The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 08, 1868, Image 3

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NaiioiuilHcpiiblknn ffitv PaAr. • V IXHJHTA. G A .: SUNDAY MORNING November 8, 1888 <ily KegtMrHtiMi. « The number registered yesterday was twenty-three whites, making in all, up to the hour of closing yesterday 2,701, as follows: Whites, 1,182 ; col ored, 1,579. i I The Bev. I.Pinkerton Will officiate (D. V.);in.the Chuijch of Atonement this Bunday morning. Services at 10] o’clock. Fillmore Fire (ouipauy, No. 1. This tine Company was out yester day afternoon. Their beautiful steamer, which appeared to be in excellent trim, was subjected to a protracted test, on Broad street, and, we believe, per formed to the entire satisfaction of the members. The trial was witnessed by large numlKrsol' ladies ar-. rqntlenien and children, the latter ot whom, es pecially, enjoyed the “spouting” pro digiously. Beal This. A New 1 lampshire editor, who has been keeping a record of big 1 touts, announces at last that “ the beet that beat the beet that beat the other beet ' is now beat by a beat that beats all the beets, whether the original beet, the beet that beat the beet, or the beet , that beat the lied that beat the beet*” That editor must bejt “dead-bait.” The biggest beat heard of lately occurred on Tuesday last. A Brent Big BLACK CAT ' alogne of failures can be traced to the ’ ruinous system of high prices and big profits. , This being undeniably true, we na vite all persons wishing Book and Job j Printing and Bookbinding done to . leave their orders with E, 11. Pugub, 1 90 Broad street, wlid, being satisfied ( with small profits, will execute their orders promptly, in the best manner, ( and at low prices. -- * - A Timely Rebuke. At a recent dinner, at which no ] ladies were present, a man, in respond ing to the toast on “ woman,” dwelt almost solely on the frailty of the sex, , claiming that the best among them were but little better than the worst, I the chief difference being in the sm" roundings. At the conclusion of his speech, a gentleman rose and said: “ 1 trust the gentleman, in the appli cation of his remarks, referred to his . mother and sisters, and not to ours." Au Aflaii* D’Femme. A contest between the friends of 1 two ladies oter the disposition of a prize piano, at a church fair at Au- 1 gusta, Ga., lately, resulted not merely in high words, but. drawn pistols and < knives. 1 The above is clipped from the St. 1 Louis (Mo.) Democrat. The affair ( referred to occurred in Atlanta, and i not Augusta. Jlore MiNmanagement. It will be seen by the following note from Col. Hulbert that that gentle- . man continues his mismanagement qf ' the State Railroad: Western & Atlantic Railroad, ) (Iflice Superintendent, Atlanta, Ga., November 6, 1868. | His Excellency, llufus Ji. Bullock, , Governor: Dear Sir—l have this day paid . ox er to N. L. Angier, Esq., Treasurer State of Georgia, twenty-live thousand dollars ($25,000), from the earnings . ■of the Western & Atlantic Railroad for October, 1868. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, , E. Ilt/imiiri,' Sup’t. - The Georgia Masonic Mutual Lite ■ usuraucc Company. Rev. C. W. Key has kindly fur nished us with the following statement of the changes recently made in the by-laws of this Company, and satisfac torily explained to us the points which appeared obscure, and on which we asked “further light,” a few days ago: 1. Hereafter the application fee will be twelve dollars hi place of six as heretofore, and, upon further notice, an additional dollar will be required when eaeh additional five hundred has been added to the Company. 2. The following change was made in Arti cle sth, Section Ist, and it now reads as fol lows : Eligibility to Membership.—A Master Mason in good standing, and in the enjoy ment of a'sufficient degremnf bodily health to adnjilof such may be. necessary to gain a livelihood. aßd & member of a liodge, except those wljp li|ve.bwnnou- j affiliated for five vans next preceding (lie date of our organization, and those who have become .Master Masons after attaining to the age of fifty years, and have been admitted since the 15th of April, i 867. For these classes so excepted a membership of feh years shall lie required before they can become members of this Company. A name dropped from the roll of tlie Lodge shall be cortsid eredas nort-affifiated, btb.Teth.’ ’ ’ 3. Applications must have the recom mendation of either the Worship! it 1 Master or Secretary of the Lodge, or a Director of the Company. No application will be enter tained when sent by an agent without the recommendatioa as abhre stated . £ • » 4. Hereafter no member will bi will Ins poficy to itffy person <n whereby his widow and dependent children will be cut pit,from itsbenefits If he leaves no widow and dependent children, lie may then dispose of smite by will Tn case of any such disposition by will, notice of the same, with the names of beneficiaries, skill be for warded to this office and filed, to facilitate settlement of claims with heirs. The admission fee must be delivered nt tlie office of J. W. Burke. Secretary and Treasurer, Macon, free of expense to the Company. , M. P. Whcu Nhull We Three Meet Again ? Ahrtcof ißu We’re inforfttal by a trust trorihy gciitk ' ’ wfTal wrote tH !