The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 19, 1868, Image 4

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[COXCLVBZD FROM THIBO riSK.J Larkin, Richard c Low, Geo c I>BW£.)n, Henry c Laiuar, Daniel <? Lewis, John 8 c L»nuw, Kit o Lee, Moses c Leverman, JI b Lyon, Mack e Lallerstedt F W c Larkin, Thos « s,ark’,J5 ,ark ’,J „ ' ' Lowrey, Isaac c Loe, Mm H Lamar, Abram c Leonard, Amos c Losey, Isaac C Lovell, Thaddous E Lundv, James, Lamar, Edward c Lannum, Talbot c Lawrence, Thomas E Lomax, Wm J Lanier, Robert o Lenahan, Cornelius Lofty, Talton c Lallerstedt, T 6 Lovy, Henry M Lougenot, Joseph Love, Philip E Moseley, Lewis c Manigault, Allen c Mitchell, Primus c Martin, Columbus c Manigault, Jas c Martin, John c Marshall, F V c Milledge, Peter c Moffat, Thus Madison, Adam c Matthew, Alec c Mitchell, Robt c McKensie, R c McConnell, John Marshall. Stephen c Moore, John c McGar, Daniel c Moses, Pleasant c Maddox, Luke c McGraw, Moses c Mitchell, John E c Milledge, Bob c Moore, Henry, c Mathew, R W c Miller, Wm 11 c Maxwell, Jas R c McKinzie, S W McKenzie, John II Mann, Merry c Martin, Wni e Mitchell, Paul c Matthews, Geo c Mosely, Geo c Marsh, Albert II Moore, Lindsey c McCarty, Jeremiah Miller, John Marberry, Willis c McDowell, Chas e Matthews, Luke c McCafferty, Jijkn Matthews, Anderson c Mason, John McGrath, Peter Martin, Welcome Miller, Leroy J McClesky, Thomas J Morris, Wm B McDonald, John C Morris, Richard B Middleton, Henry c McDonald, John E McGrath, Michael Morris, Jeremiah Mauge, Francis A Miller, John II McNatt, Dennis c Maher, Richard McMurphy, And’w M McAnallv, Thomas McCann, John Morris, Adrian S Mitchell, Joseph M Macmurphy, Wm C Martin, Charles B Michael, John c Moseley, Alec c Mcndleson, Albert Mims, Aaron e Miller, Josiah McCrae, James IV c McCabe, Frank Meredith, Henry L McGregor, C E Michael, Isaac Mullen, Jas, Sr McCue, Patrick McLaws, Lafajetto Matthews, Henry c Morrison, Henry Moran, C E McDonough, Thos McGregor, M T McLaws, Wm It Norman, Jack c Nally, Cleon Noble, I yrus c Newby, Jos M Nichols, John W New, Jefferson Nelson, Chas o New, Martin Oliver, Rasmus c Oakman, Moses o Oliver, Geo L Oliver, Philip a O’Connell, Patrick Ozment, John Oberle, George J Oetjen, Joseph Oldham, James Pardue, S 8 Pago, Thos c Ph'lpot, David A Pemble, Chas Preston, Edmund c Pryor, Lewis c Philpot, John M Pardue, Peter Philpot, Henry R Philpot, Thos N Porter, David Pitts, Pourncllo c Pleasant, Ben c Parr, John Parker, G G Page, Silas c Pleasant, liobt c Painter, Wm Payne, Thos c Paul, Wm A Peyton, Wm II c Preval, Thaddeus M Powell, Arthur c Peel, John Pournelle, Wm K Peay, Henry T Paris, Joseph Pierce, Frank F o Pass, Richard Pierce, E B Preval, Samuel Parker, Lewis c Pemble, A G Platt, Wm L Pritchard, D W Pendleton, A F Rhodes, T V M Rouse, Henry C c Radford,Lemuel F Robinson, Doctor c Red, Peter c Redfield, Nelson c Russell, John c Rowland, Wm c Robertson, Joseph c Riley, Jacob o Rum ley, Elijah Robinson, Frank e Reardon, Thos Russell, Thos Reynold.’, Chas c Riley, Joe e Ramsey, Jos W Robert, John A Rand ill, Goo 11 Rodgers, Henry C Raiford, Elbert c Radford, Smithfield Roberts, Thos c Robinson, Agrippa c Rigsby, John W Rogers, Elisha H Ramsey, Edward E Russell, Simeon H Reardon, John A Roberts, Thomas e Roundfield, Henry c Roberts, Joseph C Rogers, Charles H Robinson, Isaiah c Rogers, Henry Russell, James J Russell, Henry F, Roberts, Davy c Ramsey, J A Rhodes, Chas A Rumley, Edward Rawls, Hezekiah Rice, Luke Rodgers, Jas B Richards, Wm T Robinson, Charley c - Smith, Henry c Sanders, Blas c Smith, Oliver c Sweeney, Thomas Seago, Loon Samuels, Wallace c Smith, Samuel 11 W Sims, Cornelius c Shackelford, Thos W Sullivan, Timothy Small, John Shephard, Frank c Scott, John C Staples, Harry c ■ Simmons, Frank It Samuels, Benjamin c Searles, Charles c Stelling, Diedrich Stulb, John Sneed, Claiborne Sibley, George R Sanders, Henry c Schneikor, Henry Simmons, Paul o Scott, Jerry c Sharkey, Patrick • Stewart, Chas E Smith, John o Snelling, Jas M Smith, Jackson o Satterwhite, John c Seals, Daniel o Sims, Geo c Spellman, R P Shackelford, Sam c Scott, Henry c Sykes, Wm R Simmons, Jas S Shackelford, J II Seals, Smith c Snipes, Paul c Stokes, RS c Scott, Jordan c Smith, Stafford D c Small, Charlie c Shackelford, Wm H Shannon, Bob c Shackelford, Jas Shaw, George - c Smith, Jacob c Skiine, Edwin c Stokes, Miles c Simpkins, Alfred c Sheffield, Jesse N Shaw, Albert R Smith, Wm c Spencer, Perry c Swint, Wm o Smith, Henry c Schirmer, Wm K Smith, Benj J Stansell, F W Stoffel, Henry Stansell; F I* Simmons,"J A Sainsimon, James Stovall, M P Thomas, Berry e Thompson, Isham Talia'errv, Tom c Turner,Jackson c Turner, Ed c Talbot, John c Thompson, Chas c Tindall, Ned c Thomas, Jase Thomas, John c Turner, Daniel 0 Turner. Wadc c Turner, Jacob c Tarver, Frank B Thomas, Charlie c Taylor, Geo c Tankersley, G V Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Mingo c Thompson, Jas F K Tool, Benjamin F Taliaferro, John W Thomas, Allen c Thomas, John c Tant, James E Turner, Ben c Tarver, John V Taylor, Jefferson W Tant, Henry L Tressci, C Frederick Tant, Alexander Taylor, John c Tant, Isaac S Tice, Henry Terrell, Edward Thompson, Jesse Ugum, Wm c Van Buren, Martin c Vinson, Lewis c Walker, Nathan c Williams, Geo o Williams, Wm M Watts, Peter e Williams, Bradford c Wade, Andrew c Williams, Joe c Williams, Henry c Wright, Jack c Welsh, John Williams, Jackson c Warren, Wesley c Williams, Albert c Wimberly. Hunter e Walker, Elbert c Williams, Henry c Williams, Abram c Williams, Geo c Walker, Edward c Williams, Frank c Wright, Wm e Walker, Ben c White, Ned 0 Wimberly, Wright c Wigfall, Cyrus c Watkins, Henry c Williams, Bill c Walker, John D Wright, Abel c Winburn, Simeon Williams, Henry c Walker, John W Wiggins, Amos P Wheeler, Wm H Weems, Newton c White, T W Walker, Geo II c Wolf, Hilliard E Woodruff, John S M'are, Edward 11 Walker, Moses c Walker, Tom c Williams, Ben c Weigle, John M Williams, George Watkins, Nelson c Walker, Robin c Wilson, Carlos G Williams, John c Willis, Samuel M Williams, Wm T Williams, G*orge c Wise, Wm R Whitfield, Henry c Wright, Albert D Williams, Harrison c Wood, Virgil Walker, Lewis c Williams, Wm Williams, Thomas c W’hite, Robert c Walters, Mitchell W c Watson, Wm c Weathersbee, J P Williams, Daniel c Weigle, Geo P Wade, Andrew e Yeung, Andrew e Young, Robt e Young, Daniel. e Youngblood, A c Youngblood, Josh c SZCOBI’ WABD Atwell, Robert W Adams, Doc e Anderson, Mack e Abrams, Charles c Alelxander, Lewis u Aldrich, George c Allen, Henry c Allen, Wiley Allen, Joseph V H Asher, Abram Archer, Wm A Baughkman, Abram Brenner, Wm Bottom, Wm P Brenner, John A Bones, Thomas A Barnes, John A c Brown, Isaac c Baker, William Boyce, Ker Baxter, John W Butt, John I) Brooks, Henry c Bottom, Jourdan B Bctsell, Wm P Bell, Robert c Benncfield, Abram 8 c Brown, Kelsey c Bolton, John c Bolton, Handy e Branch, Abram e Bruyer, Washington c Bird, Nassau c Bailey, Bery c Brooks, Jacob c Bennett, Ben c Bryant, John E Burdell, Nat e Bennett, Elijah T Battey, Robert c Bostwick, Willis c Bleakly, Isaac c Bridges, Robert D Brinckley, Baker c Barnes, George c Bricquet, James J Eealle, George c Burton, Alfred e Bowles, Jeremiah D Burks, Francis Blanchard, James Bryan, Nathan W c Brodnax. Win E Bruggeman,Francis H Bones, John Beall, Fontenoy A Branch, Albert H Bacon, Joel J Carter, Hiram c Cain, Allen c Culver, Wm c Carter, Joseph c Carroll, Thos c Clayton, Charlie c Cummings,Adolphus c Clayton, J Joseph Clarke, Isham . c Curtis, Robert R Curry, Censer o Cox, Jack c Costello, James Carr, Freeman c Cunningham, Felix e Crane, Geo W Campfield, Mack c Cummings, Jerry c Campell, Lewis e Colo, Jas D Coles, Henry. c Coleman, Moces c Campbell, Pulaski F Calhoun, Chas A Cohen. Solomon Cook, Aaron 11 Cole, James , c Cohen, Maurice Cook, James F Carius, Chas Cook, Thos G Cohen, David Campfield, Edward Clayton, Edward P Coasby, Wm c Clark, John 'V Clarke, John M Clatk, Henry M Calvin, John Cook, Augustus J Craft, Henry Cook, Richard M Conner, Eugene Cleary, John Calhoun, David W Dennis, John Daughtry, Jacob K Doughty, Wm II Davis, Jacob Duggins, General c Davis, Sim c Drayton, John e Dwyer, Thomas Dwyer, Geo T Davis, Albert c Dobson, Alexander c Dortic, WmT Davis, John c Donning,David 11 Davis, Francis c Drayton, Andrew c Dwyer, Richard T Douglass, Geo c DosCombes, Chas E Dugas, Louis A Day, Arnold c ■ DeCottos, A C Dortic, Jas A Dugas, Juriah H DoLaigle, Nicholas Estes, Richard c Emanuel, Enoch c fevans, Moses o Edwards, Henry e Eotor, Henry o Edwards, Ben c Elbert, Bon c Eve, Joseph A Eve, Sterling C Eve, Charles c Edwards, Joseph W Prank, Stephen Ferguson, Antony 11 Franklin, Itanj c Frazier, Henry c Ferris, Milos Fleming, Eli c Goldberry, Wm H c Green, Robert c Grant, James c Golphin, James c Green, Jim c Guilfoylo, John Gootchius, Phil c Gardner, John c Goudy, Robert v Gordon, Harvey c Graham, David Gouedy, Preston c Green, Alec c Garahan, Janies Goss, Lucius 11 c Griffin, Lewis c Griffin, Henry Gleason, Patrick E Guilfoyle, Owen George, Benjamin Garrett, Jacob c Griffin, Wm C Graham, Wilson Gibson, Wm Hilliard, Peter o Halay, Wm Hallegan, Terrence Hahn, John G Heit zutao, Joseph Holmes, Loebud L Haffier, Matthias Hahn, John D Hulbert, James, jr e Harris, Francis 11 Hammonds, Bill c Hefferman, Timothy Hopkins, Thomas N Heard, Jas G Haley, John W Holleyman, Thos II Holleyman, Wiley F Haley, Edward W Horton, Charlie c Hill, Tom ' c Hooper, Isaac c Harris, Jonas c Hull, John c Holloway, Henry c Hardin, Jim c Hurley, Stephen c Hampton, Hartwell c Hankinson, Kob’t 11 c Hamilton, Wm o Ilouseley, Win Horton, Moses c Hull, Houry c Harris, Tom e Hammonds,Stephen o Hiller, Wm J Ingraham, Sidney c Johnson, Sam c Jones, Stophen M Jackson, Moses c Jones, John B Jefooate, John Jansen, Chas Jones, Aloe c Jones, Wm 8 Jones, Frank c Jones, Wallace c Jones, Cbas c Jackson, Peter c Jenkins, Chas e Johnson, Moses K c Johnson, Ben c Jennings. Asa c Johnson, Phillip c Jefferson, Henry c Johnson, Chas C o Johnson, Rob’t c Jones, Joseph c Jackson, John c Jenkins, Jack c Keible, Tom c Kaufman, Emil Kelley, Reuben Kaufman, Julius King, Abner c Kittrel. Grandison c Kennedy, Frank e King, Robert c Kraus, Phillip Keen, John F Kempner, Max Keating, Johu Kelley, Daniel Kahrs, Diedrich Kelley, Bon c King, Roswell Kaplan, Levy Lamar, John c Lainbaek, Lee c Limmons, John c Lewis, John c Low, James c Lewis, John C c Lewis, Robert c Lawlor, James Lee, Henry c Lacy, Wesley e Lamar, Newman c Lampkin, Porter c Lathrop, Joseph J Long, Sandy c Larkin, Thomas Levy, Abram Logan, Patrick Lockic, Samuel, jr Lockhart, Mathew 8 Labicho, Eugene Leekie, Samuel Lyons, Ellis McGrath, Cato o McLean, Edward c McDuffie, Moses c Mcßride, Doo c Monroe, Jesso e McNeil, Adam c McGhee, John c McKenzie, Thomas c Mitchell, Henry c Mitchell, Wm c Minims, Moses, e McKinnio, Dick c Matthews, Sam c Monroe, Win c Middleton, Jacob c Moore, Henry c Manly, Joseph o McCann, Patrick H Murphy, Edmund T McMahon, Wm H Mann, John 11 Maddery, Moses M Myers, Simoon M Mitchell, Lewis c Murphy, Daniel G McGhee, Wm c McCarthy, George Murray, Francis Meredith, Jarnos W McKenzie, Win e Moore, J W Morris, Martin M Myers, Henry Moore, John C May, Wm A McLaughlin, Wx Mitchell, Wiu.C McCrae,Washington e Millender, Mat c Myers, Aaron Matthews, Howard c McDonald, John Miller, John C McGraw, James T Moore, Jas B Miller, John P K Moore, Ned c Morgan, Peter c McLaughlin, Jas K P Myers, David Madden, Michael Moadowcraft, Wm Moore, Henry c Miller, James Morris, Bartholemew Morris, Patrick 11 Moore, Naphtali B Murphy, Moses C Nelson, Wm c Ncblett, James M Nelson, Robert c Owens, Wm J Oakman, Henry c Osborne, Lewis o Owens, July c Ormond, Henry c Page, John H c Pbiuizy, John, sr Prince, Cbas H Prager, Adolphus M Powers, John Pelot, Alma A Poteet, Lafayette Porter, Tom c Porter, Reuben c Pritchard, Edward Pope, John Pines, Prince e Page, John e Powell, Wm c Pelot, Benj S -Perry, Olivet c Pritchard, Bachus e Phinizy, Robert M Phinizy, John jr Parker, Gustavus A Philer, Jim c Preston, Ben c Prager, Julius Penn, John e Prontaut, John H Pickering, Wm A Preston, Joseph B Price, Nathan C o Rawls, Hosea Rains, Gabriel J Richards, Wm Robinson, Tony c Renkl, Gregor Roc, Rodolph N Rhodes. Thomas R Rains, Henry J Robertson, Alfred c Rieh, Cbas T Rom, Dick c Rivers, Prinee c Rooney, James Rhodes, G Crawford Roe, Joseph R e Roberson, Jasper e Rhodes, W Peyton Rudler. Anthony F Ross, Albert II c Rowley, Edwin R Stewart, Cyrus c Smith, Andrew J Sale, James F Shackleford, Edwin II Summer, Edwin II Smith, Alfred Sponsler, Henry L Sumner, Thomas Speed, Grandison c Smith, Henry c Sijiqueficld, Wm c Stewart, Horton c Stokes, Henry c Smith, Wm c Steed, Alfred c Snead, Johu C Savage, Zedrick c Sogee, Isaiah c Shaughnessy, Ed Stevens, Jordan c Smyth, Frank Sarling, Solomon Sanken, Jacob Shellman, John Starke, Lewis c Scott, John L Smith, Emery E c Sehlein, Frederick Smith, Win 8 c Small, Arthur C Saulsburry, Harvy c Sylvester, Louis Smith, Peter c Steiuer, Henry H Sutton, John c Stuart, Harmon Steiner, Frank Smith, Daniel c Stogner, James Saxon, Albert B Sullivan, Henry c Thomas, Jim c Turpin, Jesse Thomas, Richmond c Thomas, Edward Tilghman, Jim c Thompson, Jim c Thomas, Richard c Thomae, Richard c Thomas, Burke c Tweedy, Ephraim Thomas, Wm c Thomas, Robert c Tustine, George c Thorn, George Tillman, Sim c Tobin, Sumpter c Vasun, WmJ Whaley, Jacob Williams, Richard c Watts, George c Wilburn, Clarence c Williams, Richard c William l , Jerry c Walker, Robert e Wesley, Kit c Williams, Jesse c Wilson, Thomas L c Wiley, Orange c Worrell, Win c WiJ'on, William L c Walker, Thomas c Ware, niihard c Williams, Weston c Williams, 1 obert c Williams, Aiken c Walker,Albert c Williams, Peter c Walton, William A Williams, James e Whitfield, Wm c Williams, John c Wright, Alfred c Wylly, Richard II Washington, Geo c Washington, Peter c Wilkins, Leroy H Walker, Jas B Whaley, Cornelius Washington, Perry c Williams, Lewis c Walker, Jas W Williams, Willis c Washington, Haul c Walker, Nelson c Young, Edward c THIRD WARD. Adams, David c Affelder, Wm JI Addison, Butler c Allen, Grief c Audcreon, Richard c Adams, William Ahearn, John Brooks, Richard o Brown, Jefferson c Brown, Edward o Brown, Howard c Bougs, Henry o Butler, Jarrett e Buchanan, Juber e Bryan, John c Boggs, Willis c Battice, John e Bugg, Achy c Bussey, Daniel c Burns, John o Barnes, Bill e Blalock, Augustus E Brown, Robert J c Baldwin, John c Brown, Wash c Brown, Sam c Bostwick, Crawford c Bostwick, James C Botiyer, Jno c Brown, Wm T c Byrne, jno Butler, N K, Jr Barnes, Joe e Bouchillon, Geo VV Baker, Chas F Brandon, Geo A Bones. Jno S Bones, Thos M Burt, Jno Belding, Newton M Baker, Chas Berry, James c Bonnctheau, 11 B Bennet, Jas A Breshan, Jno Burke, Jas Barnes, Frank e Brown, Joe c Blanchard, Adicl W Brown, George It Bridges, John Cotton, Lorenzo D c Cook, Harrison c Cummings, Isaac c Conlon, Patrick Clements, Burnett c Cammell, David c Cummings, Julius c Cole, Joe c Calhoun, Julius c Campbell, Aaron c Cashin, Charles c Cumming, Robinson c Campfield, II T Cumming, Lawreneec Cuthbert, Jas H Carr, Horace c Clifford, Wm Critz, Peter Cashin, Jno Clark, Lark c Collins, Dennis Callahan, Thos Crane, Win 11, Sr Callahan, Tim Carter, Jno B Coffin, Jno K Cook, Jno 8 Carr, Robt 8 c Coffin, Walter 8 Clark, A K Corbitt, Jno Caswell, T D Couchlan,'Danicl Cason, Arnold Cochrane, Geo Callahan, Wm Cone, Wm T Conley, Benjamin Crane, William 11, jr Corey, Samuel Cliett, James c Clarke. Adam c Curry, Ben c Cumming, Thomas W Conlin, Owen Carter, Flournoy Coker,'James W Cumming, II M Dixon, Abner c Dent, Sandy c Davis, John J Duke, Wm H c Daniels, Henry Dee, James Derry, E R Dowse, Wm e Desmond, Dennis Dent, Harrison c Desmond, Conner Dept, Carroll e Desmond, Jno Dunbar, Sebastian C Day, John L DeMartin, Richard Desmond, William Daniel, Wilberforce Dunning, Sheldon C Elbert, Joo c Emery, L-aac c Evers, Jack c Ellis, Nute c Evans, Jno J Evans, Joshua K Fishburn, Ben o Fullerton, Osborne c Floyd, John e Fagan, John Fishburn, Thomas e Ford, Adolphais M Flannagan, Dawson c Fitzgerald, Edmund Farmer, Edward B Fox, James P F ord,Lewis D Flynn, William II Fulghum, Wiley R Foreman, Sol C Frost, Samuel Ford, DcSaussure Fcnley, Wilson L Fix, Wm Flemming, Thos F Gilbert, Willis e Green, Aaron c Gibson, Hector c Glasscock, Bristow c Gilliard, Joseph c Gardner, Gad S c Graham, Lawson c Green, Washington c Gibson, Samuel