The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 07, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. Xationnl Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Offloill Organ of the U 8- Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ~,. Year, in advancess 00 < . Months, in advance 2 50 l’hr»o Months, in advance 1 25 4* .1 papsr furnished gratis to any one send „• un -t Club of ten subscribers. « The undersigned, having a completely ‘urnished office, is enabled to execute all orders f„ r Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or p.ilino cheaper than any other office in the Sorth* ' _ K- H. PUG Hi:. SATURDAY MORNlWGNovember 7, 1868 ' -mm—vr r— m.—— Officla . Laws of Congress. [Public— No. 105.] AN ACT to authorize the city of Washing ton to issue bonds for the purpose of pay ing the floating debt of the city. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House oj Representatives oj ths United States of tmcrica in Congress assembled, That the city of Washington be and hereby is,author ized to issue, by vote of its counsils, register ed or coupon bonds in benominations of fif ty dollars, one hundred dollars, five I mired dollars, and one thousand dollars, payable in ten years from the date of issue, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum, paya ble setni-anually—principal and interest payable in lawful money of the United States. Said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the register of the city, and shall be payable at such place or places as may by them be deemed expedient, and may be issued and disposed of to an amount sufficient to pay and discharge the present floating debt of the city, not’ however, to xcecd "the sum of eight hundred thousand ollars: Provided, That, said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value in law lul money of the United States, or in ex change for said matured and liquidated indebtedness: 7’rouuZecl also, That no great er amount of said bounds shall be disposed of than may be found neccessary for the payment of said indebtedness. Seo, 2. xlnrf be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the city counsils upon issuing the bonds herein authorized to pro vide by taxation for the prompt payment of the interest thereon ; also to provide for the redempjion of the said bonds by establish ing a sinking fund to bo set apart annually, to an amount not exceeding ten per centum of the amout of bonds issued, said sinking fund to be created from regular taxes lev ied for that purpose, and to be assessed and collected as other taxes. * Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said city councils are hereby authorized Io pass any and all ordinances which may be necctssary to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and all acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved, July 27, 1868. [Public—No, 106.] AN ACT to amend section one of ‘‘An act to prevent and punish frauds upon the revenue, and for other purposes,” approv ed March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United, States of America in Congress assembled, That, the act entitled “An act Io prevent and punish f rauds upon the revenue, to provide for more certain and speedy collection of claims in favor of the Uuited States, and for other pur poses,” approved March third, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding to section one thereof an additional proviso, as follows : .Ind Provided further, That in case of goods wares, and merchandise, imported from a foreign country adjacent to declaration in this section hereinbefore required may be miy be made to, and the certificate endors ed by, the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, at or nearest to the port or place of clearance for the United States. Approved, July 27, 1868. n HALL, BAHBEFI & CO., insurance Rooms, 221 Bread Sts, ' AUGUSTA, GA. 1 RE PREBARED TO EFFECT INSURANCE /k on Real Estate. Cotton, and Merchandise of every description, and to any amount in all the reliable Insurance Companies in the country. The following Companies are especially repre sented by them viz : QUEEN, of Liverpool and London. LORILLARD, of New York. NORTH AMERICAN, of Hartford, Conti. NORWICH, of Norwich, Conn. UNION, of Baltimore, Md. UNITED STATES, Fire and Marino, of Balti more, Md. GEORGIA HOME INSURA Nd CO., of Columbus, Ga. VIRGINIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Staunton, Va. IAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Mon teral, Va. SOUTHERN INSURANCE CO , of Nashville, Tenn. ALSO, MARINE and INLAND INSURANCE. LIFE and ACCIDENT. MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR iNCE CO., ul New York. Assets, January Ist, 1868, 14,361,773. PASSENGER- RAILWAY INSURANCE CO., "f Hartford, Conn. je23—ly Coal! Coal! Coal! j’-IIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN *- appointed agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from this time, and during the Winter, Ono Thousand Tons of the above VERY SUPERIOR COAL. This Coal will be sold FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WOOD, in proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition of our system of labor, its advantages are important, and should be considered by al! consumers: Ist. It is cheaper. 2d. One third less labor is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pilfer is move . Ith. Great security against the acident its o fire% It will be sold, at the Coa* Yard Georgia Railroad Depot), at Eleven Dollars per ion I Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of the City ! To parties taking a CAR LOAD, prior to Sep tember Ist (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduction of Four Itollara per Car Lend will be made.