis « Cage, Charlie c Collier, Peter c Carter, Jas c Curtis, David L Callahan, Patrick Sauly, David c Cook, Geo c Curry, Anthony o Chisolm, Plato c Darlington, B c Davis, A J Davis, John o Doris, Bernard , Dorsey, Chas c Dudley, Ephraim c Dent, Alfrel c Davis, J A ,c Davis, Adam c Darby, Henry e Duval, Rufus D inn, Solomon, Sr c Dobson, Wm *c Dent, Philip o Daggett, Thos o Davis, Jas M Dunn, Solomon, Jr c Elmoro, Richard e Evans, Henry c Elbert, David e Elliot, Stephan e Evans, Amos c Epps, Edward c Emery, Jack c Frederick, Theodore e Farrow, D M Fuller, Sam • Fletcher, Anderson Fleming, Wm c French, Marcus c Fryer, Hamilton c Fields, York c Fleming, Steve u Farrow, Ambrose c Fields, Bristow c Ford, Gordon J Foreman, Willis e fields, Samuel e Gordon, Alec c Gardner, Peter e Gardner, Sandy c Green, D P c Goodwin, Jno e Graves, Chai! c Griffin, Cobbin v Gossett, Wm George, John c Gilpin, Brotus e Golphin, Garland c Golightly, Henry c Green, Wm e Green, Jno c Graves, Chas c .Gaunt, John c Glenn, Glascow c Gallaher, E F Grimes, Ben c Gibbs, Aberdeen c Gorton, Jne c Green, Iraae e Golphin, Jeff c Green, Tom c Gannon, Tbos Greer, John e Gardner, Wm e Grimes, Anderson e Gants, Jacob c Gardner, Melman c Harris, David c Hicks, Lloyd c Hasmonds, E l’wrl c Hampton, Daniel c Houston, Henry c Howard, Jno c Harris, Win e Hill, Alfred t Hewitt, Jno, Sr Hill, Jeffry c Harris, Robert c Hackett, David Hill, Preston, e Hicks, Oscar c Harris, Geo II c Uenely, Solomon Harris, Wm c Hatter, Win c Holmes, Robt e Heyward, Neal c Hill, Benjamin c- Henson, E W c Hammond, Jno Harris, J H e Halsey, August c Hall, Wm c Hughes, Patrick Harter, W J Hawkins, Heavy e Ivins, Davo e Iversen, Anton Ingal.’, L L , Jackson, Albert e Jones. Wm e Janet, Wm c Jackson, Randall e Johnses, Wm c J<-nes, G W Jackson. Abram c Jenkins, Thos c Johnson, Edward e Jefferson, Isaac e Jones, Mingo e Joeksen, Samuel e Johnson, John e Jackson, John c Jefferson, L W c Jones, Jesse c Johnson, Sam e Jones, Daniel c Jackson, Andrew e Jackson, J A e Jones, Ned e Johnson, CK Johnson, Kraus r Jerkttm, Henry e Johnsen, Allan e Jonas, Robt Johnson, Aaron e Jones, Dauiel Johnson, Frederick e Jones, Chas James, Bon « Jones, Jas A Johnson, Daulol e Jones, Thouiu 0 Joshua, John e Jones, Wm II . Jeffbrson, Burton c Jaekson, Richard 0 Jackson, H J e Jones, Wm c King, 8 L King, J M Keener, J K Key, Daniel 0 King, Madison e Kendall, J«s«« 0 Kennedy, Robt o Kennedy, Henry Kctohan. Boh e King, TH Keener, Wiu \ ImngKird, George Luwis, Adam c Liddle, Wm o Lawson, Amlersun o Irncy, Those Lamkiu, Willis c Low, Andrew c Linn, Harrison 0 Immar, Kdward c Latnar, Boston c Lumpkin, Mose.’ e Landers, Juhu Lawson, Capers o Locke, Bryant 0 Lewis, Joo e Lewis, David e Locket, Isaac o Lewis, Carlo 0 Low, Jefferson o Lamkin, Palmer « Ladson, Heetor o Lemon, Rubl e Leek io, Thos Lamar, Ceascr c Lewis, Jack o Let, Win v Lewis, Alfred o Locket, Harry 0 Luke, Jas, jr o Loveritt, Getugo McNeil, Sandy o Medrao, Berry u Marshall, Kdinuiul e Medium, Francis J, Mcloivett, Mandoss e Murphy, Thomas McArdle, John McKinley, Jaeob « McGrath, Bony c Myers, David c McGrath, Bony jr o Marion, llaidy c Mitchell, Thos MoKinnie, James c Molvoy. Allen o Mitchell, John e Moore, Wiley e Mallory, Charles « Mims, Peter o Miller, George e Mosely, Harvey c Mulherin, John McKee, Burrell o Morel, Gabriel c Miller, Frank o McKinnie, John Mallory, Sandy c Mosely,Rodnlphua J Minor, Joe e Mahouey, Patrick 0 Murrah, Goo W Murrah, Wm K Milos, John E McDuffie, George <• May am, Mortimer o Mason, Cull c Miller, Anthony c Miller, Edward T Milton, John ' o Martin, Torn 0 Mustin, Kli Mills, Wm 8 McCoy, William u Miller, George c Moore, John « Miller, Felix e McMurphy, Tom c Mitehell, Solomon e Mack, Peter c Nash, John e Napier, Win J North, Richard Norris, Adam o Noose, Abram Neylaud, George c Nagle, John P Olive, Abel Oliver, David e O’Connor, Timothy O’Connor, Francis Owep, Amos E Oliphant, Alfred o Osborne,Abram , o Olivo, Thomas W Oliver, Philip c Parker, William o Paris, Isaac o Porter, Tom e Patrick, Capers o Pago, Phil o Phillips, Wm M Price, John W c Prather, Augustus M Polk, Josiah c Pollard, Charlie c Potegru, Daniel e Palmer, Thomas J Paris, Sam e Pemberton, Henry o Parker, Charles o I‘arkor, Lewis c Patterson, Philip o Payne, Turn c Page, George W Roberts, John e Iteily, Win II