L Gallaher, Edward Gant, Thomas c Guernsey, James M Garrett, Sam c Golphin, Jefferson o Gordon, John c Grinnago,Alec c Graham, Andrew Green, Sam e Green, Jas II Gow, James L Galphin, William II c Galvan, Daniel Gray, Toni c Harris, Grandison c lleney, James Hay, Jerry c Hammonds, Albert c Hall, Robert e Hughes, Horace o Hearn, John c Harris, Andrew c Howard, Thomas c Henson, Charles c Hammond. Richard c Hull, Wm Hope Harper, Jas E Hall, Jas H c Hott, Andrew Hjeks, Edmund J Hanlon, Daniel Herrin, Jas 11 Henderson, Evans c Hayes, Richard Hatton, Joseph Harris, Chas W Hilliard, Jno Harris, Henry Hoffler, Matthew lloffler, Nicholas P Hardeman, John L Herbert, John Holmes, Wtn A Hickok, Jno J Hunt, Ben c Houston, John A Hall, George F Hayles, William F Hardwick, George W Hulbert, James Hewitt, Eugene W Henry, Isaac Hurley, John Hallahan, Dennis lob, Michael Ives, Adrian C Ivory, James e Jones, Jno A Jackson, Wm e Joseph, Anthony e Jack, Dock F Jackson, Henry - ' c Jones, Jim c Jackson, Jesse c Jones, Wm c Jones, Joo c Johnson, Joseph o James, Sam e Junior, Charles e Jones, Henry Johnson, Priest c Jones, Robert e Johnson, Daniel c Jackson, Dick o Jackson, John o Jones, Albert c Jones, Dempsey c Jones, F*lix c Jackson, Isham c Jones, Edgar K Johnson, Isaac o Jones, Ilion G Johnson, Jordan c Jones, John c Jones, Thomas A Johnson, Whitfield T Jones, George T Jennings, Thomae J King, Edgar c Kennally, John Knox, David c King, John R <r Kelly, Henry e Kusel, Chas M Krein, Peter Krunelke, Frederick Kerr, Robt C Keeley, David c Kelleher, Timothy Keefe, Timothy Keen, Matthew 8 Kelly, Thomas Kusel, Lewis Lockhart, Isham c Lyons, Thomas Lacy, Edward c Lewis, Henry e Lewis, Gideon c Looney, Daniel Lovett, Newton Looney, Philip Lyons, Timothy Lockwood, Benj P Lyons, Matthew Lyons, Thos Luke, Jas c Law, McKinne Lyons, Wm Lee, Jno R Lawhon, William A Latimer, William A Land, Robert II Lee, John W McKenzie, Wesley c Mims, James L McDonald, Martin Mav. Richard J Madison, Thomas c McCly, Wm R Moore, Wm c McCarthy, John McNair, Edmund c Malone, Philip Merriweather, Ja»k < McKinnie, Diet o Morgan, Sam <. Mealing. Wm J Miller, Richard « Morris, Peter c •Meigs, John <> Matthews. Jesse e Mitchell, Wm c Messiah, Felix c Mitehell, Newton c Miller, Bristow c Morris, Philip Murphey, Chas Moore, Jacob c Mahoney, Thos McAdam, Jno Mason, Jack c Murray, Ben c Mitchell, Gabriel c Moore, Wm c McCann, Philip McCay, Chas F Mann, Joseph c McTyre, Leonidas II Myers, Caczar c McMurphy, David D McCoy, Charles D Milligan, Joseph A 8 McCoy, William E Milligan, Joseph Mayne, Joseph T McCardle, Peter Narrington, Jacob c Norrington, Jaekson c Neibling, JnoH Navy, Jno E Nelson, Geo E W O’Donnell, Edward Osborne, Toby c O’Conner, Patrick O’Bannon, Win O’Callahan, Timothy O’Brien, Thomas O’Conner, Michael O’Conner, John Parker, Robert c Perry, Tom e Parks, Levi e Plumb, Daniel B Pago, Sully c Pool, Peter c Purcell, Edward B Philips, Bernhardt Peek, Chas M Purcell, Jas Pritcliarp, Chris C Price, Thos c Platt, Jacob B Perry, Geo II Poullainc, Antoine Prother, Augustus c Peters, Joe c Pelot, J Alma Plcquet, Louis A Philip, Alexander Pollard, William J Peck, Jonathan M Rone, Morris Robinson, Wm c Reed, Jeremiah c Rhoden, M’m Richardson, Henry 0 Rone, Wm c Reed, Enos c Richards, Thos Reed, Walter F Rainy, Isham e Roche, Thos W Rice, Bernard Riordan, Jas Roberts, Augustus M Rowlaud, Samuel II Richards, Thos H c Rico, Dora Reed, Henry c Ray, Ainos c Rice, Matthew, jr Revalls, Ben c Roche, Patrick Ross, William C Ruthvauff, Luther Feott, Dennis c Sullivan, Jerry c Sims, Ed c Seott, Nathan • c Schaufele, Frederick Small, George c Saddler, Austin c Shear, Wm Snowden, Geo B e Smith, James c Samuel, Gabo e Soott, Gabriel c Secret, Jacob e Smith, Edward c Sims, Lewis c Smith, John c Sweeney, Randall e Scott, Wm C c Small, George c Sullivan, Cornelius Solomon, Frank c Stovall, Joseph H Story, James Schneider, Ernest R Summers, Andrew c Simmons, Wm c Stoy, Jno W, Jr Stewart, Lew c Singleton, Timothy Sawyer, Henry P c Seott, Hamilton c Stevens, Albert E c Sharp, Chas Sheffield, Albert c Smith, Jouett P Schreiner, Sigismund ASmith, Chas II Simmons, Geo W Sauter, Silver Saulsbury, John c Scott, Jerry Shcnahan, Tim Samuel Elijah F Scott, Walter c Scatt, Abram c Stone, Bedncy c Scott, Wm II Sims, Henry c Smith, John D Shepard, Augustus c Stuart, Andrew Sims, George c Simmons, Robert c Tyson, Oliver c Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Philip c Thompson,Ephraim o Thompson, Andrew o Terrell, Emanuel c Telfair, Israel o Thomas, Henry c Thurmond, Jos W Timberlake, WmM Tankersley, Adolf c Turner, Thos F Tutt, Wm II Thomas, Alec c Thomas, WmM Wood,David c Turner, Chaa c Thcw, George M Vance, Richard c Wyatt, Wm c Washington, James c Watkins, Sam c Walton, George c Warren, James o Weeks, Hampton c Watkins, Newman c Walker, Milas c Williams, Burgess c Williams, Jack c Waggoner, Solomon c Wrenn, Beverly W Wright, Starling n Wigfall, George c Washington, Jos c Weller, Dewitt C Wallace, Ed c Woolsey, Nathaniel F Walker, Reuben e Walker, Wm W Weber, George Williams, Jno e Williams, Root c White, Larkin c Walker, John c Whitehead, George A Wright, Darwin S Wood, Thomas II While, William B Williams, William T Williams, Jacob c Wooten, James c Wells, William B Weaver, Oscar F Wright, William A Wheless, William T Wilson, Joseph R West, Edward S c Wallace, John W White, Sol C Young, John c Young, Berry c FOL'KTH WAUD. Alston, Anthony e Ambrose, Frank c Allen, Richmond