>t In a delicate hand, Which below We’ll show, So till may understand: JiEAR ft n—By chance 1 have ecu yog rpdteoftif Please don’t think me bold, my heart is too soft. 1 have seen you, and must say, e’en I ho' I offend, Woulflikctobeubk' tdlaltaoi u»y friend. I #m <£amtod with yoiitdnnrinai, Vuiiß looks, F and your gait: And 1 hear flint you’re kind as fi bird' to it’s male; But what would my family say, if they knew The means 1 now take lux acquaintance with ' you? Still, I long so to know you, and feel so quite sure That with one so noble my secret’s secure That I venture to b g you, tomorrow, to ! walk •Just in front oi your store, if with me you would talk; 1 shall pass idly by—anil a signal shall show, If 1 see in your hand a you know, Namely, a hnndkereluef-*-whit*:'i' tnp best hue. Till then, sir, sincerely I bid you adieu." :;»• etv Amelia. Three topics of this were mischievously" wrote, -w ■. . And three gents, tlie ucxi <’.iy, Kll .|| a ■sweet note; Three gents of tins city on Broad they pos sess Their places of traffic whose names we sup press, Or riithcr, who.-c names we shall Ift vc yoit to gness, •■’>> \’k a And only liint; gently, are M . P.aihVS. 1 ’ Then, our lurk. Wat mneother- his Rtn might enjoy, Told the trick to the neighbors and bid lliciu employ Their leisure that morning in seeing the treat Os the Handkerchief sell on the nobs of the street. The morn was propitious -the day a delighlfe And the crowd trlisas”<Aberasthkt fit a tight. First came Mr. S. to the door of his store And he looked up and down with yearning galore, Then with a inock air of great tmeoncerit. Up and down on the pave, he took a short turn. Crossed behind were his hands—how careless was he, 'That in one, at that time, shlmld a handker ehief be; How thoughtless was he, lest any should leant vYhy he gallantly w his colors astern. Next, panting and puffing, came quick Mr Dear me, what a heat in the air seemed to lie; To the right, to the Jefl,.|ijsx)yeaaU alvvait, Then off with his hat, and his Handkerchief out; Now his forehead was hot. now Ins nose was unclean, And he frisked him about in a manner, 1 ween, Quite to the delight of the boys, who wefi knew No answering signal would loom up in view, <•i ,• I A * J JtM What a pity! that meriting, Mr. M. was engaged; (I iis partner was out) and a customer waged With him, at the counter, a combat of words Itegarding the price of some dozen of yards Os cotton, or something to make up a dress; Quoth Mr. M.: “1 can't take an eighth less;” With that, to the front of his store quickly flew, And up in the air his handkerchief threw. Ihe customer wondered, and looked on amazed. Andsays: “Mr. M., you surely are crazed.” “Not ut all,’’»ptoth M., as ag>iii i«. the door Ho batdeubd and signalled pnit>mtnl or more. Yea, he stood in the door and his handker chief waved, And, over bis shoulder, at the customer raved, “Notan eighth less, 1 say, not an eighth less;” Then aside: “That woman’s not coming,! guess.” The joke was so good,« nd the ihree'wcrc M flat. 4-Jl JLJL JL That some one cried. •' sold!” As when at a cat In an alky yoit shy a piece of a bat, And the cat sneaks away then exit the cat, You cannot tell where so went out of sight. The three sorry fellows of whom we write. . V Moi: AL. SEEM not conceited of your shape, Lest others take you for an a|>e. I)LACE no reliance in a note, When you don’t know by whom 'I is wrote. MAKKIEI) men should e’er liewarc, last dioydoo fiUlinloat snare. Houghton Institute Night School. The above mentioned School was opened on Monday evening, the 2d inst. Thirty-five .young men and boys have secured admission, and are in attendance. j There are hundred* of those 1 for whom the school is designed, tn the city. They -hould mate haste to-avail themselves of this excellent opportu nity fur improving their time. Tire instruction embraces the following studies: Practical Arith metic, EuglishXaui|>Ohi|io|i r Rea<ling and M ritimg. The School is open Monday, Wedntes day and Friday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. IS I’ORMATIOX abeth C’ulbreatlnNeAvnan, (la., wishap informali<>ii of her sod, Jmm- Cul breatlrf who Was ’’member ot Com pany D, 19th Regiment, Georgia Vol unteers, and last seen or beard from near the place of Johnson’s surrender, in Morth JCaAlinfti in the month of May, 1895. Jyxclianges phjU' e . Do Your Duty . The Republicans have carried the Presidential election ami the city of Augirtta by n lirgfe majority; Mid if they do their duty they will carry the approaching municipal election by an overwhelming majority. Let eVery Republican who is entitled to vote go at once'to the Court House and have ‘hi* lihaic registered, so as tn he in a position to swell tho majority. Now that Grant is elected, we will have peace. Register. Let every citizen qualified to vote, who