The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 11, 1868, Image 4

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NdtionalHtptjbliraH LAWftJT CITY CIRCJJLATIOH Oflioial Organ of the U. S. Government. WEDNESDAY MORNING. .Nov. 11,1868 FASHION ON THE BRAIN. Il .seems to me the women now Dress up most awful uueer, In nnrro' skirts and little hoops— How funpy they appear. Their hah - they friz in fancy shapes, I’ve laughed, and laughed again, To see Imw queer the women look With chignon on the brain. Last night 1 met a little miss Rigged up in wondrous style, She had a little bonnet on . That really made me smile. ’Twas smaller than a cabbage leaf. Dried up for want of rain • How very queer the women look With bonnets on the brain. They say they wear their dresses short To show tlieir pretty feet. But if their shoes arc No. 7's, Extremes will never meet; • And when they wear their dresses long, And dragging in a train, 1 always think of bean-poles, with Gored dresses On the brain. Oh, well, this is a curious world. False teeth, false calves and oh, They speak of paljiitators; but The truth I do not know. But let them wear whatever they w ill. Remonstrance is in vain. And they are really charming with The fashion on the brain. Latest New York News! THE PEOPLE Greatly Excited, WimMlM LADIES! LOOK OIT! LOOK O1 TH •A UEAUTIFIER ‘as i»’ A BEAUTIFIER. | Ladies Magazine for Sept.] "Henry 11. Coxtar. of No. HI Crosby Street, is mid to be ‘out’with a beauh.fikk that eclipses anything ever known in this line. The Ladies are wild with delight. Due lady says, ‘I know it’s right,' and pointed to a skin as fresh, soft and de licate us a child. Another lady said, ‘if it cost SIO.OO a bottle, I'd Imve ifmid another, 'Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only Costar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. It gives beauty to the Complexion, a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the lAps.and h«p -I>ii«-ss complete. I ! Beware!! 'of worthless imitations All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell it. Due bottle three hollies, $2,011, Or address “Cost ak," No 111 Crosby st.,N.Y. “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ARB “Custar's” Hat, Poach, Etc., Exterminators. “Custar's” Bed Bug Exterminators. “Custar's’ (only pure) insect Powder. "'inly Infallible Remedies known.' l*i veer,established hi New York.” ■ r’.WO Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them." 11l Beware!! I of spurious imitations.” $l.O i sizes sent by mail on receipt, of price. $2.01 for any three SI,OO sizes by express. Address v HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or Jous F. Henry (successor to) Dimas Barnes <jt Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists in Augusta, Ga. novi —lvtiw ' SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, S 3. In Bankruptcy, at Macon, this 28th dav of Octol or, A. D. 18«3. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment ns Assignee’ of RIDGEWAY W. HOGAN, of tire county of Monroe and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Conrt of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, octSl-law3w’ Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS. In Bankruptcy, lit Macon, this 28th day of October, A. l>. <BBB. Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of JOHN A. ALEXAN DER, of the county of Mouroe and State of Georgia, within said District, who bus been ad judged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of eaid District, SAMUEL ,C. WEEMS, oi!:;i—lawdw* Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS. In Bankruotcy, at Macon, this 28th day of October,! A. D. 1868. The ugdi reigued beieby gives notice of his ap apporutiiaut as Assignee of JOHN Z ENG LIBH. 9f the cvnuty of Monroe and State of Georgia, within arid District, who lias been ad judged a Bankrupt npeu his own petition by the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Oct3l law3w* Assignee. UNITED STATKF DISTRICT COURT— Northorn District of Georgia—2so. WM C IzOVEJOY. Bankrupt, having peti tioued for a discharge from all liis debts provable in Bankinptcy, all peisoßv. interested are notified to appear on the 39tli day of November, 1868, at 10 a. iu., before Register McKinley, at Newnan, Ga., to show cause wlty the prayer of the Bank ruptsbopld not lie granted. The second and third meeting* <>f .creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH Clerk. November 7, 1868. nolO—W UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia— No. 334. PLEASANT B, HADE, Bankrupt, having pe tioued for-a discharge from all his debts provable in Bankruptcy, all persons interested are notified to appear