The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 22, 1868, Image 4

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LAKGKST CITY Clßi l LATION Official Organ of the U. 8. Government, sekpay mqwixg. ~Nov.», w THERE IB AGOD- ,♦« HY LQRD t | • There is a'God!’’ all nature cries, A thousand tongues prcJclaun, TOrigm wlmtghtv, mind allwise, Awl i>i<i ewh voice to chorus rise. - ..... To magnify life name. » ’ Tfej juune, great Nature’s Sire divum, • Mg- Assitinous we Houre, Rejecting GoiL Heads at ■whose shrine, , Benighted nations Mood and wine. •In vainlibations pour. '.-v..a *-■< Yotrcountless worlds hi Ixnradless apace. .;•■ Merrills of miles each hour, ' * Thcfr mighty orbs as curious trace, r - As the blue circle studs the face, ’ Os that enamelled flower. Bitt Thou-, too, aiakest that floweret gay, • ' To glitter hi the dawn; The hand that fixed the light of day. Tho "blaring cometlaunched away. Painted the velvet hwn. As falls a sparrow to the ground, Obedient to Thy will; By the same law those globes wheel around, Ehdi-drawintr each; yet all still found, fe one efcri:.-.! system bound, One order to fulfill RELIGIOUS. ft is stated that the Pope intends to revive the ancient Order of the Knights oi St. John of Jerusalem. ■Tile ritual controversy has found its wav to India, and the confessional has been established in the Calcutta Cathedral. The Free Will Baptists have eon eluded their nine days’ session at Buf falo. The ndt increase of the denomi nation during the year was 9,420. A Brooklyn minister said last Sun day that there are six hundred thous and inembersof the African Methodist Episcopal Church in this country. The statistics of the Methodist Epis copal Church, for the past year show an increase of Sunday Schools of 1,296; of officers ami teachers of 12,754; of scholars, 101,209. ’Hie foundation of a Jewish syna gogue has been laid in Richmond, Ind. The Spiritualists arc also erecting a building there in winch to meet for tlreir peculiar services. Rev. Dr. Orville Dewey is to preach in Baltimore this winter. He is aeven ty.fmSr years old, but age does not ap pear to have weakened his fervor or dulled the powers of his mind. r Phd Unity Clmreh of Chicago (Rev. Robert Coilyers) have offered Miss Houston, nf "Boston, $2,500 per year to sing soprano, but even with this offer it m doubtful whether she ac cepts. A letter has been received by a gen tleman in New I’ork, from Rev/Mr. Spurgeon, in which it is definitely ar ranged that he will visit this country during the ygar 1§(59, but whether to lecture or preach is not stated. A letter from Constantinople, pjibp lislied in the Ixmdon Regitter, states that great numbers of the Greek Clrureh in Turkey—bishops, priests and laymeij and more in Bulgaria, are fully prepared to join the Catholic Church. . Catherine Brettergi* once, after a •great Conflict with Satan, said: “Rea *sou not with me ; I am but a weak woman j if thou hast anything to say, say it to my Christ; He is my advo cate,juy strength, and my redeemer, . and He shall plead for me. The first instance of a Chicago pul pit being occupied bv a female preacher occurred last Sunday, in the Church of the Redeemer, Umversalist, where Rev. Mrs. Chapin, of Mount Pleasant, lowa, addressed a very large audi ence in the morning and the evening, with, considerable effect. c'.’.A* Igtiglifilt-church erected in Con* Stamtiuopfe by public subscription, to • the memory of the British soldiers and Sailors who died in Crimea, was consecrated by the Bishop of Gibrab GW, Qetobet S'?, The Greek Patri arch sent his Vicar aud Bishop tube * prtjA'tti at the ceremony, a eonqdimont .yrh’iJt is described ’as “unprece dented.” . jA ■< \ , ■ . . ■ * U •>•*,■* *-* .4 ’ •••'■.' ♦ Thu Church of the Holy Sepulchre, at 'Jerusalem, has been completed. ■ * The foreign mails state that a formal instrument, bearing witness to the . " completion of the grand cupola, in eosrformity wi,tb the protocol of the oUi -us September, 1802, was signed on Neplo-niber 2<;th by the Governor of and the Consul Generals of France ami Riwsm. ' ? f The Managers of . the American Bi WeSocioty, at their monthly meet . • ing, Tnursday of fate wads, took hold of the work 4» Spain in earnest, and . -made a want of. Bibta.tß the Atneri _ can huff TSrrign Christihfi ’ TJhibn, - I,as its . lm u i-cad y t” twic tbodistnbution, and, with the efforts of our British, brethren, -Will sa«h on the good work. ,' The London JPfmch hats U fuuny ilhwtjathnpoi utw of the Ritualistic innovations, which it calls “The Solved.” A grend ptoces- Btori'‘’t»f'rilergymen and aoolytej, in their white robes, is marching ma jestically dotvri the aisle, when the parson’s little daughter, who is at church for the first time, cries out, . with hitenfri surprise, arc all the • dear fittle lioys, in their uighLgowns, going to bye-bye ?” «• -i,-l A-wt'v religious sect has sprung up in Wtjat Prussia under the name of “Jumpers.” At their “ Marriage with the Heavenly Bridegroom,” as they call it, they fall in ocstaciea, expressed by wild jiimpiug*. The whole congre gation ruses at a certain moment, m order to imitate David’s dancimr Ije fore the ark. This new sept is chiefly recruited from a village near Saatrig, where, some years ago, a virgin com menced prophesying with great suc ceas. until the Government sent her to the work-house. L_*?