The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 22, 1868, Image 1

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- n - - -U ' -J a.. . r a, iiH>- ■ i IB ! CflWlJki , ; .,r ,-.r- K-<ff ffOw# '.HOilnZ'l " ■ " THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. . ’ .....rfo, . ... • .. ii s ——««./ .»A -rd .c'-fi-wamhaftt Avid’t •' riflllß.'- *• f*': VOL. 11. National Repnblican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U. 8 Government StfMCRIPTION PRICE: >Ne Ye»», hl ndvanee. ..$S 00 Six Months, in advance 2 50 fhrae Months, in advance 1 25 4' .1 ,wg«r /arm'eicrf yralif to tty one »t»d -, »7 •» a <Jf»t ofton <utevri*«ra. ' •-ul ff' The undersigned, having a comptetoly I'uroisiied office, is enabled to exacute ail order! for Book aad Job Printing, Book-binding, or Haling Vboapor than any other office in the South. < Eli, PUGHK . ~ v vs-Hir -V• - SUNDAY MORNING Nov. 22,18C8 From the Irish People.] Kathleen With the Golden Hair. Ms jAUkn KKEKAN. Besides the limpid brook we played. In childhood's happy. happy hours, Or through the dells and valleys strayed. And gathered bright and beauteous flow era; But ne'er grew flower in the dell, That to my fancy seemed so fair. As she my young heart loved so well, Sweet Kathleen with the golden hair. Beneath the groen and spreading oak, That by the little streamlet grew, One eve opr vowsof love we spoke, And, parting, promised to be true; For 1 must sail o er ocean wide. A sailor’s stormy life to dare. To win a guerdon for my bride, Sweet Kathleen with the gotten hair. i sailed afar o'er many sera, In quiet calm and furious storm. But still her voice spoke in the breeze, My dreaming eyes beheld her form; At length returned to meet my love, My gathered wealth with her share, But the willows droop and grieve above. Izjat Kathleen with the golden hair. I sit again ’neath the old oak’s shade, And the moonlight falls on the limpid brook, a As,it shone on the eve when our vows we made, “ And a parting kiss from her lips I took, For her light footstep I list once more. But she ne’er again will meet me there; She waits, I hope, by the heavenly shore, Loved Kathleen with the golden liair. MARRIED*ON~-TRUST. “ What a thing ft is to be poof! lleigho! Lord blest) me! Well, well, I suppose I may as well give up first as last” Mr. O’Jlegan was sitting in the attic of Mrs. Ross’ third rate boarding house. Mr. O’Regan was certainly enjoying a tit of the blues, and no wonder, with no money in his pocket, his week’s board unpaid, his clothes neediug to be washed, while the wash erwoman, with arms akimbo, had refused him only the day before, , “without the money furniiist her eyes,” and in love; the last crowned tjve entire lot of his difficulties. Poor O’Regan in love, and penni less ! Heigho! I have to sigh in con cert over that. O’Regan was twenty eight come next Christmas, and this was June. Mary Kelly was thirty two .conic Michaelmas; but what of that? Mary Kelly was the girl he loved. “ The darlint,” he said more than titty times that very afternoon, and kissed a square little piece of tin, or I should say a little square ambro type, without case or frame, that ho kept sacredly in his vest pocket, next to his heart. That was Mary Kelly’s likeness—a little, broad face, low fore head, and dumpy-figured woman, with hair pulled tight back behind her ears, and a wide, stiff collar around her soft neck. Now O’Regan fancied this little dumpy woman a model of perfection, and looked with contempt at those fairy, sylph-like forms that poets raved about. * Thank Heaven for different tastes, for if every one was alike in i hat matter, what would become of poor males and females who were not in the fashion ? For instance, if fat women were the taste, what would become of poor lean ones ? If bru nettes were the only kind sought for, Heaven help blondes! If every man would love nothing but a beautiful woman, Heaven help the homely ones. If ewn woman cared for naught but a hanusome man, Heaven help the many homely yet good ones there are in the world. ’ The beauty of Mary’s soul shone out of her eyes, and O’Re gan only saw tliis, and loved the beauty of the soul. And thank Heaven for that love, whoever gets it, for It’s the only tree and lasting one on earth f it outshines the setting hue of life when beauty must decay, and the form become withered and tottering. But tliis lieauty shines out all the clearer be cause like the sun in its setting, it can be seen by the naked eye, resting mid clouds of silver and gold, placid and beautiful at the close of day. So the beautiful soul, as it nears the home of its God, shines in tins pure placidity of heavenly .light, because the bright beams of the Holy City are already easting its halo around them. But this is a digression. I believe I left Mr. O’Regan bemoaning bis sad fate in the attic of Mr. Ross’ third rate boarding house. Yes; and Mary Kelly, over her wash tub, was chew - ing the cud of bitter reflection also.— Maty Kelly washed and ironed fine clothes, such as laces and muslins for ladies, and sometimes did a little sew ing besides, thereby eamingan honest penny for herself. At all events, it was all die could do. tvash, iron and sew, for Mary Kelly had nb education, ; and no particular bumps that marked Jier as possessing much talent or sharp ness for anything She was nothing but a quiet, honest, kind-hearted woman; nothing but a common earth enware vessel. " (And )"et somethnsfl the common earthenware arc of more service than the finest chins). And so Mary, in her lowly home, washed > ... ... and rubbed, rubbed and washed, etery now and than taking up the end of her apron to wipe away the tears that would come. Once two big ones rolled right into the tub, and Mary stopped for one moment, and sitting down in the ehair she indulged in u good cry. “O dear, what a tiling it is to be poor! Mtrsha