on the doth day -of November, 1868, at 1<) 'a. m., Velore Register McKinlev,at Newnan, Ga , to show cause why the prayer "of tlie Bank rupt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditor, will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH, Cierk. November 7th. 1868. uolfl—2t* [N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. la the matter of ) WM. C. HENDRICKS; >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To w hom it may concern: The undersigned gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of the estate of William C Hendricks, of Floyd county, iu the State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt ou his petition by ti,e Dis triet,Court of said District. Dated at Rome, Ga.. November 5, 1868 C. N. FEATHERSTON, taw'd w Assignee. Surgical Operations U/'ILL BE PERFORMED GRATUITOUSLY at the Medical College, during the Session, by the members*of the Faculty. L. A. DU' . novi—law4w ' lean. Book binding ASP BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, , K. H. pt’GHE, HUI Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. MECHANICS' BANK. Assignee's Sale. ON THURSDAY, THE 7TH OF JANUARY next, at 12 M.. will be sold, at Public Am lion, on the premises, the BANKING HOUSE AND LOT OF THE MECHANICS’ BANK. Tide Lot is one hundred and seventy-three feel deep, and has a front on Broad street of tliirty nine feet, of which four feet nine inches is in the alley on the East, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot-holders. The property is too well known to need further description. At the same time and place, the FURNITURE remaining in the Bank will he sold, consisting of MARBLE COUNTER DESKS, TABLES, a first-class IRON SAFE, line GOLD SCALES, etc. Terms cash, in currency. WM. T. GOULD, October 30 Assignee. OCt3l - ddcwtl ASSIGNEE’S SALE. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF 1 Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold, free from the incumbrance of liens, at Graniteville, in the county of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, on the 9Mb day of November, 1808, the following TRACT OF LAND, (Exclusive of ninety acres, including the Dwelling House and the growing crop), belong ing to the Estate of Francis .Morrny, Bankrupt, to-wit: All that tract of land siluuto. lying and being jn the county and State aforesaid, ou Big Horse Creek waters of Savannah River, contain ing Two Thousand and Eighty Acres, more or less, and bounded on the West by lands now, or formerly, belonging to William Gregg; on the Northwest by lauds now, -or formerly, Lewis Elzey’s; on the East by land now, or formerly, Mat. May’s and E. Posey’s ; on the Southeast by land now-, or formerly. (}. Rozier's and Mrs. It. Swearingin's; on the South by land now, or for merly, km. Rigg’s and J- Hatcher's, Also, that other Tract of Land, lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, near the Graniteville depot, on the South Carolina Rail road, containing one and acres, more or less, and bounded as follows; ou the west by land now or formerly William Morris': on the south and east by laud now or formerly Michael O'Brien’s; outlie north by the South Carolina Railroad, being tjio same tracts of laud conveyed to said Francis Murray by Lucius L. Hall, by deed, dated lbe.27th day of November, 1860. Also, at the same time and place, a lease hold interest in Four Acres of Laud, adjoining Kalmia Mills, upon which there js a wooden house, con taming seven rooms. Also, two small Carts. Terms cash. S. D. HEARD, no6—dtd Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE 1 Hon. A.G. Foster, Kegisterin Bankruptcy, will be sold at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Elberton, Elbert county, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing valuable lands of Wm. J. Harper, Bank rupt ; ONE TRACT OF LAND, ou Vans’ creek, in Elbert county, containing 350 acres, more or loss, whereon Wm. J. Har- Ser lives, joining estates of Benjamin Goss, oseph Rucker, and others. There will be ex cepted 65 acres, the homestead exemption, which has been laid off, and does not. include the mansion house. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Cold Water creek, in Elbert county, known as the Foster Place, containing 230 acres, join ing lands of the estate of Win. Cleveland and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Vans’ creek, in Elbert county, known as the White Tract, containing 850 acres, more or less, joining lands of Joseph Rucker’s estate, 11, J. Gua«, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on waters of Vans’ creek, in Elbert county, known as the Henderson Tract, containing 160 acres, more or less; joining Thomas Warren, John M. Warren, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Gold Water creek, in Ilartcotinty, known ns the Eavenson Tract, containing 607" acre.