The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 10, 1868, Image 1

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IHE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. 11. National Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U- 8. Government. SUBSCRIPTION MTCI: ’ u four, in advance... $5 00 Six Months, is advance 2 50 Three Mouths, in advance « 1 25 ♦7* .t payor furniohed g ratio to any one nend ■ i> : / «. a CM of ten euhecribere. The undersigned, having a completely furnished office, is enabled tn execute all orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the South. K. H. PUGIiK. THURSDAY’ MORNING... . Dec. lOi MOS A NEW FEATURE. IPeeA’/y Naliotwl llepubUtMH■ The fii>t number of this new candi date for public favor was issued front this office oil Saturday, October .31st, 1808. The Weekly contains till the latest News by mail ami telegraph; full Mar ket Reports; the Editorials and Cor respondence of the Daily Repu blk ’ an Miscellany, Poetry, etc., etc. It is furnished to subscribers at the very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to clubs of ten, or more, One Dollar and fifty cents each—always in ad vance. Our friends are earnestly requested to aid in securing for onr Weekly' a large circulation. We pledge our best exertions to make it worthy of the patronage of all good Republicans everywhere. All letters should be addressed to E. 11. PUGHE, Augusta, Ga. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS. Men*-Women--and Children I Men--Women--and Children I ' Cooling to Scalds and Burns,” “Soothing to all painful wounds, etc," ■‘Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, etc." “HENRY H. COSTAR, of No. JO Crosby st., is ‘out’ with a Salve which he calls his Buckthorn Salve Perhaps the most extraordinary Salve ever known. Its power of Soothing aud Healing for all Cuts, Hurns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped hands and Skin, foi sore Nipples, Piles, etc., etc., js without a parallel. One person says of it; ‘I would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost $5 Off, or I had to travel all the way to New York for it."—-V. Y. Rveuiny Sm>. .Sept. ■>. “ COSTAR'S " Standard Preparations ARE “C'o3/ar’e” Jiat, itoach, etc., Extermiuoiors. -Co-tar's" Bed Bug Exterminators. "Costar's” [only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." ■ IS years established in New York,” “2,OiW Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." Beware I! I of spurious imitations.” • “All Druggists m AUGUSTA.” Or address HENRY 11. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y., or John E. Henry (Successor to) Detras Barnes A Co., 31 Park Row, N. Y. Xolilbg all Dr uggists in Augusta, Ga. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. ' UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit. Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, Cahart t Brother, in the following case, to-wit: Cahart & Brother vs Edwin T. Jones, I have levied upon, as the property of Edwin T. Jones, defendant, his one third interest in a Home and Lot. in the city ot Augusta, county of Rich mond and State of Georgia, aud more particu larly described us being situated on the south side of Broad street , containing a front on Broad street, of forty-six feet, and running back one hundred and forty-six feet, bounded on the East by Mr. Curtis’ lot, and on the West by Mrs. Dill’s, and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the eity of Augusta, county of Rich mond and State of Georgia, on the first TUES DAY in JANUARY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., November 27th, 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, nov29—law4w U. 8. Marshal. United States Marshal’s Sale. U. S. MARSHALS OFFICE, I Southern District or Georgia. ) 11 HE UNITED STATES vs. 15 ACRES OF . Land, near Macon, Ga. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, issued from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the above en titled cause, dated March 25, 1887, to me directed and delivered, I will sell at public suction, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the lawful hours of sale, at the Court House in the city of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., a certain lot of laud, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, situate in the Thirteenth District, county of Bibb, State of Georgia Wm. G. DICKSON. uo2f —td U. 8. Marshal, Diet, of Georgia. "W a n ted. I WANT A MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY for Lloyd’s Great Double Revolving Maps of Europe aud America, with the I,(MlOcounty color ed map of the United States on the back, issued to day , and needed by every family, school aud li brary it. the laud, with patent reverters, by which either map can he thrown front. Each map is 62x61 iuches large, with ribbon binding and double faced rollers wolsl(H),U9t) aud three year’s labor. Price ss—Worth SSO. A small capital will doto start with. $lO a copy can be got for 1 here great maps. Send for cirt-nlar.terms, etc. Twenty new maps under wav. . J. T, LLOYD.(P. O Box 14.’). noli)—lmdW Atlanta, (la. Official. Proclamation BY THE GOVERNOR. Wuerea.B, Official iuformaUou ba» been reieived at lliin Department that a murder was committed in the county of Dooly, on the 15th November, 1868, upon the body of Randall Thompson by Tom Coley, on the said Coley has Med from justice. ’ • I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my Proclamation, hereby ottering a reward of One Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Coley to (he Sheriff of said county aud State: and Ido. moreover, charge and re qiihe all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Coley, m order that he maybe brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal <>f the State, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this first, dav of December, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty eightvoid of the Independence of (he United States of America the ninety-third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: Governor. David G. (Jotting, Secretary of State- duel —3twlt Change of Schedule.—Central R- R. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, JULY Ist, 1868, the following Schedule will bo run on the Central Railroad : DAY TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Savannah f 1.15 P. M. Arrive at Macon 7.30 P. M. Leave Savannah 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 5.38 P. M. Arrive at Macon 7.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 6.5a A. M. Arrive at Augusta 5.38 P.M. Arrive at Savannah 6.15 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9.33 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 5.10 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave Savannah at 7.50 P. M. Arrive at Augusta 3.13 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave Macon at 6.25 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.13 A. M. Arrive at Savannah at 5.10 A. M. Jaa..Passengers on Night Train from Augusta will run through toS avannah, Macon, Columbus and Montgomery, without change of cars. Passengers on Day Train "from Augusta will make close connection at Millen,and change cars for Savannah and Macon. Passengers for Milledgville and Eatonton will take Day Train from Augusta,Sundays excepted. The Union Passenger Depot (G. R. B.) will be used for arrival and departure of trains. A.F. BUTLER, Agent, jyl—tf Central R. R. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Steamers of the North Garmen Lloyd run regularly between New York, Bremen aud Southampton carrying the United States Mail. FROM BREMEN EVERY SATURDAY. FROM SOUTHAMPTON, EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Price of Passage—From New York to Bremen, London, Havre, and Southampton—First Cabin, $120; SecondCabil, $72; Steerage,s3s. From Bre men to New York—First Cabiu, sl2i); Second Ca bin, $72; Steerage, $lO. Price of passage payable in gold. These vessels take freight to London aud Hull for which through bills of lading are signed. An experieuced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters must pass through the Post office. Bills ol Lading but those of the Com pany will be signed. Bills of Ladhig will positively not be delivered before goods are 1 eared at the Custom Kongo. taken to Havre, .Southampton and Bremen at the lowest rates. For freight or passage apply tn OELfiICHS & (Jo. _ mvl7-6ia Broad Street. New York NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. STEAMERS WEEKLY FROM LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK, calling at QUEENS- TOWN. A Steamship of this line, consisting of the FRANCE Capt. Grace 3,512 tons. ENGLAND Capt. Thompson.. ...3,450 “ THEQUEEN... .Capt. Grogan 3,517 “ HELVETIA Capt. Cutting 3,315 “ ERIN Capt. Hall 3,310 “ DENMARK Capt. