The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 24, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. 11. National Republican PUBLISHED DAIL! (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U. S Government. •t 'fSCRIPTION PRICE: > ' V.«;tr. in advance $5 00 Months, in advance 2 50 firoe Mouths, in’advance 1 25 .1 paper furniehed gratie to any one send • ini •< Club of ten mibeeribere. 'FtT* The undersigned, having a completely furnished office, is enabled to execute all orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the tooth. E. 11. PU«IIE._ TUESDAY MORNING ~uv. 24, 1868 A NEW FEATURE. II t’tZ'/y A "citionctl The first number of this new candi date for public favor was issued from this office on Saturday, October 31st, 1868. The Weekly contains all the latest News by mail and telegraph ; full Mats Let Reports; the Editorials and Cor respondence of the Daily Republican .Miscellany, Poetry, etc., etc. It is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to chibs of ten, or more, One Dollar and fifty cents each—always in ad vance. Our friends are earnestly requested to aid in securing for our Weekly a large circulation. We pledge our best exertions to make it worthy of the patronage of all good Republicans everywhere. All letters should be addressed to E. If. Pug he, Augusta, Ga. NATIONAL WOMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Chartered by Act of UoMgms. o Bunking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, comer ot 19th street, Washington, D. C. o BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., Nil 40 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sunday, and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. Io 2p. in., and Saturday evening- from 6 to 8 p. ni. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED EROM ANY PERSON. i)«'po.-its can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. AU the profits belong to the depositors, investments an* only made in Securities of t l.o United States. GEO. JI. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. KINT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier. au2l —d&wtf Assignee’s Sale. ilflLL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT ' V House in Sparta, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, Nine Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, lying in Hancock county, and adjoining lands of Nicholas Perkins and others. Sold as the property of Joseph B. Gender, a bankrupt, free from the incumbrance o[ liens, under an order from A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. G. F. PIERCE, Jr., no!0-law3w Assignee. Sparta, Ga., November 5, 1868. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in the town of Lexington, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1808, Hie following property, belonging to Thomas B. Moss, Bankrupt, to wit: One House and Lot, etc., in file town of Lexington, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, bounded by F. J. Rob inson, G. F. Platt, and others. Sold free from all incumbrances of liens by order of Albert G. Foster, Esq.. Register in Bankruptcy. Lexington, Ga., the 9th day of No vember, 18*68, G. F. PLATT, noil—law3w Assignee. Assignee’s Sale, | WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE TOWN I of Sparta, Hancock county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, the follow ing property, to wit: One Tract of Land, con taining (106) one hundred and «ix acres, on Spring creek, in said county, adjoining lands of James Osburn and others, now in possession of Wm. Griffin. Also, lots Nos. 3, 11, 12 and 14, in the town of Linton, said county, containing about four acres each; No. 3 improved with store house, dwelling house, stables, and other f) ut-houses; No. 11 improved with wood and blacksmith shops; No. 14 improved with dwell ing house and kitchen; No. 12 vacant. Also, a vacant lot of two acres, adjoining • own plat of Linton on the west. Also, a vacua lot of six acres, adjoining town plat of Linton on the east. Also, a lot of twelve acres, near town plat east, adjo-ning lands of T. J. Adams and others. Sold as the property of the estate of John Trawick, an adjudged bankrupt, free from the incumbrances of liens, etc., for the benefit of the creditors of said John Trawick. Terms cash. CLEMENT C. BROWN, nolO—law4w Assignee. AVanted.. I WANT A MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY for Lloyd's Great Double Revolving Maps of Europe and America, with the 4,000 county color ed map of the United States on the back, issued to day, and needed by every family, school and li brary ir the land, with patent reverters, by which cither map can te thrown front. Each map is 02x64 inches large, with ribbon binding and double-faced rollers ; cost SIOO,OOO and three year's labor. Price $5 —worth SSO. A small capital 'vill do to start with. $lO a copy can be got for thete great maps. Send for circular, terms, etc. Twenty new maps under wav. J. T. LLOYD, (P. O. Box 122). noi9—lmdw Atlanta, Ga. Removal. \| XBS A. C. JAMES, AGENT FOR THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, begs leave to announce that she has removed to No. over Mrs. McKinnon a Millinery Store. Miss JAMES is amply prepared to fill any * orders with the latest Pai terns to make ; nd Children's Droeses, Mantles, etc ocU’Z lmo SHERIFF’S SALES. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD. ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1860, ut the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: All that lot or parcel of land on the north side of Broad street, between Centro and Elbert streets, in the city of Augusta and county afore said, being tlie third lot from the corner of Broad and Centre streets, known in Phillips' plan and map of said city as Lot No. 9, containing a front on Broad street of twenty-nine feet, more or less, and having such shapes, metes and bounds as are set forth in the deed from William W. Mann and Henry Daly, dated Feb. sth, 1853,and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court in Book I I 11, folio 311; levied cu as the property of Wil liam Desmond, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosure on realty issued from the Superior Coart of Rich mond county in favor of Henry Daly, against William Desmond; and notice given to Henry T. Peay, tenantin possession.this6th dav.of Novem her, 1868. • WM. P. RHODES. m>B—td Coroner, acting Sheriff It. C Eichmond Sheriff's Sale. IDlbi. BF, SOLD, AT THE LOWER MAR D KET House, io the city of 'ugustn. be tween the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 1868, the following property, to wit: That lot of land in the city of Augusta, in said county, bounded south by Ellis street, on which it stands eighty feet, more or less, running half way to Broad street; bounded west by lot of Wm. H. Jones, and east by lot of Antoine Picquet, containing onq quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of William C. Jones, to satisfy a ti. fa. on foreclo sure, issued nut of the Superior Court of Rich mond county, in favor of Barney S. Dunbar against William C. Jones ; property pointed out in said fi. fa , and written notice given to A. W. Lewis, tenant in possession, this 6th day of No vember. 1863. WM. P. RHODES, noß—td Coroner, acting Sheriff 11. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. \X/'ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES »» DAY' IN DECEMBER next, between tbo' ■legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz: One Tract of Land and improvements thereon, situate in said county on the east side of East Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, containing sixteen and a half acres, more or less, and bounded West by said East Boundary street, North by road leading to Sand Bar Ferry, East by land now (or formerly) owned by Dr. Mc- Whorter, and South by land of—, except such portion of land as is claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale—levied on a» the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a Common ..-aw fi. fit issued from tho Superior Court of Richmond county, n favor of John I’hinizy against Robert C. Easterling ; said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling, and notice this day served on him according to law, 24 Nov., 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, novo—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond Co. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILE BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DA I IN DECEMBER next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: One Tract of Land and improvements, sit uate in said county, on the cast side of East Boundary street of the city of Augusta, contain ing sixteen and a half acres, more or less; and bounded west by said East Boundary street, north by road leading to Sand Bar Ferry, cast by land now or formerly owned by Dr. McWhorter, and south by lands of . except such portions of land as is claimed by defendant as exempt from lev/kanil sale. Levied on as the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a common law ii. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Daniel T. Sumner against Robert C. Easterling, principal, aud Foster Blodgett, jr., security on the appeal; said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling. And 1 hereby serve this notice according to law, this 2d day of November, 1868. WM. DOYLE. nov3—id Deputy Sheriff Richmond co. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TLES DAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, bet ween the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: A tract of Land situated in Richmond county, containing 1,606 acres more or less, bounded on the east, by Hugh McLean and John A. Rhodes, on the south by Henry John son and Saxon, on the west by Christopher .Morgan aud Malichi Bridwell aud Samuel Young, on the north by John Scarborough and Wildes ; the said tract’ formerly known as the property of Janies McNair, to' satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior court of Richmond county in favor of Garret T. Oglesby for the use of James M. Niblett against James McNair, security; said property pointed out by James M. Niblett, and levied on the 21611 day of Oc tober, 1868, and written notice served on Jack son Bridwell, in possession, this tilth day of October, 1868. WM DOY LE, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff R C. Richmond County Sheriff .tale. WILL BE SOLD, ON,.THE 1 ii.oT I ':,SS-. DAY in December next, at the L-.-wcr —r ket House, in the city of Augusta, between '.he legal hours of sale, the following property, viz : Forty-one acres of land in said county (as the property of Walker S. Nott), acquired in his own right from Armistead Fulcher, bounded north by lands of the late Alexander McKenzie, west by lands of said AnnUtcnd Fulcher, south and east by lands of said Walter S. Nott. Also, on another tract adjoining said body, contain ing one hundred acres, more or less, in said county, acquired from Armislead C..iaou, bound ed north by lands of said Walters. Nott, '.vest Uy ‘lands of said Walter S. Nott and Edmund Palmer, south by Mcßean Creek, east by lands of David F. Dickinson —levied, on as the property of Walter S. ott,. to sati-'y a 11. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Augusta and Savuquah Railroad Company, against 'Valter .-. Nott. Said property pointed out by John T. Showmakc, Plaintiff’s Attorney, and notice given to Mrs. Savannah Nott, in possession; this 30t.b day of October, 1868. WILLIAM DO».LE, novi—td Deputy Sheriff, 11. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. ax,till BE sol ls ' at ' rilE lower Tv Market House, m the city of Augusta, ot> the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Tenement Building, north side of Telfair street, fronting f>o feel ou same street, running back to Greene street 132 feet, more or less; bounded ou the north by the Methodist Church lot, eastbv lot of Mrs. Tisdale, souih by Teliair street, and'west by lot of the City Council Augusta. The property of Mrs. Julia Tisdale, to satisfy two ii. fas., issued from the 120th District, G, M.. in favor of Eli Muslin, vs. Mrs. Robert A Harper vs. Mrs. Julia Tisdale, levied onaud returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable, 2d November, 18(58. Also. Lot No. 20, Block 1, fronting on the Sa vannah Road, Sharp's survey, recorded on Book 1, F01i0'535, in the office of the Ordinary of the county. Said lot lying and being in the comity of Richmond. Levied on as tile property of Mrs. Cafherene E. Picquet, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the 120th District, G. M., in favor of Alex ander Brodie vs. Cathereue E. Picquet, Executrix of the estate of Augustus Picquet, this sth day June. 1868. Levy made aud returned to me by L. L.'Anthony, County Constable. Also, ou lots known as Nos. 1, 5 and 8 on Block No. I, fronting on Turknett Road, and on lots 1,9,10, 17,18, Block No. 2, according to E I‘. Sharp's survey, recorded in Ordinary’s ottiee. Book 1, Folio 535. Said lots situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, State aforesaid. Said lots levied onto satisfy two distress warrants, issued from the Justice's Court, 120th District. G. M., in favor of George McKmtie vs. Catherine E. Picquet, principal, and Frederick M. Nicholas, security, the sth day of uguet. 1868 levied on and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. Also, one Tract of Land, situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, containing HI acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of James MeLaws, James Cawley, and William Rachels. Levied on as the property of Wm. K Thompson, io satisfy a ti. fn , issuing from the Justice a Court of 120th District, G. M , in favor of Frank H. Miller vs. Win. Anderson, principal and Wtn. K. Thompson, security, this 2d day «t April, 1868. Levy made and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, Conntv Constable. WILLIAM DOYLE. nov3—td Dep. Sheriff R. <!. AUGUSTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 24, 1 868. SHERIFF'S SALES Richmond Sheriffs Sale. ■ ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUEB - IN JANUARY) 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between tbo legal hours of sale, those Three Lots of Land, in said county, known ns lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, on a plan of lots dra#n by Edwin V. bharpe, and copied in a deed of said lots by John Brandon to Henry T. Nelson. The said lot, No. 3, fronting on the bununcrvillo Plank Road, or Graded Road, now called the Augusta Avenue, seventy iiva feet. and situate one hundred and forty foot from Liberty street, and east thereof, and run ning'bark of, oven with, one hundred and sev enty feet, a| an angle of said Avenue of 17j degrees. The said lot No. 4, being contingent to said lot No. 3, on the east thereof, and run tUiyr back (ho game number vs feet from and at the same angle with said Avenue. Iho said lot No 1, fronting seventy feet on a new street, to bo opened parallel with, and three hundred and fifty feet cast of Liberty street, and running baoif from said new street towards said Liberty street ono hundred and seventy five (act; the northern boundary line of said lot, No. 1, bejng the southern boundary line of said lots, Nos. 3 irnd 4, and the three lots having been conveyed to said Nelson by and from John Brandon, re corded in the Cleik s ofiice of this county in book VV, folios 113 and 111. Levied on as the pn p erty of Henry T. Nelson, to satisfy a fi. fa., on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Sol dier’s Loan and Building Association, against Henry T. Nelson, and notice this day not served, there being no occupant iu possession. Augusta, Ga., November 9, 1868. WM. P. RHODES nov 10—id Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in January, 1869, at the lower mar ket bouse in the city o» Augusta, between the legal hours of s.Je, the towit: That lot of land situate near the Sou;h Boundary st., of the city of Augusta, fronting on the Savannah road, and known in apian ot lots made by W. E. Broivn, Surveyor, and record ed in the Clerk’s office of the Court, in book TT, folio 259, 260, as lot No. seventeen (17), having a front on said Savannah road of sixty (60) feet live (5) inches, and running back one hundred and eighty (ISO) feet; bounded on the north by lot No. sixteen (16), south by Louis st., east by lot No. twenty nine (29),and, westby said Savan nah road, in said county. Levied on as the property of Peter Jennings, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosure of mor!gage, issued from the Superior Court of Kichmond county, in f;vor of Bernard Bignon, executor of Chas. Pcbaigle against Peter Jennings, and notice not given, there being no occupant in possession, this the Vth Nov. 1863. W '. P. RHODES, Coroner, novlO—td Act’g Sheriff R. (’, ■ . ..... jhJ Richmond Sheriff's Sale. iiriLL BE SOLD, OX THE FIRST TUES- V» DAY in JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, tho following property, to-wit: Those three Lots of Land lying in Richmond county, and fronting on the Savan nah Load, near *A'Utt Boundary street, of the city of z\ugus(«, known in a Plan of Lots made by'W. E. Browt.’, Surveyor, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office oftbis Court,in book I. T ,folios 259 and 260 t as Lots No. 9,10 and iI. Each of said Lots having A front bn the said Savannah Hoad of 6(1 feet, and running back LSI feet’; bounded North by Lot No. 8, i vuth by Charles street, East by Lot No. 5, and - West by the raid Savaii nah Road. Levied on as the property of Mrs Margaret Kennedy, to sat Ist; a ii. (a. on fore cl >suro of mortgage in fav' T <'f Bernard Bignon, Executor of Charles Do*T‘fiig!c ; and notice not given, there being no occupant in possession, this 9th day of November, 1868. W. P. RHODES, Coroner, novlO-td Acting Sheriff Richmond County. Richmond Sheriff’s Sa’e. WILL BE'HOLD ON THE FIRST TUES- I) Y in .January, 1869, at the lower mar ket house, in the city of Augusta, between the legal Lours of Sale, the following property, to-wit: That lot or parcel of land in the city of Augusta, on the south side of Margaret st., between McKinno and .ill st., having a front on Market st. of one hundred and nine feet and extending through to Reynolds st. upon which it has the .same front; bounded on the north by Market st., south by Boy bolds st , oast by lot of Wm. Keener, Trustee, and we.