desires the best interest of the city, who loves peace and quiet, and w ishes to see the gov ernineijt of the city of Augusta in accord and harmony with the govern ment of the United States aiul the State of Georgia, go and register; thus placing himself iu a position to vote for a Mayrnr and Council that can and will protect all citizens alike the poor as w ell as the rich, the black as xvcll as the wlijte. The Lottery- We ,observe that, certain newspa pers ot the Slate continue to publish ihu .adviftlsemt'ut of lire so-called “ Georgia State Lottery, for the benefit of tho .Masonic Orphan’s Home.” This shows, conclusively, that the infamous machine is still being run in- open violation of Inv alid we call upon tlie officers of the biw, whether local or State, to take immediate steps to abate the nuisance, ami punh h the managers ami agents for their persistent violation of the law. A Kentucky Elopement. The Cynthiana Democrat of the 28th ult. discloses all the facts about the elopement and marriage of a yvuifg gtatlleman of Louisville and one of tne Kefles of Lexingtoit. This is the Democrat's narrative : Getting aboard the Covington-bound train at tip. m. on Wednesday last, we were soon made aware that a genuine rtuia xVay party were bound for the Buckeye State, and evidently determined to enter the slate of matrimonv. The anxious look and eager watchiug of the intended bridegroom at everytele graph station along the route, showed that he was apprehensive of pursuit. While thus meditating, the intended bridegroom was introduced to us, and soon tlie det ails to be carried out when we reached the city were arranged, and we Irecumq one of the party. Accom ]>anyiiig the couple xvas Mrs. M , from Lexington, a lady famed no less for her beautiful face and commanding form than her refined and elegant man ners and agreeable conversation- — When the train reached Covington, our party secured a “bus” for the Burnett House, ami off we started. On reaching the bridge we were ab ruptly baited, and a detective police man, with searching glance, closely examined the faces of the young ladies until his eye reached and rested upon tho fair young lass, whose bright eyes glistened like diamonds from Golcon da’s famous mine, mid for whom he was evidently in search, closely ques tioning her as to name, residence, and also the station at which she took the train, the answer to all of which she evaded with a skill only to be found! in the intuitions of woman. He left, evidently thinking that the lass must have been in another “ bu-.” The river crossed, tlu- party deemed the difficulties over Arriving at the Bin net House, rooms were secured for the ladies, while the geiitleupm, taking a hack, SoonTea-clred the residence of Colonel Webber, the Clerk of the county, and applied to him for license, stating the yoqng lady’s mother was willing to the marriage, and if it was necessary dor the Colonel to see her that they would willingly escort him to the, Burnett, i<hcre Stic was then stopping. Colonel Webber assented, and returned to the hotel with t hem, when-Miss McG——, with her sup posed iiioflicr, were presented to him, mid after a brief conversation with the mother, lie informed the gentle man he was ready to return. On reaching the hack he was asked it he wi/s ‘satisfuM p'liis was, “T am satisfied that never a grown daugli- Jer Juid a young mother,”' This ’eWlunAfie project n>r nifif’rifige- that night, and to delay until the morrow in the city wpuld result perhaps in the arrival of the fair one’s mother or guardian.; so olj" they to go, 1 leaving inc inhospitable 'shores of Ohio. Ast “ WcMwsutl tlu: Mm - "1 efifliire wenas its way, they, 100, al railroad speed, joumeyud to Ilooiserdom, and, ere the sun of Thursday morn re lieved . the <jas-li£lits on duty, the ]>iirty wtn'o coinfortetbly Idczited at the Bates House. After breakfast the gentleman called upon a friend, who kindly volunteered to, and did obtain, the license, and the rector of Grace Church, Rev. C. B. Davidson, made them man and wife. The party re- turned to tlie Bates, where, as guests of the proprietor', Mr. Kneastciv a repast was heartily enjoyed, after which the proprietor, in his handsome turnout, and behind his own Heel and higli-mettled charges, took the pavty a sight-seeing around the busy and thriving capital of the Hoosier State. Tlie bridegroom and his lovely bride started for Louisville. In our mar riage column the names of the parties will be found, and we fondly believe, ere this reaches the eyes of our readers, a complete reconciliation will have taken place between the mother and daughter, and that she will soon find that, instead of losing a daughter, she has gained a son.. Here is the happy yirtis: Married —Al tlie Bates House, Indianapolis, on the 22d of October, by Rev. Dr. Davidson, Mr. Jeptha K. Brown, of Louisville, Ky., to Miss’ Jessie McGrath, of Lexington. The creation of beauty is art. The National Republican;— 'l'hi.s excellent daily', published at Au gusta, Ga., is now one of the staunch est advocates of civil liberty in the United