me, but these hard times art the ruin of many a heart. Arrah, what a fool I am r’ thought Mary Kelly. “Thirty-one years old, crying me eyes out like a colleen of fifteen ! Tint ah, Johnny, dear, I do loye you. Never mind me age—never mind. There’s a woman’s heart Imre, and sure a woman can love till she steps into the grave. Ah! to me washin’ again; it’ll not be payin’ me rent, and puttin’ food in me mouth and me ould mother’s, this givin’ way to tears. Ahl musha mb! Johnny, ilarlint, if ye’d say the word to, ax me to have ye, I’d say yes, never fear, if ye hadn’t a cint in yer pocket to pay the minister that married us.” “Is that so, Mary, darlint ? Is di at so ? Musha! then let us go. Sureimy heart will be happier even if I haven’t a shirt tb my back, if I only I rave you. Sav, Mary, darlint, will you?” Poor Alary gave a loud scream of fright, for frotnbelfind the wood-houee door stopped the obj ect of her thoughts. For John O’Regan, with the hopes of driving away the blues, could not re sist the temptation to j ust come rouud the corner and peep at his darling, and by peeping in he heard tire loud soliloquy of Mary Kelly, and his heart was roused with ioy. I'nable longer to contain himself, no broke’ in on her I day dreams with the joyous exclama tions above. ' “Arrah! what was you listenin’ for ?” said Alary, trying to “Sure, it wasn’t right at alt John, to be doin’ tlie like o that.” “Ah, Mary, forgive me, darlint. Sure, 1 couldn’t help coinin’ to be near ye. Mary, darlint, lam poor, but it’s rich I’d be if you would marry me! Sure, I could goto work with a will. Indadc, I’d find work then. Maiy, darlint, put on your shawl and come wid we now.” ' r> ‘k)h, go along wid ye, Jdhn Aint ybWiamed?” “Come along, darlint, come.” Love hasgreatpower. At all events, Mary could not resist it, and they went off to the magistrate of that town. He was a kiml-hejgPted man, and they knowing it, laid tbe case before him, He g«qve them a little advice, and, knowing them to be honest people, marrieil them on trutt. And poor as they now wore, it was a happy eouple that sat down by the little table of Mary Kelly’s domicil to eat their fru gal sup]»er of bread and butter, suid two little mutton-chops that Mary liad scraped up money enough to get for a treat, and a little plum-cake that a neighbor had sent in, hearing of the grand wedding. Frugal, did I say? No; it was a sumptuous meal to them, and hob-nobbing tb one another over the table, they cracked many a joke at their own expense, and felt happier in their |M>verty than many a rich dame and gay lord in the grandest castle rearing its proiid nails above some little hovel. Ah! if we could only sometimes veep into lowly homes, and see tin* iright, hopeful hearts and merry faces that sit down to the humble fare, hardly earned, and hear the hopeful jest and the word of cheer, we, in our sumptuons homes, would not so often pity the ]»oor, particularly when we yawn with our hands in our laps, and wonder what is the matter, and what the reason is that makes us so tired and weary of everything and every body. It is often tho case that some of the rich have not enough to employ their minds ami their hands. This is another digression, however. Well Mr. and Mrs. O’Regan com menced life together, with hardly a penny in their pockets, but plenty of hope in their hearts. Mary Went with redoubled vigor at her ironing the next day. Johnny started off to hunt up some work, feeling as big as the biggest and as happy as the happiest; for didn’t Mary kiss him four or live times ns he started ? And didn't Mary bless him with a wife’s blessing, and love him with a wife’s love— that shone so plainly out of her eyes, that sparkled brighter than they ever had sparkled before ? Many a weary mile John O’Regan walked that day, but he vowed to himself that he would not look into Mary’s eyes until he had some good nows to tcH her. Two days ago he would have sat dow n in de spair ere half the journey he had ac complished to-day would have been completed—sat dow in despair, feel ing there was noticing to incite him on. But now he stepped on with renewed vigor; he knew determination was one groat need in gaining any desired end, and his courage had not firiled him yet- Six times had he been peremptorily refuted. Once more he tried, and was again refused: this time because' he was Irish, and Johuuy O’Regan knew it, and his Irish blood was up. “Do you mane,” ho cried, his proud head erect, “Do you inane,” because I am Irish, that I am not tit to work aside o’ve ? Och! man, there’s as good Irishmen as ever there was Eng lish, French, or American; and, m troth, as bad. But are ye no Chistian because they are l>ad? Is there no good ? Have ye no bad in yer ohh country? Ye are no good yourself, or ye would not hiirt the fechngs of it poor man, Irish he may be, but honest. May be the day will come whin ye will glaiily welcome the poor Irishman !" John O’Regan tnrned wway with a face sadder th«q,ever before. He took i fV’l W '.J , J ■ —r-— — .h,..* ■» - j .|r i, t , li ~<■ f t--. AUGUSTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 22, 1868. 111 . y his littlc lunch, and sM down beneath r a spreading tree by the wayside, land t while he ate he read from the little J pipoo of paper that hml covered Ins l bread and butter this paragraph : n “Any poor man who is willing to . make a home for himself, would do well to ponder over thia: One hundred 1 milts from (J——, east of the Lake of » T-s—, are wild tracts of woodbind t only waiting the woodman’s avu to , make fair and fertile fanna. f who labor in bondage, would, it net he i better to labor for a home ? r then, and pick outfamufor yourselves. , AH that’s needed is an axe, a cup imd 9 some matches; you pay fur yotir f»rm 9 by your axe: you cut the timber down s and make it into cords of wood which, i in a few months, will pay for y tfur farm f at five shillings an aCre.” ‘ r , John could read no more, as the rest 3 was torn away, but he started home f with a new resolve in his heart. Mury - and he had a long talk that night. How it ended could be told in Mary’s red eyes two days after, as she stood with her arms round John’s neck bid ; ding him God speed to tho new land. ! So with his bundle on his back, and a few shillings in his pocket, he turned ' his steps to the path that lead a him ; died aules away, where he was going . to make a home for Mary mid her t mother. * -'f c Shall I tell of the long weary way . he trod, sleeping sometimes in barns and sometimes in tlie woods ? shall I tell how he arrived at last, with a feW , more on the same errand as himself, and how their courage was raised still higher at the prospect which lay be fore them ? It would be lengthening a tale already too long, and I cannot give but’a synopsisoftbeend. Suffieeit that John sueceedetl, and three months after, While he was cpgntihg up the proceeds of the wood he had sold, he found that he had enough and to spare to bring Alary and ber mother. AH that was needed was a little log cabin as a cage. “ John, O John, dear John !” Just then a hand was laid on his I shoulder. 3lary had come all that long distance ou foot; she had reached the bourne, and in her joy she knelt and tlianketlGod for leading her safely to her husband. “But, Mary, why did \<>ueome?'’ said John. “ Begmse, John, 1 couldn't live and be parted from you.” “But, Mary, darlint, the home isn’t ready yet.” “ Nivcr mind, John ; 1 can help you make it. See, lam strong ! Look at my arips 1 I can help. I can.” In three weeks they had a snug log cabin raised. In three montlis"after Mtiry^eiHwme^oWW tm>re his oxen, attached to a home-made wagon, to the place where he had married Mary on trust, and paid the man who had tied the joy-giving knot. Tn three years beautiful farms stretched over this once wild waste, now almost a village. Oh one corner, by the Lake, a grocery store and blacksmith shop flourished, and John O’Regan, his wife and two children walked ortt. many an evening, tbe father and mother looking proudly at their two little ones and their neat farm and house, and more proudly still at the little village of Regansville, which they truly felt they had founded. My tale is finished. It is composed of neither grandeur or sublimity,-.but the simple truths it contains arc gath ered from the by-ways of life, where industry, integrity and perseverance are ofttimes found, and which arc the fonndatioife of grander tales that may be haiulcd down hereafter from the now wilds of the far West. Assignee’s Sale. PtTRSVANT TO AN ORDER OF THE HON. A,Q. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy for the Northern District of Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, before tbe Court House door ia Elberlon, Elbert county, Georgi”, on tbe FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER nexl, between the legal hoars of sole, os the property of P. B. Bourne, bankrupt, QA'Ji IRAvX OF ou Burlrem's creek, in tbe FhUwoods, in Elbert county, containing :>#() acres, more or lesc ad joiuiug lamjs of S. C. tilark, J. 11, Grogban,apd othcrV’" ■-' ' J 1-u ■ AHO, as tho property of IL W. Bourne, bankrupt, ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Burtram's creek, in ibe Flatwoods, in Elbert county, containing SOO acres, more or lees, ad joining lands of P. B. Bourne, J. M. Brewer, J. H. Groghan, and others. The first mentioned tra<?t so'd as tbe property of P. B. Bourne, bank rupt, nd the seoond mentioned tract as th* property of IL W Boujae, bankrupt, fer tbe benefit of their creditors, free of tbe incum brance of judgment end mortgage liens. Terms cash. JAS. J. BIRCH, nolfi—lawfw Assignee. November 6tb, 1868. Assignee's Sale. I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE TOWN of Sparta, lliMM*hk'MMty, '<on the FIRtIT TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, tho following properly, to wit: <Jee,X*a«Vof Laud, euntalßiOK a boat (140) one hundred and forty aeres, on tbe west bank of Buffalo creek, adjoining lauds of I Frederick Trawick and gtbnn, nowiu posses sion of s. D. ->fode. ■ H Afi i Fold as the property of the estate of William L. Reeva*; an adjudged bankrupt, free from tbe incumbrances of liras, ete., for tbe benefit of tbe .SOWN. I November lOih, IBM. I ~ nolO—taw.3w MISS A. C JAMES, AGENT R>R HIE k'LORKNCE SEWING MACHINE, best - leave to anitounce that ahe has Pemoveu to No. 25k over Mrs MeKiauon’a Millinery Store. ■ Mies JAMES is amply piepsred to till any * orders with tlw latest Pmterns to make Ladies' i and VhiMrea’d Dresees Mantles, etc. ocu7—fetb y f ; 925 ACKES OF LAND 1 FOR SALE ’ 1 OFFER FUR SALE MY PLANTATION I JL in Lincoln county, lying on tbe water* es Little eree|t, at Rayavilln, ooutainiiqf uiue bun ’ died and twenty live acres, with goad improve- I pieiits . a large and commodious dwelling. The out l.iiilibags and fenemg in good repair; a good j eiu-lumse aud jacking avrew. There is a large cnowof small grain tanra on rhe place of exrra M.ed 1 will aalL with tbu ri*e<-, Stork , ai,<i Provisions of afl kind*., UAgoaa, PUulathm Tools. Cotwm Seo<l*«u»«.t< i. • i aolUlffi. M* BOYD J -u. j..