-t by lot of Anthony Bateman, io said county. I.- ,i :d on as the property of Chas. P. Keener, to . utisfy n fi. f:>. on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Soldiers Loan and Building Association, against Ch ar res F Keener, and notice give£ to Charles F. Keener, owner, in possession, this 9th day of November, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Act’g Sheriff, R. p. iuchmond,.Sheriff’# Sale. VI7TLL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY IN JANUARY, 1869. between the legal iuiucs of sale, at.tlie Lower Market House in the city iff Augusta, the following property, viz., situated in the county of Richmond: One Tract, of Land, about, three miles from the city of Augusta, on the Angnsta and Savannah Railroad (excepting the right, ot wav of said railroad through said tract of laud), containing three hun dred and nine acres, more or less, bounded south by lands of John Pbinizy and Rooky Creek, on the west by lands now or formerly owned by De- Laigle, on the north by laud now or formerly owned by DeLaiglc and a lane of John Pbinizy, east by land ot John Phiuiz.y. Levied on under a mortgage fi. fa. on foreclosure issued from the the Superior Court of Richmond connty, in favor of Johp Pbinizy. against Robert C, Easterling, to satisfy siiid debt and costs, as the property of Robert C. EasteiUpg, being for the purchase money of said tract of land, except such portion of said hind as claimed by defendant as exempt from levy aud sale; said land being now in pos session of John C. Spinks. Aud notice this day herved on him according to law. The above prop erty pointed out by John Pbinizy. October 3. 1868. WM. P. RHODES, noll)-td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. Vi/ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES *» DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: That lot of land on the south side of Broad street, between Elbert and Lincoln streets, in the city of Augusta, in said county ; bounded north by Broad street, on which it fronts fifty six feet, more or lees; oast by lot of the heirs of I’hiUip Crump, deceased ; south by Ellis street, and west by lot of the heirs of Jesse Kent, de ceased. Also, another lot in said city, fronting fifty feet seven inches on Ellis strict, which bounds it on the south, and running hack to wards Broad street one hundred and thirty three feet six inches, more or less; bounded west by lot of Alexander Marten, nuctb by lot ot the heirs of J. Turpin, aud east by lot of John P. H. Miller. Levied on as the property of Robert.l. Bowe, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclo sure of reilty, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Harmon Rowley against Robert J. Bowe; ami notice given to Robert J. Bowe, owner in possession, this 6th day of November, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, noS—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Giver uient Proposals t RE INVITED FOR .SUPPLYING THE A QuarlormaMer’R Department, at- the Augusta Arsenal, with 160 Curd* of good merchantable, hard WOOD —upland preferred. These pro poeak ipiwt be in the usual form, and addressed to the undersigned. They will be opened at 10 a. in., ou Thursday, November 26th, and bidder* are invited to b? present The sticces&fiil bidder will be required to enter into contract, and give bonds in the usnai form. One IJtmdred (lords are to be delivered before February let. 1869 . the remainder, at the con iratter a option, any time before October Ist. jSvl’ Bids wi Ibe received for a part or tor the whole amount. Further information aioi fol him for propOHtU can ' e obtained l»v applying to the undersigned. • D U FLAGLER. Captain of Ordnance. m»Jl—lawbw Bt. Lieut. Col. and A. A.Q.M. Augusta Arsenal, Ga . November n, SHERIFFS SALES. Richmond Sheriff’s Bale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MAR KET House, in the City of Augusta, on the First. Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale: 1,4 K) acres of Land on Spirit Creek, in the county of Richmond, and bounded by lands of Hancock, Ward, Winter, Kelley, estate of Dunbar and others. The land is finely improved, with a line orchard, water, cte. Levied on as the property of the estate of Alexander J. Lawson, to satisfy a li. fa. in favor ol Thos S. Metcalf, issued bvthe Inferior Court of Burke county, July Term, 1862. Prop erty pointed ou*.by the Executor. WM. DOYLE, U'H 1-td Dpt y Slierifl' R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, between the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz : One House and Lot, No. 357 BroaJ street, Augus ta, Georgia, bounded on the north by lot of Jerry O’Brien, on the east by lot of D. L. Curtis, on the south by Broad street, and on the west by lot of Jerry O’Brien, ne the property of the said Jerry O’Brien, and pointed out by Plaintiff, this 29Ui day of October, 1868, Levied en and re turned to me bv John H. Ne’lding, county con stable. VTJf. DOYLE, nov3—td Dpt’y Bhoriff ft. C. City Sheriff’s Sale, WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, between the usual hours of sale, that House and Lot on the northeast comer of Cumming and Hate streets; bounded on the north by lot of George Harris, east by lot of Louisa 'Williams, south by Hale street, and west by Cumming street: said lot having a front of 49 feet more or less, and 100 feet deep. Levied upon as the property of Louisa Williutus, and to be sold to satisfy one Tax fl. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta, vs. Louisa Williams, for her City Taxes for the year 1867. . W B. CHEEBBOROUGE, novi—td Dpt’y Sheriff City of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusto, between tlie usual hours of sale, t hat House and Lot on the southeast comer of Broad aud Mills streets, City of Augusta, having a front of 60 feet ou Broad street and running back to Ellis street 175 feet more or less; bounded on the north by Broad street, east by lot of Daniel O’Lcany, south by Eilis street, and west by Mills street. Levied upon and sold to satisfy one Tax li. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jerry O’Bara for his City Taxes for the year 1867; said property now belonging to S. A. Frain. W. B CHEESBOROUGH, uov I—td Dpt’y Sheriff City of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, at the Lower Market House, iu the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, that House aud Lot No. 261, south side of Ellis street, between Kol lock and Marbury streets. City of Augusta, bounded on the north by Ellis Street, cast by lot of Jacob Danforth, south by lot ol Doctor Marks, and west by lot of Olendenlng, having a front of 40 feet more or less on Ellis street, and running back 100 feet more or less. Levied upon us the property of Jane Miller, and will be sold to satisfy one Tax 11. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. Jane Miller for her City Taxes for the year 1867. W. B. CHEEBBOROUGII, uovl—td Dpt’y Shcrifl City of Augusta. • City Sheriff’s Sale, TITILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TU’ES »» DAY in December next, at tlie Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, that House on the northwest corner of Calhoun street and Cor duroy alley, in the City of Augusta (land leaeed). bounded on tlie north by house of Jacob Frances,cast by Corduroy alley, south by Calhoun street, and west by land of the estate of Cumming. Levied upon aud will be sold as the property of John Baker to satisfy two Tax fi. fa.’s, issued by the City Council of Augusta vs. John Baker ior bis Taxes for the years 1866 and 1867. W. B. CHEESBOROUGH, uovl—td Dpt’y Slicrift City of Augusta. GEORGIA RAILROAD. IN ORDER. TO MAKE CLOSE CONNEC TION with tbo .Second Train on the South Carolina Railroad, and bettor connections on the Branch r >ads, tho Trains on the Georgia Rond will run, ou and after THURSDAY, June, at 5 o’clock a. in., as follows: DAY CASSESGSIt TUAIH. (Daily. Sundays Hrccpted.) Leave Augusta at. 7.00 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlaaitaat 6.30 I’. M. NIGHT t'AS.SnSu..:-. .i»l> VJJI TBAIK. Leave Augusta nt 10.00 P. M. Leave Atlanta »t 5.40 F. 1. Arrive at Aug- nt 3.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.40 A. M. BEttZELIA P.ISSENGZU TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 4.15 P. M. Leave Berzelia at 7.00 A M. Arrrivo at Augusta / 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Berzelia 6.00 I’. M. Passengers for Milledgeville, Washington, and Athens, (la., must fske Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for We.ft Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile and Nc. Orleans, must leave Au gusta on Night Passengei Train at 10.00 P. M. to make close connect!.! s. Passengers for Nashville, Cerinlh, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louie, can take either train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. No change of cars on Night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. Augusta. Ga., June 16, 1868. je!7—tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON itlacoii and Augusta Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT. sth, 1868, the Trains on this Road will run as fol lows : Leave Camak daily at..... 12.40 p.m Leave Milledgeville 6.45 a.m. Arrive at Milledgeville 4.20 p.m. Arrive at Camak 10.16 a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Passengers leaving Milledgeville at 5.30 a. tn. reaches Atlanta and Augusta tho same day, and will make close connections at either place for tho principal pointe in adjoining States. E. W. COLE, mv 10—ts General Superintendent Letters of Di -mission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas. Thomas T. Brandon and Fieldeu F. Brandon. Executors of James Brandon, deceased, applp to me for Letters of Diantiraion. These are, therefore, to cite aud admenisli all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be torv the first Mondav in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be graiiL-d. Given under my hand and official signature, at oliic. iu Augusta, this 17th day of November 186.4. SAMUEL LEVY n.,lß—lmfiiu Ordinary. Richmond County. OTATE OF GEORGIA— * ■ Bichmond Cvtut'y. WniRtAS, James A. Gray, Administrator on the estate of Francis O'Gonner, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of Jana, 1868. K. M. BRAYTON, je3—6m* Ordinary. OTATE OF GEORGIA— -0 Uichniotul County. Whqieas, Rob. Douglass and 8. D. Williams, Executors ou the Estateof Ira I). Mathews, late of said couuty, deceased, apply to mo for letters of dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear nt my office on or before the first Monday in February next, to allow cause, if any they have, why said’Letters should n«>t he granted. Given under my baud and official signature, at office in Augusta, tliis August 15th, 18n8. SAMUEL LEVY, an 16—lamfim Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County. Wbeiusas, William J. Furr, Administrator de bonus non of the estate of George P. Green, deceased, applies to me for Letters o's Dismission. These are therefore to cite aud admouisa all and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day of .September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, Sep -lm6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA— -0 Richmond County. Whereas, John 11. Rhodes, Administrator on the estate of William F. Malone, deceased, ap plies to mo for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or Ifc foro the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if auy they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Giron under my hand und official signature, at officoin Augusta, this 25th day of September, 1868. SAMUfSL LEVY. sep 26—lawfini Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA. 0 Richmond County. . Whkkkas Timothy 0. Murphy, Administrator on tbo estateof Phillip McGee, I sue of said coun ty, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dis mission : These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tho first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo grunted. Given uuder my hand aud official signature, at office in Augusta, this istday of October, 1868. BAMUEL LEVY, oct 2—lani6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA— * 0 Richmond County. Whkkkas, John )I. Fearey, Admmiatrator on tlie eeUile of Harry Hughes, dceeaeecl, applies io me for Letters of Dismission— These are, therefore, to cite aud adliionieb all and singnlur, the kindred aifd creditors of the said decensed, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my band and official signature a office iu Augusta, ibis 28tbday of September. 