c Allen, Henry e Archer, Ancel c Armstrong, John c Allen, Henry c Allen, Ned c Atkins, Willis c Anthony, Wm c Anderson, Robert o Ammons, John Avret, William Allen, Newton c Armstrong, William c Anderzon, David c Anderson, John c Armstrong, Wm c Allen, Solomon <• Anderson, Wm T Allen, Wm C Armstrong, Patrick Adams, Wm B Adam, George Armstrong, John F Anthony, Sam c Angell, Zalinon T Atkinson, Geo E Armstrong, Jacob c Awtrey, Jacob Adams, Wm Allen, John IV Allen, Wm H Adams, Israel c Altman, Thomas Adams, Ed c Bass, Richard c Blount, Chas c Booker, Israel e Bryant, Gus c Barnes, Geo T Boyd, Edlow e Brown, Jesso c Brown, Joo c Butler, Henry c Blackburn,Clinton e Butler, Jasper c Brown, Charlie c Barnes, Jno A Brown, Alfred c Bailey, Philip c Bell, William c Ballou, Edmund c Brown, Robt c Bell, David c Butler, Gus c Bacon, Martin c Bannester, Jacob c Beall, Scott c Barrow, Jas Brown, Jno T c Brown, Isaac c Beall, Columbus c Bettis, Elmore c Brown, Jim c Brenner, August Bailey, Marcellus c Bell, Wm c Brunson, Allen o Brown, Andrew c Beall, Frank c Bird, Harrison c Bacon, Robt <- Bernard, Frederick Brenner, Peter Brantly, Robt c Boyee, John c Bates, Benj c Bugg, Gus e Brown, James Bush, Bone Boatner, Aaron c Black, Jus C C Bailey, George 'o Bland, Jas C Butler, Joseph c Broadnax, Henry c Brown, Thos J e Brown, January e Boyle, Miehacl Boatwright, Cupid c Bonson, Jno c Brown, Henry c Bacon, Ben c Boyd, Daniel e Bailey, Elijah c Berry. Thomas’ c Bailey, Thos c Brown, Berry II Blocker; Heartless c Benacfield, Wm c Bradley, Jim c Bradford, Chas S Blair, Wm J Bailey, Benjamin Bowen, Wm D • Butler, Nehemiah K Brandt, Adolph Brown, Bill c Battle, Thomas Butler, Chas G Bolsclair, Edward c Bowers, Robt J Brandt, Herman Bell, Moses c Baskerville, Wm 8 Broome, Jas A Baker, John D Branham, Ned c Berry, David c Bnrnm, Peter G Brown, Stephen c Butler, Edmund c Beard, Daniel c Baker, Bob c Beatty, Peter c Bowman, Peter c Brislan, John Bailley, Jeffry c Barber, Wm C Belding, Wm J Bradwell, Chas L c Baittey, Philip c Bliss, Henry H Bailley, Albert Benning, Eb c Boyet, Wm Barefield, Wm II c Brown, Thos M Belding, Alexander Butler, Samuel Bratcher, Austin c Butler, Geo P Brown, Robt W Brown, James Bussey, Tom c Butler, David Beechner, Dan'l S Bennett, Thomas Brown, Moses L Barry, Patrick Bennett, Wm Bacon, Joe c Brunson, John Beatty, Jacob c Byrnes, Wm Barrow, Wm Brown, Jim c Baskerville, Robt E Bryson, Harper C Baker, Geo W Belding, James II Branham, Lewis c liarrow, Wm Buckley, Daniel Bridwell, Pickens Brown, Tony c Blackmon, Thomas Bradfield, Marion Bohler, Geo M Bryan, James c Brown, Joo c Blackburn, Wiley A Bennefield, James c Burns, Dennis c Baggett, Wm M Brown, Wm c Bateman, John c Bassett, John Brown, Seymour c Bouyer, Lewis e Brown, George c Brown, Benjamin c Bennett, Gus c Bailley, Hairy c Boyd, Nelson c Cynuick, Wm c Carr, Robt A c Crawford, Jerry c Carter, Henry c Cummings, Elbert c Collier, Charlie c Cook, John c Conlan, Dominick Chavous, Henry c Cage, Sam c Clanton, Lawrence c Cox, Dallas c Cooper, Jim c Cook, Milton 0 (Jollier, Randall c Chase, Andrew c Cunningham, S A Cage, Joe c Collier, John <■ Cnmmings, Robt c Cotter, Nicholas Cook, Arthur <• Cole, Wm o Collins, Timothy Clarke, Nelson c Coffin, Chas E Christian, Wilsan c Cobb, Peter c Cooper, Ben e Calvin, Tony e Collier, Lewis o Cage, Charlie c Collier, Peter c Carter, Jas c Curtis, David L Callahan, Patrick Cauly, David o Cook, Geo c Curry, Anthony c Chisolm, Plato c Crawford, John c Craig, John Carter, Wm c Chamberlain, Henry c Crombe. Alonzo F. Calhoun, Jackson C c Clark, Ralph P Crane, Jaspar N Christman, John Chester, Sim c Curry, Eli c Carpenter, Aaron Clark, Robt c Carpenter, John Cohen, John J Cogin, Francis Cox, Abram N Caffin, Hillary Channell, Wm Casey, Luke Crenshaw, John e Carlton, Charles Conner, Derrick Crittenden, Carter Conner, Seth D Coffin, Geo B Carter, Philip c Cobb, Jesse c Cooper, London c Cox, Henry C Cooper, Alexander c Clark, Henry c Carter, Daniel c Crittenden, Thos Cook, Robert e Cosgrove, Edward J Carroll, Patrick Coeper, Ebemeezer c Coleman, Squire c Clappor, Wm c Chambers, Mason c Collins, Thomas Chandler, Harkless c Carmichael, Wm S Cook, Geo W Colclough, John Channels, John T Cherry, Hiram Clay, Henry c Cary, Henry C Cartledge, John Costello, Patrick Cary, Crawford c Carnes, Thomas c Cosgrove, Lawrence Cason,Constantine 8 Crane, Frederic E Convey, Patrick Darlington, B c Davis, A J Davis, John c Doris, Bernard Dorsey, Chas c Dudley, Ephraim c Dent, Alfred c Davis, J A c Davis, Adam c Darby, Henry c Duval, Rufus D >nn, Solomon, Sr c Dobson, Wm c Dent, Philip c Daggett, The.- c Davis, Jas M Dunn, Solomon, Jr c Dent, Simon c Dunn, Charles David, Charles c Dickerson, Bob c Daniel, David Dent, John c Dunn, Patrick Drake, Chas C Davis, James H Davis, John H Dale, James A Dickson, Wm H Dunn, Alex c Dickerson, Wm J c Davis, Alfred c Dunne, Patrick F Day, Chas B Daniel, Benjamin E Danforth, Jacob Damish, John C Davis, Jacob R Delph, Wm J Dunlap, Peter e Doolittle, James F Durst, John Elmore, Richard c Evans, Henry e Elbert, David c Elliot, Stephen c Evans, Amos c Epps, Edward c Emery, Jack c Easley, John c Edwards, George c Emery, Carolina c Edwards, Amos e Ely, Calvin c Edwards, Toby c Elkins, Willis D Evans, Francis M Estes, Charles Edwards, Wm II Frederick, Theodore c Farrow, D M Fuller, Sam c Fletcher, Anderson . Fleming, Wm c French, Marcus c Fryer, Hamilton c Fields, York c Fleming, Steve c Farrow, Ambrose c Fields, Bristow