States. It has done great ser vice in the campaign just ended, and projKises, by adding new attractions, to push on the glorious ezilumn, until this South-land flows with milk and honey. The Wkeki.v Repurlioan is a now feature, and will, undoubtedly, be a powerful lever in the civilization of this savage country. Wo wish there were fifty such papers in the State, with no loss prosperity to either. | American. Union. |BY MEGib-’TI.f News from Washington. AV AsiiixiHOx, November 7. -The latest dispatches from Minister John son do not indicate that the details for the settlement of the Alabama claims have assumed a definite shape. The negotiations • for the right of way over the Isthmus of Darien is progressing favorably. Seward and the ('ohimbian Minister is in perfect accord. McCulloch has ordered the reissue of ten million three per cent, tempo rary loan, to relieve the money market. Gen. Horace Brooks, Colonel of the I th artillery, succeeds Canby here. A special from Lexington, Ky., says that Barnes, Republican, carried the Bth Kentucky District by 2,000. McCulloch decides that he has the power to reissue the legal tenders re deemed, but not cancelled, provided the amount standing don’t exceed $100,000,000. Charles Hedges has been appointed Supervisor for the Northern District of Ohio. Canby visited the President to-day, preliminary to his departure forTcxas. Customs from the 26th to the 31st, inclusive, $2,065,009. Private dispatches at Memphis state that Clayton declares martial law in eleven counties in Arkansas. The treaty with Bavaria is officially proclaimed. The Berlin Ministry has introduced a bill confiscating the property of the Elector of Hesse. An Official War. Tallahassee, Fla., November 7. About nine o'clock last night., citizens to the number of one hundred or more were summoned by the city and county authorities to hold themselves in readiness to aid in quelling any riot. At eleven o’clock there were no indications of trouble, and the posse were discharged. The cause of the call was the conflicting orders from Gov. Reed and Lieut. Gov. Gleason, and fears were entertained that the colored people would be called upon to support the action of the Legislature. The citizens were uneasy to-day, but will not interfere except to aid in preserving the peace, when prompt assistance xvill be rendered. There are rumors on the street to-day that the plantation negroes have been notified to come in to-night. One company of the Seventh Regiment have reported here. The Legislature adjourned this morning till January, no quorum being present. AV hen the impeachment passed, several memliers held their seats and voted' whose seats had been declared vacant by proclamation of the Gov ernor, by reason of said members ac cepting and occupying other offices. Governor Reed refuses to recognize the action of that body, ami deciaresit illegal. Lieutenant Governor Glea sbn, this mofning, demanded posses sion of the Executive Dc]>artment, and was refused by Governor Reed, who has brought suit against. Gleason and Alden, Secretary of Slate, by the Circuit Judge, for conspiracy against the Gvvermnent, ami they arc now under arrest. This case will be brought up to the Supreme Cqutl. The general impression seems to be that Reed is in tlie right. [SECOND DLSI’ATI n.] Tallahassee, November 7.—-The case of Gov. Reed against Lieut. Gov. Gleason <uid Secrcim y Alden, before Judge Coke this p. m., was put off till Friday next, and (he following procla mation issued: Executive Chamber, ) Tallahassee, Fla., Nov, 6. j W hereas, the Assembly of Florida, as a duty, organized in extraordinary session, held by virtue of a proclama tion issued by the Governor of Flotilla on the 3d day of Novemlier, A. D., 1868, have impeached Harrison Reed, Governor of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors in office; and whereas, under the provisions of the ConsHtution of the Slate of Florida the said Harrison Reed, Governor of Florida, is debarred from exercising the functions of the Executive office of the State, and the administration thereof devolves upon the Lieutenant Governor: Now, therefore, I, Wm. 11. Gleason, Lieut. Governor of the State of Florida, do my proclamation, taking pos session of the Executive Department of the Government in all its parts. I hereby call upon all citizens of the State to support the Government, obey the Jaws of the State, and presene peace and quiet. In testimony whereof I have here with set my hand, and caused the great seal of the" State to be affixed, this 6th day of November, A. D., 1868. [Signed] AV. 11. Gleason, Lieut, and Acting Governor. By the Lieut, and Act’g Governor. Attest: Geo. F. Alden, Secretary of State. Executive Department, ) Tatj.ahassee, Fla., Nov, 7. ) 7b the Sher of Leon County, State of Florida: Sir —I ant, under the Constitution ami laws of the State, the rightful Governor thereof, and shall continue to exercise the power and authority, and discharge the duties, belonging to the office of the Executive Depart inent, until the judicial tribunals of the State shall determine otherwise. To the determination of the Judiciary I uill, like any other good citizen, yield peaceful and immediate obedi ence. (Signed) Harrison Reed, Governor. Thu following are the articles of impeachment: 1. He has been guilty of falsehood and lying while transacting business with members of the Legislature and other officers of the State. 