- CHAS. A ROWLAND. jy 16—ts Book and iob printing . . Executed at this Office At the Lowedn\?rina and in the Best Style PUBLICATIONS. “Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the world.” Harper’s Magazine. In the Number for January was commenced The Woman’s Kingdom: a Love Story,” by Dinah Muloek Uratk, Author of “John Hallafax Gentle man,’’etc. The most popular Monthly iu the world.— New York Observer. It meets precisely I he popular taste, furnishing a pleasing and instructing variety of reading for alb Zion's Herald, Boston. A complete Pictorial History of the Times ” Harper’s Weekly. AN ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER. lu the first. Number for 1868 was commenced ibu issue of “ The Moonstone,” a Novel, by Wilkie Collins, Author of “The Woman iu White," etc The model newspaper of oar country.—-V. Y. Evening Post. The articles upon public questions which appear in Harper’s Weekly are from a remarkable series of brief political essays.— North American Review An Illustated Weekly Journal of Fashion, Plea sure, and Instruction. Harper’s Bazar. In it is now beiug published" The Cord and Creese," a Novel, by Jarnos De Mille. The Bazar, as an intelligent, critic upon all fem inine topics, will doubtless become the Queen o American newspapers.— Albion. TERMS FOR HARPER’S PERIODICALS: Harper’s Magazine, One Year.., .$4 00 Harper’s Weekly, One Year.... 4 00 Harper’s Bazar, One Year.... 4 00 Harper’s Magazine, Harper's Weekly, and Harper's Bazar, to one address, lor one year, $lO 00 ; or any I wo for $7 00. Au extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $1 HO each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies for S2O 00. Bound Volumes of the Magazine, each Volume containing the Numbers of Six Months, will be furnished for $3 00 per Vloume. sent by mail, postage paid. Bound Volumes of the Weekly each containing the Numbers for a Year, will be fur nished for $7 00, freight paid by the Publishers. The Postage -within the United States is for the Magazine 24 cents a year, for the Weekly or Bazar 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi-yearly, or quarterly at the office where received. Subscrip tiou from the Dominion of Canada must bwaccom panied with 24 cents additional for the Magazine, or 20 cents for the Weekly or Bazaar,to pre-pay the United States postage. Subscribers to the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar, will find ou each wrapper the Number with which their subscription expires. Each periodical is stopped when the term of subscription closes. It is not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. Iu ordering the Magazine, tlie Weekly, or the Bazar, the name and the address should be clearly written. When the direction is to be changed, both the old and the new one must be given. Iu remitting by mail, a Post-Office Order or Draft payable to the order of Harper &. Brothers sperferable to Bank Notes, since, should the Order or Draft be lost or stolen, it can be renewed with out loss to the sender. Terms for Advertising in Harper’s Period ICALB. Harper s Magazine.— \\ r ho\o Page, $125 : Quarter Page, $70 —each insertion ; or, for a lead wpace, $1 50 per line, each insertion. Harper's -“lnside Pages, $1 50 per Line; Outside Page, $2 00 per Line, each insertion. Harper's Bazar.— sl 00 per Line, each inser tion. may 13-1 y BRITISH PERIODICALS ’THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW JL (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory). These periodicals are ably sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand un rivalled in the world of letters. They are indis pensable to tlie scholar and the professional man, and to every rending man, as they furnish a better record ol the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. For any one of the Reviewss4.oo per an? For any two of the Reviews7.oo “ For any three of the Reviewslo.oo “ Forall fourof the Reviewsl2.oo “ For Blacktvood’s Magazine4.oo “ For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviewslo.oo “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviewsl3.oo “ For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews .15.00 “ CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allow ed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for sl2 80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter at the office of delivery. The postage to any part es the United States is two cents a number, This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1867. New subscribers to all live of the periodicals for 1868 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the four Reviews for 1867. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The North British from. January, 1863, to De cember, 1867, inclusive; Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866, and 1867, at the rate ot $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also, Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for $2.50 a year, or the two years together for $4.00. Neither premiums to subscribers, nor discount to clubs, nor reduced prices tor back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., UD julton street, N. Y. The L. S. Publishing Co., also publish the FARMER’S GUIDE, By Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, aud the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., royal octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous En gravings. Price $7 for the two volumes—by mail, post paid, SB. feb6 —Im GRAIN BAGS. 1Vr E V ANP SECOND HAND BURLAP Xx Linen, and Cotton Bags,suitable for Wheat, Corn, etc., for sale in quantities to suit. Bags loaned for the transportation of Grain, by T. S. ATWATER, Bag Mauufa turcr. oc 13—6w[con] 40and 42 Whitehall St., N. Y Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond Count if. Whereas, James T. Bothwell, Administrator of tho Estate of Thomas B. Smith, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show Cruso if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September, 1868. ’ SAMUEL LEVY, sepß—lmftin Ordinary. \UGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7,1 868. The American Artisan I N ITEII STATES AN I) FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS & CO., Proprie tors of the .AMERICAN ARTISAN, otter their Ix’Ft services to i Mentors, as Solicitors of Aincri can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Henry T. Brows, of this firm, has had more than twenty-two years' experience in that prefession, both in this country and Europe, and his long practice has made him personally known to thousands of inven tors and patentees. The applications for the patents upon many of the greater and more im portant, in ventionsof the present cent ury have been prepared by him. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co., are thoroughly familiar with all the rules and re gulations instituted for the rapid transaction of business with the United States Patent Office, and the general practice in the Patent Bureaus of vari ous European counties; .nd this knowledge ren tiers them confident that their post experience, with I heir present uneq naled facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the docu ments required by law in applications for patents, and to promise their clients an. absolute certainty ofaiiccert\n thHr-efwrts to obtain 1 r inventions that ate really new and useful. Parti nilar care is given to the execution of the accurate drau'iruju which must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but i fie most efficient draughtsmen. The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co.’s business is performed, is, that the “Amer ICA.N Artisan Patent Agency,” during the three years of its existence, has been themott tnteces*ful institution of the kind erer Mtablislied. The principal offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs & Co. are situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John street, New York, in the most central part of the city. This location is one of very easy access by strangers inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hall. All inventors temporaiily so journiug in die metropolis are invited to visit this establishment. I n’t he majority of instance no model or drawing of an invention will be necessary on the first interview, as a mere oral description by the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such aknowiedge of his invention as will enable Messrs. Brown. Coombs &. Co. to definitely determine whethera machine or process is new or old—paten table or not. The office boars are from SLa.m. to 5 r. M. Messrs. Brovyn, Coombs Al Co. are prepared to furnish to persons residing at a distance from New York—free of charge— written opinions as tv whether inventions contain any features of paten table novelty; to do this they simply reouire a sketch or rough model of the machine or other in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions are formed from their own mature exper iencejbut if an inventor desires to know, positively, whether his incipient idea has ever been embodied in a machine or process already patented, his wisest couree will be to have a preliminary examination .made at the United States Patent office by Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special search’among all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention un der examination. For this labor the small fee of $5 is payable in advance; and the iemittance should be accompanied by a sketch of the invention and a few lines of writing describing the sanu 4 . and distinctly stating those points of novelty which the inventor desires to have protected by Letters- Patent. „ Patents for new and useful inventions arc now granted for the term of seventeen years The first instalment oijlie Government leu is sls, which sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp-tax on the power-of attorney—is payable in advance, on applying for the patent; and S2O additional are due to the Government when the Letters Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved, but in all cases our charges will te as moderate as possible in the pre paration of drawings aud all necessary documents. This fee is not payable until after the application has been prepared and the case is ready to be sent to Wn<hington. Messrs. Brown. Coombs & Co. have a branch, in Washington ho that all applica tions made through them can have every necessary Attention in their passage through the Patent Office Inventors applying for patents must furnish models of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of the Examiners in the Patent Office ; but if the invention is a chemical composi tion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces sary. Each of these should be marked with the in ventor’s name, then carefully boxed, and sent (by express, prepaid), together with the firstinstalmen of the Gv ve Foment fee, to M e>srs Brow n , Coo.m bb &. Co. When the model is small and light ,it can be conveniently and cheaply seiitby mail The model must not exceed one foot in any ofitsdnnens ions. unless it is of such a character that it is im practicable. Patents, except those for designs, are granted on equal terms to citizens and all foreigners except inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Besides patents or new and useful inventions, there are also granted patents for designs. Design-patents are not now, as formerly, limited strictly to ornamental configuration ; but under Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 18(11, any new form ofany article, orany impression otfajure upon the surface of any article or material, by whatever means or’proeess produced, can be patented. Un der this Act, patentees are entitled to the exten