The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 10, 1868, Image 3

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XationayflcpttbHcan " "(MScial’W Paper ,'. A ilhtW? I <R» _ 1 ~ I:—,'.f i-,... Li —x-_ i A U o u » T A . <* A . s TUESDAY MORNlNG,November 10,1808 : /tmiature Almanac for Sovember TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. . >un j-isc... 6.26 | Sun sets 5.03 MOON’S PHASES. , I ast Quarter— Nov. 7th, 8.30, morn. Yew Moon—Nov. 14th, 5.48, mom. < First Quarter— Nov. 22d, 1.38, mom. Full Mwh-Not, 29tb, 7,57. cve. fJ < lianfc of Thermomettr. At Tin: NatiomAj. Ki*ui>lu;an OfflW ’ November 10,1808. 1 „„ | r )£ . |» r | .g«. | .. r , . < ! HeiKistraiio*- There were registered yesterday : whites, 36 ; colored, 13. Total up to date, 2,Blo—whites, 1 K 218; * I> 2 ’ m 5,000 Be ward. Governor Bi t.lock oft’* he above reward for the arrest of tlie cpwanßy j of AluhrtG. Ruffin, Sheriff r 0 [ Richmond countj’. I l„ the Eadie*. A gold Shawl Pin was picked tqi on Broad street yesterday afternoon, which will be returned to the owner j on application to K. H. Pughb, nt j. thia office. ( New I’ostt Oftlce. 1 The work necessary to change the a tine store room pf W. B. Ghiffin, ? iimler the Odd Follows*. Hall, into a t line Post Office, B progressing very t rapidlv. We looked irt’a moment, d yesterday, and are pleased to see w hat t a nice Post Office we will soon have. a Thanksgiving. The Proclamation of his Excellency, Governor Rufus IJ. Bullock, setting ipart Thursdey, the 26th instant, as a dav of Thanksgiving and Praver, will *•111 * be found elsewhere. It appears to us that the whole peo pie of this great nation ought to return thanks Io the Almighty for the pros peels of peace and prosperity to all in future. * * TA—.’ . * < iirionM Fact. t’ AAV ashington correspondent w rites: s “It is a singular fact that no President a of the Vnited (States, up to the present tl time, has had a child born in the b White House." He adds: 4< lt is fi understood the lad At ill not exist long t< after the (th of March next.” h - b A Careful Hushaud. Conjugal solicitude is said to have ‘ been illustrated as follows, on a train oi cars during a chilly night: “My dear,” said the husband to his wife, ‘‘are you comfortable in the corner there?”" “Oh very snug.” “Don’t you feel eolA ?” “Not in the least.” o' “Does your window shut tight?” P u “Yes,very, thank you." “Weil, come, let's swap seats.'’ P 1,1 ... n I’crsoiial. t , The Macon Teleyruph understands w that “lion. 11. V. Johnson, has deter mined to make Macon his future home, o And this beautiful inland city will wel- J* umie this great statesman to her cor. f porate limits. He first suggested the 0 holding of a great State Fair here an niially, and he must come and be its B President, and lend us the power and influence of his great and pure name in f ( *•• s V organizing it. • * ’ t! Rallier Cool. e An editor out West says: These P cool nights make bachelors envious of , :i nmtrimonial felicity. Any good-look- n mg and sweet dispositioned girl of tl eighteen, with a cash capital of fifty c thousand dollars, desirous of emigra- a ling from the barren pasture of Single a - A. « | Blessedness into the fruitful field of a • onnubial Enjoyment, can sing, “Meet a Me by Moonlight Alone” tinder our t office window at a quarter past eleven t o clock any evening. j P. B.—Only one at a time. A Generous Gift. ’ 1 Messrs. 1). Appleton & Co., of t New York, publishers, and perhaps j the largest school book dealers in the country, have presented to the county of Richmond five hundred copies of the Elementary Spelling Book (Welt- Hers we presume). These books arc p 4 7 , I tor gratuitious distribution, and teach ers in need of them have only to apply to the Ordinaay, Judge Samuel Levy, It i* not probable that Messrs. Appleton have only made this gift in one in stance, and such generosity is truly commendable. Gur Hook Table. We have received the October Nos. of n M'tfiaziw, and the Hestmimifer Quarterly Review, from the house of the Leonauu Scott Pub lishing Co., 140 Fulton street, New York. Both the Magazine and Review ue replete with excellent articles, as " -ual. J. L. Peters, Music publisher, P. O. Box 5,429, New York, sends u< the Novemlter number of the Glee Hire, containing fourteen page* of Music; also, Peters' Parlor Compan ion fnir Piute, VMin and Pirenoft. Last night, about 