2. I charge him with incompetency, inasmuch as he has filled commissions to officers in blank, and other iiTcspon sible parties having issued them. 3. lie has issued a proclamation de claring many seats of the Legislature vacant before the members duly elected and returned had resigned, or their legal term of service expired. I. He has been guilty of embezzle ment, having taken from the State Treasury' securities and money, and sold such securities, and then fuileil to return a portion or all of the proceeds of the sale to the Treasury. 5. He has been guilty of corruption and trickery, he having bartered and sold prominent offices in the State to sundry persons for money to him in hand paid, and the nomination of such persons to the Senate for compensa tion for; and in consideration of these and many other crimes and misde meanors which have come to my know ledge, ask at the hands of the Assem bly the impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors of Harrison Reed, Governor of Florida. Horatio Jenkins. Gov. Reed occupies the Executive Rooms in the Capital as heretofore. There was no guard at the Capital at 1 o’clock this morning, or at half past 7 to.night. Apparently, tho citizens fear trouble to-night, but as no one could profit by it, hope none. lleturns from North Carolina. Wilmington, November 7. —The returns are sufficient to show that the State has gone for Grant by a consid erable majority, though the Conserva tives made large gains. It is believed that the estimate made by the Atom iny Star, given AVednesday, is cor rect. Tliat gave the State toGrant by 8,000. Returns received from the mountain Districts, to-night, show the election plate : Durham, Conservative, for Congress. The Delegation stands fixe I’epublicans and two Conserva tives. Democratic gain, one. The official count increases the Republican majority in New' Hanover county, in cluding the city of AVilmington, 1,678. Republican gain, 315. President Grant’s Letter. Washington, November 7. -The following is Grant's letter declining a reception: “1 will make no formal reply, but I wish you would say to the gentlemen in charge of the movement that I would much prefer returning quietly to my home without any de monstration. I appreciate their mo tives, and will take the will for the deed.” Grant at’ Harrisburg llAiiKisncßG, Pa., November 7. President Grant is here, cii route for Washington. He merely bowed thanks to the cheers of the crowd, to whom he was introduced. The Next Congress. Washington, November 7.—The following is the complexion of the next Congress: Senate, 57 to 11; House, 1-12 to 83. Marine News SAVANNAH, November 7.—Sailed: Steam ships San Jacinto and Huntsville, New York ; Wyoming, Philadelphia. CH AB LESTON, November 6.-Arrived: Str. N. Mosher, New York. Sailed: Str Champion, New York; schr. My rover, New York. COMM H HO I AL AUGUSTA MARKETS. 0,-Kicz Natiowai. Kr.i’um.icAN, I SATonoAY, Noveiubor 7—P.M. ( FINANCIAL.—UoIJ; 1.31*1.36. Silver: 1.25a1.:-:3. Stock* quiet, owing to the lightness ts money. COTTON uncbangetl. .Middlings 22j|c. FLOUR. — Price.*’ unsettled. BACON. - Shoulders, 13fu; Clear Ribbed Sill.-:', I71c; Ribbed bidee, 16ta170; Hauiafrom SBto2«e. LAKB - I’riiue Leaf, 26c.. Preeaed, 18c. W.iEA l.—Rod,> tv 2.15; White, 2.25 to 2.45 TELEGRAPH MARKETS. } •siuticl:*:. ’ NEW YORK, November 7, Ewe»»w«.—Geld 1.344*1 31$. Givernment’s strung. 62’s, Bj. Tennessee’s, new. 68J. North Carolina’s, old, 67 ; new. 65}. Money, easy, at 7. Sterling 9f Virginia's old, 55f. . I'roducc and Ollu r Uurkct*. WILMINGTON, November 7.-Spirits, 11 c, and i.ri-k. Rosin weaker—common I 60 ; strain ed, 2.1111. No. I. 3.90; low pale, 4.25. Spirits Turtcntino 2.65 Tar, 2.30. NEW ORLEANS, November 7. — Cotton — stiffor. Middlings 23ic. Salos 4,200 bales. Receipts 3,273 bales. Exports 7,021 bzlos. Sug.*i firm, and higher. ’';.lassca—high grades firm. CHARLESTON, November 7.—Cotton dull, Middlings 23]. Sales 200 bales. Receipts 1,020 bales. Exports, coastwise, 019 bales. SAVANNAH, November 7 Cotton opened quiet, but closed with a feeling. Middlings 23} a24. Sales 960 bales; receipts 2,050. NEW YORK, November 7rdfoe>n'»y.—Cotton closed easier. Salos 200 bales at 25a25J. Flour, Superfine, 5.70a6.10. Corn 1.15*1 Hi- Whiskey 1.03. Pork 27.00a27.62- Lard—kettle 17a77J. ASS T SUPERINTENDENT 8 OFFICE, i Gecmoix Rau.hoad. J- AugUsTA, Oa., October 16th, 1868. ) JgSIF - EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT, A Train will run on the Branch, in coniiHCtton with our Night PaseengerTrains, on and after Monday, the 19th Instant, leaving WaahliigUm at 10:60, p. ui. Reuniting, univing M Washington at a. nt. 8. K. JOHNSON, Assistant Superintendent. Washington GazeUe copy o<:l7—tf ASSISTAXT SITXnIBTBXnEXT's OvricE,) GEORGIA KAILROAD, Augusta, Ga., October Oth, 1367. .) jgty NOTICE TO MERCHANTS.