sion of their respective patents for the term of seven years from the day on which said patents shall ex pire, upon the same terms and restrictions as are now provided forthe extensions of Lettei -s-Patent. Among- the numerous subjects sot patents of this class may be particularly mentioned—castings of all metals, parts of machines, household furniture and utensils; glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, and other interior and exterior decorations of buildings; also, designs for woven and pi inted fabrics, dress and upholstery trimmings, and har ness labels and trade-marks for medicines, per fumery, and all preparations, compositions, or merchandise, put up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms of such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and envelopes, likewise all works of art,as statuary, busts, compositions in alto or basso-relievo. The Government fee on a design patent for years is $10; 7 years, sls; 14 years, S3O. No models of designs are required ;’ bv.t duplicate drawings or photographs must lie furnished- The specification to accompany the drawings or photographs re quires to be’prepared with great care. Messrs Brown, Coomiis & Co. give very particular at tention to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for desigu-patents is generally about sls. Design patents are only granted to American citizensor to aliens who have resided one year in tbe United States and made oath of their ’intention to become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Bsowx, Coombs &. Co for obtaining patents in the various European countries are equal if not superior to those of any other in the United States. With regard to their qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown has had the prepara tion of more European applications th’an any otliei person in this country, Messrs. Ilnowi, Coombs & Co., besides having a branch,office, in Washington, have their own agencies in the principal capitals of Europe. A circular relating to foreign patent business will be furnished free on application personally or by mail. Messis. Brown, C< , mbs & Co. also attend to in terferences, the extensions of expiring Letters-* Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents be fore the United Slates Patent Office. All letters, packages, boxes, etc., should be ad dressed, follows: — BROWN, COOMBS & CO., Solicitors of Patents, my 14—ly. No. 189 Broadway. New York. GEO.PfijWEU§-g Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers No advance charged on Publishers’ prices. Al’ leading newspapers kept on file. Information as to cost of Advertising furnished All orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for customers. Advertisements written and Notices secured. Orders from Business Mon especially solicited. 10 IMWff jyl-L-tl Richmond County. STATE OF GEORGIA— Hichmoud County. Wuxr.KAS, James A. Gray, Administrator on tho estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish ell and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday iu November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, je.’l fun* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Rob. Douglass and S. D. Williams, Executors oil the Estateof Ira I). Mathews, late of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear as my office ou or before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. (liven under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this August 15th, 18118. SAMUEL LEVY, au 16—Lundin Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QtTATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County. Whereas, William J. Farr, Administrator de bonus non of the estate of George P. Green, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this "th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep -luifiin Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTA LL OF GBQKGIA— k / lliekmond County, Whcresis, John IL Hbode?, AdminUtrator on the estate of William F. Malone, deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of Dismission: These aie, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindr< d and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 25th day of September, 186 S. SAMUEL LEVY. sep 26—law6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA. KJ Richmond County. Whereas Timothy C. Murphy, Administrator on tho estate of Phillip McGee, late of said coun ty, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dis mission : These are, therefore, to cite and admouish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday- in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Istday of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct 2—lam6m ’ Ordinary. Letters of Dismissiofi. STATE OF GEORGIA— Jiickmond County. Whereas, John 11. Fearey, Administrator ou the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission— These, arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under n.j hand and official signature a office in Augusta, llii. ‘?Bt.h day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep29—6m Ordinary. Letters of Dbmiss'on. Georgia— flichnioiid County. When.: Caioline. Dubet, Administratrix, with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine Picquet. deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to rite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office ou or before the first Monday in October, to sh w cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at Augusta, the 16th day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, myl9-law6m* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Richard Quinn, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all. and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have*, why said Letters should not be granted. * Given under my h; nd and < fficial signature nt office in Augusta, this September 11th, SAMUEL LEVY. seplß—lamfiin Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, James C. C. Black applies to me tor Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Jane Odom, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the liiet Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office, in Augusta, this 2iet day of Octobei. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. oct22—4t Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Eliza Rebecca Clarke applies to me for Letters of Admiuistiation. with the Will an nexed, ou the Estate of Augn’ta Cocke, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office iu Augusta, ibis 20th dav of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. oct‘2l law4t. Ordirmiy. Letters cf Guardianship. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County. Whereas, Miller Beasley applies to me for Let ters of Guardiaibsliip of Abraliam Beasley, minor child of Jonathan Beaaley, deceased; These are. therefore, tn cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends, to be aud appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said ixdters should not be granted Given nndc- my band and official* signature, at Augusta, thisSStfi day of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct28 —-hit Ordinary. Sen a nt n Wanted. IV ANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOK, v » Wnriierami Ironer, to serve my faurilv of three persons. ALSO. A Hindi, but coiapeteut. House Giri. Goo.! recommendations required. Apply immediately to 4 Wm. C. BARBER, oct2l—tf 221 Broad st. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED with PAIN KILLEII. o I.> EAD THE FOLLOWING LETTER FROM I k Rev. R. Telford, Miaaionary in China, now vieiting life home in Pennsylvania ■■ Washington, Pa., June 25,1866. Messrs. Perry Davis A: Son t Providence, R. 1.: Dear Sin—During a residence of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam aud China, I found your vegetable Pain Killer a most, valuable remedy for that fearful scourge, the Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most effectual to give a teaspoonful of Paiu Killer in a gill of liot water sweetened with sugar; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful of the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe the stomach with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those who had tho cholera, and took the medicine faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Yonrs, truly, R Telford. If an attack with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don’t delay the use of the Pain Killer. Sold by all medicine dealers Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17,1866. Gentlemen— * * * I want to say a little more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable medicine, and always keep it ou band. I have travelled a good deal since I have been in Kansas, and never without taking it with me. In my practice I used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera, in 181(1, and with better success than any other medicine; I also used it here for cholera in 1855, with the same goad result. Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Cholera! * * * I regret to say that the cholera has prevailed here of late to a fearful extent. For the last three weeks, from ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day has been re ported. I should add that, the Pain Killer, sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic. If taken in season is generally effectual in check ing the disease. Rev. CHARLES HARDINIG, Sholupore, India. (From the Portland Monthly.] Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be the prevailing clement, and any medicine that is everywhere acceptable, and that is reliable, is a very desirable acquisition. From what we have seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis’ Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of using it, we quote from the directions: “For common bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful in a gill of new milk and molasses, in equal pans, stirred well together; lessen the dose tor children, according to the age. If the pain be severe, bathe the bowels and back with the medi cine. This mode of treatment is good in eases of the cholera morbus, sndden stoppages, etc. Re peat the dose every hour. “The quickest way I ever saw the dysentery enred was by taking one spoonful of. the Pain Killer in one gill of milk and molasses*stirred well together and drank hot, at the same time bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let the dose be repeated every hour until the patient is relieved.” If every person who has reason to (ear this disease would provide themselves with a bottle of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we believe a great amount of Buttering and sickness would be saved. jel2—2m Special Notice. jr rli IF 731” v 5 ? a > 2 /■ > . W ■ WMMF • =l : ?. h ’ 9 t ? « H fl fl s- s 5. 