The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 15, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED' Official Organ of the U. 8. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ■>., I ear, in advance $5 00 Months, in advance.... 2 50 T ircc Months in advance 1 25 *?"* d paper fnriiiikt d urfitia lu uujf one send us a Club of ten nnbutaibere, &' The nndersi'jnod, having ,i c-oiuplotely furnished office, ia enabled to execute itU orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Hiding cheaper than any other office in the oath. R. Tl. PUGHE. SUNDAY MORNING Nov. 15, 18W SHERIFFS SALES. Kiclimoad Sheriffs Sale. U, ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES- W DAY IN .JANUARY, IMP, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, those Three Lots of Land, in said county, known as lots Nus. 1, 2 and 3, on j plan of lots drawn by Edwin V. Sharpe, and copied in a deed of said lota by John Brandon to Henry T. Nelson. The said lot, No. 3, fronting t.n the Suiuoiervilla Plank Road, or Graded Road, now called the Augusta Avenue, seventy jive feet, and situate one hundred and forty feet from Liberty street, and cast thereof, and run ning back of. even with, one hundred and sev enty feel, at an angle of said Avenue of 171 degrees. The B&id lot No. 4, being contingent to . aid lot No. 3, on the east thereof, and run ning back the same number of feet from and at the same angle with said Avenue. The said lot No I, fronting seventy feet on a new street, to he opened parallel with, and three hundred and fifty feet east of Liberty street, and running back from said new street towards said Liberty street-one hundred and seventy five feet; the northern boundary line of said lot, No. 1, being the southern boundary line of said lots, Nos. 3 and 4, and the three lots having been conveyed io said Nelson by and from John Brandon, •re corded in the Clerk s office of this county iu book VV, folios 113 and 111. Levied on the prop erty of Henry T. Nelson, to satisfy a li. fa., on foreclosure of mortgage, is tied from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Hol dicr’fl Loan and Building Association, against Henry T. Nelson, and notice this day not served, there being no occupant in possession. Augusta, Ga., November 9, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, nov 10 td Coroner, Acting Sheriff B. U. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. '. l/ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUBS- » » DAY in January, 1869, at the lower mar ket house in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, towit: That lot of land situate near the South Boundary .*t., of the city of Augusta, fronting on the Savannah ruad, and known in apian of made by W. E. Brown, surveyor, and record ci in the Clerk’s office of the Court, in book TT, folio 259, 260, as lot No. seventeen (17), having a front on said Savannah road of sixty (60) feet live (5) inches, and running back one hundred in 1 eighty (180) feet; bounded on the north by lot No. sixteen (16), south by Louis st., east by i •! .Vo twenty nine (29), and westby said Savan nah road, in said county. Levied on as the property of Peter Jennings, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of Bernard Bignun, executor of Chas. DeLaigle against Peter Je:iuing : , and notice not given, there being no occupant in pus essiun, this the 9th Nov. 1868. W V. P. RHODES, Coroner, jirivlO—l-1 A'-Cg Sheriff B. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. l i r ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES 'V DAY in JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city ol Augustr, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Those three Lots of Land lying in Richmond county, and fronting on the Savan nah Road, near South Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, known in a Plan of Lots made by’W. E. Drown, Surveyor, and recorded in the C’erk’s Office of this Court,in book T. T.,folios 259 an<i 260,as Lots N 0.9,10 and 11. Each of said Lots having a front on the said Savannah Road of 60 feet, and running back ISI feet: bounded North by Lot No. 8, South by Charles street, East by Lot No. 5, and West by the said Savan nah Road. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, to satisfy a li. fa. on forc cl ‘sure of mortgage in favor of Bernard Executor of Charles DeLaiglc; ar.d notice not given, there being no occupant in possession, this 9th day of November, 1868. W. P. RHODES, Coroner, novlO-td Acting Sheriff Richmond County. Richmond Sheriff’s. Sale. WILL BE SOLD OX THE FIRST TUBS \ V D\Y in January, 1869, at the lower mar ket house, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: That lot or parcel of land in the city of Augusta, on the south side of Margaret st., between MeKiouc and U ill st., having a front un Market st <4* one hundred and nine feet and extending through to Reynolds st. upon which it has the onie front ; bounded on the north by Market st., south by Reynolds st, east by lot of Wm. Keener, Trustee, and west by lot of Anthony Bateman, in said county. Levied on as the property of Chas. F. Keener, to satisfy ali, fa. on foreclosure <1 mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Soldiers Loan and Building Association, again,>t Charles F. Keener, and notice given to Charles F. Keener, owner, in possession, this 9th day of November, ISAS. SVM. P. RHODES, Coroner, nov 10 -td AcVg Sheriff. R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale- WULL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, between the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property,, viz., situated in the county of Richmond: One Tract of Laud, about three miles from the city of Augusta, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad (excepting the right of wav of said railroad through said tract of laud), containing three hun dred and nine acres, more or less, bounded south by lands of John Phinizv and Rocky Creek, on die westby landsnow or formerly owned by De- Laiglc, on the north by land now or formerly owned by DeLaigle and a lane of John Phihizy, east by land of John Phinizy. Levied on under a mortgage fi. fa. on foreclosure issued from Hie the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of John Phiuizy against Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy said debt and costs, as the property of Robert C. Easteiling, being for the purchase money of said tract of land, except such portion of said land as claimed by defendant as exempt from levy, and sale; said bind being now in pos session of John C. Spinks. And notice this day served on him according to law. The above prop erty pointed out by Jobu Phiuizy. October 3. 