Reynolds, John Kameoy, John 1' Roberts, Robert c Roberts, John W Ruffin, Albert G Rigby, Jacob c Robinson, Joo u Ruonoy. Patrick Rico, Tom c Robinson, John c Rivers, Aloe c Robinson, Manurd c Roberta. Charles M Reuse, Enoch l> Reynolds, Joseph W Robinson, Richard c Rahner, Joseph llobbu, Chas A Ratcliff, Samuel W Ramsey, Richard o Robertson, Robert c Sapp, Frank c Slim koiford, John c Smith, Charlie e Smith, Adam c Sherman, Monroe e Schneider, .lack c Searls, Lewis , o Simpkins, Wiley c Smith, Albert o Stewart, Junies A c Smith, Josiah c Spink, W \V Smith, Anderson u Simmons, March c Strutton, Henry c Stewart, 11 ioliard c Smith, George o Scutl, Lewis o- S uipkins, Tom c Simpkins, .lease c Smith, John L e Stokes, Honry o Sumtnerfield, JB-niy « Simmons, Sum c Simmons, Hubert c Shephard, Deiini. e Sullivan, Wm v Smith, Mallory o Stoy, Walter 1' Smith, Stephen e Scott, Ed u Snyder, Harry o Searles, Win u Smith, Tom c Smith, Zion Sox, Amos c Smalley, Burton o Shelton, Abram c Sweet, Henry c Stickney, Henry c Sullivan, Moses e Singleton, Wm c Scott, John II e Smith, Thoiims ,1 Scott, T'oby o Stalling*, Jiiines 11 Sullivan, Wm II o Swan, Henry c Sutninorlleld, Taylor o Smith, Arthur c Taylor, Cyrua c Thomas, Jim c Toblor, Abram c Tillman, Jack o Thomas, Jerome c Thomas, Kdward e Turner, Willis c Tintion, Vincent 11 Taylor, Virgin c Taylor, Grandison c Talbot, Saul u Taylor, John J Tyler, David c Turner, Robert c Taylor, Cap c Thomaa, Michai'l B e Taylor, Henry e Tiee, David Trowbridge, Merritt c Thomas, Jamoii c Timinortnan, John e TUinun, Henry o Tucker, George c Trotty, Freeman c Thomas, Daniel c Tice, Peter M Tillman, Wm H e Turpin, Win E Turner, Tom c Turner, Henry c Thomas, Berry E c Thompson, Lewis B Vaughn, Thos J Van Pelt, John Williama, Wm e Watts, Cyrus c WutU, .lames M c Walker, Ceaaar e Webster, Daniel c Williams, Alfred e Walah, Thoma# Winn, Marcus c Wilhight, Wm 8 Willis, Dennis e Williams, Henry e Woplen, John . e Williams, Henry e ’Voodaon, Willis c Williams Richmond c Wade, Peter e Williams, John c Will'iams, Frank c Webb, Elisha c Wiley, Nod C Woodson, Robert c Ward, Win c Wigfall, Bristow c Williams, Cap e Wingard, Elitba D Waabingioo, George c Williams, Jainoß e Wilson, Milfou c Williams, Isaiah e Walker, Wcsloy e Williams, Sum c Williams, Spencer -c Walls, Harrison e West, William c Walker, Thomas c William*, Daniel c Williams, Aaron c Warren, Jamo.i II e Wilson, John c Walker, Andrew c White, Frank c W Williams, Stephen <: Ware, John D William*, Edward c Watson, Win .1 Walker, RieharJ o W’hooter, John I. Wingfield, Hubbard o Welch, John Watts, Honry c Welsh, Dennis Wynn, Isaac c Wilson, Martin V B c Wright, Moses c Walker, Alox c Williams, Jein o William*, Wm M Williams, Allen c Yarborough, Abram <J Young, Leroy c Young, Freemen c Young, James o RECAPITULATION. WAfte, Hlu<k. Talal. First Ward 12,1 303 Second Word 52 180 232 Third Ward 35 151 1»« Fourth Ward 112 458 Mb Grand t0ta1.,322 l»«7 M” Augusta, Georgia, October IV, 1868, JOHN C. SNEAD, WM. R. McLAWS, K. M. BRAYTON, WILLIAM DOYLE, H. A. HARPER, Commissioner* of Registration. Attest Davin Fortkb, Clerk. United State* Marshal’* Sale. UNDER AND HY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of Keri lucio*. lamed out of the Honorable, Hie Filth Circuit Court of tire United States for tiie Southern Dietrnt of Oeorgni, in favor of the plaintiffs. Ham A Cusbiug, in the following case, to wit: Harn A Cushing versus Jolin N. Webb and John M. Stark, 1 have levied upon, as the property of John M. Stark, one lot of laud, con taming ten (10) acre*, more or lees, togetlier with the improvement* thereon, situate, lying, and being in Wyuuton, comity of Muocogee, and State of Georgia, alnnii two miles east of Colutn bus, and bounded on the north, cast and west by tire lota belonging to James M Cliamber*, and on the aontli by die lot belonging to the estate of Mimes Butte, deceased, and known as the resi deuce of John M. Stark ; and will sell the saoi* at public auction, at tire Court Uouae, in the city of Macon. <-oanty of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the 1 FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawful hours ot aale. Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tjrt m . Dated a< Savannah, Georgia. October 2, 1868. M M. G. DICKSON, del —lawla J «wed Whi<-» Mar’lwl