The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 03, 1868, Image 4

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Nnftonalihpublicaii LARlim* CITY <’!«<TLATION Official Organ of the U. S- Government. THURSDAY MORNING Dec. 3,1868 1 MUSTARD Composed while grasping a bologna in one hand, chewing at the butt end of a brelzel held in the other, and gazing meditatively at the mustard jar, after having disposed of “divi lager.” Let others praise In vaunting lays, Their jelly, cream,’or custard: Be mine the task, 'Tis all I ask. To sing the joys of mustard. Give milder food To those endowed With spirits weak and flustered; But when life reigns Throughout the veins, There’s nothing equals mustard. It cleai-s the wit And sharpens it And gives strength to thrust hard ; In war of words. Where thoughts are swords, A strong ally is mustard. Those birds so old, Os which we’re told. The dodo and the bustard. Are not more rare Than wise men are, Who don’t indulge in mustard. Like Gilead’s balm, The heart it warms Os him who chews a crust hard; A fiery joy, Without alloy, Is ever found in mustard. A supreme three Os gifts there be About life's’ pathway clustered; All hail! the great Triumvirate, Bologna, Beer, and Mustard! OFFICIAL. Laws of Congress. For surveying the public lands in Oregon, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That out of this appropriation the Commissioner of the General .Land Office may pay a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars for surveys of last year. For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars lor township, and ten dollars for sec tion lines, fifteen thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in New Mexico, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars, per lineal milefor stan dard lines, twelve dollars for town ship, and ten dollars for section lines, five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands Montano Territory, at rates not. ex . oeeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollar,«•.. For surveying the public lands in ( tali lei i itory, at rates nc,t exceeding fifteen dollars per mile for standard! lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars tor seetioiq lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying lands in the State of !■ lorida, Ven thousand dollars. tor surveying the eastern boundary of Nevada, estimated four hundred and twenty-hvr.; miles, at not exceeding twenty five dollars per mile, ten thou sand six hundred and twenty-five dol lars, to be expended under the direc tion ol the Commissioner of the Gener al Land Office. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. For repairs and improvements of public buildings and grounds hereto fore under the direction of the Com misioner of Public Buildings, to wit: For casual repairs of the navy yard and upper bridges, three thousand* dol lars. For repairsand taking care of the bridge at or near the Little Falls of the Potomac river, twenty-six thousand dollars. For repairs of the Long bridge across the Fotomac river, fifteen thou sand dollars. For fuel for the President's House, five thousand dollars. For improvement and care of reser vation number two and Lafayette square, two thousand dollars. For care and improvement of grounds south of the President’s House, one thousand dollars. For extra labor in removing snow and ice from the pavemeuts and pub ice walks, five hundred dollars. For repair of water-pipes, one thou sand dollars. For manure for the public grounds and reservations and cartage of the same, two thousand dollars. For care of reservation on New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maryland avenues, three thousand dol lars. For painting iron fences around the public squares and reservations, three thousand dollars. For annual repairs of the President’s House, five thousand dollars. For flower-pots, glasses, twine, and so forth, one thousand dollars. For fuel at the centre building of the Capital, one thousand five hundred dollars. For care of the circle, one thousand dollars. For laying pavement through the mall along Sixth street south, opened by act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty - sevn, two thousand dollars. For additional repairs of conserva tory at the President’s House, and for supplying the same with a suitable col lection of plants to replace those des troyed by fire, five thousand dollars. For completing the cnlvert through the botanic garden, thirteen thousand dollars. For the further improvement of Lincoln square, eight thousand dollars. For hire of carts on the public grounds, three thousand dollars. ATLANTA DEI’ARTMENT. „o . - Southern Life Insurance Co. —0 PRINCIPAL OFFICES, ATLANTA. GA. MEMPHIS. TENN LOUISVILLE, KY. o— —— CAPITAL M 325.500 _. -.... Q . —• Gen. JOHN B GORDON President. W. C. MORRIS Secretary. Hon. t H I Vi " o ASSETS, July Ist, IS6S %330.912.00 A PURELY SOUTHERN INSTITUTION ! O ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF POLICY. ' —o Jkll Policies ISTon-Forfeitrng-!! 