—ON and after this date, tho rale on ROVE is reduced to 8120 per 100 lbs. from St. Louis, Mo., and Louisville, Ky., via. liiektnan, Ey , and Nmh ville, Tenn,, to Augusta, Ga. s. k. Johnson, <,ct6 Itu Asristaat Superintendent. STALLINGS fc KOGERS, 132 Broad Street, A.ugusta, Gta. • * -o FURNITORE Os Every Description, from the Finest to the Cheapest!! Having enlarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK I! oct2‘J—Snios Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold, on the first tues DAxIN DECEMBER next,at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: One Tract of Land and improvements, sit uate in eaid comity, on the east side of Ee»t Boundary street of’the city of Augusta, contain ing sixteen and a half acres, more or less , and bounded west by said East Boundary street, north by road leading to Sand Bar Ferry, qnal l>y land now or formerly owned by Dr. McWhorter, and south l>y lands of , except such poruona of land as is claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale. Levied on as the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a common law fi. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court of Richmond comity in favor of Daniel T. Sumner against Robert C. Easterling, principal, and Foster Blodgett, jr., security on the appeal ■. said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling. And I hereby serve this notice aCcoiding to law, this 2d day of November, 18fi8. WM. DOYLE, uov3—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond co. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SQLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN DECEMBER next, between tho legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market. House, in the city of Augusta, the following properly, viz: One Tract of Laud and improvements thereon, situate in said county on tho east side of East Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, containing sixteen and a half acres, more or less, and bounded West by said East Boundary street, North by road leading to Sand Bar Ferry, East by land now (or formerly) owned by Dr. Mc- Whorter, and South by land of , except such portion of land as is claimed by defendant as e.vmpt from levy and sale—levied on a< the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a Common law fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of John Bhinizy against Robert C. Easterling ; said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling, and notice this day served on him according to law, fid Nov., 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, nov3—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond Co. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, between tho legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, ia the city of Augusta, the following property, viz : Ono House and Lot, No. 357 Broad street, Augus tu, Georgia, bounded on thenorthby lot of Jerry- O’Brien, on the east by tot of D. L. Curtis, on the south by Broad street, and vn tho west by lot of Jerry O'Brien, ns tho property of the said Jerry O’Br.en, and pointed out by Plaintiff, this 2Ulh day of October, 1868, Levied on and re turned to mo by John 11. Neibling, county con stable. VIM. DOYLE, nuv3 - td Dpt’y Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, nt the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, thefollowing property, viz: A tract of Land situated in Richmond county, containing 1,60 G acres more or less, bounded on the cast, by Hugh McLean and John A. Rhodes, on the south by Henry John sou and Saxon, on the west liy Chris'opher Morgan and Maliehi Bridwell and Samuel Young, on the north by John Scarborough and Wildes ; the said tract formerly known as the property of James McNair, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from Hie Superior court of Richmond county in favor of Garret T. Oglesby for the use of James M. Niblett against James McNair, security; said property pointed out by James M. Niblett, and levied on the 29th day of Oc tober, 1868, and written notice served on Jack son, in possession, this tilth day of October, 1868. WM. DOYLE, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff R. C. Richmond County Sheriffs Sale. \\/ ILL BE SOLD. ON THE FIRST TUES VY DAY IN DECEMBER next, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, be tween tlie legal hours of sale, tlie following prop erty, viz : Ono Cart, one old Buggy, one Straw Cutter, one Cultivator, two Allen Ploughs, one Bay Horse, two White Cows, one Bixitted Cow, one Yearling, two Calves, two Bulls, three Oxen, one Ox Cart, one two-horse Wagon, one four-horse Wagon, and six Moles: levied on as the property of Wm. R. McDonald, under a dis tress warrant, retnrnaido to the Superior Court of Ricliniond coanty at Jaiutary term, 1869, to sat isfy said distress vrarnmt, in favor of Martini S Rambo, executrix of John D. Twiggs, against Wm. R. McDonald Said property pointed out by