7, p m., a badly tightened itji t part o! a ImOK -- and part oi a Imgj^. ran down Ila pat etalmt, oit the north side 1 street, at a break-neck speed. The cry of “look out” passed down the street about as rapidly as the horse, and came very near having a bad efteot, as one geutlomiui, in attempting to “ look bril,” wits ncltrly run over. This reminds us of a little anecdote of a Frenchman, who was a passenger on a canal boat, in canal boat times: Just as .the boat was under one of the low bridges in front of the carnal, the helmsman sstngjoui at Bhe top of his voice, “ l.ook out.” The Fretrehman obeyed by stretching his neck out of the window, an<l well nigh had the wp Os his head oft’, “ Sacrc,” says the Frenchman, rubbing his sQre pate; “Damn ze countree. When you say look out you mean look in." Later—Was this the horse that left a Georgian and South Carolinian lying in the road night lirfory last, V'itl l ribs broken? If so, we presume the horse has not stopped yet. - - - - A Tuttle CoMlideuee G«in<‘. Au aged colored couple came to this city on the afternoon train of Tuesday Last, from Atlanta, being on then' way from Mississippi to their old home, near Goldsboro, N. C. They had in their possession coiisidera]»le baggage and ample means to continue their journey. Not knowing where ta remain until they couljl Lak»> the Wilmington train, they stopped al»out the depot. About dusk otic Rot: ’Wai-KE!:, a fasertfty’ thief of their own color, came to them, and finding out their intentions in re gard to going on to North Carolina, offered very kindly to show them where they could find lodgings for the night, and rery humanely put the oil folks’ baggage on his shoulder. They followed him away up above the upper market, where he stopped them and told them to wait until he stepped into the house to see if they could stop there ; they, thinking it was all right, stopped until they began to think lie staid a lung while, and on enquiry found thao the scamp had gone through some,back way, and taken with him all they owned in the world. Since then these unfortunate creatureshave, been in this city without home or friends, and do not know how they are to proceed on their journey. Tire police have been unable to catch Walicejx, but we learn that he Is well known md will be, probably, brought to grief. Cannot something be done for these poor creatures ? Georgia Vfasonic Insurance Com pany. The Augusta copies the pro- xudings of the annual meeting of the Geoi jia MasoMc Mutual Life Insurance Coin :>any, held in this city on Friday night, 3(lth alt., and says: “We arc pleased to note the, ay, parent pros perous condition of the Company; but can- , not understand why the fee tor admission to inembei'ship has been increased from six to j twelve dollars, or what it is projiosed to do with the additional twenty-one thousand and 1 add dollars to be thus raised. We feel inter ested, as a member, and, in Ixdialf of many other members hereabouts, respectfully re quest to be enlightened on the subject. ’Will our Brother Burke, the Company’s Secretary, furnish the information? 5 ’ In reference to this inquiry, the Set rotary of the Company has furnished us with the following: Geougta Masonic Motual Lht Ixst - r.ante Company.—ln answer to an inquiry fiom the National Republican-, as well as from other sources, in regard to changes made in fee for membership in Jhe above Company, I state: In the original formation of the Company there was no adequate provision made for expenses, as the $6 for membersbip was placed in a permanent fund, the interest only to be used for expenses. At the recent meet ing it was found that this interest did not meet the necessary exj>vnscs by alxjut SI,BOO. The question then arose as to the best inode of meeting expenses, which were constantly increasing as the Company grew. We had to choose between making new members ]iay a heavier enliaucefee, who come in now with all the advantages enjoyed by earlier mem tiers, who had paid entrance fee and sl9 assessments, or assessing the old members additional amounts. The Company wisely chose, the latter mode, and now aft new laym bers must pay sl2, and the overplus of $6 goes to the contingent fund, while the other goes, as heretofore, to the permanent fund. If this contingent fund should increase so as to make it practicable, we shall place all over the amount necessary to meet