c Ford, Gordon J Foreman, Willis c Fields, Samuel c Fleming, Wm C Ford, Joe c Fountain, David Faulkner, James II Foster, Jerry c Few, Allen e Foster, Boston c Francis, Albert K Franklin, Emanuel Frain, Walter 8 Ferguson, Geo W Freeman, Joel N Fleming, Robt A Fox, John Fleming, James L Frasier, Chas W c Franklin, Benjamin Faughnan, Miles Franklin, Bernard Gordon, Alec c Gardner, Peter e Gardner, Sandy c Green, DP c Goodwin, Jno c Graves, Chas c Griffin, Cobbin c Gossett, Wm George, John c Gilpin, Brutus e Golphin, Garland c Golightly, Henry c Green, Wm c Green, Jno c Graves, Chas c Gaunt, John c Glenn, Glascow c Gallaher, E F Grimes, Ben c Gibbs, Aberdeen c Gorton, Jno c Green, Isaac e Golphin, Jeff c Green, Tom c Gannon, Thos Greer, John c Gardner, Wm e Grimes, Anderson c Gants, Jacob c Gardner, Melman c Gardner, L F c Gann, John Gormley, John Gregg, Jam e » Gargau, James Glover, Walter c Golphin, Albert c Gordon, Lewis e Green, Lemuel A Gray, Andrew T Green, Joseph c Gleason, Patrick Golphin, Jackson c. Golphin, Wm c Garrett Solomon c Gardner, Jas L c Grumbles, Robt Gilbert, Aaron W c Barris, David c Hicks, Lloyd e Hammonds, Ed’wrd c Hampton, Daniel c Houston, Henry c Howard, Jno c Harris, Wm c Hill, Alfred c Hewitt, Jno, Sr Hill, Jeffry c Harris, Robert c Hackett, David Hill, Preston, c Hicks, Oscar c Harris, Geo II c Honsly, Solomon Harris, Wm c Hatter, Wm c Holmes, Robt e Heyward, Neal c Hill, Benjamin c Henson, E W o Hammond, Jno Harris, J II c Halsey, August c Hall, Wm c Hughes, Patrick Harter, W J Hawkins, Henry c Harviston, James Hill, Gep r Hill, Roland Hankerson J A c Harris, Oliver M Hill, John W H c Hawson, Skidmore c Hall, Michael Huggins, Wm II Hill, Nathaniel Hall,' Joseph c Hardeman, Chas B Hendricks, James Harris, Jaspar Hunt, Edward e. Hardeman, Charles Hall, Samuel c Henderson, Hampton Heyward, Gibbs c Hewitt, John C, jr Heard, Stephen D Hambey, Wm E Harden, John Hayes, John B Heard, Richard W Heindel,GeoS Harris, Daniel c Hill, Lewis e Hill wood, Sandy c Hall, James c Hill, John C Hudson, Stephen c Hill, Beverly T Holmes, Samuel B c Hill, Marson E Henson, Charlie c Harbuck, Hayden D Hogan, Patrick Hanlon, Jeremiah Harley, Wm Haines, Hercules c Hunter, Emanuel c Hopkinson, Walter Hutto,-Gideon Harden, Wm Hudson, George c Hill, Moses c Harper, Win Harbin, John D Howard, Alfred G Hafer, Edward Hislop, David R Ivins, Dave c Iverson, Anton Ingals, L L Ivey, Alphouzo W Iler, James F Irvine, James Jackson, Albert c Jones, Wm c Jones, Wm c Jackson, Randall c Johnson, Wm c Jones, G W Jackson, Abram c Jenkins, Thos c Johnson, Edward c Jefferson, Isaac c Jones, Mingo c Jackson, Samuel c Johnson, John c Jackson, John c Jefferson, L W c Jones, Jesse c Johnson, Sam c Jones, Daniel c Jackson, Andrew c Jackson, J A c Jones, Ned c Johnson, C S Johnson, Evans c Jackson, Henry c Johnson, Allen c Jones, Robt c Johnson, Aaron c Jones, Daniel c Johnson, Frederick c Jones, Chas c James, Ben e Jones, Jas A Johnson, Daniel c Jones, Thomas c Joshua, John c Jones, Wm II c Jefferson, Burton c Jackson, Richard c Jackson, IIJ c Jones, Wm c Johnson, James V ' Jones, John c Jones, Jeff c Jackson, Jesse c Jackson, Jerry c Jones, Anderson c Jackson, Daniel c Judkins, Albert N Jennings, Thomas c Jackson, Wm Jones, Lawson c Jackson, Wm E Johnson, George c Jennings, FAB Jenkins, John Jackson, Seaborn Johnson, Benj F Johnson, Freeman c Johnson, Tom e Johnson, Petro c Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Wm c James, Charles c Jackson, Ben c Johnson, Francis P c Jefferson, John c Judkins, Joseph W Jackson, John H Johnson, Henry c Johnson, Arthur c Johnson, John c Jones, Lewis R Johnson, Benjamin Jones, John H Joseph, Jacob J Jenkins, Elisha Jackson, Wm M W Jarrell, Henry H Johnson, Wash c King, S L Ring, J M c Keener, J E Key, Daniel c Kiug, Madison c Kendall, Jesse c Kennedy, Robt c Kennedy, Henry Ketchen, Bob c King, T B Keener, Wm V Key, Esau c Keener, Wm E Kenny, John Kinchlcy, Thos J Kent, Robt F c Kilpatrick, John King, Pleasant King, Albert c Kearney, Michael Keener, Chas F Kelley, Franklin c Langford, George Lewis, Adam c Liddle, Wm c Lawson, Anderson e Lacy, Thos c Lamkin, Willis c Low, Andrew c Linn, Harrison c Lamar, Edward e Lamar, Boston e Lumpkin, Moses c Lauders, John Lawson, Capers c Locke, Bryant c Lewis, Joe c Lewis, David c Locket, Isaac c Lewis, Carlo c Low, Jefferson c Lamkin, Palmer c Ladson, Hector c Lemon, Robt c Leckie, Thos Lamar, Ccaser c Lewis, Jack o Let, Wn) o Lewis, Alfred c Locket, Harry c Luke, Jas, jr c Leveritt, George Luquire, Jos W Lugulre, Hugh Leckie, John Lamar, Hamilton c Lanier. Hosea Lacey, Nelson c Liles, Thos D Lynch, Otis G Langston, Henry c Lombard, Richard Lupo, Allen F Lyons, Dennis Lund, Henry C Lokey, Samuel Landrum, Henry W* Long, John c Lindsay, Ephraim A Lokey, Thomas Lehane, Michael Lemon, Wm H Lawrence, Wm W McNeil, Sandy c McCrae, Berry c Marshall, Edmund c Medium, Francis L McLovett, Mandoss c Murphy, Thomas McArdle, John McKinley, Jacob c McGrath, Bony c Myers, David c McGrath, c Marion, Hiudy o Mitchell, Thos McKinnic, James c Mclvoy, Allen c Mitchell, John c Moore, Wiley c Mallory, Charles c Mims, Peter *c Miller, George o Mosoly, Harvey c Mulherin, John McKee, Burrell c Morel, Gabriel c Miller, Frank c McKinnic, John Mallory, Sandy c Mosely,Rodolphus J Minor, Joo c Mahoney, Patrick 0 Mur rah, Geo W Murrah, Wm E Miles, John E McDuffie, George c Mayam, Mortimer c Mason, Cuff c Miller, Anthony c Miller, Edward T Milton, John c Martin, Tom