-, more or less, joining lands of Thomas J. Teasley, W. H. Teasley, Martin Moss, and others. AU the above lands sold as the property of William J. Harper, Bankrupt, for the beuc'lilof his creditors, free of the incumbrance of judg ment and mortgage liens. Terms cash. ROBERT HESTER, November sth, 1868. Assignee. Also, will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of December next, at the residence of William J. Harper, near Ruckersville, in Elbert county, during the usual hours of sale, all the perishable property of said William J. Harper, bankrupt, to wit: The crop of Corn, .‘>u barrels, more or less. The crop of Cotton, 10 bales, more or less. 1 head of Horses. 5 head of Mules. 13 head of Cows, Calves, and Yearlings. 12 head of Goats. 8 head of Sheep. 40 head of Hogs, including sows and pigs. 500 pounds of Bacon and other Provisions. 3 Cotton Gins ; 2 sets of running gear. I Corn and Cob Crusher. 1 Buggy. 3 Wagons. 1 lot Blacksmith Tools. Plantation Toole and Farming Instruments Plows, Hoes, Axes, Scythes aud Cradles. 1 Wheat Fan. 2 Grind Stones. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Tables, Chairs, Bureaus. Washstand, Carpet and Rug. 1 lot Crockery Ware and Cooking Utensils, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Also, the following Promissory Notes: John E. 8. Jones note for .8 30 00 Francis A. Banks (cr. SB4) 6!>6 98 Geo. E. Heard 21 55 George E. Heard (cr. $lO5 16) 287 73 J. 8. Warren and A. Goss (er. $214) 300 00 Harkness Alexander 30 011 B. R. Taylor 39 00 W. J. Darden 50 00 Thomas C. White 6 41 James 11. L0ft0n........ .. 583 82 A. Bailey 17 05 J. Steadman, W. D. Davis, and F. G. MeCnrry, notes for 8 66 .1 ohn King (cr. $4 74) all 0O Dennis Haley’s account 70 00 Sale to continue from day to day till all is sold. AU the above articles sold as the prop erty of William J. Harper, bankrupt, for the ueuefit of ids creditors, free of incumbrance of judgment liens. Terms cash. ROBERT HESTER, Assignee. November sth, 1868. nolo-luw4t Assignee’s Sale- PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE HON. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy for the Northern District of Georgia, will be Sold at public outcry, before the Court door in Elberton, Elbert county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, as the property of P. B. Bourne, bankrupt, ONE TRACT 01 LAND, on Bertram's creek, in the Flatwoods, in Elbert county, containing 500 acres, more or loss ad joining lauds «f 8. C. Stark, J. H. Groghan, and others. A use, as the property of 11. W. Bourne, baukrupt, ONE TRACT OF LAND, ou Burtram's ereok. in the Flatwoods, in Elbort county, containing 500 acres, more or less, ad joining lands of P. B. Bourne, J. M. Brewer, J. H. Groghan, and others. The first mentioned tract sold as the property of P. B. Bourne, bank rupt, and the second mentioned tract as the property of 11. W Bourne, bankrupt, for the benefit of their creditors, free of the ineum branee of judgment and mortgage liens. Terms cash. JAS. J. BI RCH, not#—lawlw Assignee. November 6th, 1868. Assignee's Sale, I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN tllE A city of Atlauta, on Ute ifitii day of November iu flout of the United Suites Hotel, nt 3 o’clock p. ni . city lots Nos. 21 and 22, each containing one acre, more er less. boating McDonough | street on tlie west. On these premises' is a two story framed dwelling, containing right rooms, plas'ered and well finished throughout, with’ good cook room and servant’s rooiu attached ; also, a good mboke house, bain and stab'e, water, and garden tinder a good state of cultiva tion. A I. HU. A one halt intereet in a city lot. bounded xvest by Peters street, east by 51. & W. R. R., uortli bv Lowe & Bain s lota, and south by Joiner's lot The above half interest in said lot resold at tlie risk of William Solomon and J. D. Cameron, former pun buserr. Sale by order of Decree in Bankruptcy, as the property of Louie 8. Salmons, Bankrupt, and free froip all encumbrances. For particulars, till day of sale, apply to (M’tJfi—lawdw B W. YORK. Assignee, ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. WILL BE SOLD. FREE FROM ALL IN- CUMBRANCES, in the city of Atlanta, on the THIRD TUESDAY in November next, at 11 o'clock a. m.. the following property, to wit: City Lot Number Eleven, Ou east side of Peachtree street, being part of land lot 78,11th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, fronting on Peachtree street 31( feet, and extending back 30 feet. On this lot is a THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, Besides a dry baaeineut, 311 feet front by 78 back, mid considered one of the best buildings in the city. ALSO, at the Baaie time and place, a lot of • Choice Wines and Liquors, Consisting of— -1 bbl. OTARI) BRANDY, i bbl. OTARI) BRANDY, 1 bbl. SCOTCH WHISKEY, I bbl. St. C. RUM, 1 puncheon GIN, 2 bbls. SHERRY WINE, 1 bbl. PORT WINE, (I casks PORTER, il packages CHAMPAGNE WINE. ALSO, 211 one gallon Jugs, and sundry Notes and open Accounts. Immediately after which. 1 will sell on the premises- ■ ONE HOUSE AND LOT, House containing four rooms and basement, situated on east side of Peachtree street, on city lot No. 31, containing one half acre, more or less. ALSO, CITY LOT NO. THIRTY-FOUR, adjoining above lot, No. 31, and fronting 100 feet on Ivy street, contains one-half acre, more or less. All sold as the property of John 11. Lovejoy, bankrupt. Possession gi ven immediately. Terms cash. N. K. FOWLER. oct 24 - 3w Assignee’s Sale, r Will sell at auction, in the town L of Sparta, Hancock county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, the follow ing property, to wit : One Tract of Land, con taining (106) one hundred and six acres, on Spring creek, in said county, adjoining lands of James Osburn and others, now in possession of Wm. Griffin. Also, lots Nos. 3, 11, 12 and 14, in the town of Linton, said county, containing about four acres each ; No. 3 improved with store house, dwelling house, stables, and other out-houses; No. 11 improved with wood and blacksmith shops; No. 14 improved with dwell ing house an 1 kitchen ; No. 12 vacant. Also, a vacant lot of two acres, adjoining tuwa plat of Linton on the west. Also, a vacant lot of six acres, adjoining town plat of Lintoir on the east. Also, a lot of twelve acres, near town plat cast, adjoining lands of T. -I. Adams and others. Sold as the property of the estate us John Trawick, an adjudged bankrupt, free from the incumbrances of liens, etc., for the benefit of the creditors of said John Trawick. Terms cash. CLEMENT C. BROWN, nolO— luwhv Assignee. November I Oth, 18G8. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT » » House in Sparta, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, Nine Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, lying In Hancock county, and adjoining lands of Nicholas Perkins and others. Sold as the property of Joseph B. Gender, a baukrupt, free from the incumbrance of liens, under an order from A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. G. F. PIERCE, Jr., no!0-law3w Assignee. Sparta, Ga., November 5,1868. Assignee’s Sale. I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE TOWN 1 of Sparta, Hancock county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, the following property, to wit : One Taact of Land, containing about (140) one hundred and fo.ty acres, on the west bank of Buffalo creek, adjoining lands of Frederick Trawick and others, now in posses sion of 8. D. Slade. Sold as the property of the estate of William L. Reeves, an adjudged bankrupt, free from the incumbrances of lions, etc., for the benefit of the creditors of said W. L. Reeves. Terms eash. CLEMENT C. BROWN. November Imh. HfiiS. noil)—law3w UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia.—No. 265. FRANCIS B. WORTHAM, Bankrupt, having petitioned for a discharge from all his debts prova ble in Bankruptcy, all persons interested are noti fied to appear on the 24th day of November. 1868, nt 10 a. m., before Register McKinley, at Newnan, Ga., to show cause why the prayer’of the Bank rupt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. 11. SMITH, Clerk. October 29, 18li8. oct3l—2t* LTNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— -1 Northern District of Georgia.—No. 298. RUFUS JOHNSON, Bankrupt, having peti tioned for a discharge from all bis debts provable in Bankruptcy, ail persona interested nre notified to appear ou the 25th day of November, 1868. at 10 a. m., before Register McKinley, at Newnan, Ga.,tc> show cause why the prayer of tlie Bankrupt should not be granted. The second and third meet ings of the creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. October 28, 1808. octSO—2t* UN IT ED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—No. 179. RILEY TUMEN, Bankrupt, having peti tioned for a discharge from all his debts provable in Bankruptcy, all persons interested are notified to appear on the 30tn day of November, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., before Register McKinley, at Newnan, Ga., to show cause why the prayer of tlie Bankrupt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at tlie same time and place. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. November 7th, 1868. nolO —2t* UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—No. 297. WM. P. BEASLEY. Bankrupt, having peti tioned for a discharge from all his debts provable in Bankruptcy, all persons interested are notified to appear on tlie 3tlth day of November. 1868, at 10 a. ni , before Register McKinley, at Newnan, Ga.. to show cause why the prayer of the Bank rupt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH. Clerk. November 7, 1868. nolO—2t* UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—No. 335. DAVID W. MORGAN, Bankrupt, having pe titioited fnr a discharge from all bis debts prova ble in Bankraptey, all persons Interested are no tified to appear oh theJOtb day of November,lßi», at 10 a. m , before Register McKinley, at- New nan, Ga., to eliow crnise why thepiaver of the Ban krupt should not, be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same lime and place. W U. SMITH, Clerk. November 7tu. 1868. nolO—2t* UNIIBD STATES DISTRICT COURT-- Northern District of Georgia.—No. 175. JOSIAH U. McLAUGHLlN.IJankrupt, having petitioned for a discharge from all bis debts prova Lie in Bankruptcy, nil persons interested arenoli tied to appear ou H1&30U1 day of November. 1868. nt 10 o chicle a- ni., before RagisU i McKinley, at Newnan, Ga., to show cause why the prayer of the Bankrupt should not lie granted. Tliesecond aud third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. It. SMITH. November 7. 1868 Clerk, no v 10-2t' UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Northern District of Georgia.—No. 236. JOHN U. BATTLE, Bankrupt, l.aving peti tinned foi a discharge from nil ilia debts provable in Bankritptcy. all persons iirterestcd are notified to appear on (lie 39th day of November, 1868. nt 19 a. ui., before Register .McKinley, al Newium, Ga.. to show cause why the prayer of (lie Bank rupt should not lie granted. Tlie second and third meet ings of creditors will Iw held at the same time and place. W B SMI 81. Clerk November 7.1863. nolO—2t* IJOOKAND JOB PRINTING •> * Executed at this Office At the Lowest Termsernd in the Best Style J Rail Road Schedules. Change of Schedule. Office 8. C. R. K. Co., 1 Augusta, Ga., May 7,1868. j A FAST NEW YORK THROUGH MAIL ami Passenger Train, direct from Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N. C., WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May lOth, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co lumbia, South Carolina, Charlotte Road, and Wilmington and Manchester Railtoad. Leave Augusta Central Joint Depot at...8:10 a. m. Arrive “ “ “ “ ...9:45 p.m. Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and parts beyond, arc respectfully requested NOT to tako this Train, as itdoes not make con nection with any Train for above points. They will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at .5:50 a. tn. “ “ “ « 4:00 p. in. 11, T. PEAKE, myß Genl Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPT’S OFFICE,! CnAiit-KSTow, S. C., March 26, 1868. ( ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, the Passenger Trains of the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston..... 6.30 a.m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p. m. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont gomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p.m. Arrive at Columbia 3.50 p. m. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta 6.00 a in. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. Leave Columbia 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston. 7.30 p.m. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 a. m. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash ville and Now Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta 4.10 p. in. Arrive at Charleston 4.00 p. in. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston 5.40 a.m. Arrive at Columbia 6.20 a. m- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green ville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia 5.30 p. in. Arrive at Charleston 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave Kingville 2.20 p.m. Arrive at Camden 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden 3.10 a. in. Arrive at Kingville.. 7 40 a. m. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, je 18 General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, I • Atlantic <fc Gulf Railroad Company, > Savannah, April 10th, 1868. J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12m instant, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRIANS on this Road will be as follows: Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays ex- cepted) at 4;00 p. in. Arrive at Bainbridge............qfa. 6:30 a. m. Active at Live Oak A. . 