actual expenses to the credit of members on assessments. As to expenses, we challenge the world to show where a Company; doing as much busi ness, overdid it on so small a show of ex penses. Kespectfiilly, J. W. Bl It KE, Secretary and Treasury. We thank Brother Burke, of the Macon Journal <C Altsecnycr, for his prompt, courteous and satisfactory re sponse to our inquiry. By reference to Sunday morning’s issue of the Na tional Reul bi.iuan, he will jievceive that his explanation was antidpated by our Rev. Brother Kev, and that we were prompt to acknowledge Lis courtesy. Nnpport oFa Bankrupt. The United States District Judge of North Carolina recently decided ilmt seal cstate could not be set aside for the temporary support of a bankrupt, under the provisions of the act relating to exempting*; butdlutt money might be so appropriated in cases where the “ articles and necessaries" specially designated in the act did not amount to the speci tied sum *4 SSOO, and if «iecessan"to take land for thi<purpose, it must be advertised mid sold at pub lic auction, and turned into cash. Renutifnl Fancy Tn great variety, at 190 Broad street. A NEW FEATURE. Weekly N’alionul Republican. The first number of this new candi date for public favor was issued from thik office bn Saturday,'October Hist, 18U8. The WsEKLT.coptains all the latest News by mail aiul telegraph ; full Mar ie" Reports; (he Editorials and <'..i-- respondencc of the Daiv RgpußT-icksr; Misceihmy, Poetry, etc., etc. It is lurnislied to subscribers at the very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to clubs of ten, or more, One Dollar and fifty cents each—always in ad vnnoe. Our frieiids are earnestly requested lu aid in securing for our Wf.bkj.t a large circulation. We pledge our best exertions to make it worthy of the patronage of all goml Republicans everywhere. All letters should lie addressed to K. H. Pwhe, Augusta, Ga. ♦♦♦■ - ’• On ward !” The following is the prospectus of a new Monthly Magarino, to lie edited by C aptain Maine Rian, and issued from the press of Mr. (’arj'ton, of New York, to whom we refer the reader for terms, etc.: “ Omraid" along the track of civilization —on towards goodruss and glory —n linger pointing to all that is worthy of attain meet—a guide to conduct the youth of Amer ica along that palh hauffiig to the highest and noblest jnauluxid: such" is the design of “ Mnyno Reid’s Magazine.” It is meant for the Youth of America thy who in a few short years will hold as in the hollow of tficir hand the destinies not only of America, but of mankind. Supreme satisfaction to be even the hum- Wcst guide in such a glorious inarch; and while acting its such, “ < hiwrd" will en deavor to ’prove not only a sure guide, but a clicerful companion; one wlto. w hile dealing hugely with the realities of life, will.not f orget that life has also its romance--css. n tial to its healthy existence as the food that is eaten, or the air that is brcathwl. The literature of this Magazine is intended to be of the, highest character known to the pages of a periodical: since the experience of the Coiuluclor tells him it is not neecsstuy to iirit'' warn to the Youth of America. It will l>e illustrated, and to this end the best artists have been engaged, Its fit;st number wilHippuir in time for the Christinas. Holidays; and, in additioti to the lore suitable to that mystic season, will con tain the opening chapters of a story of South American life entitled, “ The Lost Sister; a Tale of the Pampasas also the commence ment of “ The Fellow Chief; a Tale of the Pmirios.” Look out for the Lett. The. Siccle, of Paris publishes an artiulo Very intereatkig to sportsmen, ami states that with a very little care many accidents coulil be avoided.