Mr. Glover, tlie agent of Mrs Kambe, and levied on this Bth day of October, 1868. WM DOYLE. novi —td Deputy Sneriff Richmond eo. Rchmond Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON' THE FIRST TUES VV day IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz., situated in the comity of Richmond: One Tract of Land, about three miles from the city of Augusta, on tlie Augusta and Savannah Railroad (excepting the right, ol wav of said railroad through said tract of laud), wntaiiiiug three him dred and nine acres, more or less, bounded south by lands of John Phinizv and Rocky Creek, on the west by lands now or formerly owned by De- Laigle, on the north by land now or formerly owned by DeLaigle and a lane of John Phinizy, east by land of John Phiui-zy. Levied on under a mortgage li. fa. on foreclosure issued from the the Superior Conit of Richmond county, in favor of John Phinizv against Hubert C. Easterling, to satiety said debt and costa, as tlie property of Robert C. Easteiling, living fur the purelmse I money of said tract of Lind, except such portion of saiii land as claimed Lv defendant an exempt from levy and sale; said land being now in pos session of John C. Spinks. And notice this day served on him according to law. The aboveprop ertv pointed out bv John Phinizy. October 3. IB<>B. WILLIAM DOYLE, oct I Id Deputy Sheriff Richmond co. Richmond County Sheriff Sale. WILL BE SQLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY ip December next, at the Lower Mar ket House, in the city of Augusta, between tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, viz : Forty-oiio sores of land in said county (as the I property of Walker 8. Nott), acquired in his own right from Ariniatoad Fuleber, bounded ■ north by lauds of tho late Alexander McKenzie, west by lands cf said Armistcad Fulcher, south and east by lands of said Walter S. Nott. Also, on another tract adjoining said body, contain ing one hundred acres, more or loss, io said eohnty, acquired from Armistead Colson, bound ed north by lauds of said Walter 8. Nott, wost by lauds of said Walter 8. Nolt and Edmund Palmer, south by Mcßean Creek, coat by lands . of David F. Dickinsou —levied on as the I property of 'Valter 8. Nott, to satisfy ali.fn. i issued from tho Superior Court of Hiohmond county, in favor of the Augusta and Savannah Railroad Company, against, " alter S. Nott. Said property pointed out by John T. Sbewmake, I’.sintiff’-' Attorney, and notice given to Mrs. Savannah Nott, in possession, tins 30th day of October, 1868. WILLIAM DOI LE, j novi—td Deputy Sheriff, R.C. Richmond Sheriff’s sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MAR KET House, in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in December uext, between the usual hours of sale: 1,4't0 acres of latnd on Spirit Creek, iu the county of Richmond, and bounded by lands of Hancock, Ward, Winter, Kelley, estate of Dunbar and others. The land is finely Improved, with a tine orchard, water, etc. Levied on as the property of the estate of Alexander J. Lawson, to satisfy a fi. fa. iu favor of Thos 8. Metcalf, Issued bv the Inferior Court of Burke county, July Term, 1862. Prop erty pointed ou 1 . by the Executor. WM. DOYLE, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff R. C. Leave to Sell Real Estate. STATE OF GEORGIA, Hichmon I CotHl'i: | By permission of the Court of Ordinary of Richmond, County, notice U hereby given, that sixty days alter date, application will be made to Ibe Court of Ordinary for cave to sell the Heal I.«tato of Charles Dwelle. JULIA M. DWELLE, An -usta, Nov. 2, 1868. Administratrix. »ov3- 2ui Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. W n B . E « SOLD - AT the lower In Um city of Augusta, on the FIRST TU ESDAY IN DECEMBER next, within tho legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Tenement Building, north side of Telfair street, fronting 6« feet on same street running back to Greene street 132 feet, more or less; bounded on the north by the Methodist Church lot, east by lot of Mrs. Tisdale, south hr Telfair street, and west by-lot of the City Council Aagusla. The property of Mrs. Julia Tisdale, to satisfy two fi. fas., issued from the 120th District, G. M.. in favo: of Eli Mustin, va. Mrs. Tisdale. Robert A Harper va Airs. Julia Tisdale, levied l>n and ccturneo to me by L. J* Anthony. County Constable, 2d November, 1868. Also, Lot No. 20, Block 1, fronting on the Sa ▼annah Road, Sharp's survey, recorded on Book 1, Folio 535. in 1 lie office of die Ordinary of the county. Said tut lying and being iu the county of Richmond. Levied on a« the property of Mrs. Catherene F.. Picqnet, Io satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the 120th District, G. M., in favor of Alex ander Brodie vs. Catherene E. Picquet, Executrix of the estate of Angnstus Piequvt, thia sth day June, 1868. Levy made and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. Also, on lots known as Nos. 1,5 and 8 on Block No. 1, fronting on Turknett Road, and on lota 1, 9,10, 17,18, Block No. 2, according to EP. Sharp's