-, SHERIFFS SALES. Richmond Sheriff's Sole. ?K THK T rEB j v DAY IN JANI ARY. 1869, u t fl Je Lower Market House,in the eity of Augusta, between the legal lw» of rale, if* inflowing paojierty, tp wit: All that lot or parcel of land on the north side es Broad street, betwpsi Centre and Elbert, atreets, in tbe city of Augwrta and county afore said, being tbe third lot flam the wruer of Broad and Centre streets, known in Phillips’ plan and map es raid city ae Lol Nd' 9, containing a front on Broad ttreet of twenty-niue felt, tntheer lota, and having such shapes, metes and bouuda al are Wt forth In the deed from William W. Mann and Henry Daly, dated Feb. sth, 1853, and reeorxled ia Hie Clerk a office of tho Superior Court in Book H HJolio 314 ; levied on aathe property of Wil flam Desmond, to satisfy a <• fa. on foreclosnreon realty isaned from Ute Eraerior Court of Rich mond county hi favor of Henry Daly, against William Desmond; and notice given to Henrv T. Peay, tenant ill poseesanm. thia 6|h day of Novem ber, 1868. WM. I’. RHODES. noß—fd Coroper, acting Sheriff R.C Richmond Sheriff ’s Sale miLL BE SOLD, AT fllE LOWER MAR FT RET House, in the city of 9 ugutta, be tween the legal hours ot sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 16»y, the fofloeing property, to wit.: That lot »f land ia tbe city of Augusta, It s»fd county, JroiindM south by Ellis street, on which It sUtidareighfy fbet, more or les*, turning half, way to Brojdetr*et; bounded west by lo* of Wm. H. Jonas, and out by let of Antoine Ploqnet, containing one quarter of an tore, more or leas. • Levied on as the property of Wiiiiim U.-louea, to ratuftt* ti. fa. on foreclo sure, bayed uuf of tbe Superior Court of Rich mond county, in favor of Barney 8. Dunbar agaWstWiHiain C. Jonoa j preporty pointed out in aid li. fa., and written notice given to A. W. Stoss" “X.'lV N ” lirt—td IT Corooov, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL'Bte SOLD„ ON fBE FIRST TUR* DAY IN DECEMBER next, between tho legal hours of sole, at the Lower Market House, in theyUy of Augusta, the following property, vltt 'bne Tract of Land and improvements thereon, situate tn «aid eeuuty on the east side ■of East Boundary Irtarat, of tho dty of Augusta, eontpiniut sixteen auda h»lf acres, more or teu, aud bonnded West by said East Boundary street, North by road kading to Sand Bar Ferry, Bast by land now (or formerly) owned by Dr. Me Whorter, and South by land of.--— ►, except such portion of land as is claimed by defendant Met- tapt from levy and sale—levied on a> the property of Robert G. Easterling, to satisfy a UomuiJn law fi, fa- issued from the Superior Court'of Richmond . County, in favor of John Pblniry agaiast'Robert’C. Easterling ; said land being now in possßttiou of Robert C. Easterling, and notioe this ilay terved on him according to taw, 2d Nov.', I8«8 WILLIAM DOYLE, sort—id Deputy Sharif! Richmond Co. Richmond County Sheriff’* Sale. \IHLL be sot®, on The first tubs VI DAM AN DECEMBER next, at tbe Lower Market House, hi the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of rale, tlie following property, vie: One Tract of Land and improvements, sit uate iit. eohety, epi the erat aide of East Boundary street sfty of Augusta, contain ing Jxleen mid a fittf acres, more Or less : and bounded was* >y Ea«t Boundary street, north by road leading-to Sand Bar Ferry, east by land now or f-irnierty owned by Dr McWhqrter, aud south by lands of 1 eiteept such portions of land ra ia daiated by dtfemhtßt ra exempt from leyymrd sale. .Levied on as the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a common law li. fa. issued from flie Superior Cwart of Richmond county iu favor of Daniel T. Stunner against Robert C. Easterfing, principal, aud Foster Blodgett, |t., aecnrtty on the appeal. raid laud being now iu |a»>aeaaloii of Robert. C. Easterling. Audi hereby al-ive this >«A«« according to law, tins S 3 day or N ovember, ISW. WM. DOYLE, , nov3—tri Deputy Sheriff Richmond co> , Richmond Sheriff * Sale WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in Decemlter next,'at the Lower Market House, in the Cl*y of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: 'A tract of Land situated in Richmond county, containing 1,606 acres more or loss, bounded on the east, by Hugh MeLean and John A. Rhodes, on the south by Henry John son and Saxon, on the west by Chris'opihcr Morgan and Malichf and Samaol, Young, on the north by John Scarborough and Wildes; the said tract formerly kuowu aa the property of James McNair, to satisfy a fl. fa. issue I from the Superior court of Richmond county in favor of Garret T. Oglesby for tile use of James M. Niblett against James McNair, security; said property pointed out by Jahies M. Niblett, and levied on the 29th day of Oc tober, 1868, and written notice served on Jack son Bridwell, in possession, this ‘--IHh day of October, iffiJS. WM DOYLE, novl--'td Sheriff B C. Richmond County Sheriff Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next <c tha Lower Mar-, kot Reuse, ia tho city of A gjf'W. between the legal hours of sale, tliC f Ji-.wing property, vie : Forty-one seres of hui'l in Saul county (as the property of Walker R. Nott J. acquired in bis own right from Arm steal Fulcher, bounded north by laud- of ihe late Alexander McKcntie, west by lande of reid irniistead Fulcher, south and east by fends of sold Walter s. NoiL Aly> r on another tract adjoining raid body, contete ing one hundred acres, more or less, in idld county, acquired from Armistead Cotton, bound ed north by lands of raid Writer 8. Nott, west by lands of said Walter 8. Nott and Edauind Palmer, south by Mcßcan Creek, east by land* of David F. Dickinron—levied on as tho property of Walter 8. Nott, to sriitfy at. fa. issued from tbe Superior Court of Richmond county, iu favor of the Augusta and Saynrwah Railroad ffompany, against Walter S. Nott .find property pointed out by John T. Ebewmri|e, Plaintiff's Attorney, and notice given to Mrs. Savapnah Nott, in posaess-iun, this 30th day of October, 18*8. ' WILLIAM DOYLE, novi—id Deputy Sheriff, R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. _ WILL KE SOLD. AT THE LOWER Market House, iu the city of Augus'a, on tbe FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, within the legal hour* of sale, the following prop-. erty, to-wit: Tenement Building, north side of Telfair street, fronting 60 feet on same etrtat, running back tn Greene street 132 teet' more or less: bounded on the north by tbe MHhodfet Church lot. east bv lot of Mre. Tifxlale, eonth by Tefiair street, and west by!