- Out of 100 cases of bursting of double barreled gluts, -W» can be traced to defects in the left barrel. The rea son is simply that the right is most fre quently used and reloaded, perhaps ten times to the left one being discharged once. Every time the right barrel is discharged the gunpowder in the left is pulverized more'or less by the shock, which, therefore, leaves a space be tween the charge and the wadding by settling. Naturally when the left bar rel is discharged it frequently explodes- The accident can be avoided by send' ing the ram rod home with one or two smart blows, into the non discharged barrel every time the other is reloaded. KobiiiNon’N 4'ircus is <’oining. There is a charm in the name of ‘‘Boiunsvx’k.Circus.” It is now more years than we care to tell since we first beheld the mysteries of the“ring” beneath his pavilion. Since that time we have never been able to get over our preference for this show, and whether or not it is one of the best in th' country-, we have always been accu'touted to so consider it. This circus is billed for this place on Thurs day and Friday next. I lis agents have fairly illuminated the city, to the edifi cation of all the small boys, all of whom I are agog lor the big show. Tho circus is artonqianied by four teen dens of wild animals, birds, etc., wliich those who have scruples against the circus may take their children to see. Kale Bet. A yOung gentleman and lady of New Albany, Ind., made a novel bet on the lA-csidential elect ion. If Grant was elected the young man agreed to mar ry the Lely, and if Seymour was elected tlie young lady is to marry the gentleman. The bet is a good one for the young lady. “Heads I win, tails you lose.” Do Your Hut). The Republicans have carried the Presidential election aud the city of Augusta by a large majority; and if they Jo their duty they will carry the approaching municipal election by an overwhelming majority. Let every Reptsblican who is entitled to vote go atouceto the Court House aud have his name registered, so as to l>e in a position to swell the majority. Now .that Grant is elected, we irill haoc Peace. ' - ■ To Hifttiuens Hi m. Ttfr: Weekly National REeuitLi .(A> has an exteu'-ive circulation over the adjacent counties—thus aftbrd itig an excellent opportunity to Adver tisers to extend Utev business tuHiecs. -.-Why should tetotallers never hold their meeting;at a theatre! lle crinse thei cAhould nnt tv a drop stien , at l hem. JBY News from Wathinglon WAsinNtiTON, November P,—Grant is i attending to the routine ot his duty. lie has many visitors, but does nit seem in ’ oliued to eagigo in conversation regarding bis future actions. t Only two Congressmen and three Sea Mors aro here. Advices indicate little real progress in - the settlement of the Alabama claims. It . seems that Sewsrd adds conditions to ’ Johnson’s proposed settlement and there is a dead lock. Dyer’s Ordnance Court, comprising Gen erals Thomas and Hancock, to 1 try others, ’ convened to (lay. r General Hancock visited thy President . to day. At Dcb-idcrc, Ohio, Grant addressed a Republican procession, saying: 1 “Gentlemen, I see many of sou in uni i forms: you laid them off UireJ years ngo, and you can now lay them off again, and 1 we will have jseace. Good night.” J v - - •♦ • The Troubles in Florida, Tallahassee, Nov. 9.—Nothing impor tant has transpired since report of Satm day. No indications of the disturbance of the public peace. About one half of tlie arms w hich were thrown from the cars have been recovered, in good order, and are in possession of the , troops. All the .Tndges of the Suprente t'oiirt arc here awaiting action of Circuit Court. • Election Returns- FitAHt.E<roN. Nov. 9.—The ILnYy Artej has nearly complete returns from every county in SClitli Carolina, giving a Repub lican majority of 9,900. Democratic gain u3,5«0 since the election for the new Con stitution in April last. Cablegrams. _ London, Nov. 9. - A Madrid correspon dent says, the Spanish Crown w ill be ten dered to Espartero. Marine Disasters New York, Nov.9.—TheGcii.Meade collided with the Mannion, from Sa vannah, near Scotland Light Ship, scut ling the Mannion below her watei line. The Meade brought off the passengers and part of the crew of the Marniion ; but the Meade was forced to run on the Jersey flats to prevent sinking.— The T.ackawacmiii hs s gone to the Mar mion's assistance. I'hc Mannion has sunk to her decks, but has plenty as sistance. I’lymoi th, Nov. 9. —The emigrant steamer Palmerston, from Hamburg for New York, six weeks out returned to this port in a leaking condition. Knights Pythias. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 9.—The Supreme Lodge of the Knights Py thitis, with delegates from New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Vir ginia, Louisiana and Nebnuka met this morning, tiie Supreme Chancellor, Samuel Read, of New Jcnrny, pre siding. The Order numbers 40,nt>0 in the United States, who were repre sented. Consoldaticn. Louisville, November 9.