*SB>ticl Municipal j&lcMtni foi- Mayor and Mttabere«f Council for the (JUy of Augusta, 'f . • —•“ In compliance with the TeqnirenMUts of an Act •f th* L<*gictenr« of thta State, at its recent sea sion, entitled “An Act to re organize the Municl pal Government of the City of Augusta," we, th# Commieeionera tuerein named, and a* required thereby, do hereby give public notice, That Raid MouMpal election for Mayor and Member* of Connell for laid efly, will be held on Wedneeday the Second day of December neat,at the eevcrai place* hereinafter named, and under the Superin tendence of the citixeaa named for each of the Ward*, respectively, and we appoint a» Superin tendents of said election the following citiceq*, td- Wlt: First Warei noX 1. i Henkv L. Leoh, J. P. Elistu H, Roueks, Ot.ivEji F. Gheooky. BOX i. > .lEBHE M. Jeans W. W. ALMtANDk.It. Wtol/IAM HaI.E. Alternate -William H. Howard. Second Ward. , BOX 1. Robert M. Phiktnizy, J. P. G. Crawford Rhodes, John 8. Coleman. BOX 2. J.VMEb A. DORTIC, | Thomas R, Rhodes, j Henry Allen. Alternate—Ellis Lyons. Third Ward. BOX 1. 1 Alexander IbfiLLiP, J. P. John Rowles, Francis C. Taylor. BOX 2. W. A. Ramsey, 1). B. Plcmii, Geo. B. Snowden. Alternate—William bUEAR. i r . ■ Foiirtli Ward. BOX 1 Robeht F. Ci.krv. N.l’.. Ex-Of. J. P. William E. Jackson, John T. Miller. * BOX 2. Michael O’Dowd, William Philliv, i Simeon W. Beard. Alternate- Jamßs B. WrcsoN. The said election to be held at the follow lug named placeej the polls to be opened at eight (Hl o’clock a. m.,and dosed at five (5) o’clock p. ip., on the day named, and to be held for the First Ward—At the Scale House. Second Ward—At the City Hall. Third Ward—At the Engine Houee, corner of | Jackson aud Greene street*. Fourth Ward—At the Upper Market. The appointments for the two latter Wards at 1 the places named, being made for the reason that ' we have been officially apprised by the Mayor of the City of Augusta, that th« pptprlolpra of the . Central Hotel of the Third Ward, aud Planter’s Hotel of the Fourth Ward fhciug the placec named in the Ordinances lor holding said elections), oltject to the election* being held in their hotels. JOHN U. SNEAD, ’ WM, K. MuLAWS. E. M. BRAYTON, WM. DOYLE. I R. A. HARPER. Attest: David Port*#, Clerk. I November Iflth, 1868, I rfty. » --—» 1 In accordance With the law, the Conimiasioner# of Registration, uudefthe Municipal Bill for the City oi Aujptet#* or th# 1-lth day of November, 1868, appointed three tmisens in and foHileh Ward —one of whom was a Justice of the Fence—to i superintend the election. On tills day ii majority * of the Board ap|>oiuted three additions! citizens in and for each Ward, as superintendents of said ’ election, The uction of the majority jlthe Board on this day. we rMirrwr against as nuautliorizeu . bylaw WM. U McLAWS, r JOHN C SNEAD, , Two of the Com'r. j Augusta, Ga., Nov. 19, 1868. i, fam also of the opinion ttnrt the Boai-d bad no i# legal right to change the places of holding she | WM. R. McLAWS. * Tax N otice. | k%-. - - $ Make Your State Tax Returns. All persons take notice that, for the purpose of receiving said Returns. 3 I shall attend the following places, from October (. 26 to December 15, 1868: At the Upper Market, on every Monday , from * 9 a.m. to Ip. m., and from 8 to'6 p. m. On Tuesdays at Messrs. T>ay fc Inman’s Auc tion Room, on Broad street. ! >. On Wednesdays, M the Court House. I On Thursdays, at the Scale House. , On Fridays, at the Court House. ll On Satuidays, al District Court Grounds, of e which due notice will be given. All citizens, white and colored, lietweon lhe 1 ages of twenty-one and silty, arc linbl® to return 8 and pay a Poll Tan of One Dollar, and such other takes as may be imposed by the Comity. Fbr J, tai lure le make your return*, es all propertv, Or to I comply with the law, now of force, the penally of f the law will be striciiy enforeed, unbiased and imwtrtml, on all defaulter*. > ; N. B. For failure of making return*, the penally is a double tax. •< » J B. VAtkIHN, - . KT- R., Kjcbmund County . I Augusta. October 24,1868. J oct24—AdeclJ | TSTOTICE I FROM i. COMMISSIONERS registration. BPTN PURSUANCE OF THE ACT PASSED ’ by tlie General Assembly of Georgia mititied “An i Act to Reorganize th* Municipal Government of ■ the City' of Augusta," the undersigned will, on 1 MONDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF OCTOBER , 1868, open the R*girtry for voter* at the office. in ( the temeuMUl of the Oty Mali mi »aid city, former , ly the office of the Conoty Judge. Said Registry win continue open until 2 o’clock p. m. on Tues ' the fits* of December next, from 9o'clock a. m. till 2o efoek p ta. »f each day, except Honda v JOHN C. SNEAD, I . ,/‘ W. R. McLAWS, E. M BRAYTON. WILLIAM DOYLE. R. A. HARPER, . CoaUHMsioners of Registry. The following oath will be administered to each applicant for registry: Yen do solemnly swear that yea arc a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-nna years of age. that you have resided in this Stale foe the last twelve months, in this city for the last six months, and in this district nr ward for the last ten days; that von have considered this State your home for the last twelve month*, th** vvu hav* paid all taxes, and made all mtarne required by tbeOirihmMMtof ttfoerty th* have been hi yoOr power w> pay nr foqke a<'<-»« ding to arid vtdi iiauces. - HJ—id l MECHANICS’ BANK* ■ br.- •--»? • > — 1 w »n»k -a "''A‘" .. Assignee s Sale. ON THURSDAY, THE Ot JANUARY next, st 12 M., will be sold, at Public Auc tion, on the prenti*e», the BAKKIWG HOUSE AND LOT OF THE MECHANICS’ BANK. This Lot i * otie hundred and toventy-three feet ’ deep, and has a front on Broad street of thirty I nine feet, of which four feet nine Inches is in the I alley on the East, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot-holders. The property is too well f known to need further description. At the same time and place, the FURNITURE remaining in the Bank will lie sold.eoKMlng of 1 MARBLE WUNTRK DESKS. TABLES, n first-class IRON SAFE, fine GOLD SCALES, > etc- Terms eash, in currency. WM. T. GOULD, October 30 Assignee oct3! d&wtd ASSIGNEE’S SALE. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF 1 Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold, free from the incumbrance of liens, at Graniteville, in the county of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, on lhe »hb day of November, 1868, the following TRACT OF LAND. (Exclusive of ninety acres, including th* Dwelling House and lhe growing crop), belong ing to the Estate of Fraud* Murray, Bankrupt, to-wit: All that tract of land situate, lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, on Big Horae Creek water* of Savannah River, contain ing Two Thousand aud Eighty Acres, more or less, and bounded on the West by lands now, or formerly, belonging to William Gregg; on the Northwest by Tanas now, or formerly, Lewis Elzey’s: on the East by land now, or formerly. Mat. May’* andE. Posey’s; on the Southeast by land now, or formerly. G. Rozier's and Mrs. R. Swearingin's; on the South by land now, or for merly, Wm. Rigg’s and J. Hatcher’s. Also, that other Tract of tend, lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, near the Graniteville depot, on the South Carolina Rail road, containing one and acres, more or less, and bounded as follows on the west by lend now or formerly William Morris’: on the south and east by land now or formerly Michael O’Brien's ; ou the north by the South Carolina Railroad, being tlm same tracts of laud conveyed to said Francis Murray by Lnciu* L. Hall, by deed, dated tlie 27th day of November, 1866. Aino, at the same time and place, a lease hold intei esc in Four Acres of band, adjoining Knlmia Mills, upon which there is n wooden house, con taining seven rooms. Also, two small Carts. Terms cMh. 8, D. HEARD, noG—dtd Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE Hon. A.G. Foster, Register hi Bankruptcy, will be .old at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Elberton, Elbert county. Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hour* of sale, the fol lowing valuable lands of Wm. J. Harper, Bank rupt : ONE TRACT OF LAND, ou Vims’ creek, in Elbert county, contaiuiqg 350 acres, more or leas, whereon Wm. J. Hur- Jer lives, joining estates of Benjamin Goes, oseph Rucker, and others. There will be ex cepted 65 acres, thp homestead exemption, which has been laid off, and does not include the mansion house. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Cold Water creek, in Elbert county, known as the Foster Plaee, containing 280 acres, Join ing land* of the estate of Wm. Cleveland and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Vans’ eroek, in EUiert county, known as the White Tract, containing 350 acres, more or less, joining lands of Joseph Rneker’s'estste, H. J. Goat, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on waters of Vans’ creek. In Elbert county, known as the Henderson Tract, containing 160 acres, more or less; joining Thomas Warren, John M. Warren, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Cold Water Creek, in Hart county, known as the Eavenson Tract, containing 607 acres, more or less, joining lands of Thomas J. Teasley, W. H. Teasley, Martin Moss, and others. All the above lands sold as the property of William J. Harper, Bankrupt, for the beneiltof his creditor*, free of the incumbrance of judg ment and mortgage Hens. Term*cash. ROBERT HESTER, November 5Ui, 1868. Assignee. Also, will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of December next, at the residence of William J. Harper, near Ruckersville, in Elbert county, during the usual hours of sale, all the perishable property of said Wlllhuu J. Harper, ixmkrupt, to wit: The crop of Corn, 50 barrels, more or loss. The crop of Cotton, 10 bales, more or less. ; I head of Horses. . 