« es th. ttannet! Angnsta. The property of Mre, Jului Titrinie. io satisfy twtufi. firn., waned from the IJOtb Dfetnct. G. AL.iu tav<u of Eli Mustin. vs. Mra Tusdale. Robert A Harper vs. Mrs. Jnlia Tisdale, levied on and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable,2d November, 1868. Also, Lot No. 20, Block 1, fronting ou the Sa vannrit Road, Sharp's survey, recorifedon Book 1, Folio 535. in the office of the Ordinary of the county. Said lot lying and being in the county of Richmond. Iteried on a* the property of Mrs. Crihtreue E. Pioquet. to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from tbe 120th District, G. M.. iu fevor of Ale* ander Brodie vs. Cathcreae E Picqupt, Executrix of ttic estate of Augusta* Picqurt. this oth day June. 1868. Itevy maiie and returned to ma bv L.L. Anthony, Comity Couatabio. Ah» r on lots known as Xo«. f. 3 and Sou Block No I Iron tine <>n Tnrkuet* Roml. and oa lots 1.9,10,17,18, Block No. 2, aoeoniing to E P. Sharp's survey, recorded m Ordinary’* , office. Book 1, Folio 535. Said lota titeate,lying knd being in the county of Richmond, State aforeaaid. Saidlota levied on to satisfy two distress waintnts, issued from the Justice s Court, t?0lh District, G. M.,in favor of Georgv McKnira v*. Catharine E. Pidiaet, uiincipal. and Frederick M. Niehahts, security, toe sth dav of Angust, 1868. Levied on and relnruati to me by U L. Anthony, County Conetnble • * • 5 s*-* *, Also, m*e Tract of Land, situate, lying »od being in the coduty of Kiclißimxt..containing 1-N > aerm. more or ieaa. mflotaing teirfs bf the esteta of James McLaws, James Cawlay, aud William Rachel*. Levied on as the property of Wm. K Thompson/ to relisfy * fl. I*.-, leaning from the J Gali css-Court of l&lb Dwtrid, G. M,., io favor of Frank H. MiUer rx Wm. Anderrau, principal, and Wm. K Thompson, security, this 5d day ot April 1868, Itevy made and retained to me by L. L. Aufooi<y,C<maty Conetable. WILLIAM DOYLE.r ! nevJ-td Oep, UMrtff a. < SHERIFF’S SALES. . * J •. —• ' *ra—. " T""T ’" " T Richmond Sheriffs Sale. \ V fLT - WK on the First Tuej. 5 * » DAY IN JANUARY, 18»«, at the Lower Sarket Route, in the eity of Augusta, between » legal hours of sale, those Three Lots of Land, )■ in sajd county, known a* lots Nos. 1, 2 rad 8, on apian of lots drawn by Fdwin V. Sharpe, and . copied in a deed of said lots by Jahn Rrawdnn to I Henry T. Nelson. Tho said lot, No. », fronting on the Summerville Plank Road, or Oracled Road, now called the Augusta A venae, seventy [ five feet, and situate one liuudred and forty feet from Liberty street, and sate thereof, and run , niug back es, even with, one hundred and sev enty feet, at an angle of said Avenue of 17J degrees. The said lot No. i, being contingent to said lot No. 3, on the east thereof, and run ning back the same number pf feet from and at the same angle with vaid Avenue. Tho said lot No 1, fronting seventy feet on • new street, to be opened parallel with, and three hundred and fifty feet, east of Liberty street, and rnnniug back from said new street towards said Liberty street one hundred and seventy five feet,- tho northern boundary lion of said lot,, No. I, being the southern hounHarv line of said lota, Nos. 3 and 4, and the three lots having been conveyed to Suid Nelson by aud from John Brandon, re corded in the Clerk's office of thia county VV', folios 11:1 and 114. Levied on as the prop erty of Henry T. Nelson, to satisfy n fl. fa., on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from ibe flu potior Court of Richmond county, in favor of tho Sei dier's Loan and Building Association, against Henry T. Nelsen, and notice this day not served, there beiug naoteupuet in possession. Augusto, <lii., November 9, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, nov 10—td Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. fi Richmond Sheriff’s Sale, Will be sold on thr first tubs. DAY rnJanuary, 1860, afltlfe lower mar ket house in the city of Augusta,, between the legal hours of sale, the feflowing property, towit: That lot of land ,-iluale asear the-Sota'.h Boundary st., of the eity of Atfgasta, fronting on tbeSavannah road, and known in apian ot lots made by W. E. Brown, survpypr, aud teettrf. ed in tbe Clerk’s office of th a Cenrt, in book TT, folio 25U, 26U, as fat No. sevrafapfl Hl), having a front on said Savannah rohd hf sixty (60’; feat five (5) inehes, ruwsftg back one hundred and eighty (180) feet; hounded on the north by ■ lot No. sixteen (Iflj, south by Louis st., east by fat No. twenty nine west by said Sevan nah road, in said county. Levied oa as the property of Peter Jennings, to satisfy s fi. fa. on foreclosure of luorigage, issued from tbe Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of Bernard Bignon, executor of Chas. DeLaigle n gain st Potep Jennings, mid notice not given, there occupaut in pos esrion, this tbe 9th Nov. 1868. W W. P. RHODES, Coroner, novlO—td Aot’g Sheriff «. O. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, QN THE FIRST TUES. DAY in JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the eity es Auguste, between tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wlt: Those three Lots b'f Land lying in Richmond county, as>d treating an the Savan nah Road, near South Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, known in a Plan of Lota made byJW. E. Brown, Surveyor, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of this Court,in book, T. T.,folios 359 and 260,as Lets No. 9,10 and 11.' E*eh of said Lets having a front on the said Savannah Road of 60 feet, and running baek nil feet; bounded North by Let No, 8, b'outii by Charles street, East by Lot No. 5, and West by the said Savan nah Road. Levied on as the property of Mrs Margaret, Kennedy, to satisfy a fi. fa on foro itosuro of mortgage in favor of Bernard Bignon, Executes es Charles DeLaigtc: and notice not given, there befog n« neeupant in poeseKaiotu this Oth day es November, 1808. W. P. RHODES, Coroner, novU-td Asking Sheriff Riehmoad Owmtv, Richmond Bh«riff’a Sale. WILL Bfl SOLD ON THE FIRST TU«K- D 'Yin .fffituhry, 1869, at the lower mat ket bouse, ia the <ity es Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit; That lot or parrel of laird in the city es Aegoeta. on Uie smith side of Margaret st., etteweea McKihne and ' ill st., having a front on Market at. of one hundred and nine feet and extending through to Reynolds st. upon which it has the same front; bounded oe the north by Market sL, south bvßeyhf M” st, east by tot of Wm. Keener, Trustee, and wsu by lot ot Anthony Bateman, in said county. Levied on ns tho property of Chas. F. Keener, to ratfofy a fl. fit. oh foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court es Richmond county, In favor of the Soldiers la>a» and Building Association, against Charles F.. Keener, and notice given t- Charles F,Keener, ewner, in possession, this 9th day of November, 1868. WM. BHO >EB, Coroner, novlO— td Act’g Sheriff, R. C. R ch’nond Sheriff’* Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1869. between the legal hours es sole, at the I»wer Market Horae in the city of Augusta, the fAlowing property, viz., silittteti in the county of Richmond: One Tract of Ltptd, nbuat three tuilra from thecity es Augusta, on the Aitgnsta and Savannah Railroad (excepting the right, of wav of said railroad through said tract of land), containing three hun dred and uiue acres, more or less, bon tided south by lands of John Pliiiiixy and Rocky Greek, ou the west, by lands now of formerly owned by De Laigle, oa the north by laud now or formerly owned by DeLaigle and a lane pf John Phinizy, east by land of John Phtaiz.y. Levied en ander a mortgage ii th. ou foreclosure leaned from the the Kupeiior Court of Richmond county, in fever us Jonn Phiuiay agattisl Rolsert C. Easteiling, to satisfy raid debt and epste. as lire property of Robert C. Eaeteillng, being for the purebaSe money of raid tract <>l laud, except such portiou Os raid land as claimed by defendant ae exempt from levy and rale: raid mud being now in pot sessiou of Jobu C. Bt>iuke. Aud notice this day served on him according to law. The almve prop erty pointed out by John Phittiiv. Octulrer 3, 1868. . K WM. P. RHODES, noßt-ld Coroner, acflng Slrerill K C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. Willi. BK SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market llou.-e, in the eity of Aggnsta, betweep the legal knars of sale, the following property, to wit; That lot es tend on the south side <jf Bread'street, bet ween Elbert and Lincoln streets, in thecity of Auguste, in said county ; bi.uaded north by Broad street, on which it fronts fifty six feet, mere or less ; eart by tot of tbtrtefrlrof Phillip Crump, deceased; south by Bills street aad wes> by lot of the heirs of Jesse Kent, de ceased. Also, anotherlot in said elt/, fronting fifty feet seven inches on Ellis, which bounds it on the south, and running back to wards Broad street owe hundred and thirty three feet six inches, Mose or lose; bounded west by tot of Alexander Marten, north by let vi the heirs et .k Turpiu, and case by tot of John P. B. Miller, Levied on M the property of Robert J. Bowe, to satisfy a fl. fa. on foreclo sure of realty, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Harmon Rowley against Robert J. Bowe ( and notice given do Robert J. Hoot, rarner in possession, this 6th day of November. 1868. WM. P. RHODE!’, nob—U Coroner, eating Sheriff H. fi . f Government Proposals Are invifed for supplying tj<e Qaartermaster’s Department, at tbe Angurta Arsenal, with 160 Cords of good merchantable, hard WOOD— npituid preferred. These pro povals must be in the usual form and addreraed are invited to be present. The swcessfnl bidder will be WHfU'red to enter into feowWct, and give hnnA« iu tfle usual form, r bji-kt < VtSf -- sane Hundred Cords are lo be delivered before Fetounry Ist. 18691 the remaruder, at the non tractor s eptieu, ray time Urtttear tot. 18<il. Bids will be received for a part or tot whole amount. ; Farther iriurmattou and forms far propousla cau lie obtained byiteplyieg to tbe undersigned. D W FLAGIsER. ■ Ca{>tain of Otdna i ice noli- lawtiw BL Lieut-Col. aud A. A.Q.M. Augusta Astons), Oa , November IS, 1868. .......ra..aa,»i. SHERIFF’S SALES. Richmond Sheriff’s yimi’ be sold at The lower mar r W KET House, Intho City of Augusta, on n the First Tuesday in December next, between I, the usual hours of sale: 1,460 acres ot Land on a Spirit Creek, in the county of Richmond, and I bounded ’by lands of Hancock, Ward, Winter. , Kellev, extate of Dunbar and others. The lirtll f f» finely imnrc tved, with a fine orchard, water, j etc. Levied on as the property of the estate . of Alexander J. Lawsort, to satisfy a fl. fa. tn t favor of Thos 8. Metoalf, issued bv ‘he Inferior . Uoifrtof Burke eounty, July Term, 1862. Prop erty pointed on', by the Executor. i WM. DOYLE, • novi—td Dpk*yJMffiilff R. C. t Richmond Sheriff* Sal** t W-fLL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST H®B- > v¥ DAY in December next, between the legal I hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, iff the ; city es Augusta, tho following property, rig : r One House and Lot, No. 3&7 Broad street, Augur- > ta, Georgia, bounded on the north by lot of Jerry, ; O’Brien, on the oast by Ibt of D. L. Curtia, on I the south by Broad street, and on tbe west by I let of Jerry O’Brien, as tbe property of the laid Jerry O’Brien, and pointed out by Plaintiff, this : 29th day of October, 1868, Levied on and re' turned to me by John H. Neibling. scanty con stable. WJf. DOYLE. 