—-The Courier and Journal have consoli dated. The paper appears UUfcptolM: ing as the Izwisville Courier Jour nal. ■ —— Grant’s Arrival. Washington, November 9. —Grant has arrived. No demonstration Was made here. Colfax will arrive to-morrow. (’engross will mcro-ly meet and ad journ on the 10th. Marine Lews Charleston’. November 9.- Sailed: Bark 11. Hassel, Liverpool. CltAiu.ssTON, Novcmlier 9.—Cotton dull, but steady. Stock light. Sales 250; I tales. Middlings 23|c. Receipts 915 hales. CO NT MERO 1 AL AIGUSIA MARKET. Office National Kepublicax, I Monday, November!!, p. in. ; FINANCIAL.—GoId: Imyipg at Lol; selling at 1.1><5. Silver: buying at 1.28; selling at 1.3 d. COTTON. -Dull and inactive. Mid dlings 22Jc. FLOUR —Snpeiline Sil; XX sll. BACON,—Shoulders, 13lc; Clearßiblx-d Sides, IHc; Ribbed Sides, ItiJalTc; lituus, l«a2oc. LARD. —l’rime Leaf, 20c ; Pressed, 18c. WHEAT.—Red, 2.1)5a2.15; White, 3.25 a2.10. TE LEG RA PH MARK ETS. financial. Nkw York, NoveinJier 9. - - Guvermni-nts firm anti higher. H3’s, BJ-. Tennessee’s, new, 891- North Carolina's, 051; new, t;4. Money 7. Gold active and excited at 1.35. Sterling 94. New Orleans, Novcmlier 9. - Gold 1151. Sterling 45a46. New York sight f discount COMMERCIAL Baltimore, Nov. 9.—Cotton dull at 25 cents. Flour active but lower. Whetit dull at 2.10. Corn firm. Rye dull. Pork quiet. Savannah, Nov. 9.—Cotton opened steady aud closed dull. Sales 150 bales. St. Loris, Novemlxr 9. Flour : Super fine, 4.75a5.00. Corn : new. 65a70c ; old, 74a75c, Mess Pork 25.25. Bacon : Steck light.: Shoulders, 14c: Clear Shies, 18te, Lard: iu light demand, at Ifljc. Whiskey 1.03. Cinclx-nati, November 9.--Flour dull. , Com dull; new, 50a59c. IVhiskey, 1.93. Lard, 15Jaltie. Shoulders, 13te,- Clear Sides, 18-fc. • Moihlk, November 9. -Cotton : market quiet and steadv. Sales 1,100 bales. Mid dlings, 331a'23t* Receiptsl,3Bß bales. 1 New York, November 9.—Evening. ■ Cotton dull and heavy, and. a shade lower. Sales 900 bales at 24|a25. k ; Flour—Superfine $5.70a6.1G; Southern, comm'bn to fair extra, 7.90a8.65. Blieat— Amlicr Michigan 1.90a1.»5; white Michi gan 2.40u2.50. Corn, mixed Western. 1.15 - it 1,17. Pork 27.50rt27.75, Lard, steam. 15a17: kettle. 17a17j. Whiskey 1.03. 1 Groceries steady. Ri ’in 3.35n7.50. Freights ‘ firmer. i WhAii'ltot. November!!. —Cotton, sales at 21 to 2:5c. Sjiirils Turpentine 41 j. Rosin I.GOa 3.75. Turpentine 265. Tar 2.<»0. r NF.w OaiAixN*, Novemlier 9.--Cotton ' imgrtHr, :tnd closed p- lower. Middlings ‘ 231 c. Sales 350 hales. Rwei|»ta since Satnnlay 8,393 bales. Exports 2,332 bales. STALLINGS k BOGKBS, 132 Broad Street, A.ugusta, Ga. FURNITURE Os Every Description, from the Finest to the Cheapest!! c— ■■ . Having enlarged our Establishment, wo invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK 11 oct29—3inos IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Halted States for the .Southern District es Georgia, In tbo matter of 1 STEPHENS A URO., | JASPER iI.HTI.PHENS, ! IN BANKRUPTCY. PUTNAMS STEPHENS, | N# 138. Dankrupls. j The naif Bankinpts having petitioned the Court, for a disebarge from all their debts provable mnler the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice in heieby given to all persons interested to appear on the 25th day of November, 1868. at 12 o'clock m., at chambers of the said District Court, before F. 8. ilesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of mtid Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of W A. Hawkins, Americus Ga , and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank rnpts should not lie grauted. And Authcr notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savumiali, Ga., this Ith day of Novem ber, 1868. jas. McPherson, noB —lt _ Clerk. JN Till: DISTRICT COURT OF THE I nited States for the Southern District of Georgia. in the matter of 1 JOHN U. HANGABOOK, I IN BANKRUPTCY’, Bankrupt. j No. 124. The eaid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova blc under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 25? d day of November, 1868, a! 9 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court, in Bankruptcy, at the hotel in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion of Ihe Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and :hird meetings of creditors wilt be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 4th dav of No vember, 1868. JAMES McI’HERSON, naß—lt Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIK United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho to at tor of ) JOHN 11. HOUSER, >IN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. ) No. 147. The said Bankrupt having putltlonad the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons Interested to appear on the 23d day of November,lß6B, at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the hotel in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at tlie same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 4th day of No vember. 