0 Premiums are payable in Cash, or maybe paid two thirds Cash and ouc-third Loan (witbou Note), with six per cent, interest on Loan in advance. Loans on interest guaranteed to bo can celled by dividends. Premiums payable annually, semi-annually and quarterly, and rates ax low as any Company can offer and do a safe business. No Restriction on Travel and Rtnidence ! True Test of Company’s Strength ! Ratio of Assets to Liabilities $299.67 to 100 Assurance Within the Reach of All! I Patronize Home Institutions!! o REFERENCES: Hon. B. 11. Hill, Athens, Ga. Hon. B. C. Yancey, Athens, Ga. Dr. -Tames S. Hamilton, Athens, Ga. Stevens Thomae, Esq., Secretary Southern -Mu- I tual Fire Insurance Company. Hon. Robert Toombs, Washington, Ga. Hon. Augustus Reese, Madison, Ga. David E. Butler, Esq., Madison, Ga. F. Phinizy, Esq., Augusta, Ga. W. H. Howard, Esq., Augusta, Ga. Edward Thomas, Esq., Augusta, Ga. M. A. CLEC’KLE Y, M. If., Medical Examiner, Augusta, Ga. J. H- MILLER, General Agent, nov29—2w Office 207 J Broad Street, next door to James G. Bailio & Son. stallSgTl 132 Broad Street, A_ugusta, Ga. o B* U X. KT ITU "R.E Os Every Description, from the Finest to the Cheapest!! -Q Having enlarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK! ! oct29—Brnos Lat'ast New York News I THE PEOPLE Greatly Excited, “008 TAR IN THK FllilD. LADIES! LOOKOUT! LOOKOUT!! A BEAUTIFIER *as is’ A BKAUTIFIER. [Ladies Mai/asine for Sept.] “Henry R. Costar, of No. HI Crosby Street, is said to be ‘out’with a iieadtiukr that eclipses anything ever known in this line. The Ladies are wild with delight. One lady says, ‘I know it’s right,’ and pointed to a skin as fresh, soft, and de licate as a child. Another lady said, ‘if it cost SIO.OO a bottle. I'd have it;’ and another. ‘Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only Gostar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. It gives beauty to the Complexion, a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the Lips,and hap piness complete. ! I Beware!! of worthless imitations All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell it. One bottle SI.OO -, three bottles, $2.00. Or address “Cost ar,“ No 10 Crosby st,N.Y. “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ARE “Cos/ar's’’ Hat, Roach, Etc., Exterminators. "Costar's” Ecd Buy Exterminators. < Costar's” (only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known. ' “18 years established in New- York.'' “2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily. ’ “All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them.' “! I! Beware I! I of spurious imitations. “ $! .00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. $2.00 for any three SI.OO sizes by express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Henry (successor to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists in Augusta, Ga. novi—lydw NATIONAL RIIMUffI SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. o—- Chartered by Act ol* Cong re** • o— Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. C. o BRANCH AT AUGUSTA. GA., Nd 40 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and Saturday evening, from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS. RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without uo tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong to the depositors. Investments are only wade in Securities of the United States. GEO. H. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT I. KkNT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier. au2l—dAwtf Letters of Administration- STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas. Robert J. Dickinson applies to m<- lor Letters of Administration on the estate of Vidor LaTaste, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de .eased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grauted. Given under my hand aud official /iguaiure. at office in Augusta. fltis‘*th dnv nf November. INiSj. SAMUEL LEVY. I noltl—lm Ordinary. | C. 11. I’hiu'uy, Esq., Augusta, Ga. ■ Hon. Warren Aiken, Cartersville, Ga. | Hon. John B. Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. I A. Austell, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. E. W. Holland, Esq., Atlanta, Ga, Gen. Wade Hampton, Columbia, 8. C. Generals Lawton <t Jackson, Attorneys at Law, .Savannah, Ga. Gon. Henry L. Benning, Columbus, Ga. Gen. S. McGowan, Abbeville, S. C. Gon. A. II Colquitt, Newton, Ga. Official. Proclamation. iWI i Mo/ BY THE GOVERNOR. Executive Dapartment, I Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 24, 1868. f To the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary, anil to the Sheriff and his Lawful Deputies of Fulton county; Whereas, Ata special term of the Superior Court held in and for the county of Fulton, in the month of April, A. D. 1860, Carter Heard was tried for aud convicted of the crime of murder; and the said case having been carried to the Supreme Court of tins State on a writ ot error, on motion lor a new trial being overruled and denied by the Judge presiding at said trial in the Superior Court aforesaid; and, on the hearing of said writ of error in said Supreme Court, the judgment of the Court below having been affirmed, the said Judge presiding in said Superior Court, at the April term thereof, A. D. 1867, sentenced the said Carter Heard to be executed by hanging by the neck until dead, on the seventh day of June thereafter; aud Whereas, At the instance and request of sundry citizens of said county of Fulton, his Excellency Charles J. Jenkins respited the exe cution of the said Carter Heard until the meet ing of t he General Assembly of this State next thereafter, to the end that that body might take such action in the premises as would seem to them proper; and, W num; AS, In the meantime, by the adoption of the present Constitution of the State of Georgia, the power to grant reprieves and par dons, to commute penalties, and to remit any part ot a sentence for offences against the State, except in cases of impeachment, is vested l>y such Constitution in the Governor of the State; and. Whereas, The said Carter Heard, at the time of committing the homicide for which he was convicted of murder, was a mere lad, and the killing resulted from a quarrel between him and the deceased, in which the latter is con sidered not to nave been wholly blameless, and a commutation of the said sentence to impris onment in the Penitentiary has been earnestly requested by many highly respectable citizens of the said county of Fulton, and in view of all the circumstances attending the homicide and trial therefor: Therefore, by virtue of the power and au thority in me vested as aforesaid, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor and Coniniander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and ot the Militia thereof, do hereby commute the said sentence of death so passed upon the said Car ter Heard as aforesaid, to imprisonment at hard labor in the Penitentiary of this State for a term of ten years, beginning at the time of his con viction of the said crime of murder, and ending at the expiration of ten years thereafter; and to the end that he, the said Carter Heard, may be taken from the common jail of said county of Fulton, where he is now confined, to the said Penitentiary, and be imprisoned therein in terms of this commuted sentence, it is Ordered: That the Principal Keeper of said Penitentiary send immediately, on receipt hereof, a suitable guard, to demand and receive from the keeper of the common jail aforesaid the body of the said Carter Heard, and convey him to said Penitentiary, therein to be impris oned as aforesaid till the expiration of the term of ten years. G iven under my hand, and the Seal of the Execu tive Department, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, the day and year first abovewritten. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor; Governor. B. B. DeGkaffenreiii, Sec y Executive Department, decl—3t wit Tax Notice. Make Tour State Tax Returns. ALL PERSONS TAKE NOTICE THAT, for the purpose of receiving said Returns, I shall attend the following places, from October 26 to December 15, 1868 : At the Upper Market, on every Monday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p. ui., and from 3 to 6 p. tn. On Tuesdays at Messrs. Day &. Inman's Auc tion Room, on Broad street. On Wednesdays, nt the Court House. On Thursdays, at the Scale House. On Fridays, at the Court House. On Saturdays, at District Court Grounds, of which due notice will be given. All citizens, white and colored, between the ages of twenty-one aud sixty, are liable to return and pay a Poll Tax of One Dollar, and such other taxes as may be imposed by the County. For failure to make your returns, of all propertv, or to comply with the law, now of force, the penalty of the law will be strictly enforced, unbiased and impartial, on all defaulters. N B. For failure of making returns, the penalty is a double tax. J. H VAUGHN, R. T. R., Richmond County. Augusta, October 24. 1868. oct‘24— tdeclo Notice. IN MY NOTICE OF NOVEMBER 21, 1868 I had no intention of revoking the Power of Attorney given Mr DAVID PORTER by me, aud the public are informed that be is my sole representative as to all my ImsinessTnattersxvhat •o.'vei, ex. ept legal matter <lecl ~5l W. 11. GRIFFIN E H. PUGHE’S Book & Job PRINTING OFFICE, iW) Broad 153 Ellis Streets, TSO Is Now Supplied with the Latest and Improved PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC., And is ready to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, • AND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING!! THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment IS A SPECIALTY. And we have recently made large additions ot NEW TOOLS AND MATERIALS! .