c Mustin, Eli Mills, Wm S McCay, William c Miller, George c Moore, John c Miller, Felix c McMurphy, Tom c Mitchell, Solomon c Mack, Peter c March, Benj F Mouse, John c Matthews, Simeon N Micky, Tim c Miller, Jordan c Mosher, Geo D Mack, Toney c McKenzie, Lucius c Morgan, Henry c McGar, Cuffic c Myers, Joseph Murley, Alec c McKenney, Geo McDaniel, Jacob c McCook, Thos Morgan, Thos S Mosher, Josiah Martin, WmT • McGruder. Peter e Mitchell, Simeon c Maxwell, Jas c McCook, Sam’lD Mitton, Jas Moseley Mason Miller, Burt O Murphy. Dan’l C Miller, Martin McKenzie, Jno Mulkey, Mack Morse, Samuel McCook, Daniel McDonnall, Michac Magill, Jas A Miller, John T McNally, Patrick Mullane, John Martin, Nesbitt c McKelyy, Lewis c Moseley, Jas c Morse, Robt c Mealing, Henry c McCarthy, Patrick Maher, John Maher, Michael Moore, Jacob J McGowan, Jos K McNairy, Boyd Marsh, Jas W McCord, Zachariah McCombs, Alfred c McCarthy, Daniel McKenney, David S Martin, Wm T McAndrew, James McKanc, Charles c McGrath, Wm Malone, Adam c McDermott, Michael McLaughlin, Geo W Mitavica, Lewis c McKinne, Millcdge G Middleton, Joe c Mosher, Edward G McGrath, J F Miller, Wm . Moore, Dwight Mosely, Wm M Nash, John c Napier, Wm J North, Richard Norris, Adam c Neese, Abram Ney land, George c Nagle, John P Nelson, John 8 c Norman, Geo Nolan, Thos Nesbitt, John c Newson, R L c Nelms, Bill c Nowell, Richard c Nagle, John Neals, Jim c Nelson, Thos C Olive, Abel Oliver, David c O’Connor, Timothy O’Connor, Francis Owen, Amos E Oliphant, Alfred c Osborne,Abram c Olive, Thomas W Oliver, Philip c O’Conner, M J Oliver, Carlton Overstreet, 8 c O’Connell, Jessey D O’Neil, Robt O’Donnell, Michael Owens, Dennis O’Connell, Cornelius O’Connor, M D O’Conner, E J O’Hara, Jeremiah Otto, Adam Parker, William c Paris, Isaac c Porter, Tom c Patrick, Capers c Page, Phil c Phillips, Wm M Price, John W c Prather, Augustus M Polk, Josiah c Pollard, Charlie c Pctegru, Daniel c Palmer, Thomas J Paris, Sam c Pemberton, Henry c Parker, Charles e Parker, Lewis c Patterson, Philip c Payne, Tom e Page, George W Perrin, Jerry c Parker, John R Plummo, Henry c Prince, Solomon c Pruitt, Jacob ’ Paradise, Chas c Pournclle, Marion Pickrun, John Price, Thos D Prescott, M H Parsons, Thos c Peters, David e Philips, Wm Payne, Stephen c Pollard, Henry c Paris, David c Powell, Eugene J Peck, Jas F Parks, Jas c Pelett, Alfred e Page, Wm Palmer, James M Roberts, John e Roily, Wm II Reynolds, John Ramsey, John P Roberts, Robert c Roberts, John W Ruffin, Albert G Rigby, Jacob c Robinson, Joe c Rooney. Patrick Rice, Tom c Robinson, John c Rivers, Alec e Robinson, Manuel c Roberts. Charles M Reese, Enoch D Reynolds, Joseph W Robinson, Richard c Rahner, Joseph Robbe, Chas A Ratcliff, Samuel W Ramsey, Richard c Robertson, Robert c Reeves, Henry Russell, Eugenius c Rosignol, Henry Reed, Lewis c Redmond, Daniel c Rhoden, John Reynolds, Thos Reynolds, John M Radford, John Robertson, E C Reddick, Willis c Reed, Henry N Reanev, F W Rowland, Chas A Reynolds, Chas 8 Rogers, Elbert c Reeves, Geo W Ram, Chas II c Reynolds, James Rainey, WmT Ramsey, Wm Reed, James c Reeves, Ephraim Sapp, Frank c Shackelford, John c Smith, Charlie c Smith, Adam c Sherman, Monroe c Schneider, Jack c Searls, Lewis c Simpkins, Wiley c Smith, Albert o Stewart, James A o Smith, Josiah c Spink, W W Smith, Anderson c Simmons, March c Stratton, Henry c Stewart, Richard c Smith, George c Scott, Lewis c S rnpkins, Tom c Simpkins, Jesse c Smith, John L c Stokes, Henry c Summerfield, Henry c Simmons, Sam c Simmons, Robert c Shephard, Dennis c Sullivan, Wm c Smith, Mallory c Stoy, Walter P Smith, Stephen c Scott, Ed c Snyder, Harry c Searles, Wm c Smith, Tom c Smith, Zion Sex, Amos c Smalley, Burton c Shelton, Abram c Sweet, Henry c Stickney, Henry c Sullivan,’Moses o Singleton, Wm c Scott, John H c Smith, Thomas J Scott, Toby c Stallings, James 11 Sullivan, Wm II c Swan, Henry c Summerfield, Taylor c Smith, Arthur c Shefton, Robt c Smith, Austin e Shanahan, Wm Simms, Jacob Smith, Jonathan Steele, Jos Shields, John Samuel, Robt Summerfield, Robt c Smith, Peter c Scoggins, Jos Sullivan, John Smith, Robt 8 Sims, Wm c Shelley, Wm P Stewart, Wm c Stafford, Thos II Smith, Charlie c Smith, Cashin c Stovall, Francis M Simmons, Lucius c Scott, Pinckney Smythe, Wm W Scott, Wm c Sharp, Jas E Stoy, J W, Sr Sullivan, Patrick Saxon, Henry Sharp, John Smith, J B c Smith, Ben c Stonncker, Warren Sheron, Peter Scarborough, W’m Shchan, Patrick, Shanks, Wm M Settle, Madison c Simmons, Frank M Searl, Maryland e Smith, Howaru H Sims, Marshall M Scott, Hugh II Shirer, John Saxon, Daniel W. Stokes, Billy c Scarborough, Kelly Sacon, Wm C Scranton, P A Spears, Wm E Slack, Alfred B Spears, Madison L Story, Albert H Stevens, Frank E Spelman, RJ?,sr Scott, Walter c Seals, Joseph C Scully, Michael Strickland, CH Stone, Francis J Stevens, Llewellen Taylor, Cyrus c Thomas, Jim c Jobler, Abram c Tillman, Jack c Thomas, Jerome c Thomas, Edward c Turner, Willis c Tinnon, Vincent H Taylor, Virgin c Taylor, Grandison c Talbot, Saul c Taylor, John J Tyler, David c Turner, Robert c Taylor, Cap c Thomas, Michael B c Taylor, Henry c Tice, David Trowbridge, Merritt c Thomas, James c Timmerman, John c Tilman, Henry c Tucker, George c Trotty, Freeman c Thomas, Daniel e Tice, Peter M Tillman, Wm H e Turpin, Wm E Turner, Tom c Tumor, Henry c Thomas, Berry E c Thompson, Lewis B Thomas, Patrick c Thomas, Mike c Trotty, Wilson c Tripp, Nelson c Thomas, Elias Thomas, Frafik c