1868. JAS. McI'IIEKSON. f noB-lt TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for tlio Southern District of Georgia. tn the nutter of ) CHAS. H. DRISKfiLL, >TN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 83 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for « discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21th day of November, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at his oflieo at Macon, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the sixniui and third uuadinga of creditors w4U Uv held at the same time aud place. Dated at Suvatnmh. Ga, this 4th dav of No ventber, 1868. Jaß. McPHERSON, ii'i- h f’lcr!;. IN rut: DisrklUT court of the United Staler for the Southern District us Georgia. In the mattar of ) HAMBLIN A. FEEDER, 11N BANKBI i ICY’. Bankrupt. I Nn. 272. Tlie said Bunki-npt having petitioned tbeCouit for a discharge from nil Mg debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of Marek 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to al! persons into rested to appear ou tbe 23d day of November, 1868, at 9 o'clock a. m , at. Chamt>er'of mid District Court, before Frank B. Hesseltine. Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Kmkruptcy, at his office at the Hotel in Fort Valley, aud show cause why tbe prayer of tbe said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice Y given that the second and third meetings of cred itore will be held at tho same time and place. Dated at Savannah Gu , this 4th day of No vember, 18i>8. JAMES McPHERSON, noS —J i Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I. United States for the Southent District ol Georgia In the matter ot 1 VAN A. HARVEY, 'IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 238 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 23d day of November, 1868, at- 9 o’clock a. m , nt chambers of said District Court, before F. 8. Hesseltine,Esq.,otic of the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy, at his office at the hotel in Fort Valley,Ga. .and show cause why t he prayer of tbe the said petition of ihe Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held al tlie same time and place. Dated at. Suvarinall, Ga., this 4th day of No vember, 1868. JAS. McPHERSON, noB-H Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JL United States for the Southern District of Georgia, In the matter of i JAMES 8. ODOM, UN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 134 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge trout all his debts prova ble under Ute Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867 notice is hereby given to ail persons interested toappenron the 23d day of November, 186.8, at!) o’clock a. tn., at chambers of the said Dis trict Court, before F. S. Hesseltine.Esq.,one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy,at his office at tbe hotel iu Fort Valley, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice Is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will b? held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 4th day of No vember, 1868. JAS. McPHERSON, uoB-lt Clerk. K chmoml Sheriff’s Sale. Tl 7 ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST' TUES VV day IN JANUARY. 1869. between tbe legal hours of wile, at the Lower Market House in the city of Angu’ta. the following property, via., ritnat' (I in the enmity of Richmond: One Tract ol Laud, mLuuL three miles from (lie city of, Augusta, on tfi.