(J —— - . The Daily National Republican A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A TEAR AND Wetkln Rational llcpublitan, PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Contain the Latest News by Telegraph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office —l9o Broad and 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga R. R. R. 90 out or 100 OF DEATHS, that annually occur, are caused by Prevent able Diseases, and the greater portion of those complaints would, if Radway’s Ready Re lief or Pills, (as the case may require,) were administered when pain or uneasiness or slight sickness is experienced, be exterminated from the sys tem in a few hours. PAIN, no matter from what cause, is almost instan fly cured by the Ready Relief. In cases of Cho lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains, Aches and Infirmities either in the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles, Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, &c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the soothing influence of the Ready Relief. Sudden Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Dip theria, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever and Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever, Arc., &c„ take from four to six of Radway’f Pills, and also take a taaspoonful of the Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet ened with sugar or honey; bathe the throat, bead and chest with Ready Relief, (if Ague or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,) in the morning you will be cured. How the Ready Relief Acts 1 In a few minutes the patient will feel a slight tingling irritation, and the skin be comes reddened; if there is much distress in the stomach, the Relief will assist nature in removing the offending cause, —a general warmth is felt throughout the entire body, and its diffusive stimulating properties rapidly courses through every vein and tissue of the system, arousing tie slothful and partially paralyzed glands and organs to re newed and healthy action, perspiration fol lows, and the surface of the body feels in creased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, the soreness of the throat, and all pains, either internally or externally, rapidly subside, and the patient falls into a tr anquil sleep, awakes refreshed, invigorated, cured. ® t It will be found that in using the Reliei externally, either on the spine or across the kidneys, or over the stomach and bowels, that for several days after a pleasing warmth will be felt, showing the length of time it con tinues its influence over the diseased parts. Price of R. R. R. RELIEF, 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants, Grocers, &c. RADWAY & CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. TYPHOID FEVER. Thia disease is not only cured, by Dr. Rad way’s Relief and Pills, but pre vented. If exposed to it, put one tea spoonful of Relief in a tumbler of water. Drink this before going out in the morning, and several times during tlie day. Take one of Radway’e Pills one hour before dinner, and one on going to bed. If seized with Fever, take 4 to 6 ol ho Pills every six hours, until copious 1 ischarges from the bowels take place; also drink the Relief diluted with water, and batho the entire surface ol the body with Relief. Soon a power ful perspiration will take place, and you will feel a pleasant heat through out the system. Keep on taking Relief repeatedly, every four hours, also the Pills. A cure will be sure, to follow. The reliefis strengthening, stimulating, zoothing, and quieting; it is sure tc break up the Fever and to neutralize the poison. Let this treatment be fol lowed, and thousands will be saved. The same treatment in Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious Fever, will effect a cure in 24 hours. When the patient feels the Relief irrita ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi tive. In all cases whore pain is felt tho Relief should be used. Relief 50 cts.; Pills 25 cts. Soli by all Druggists. flee Dr. Radway’s Almanac for 1868 Sold by PLUMB <& LEITNER, inM—iy. Augusta, Ga. HALL, BARBER & CO., Insurance Rooms, 221 Broad SL, AUGUSTA, GA. Are prepared to effect insurance on Real Estate, Cotton, and Merchandise of every description, and to any amount in all the reliable Insurance Companies in the country. The following Companies are especially repre sented by them viz: QUEEN, of Liverpool and London. LORILLARD, of New York. NORTH AMERICAN, ofHartford, Conn. NORWICH, of Norwich, Conn. UNION, of Baltimore, Md. UNITED