5 head of Mules. 13 head of Vows, Calves, and Yearlings. ' 13 head of Goats. I 8 head of Bheep. • „ 1 , 40 head of Hogs, including; sow* and pigs-' 500 pounds of Bacun and other Provisions. 8 Cotton Gins; 3 sets of running gear. » 1 Com and Cob Crustier. 1 1 ® u 88y ' 1 - er- I 3 Wagons. 1 lot Blacksmith Tools. 1 Plantation Toole and Funning Instrumeutß Plows, Hoe*, Axes, Scython and Cradle*. 1 Wheat Fan. 2 Grind Stones. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Tabled, Chairs, Bureaus. Washstand. Carnet and Rue. o Hot Crockery Ware and Cooking Utensils, e and many other articles too tedious to mention. Also, the following Promissory Notes: - -lohn E. 8. Jones note for.B 30 00 Francis A. Banks (er. $84)... 696 98 Geo. E. Heard 21 55 George E. Heard (er. $lO5 16) 987 72 J. S. Warrun and A. Goss (er. $314) 300 00 Harkness Alexander 30 00 , B. R. Taylor 39 00 W. J. Darden 50 00 Thoma* C. White 6 41 James H. Lofton 533 82 A. Bailey 17 05 J. Steadman, W. D. Davis, and F. G. , MeCurry, uotesfor.... 8 66 John Ktag(cr.ta 74).... < .’.\ .....’ 50 00 . Dennis Haley’s account 70 00 Bule to continue from day to day till all i* sold. All the above articles sold as the prop erty oi William J. Harper, bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditors, free of fncumbrancc of I judgment Beus. Termsosmh. . EGBERT HESTER, Assignee. » November sth, 1868. nolo»law4t ! Assignee’s Sale. - Xiril-L BE SOLD, AT THE COURT , VV H#use in Sparta, Gw, on the FIRST r TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the | legal hoars of sale, Nine Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, lying in Hancock county, and , adjoining lands of Nicholas Perkins and others. Sold a* The property of Joseph B. Gendsr, a bankrupt, free from the Incumbrance of Hens, under*** order from A. G. Foster, Register iu Bankruptcy. Terms cash. A G. F. PIERCE, Jr., nolfi-law3ff Assignee. Sparta, Ga,, November.6,lSsß. Assignee’s Ssfle. , > WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT Hous* door, iu th* town of Laxiogton.oa the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1868, the following property,botongiag to Thomas B. Moss, Bankrupt, to wit: One House and Lot, etc., iu the town of Loxingtou, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Clmreh, bounded by F- J. Rob inson tt. F. Flstt, and others. Bold free from ail incmnbrauco* of liana by order of Albert G. Foster, Esq., Register is Bankruptcy, Lexington. Go-, the Uth dav of No noil—lawJw A .Aorifipsee. ‘ M»! ■ pWi Writ' —an-’y-u-'* wtewy Auignee’s Bale, I WILL SELL AT. AUCTION. IN THE TOWN "of Sparth, HMeoek County, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, the follow ing property, to wR: Ono Tract of tend, con taining (108) ex* hundred and six acres, un Spring creak, iu sfiid eouDty,a<ij®iai»g lands of J«me> Osburn aad ether*, new in poteeuien of Wm. Uriffi*. Also, lots No*. 4. 11, b aod M, la the *«w* < Liaton, «*M eooMy, eontaiaiag about four W*s «aek« No. 3 improvod with store house, dwelling house, stables, and other out-houses; No. 11 improved with wood and blacksmith shops; No. 14 improved wiifrdwelL ing house an 3 kitcb*n; No. II vacant. Alee, a varan I jet of two seres, aifioinipg town put of Linton on the we»t. Also, a vaeu let of six acres, adjolu lag town plat of Linton vntheoML Also, a lot of twotv* acres, near town ptet east, *djqh*lng lands of T. J. Adams ,lie property >f the estate of Johu Trasriei, an adjudged bankrupt.' ffre from tt* lacumbraaeo* of Isen*, ste, for ih« brntsdl of lb* creditors «f s»id J„h n Trawlok. ~ ■ Terms CLEMENT C. MtOWN, , . notO- I*w4w Assignee. F, » United States ManiMtl’e Sale. UNDER ABD BT VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, ucced out of the Honorable, the Fifth dreuit Court of the United State* for tbelfontheni District of Georgia, i« fhvortrf the olaiutifi*. «ft Onirfhi !a * h * following oo»e, to wit; Ham & Cushing verew John and John M. Stark. I have levied upon, a* lhe property of John M. Stork, one lot of land, con taiuiug ten (10) atret. mere or less, together with the improvemwu thereon, situate, lying, and being iu Wyuntou, ooanty of Muscogee, and State of Georgia, about two miles east of Cohun i bus, aud bouudeo on the