1 nov3— id Dpt’y Sheriff R. C. —— —?— City Sheriff* Sale. BE SOI * D 0N THE vv TUESDAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, between tbe usual hours of sale, that House and Lot on the northeast coiner of Cumming and Hale streets: bounded on tho north by lot of George Harris, east by lot of Louisa Williams, south by street, and west by Cumming street: said lot having a front of 40 feet more or less, and 100 feet deep. Levied upon as the property of Louisa WlU&ms, and to bo told to satisfy one Tax fi. fa. issued by the City JJounell of Augusta, vs. Louisa Williams, for her City Taxes for the year 1867. W B. CHEEBBOROUGH, upvl—td Bbcrifl' City of Augusta. City Sheriffs Sale, WILL BE 8OL» ON THE FIRBT TtfES DAr In Doeember next, at tho Lower Market Hous;, in thcCily of Augusto, between the usual hours of sale, that. House and Lot on- U»c. Southeast corner of Broad aud Mills streets, City of Augusta, hating a front of 60 feet ou Broad street and running hack to Ellis street 175 feet more or less; bounded on the north by Broad street, east by lot of Daniel O’Leany, south by Ellis street, aud West by Mills street. Levied upon and sold to satisfy one Tax fi. fa. issued by tho City Council of Augusta vs. Jerry O’Hara for his City Taxes for the year 1867; said property now belonging to 8. A. Fralu. W. B CHEEBBOROUGH, _ novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff City of Augusta. City Sheriff * Sale- BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUEtto VI DAY In December next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, that House and Lot No. 2tH, south side of Ellis stropt, bctweerrKol lodk and Marbury streets. City of Augusta, bounded on the north by Ellis Stiroat, east by lot of Jacob Danforth, south by lot of Doctor Marks, and west, by lot of Olendening, having a from of 40 feet more or less on Ellis street, and running back 100 feet more or less. Levied upon as the property of Jane Miller, and will be sold to satisfy one Tax fl. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jane Miller forber City Taxes for the year 1867. „ — A 11 'r W. B. CIIEEBBOROUGH, nov I—td Dpt’ y She ri If Clty ( <rfA«gusta. t city Bflernr* aaiu. ? i ■ 117 ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUEB - v DAY in December next, al the Lower Market House, In tho City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, tiifi House Mi the northwest corner of Calhoun street and Cor- - dnroy alley, in the City of Augusta (land leased), bounded ou the north by house of Jacob Frances,east by Corduroy alley, south by Calhoun street, and west by land of the estate of Cumming, Levied upon and will be sold as the property of John Baker to satisfy two Tax 11. fa.’s, issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. John Baker for his Taxes for tin: years 1866 and 1867. W. H. CHBMBOROtGH, uovl—tfl Dpt’y Sheriff City us Aagusta. GEORGIA RAILROAD. 17 j ’ P ORDER TO MAKE CIOSE CONNEC IION with ths Storend Train on the South CaroUca Railrrad, and hotter oonnectipns on the Branch roads, tbh 7 rains on the Georgia Road will run, on and after THURSDAY, June 18th, at S o'clock s. hfi ra follows: oav rxHSEMoea traiv. -tJJaUv. Sunday Excepted.) . fa»v» Augusta *t ?.09 A, M. Leave Atlanta at ..ii. 4.00 A. M- Arrive a» Augustaui...... ..X 3.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlantoat 6,30 P. M. SIGHT eASHMSREH XKb MAIL TKAIW. , Leave Augusta at ID.OO P. M. LMve Atlanta at 5.40 P. .4. Arrive at Augc ti at 3.00 A. M. , Arrive at Atlanta at 7.40 A.M. asassLta raraifeG** ruxiu. Leave Augusta at .'. 4.15 P.M. - Leave Bertelta at 7.0* A M. Arrrive at Augusta 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Berzofta 6.00 P. M. Paraongera for Milledgeville, Washington, and Athens, Ga., mast take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile and New Orleans, must leave Ata guata on Night Passenger Train at 10.00 F, M. to make close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Csrinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and B*. Louis, ; can take either train and make closo eonneetiuija. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. .. - jy- ' No change ot cars un Night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point, E. W. COLli, General Superintendent.' , Augusta, Ga„ JuaeJlO, 180*> • je!7—«tf ufiair&B OF scHmdulk i .tlaeon and Attgasta Railroad J /AN AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT. fob. I*6B, ’ fi/ the Trains eu thi; Rood will rup -ajifol , Leave Catoak daily 13A0*p.« < Leave Milledgeville.... 6.45 aj#.' Arrive al MilfedgevHle 4.90-pja. Arrive at Camak Postengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Treia ofltbe Georgia Railroad , will make elrao fatato i mediate points Tin the above Rcw<t, anaafib for; Macon. uflt . Passengers leaving Milledgeville |t A.P.O u. m. reaehe* Atlanta and Augusta the same ifoy. and will make close at either ptae* far the principal points tn adjoining States. tn% I<>—-tf General Stiyyrihtendeut. Letter* es DitmtMte*. ? kJ TATE OF <7 , Huifawi/i t'ouolo. Whet-era. Thomra T. Breadote adff FfoMrti *. !^-£ss£fl , . See are, tlrerefore to cite aud and uingater. the kindred and creditors of said , deeeaiurt. to be aud appear at my office on rtfafa*- granted. . fi.-VUta'J Given under mv hand uud official signature. at office in Augusta. lh>« ''’h day of ■sVsMwr, 18$. » . SAMUEL LEVY', , no to—ltotfai ' ■' Ordiwry, ra .are... i .