1868. WM. P. RHODES, ftolO-td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale- ’.lf ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUE.S DAY IN J ANU ARY, 1869, at the Lower Market IIou?e, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: That lot of land on the south side of Broad street, between Elbert and Lincoln afreets, in the city of Augusta, fn said county ; bounded north by Broad street, on which it front? fifty fix feet, more or less ; east by lot of the heirs of Phillip Crump, dccca-sed : south by Ellis street, and westby lot of the heirs of Jesse Kent, de ceased. ADo, another lot in said city, fronting fifty feet seven inches on Ellis street, which bounds it on the south, and running back to wards Broad street one hundred and thirty three feet six inches, more or less; bounded west by lot of Alexander Marten, north by lot <d the heirs of J. Turpin, and cast by lot of John P. R. Miller. Levied on as the property of Robert J. Bowe, to satisfy a fi. f». on foreclo sure of realty, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Harmon Bewley against Robert J. Bowe ; and notice given to Robert J. Bowe, owner in possession, this fith day of November, 1868. z WM. P. ItIWDE>, noß—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. SHERIFFS SALES. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WIU BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES >1 DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: AH that lot or parcel ou the uari-li side of Broad stseet, between Centre and Eliiert streets, in the city 1 of Augusta and county afore said, being Ute third lot from the corner of Broad and Centre streets, known in Phillips' plan and map of said city as Lot No. 9, containing a front on Bread street of twenty-nine feet, more or lose, and having siech shapes, mates and bounds as are sot .forth in tin- deed from William W. Mann and Henry-Daly, dated Feb. Sth 1853, and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court in Book II 11. folio 311; levied on as the property of Wil liam Desmond, to satisfy a li. fa. op foreclosure on realty issued fifoni the Superior Court of Rich mond county in favor of Henry Daly, against William Desmond : and notice given to Henry T. Petrv. tenaiilin possession,this6th day es broveni ber,lß6B. WM. P. RHODES. noß—td C-M-oner, acting Sheriff K. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. «1/ILI. EE THE LOWER MAU »> KET House, in the city of Augusta, be tween the legal hours of .<ile, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN J \NI’ARY, 1869, the following property, to wit: That lot of land in the city of AugUeta, in said county, bounded suuQi by Ellis street) on which it stands eighty foit, more or less, running half way to Broad street; bounded west by let of Win. H. Josoli, and ca>t by lot of Antoine rkquet, containing one quarter of an acre, umrd <»r IcS*. Levied on as the property ol William G. Jones, to satisfy h li. fa. on fote'clo surc, is*ii|cd out of the Superior Court of BicU mond county, in fav.or of Barney S. Dunbar against William Jone- : pr> perty pointed oi*t in said li. fa , and written notice given to A. W. iaiwis, tenant in simi, this 6th d»y of No vember. 1868. WM. P. RHODE: . noS td Coroner, acting Slicrifi* U. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale- W’O.L BE BOLD, ON'THE FIRST ,IT ISB - DAY IN DECEMBEi: ue.\(. befivwm the legal hotrra of sale, nt the LoWer Mvrkct House, in the city j»f Augusta, the foßuwing prup< rty, via; Gnu Tract of and impruvavi* nts thereon, situate iu said cotin tv on the c:t t" .ide of East Boundary street, of the city <»f / ngusta, containing sixteen and a half aere<, more or le? , and bounded WeM by said East. Boundary street, North by road Icadiug to Saud Bar l urry, East by land now (or formerly) owned by Dr. Mc- Whorter, and Smith by Isn 1 of except such portion of land asisclaimcJ by defendant as <u? in pt from, levy and.ale- levied on a-* the property of Robert <\ Easterling, t » satisfy a Uumftion law fi. fa. issued from the .Stipcribr Court of Richmond evtiuty, in favor us Jvhn Pbinizy against, Robert C. 15astcriii>g ; s/ul laid being now in possession of Robert U. Ea. ’rrlir/g, and notice this day served on him according to law, 2d N<>v., 1868. M ILLIAM DOYLE, nov3 —td Deputy Sheriff Richmond Cn. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. \X7TLL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES VV DA YIN DECEMBER next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the foliowuig property, viz: One Tract of Land and improvements, sit uate in said county, on the east side of East Boundary street of the city of Augusta, contain ing sixteen and a half .acres, luoty or lees ; and bounded west by said East Bbrtadttty Street, north by road leading to Sand Bur Ffcrry, east by laud now or formerly owned by Dr. McWhorter, and south by lands of —, except such portions of land as is claimed by defendant as exemjit from levv and sale. Levied on as the property of Robert C. Eiisterhug, to satisfy a common law fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court, of Richmond county in favor of Daniel T. Sumner against Robert C. Easterling, principal, and Foster Blodgett, jr., ju i grity on the appeal-,.said land being now in possession of Robot t C. Easterling. And i hereby serve this notice accoidiug to law, this 2d day of November, 1868. WM. DOYLE. nov3—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond co. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale AXTILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, flic following property, viz: A tract of Land situated in Richmond eouuty, containing 1,606 acres more or lose, bounded on the east, by Hugh McLean and John A. Rhodes, on the.soutu by JTei\iy John son and Saxon, on the west by Clirfe'oplier Morgan and Malieiii Brldwcll and Samuel Young, on the north by John Scarborough anti Wildes; the said tract’ formerly known as tliu property of James McNair, to Satisfy a ft. fa. issued from ths Superior court of Richmond county iu favor of Garret T. fr.l&by for the use of James M. Niblett.against James McNair, security; said property pointed out by James M. Niblett, and levied on the 29ttaday of Oc tober, 1868, -and written notice served on Jack son Bridwell, in possession, this ‘-29C11 day of October, 1868. WM. DOYLE, nori-td Dpt’y Sheriff R C. Richmond County Sheriff Sale- ATyILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES- V V DAY’ in December next, at the Lower Mar ket House, in the city of Augusta, botweeu tbo legal hours of sale, the following property, viz : Forty one acres of land in said county (as the property of Walker S. Nott), acquired in his own right from Ariuistcad Fulcher, bounded north by lands of the late Alexander McKenzie, west by lands of said Armistoad Fulcher, south and cast by lands of said B alter c. Nott. Also, on another tract atljoining said body, contain ing one hundred acres, more or less, iu said county, acquired from ArmisteaJ Colson, bound ed north by lauds <>f said AValtor S. Nolt, neat by lands of said Walter 8. Nott and Edmund Palmer, south by Mcifcan Creek, cast by lands of David 1 ? . Dickinson—levied On as tho property of Walter S. Nolt, to t itisty a 11. fa. iMuod from tlic'Superior Court of Rietimottd county, in favor-of tlio August a'jind Savannah Railroad Company, agsviiist Walter S. Nott. Sahl property pointed oi: r by John T. Shewmake, Plaintiff’s Attorney, and notice given t<> Mrs. Savannah Nott, iu possession, this.HOlli day of October, 1868. WILLIAM DOILE, novi—td Deputy Sheriff, R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE LOWER Market House, iu thccity of Augusta, on ths FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, within the legal hauruof sale, the following prop erty, to wit; Tenement Building, north side Os Telfair street, trontjng 69 feet on same street, running back to Greene street 132 feet, more or less: bounded on the north by the Methodist Church lot, east by lot of Mrs. Tisdale, south by Tellair street, and'west by lot of the City Council Augusta. The property of Mrs.. Julia Tisdale, to satisfy two li. fas., issued from the 120tli District. G. M’., in favor of Eli Mustin, vs. Mrs. Tisdale. Robert A Harper vs. Mrs. Jnlia Tisdale. on and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable, 3d November, 1868. Also, Lot No. 20, Block 1, fronting on the Sw vaunah Road. Sharp's survey, recorded oil Book 1, Folio 535. in the ollies of the Ordinary ot the county. Said lot lyiug and being iu the county of Richmond. Levied on as the property of Mra. Gathcrene E. Prcquet, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the 12Uth District, G. M.. iu favor, of Alex ander Brodie vs. Catherene E. I’icquct. Executrix of the estate Os Angnstns Picquct. this sth day June. 1868. Levy made and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. Also, on lots known as Xcs. 1, •> and Bon Block- No. 1. frontiug ou TurknetX Road, aud ou lots 1, 9.10, 17,18. Block No. 2, a.wrdiiig to EP. Sharp's survey, recorded in Ordinary a office. Book 1, Folio 535. Said lots situate, lying ami being in the comity of Riclimotld, State aforesaid. Said lots levied on to satisfy two distress warrants, issued from the Justice’s Court, 120th District, G. M . in favoi- of Geor<f“ M-Ktnne vs. Catherine H Pieqnet, principal, and Frederick M. Niehoias, security, the stli day of AttguaU 18ii8. Levied -on and returned to me bv L. fa Anthony, Comity Constable. Also, one True! of Land, rUuaß*. mid being in the county of Riehinoiid. eoutalulug 1 11 acres, more or less, adjoining lands * f the *--inte <-I James MclMWs, Janies Cawley, nnd Williatn Raclie's. Levied on as the property of Wm. K Thompson, to satisfy a ii. la , i.-sning fr.*:n the Justice's Court of Pjllh Distri. t G. M . iu l.iv*>r of Frank 11. Miller vs. Wm. Andeir.m, principal, and Wm. K Thompson, security., this 2*l<fav ol April. 1868. Levy made and returned tom* by L. L. Anthonv, County Coiistid'lc ' william Doyle, nov3—td J’ep. Sheriff K. C. AUGUSTA, GA„ SUNDAY MOHNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1868. SHERIFF S SALES Richmond Sheriff's feale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER ALAR KET House, intheHJity of Augusta, op the First Tuesday In December next, between t lie usual hours of sale: 1,4**0 acres of Land on Spirit Creek, iu the county of Richmond, aud bounded by lands of Hancock, Ward, Winter, KelUy, estate of Dnnliar and others. TbJ laud is llncly improved, with a line orebard, water, etc. Levied on as the property of tlie estate of Alexander J. Law son, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ol Titos 8. Mctcnlf. issued bv tlio Inferior Court of Burke county, July Term, 1862. Prop erty pointed ou’.by the Executor. WM. DOYLE, noil—td D|d'y Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff's Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY’ in December next, between the legal hours of srlo, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz Ono House and Lot, No. 357 Broad street, Augus fa. Georgia, bounded on the nori h by lot of Jerry O’Brien, ou the east by hit of D. L. Curtis, on the Miuth by Broad street, aud on the we&t by lot of Jerry O’Brien, as the- property of tl|C said •lorry O’BreWpand pointed out by Plaintiff, this 29th day of October, 1868, Levied on and re turned to me by John H. Neibling, county con V.v. DOYLE, nnv3 - td Sheriff R. City Sheriff s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY’ fa December next, nt the .Lower Market House, between flic usual hours of sale, that House and Lot on the northeast coiner ol Cumming and Hate streets; bounded ou the north by lot of George. Harris, cast by Jot of Louisa 'Williams, south by Hale street, and west by Cumming street: said lot having a IroiLt of 49 lout more or less, and 100 feet deep. Levied upon as the property of Louisa Williams, and to ho sold to satisfy one Tax fi. iu. issued by the City Council of Augusta, Vs. liouisa Williams, for her City Taxes for the year 1867. W B. CHEESBOKOUGH, i.uvl -t*l Dpt’y Sluiritt'City of Augu.J.i. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BEBOLD ON THE FIRST TUES- V V DAY in December next, at the Lower .Market House,in IbeCily ol Augusta, between Hi- usiml hours of sale, that House and Lot on the ‘southeast corner of Bfoad and Mills streets, City of Augusta, having a front ot 60 I'ectou Broad street and running back to Ellis street 175 leet more or less ; bounded on the north by Broad street , east by lot of Daniel O'Lcany, south by Eiiis street, and west by Mills street. Levied upon ami sold to satisfy one Tax fi. fa issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jerry O’Hara for Ills City Taxes lor the year 1867; said property now belonging to 8. A. Fhiln. W. B UIIEEBBOROLGH, novi—td Dpt’y Sln riif City ol Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. W U ' L BK sdIDONTHE FIRST TUEB - DAY in December next, at the Lower Murkut House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, that House and Lot No. 361, south side ol Ellis street, between Kol lock and Marbury streets. City of Augusta, bounded on the north by Ellis Street, east by lot of Jacob Danforth, south by lot of Doctor Marks, and west by lot of Glcn'dening, having a front of 40 feet more or less on Ellis street, aud running back 100 feet more or less. Levied upon as the property of Jane Miller, and will he sold to satisfy one Tax th fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jane Miller lor her City Taxes for the year 1867. W. B. CTIEEBBOBOUGII, no. I—td Dpt’y Shei iff City of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. W/ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VI DAY in December next, at th» Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, that House on the northwest corner of Calhoun street and Cor duroy alley, in the City of Augusta (land leased), bounded on the north by house of Jacob Frances,east, by Corduroy alley, south by Ciilhoun street, and west by land of the estate of Cumming. Levied upon and will be sold as the propert y of John Baker to satisfy two Tux li. la.'s, issued bv the City Council of Augusta vs. John Baker for his Taxes for the years 186'i and 1867. W. B. CHEESBOROUGH, uovl— t*l Dpl’y Sheriti City of Augusta. GEORGIA RAILROAD. INOUDER TA MAKE CLOSK CONNEC -1 U’lO'N with the Second Train on the Soiiih Carolina KußroAd, and better connections oxi the Branch roads, the Trains on the Georgia Road will run, on and after THURSDAY, Juno i&b, at 5 o'clock a. in., as follows: DAV rASSEHGER TRAIN. {Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at 7.00 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.45 P.M. Arrive at Atlantaat 6.30 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER AND M VIL TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 10.00 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.40 T. A. Arrive at Auguc aat - 3.00 A, M. Arrive Atlanta at 7.40 A. M. BERSELIA PASSENGWI TRAIN. jjeav© Augusta at 4.15 P. M. Leave Bcrzclbt at *... 7.00 A M. Arrrlvx) at Ajugusla 8.45 A. M. Arrive nt Bcrzclta 6.00 p. M. Passengers for MU ledge ville, Washington, and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta* for West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile and Now Orleans, must leave Au gtutaou Night Passenger Train at 10.00 P. M. to make close connections. Passengers for Nnshvillo. Cerinth, (*rand Junction, Me>iiphia t Louisville, and Si. Louis, can take cither train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above place?. PULLMAK'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS un ali Night Ihwsenger Trains. N<•-change <>f cars on Night Passenger an l MaiF Trains between Au<*toMf» and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superin ton deni. Augusta, Ga., June 16, 1868. jel7—-U CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ox Macon and Augusta Railroad / AN AND AF lER MONDAY, OCT, Sth, 1868, I,* the fr-litre ' u this lioxd will inn iu fol low!: , , I,envn C»ui»k daily at 12.40 p.m Leave Milledgeville 6.46 a.m. Arrive at Milledgeville —• 4.20 p.m- Arrive at Camak ....10J5 ».rn. Passengers leaving Angnsta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railvmd will make elose eouaeetions at Camak for iator rhediate points on the above Road, and also far MaeW>. Passengers leaving Milkdgeviile-at 5,80 a. tn. r<-arlies Atlanta ami J JgU'ta the same .lay, and wifi nt.-Ce e'ese donuv'tiops'at either plaee for : the- rri'-ri'i.'l p-rihfe Y-r«.!falnin» States. « K. W. C(»LE. mv Hl—if GeuyralSuperiule»deut TN 1 BEDISTRIUT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 Ftafwlor the Sentbrrn District of Georgia, In tae matter us ) C.ODOE BRYAN -IK BANKRUPTCY. Bk*ktn]4 'I Nn. 163. I he said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court o.i a <li«.liprge from all his debts provable under the BanxTfipt Act-of March 2d, 1867, notice l« hereby gHwu to alt persons interested to appear on Ila’ - l 't!i ‘iriv vs November, 10 o clock in th.- lereruxHi, -it < h:u»b< rs of Hi ■ said District Court. ••-f<>re+’. S. Hesseltiiie. Esq., one ot the L-.-i-six <-t th- wiki Genre in Bmrkruritcy. at liisolli eat \lbanv, 6a ■ :' 1 cane "hy lie- piavir of Hie mid petili-Hi <» r.i.- Bnnkrnpl .hsarld not be grautod. Dated at S.ivaiiilitb, (la., this tatb d-iy »f < »et<> JAMES Mcl'ltEllSON, novS—lawJw Clerk U. S MARSHAL'S SALES. United States Marshal's Sale. TTNDKR. AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT U of Fieri Pftvias. iMned out rtf the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States fur the Southern IHstric-t of Georgia, in fitvor of the Fiaintiii, Joiiu D. W'ilaon, Survivor, in the fol lowing case, to wit: John 1). Wilsoy, Survivor. '*R. Robert A. Beers and Newt<»n P. Brinnon—l have levied upon, ns the property W Newtuj* P. Brinson, a B RICK DWELLING HOUSE and LOT, situate, lying and being on Pine street, in the city of Adbauy, oonnty at Dougherty mid State ot Georgia, mid known as the residence ol Newton P. Brinson, and will Bell the same at public miction,at the Court Hover, in the city of Macon, eonuty of Bibb and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawful hours of sale Dated at Savannah, Gn., October 23d, 1868. WILLIAM (4. DICKSON; United States Marshal. Terms cash. Property pointed out by Plaintill"a Attorney. oct2s—lawlw United States Marshal's Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, iesved on* of the Honorable, the Filth Cireait Court of the United Sfates for the Southern Dirtriet of Georgia, in fa for of the phiiutiHs, Hani & Cushing, iu the following ease, towit: Hain & Cushing versus John N. Webb' mid John M. Stark. I have levied upon, as the property of John M. Stark, one lot of land, con taimug ten (10) acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, situate, lying, and being in Wynnton, county of Mnseogeo, and State of Georgia, about two miles east, of Colum Ims, and bounded on the north, east mid west by tile lots belonging to James M. Chambers, mul on the aoutfi by the lot belonging to the estate of Moses liutts, deceiLoMl, uud known as the resi dence of John M. Stark ; and will sell the satro nt public ani'tiou, at the Court House, in the city of Macon, conntv of Bibb, nhd State of Georgia, on the FIRST'TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawful hours ol sale. Terms—Cash, Property pointed out by plain till" 0 attorney. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, October J, 1868. WM. G DICKSON, del —law Iw United States Marshal Postponed U. S, Marshal’s Sale I INDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THREE (3) U writn of fieri facia>, issued otit of the Hon orable ilie Fifth Circuit Cofitt of the United Stares ior the SoiUlm iii DLtrict < J Georgift, in favor of the plaint iifri. in the following < :ise« to-wit: CAKUART BMOTHFIWvi. BENJAMIN F. .. ADAMS, A. T. STEWART A COMPANY vv. BENJAMIN I’. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING. Survivor, etc., v«. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, 1 have Levied upon, ueUie property ol Beujauiin F. Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty .six hun dred (2,600) acres, more Qr less, situat<*, lying and being in the county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, numbers of lots nnknowh 4 but lying at ':u>d immediately aronnd Wards Station, on tlie Sonlhweetern railroad. ALSO Ono lot ol Laud, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, out buildings, and other improvements, being lite residence of Benjamin F. Adams, and adjoining the property of CoL J. A. Wingfield, A.O.Mosley, W. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, and others, in the town of Eatonton connty of Piihmm, and State afo repaid. ALSO Two Store Houses and Ix>ts on the Court House Bijuare, known as Hudson and T homas cor ner, now occupied by B. F. Johnston & Co., awl Beuj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store House and Lot, occupied by Ethridge Ac Davi ?, d mggwt-s. ALSO One Store House and Lot on Main street, o<c»i pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. ALSO One Town Loinear the Railioad Depot, now vacant. All the said 'Town Lots situate, lying and be ing hi the town of Eatonton, county oi Putnam, and State aforesaid. And will sell the same at public auction, al the Court House in the city of Macon and county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY' IN DECEMBER next, between the law ful hours qf sale. Dated id Savannah, G this 3d day of Septem ber, J S6B, WM. G. DICKSON, nos- lawlw TJ. S. Marshal Diet, of (»a. Letters of Administration- STATE op GEORGIA— Hit htnond County. Whereas, Robert J. Dickinson applied to we lor In iters of Administration on the estate of Victor LaTaate, late of «aid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite ;nel admonish all and HUigular, the kindred and ereditore of raid de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under rny hand and official Higimture. at office in All'/u.-ta, thin fttfi day of Novembor, Us6B. SAMUEL LEVY, nolO—lin Ordinary. Letters of Guardianship, QTATE OF GEORGIA, tO Riehwtond County. Wherctu, Millcv Bea b y applies to we for Let lers of Guardianship of Abraham Beasley, minor child of Jonathan Beaidcy, deceased: These are, therefore, to eke and admonish all and singular, the kindred ami friends, to be and appear at my office on or Indore the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not lie granted. Given undo” my hand and official signature, at Augusta, this JKth day of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, ov pji—Ordinary. * Letters of Dismission QI’ATE OF GEORGIA, Vy * liitduHontl Co tint if. Wwfheak, James T- UoibwcH, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas B. bmilh, deceased, applies tu me for Letters of Dismission. • Tliese are therefore to cite aud admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be r.nd appear at my effiee on or befcra the first Monday in March next, to ahovr cause if any they have, why said Letters should nut l»o granted. Given under my baud and official signature at office iu Augusta, this 7th day ot Eepteiiihur, IS6B. SAMUEL LEVY, sep«—luffiui Ord, “? r >:_ Leave to Sell Real Estate. LJTATE OF GEORGIA, LJ Riekmon ! County : By permission of the Court of Ordinary of ILicbnioml, County, notice fa hereby given, that l.xty <lay« after date, application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to soil toe Beat Ei-tate ol Charles Dwelle, deceased. JULIA M. DWELLE, . A«Bu«’»> Nov. 2, IS6B. Admin istratr.v jp>v3—2in IN -THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. la the matter of j IRVtNC. WARNOCK. IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 221. Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned the I'bnrt for n discharge from all life debts proVa ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on t lie 25th*day of November, 1868, at 16 o'clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before F: 8. Hesse Hine., Esq,, one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at liis office tit C. D. Wooten's, in Dawson Ga., :rad show cause why.the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga.,tiiis 39th day of Octo ber. 1868. JA.MHB MCPHERSON novi law3w (Jerk. GRAIW BAG'S. X’l’AV AND SECOND HAND BURLAP 1\ Um ii. and Cotton Bags,suitable for Wheat, Corn, etc., for sale in quantities so suit. Ila.x loaned for the transportation of Grain, bv T. 8 ATWATER. Bag Manilla tnicr, oe 13—owjionj 40ami 42 Whitehall Bt., N, Y Richmond County. QTATE OF fIEORHU O Coun'y. , WiiKiuitas, James A. Gray, Administrator <>a the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission. ■> Ibese are therefore to cite apd admonish all and singular, tbo kindred and erodltbrsbf said deceased, to be and appear at my office on er before the first Monday in November next, to shotr causa, if any they have, why said Letter? should But bo granted. Given under my hand and official signaturf, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, je3—6m* Ordimirv. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond t'ounty. Whereas, R<»b. Douglass and S. D. Williams. Executors .on the Rstateof Ira D. Mathews, late of said county, decensod, apply to me for letters of dispiissien: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred aud ciediturs of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on 6T before the first .Monday iu February next, to abow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Angnst 15th, 1868. • SAMUEL LEVY, au 16—lam6in Ordinary. Letters of DismisUon, OF GEORGIA, far t-iinhiiiond Coiinfy. Whkbka.s. William J. Farr, Administrator de bona, von of tbo estate of George I*. Greou, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. .These are therefore to cite.and admonish all and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, to bo aud appear at my office en or before the first Monday iu Marell next, to show cause. If any they liaVo, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my band and official aignatuce at office in Augusta, this Tlh day of September, 1868. BAM URL UEVY, sepß-1 thfiin Ordinary. Letters of Dismission OF GEORGIA— . k 7 ftichiitoiid County. Whereas, J<>bn H. Khodcn, Adiniui&trator on the estate of William F. Malone,, ap pTic« to me for l.otten of*Di. mi’nion: Those aiu, therefore, to cite an<l admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on nr fio-. fore the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they luivc, why sa»d Letters should not be grttiHen. Given under wy hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, tbi? 25th day of ScptcnJicr. 1868. * SAMUEL LEVY. *ep 26 law6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATB OF GEORGIA. kJ Rick mond Cotinly. VVwiciiKAfy Timothy C. Murphy, Administrator on the estate of Phillip MeHlee, late of »ai<i coan |y, deceased, applies to, .me for Letters of Die inissioTi : These are, therefore, to cite Bad admonish ail, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my effico, on ot before the first Moudny in April next, la show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uue’er my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Ist day of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, < ct 2—lamfiin Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. fair ATE OF O Rh hiiiond County. WllEffKAs, John 11. Feaiey, Adniihintiator on the estate of Harrv Unghea, (’icevased, applies to me for Lb tier:’ of Dismission— Thew. aic< then?fore, to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor of the said deceased, to be him! npjtear at my office on rtr before the first .Monday in March next, to show cause, if any thev'hav**. why’anid letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand aud official signature a office in Augusta, this 28tb day of September, 1868 SAMUEL LEVY, srp29 fiia Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. EORGIA— s J Rithutoud Couuty. Whuruii-’, Cuioline Dubet, Administratrix, with the will annexed on rite estate of Antoine Pfcquet. dfceated. applies te me for Letters of Dternfef’ion: Tiitse are, tiH ielore, to cite and adnMMiiah all and aingnlar, the kindred and creditors of wdd decenaed, to he and appear at my office on or before the firaj. Monday in October,.to ah »w cause, if any they have, why said Letter.’ aWduld not be granted. Given undei my hand mid official signature nt Augusta, the Kith day of May, 1868. E. M. BRATTON, iuy 19 I.•!».•’-’.< Ordinary- QTATE OF GEORGIA— IO Jtichmoiul County. Wiiekeas*. Edward O Don ue 11, Administrator on the estate of Rii hard Quinn, late of paid county, deceased, applies to me for JjeUma of Dfe mission. These are, ilierefote, to cite mid admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of paid deceased, to b« and appear at tiiy office '»* or before the fin I M aiday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why paid Ijetterß should not be granted. Given under my li. nd midHlhial signature at office in Aiigtibta. this Heplemliar Ilth, 18418. SAMUEL LEVY, pc pl 2 --1 hin ton Ordi n a ry. Letters of Administration. S'l AI E OF GEORGIA— Riclunnnd, Cnunly. Wln reas, James C. C. Black applies to mo tor fattois ot Arlministration, with tbo will annexed, on the estate ta jaiie Odom, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and ereditoni of said deceased, to be and appear at, my office, on or Irefore the first Monday rn December bcxt,toshow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given umiormy hand au.l otli.ial signature, at office m Auxm-ta, lliis’-’lst day of Octoboi, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, I, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. faJTATE OF GEORGIA— O Rickmoiul County. Whereas, Eliza Relrewa Clarke applies to me for Letteraof Administration, with the Will an nexed, on the Estate of AngnStaCocke,deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and ndiaonieli ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and hppear at my office on or before tile first Monday mlfoceinber next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should nut be granted. Given under my baud and official signature at office in Angnstu. tJiis 20th dav of October. 18®k SAMUEL LEVY. oetSl—lnwit Xtrdlnaiy. Letters of'Administration. State of riEOTiuiA— ttidi'M.rd Con-Ity. 'Yhr- 0., Edward Hatcher aj jlm. to me for Letters of Administration <.n the estate I f Walter 8. Nott, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singutar. the kindred and credjtora Os said deceased, to be aud appear at my office oirer before tlw- first Mmidnxin December show cause', if auy they have, why said Letters sliotihi not be granted. . Given ander my hand and official sq'Buuii.- nt office in Augusta, tbia sth day of November, 1868. f AMU EL LEVY, nuG—lawti Ordinary. Leave to Sell Real Estate. By PERMISSION OF THE COURT OF Ordinary of Richmond < < unlv. notice is hereby given that, sixty days'lifter <l.-,t-‘. tlppli.- i lion will lie made to tiifi Court, ta Ordinary for 1.-ave Io sell Ihe Ro-.l Estate of M u tin Brogan. ,1..,-.DANIEL BROGAN A ugu O .18'4, A bii’r I •hoifi* uon oct27—law’Jmo MECHANICS’ BANK. 11 * —- - Assignee's Sale. ON THURSDAY, THE 7TH Ol’ JANUARY next, at 12M., will be raid, at I‘nblic Auc- ■ lion, on the premises, the barking house and lot OF THE MECHANICS’ BANK. This !,ot is one hundred and seventy-three feet deep, and has a front, on Broad street of thirty nine feet, of which four feet nine inches is in tfie alley on the East, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot-holders: The property is too well known to need further description. At the same time and place, tho FURNITURE remaining in the Bank will be sold, consisting of MARBLE COUNTER DESKS. TABLES, a first-class IRON SAFE, fine GOLD SCALES, etc. Terms caeli, in currency. WM. T. GOULD, October 39 Assignee. oet3l—d&wtd ASSIGNEE'S SALE.~ I ruiiSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF A Hon. A. G. Foster. Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold, free from the incnnibrance of hen*, at Graniteville, in the connty of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, on tiic 30th day of November, 1868, the following TRACT OF LAND, (Exclusive of ninety acres, including the Dwelling I loam- and the growing crop), belong ing to tlie Estate of Frauds Murray, Bankrupt, towit: All that tract of land aitnate, lying aud Irniug in the county and State aforesaid, on Big Horse Creek waters of Savannah River, conUun fag Two Thousand and Eigiity Acres, more dr less, and bounded ou the West by lands now, or formerly, belonging to William Gregg: on the Northwest by lands now, or formerly, Lewis Elzey’s; on the East by laud now, or formerly, Mat. May’s and E. Posey's ; on the Southeast by > laud uow, ox formerly, G. Rozier's and Mrs. li. Bwearin'’in's orylie South by land nojv. or for- i merle, Wm. Rigg's and J. Hotelier’s. Also, that other Tract of Land, lying and being in tire County an 1 State aforesaid, near the Graniteville depot, on the South Carolina Rail road, containing one and ——gcres, more or less, and bounded as ffalows; ou the welt by I inrl now or formerly William Mortis’: ou the south : and east by Iniid now or formerly Michael ' O'Brien’s; outlie north by the South Carolina Railroad, being the Mine tracts of land conveyed ’ to stud Francis, Mui ray by Lnelua fa Hall,.by ' deed, dated the Sfrtli day of November, 1866. . Also, at tho saiae time and pluee. a lease-hold interest in Four Acres ol .Land, adjoining Kalmia Mills, upon which there is n Wooden houie, con turning seven roeius. Also, two,small (tarts. Terms cash. S D. HEARD, no6—did Atftiitfiicc. Assignee's Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE 1 Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will lie sold at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Elberton, Elbert county, Uta; on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing valuable, lands of Wm. J. Harper, Bank rupt : . ONE TRACT OF LAND, J on Vans’ crock, fn Elbert county, containing 359 acres, more or leas, whereon Win. J. H(r per lives, joining.estates at Reujamin Goss, Joseph Rucker, and others. There will be ex cepted 65 acres, the homestead exemption, which has been laid off, anil does not Include the mansion house. ONE TRI.CT OF LAND, on Cold Water creek, in Elbert county, known aS the Foster I’lace, containing 230 acres, join ing lands of the estate of Wm. Cleveland and others. ONE THACT OF LAND, onWans’ creek, in Elbert county, known As the White Tract, containing 350 acres, more' or less, joining lands of Joseph Rucker’s estate, H. J. Gost, and othera. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on waters of Vans’ creek, in Elbert county, known as the Henderson Tract, containing 160 acres, more or less; joining Thomas Warren, John M. Warren, ami others. ONE TKAL’T OF LAND, on Cold Water ereck, in Hart county, known as the Eavenson Tract, containing 007 acres, more or less, joining lands of Thomas J. Teasley, W. H. Teasley, Martin Moss, and others. All the above lands sold as the property of William J. Harper, Bankrupt, for the benefit of bis creditors, free of tho incumbrance of judg ment and mortgage liens. Terms cosh. ROBERT HESTER, November sth, 1868. Assignee. • Also, will be sold, ou WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of December next, at the residence of William J. Harper, near Ruckersville, in Elbert county, during the usual hours of sale, al) the perishable property of said William J. Harper, bankrupt, to wit: The crop of Corn, 50 barrels, more or less. Tim crop of Cotton, 10 bales, more or less. 1 head of Horses. 5 head of Mules. 13 head of Cows, CaUet.aml Yearliugc. 12 head of Goats. 8 head of Sheep. 10 head of Hogs, including sows mid pigs. 500 pounds of Bacon sml oilier Provisions. 3 Cotton Gins; Ssvtsof running gear. 1 Corn and Cob Crusher. 1 Buggy. 2 Wagons. 1 iot Blacksmith .'Tools. Plantation Totde and Farming Instruments Plows, Hoes, Axes, Scythut and Cradles. 1 Wheal Fam 2 Grind Stones. Household and Kitchen Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus. Washstand, Carpet and Rug. 1 lot Crookcry Ware and Ookiug Utensils, and many other articles too tedious' to mention. Also, the following Promissory Notes: John E. 8. Jones note f0r...., ..8 39 99 Francis A. Banks (cr. <B4) 696 98 Geo. E. Heard 21 55 George E. Heard (cr. $195 16) 287 72 J. 8. Warren aud A. Goss (er. $214) 300 00 Harkness Alexander 30 00 B. R. Taylor 39 00 W. J. Darden 50 90 Thomas C. White 6 4' James H. Lofton >B!> 82 A. Bailey -• ■ WOS J. Steadman, W. D. Davis, anti F. G. McCurry, notes for 8 66 John Ring (cr. $1 74) 59 00 Dennis Haley’s account 70 90 Sale to continue from day to day till all is sold. All the above articles sold as the prop erty of William J. Harper, liwnkrupt; for the ocuelitof bls creditors, free of incumbianeeof judgment liens. Terms cash. ROBERT HESTER, Assignee. November Jtb, 1868. noto-law4t Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT House la Sparta, Go., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, Nine Hundred and Filty Acres of Laud, lying in Hancock county, and adjoining lands of Nicholas Perkins and others. Sold as the property of Joseph B. Gender, a bankrupt, free from the jncnmbnmee of liens, under an order from A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms eash. G. F. PIERCE, Jr., nolft-laW3w Assignee. Sparta, Ga., November 5, 1868. \ 1188 A ('. JAMES. AGENT FOR THE H FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, begs leave to announce that she has removed to No. 251, over Mrs. Mi Kiumm s Millinery Store Miss JAMES is amply prepared to till any ordeis with the latest Pasterns te niake Lillies' and Children’s Dresses, Mantfas, eto. oct 27—lino Assignee’s. Sale WILL HE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT VV House door, in the town of Lexiuutou. <m the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER 1868, the following pnqwrtv, belonging to Tbomn-v B, Mo.