north, east and west by the lots belonging to Janies M. Chambers, and on the south by the lot belonging to the estate of Moks Butte, deceased, and known as the resi deuve of John M. Stark ; and will sell tbe same i at public auction, at tbe Court House, in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on lhe FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawful houn oi sale. Terms—Cash. Property pointed eul by plain tiff’s attorney. Dated at Savannah. Georgia, October B, I*>B. WM. G. DICKSON, del law4w United States Marshal Postponed U. 8. Marihal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THREE (3) write of fiert faeiaji, issued out of the Hon ’ orable the Fifth Circuit Court of lhe United States lor the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, iu Hie following oases to-wit; CARHART A BROTHERS Vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, A. T. STEWART A COMPANY vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING. Survivor, etc,, vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, 1 have levied upon, as the property of Benjamin F. Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty-six hun dred (2,600) acres, more or Uss, situate, lying and being in the eonnty of Randolph, and Stole of Georgia. numbers of lots unknown, but lying at and immediately arouud Wards Station, on the Southwestern railroad. ALSO One lot of Land, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, out bnildiugs, and other improvements, being tbe residence of Beniamin F. Adams, and adjoining the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A. O.Mosley, VV. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, and others, in the town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, and State aforesaid. ALSO Two Store Houses and Lots on the Court House square, known as Hudson and Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B.F. Johnston & Co., and Beuj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store Houee and Lot, occupied by Ethridge A Davis, druggists. ALSO Ona Store House and Lot on Maiu street, occu pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. ALSO One Town Lol near tbe Railroad Depot, now vacant. ' ■ ■..-••• AH the said Town Lots situate, lying and be ing in tlie town of Eatonton, eonnty of Putnam, and State aforesaid. And will sell the same at public auction, at tbe Court Houee iu the city of Macon and county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, en tlie FIRST TUES DAY IN DECEMBER next, between the law ful boars of sale. Dated at Savaunab, Ga.. this 3d day of Septem ber, 1868, WM. 6. DICKSON, nos- lawlw U. S. Marshal Diet, of Ga. 11 —»'!'■" i j,■ i_i _L, iLUL-JJJ."I-.'.yL , l Letter* of Administration- STATE OF GEORGIA— Hiekmontl Ouuh ty. Whereas, Robert J. Dickinson applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Victor LaTaste, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Augusta, this !ith day of November, 1868. ' SAMUEL LEVY, nolO—lm Ordinary. Letter* of Guardianship. STATE OR GEORGIA, liioktuond County. WliereUP, Mi Iley Beasley applies to me for Let , tore of Guardianship of Abraham Beasley, minor . child of Jouatlian Beasley, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and friends, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given unde' my hand and official signature, at Anghsla, this 28th day of October, 1868. SAMUEL LRVY. l oct-'H—3ot Ordinary. Letter* of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA, O Kichmond Coirntij. WxxaxA*, James T. Bothwell, Administrator of the Estate of Th*u»s B. Smith, deoeared, applies to me for Lot tore of Dismission. Theca are therefore to pile and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday ih March next, to show cause if any’they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th dev of September, 1888. SAMUEL LEVY, 1 sepß—lmfim Ordinary. Letters of Administration. OTATE OP GEORGIA— O HieKmoud Oounly. Penelope McKenzie applies to me for I Letters of Administration on the estate of Alex > I ander McKenzie, late of Richmond comity, de t ceased. Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said j deceased, to, be and appear at my office on or be ’ fore the first Monday in January, to show cause, ’ if any they b«ve, why said LeUere should not be I granted- kplfl _T Jj I Given under my hand and official signature, at 1 office in Augusta, this 18lh day ofNovembor,lß6B. ' SAM’L LEVY. ' noil)- Bia Ordinary. I * Leave to Sell Real Estate. I OTATE OF GEORGIA, 'AC. ' ■ Riikuiond County: ’ By permission of the Court of Ordinary of Richmond, County, notice is hereby given, that sixty days after date, application will be made t* the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Real Estate of Charles De elk, deceased. ) JL’LIA M. DWELLE, Auguste, Nov. 2, 18D8. Administratrx novß—2m Leave to Sell Real Estate. BY PERMISSION Off THE <®URT OK Ordinary of Richmond Criutity, notice is ■ hereby given that, sixty days utter < ate. applica I tionwillbe made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the R*«l Estate of Martin Brogau. deceased DANIEL BROGAN, AuguneO 1868. Adm’r do banin »on • oct27—law2mo ' TN TIM DISTBt'JT* COURT OF THE J. United States for Ute Southern District of Georgia. ‘ In the matterfif ) JOHN T. LUMPKIIL >IN BANKRUPTCY, ... Bankrupt. : xta J ■ . J I Southern District of Georgia, 8.8.