>nra,| s^ra,*nmaana sorts. s QTATE O> GEORGIA- jL'' ” ■ _ Wskmowd Cototfy. WxgßßAs, James A. Qtay. Adtolnistratar'oa I g^‘ e % t s. raD . ci " O’C-’ttaW, appUralo . ! for Letters of Dismission. ( These are therefore toteUk aad admuotsh all And singular, the kindred ereditor. of sale! deceased, to be and afipsariaf mv effira k a at before the first Monday' in NuvetoWr 5»Xt, tq i show cause, if any they hate,. why said Letters should not be granted. Given undar my band IM Hgiteiure, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of Jpee, 1846. . E..M. BK4YTOS;- ' - J^ 8 -”***" 1 * Ortfinray. STATE OF GEORGIA— ’fi *> '•- . . > /vk-Amond Oountg. Whereas, Hob. Doaglura aad 8. D. Wifluttss, Executors en the Estate.d' Ira Isa Mulhews, lute ~ of said eonirty, deceased, apply fa me for fitters of dismission: s ' i- . t , i -rt- ~ These are, tbeiefore, to cite aiid afltnoaisli all and sfogulae. the kindred and teeditbi s pf said fi-' eeaeed, to Ae and uppew at tp.y ofltee oa ar befere granted, . ; Given nutter tny liatid offioiig rihustuafi, at. office in Augusta, this Artgurt 15th718’®. .T . B Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, ' tlli’’<« „ .... L- fi_. Ateitauind flueity; • * WpritxAS, Winiaui J. Farr, Administrator : 4e famas msm of the estate oY flerorge P* fiffoen, dooeared, applies to me for Letters es Dismission. These arc therefore to cite and adiuonifi all end stagalw, ibe kindred and creditors of,said deceased, IA W rad appeer M my wffiea on .r' before the first Monday ia next,' to gyn, cause, if any they have, hr by .aid Letters should not be grunted. ' , \ ;Gjjeu under any hbnd aud effitdal sigeatute at office in Augurta, this 7th day of beptotdber, . 1868. SAMUBC levy; - sep’-lmSm , Orditiarj. " . Letton of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— . . liicftmond Count r- Whereas, Jubu If. Rhodes, Adatiimtratcr uu the estate of Willieto T- Mafape, deceased,, ap plies to me for Letters us Dtsmireion; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish’, all end Singular, tbe kinfiefl afd'lcreditorbxif sdi’l deceased, to be and appear at tuj offtcie on. or be fore tbe first Monday in Merrii next, to ebow cause, if any they baud, why goH Letters skeuirl not be granted. > v. Given under my hand and Official‘signature, . at office in Augusta, this 2fob day of Hebtembbr, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. sep 26—lawfim ' Ordinary. ’ , ■ ~1 rarepssta.- - .j ■ , . . Letter* of Duatiatioß, STATE OF GEORGIA. . ; • ltich>i)oiuL.C<mntij. Wnanais Timothy fi Murphy, Adarthfetrator ou the estate of Phillip McGee, late of said conn Jy, deceased, applies to u»e for Dis mission : These are, therefore, to cite and all, . and singular, the tote firaditers of raid deceased, fa ba and Appear a| .iny utffico,,oq or before the first Monday in April next, tofifiow eause, if any they havoj why said -betters -stefald not be granted. , ... . e fi .fi w . Given under my hand teil official signature, at office in Augom,thh! lst4ay of Grabber. 1868. ’ . . SAMUEL LEFT, oct 2—lam6m '' z Ordinary. Letters of Ditmisritm rsTATE OF GEORGIA— J 3 Richmond County. WrtrffiKss. John H, F’earey, Administrator on the ratata-bf Hep vang bee, deceased,, applies to ' These, are, thareforefificite and aflinonfsh ail aud singular, the kindrod and creators of the raid deceased. to be and appear at my office ou or before the first Monday in Marell next, to Show cause. i£tu>y they have, why said fitters should nod be granted. . ‘ - .■ . Given uniter'thy band and official .dgnature a • officem Augusta, I liis t“Bt b dav of September. 1868. sAMuiram repiw—6m _ Lffttor* of DismiMion. QEORGIA- . Whereas, < Catoline Dubet. AffurintsfrStri;, v with lha wfll aww-xed on the estate Os Aufefaie . rwqtwt, deceased.. applies to. me for Letters of These «ro l tberefore, to cite and afiigrtflefljwll and singular, the ttudred and ciyiHtore cf.wijd deceased, to l>e aud appear at my office 091 or before the Mist Monday >e October, to If aiiy they have, why said Letterssh<inl4lW> be granted. ■ • Given under my hand and official aiguauue at , myU»law6m* ’ -OnfttipTy.; .' - 'ufiVi'l'-'fi ~ ; STATE OF GEORGIA- r L - . •fi.". - - Jt-Kimoud XJrttirtje. Whkkxas, Edward O Donnell, Administentur • on the estate of Rihfiard Quinn, fete of raid comity, deceased; applies to we for IxitfeM of »ia missiou. - .-1 These are, therefore, ta cite and aefatoufah aud singular ths kindred and creditors of sahl deceased, to Jfi aud appear at fay office 011 or before tire flret Mosiday in March next, to qhgw eauso.ifanv tbev haw.wliy raid Letter* gftbhld • not be granted. • v ' > ■ Given under iny hand aud official signature,at office In Augusta. Cliis September Jltb, 1868.' ' ■ • SAMUEL LEYT. • *• se|H2—lam6m Ordinary. • Letters es AdmihMtration. * GF GEORGIA- ; ‘*£■‘"l. * Whereafc, James C. Cffflkek applies to uw fir letters ol Administration, with toe will aaneSrtl.. ou tire estate of Jane Odom, dweawi. . t Tbeseare, therefore, » fate arid faiuoiiirii aft and shigtdai-, , tlie kindred asid creditors of iflfld ' cause, if any they have, wbywjjff faUereWfald Givim iiudcr wy baud and official afeueilire. at office, in oct22-'4t ’ufi --.rWirari;?'. ?, -tin ; i Letters of : QTATE OF GEORGIA- Y - . Whereas, Elisa R-’ieeca tlar?* SMuaats 'xae fix Lot tens of Administration, with the Will «n --uexad, on the Estate of Aiurti3tafioolt«,4teeaßrt:. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ul< and singular,rite kindred and eredjfare of rahi ' not be granted. . - ' Given under my hand and official signatnrg *t. .<• letters AiiHUnxstrAttoß fi? v gren •» ;■ ■ ■ Whereas, Edbarii Hitcher applies fa-tee 'ifaf Leiters- of Administration un the .ostirte •« Walter 8. Nett, deceased. ... , Three ate, therefore, to ette aad admoffish all terf siOguter. tite Wadnri and creffitore es teH u suy ti»yN|rva.kv ttjttiti-i Xtete*re_ slionld not be Girtai fufaer gis liaufl auif uffiefa] signature at vSrain Aegtemr.tiifo-W sass of November, HFB. ” Vfi Jl r* '»*«« LEVY, .• nut—law4t . Ordinary. dLMORrtk, E. LEWIS. Staakrapt. bavkig • petWoßed forjrdra.firge ftp*.aMiua«oL» prova- Wdtn ‘Hiinkrnrrt*, ttljfeWlt Sntaierted. are.uo titted tc mfater -on the nb <fay of Dbetertbab, 4868. third ■wtWi»,.af iKabtoW -will be Wd at the > SMITH, Ufirir ’ MW '