survey, recorded in Ordinary’s office, Book 1, Folio Said lots situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, State aforesaid. Said tots levied on to satisfy two distress warrants, issued from the Justice's Court, 12fl(h District, G. M., in favor of George McKmno vs. Catherine E. Picquet, principal, and Frederick M. Nicholas, security, the stii day of August, 1868. Levied on and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. Also, one Tract of Laud, situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, containing 111 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of James McLaws, James Cawley, and William Rachels, levied on as the property of Wm. K Thompson, to satisfy a fi. fa , issuing from the Justice's Court-of I‘jllth District, G. M., in favor of Frank 11. Miller vs. Wm. Anderson, principal, and Wm. K. Thom [•son. security, this 2d day ot April, 1868. Levy'made and returned to me* by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. WILLIAM DOYLE. nov3—id Dep. Sheriff R. C. City Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE MOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, between the usual hours of sale, that House mid Lot on the northeast comer of Cumming and Hale streets; bounded on the north by lot of George Harris, east by lot of Louisa Williams, south by Hale street, and west by Cumming street: said lot having n front of 4<l feet more or less, and 100 feet deep. Levied upon as the property of Louisa • Williams, and to be sold to satisfy one Tax fi. A fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta, vs. Louisa Williams, for her City Taxes for the year 1867. W B. CHEEBBOROUGE, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff City of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale”. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next,, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between I he usual hours of sale, that House and Lot on the southeast corner of Broad and Mills streets, City of Augusta, having a front of 60 feet on Broad street and running back to Ellis street 175 feet more or less; bounded on the north by Broad street, east by lot of Daniel O’Lcany, south by Eilis street, and westby Mills street. Levied upon and sold to satisfy one Tax 11. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jerry O’Hara for his City Taxes for the year 1867; said property now belonging to 8. A. Fralti, W. B CHEESBORObGH, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff City oi Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual liours of sale, that. House and Lot No. 261, south side of Ellis street, between Kol lock and Marbury streets. City of Augusta, bounded on the north by Ellis Street, cast by lot of Jacob Danforth, south by lot of Doctor Marks, and west by hit of Gleudening, having a front of 4<lfcct more or less on Ellis street, and running back 100 feet more or lets. Levied ui>on as the property of Jane Miller, and will be sold to satisfy one Tax fl. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jane Miller for her City Taxes for the year 1867. W. B.vCHEESBOHOUGH, novi—td Dpt’y SheriffCityof Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL HF. SOLU ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, at th* Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between tlie usual hours of sale, that House on the northwest corner of Calhoun street and Cor duroy alley, iu tlie City of Augusta (land leased), bounded on the north by house of Jacob Frances,east by Corduroy alley, south by Calhoun street, and west by land of the estate of Cumming. Levied upon and will be sold as tho property of John Baker to satisfy two Tax fl. fa.’s, issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. John Baker for his Taxes for the years 1866 and 1867. W. B. CHEESBOROUGH, no v1 —t d Dpt’y Sheriff City of Augusta. INSURANCE. FM, MARIO AMD riMiE SUBSCRIBER IS THE AGENT OF JL the following well known responsible Com panies, representing a paid up capital and surplus of more than $10,000,000—viz: /Etna Insuraace Company, Hartford, Conn. Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Howard Insurance Company, A’e«’ York. Manhattan Insurance Company, New York. Standard Insurance Company, Aew York. Astor Insurance Company, • New Yolrk Commerce Insurance Company, Neto York. Fireman’s Insurance Company, New York. Lamar Insurance Company, Neio York Commercial Insurance Company, Sew York. Mercantile insurance Company, • New York. Phenix Insurance Company, Ae® York Til,- .ETNA, of Hartford, the HOWARD, MANHATTAN and FIREMAN'S, of New York, were chMrtered near a halt century since, and are known as among the best and most sabstastial Companies in the United States, as are the other Conpanies named with them. I can insure SIOO,OOO on Cotton, iu any one of our Warehouses, anti $70,W60n Cotton in a good Steamer, from Savannah or Cbarlesion to New York, ot other Northern Porta. Losses tquitaldv adjusted and promptly paid. The patronage of the public is respectfully so- 'Vm. SHEAR, Agent. Au<ar ta, <». inker ??, 18<>B.