—A Warrant of the county of Mariou,aa4 State of Georgia, in said District, who lias been duly adjudged a Bankrupt upon petition ot hi and the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his us*, and the transfer of any property bv hi®, are forbidden by law < » meeting ofthe cred itors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and ebooe* on* or more Assignees of fair estate, will be iield at a Court of Bankrupted.'to be hoideu in Americus, hi said district, on the 28th day of November, A D., 1868, at Woilosk, a. m, at th* office of Frank S.HeaseUiue, Esquire, one ofthe novLt—lswJw 4L 8. Marshal for said Dizt. TTNITED FTATEft UISTRlrt' COtffct-f V Nbrtbere Distritt of Georgia—No. 317. JOHN RHODES, Bank nipt, hi ving tte- to appear on the 14th dav of Decamber, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m.. before Regitter'VtMge*;Mt Madison, Ga., to -how cause why the prayer of th* bank, repr should not be granted. Tbe second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the saei* time and place. - --V"'" no2£-ar W. B. SMWH ,_Ch»Vk. TTNITED STATED DISTRICT COURT—j la Bankruptcy, all persoos intereoted are notified to apt-ear ontbs JHh day Os December. 186$, at ‘ It) a. m . before Register Feeler, at Madison, Ga.. to show cause why G»seag«r <rf ike Hank rupt »boakl not be granted. The tecoed and third i meeting* of credit ere will be iwld at the same ttaie 2? W-ft SMITS Utevk. -I iMM— 2t' Bill l>ii ttoiidhift r —^~.—_-.;—,- . ■ ■■~*~ rn stud Atlsßtic Railromi fTN AND AFTER NOVEMBKR IM. tlbiS, I J PASSENGER TIUtNS 'ri« ran as followK GOING NOFTfr f ,' ‘ , Leave A-tlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Express Pa* renger.—Arrive at Clmttauoogx .4.45 u / m., -oounectiug with trains of Naahvillc and Chattanooga Railroad for Naahville, Louisville, and th* Wert, and for New York and other Eastern citiw, via Louis villa; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Kailroad for Memphis, New Orleans, etc. 4.15 P. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ae eommodation.—Arrive at Marietta at p.m., CartersviUe BJ3 p.m., Kingston 9.19 p.m., Dalton 12.44 am. 6.45 P. M. Daily Great Northern Mail.—Ar rive at Dalton 1.29, connecting with trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,and New York. Arrive al Chattanooga at 4.19 a.uj. connecting with trains of Nashville ami Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville,andtbe West, and for New York and oilier Eastern cities, via Louis ville: also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Bailroad for Memphis, St. Louis, and the West. COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.35 A. M. Cai y Oreat Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chattanooga at a 59 p m-, connecting with trains of Nashville and Chatta nooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads, and Dalton at 8.49 p.m , con nesting with trains *f E. T. and Georgia Railroad. , ..--r | m., Kingston 5.1K1 n.m., Cartersville 6.18, Marietta al 9.27 a m. 2.00 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 4.40 a.m., connecting with trains of Nash ville amd Chattanooga, and Mtnnphis and Charleston Railroads. Pullmaw’s Patent Sleeping Coaches on ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN - ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, AND OTHER Eastern Cities, Via Western and Atlantic AND Virgiua and Tennessee Railways ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, TUESDAY, Nov. 17,1968 NORTH. Leave Atlanta at 9 45 p.m- Leave Dalton 2 30 a.m. Leave Knoxville 11 15 *.m- Leave Bristol..., 2 23 p.m. Leave Lynchburg. - 9 ”0 •-“• Leave Washington -7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 8 55 p.m. Leave Philadelphia. 1 22 a.m. Arrive at New York 5 20 a.m. NOV TH. Leave Now York 7 30 p.m. Reave Philadelphia.......... 11 00 p.m. Leave 8a1tim0re............ 3 50 s.iu. Leave Washington 6 30 a.m. Leave Lynchburg 4 40 p.m. Leave Bristol ........ 5 37 am. Leave Knoxville 1 H P-“>- Leave Dalton 8 40 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta... 8 35 Time between Atlanta and New York. 57 hours. JS9-Tbe CHEAT MAIL between Atlanta and New York is carried exclusively by thU Line, Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains- Through Tickets Wood until used, and Baggage Checked Through to all important pointe. JJ. B. WALKER, Manter of Transportation, W. * A. R. R. ■..A jC 'll ’-* ‘ fP.t’.i - . 