Trader, RobtE Thrift, Robt Tice, Geo Touchstone, F M Turner, Joe c Tice, John Turner, Thos E c Tudor, Wm C Tice, Seaborn W Turpin, Jackson F Thompson, JII c Thomas, Wash c Thomas, Chas c Taylor, Jerry c Trotty, Bill c Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Wm c Thomas, Joo c Turner, Frank c Thomas, Floyd Tice, James 11 Tompkins, Albert e Thomas, Daniel Thomae, Thomas <■ Touey, George J Toer, Wm e Vaughn, Thos J Van Pelt, John Vaughn, Wm II Vining, David M Vaughn, John Vails, Henry Vining, Frank e Vail, Wm Volker, .Win Vaughan, Michael Williams, Wm e Watt*, Cyrus c Watts, James M c Walker, Ceasar c Webster, Daniel e Williams, Alfred c Walsh, Thomas Winn, Marcus c Wilhight, Wm c Willis, JDonuis e Williams, Henry c Wooten, John K Williams, Henry c Woodson, Willis e Williams, Richmond c Wade, Peter c Williams, John c Williams, Frank c Webb, Elisha c Wiley, Ned <j Woodson, Robert c Ward, Wm 0 Wigfall, Bristow c Williams, Cap o Wingard, Elisha D Washington, George c Williams, James o Wilson, Milton o Williams, Isaiah c Walker, Wesley e Williams, Sam c Williams, Spencer c Watts, Harrison c West, William o Walker, Thomas c Williams, Daniel c Williams, Aaron c Warren, James H c Wilson, John c Walker, Andrew c White, Frank c Whittaker,Roland W Williams, Stephen c Ware, John D Williams, Edward c Watson, Wm J Walker, Richard c Wheeler, John E Wingfield, Hubbard c Welsh, John Watts, Henry c Welsh, Dennis Wynn, Isaac c Wilson, Martin V B c Wright, Moses -c Walker, Alex c Williams, Joh n c Williams, Win M Williams, Alien c Wardlaw, Thos P Wood, Woodson Walker, David S Walker, Minocr M Williams, David e Walker, Lewis Wells, Thos E Walker, Jessee Williams, Sam c Willis, Jase Williams, Nick c Ware, Harvey Williams, Henry A Worrell, Alec c Waters, Thornton Wilson, Adolphus c Widener, Wise Williams, Lafayette Williams, AD c Willis, Robt Williams, Moses c Wellington, Chas Williams, Jerry c Waiters, Sam e Williams, Jackson c Washington, Jos c Waiters, Gabriel c Woodward, L c Wigfall, Cupid c Williams, Henry c Williams, Rafe c Wallace, Patrick Walsh, Michael Whaley, Jim e Waiters, Bill c Walker, Perry c Wilson, Jas B Wilson, Bill e Walton, Jacob c Walker, Jas II c Williams,Columbus e Wingfield, Thos T Willis, Stepney c Walsh, Patrick Williams, Wm J Ward, Michael Williamson, Jas D Wright, Wiley c Wheelock, Wm E Williams, Davy c • Wallace, Watkins e Walker, Moses Yarborough, Abram c Young, Leroy c Young, Freeman c Young, James c Youngblood, E Youngblood, S N Yates, John J c Young, Richard c Young, Robt T Young, Allen C RECAPITULATION. Word. White. Colored. Tohd. 15t358 410 777 2d228 249 477 3d24S 240 488 4th510 699 1209 Grand T0ta1. 1607 2951 Augusta, Georgia, November 16, 18GS. JOHN C. SNEAD, WM. 11. McLAWS, E. M. BRAYTON, WILLIAM DOYLE, R. A. HARPER, Commissioners of Registration. Attest: David Pouter, Clerk. NOTICE FROM COMMISSIOIVKRS OF REGISTRATION. &-IN PURSUANCE OF THE ACT PASSED by the Gcueral Assembly of Georgia entitled “Au Act to Reorganize the Municipal Government of the City of Augusta," the undersigned will, on MONDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF OCTOBER 1868, open the Registry for voters at the office, in the basement of the City Hall in said city,former ly the office of the County Judge. Said Registry will continue open until 2 o’clock p. m. on Tues day the first of Dccenib r next, from 9 o’clock a. m. till 2 o’clock p. m. of each day, except Sunday JOHN C. SNEAD, W. R. McLAWS, E. M. BRAYTON. WILLIAM DOYLE, K. A. HARPER, Commissioners of Registry. Tiie following oath will be administered to each applicant for registry : You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-one years of age, that you have resided in this State for the last twelve months, in this city for the last six months, and in this district or ward for the last ten days; that you have considered this State your home for the last twelve months, that you have paid all taxes, and made all returns required by the Ordinances of this city that have been in your power to pay or make accordiugto said ordi nances. _o<t I—td NATIONAL BEOMIN’B SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. o Chartered by Act of Coait'ro*. o Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. C. BIIANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., NO 111 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2p. m., and Saturday evening? from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong to the depositors. Investments are only made in Securities or the United States. GEO. H. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. KbNT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier* au2l—dAwtf Government Proposals ARE INVITED FOR SUPPLYING THE Quartermaster’s Department, at the Augns Arsenal, with 160 Cords of goodmercbauta , hard WOOD—upland preferred. Oie«’ I -, posals must be in the usual form, and audree l to the undersigned. They will be opened a a. m , on Thursday, November are invited to be present. The successful n will be required to enter into contract, ana g bonds in the usual form. .. , One Hundred Cords are to be delivered betore February Ist, 1869 ; the remainder, at the « tractor’s option, any time before < ’ cto qe> • 1869. Bids will be received for a part or ror whole amount. , „„amls Further information and forms lor ptpl , can’ be obtained by applying to the uneersignec. D. W. FLAGLER, Captain of Ordnance. llOl4—lawbw Bt. Lieut. Col. and A. A. ■ Augnsta Arsenal, Ga , November t, H