1868. SAMUEL I.EVY, sep29 —Gm Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whirkxs, Edward O'Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Richard Quinn, late of said County, deceased,applies to me for Inliers of Dis mission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in hlarclt next, to show cause, if any they have', why said Letters should not be granted. Given unde: my lr nd and official signature at office iu Augusta, this September llth, JBf>B. SAMUEL LEVY, seplS—lauilim Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STA’I E OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, James C. C. Black aiqilies to me lor Letters ot Administration, with tlie will annexed, on the estate of Jane Odom, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred mid creditors of said deceased, to be uipl appear ul my office, bn or before the fust Monday m December next,, to show cause, if any they linvc, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band ami official signature, at office, in Augusta, this ?lst day of Octoltei, 1868. • SAMUEL levy, <>€l.l2—4l Ordinary. Letters of Administration. QTATE OF GEORGIA— -0 Richmond County. Whereas, Eliza Rebecca Clarke applies to me for Lettcraof Adiuniistratiau. with the Will an nexed, on the Estate of Augusta Cocke, deceased : IlicSe arc, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be hl|d appear al ruy office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be graut'ed. Given uuder my hand ami official signature at office in Augusta, this 26th dav of October. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct2l—law4t Ordinaiy. Letters of Administration. OTATE OF GEORGIA— -0 Richmond County. Whereas, Edward Hatcher applies to me for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Walter 8. Nott, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of eaid deceased, to be and appear al my office ou or before the first Monday in December uext.te show cause, if any they have, why aai-1 Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this sth day of November, 1868 SAMUEL LEVY, no6—lawtt Ordinary. Letters of Guardianship. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond Couuty. Whereas, Mill-v Bensley applies to me for Let kies of Giiard’ansnip ot Abralium Beasley, minor child of Jonathan Beasley,deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and trieuds, to be and appear a) my office on or before the first Monday in Decemlier next, to show i-anse. if any they have, why said Leiters should not be granted. Given unde' my baud and official signature, at Augusta, this 28th day of October. 1868. K ’ SAMUEL LEVY, oct2B—3'H Leave to Sell Real Estate. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County : Bv permission of the Court of Ordinary of Richmond, County, notice is hereby given, that sixty days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Real Estate of Charles Dwelle, deceased. JULIA M. DWELLE, Augusta, Nov. 2, 1868. Administr-fir.v novs—2m U. 8. MABBHAL’B SALES. United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDERAND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for tlie Sonthern-District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs. Harn & Cushing, in the following casts, towit: Haru ifc Cushing versus John N. Webb and John M. Stark, ! have levied upon, as the property of John M. Stark, one lot of land, con taining ten (10) acres, more or Ims, together with the improvements thereon, situate, lying, and being >n Wyunton. county of Muscogee, and State of Georgia, about two miles east of Colum bus, aud bounded on the north, east aud west by the lots belonging to Jaitfes M. Chambers, and on tlie south by the lot belonging to the estate of Moses Butts, deceased, and known as the resi dence of John M. Stark; and will sell the sane at public auction, at the Court House, in thocity of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawful hours of sale. Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. Dated at Savannali, Georgia, October?, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, del—law4w United States Marsha! Po»tponed U. 8. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THREE (3) writs of fieri facian. issued out of the Hon orable the Fifth Circuit Court of tlie United Staten for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in tlie following cases to-wit: CARHART A BROTHERS vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, A. T. STEWART A COMPANY vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING. Survivor, etc., vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, I have levied upon, as the property of Benjamin F. Adame, a Plantation, containing twenty-six hun dred (2,600) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in the county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, numbers of lots unknown, but lying at and immediately around Wards Station, on the Southwestern railroad. ALSO One lot of Laud, containing oue hundred (100) acres, more or less, with a dwalling-houss, out buildiugs, and oilier improvements, beiug the residence of Benjamin F. Adams, and adjoining the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A. O.Mosley. W. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, aud others, in the town of Eatonton, county n f Putnam, and State aforesaid. ALSO Two Store Houses and lx>ts on the Court House square, known uh Hudson aud Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B.F. Joliiist<>u&Co., and Benj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store House and Lot, occupied by Ethridge A. Davis, druggists. ALSO One Store House and Lot on Main street, occu pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. ALSO One Town Lot near the Railroad Depot , now vacant. All the said Town bote situate, lying and be ing in tlie town of Eutonton, county of Putnam, and State aforesaid. And will Sell the same at public auction, al the ‘Court JUptise in tlie city of Macon and county of Bibb, and Sliite of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN DECEMBER next, between the law ful hours of sale. Dated al Savannah, Ga.. this 3d day of Septem ber, 1868, WM. G. DICKSON, nos-law4w U.S, Marshal Diet, of Ga. Letters of Administration- STATE OF GEORGlA— liichmond County. Whereas, Robert J. Dickinson applies to me for lietters of Administration on the estate of Victor LaTaste, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tlie second Monday in December next, to show cause, if auy they have, why said Lettera should not be granted. Given iindermy liam! and official signature, at otth e in Augusta, this 9th dav of November. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, nolfi—lm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, llvehmovd County. Whereas, Jaw«s T. Bothwell, Administrator of the Edtate us Thoinan B. Sn/itb, decca:©d, applies to me for Latten of DismioSion. Those are thcrefuro to cite and adnioni-h all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and apt e vr at my ofiice on or before the first Monday in M«r-h next, to show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Gdnrort un l< rmj band and official signature at ofiice in Augusta, ibis 7ih day q( September, 1808. SAMUEL LJJVY-, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Couuty. Wherenu, Penelope McKenzie applies to me for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Alex ander McKenzie, late of Richmond county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and adinonish all aad singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office ou or be fore the first Monday in January,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand und official signature, at office in Augusta, this 18th dav of November, 1868. BAM L LEVY. no 19 —6iu Ordinary. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Unitod Stites for |l(e District of Georgia. In the matter ~f ) JOHN T. LIIMPKIS, HN BANKRUPTCY, bankrupt. ’ ) Soutliern District of Georgia. 8.8. A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by tlie said Court •against Gw estate of JOHN T LUMPKIN, of tho county of Marion, and State of Georgia, in said District, who has been duly adjudged a Bankrupt upon petition of hi i creditors, and the payment, of any debts, and the delivery of auy property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for lun use. and the transfer of any property bv him, are forbidden by law: a meeting ofthe cred itorsof said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, ami choose one or more Assignees of his estate, wdL lie held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden in Americus, iu said district, on the 28tii day of November, A.D., 1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the office ot Frank 8. Hesseltine, Esquire, one of tlie Registers in Bankruptcy of said District. WM. G. DICKSON, novl3—law2w U. 8. Murebul for said Dist. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—No. 317. JOHN RHODES, Bankrupt, hiving pe tioned for a discharge from ail bis debts provable in Hankrubtcy. all persons interested arc notified to appearon the 14tli day of December, 1868, nt 10 o’clock a. m., before Register Foster, at Madison, Ga. . to i how cause why the prayer of the bank rupt should pot lie granted. Tlie second and third meetings ot creditors will be held at the same time and place. no2o-2t’ W. B. _ U~NITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—No. 342. DAVID E. DARDEN, B-.iikrnpt, havingpeti tinned for a discharge from all his debts provable in Bankruptcy, all pe r sous interested are notified to appear on the 14tli day of December, 1868, at tt) a. m . before Register Foster, at Madison, Ga.. to iliow cause why tho prayer of ths Batik nipt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. n<>2o—2t* UNITED STATE DISTRICT COURT— Northern District of Georgia—Nn. 236. GEORGE R. LEWIS, Bankrupt, having petitioned for a discharge from all his uebts prova ble in Bankruptcy, nil persons interested are no tified to appear on the 7th day of December, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. tn., before Register Murray, at Griffin, Ga , to show cause why lb" prayer of the bank nipt should not be granted. The second aud thud meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. il<4B—2t* W. B. SMITH. Uletk. jJOGK BINDING BLANK BOOK MANUI’Ai TORY. E. 11. FUGUE, I9<> Broad Street, Augusta. Ga. NO 139 MECHANICS’ BANK. Assignee's Sale. ON THURSDAY, THE 7TH OF JANUARY next, at 12 M., will be sold, at Public Auc tion, ou the premises, the BANKING HOUSE AMD LOT OF THE MECHANICS’ BANK. This Lot is one hundred and seventy-three feet deep, and has a front on Broad street of tliirty nine feet, of which four feet nine inctics is in the alley on tlie East, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot-holders. The property is-too well known to need further description. At the same time and place, the FURNITURE remaining in the Bank will lie sold. consisting of MARBLE COUNTER DESKS, TABLES, a first-class IRON SAFE, fine GOLD SCALES, etc. Terms cash, in currency. WM. T. GOUIsD, October 30 Assignee. oct3l (lifcwii! Assig'..aa’g Sale. PURSUANT TO Afj ORDER OF THE Hon. A.G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Elberton, Elbert county, Ga., on the FIRST TUBBDAY LN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing valuable Idnds of Win. J. Harper, Bank rapt: ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Vans’ creek, in Elbert couuty, containing 350 acres, more or lose, whereon Wm. J. Har per Uvea, joining estates of Benjamin Goss, Joseph Rucker, and others. There will be ex cepted 65 acres, the homestead exemption, which has been laid off, and does not include the mansion house. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Cold Water creek, in Elbert connty, known us the Foster Place, containing 230 acres, join ing lands of the estate of Wm. Cleveland - and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on yam>' creek, in Elbert county, known as the White Tract, containing 350 acres, more or less, joining hinds of Joseph Rucker’s estate, H. J. Gosi, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on waters of Vans' creek, in Elbert couuty, known us the Henderson Tract, containing 160 acres, more or less; joining Thomas Warren, John M. Warren, and others. ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Cold Water creek, in Hart county, known as tlie Eavenson Tract, containingGOi acres, more or less, joining lands of Thomas J. Teasley, W. 11. Teasley, Martin Moss, and others. All the above lands sold as the property of William J. Harper, Bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditors, free of the incumbrance of judg ment and mortgage liens. Terms cash. ROBERT HESTER, November sth, 1868. Assignee. Also, will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of December next, ut the residence of William J. Harper, near Ruckersville, iu Elbert county, during the usual hours of sale, all the perishable property of said William J. Harper, bankrupt, to wit: The crop of Corn, 50 barrels, more or less. The crop of Cotton, 10 bales, more or less. 4 head of Horses. 5 head of Mules. 13 head of Cows, Calves, and Yearlings. 12 head of-Goats. 8 head of Sheep. 40 head of Hogs, including sows and pigs. 500 pounds of Bacon and oilier Provisions. 8 Cotton Gins; 2 sets of running gear. 1 Corn and Cob Crusher. 1 EM*- 2 Wagons. 1 lot Blacksmith Tools. Plantation Toole und L'armiug lustraiueats Plows, Hoes, Axes, Scythes and Cradles. I Wheat Fan. 2 Grind Stones. Household aud Kitchen Furniture. Tablee, Chairs, Bureaus. Washstand, Carpet aud Rug. 1, lot Crockery Warn and Cooking Utensils, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Also, the following Promissory Notes: John E. 8. Jones note for $ 30 01) Francis A, Banks (er. SB4) 696 98 Geo. E. Heard George E. Heard (er. $195 16) 287 72 J. S. Warren and A. Goss (er. $214) 300 00 Harkness Alexander 30 00 B. R. Taylor 39 00 W. J. Darden 50 IJO Thomas C. White 6 41 James IL Lofton 533 82 A. Bailey..,. 17 05 J. Steadnuiu, VV'. I). Davis, and F. G. McCurry, notes for . 8 66 John King (er. $4 74) 50 00 Dennis Haley's account 70 on Sale to continue from day to day till all is sold. All the above articles sold as the prop erty of William J. Harper, bankrupt, for the neuefitof his creditors, free of Incnmlnunce of judgment Ileus. Terms eash. ROBERT HESTER, Assignee. November sth, 1868. noJO-lawtt ASSIGNEE’S SALE. JN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF lion. A.G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be «o|d, free from tlie menmbrauee of iieiis, at Graniteville, in the county of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, ou the 30th day of November, 1868, the following TRACT OF LAND. (Exclusive of ninety acres, including tbo Dwelling House and the growing crop), belong ing to the Estate of Francis Murray, Bankrupt, to-wit: All that tract of land sßnute, lying aud being in the county aud State aforesaid, on Big Horse U' pee k waters of Savannah River,costaiu iug Two Thousand and Eighty Acres, more or less, and bounded ou the West by lauds now, or formerly, belonging to William Gregg; on tile Northwest by lands now, or formerly, Lewis Elzey's; on the East by laud Bow, or formerly. Mat. May’s and E. Posey’s; on the Southeast by land now, or formerly, U Rozier's aud Mrs. R. hwearingin’e: on the South by laud now, or for toerlv, Wm. Rigg’s and J. Hatcher’s. Also, that other Tract of Laud, lying and being hi the county and State aforesuiii, near the Graniteville depot, on the South Carolina Rail road, containing oue aud acres, more or leas, and bounded us follows: on the west by Und now or formeily .William Morris’: ontbeeoutli aud .eart by laud now or formerly Michael O'Brien’s; ou the iu>rth by the South Carolina Railroad, being the sSme tracts of land conveyed to said Francis Murray by Lucius L. Hall, by deed, dated the 271 h day of November, 1866. Ahn, at the same time and place, a lease hold interest in Four Acres of Land, adjoining Kaluna Milla, upon which there is a wooden house, con taining seven rooms. Also, two small Cares. Terms cash. S. D. HEARD, noG—dtd Assignee,- ' Assignee's Sale. Pursuant to an order ok the hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy lor the Northern District of Georgia, will be sold at publie outcry, before the Court House door in Elberton, Elbert county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the iogal hours of eale, as the property of I*. B. Bourne, bankrupt, ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Burtrom’s ereek, in tbo Flatwoods, in Elbert county, containing iOO acres, more or loss ad joining lands of S. C. Stark, J. H. Groghan, and others. ALSO, as the propertv of 11. W. Bourne, bankrupt, ONE TRACT OF LAND, on Burtram's creek, in the Flatwoods, in Elbert county, containing 500 acres, more or less, ad joining lands of P. B. Bourne, J. M. Brewer, J. 11. Grogban, and others. The first mentioned tract so'd as the property of P. B. Bourne, bank rupt, and the second mentioned tract as tbo property of 11. W. Bourne, bankrupt, for tho benefit of their creditors, free of ihe incum brance of judgment and mortgage liens. Terms cash. JAS. J. BURCH, nolO— lawtw Assignee. November 6th, 1868. Leave to Sell Real Estate. BY PERMISSION OF THE COURT OF Ordinary of Richmond connty, notice is hereby gi ren that, sixty days alter date, applica tion will lie ntede to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Ke .I Estate of Martin Brogan, deceased DANIEL BROGAN. AuvuutO , 1888. Aiiu'r bou t non. octd7—law2mo