7—rst —*— : ~7T - 1868 and 1869. Winter Arrangement. GHEAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THK NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, ,‘‘L OR . ~ ;’■ Indianapolis. Passengers by this Route have ehoic* of twenty-fire drSTret Roister to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE and ' WASHINGTON PsMcngcri holding Ticket*by this Route lo New York, or Baltimore, can Heit Washington without extra charge. '4ft, Fare tame as via Knoxville or Augusta. Train.l leave Atlant* DAILY, at 8.15 ». m. a*d6.4sp. m., after arrival *f all Southern Trains, and make elore rennssttous te above named cities. HCAeck Baggage te Leonville, aad it wiW b* t re-Checked to destination on Trains of Louis ville aud Nashville Railroad before arrival at , MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. ,j Ample gm* for Meal*, and g»od lletals. ASK FOR TICKETSVIA LOUISVILLE. I Ticket* by thia Rente for sate •* *bo General « Ticket office, Attyrt*. \r ■ ___ • . Master of Truneportatto*. • v aogM ly W. *A.R. R. 1 y-. 1 •“» STALLINGS 18Q Broad Stre< Os Every Description, from ' ■ Having enlarged our Ejiablislimeu OUR NEW AND EJ oct 29—3 mos R. R. R. 90 h- out of b<i-- 100 OF DEATHS, that annually occur, are caused by Prevent able Diseases, and the greater portion of those complaints would, if Radway’s Beady Re lief or Pills, (as the case may require,) were administered when pain or uneasiness or slight sickness is experienced, be exterminated from the sys tem in a few hours. PAIN, no matter from what cause, is almost instantly cured by the Ready Belief. lu eases of Cho lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains, Aches and Infirmities either in the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles, Legs, Anns, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, &c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the soothing influence of the Ready Relief. Sudden Colds, Cough*, Influenza, Dip then*, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever and Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever, Ac., Ac., take from four to six of Railway’* Pills, and also take a teaspoonful of the Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet ened with sugar or honey; bathe die throat, bead and chest with Ready Relief, (If Ague or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,) in the morning you will be cured. y ... How the Beady Relief Acts 1 (n a few minutes the patient will feel 9 slight tingling irritatloß, and the skin he comes reddened; if there is much distress in the stomach, the Relief will assist nature in removing the offending cause,—• general warmth is felt throughout the entire body, and its diffusive stimulating properties rapidly courses through every vein and tissue of the system, arousing the slothful aad partially paralyzed glands and organs to re newed and healthy action, perspiration fel lows, and the surface of the body feel* in creased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, the soreness of the throat, and all pains, either internally or externally, rapidly subside, and the patient falls into a tranquil sleep, awake* refreshed, invigorated, cured. • I It will be found that in using the Relief externally, either on the spine or across the kidneys, or over the stomach and bowels, that for several days after a plearing warmth will be felt, showing the length of time it «oß tiuues its influence over toe diseased parts. GT of R. R- R RELIEF. 60 otnta per bottle. Sold by Druggists ana Country .Merchants, Grocers, &c. RADWAY A CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. TYPHOID FEVER. This disease is not only cured by Dr. Railway’s Belief and Pills, but pre vented. If exposod to it, put one tea spoonful of Belief in a tumbler d water. Drink this before going out in the morning, and several times during tho day. Take one of Radway’s Pills one hour before dinner, and one on T>ing to bed.. • If seized with Fever, take 4 to 6 of lie Pills every six hours, until copious iiseharges from the bowels take place; also drink the Belief diluted with water, and bathe the entire surface of the body with Relief. Soon a power ful perspiration will take place, and you will feel a pleasant heat through out the system. Keep on taking Beuel repeatedly, every four hours, also the Puls. A cure win be sure to follow. The relief is strengthening, stimulating, soothing, and quieting; it ia sure tc break up the Fever and to neutralist the poison. Lot this treatment be fol lowed, and thousands will be saved. The sametreatment inFever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bifiout Fever, will effect a eure in 24 hours When the patient feels the Relief irrita ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi tive. In all eases where pain iafrh the Reties should be used. Relief 5u eta.; Ptils 25 eta. Sok by all Druggists , 7 ’ See Dr. Badway a Almanac for 1868 Sold by PLUMB <6 LEITNER, inn*—iy. Augusta, Ga. HALLfBABBER & c 0,,;; Insurance Rooms, 221 Bread SL, AUGUSTA, GA. ’ A RErRKBAKKDTOEEFRCTINSUKANJh i on Real Estate. Cotton, aud Merchandise ; of every description, and to anty amount in all > tho reliabl* Insurance Companies in the oonatry. i Tb* following Compaaie* are especially repre s*i>t*.l by them TlkL-r- w.;. v QCEEN.of Lirarpoolan.l ’ »i LORitLABJI, ofNow York, i', tL- -' ; . NORTH AMERICAN, of Hartford, ' I NORWICH, of Norwich, Conn,?