- ,V#gusta’ and Savannah Raihosd (excepting the iigM : ot wav of raid railroad through rm* tract.of land;, containing three him dred and nine acres, ni(>rv or fees, bounded south by lauds of John Pliiiu4V anti Kocky Creek, on the west by lands now or formerly ow i>‘ <! by De Laigle, on the north by land now or fnimerly owned by DeLaigle am! a lane of Jolm Phinizy, cast by land of John I’hiuizy teviiul on uuder a mortgage fi. fa. on foreefoSwra iwoed from tho Uie Snpei hir Court of Kichmood eomtly, in favor of Ms Phimzy against Robert Ijrrteißng. ta -satisfy said debt aud costs, as the properly of Robert C Eartoiling, being for tho pHrclnuo money of said tract of hind, except sncli portion of said tmd as claimed by dcfrndanf as exempt from levy and mle; said mnd being tmw it) po’- M*«ion of John C Spiteka. And aotitq this day served on him aeecrmngto law The above prop erty pointe* ont by .tahn Phiniry (rototer 3 1868 . WM P KIHUDES, uollt-'J Coronur, hi ting Sluuiff R. t 8 ! Official. Proclamation M wET t (/ r \ b| H / Ab ■ / Bj L I BY THE GOVEBHOB. e i It being indispensable to the prosperity und “ , happiness of a free people, in all their ways, to ■ acknowledge God, to recognize the wisdom of I His decrees, and the omnipotence of His will; to render unto Him thanks for the manifold evi dences of His loving kindness and most gracious mercy, and to supplicate His divine guidance and protection : Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor of 5 | tins State, and Commander-in-Chief of the army ( aud navy, and of tlte militia thereof, do hereby, i for the furtherance of the purposes aforesaid, issue tltis. my proclamation, nominating and ap pointing Thorsday. the twenty sixth day of this month of November, as a day of Public Thanks e giving aud Prayer to Almighty God : and I do most earnestly recommend an l exhort all per sons comprising tho vaiioui religious denominn j tions of this State, on that day, to repair to their , rospeclive places of public worship—there, wit li i bumble aud contrite hearts, to offer mito the C Giver of nil Good, Praise mid Thanksgivings for His beneficence and mercy, and to beg, for nil ' men, the continuance of His Divine grace ami ’ , blewing. ; Given under my hand and the Great Seal ot the ; : Slate, at the Capital iu Atlanta, this fifth : day of November, in tlie year el onr Lord eigh teen hundred and sixty eight, and of the In dependence of the United States of America the tiinolT third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, j By tho Governor : Governor. B. B DrGnAncNßEiu, II Secretary Ex. Department. November 5,1868.’ no7—3twlt Appointment by the Governor. ExaciiTtvK DsrauT MT, State or Gr.onoix, I Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 5,1868. f Ordered, That Carey J rhorulon be, aud lie is hereby appointed Solicitor General of the Bu;a> rior Courts of this Stale ill and for tho Cluitta hoochce Judicial Circuit, to bold the said office • 1 until his successor is appointed, and that he be i commissioned accordingly. RUFUSB BULLOCK, By the Governor : Governor. B. B. DkGrai>ffnhkii>, Sec y Executive Deparliueiit. um—3t wit IYSIRAVd:. I TpUE SUBSCRIBER 18 THE AGEN T OF j JL Uh> following well known Com* I panies, ruprewnting a paid up capital and surpltiH ' ot more Uian 2Elna Insurance Company, Hurlford, Conn. L i t, Phrentx Insurance Company, 1 HartfiHil , O>nn. Howard Insurance Company, A’cw York. : Manhattan Insurance Company, Netc York. ; Standard Insurance Company, New Yt rk. Astor Insurance Company, New York Comnieras Insurance Company, New York. Fireman's Instuanco Company, , New York. Lamar Insurance Company, New lore Commercial Insurance Company, New York. t Mercantile Insurance Company, New York. Phenix Insurance Company, , New York The /ETNA, oi Huttord, the HOWARD, MANHATTAN and LT K E'! ANS, of New York, wereoliHrtcred neur a half century since, and are known as among tlie bet-t and most substantial Companies iu the United States, as are the other Companies named with them. I can inanre sllkl,onn<.n Cotton, in any one of our Warelmusis, a«i(i:?'!),WO on Cotton in a good Steamer, from Savannah or Charleston to New I Yhrk; or other Northern Ports. InwiCT equitably adjusted and promptly paid. The patronage of the pwblic is respectfully so | licited. ort22—3m Wv. SHEAR, Agent. AugU-ta, October 22,1868. I N THE MATTER OF SAMUEL A RILEY, 1 A Bankrupt. f Notice is hereby given that a third general meeting of creditors of Satnuei A. Riley,Bank rupt, or Hayneville, Houston eounty, Georgia, will be held at the hotel In Fort Valley, on the 23d November inst., at 9 o’clock a. m. Perry, Ga., November 2, 1868. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, not—#l Assignee • i IN THE MATTER OF JOHN H. HOUSER, 1 Bankrupt. ' f Notice is hereby given that a third general ; meeting of creditors of John H. Houser, Bank i rupt, of Perry, Houston county, Ga., will be • i held at the hotel in Fort Valley, on the 23d of November instant, at 9 o’clock n. m. 1 Ferry, Ga, November 2,1868. . J. A. HOLTZCLAW, no7 —2t Assignee. IN THE MATTER OF JOSEPH PALMER, I Bankrupt. Notice is hereby glten tint a third general imetlng of the creditors of Joseph Palmer, Bankrupt, of Houston county,Ga., will beheld ' at the hotel in Fort Valley, on the 23d Novem ber lustant, at 9 o’clock a. m. Perry, Ga, November 2, 1838 J. A. HOLTZCLAW, nos 2t Anaigme. IN THE MATTER OF GEO. W STURGES, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that a third general meeting of creditors of George W. Sturges, Bankrupt, of Fort Valky, Houston county, Ga, will lie held at tbe Imtrl in Fort Valley, on tbe 23d November instant, at 9 o'clock a. m. ' Perry, Ga , Novemlier 2,1808. J. A HOLTZCLAW, , nv7—2t_ Assignee. rU Leave to Sell Beal Estate. I <TAtE of GEORGIA, ’ i kJ Rkl'moird i ' Ry permission of tbo Court ol Ordinary of 1 Ru iiuiond, County, notice is hereby given, that ’ ' rixly days alter date, application will be made to ' the Court of Ordinary for leave (o salt lb' Real T..-t.(V- <d Charles Dwell*, deoa.-od- JULIA M DWELI.E. Angurta. Nov. 2, IS6”. Administratrix j < f aevX -2in HIT IOR 111 “MIS". WITH THE ’ ; ■ ‘ BIG SHOW I A.t A.wgiista, . THURSDAY* FRIDAY, . November 12th and 13th. ADMISSION: 75 Cta., Children 50 Ots. JOHN ROBINSON’S ~ GUfiIAT COMBINATION * » MSB. Forming a Grand Stock Enterprise, consolidating T’HIST SHOWS THE MAMMOTH , . ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Including O'rsithdlogicsl elections of the moat heam.iful specimena of Foreign Birds, forming the moat extensive coßectf'm of WILD ANIMALS Iu the country, suppurted by tire _ Largest (Jompany of Eqnestriiiis IN AMERICA, ininrhcring 150 WES mid 250 HORNES, Including > t FIFTY I’EkFOKMEHS, FIVE LADY' EQ'UESTRIENNK-x 11IREE POPULAR UMtWNS,'’ Enahling the Maitagcutctik to prudueu STARTLING ACTS otHORSEMANSHIP, fIUIKIi GVMMAWIMd FXCROfses, Spectacles of Orieotal Grandeur, . With the dftZF.ling Ju THE ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT will me Pound A Herd of Topics, A Flock of Australiaa Emeus, A Herd of Pwchpiffes, Perforating ' ELSFHANT ‘EMPRESS’ Introduced by Mr. Jo)>n»m, Afriquu Lion and I Jcnost, Ruffed Lemur, Ocelot, Wild liognf T.vrtary; Clvit, Cop.yv*’ baesa, Ground Coett, Alpine .Marmot, Sil ver-created Cockatoo. Zebra, Glittcinu, Mun dril, Red Monkey, Chitnpuuzec, Diana Mob-- key, Great Flamingo, Lyre Bird, Whitc-notte Monkey, Pcr-iaii Lioness, : Roro tjook'iioo> Alexandrine Parroqueh, African lampard, Tiger Cat, Ceylon Tiger. Ichhenunm, Amer ican White Bear, Rnssiatt 'Cinnamon Bear, Worinbut of Australi i. White-headed Par pit, Australian Kangaroo, Hrjxzly Bear, American Buffalo, African Bison, jAfricUu I’aca. Golden, Silver and Pheas ants, Agile Gibbon, Vrsine Howler, WMte Peacocks. JUST TWO IMJUIUJI HUMPS© Camels- AU(i THS >- ip,- . : Valpus, from Tartary, A M©’ WHITE i’OI.AK BEAR. • | Premiueut among the attractive teleal of the Arena are soch Artiste n» MISS CORDELIA, ~s Tbe rbampioii Femalc JlidbF of tto. World; ’-1 • M’llc Frances, liaitamr Jl.irffSra, Nadeau: Gertrwte. Nr. Jakn ’ Mr. John Nr. J. ll.cth>nautj]l, Mr. Gio. filoman, H. Athlon <€• .Suae Mr. G. N. Robiiuon Sirp Adoljik flrandisi., MR. JOHN LO’WJ.OW, The :uerican Humorixt and polite Local Clown, AHL i’IiAXK ROBUfGON, Clown par excellence and modern Grimaldi. MR. ARoHlf! CAM PR El F., Time-hoaored (ibq enSeT cf Wit and Ilunier. • Novpailei-Lesin, f Me. Lein <4 Willis, NoTtea.—Hrar eoCenranee in America Tn two year-A’AV, A A’F, the Champion i«a ( .er of the World. - " I ' i -. Grand Gratuitous Exhibition !■ A Gorgeous Aneknt Pagent—Thodxauq Cbarjot of Mara, Oberou and Aebitlea:; Livtrlg Liiwra in open Dens of <l"ld and Rrenxe: Knights and' Gladiators; in Armour of jlncleot R'omau*, as es cort to the 1 glittering aad costly OrKnlal Equip age.. This (Irand and Imposing Procession wUI be rroci'edod hy tji* Cbr-rietef Oberon, eon tainteg TWW. ('ANPAM’N - Operatic Silver and String Oehestra - of.Twsn»x Flrrt-Class Musicians. TWU PRRFQII'iIANCES—AI2 A to’ekckp. m. rti*- The Proves i«n will enter (lie cWy at 10 * the 12*h ixt. . _ W. w. DURAND. 89T 3 ci Basineaa Jtanager.