STATES, Fire and Marine, of Balti more, Md. GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., of Columbus, Ga. VIRGINIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Staunton, Va. FAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Mon tcral, Va. SOUTHERN INSURANCE CO., of Nashville, Tenn. ALSO, MARINE and INLAND INSURANCE. LIFE and ACCIDENT. MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Assets, January Ist, ISfIS, $4,391,773. PASSENGER RAILWAY INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. jc23—ly Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers No advance charged on Publishers’ prices. All leading newspapers kept on file. Information as tocost of Advertising furnished All orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for customers. Advertisements written and Notices secured. Orders from Business Men especially solicited. 40 P ark ß°*J\Y jyl-tf i Hoad Schedules. Western AUanuT R a | lroa- O\ AND after November i» t <• PASSENGER TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave -Atlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Exnre,. v senger.—Arrive at m. connecting with trains of nnd Chattanooga Railroad for N a ' a fe ' Louisville, and the West, and tor K c ' York and other Eastern cities vh ville; also with trains of Uls * Charleston Railroad f or J ll ' 1 Orleans, etc. ur New 4.15 P. M. daily (except Sundays) Dal ln „ , commodution.-Arrive at Marietta , - p.m., Cartersville 8.13 pm b.Wp.m., Dalton 12.44 a.m ’ 6.45 P. M. Daily Great Noithern Mail . rive at Dalton 1.29 a.m., connecting win trams lor Knoxville, Lyuchban. w ington,Baltimore,Philadelphia aidxr 6 1 York. Arrive at Chattanooga at 4to n. connecting with trains of N a9 L,ii and Chattanooga Railroad for Nad Lq . Louisville, and the West, and to r v ' York and other Eastern cities viaT^ e " Ville: also with trains of Memnhi. n “j Charleston Railroad fur MemSh“ ". d Louts, and the West. 1 ' ht COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.35 A. M. Dai v Great Southern Mail —Les ing Chattanooga at 5 50 n m., conuectin,, with trains of Nashville and Cha nooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads, and Dalton nt- 8.40 pra . ", nesting with trains of E. T. and Georgia Railroad. * 11.00 A. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton A, commodation.—Leave Dalton at 2.1 j a m., Kingston 5.23 a-m., Cartersville 6.18 a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a-m. 2.00 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Exnrc«. Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at I pi a.m., connecting with trains of Nash ville amd Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaelie, ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, AND OTHER Eastern Cities, Via Western and Atlantic AND Virgina and Tennessee Railways ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIMETABLE, TUESDAY, Nov. 17, 1858 NORTH. Leave Atlanta at 6 15 p.m. Leave Dalton 2 30 a.m. Leave Knoxville 11 15 a.m. Leave Bristol 7 38 p.m. Leave Lynchburg II I Dam- Leave Washington 7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 8 55 p.m. Leave Philadelphia I 22 a.m. Arrive at New York 5 20 a.m. SOI TH. Leave New York 7 30 p.m. Reave Philadelphia 11 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 3 50 a.m. Leave Washington 6 30 a.m. Leave Lynchburg 4 40 p.m. Leave Bristol 5 37 a.m. Leave Knoxville 1 H p.m. Leave Dalton 8 40 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta 3 55 a.m. Timo between Atlanta and New York, 57 hour;. jjS-Tho GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and New York is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Tiains- Through Tickets Good until used, and Baggage Checked to all important points. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, W. A A. R. 11. .1868 and 1869. Winter Arrangement. GREAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, OR Indianapoli s. Passengers by this Route have choice ol twenty-five different Routes to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON Passengers holding Tickets by this Route ■ New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can ’> oll Washington without extra charge. Fare same as via Knoxville or Augusta- Trains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. m and 0.45 p. m., after arrival of all Southern irai .. and make close connections to abo\e nam cities. Check Baggage to Louisville, and it ***} ."■ re-checked to destination on Trams ot -' ville and Nashville Railroad before arrna Louisville. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CABS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample time fur and good Ilote:-- ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE- Tickets by this Route for .’ale st the <««•«• Ticket Office. AlUnta. * Master nf Transportation, angM-Iy R.dA.R.R-