* 7 * f ‘ UNION, of Baltimore; Md. a ' l i f ~ UNITED BTAYESI Fire and Marine, irfNalii mtSrtrMd. -3L- fa «»«O®aiA BOMB INfiUBAjUUr felfti es 1 Colu*be*>-Go. ; ; * VIRGINIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Staunton, V*. lAMES RIVER INftURANCi fcb., of Mpn. V*. ’ ’ (iwwp.r 8 aOVt HBRRINSURANCB 00., *f Nashville, Tomi. . . ” -y / Ln - ■’fftf • - MAUNEnmiLNLAND XNSURANCK LIFE and ACCADWT. »*,a»i,7Wi- '-' 3 kTu'rU FArtBRNtIKK RAILWAY B**U*AKCBOO>, •f MretM. -CoMu. hy? el WOK AW JW't'NMtTINB 4 At the Lovr.-st Terms npd ifi the Best Style I the Finest to the Cheapest!! -*4MM*5* Ml 45RMU* ITert*!*; > ut, we invite! the Public to examine XTENSiVE STOCK!! NEW FALL~ 0 IIBMRT 1.1. BALK ITWMMHNtTREUi i I mb now opening a CAUEFBLLYb KI.Kt'TEi, STOCK OF ‘ erf —■ Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, CABBIMERBB, BHAWLS, € <rWlk<< i 'iro } bF-S K hits, CORSETS, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. As these Goods are Ivonght only q,„. READY MONEY, they, of cours.-, wiil |, c sold at POPULAR PRICES. ! if - BUMRY L. A. Bil H 173 Broad Street, sen 2(1 .—. . ... . ' w .* < -kid •i.h.h te.i,. .. ; Latest New York News! ; THE PEOPLE G-rea tly JExci led, wrilffljiiio. LADIES! LOOK OUT I IrtkOK Ol l'l! A fstAUTIFIER ■** U’ “A LiIAUIIFIEII. [L'lttier forStpt.] "Usury B. Corinr. ok Nu. 1H Lu'rh}' btrvU, i saidtoV* W with" a b*avtiHi:u tjiitpclipw: any th lug nyer known iu this line. The Lhdics *rc wild -wire ’Might. One lady says, ‘I know it right,’ and pointed to » skin as fresh, soft and .!■ licate ae a child Another lady said. ’W it cost a bottte, I’d tr»re it aiid auorher, <Aw.i» with all hurtful coruielice, and giv* <"dy Costar’i Bitter Sweet ANN MWABOE MUforiOii--. ptrißMonuipieLe. [ I! Beware!! of worthless iuiifotious All Druggist* in AUGUSTA self it. One be«3e JI.UU; three Jwttlem ttW, Or addreee "tlusrxu,’' No 10 Crosby it ,N A “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ‘'Collar's” Itaf, “ Goslar n” Bed But/ 'Costar's'’ (only purs) L,^-'p>»rj t .,. ‘•Only Infallible Remedtex known," “18 years eriablirifod h; New York. ‘ '2,01’0 Boxes and Flasks niaiiufoMurcji Atilj' "All Druggists in AUwL'fl , A Self twin." "! •! Beware! 1! ofspnfieos imtt.d iou». ’ 11.09 sizes rent by mail <® receipt nf pWri. VO ID for any three «M* by exprwe- Address <rs ' ‘ HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Ccu'shy Si. New York, or Jonx F. Henuy (successor t oj Dkhas Bajunes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold fry all Druffuists ia Aujtuta, Ua. n*vl—lydw -art>r * -v *> —rTTTfi?': Tgt? yf f 7hy~ A Good Smoke is a Perpetual Coir fort LORILLAHD’S “YACHT CLUB SMOKING TOBACCO. Compitent critics proui.uu'fe it last for uiani reuona* •< ’ <' It is made of the best stock grown. The Nicotine ft extracted*: there arc No drugs in it, consequently * is J Anti-nervone in its effect*. It has an agreeable, aromatic Wor; ' Does not burn or.sting the tongue: leaves bo nupleiUHut nftertfiate in the Mouth er disiyreeaUe the rqum. Instead of exeillh# trie nervous fnn-es. It allay» irritation, ami calms them. ip We regard it as tie peiferttofi of Smoking TnlwOeo. Order* foriefocHiu As an extra inducemwrife* tiioee - « . Who love a good smoke to tly. rt. ' I** 4l '!* LORftLAMD’S *‘ErREfcA» Sn*oMlng Twfeitc<x> Ik likewise an excellent article of ehoi< u i trgint Tobacco, of a heavier body than the fonaei. And hence much cheaper in price; It utskes ai> e*eriUafsSSE&'Oracrs fw . Meereehanre Pipes daily preked in thfe brand i W ..•Atrtr* LORIM-ARD’k ( ‘•OSUWTVttV” «Iww4h« Tobaceu : Composed nt the be*c«ti4ng tu th«L«*“*C Superior tn color”ftbdr in quality, and «, < Better drew titan other brand*. -Aekuowledgeo DQRiLLAMD« VaMoten. Fr<H*h ltapp» aud Scoteh SNUrFfi still retain excelieuf<l l,a l | IMS which isarv nnsde them *6 famo« *very Ciredtei^tainii»d^ta«iMßM P. LORILLAKD. ia»l4—eodten GtiPftwu.B-® Advertiremevrt* fdvWarid w Ap N«*»P»P er ’ No advance parged on FuWeHri,' jjrices. AU trfagxt.Ww'rs Upifi? fife. ri " InforaUHioaas t'>cv«t«f Advastirinfif't*’' I'* 1 '* Altretiswrewirerarefirt-ateeatten. lßquirie#4fyTfr*iTaii»#ert*pr««iP’f/- Compete ptMfod W»te of NMispUptT ** ** i * .y ««»t*Ar»..l j AdvortUementa ,writt«J uSree frew Be.liew Mem 4(1 Ws®