-S, Bank nipt, to wit: due House aud L<4, etc., in the town of Lexington, neartv oppoatfe tin Pn sbvli lion Churi-h, bonuded tjy F. JiKoL insou. O. F. Platt, an.lLtrirne 8 >l4 free from all incninbiaiKes at liens by or.h i of Albrit G- Foster. Esq.. Register in Bsukriirii v. L> xmgton, Ga thc9|li.lay of Nd veniber, IBl>B. G. F. PLATT, noli— law3w Assignee . NO 394 fflM'B SALE OF REAL ESTATE. WILL Bl! SOLD. FREE FROM ALL IN- CUMBRANCES, in the city of Atlanta, on the THIRD 'TUESDAY in November nextat. Il o’clock a. tn ,'t[ie followiug property, to wil: City Lot Number Eleven, Ou east side of Peaclitreo street, being part of land lot 78,14th dirtriet of originally Henry, now Fulton county, fronting on Peachtree street 31 j feet, and extending back 99 feet. On this lot is a THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, Besides a dry basement, 311 feet front by 78 back, and considered one of the best buildings m tbe city. .4 ALSO, at th a same tisue rend place. K I°' Choice Wines and Liquors, of— '■ 1 bbl. OTARD BRANDY, A bbl. OTARD BRANDY, 1 bbl. SCOTCH WHISKEY, I bbl. St. C. RUM, 1 puncheon GIN, 2 bbls. SHERRY WINE, 1 bbl. PORT WINE, 6 casks PORTER, li packages CHAMPAGNE WINE. Also, 29 (foe gallon Jugs, and sutidiy Noto.-, and open Acuouuts. - Immediately after winch, 1 will sell on ti e premises- • ONE HOUSE AND LOT, How-'’ containing four r<A>m» and baeoixient, situated on cast Peachtree street, on city lot No. 31, nourainiVig one half acre, more or leas." CITY LOT NO. THIRTY-FOUR, adjonung above lot., No. 31, and frOiitinjy tpii feet ou Ivy street, contains cue half acre, more or less. Allwildae the property of John 11. Lovejoy bankrupt. Possession given immediately- Terms cash. N. R FOWLER. oct24—3sv . Assignee. Assignee’s Sale, 1 WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE TOWN JL iif Hparta, Hancock county, on the FIRBT TUBHtJAY fN DECEMBER next, the follow ing property, to wit: One Tract of Land, con Spring creek, in said county, adjoining lauds ul James Osburn and others, now in possession of \V*n. Griffin. Nof. 3, 11. 12 and 14, in .the town of Linton, said county, containing anotit four acres each ; No. 3 improved with store hoftse, dwelling house, stables, and other out-houses; No. it improved with wood and blacksinifh shops; No. 14 improved with dwell iug bouoc an kitchen; No. 12 vacant. Also, a vacant lot .of two itcros. adjoining luwn plat of Linton t*u the west. a vacant lot of six acre?, adjoining town plat of Linton on the cast. Also, a lot of twelve acfeg, near town plateaMt, adjo ning lands of T. J. Adams abd others. Sold as the property of the estate of John Trawick, an adjudged bankrupt, ‘free irutn the incumbrances of liens, etc., for the banofit.of tho creditors of said John Trawick Terms cash. CLEMENT C. BROWN, nolO—lawlw e Assignee. November TOth, 1868. Assignee’s Sale- PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE HON. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy for the Northern District of Georgia, will bo sold at publie outcry, before tbe Court House doer in Elberton, Elbert county, Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, as the. property of I*. B. Bourne, bankrupt, ONE TEA 'J’’ OF LAND, on Hurtraui’s creek, ii.-lho Flatwoods, in 1 ll.crt county, containing 590 acree, more or lu.-s ad joining lands of S. C. Stark, J. 11. Croghan, and others. ALSO, us the property of li. W. Bottrne, bankrupt, ONE TRACT OF LAND. on Burfram's creek, in lie Ffalwoods, in Elbert county, containing o<MI acres, more or loss, ad joining lauds 'of I’. B. Bourne, J. M, Brewer, J, H. Grogbau, and others. The first mentioned trilot su'd as the property of I*. B. Bourne, bank rupt, aud tbe second mentioned tract as the property of 11. W Bourne, bankrupt, for tbe benefit of their creditors, free of'th'e incum brance of judgment arid mortgage liens. Terms cash. , JAS. J. BURCH, nolO-—lawlw Assignee. • November fill;, 1868. Assignee’s Sale. * I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE TOWN of Sparts, Hanco' k county, on tba FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, the following property, to wit: One of Laudj-cvn taiuing about (110) Uno hutnlrod and forty acrc«, on Ibu west banker BuflaU creek, adjoining Hods of Frederick Trawick »and others, now m posrai sion of -S. D. Slade. Sold terf Chc property wf the estate of W4lliam L. Reeves, an adjudged bankrupt, free from the incumbrances at liens, etc*., for the benefit of the oreditoM of said W. E. Reeves. Termacash. CLEMENT O. BROWN. •November 10 h t W6B. nolO tawJw Official. A. Proclamation By the President of the United States of America. In the year which is n«sw drawing to its end, tire art, thaekilt, and th. labor oil be peeptemf the United States have been employed witii greater diligence and vigor, aud bn broader fields than ever before, and the fniith of live earth have been gathered into the granary ami storehouse;iu mar velous abundance. Our highways have been lengthened, anil uew aud prolilio regions Lave been occupied. IVe are permitted to hope that tong in-otraeted politiral and sectional dissen; lons, at uo distant day, will give phiee to returning harmony and f laternal aJfrttiou throughout the RepnMic Many foletgn States have entered into liberal agreements with us. while nations which are .far off, au'i vridek heretofore haVe been itasoi iai and exclusive, have become onr friends. The annual period of rest, whitjit we have reached in (lea Ult and aud which is crowned with so many blessings, is by universal imnarat a convenient ami suitable one for culti vgtiag peisojiai and practicing pnbijo devo tion. I. therefore, recommend that Thursday,, tbe twenty-sixth day of November next, ’hi get apart, and observed bx all the people of tbe United States as a day ov nubile praise, thanksgiving Owl prayerto the Alaughtv Creator mid Divine Ruler • of the Universe, by wfioseever watchful, merciful and grtu-jMis alone Staten ami Notions, uo less than lamilfes and individual men, do live and move ami have llieir being./ In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be. affixed. , ... Done st the city <lf Washington, tbetwelfthday ■ of Getdber, in the year of our Lord, (eBAj-.J one thousand eight hundred :uid gixty cight, ami of the independeqeoof flte United States the ninety third. ANDREW’ JOHNSON. Bv the President: ‘ Wm. H. Seward. o.ll;—td Sec ’ry of State. UNITKD STATES DISTRICT ,COURT— Northern District of Georgia— No. 334. PLEAS.VNT B HALL. Bankrupt, having pe tinned for a discharge from all his debts provable in B.nikritplyy. all IV’?"’ are to ifppetrt off tiie wh day of November, 1868, at 19 u. m., lwf>-re Register McKinley, at Newnan, G;t, to slfow canoe why t|i.> prayer’of the Bank rupt should not Im granted The second aud third nieeliii-M of creditors wilt ho held al the same time and place. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. November < lb, 1868. nolO—-2t*