2 h t i 1 h ; gttf ® 2 ■ '’IB x s s W. rIV 2 > v kV - - ” Im f-- s i MH fl - ! ■ r i s Spectacles Rendered Useless I' 11 E MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS Qculuta and Divines recommend the use ts the COBNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia or Far or Long Sightedness, or every person who wears spectacles from old ago; Dimness of Vision or Blurring; OrcrworKcd eyes; Astheno pia cr Weak Eyes; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes; Pain in the Eye. bail; Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision; I’hotopbobla, or Intolerance of Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optie Nerve; Myodesopbia, or specks of Moving Bodies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect, Vision from tho effect of Inflammation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; Ifemiopia, or Partial Blind ness ; and many ether Diseases of the Eye. Cure Guaranteed or Money Refunded. ONLY CORNEA RESTORER IN THE WORLD, AND The Rest Restorer of the Eyesight Known. SO SAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can be used by any one with a cer tainty of success, and will receive immediate beneficial results, without tho least fear of injury to the cyo. Circulars sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED Ry the PtUrul Myopia, or Cornea Flattenere Only known Remedy in the World—has proved a Great Success. For fdrthyr information, price, and certificates of cures, address Dr. J. Stephens & Co., P V. BOX, 926, Office, 840 Broadway, NEW YORK STEPHEN’S MAGICAL EGYPTIAN ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT will cure in flamed eye lids, stye, and prevent srys. Travelling Agents Wanted. GOOD COMMISSION PAID Selling of the Restorers is a pleasant and honorable employment, desirable for al! Ladies Clergymen, Teachers. Students, and Farmers and forall who Jc.-ire to make, an honestli'ing by an easy employment. Ail persons asking for terms to Agents must enclose twenty five cents to pay postage and e<Srt of printing mate rials containing information for Agents. Town Agents Wanted uuv27 dswly R. R. R. 90 out or 100 OF DEATHS, that annually occur, are caused by Prevent able Diseases, and the greater portion of those complaints would, if Radway’s Ready Re lief or Pills, (as the case may require,) were administered when pain or uneasiness or slight sickness is experienced, be exterminated from the sys tem in a few hours. PAIN, no matter from what cause, is almost instantly cured by the Ready Relief. In cases of Cho lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains, Aches and Infirmities either in the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles, Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, &c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the soothing influence of the Ready Relief. Sudden Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Dip theria, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever and Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever, &e., &c., take from four to six of Radway’s Pills, and also take a teaapoonful of the Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet ened with sugar or honey; bathe the throat, head and chest with Ready Relief, (if Ague or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,) in the morning you will be cured. How the Ready Relief Acts I In a few minutes Mie patient will feel a slight tingling irritation, and the skin be comes reddened; if there is much distress in the stomach, the Relief will assist nature in removing the offending cause, —a general warmth is felt throughout the entire body, and its diffusive stimulating properties rapidly courses through every vein and tissue of the ay stem, arousing the slothful and partially paralyzed glands and organa to re newed and healthy action, perspiration fol lows, and the surface of the body feels«ir\- creasod heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, the soreness of the throat, and all pains, either internally or externally, rapidly subside, and the patient falls into a tranquil sleep, awakes refreshed, invigorated, cured. ® It will be found that in using the Relief externally, either on the spine or across the kidneys, or over the stomach and bowels, that for several days after a pleasing warmth will be felt, showing tho length of time it con tinues its influence over the diseased parts. LtT Price of R. R. R. RELIEF, 60 cento per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Country ■Jerchants, Grocers, &c. RADWAY A CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. TYPHOID FEVER. This disease is not only cured by Dr. Itadway's Relief and Pills, but pre vented. If exposed to it, put one tea spoonful of Relief in a tumbler of water. Drink this before going out in the morning, and several times during tho day. Take one of Radway's Pills one hour before dinner, and one on •’■>ing to bod- If seized with Fever, take 4 to 6 ol .he Pills every six hours, until copious 1 ischarges from tho bowels take place; ilso drink the Relief diluted with water, and bathe the entire surface oi the body with Relief. Soon a power ful perspiration will take place, and you will feel a pleasant heat through out the system. Keep on taking Rebel repeatedly, every four hours, also the Pills. A cure will be sure to follow. The relief is strengthening, stimulating, soothing, and quieting; it is sure tc break up the Fever and to neutralize the poison Let this treatment be fol lowed, and thousands will be saved. The same treatment in Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious Fever, will effect a cure in 24 hours When the patient feels the Relief irrita ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi tive. In all cases where pain is felt the Relief should be used. Relief 50 cts.; Pills 25 cts. Sold by all Druggists. See Dr. Rad way's Almanac for 1868 Sold by PLUMB di LEITNER. mb4— ly. Augusta, (in. Official. TV Proclamation By the President of the United States of America. Iu the year which i» now drawing to its end, the art, the skill, und the labor of the people of the United States have been employed with greater diligence und vigor, and on broader fields than ever before, and the fruits of the earth have been gathered into the granary anil storehouse in mar velous abundance. Our highways have been lengthened, and new and prolific regions have been occupied. We are permitted to hope that long protracted political and sectional dissensions, nt no distant day, will give place to returning harmony aud fraternal affection throughout the Republic. Many foreign States have entered into liberal agreements with ns, while nations which are far off, and which heretofore have been unsocial and exclusive, have become our friends. The annual iienod of rest, which we have reached in health und tranquility, and which is crowned with so many blessings, is by universal consent a convenient and suitable one for eulti vating personal piety and practicing public devo tion. I, tbercfoie, reconuncud that Thursday, the twenty sixth day of November next, be set npart aud observed by all the people of the Uuited Stales as a day of public praise, thanksgiving and prayer to the Almighty Creator and Divine Ruler of the Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful anil gracious providence alone States and Nations, no less than families and individual men. do live amt move and have their being. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United Slates to lie affixed. Done at the city of Washington, the twelfth day of October, in tlie year of our Lord, [sEAt .j one thousand £ight hundred and sixty eight, and of tlie independence of the United States the niaety-third. ANDREW JOHNSOJ. Br theFresideut: Wm. It Skwakd. octli—td Sec’ry of State. NATIONAL FRODMAN’B SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. O Chartered by Act of Conjure m*. o Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. C. BRANCH AT AVGUSTA, SA., «0 40 .MKSIW ST. Opell every day—Sunday, and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2 p. w., and Saturday evening, from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in '‘Greenbacks’’ or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong to the depositors. Investments are only made in Securities of the United States. GEO. H. HARMS, Chairman Advisory Committee. KOBEKT T. KINT, Secretary. f DAVID A. BITTER, Acting Cashier. an2l - dAwtf ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. \ 17ILL BE SOLD. FREE FROM ALL IN- W CUAIBRANCES, inthecity of Atlanta, on the THIRD TUESDAY in November next, at 1 1 o'clock a. in., the following property, to wit .■ City Lol Number Eleven, On east side of Peachtree street, being part of land lot 78, lltli district of originally Henry, now Fnkon county, fronting on FeaHitrce street 31J feet, and extending back 90 feet. On this lot is a THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, Besides a dry basement, .’ll j fi el front by 78 back, and considered on., of ll>e beet bnildings in tho city. ALSU, at the name time and plac«, a lot of Choice Wines and Liquors, Coneiating of— -1 bbl. OTARD BRANDY, . J bbl. OTARD BRANDY, 1 bbl. SCOTCH WHISKEY, 1 bbl. St. C. RUM. 1 puncheon GIN, 2 bbls. SHERRY WINE, I bbl. PORT WINE, 6 casks PORTER, 6 packages CHAMPAGNE WINE. ALSO, 20 one gallon Jugs, and sundry Notes and open Accounts. Immediately after which, I will sell on the premises-- ONE HOUSE ANO LOT, House containing four rooms and basement, “ situated on east side of Peachtree street, on city lot No. 31, containing one halt acre, more or less. ALSO, CITY LOT NO, THIRTY-FOUR, adjoining above lot. No 31, and fronting 100 feet, ou Ivy street. coiH.ii-ts one lialf acre, more or less. AR sold as the property of John 11. Lovejoy, bankrupt. Possession given immediately. Terms cash n. k. fowler. , oct24 3w - Assignee. “Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.” Secure a Homestead IN CALIFOKNIA. THE iiaifiMW iiomsmu ism, OF CALIFORNIA, Incorporated under the Laics of the State, November 30th, 1867, For the purpose of providing Homes for its members, and thereby induce immigration. CAPITAL STOCKSI,OOO,OOO Divided into 200,000 shares, at $5 each, payable >n United States currency. Certificates of Stock issued to subscriber imme djately npon rec eipt of the money. No I'ergon Allowed to Hold lllore than Five Shares! A circular containing a full description the property to be distributed among sharehoMere will be sent to any address, uiuui receipt of stamps to cover postage. Information as to price of land iu any portion of the State, or upon any other subject of interest to parties proposing to immigrate, cbeerfolly tar nished. upon receipt of stamps for postage. All letters should be addressed, "Seeretarv Immigrant Homestead Association, Post Office Box No. 82, San Francisco, California." an 16—3 m IN THEDISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED I States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i GOODE BRYAN, tIN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. ) No. 163, Tne said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court tor a discharge from all his debts provable muter the bankriipt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appeal Oil the 26th day <>f November,lß6B,at 10 o clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District C'ourt, before F. S. Hesseltine, Esq., one ot tho Kegisteis of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at Albany, Ga., and -how cause why the prayer ot the said petition i., Baukrnpi should not be granted. Dated a,’ Savannah. Ga.. this 29th day of Octo ber, 1868. JAMES McPHEKSOS, uoy3—law3w Clerk. IX_ THU DI.-TRICT tOI’UT <>E THE United .*tjtes for the Southern District ot Georgia. In the matter of A MOSES 11. BALDWIN", I IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J N o. 218. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court tor a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the.2oth iny of November. 1868. at It) o’clock »■ m-. at Chambeni of said District Court, before * S Hetselliue, Esi, •, one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at liis office at C. B. Wootens in Dawiam Ga., ami show cause why theprayerof the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the seoood and third meetings of erediiors will be herd nt the same time and place. Dated at Sivannali, Ga., this 3flth day of Octo ber, 18118 James McPherson, nuv3—law3w Clerk. NO 396