2:05 a. m. ArrifO at Jacksonville 7:30 a. m. Leave Jacksonville (Sundays excepted) 8:50 p.m. Leave Live Oak 2:30 a. m. Leave Bainbridge (Fridays cxcepted)lo:oo p. m. Arrive at Savanna®. 1:00 p.m. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through from Savannah to Jacksonville. Steamer Hattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at... 4:00 p. m. Steamer Darlington leaves Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at 4:00 p. m. JS®- Through tickets by this line as low as by any other. Passengers for St. Augustine have choice of Lino of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Picolata on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and Fernandina. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day and Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tuesday and Saturday. Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, Eu faula, and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train: returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. If. S. IIAINES, ap26—tf General Superintendent. New and Most Direct ROU T E 1' o CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. VIA THE Nashville and Chattanooga, AND Nashville and .Uortliwestern U.K IAROM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, 202 miles shorter than via Memphis. From Atlanta to St. Louis, 27 miles shorter than via Coriuth. From Atlanta to St. Louis, 151 miles shorter than via Indianapolis. From Atlauta to St. Louis, KM) miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta, making close connection at Chat tanooga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH, CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, pnd all important points Northwest. HUMBOLT, JACKSON (Tenn.), MEMPHIS. JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, and all other points South and Southwest. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vicks burg and New Orleans, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphis. Five hours quicker to Memphis, aud no delay at Chattanooga by this route. Fifteen hours and twenty minute delay if yon have tickets via Mem phis & Charleston Railroad. At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville & Chalta nooga and Nashville and Northwestern Railways ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM THE SAME DEPOT, thus avoiding Omnibus Transfer. o ONLY TWO CHANGES Between Chattanooga and St. Louis, via Hickman. Meals and State Rooms on Steamers Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. AMPLETIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Money by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS.' Be sure to ask for Tickets via Nashville & Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with dis patch and safety. Water carriage from St. Louis, New Orleans and Memphis and other points to Hickman, aud from Hickman to Atlanta. Augusta, Macon and Montgomery, etc., without change of cars. Corn from St Louis to Angnsta... .$ 46 perbushel Flour from St I,rails to Angnsta.... 2 20 perbarrel And squall v low rates- on other goods. WM. P. INNES J. D. MANEY, Receiver and (reif I Sup.t. Genl Ticket Agent. M GRANT, Gen’l Freight Agent. may UL3tn NORTH HERMAN LLOYD (JTEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND 17 BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Stoumera of the North Gernien Lloyd run regularly between New York, Bremen and Southampton car rviug the United States Mail. FRt >JI BREMEN........EVERY SATURDAY FROM SOUTHAMPTON, EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Pricy of Passage—From New York to Bremen, Loud.m, Havre, and Sonthnmnton —First Cabin, sl2tl ; SecondCaliil,sf Steerage,s3s. From Bre - men to New York—First Cabin, $129; Second Ca bin, $72, Steerage, sl9. Price of passage payable in gold. Ttiese vessels take freight to Ixmilon and Hull for which through bills of lading are signed. An experienced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters must pa<S through the Post office. fa?"No Bills of Lading but those of the Com pany will be signed Bills ofLadmgwiU positively not Ite delivered before goods are leared at Hie Custom Hoose. LfJ Specie taken to Havre, Southampton and Bremen at the lowest rates. For freight or passage applvlo OELRICHS* Co. iny!7. 6tn • 6*Broad Street. New Yor Rail Road Schedules. Western and Atlantic Railroad. ggEga ggggg MBB ON AND AFTER MAY 12th, 1868, PAS SENGER TRAINS will run as follows: GOING NORTH. Leave JVtlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Express Pas senger.—Arrive at Chattanooga 4.45 n. m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville, and the West, and for New York and other Eastern cities, via Louis ville; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Memphis, New Orleans, etc. 4.15 P. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodatiem—Arrive at Marietta at 5.55 p in., Cartersville 8.13 p.m., Kingston 9.19 p.m., Dalton 12.32 a.m. 7.00 P. JI. Daily Great Noithern Mail.—Ar rive at Dalton 1.20 a.m., connecting with trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington,Baltimore, Philadelphia,and New York. Arrive at Chattanooga at 4.00 a.m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville, andt he West, and for New Y’ork and other Eastern cities, via Louis viile; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Memphis, St. Louis, and the West. COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.45 A. M. Eai y Great Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chattanooga at 7 10 p.m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chatta nooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads, and Dalton at 9.18 p.m-, con necting with trains of E. T. and Georgia Railroad. 11.00 A. 51. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation.—Leave Dalton at 2.15 a. m., Kingston 5.23 a.m., Cartersville 6.18 a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a m. 1.10 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 4.30 a.m., connecting with trains of Nash viile :imd Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaches on ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, I’IIILADELPUIA, WASHINGTON, AND OTHER Eastern Cities, Via Western and Atlantic AND Virgina and Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, FRIDAY, MAY Ist, 1868. NORTH. Leave Atlanta at 7 00 p.m. Leave Dalton 2 30 a.m. Leave Knoxville 11 17 a.m. Leave Bristol 7 18 p.m. Leave Lynchburg, 9 00 a.m. Leave Washington 7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 8 55 Leave Philadelphia 1 22 a.m. Arrive at New York 5 20 a.m. SOI'TH. Leave New York 7 3(1 p.m. Reave Philadelphia ..11 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 3 50 a.m. Leave Washington 6 30 a.m. Leave Lynchburg 5 25 p.m. Leave Bristol 7 10 a.m. Leave Knoxville 2 56 p.m. Leave Dalton 9 48 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta....... 4 45 a.m. Time between- Atlanta and New York, 57 hours. GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and New York is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains Through Tickets Good until used, and Baggage Checked Through to all important points. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, W. A A. R. R. 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement. GREAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, OR Indianapolis. Passengers by this Route have choice of" twenty-five different Routes to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE aud WASHINGTON Passengers holding Tickets by this Routo to New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can visit Washington without extra charge. lesj.. Faro same as via Knoxville or Augusta. Trains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. in., and 7 p. tn., after arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close connections to above named cities. ♦ Check Baggage to Louisville, and it will be re-checked to destination on Trains of Louis ville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at Louisville. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample time for Meals, and good Hotels. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. Tickets by this Route for sale at the Geaeral Ticket Office, Atlanta. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, aitg.36—ly W. A. R. R. E. H. PUGHE’S Book & Job PRINTING OFFICE, 190 Broad 153 Ellin Streets, Is Now Supplied with the Latest and Improved PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC,, And is ready to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, posters, LABELS, pamphlets, BILLS LADING, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, AND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRIM; li ■ iiiei-i— mii«. i - ,r (J ■ > ■*' «»<■«- ** THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment XIS A ISI’ISC’TA r J T'ST. And we have recently made large additions oi NEW TOOES AND MATEU I AES ’ o The Daily National Republican A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A TEAR AND Rational Bepblitan, PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Contain the Latest News by Telegraph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office —l9o Broad and. 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga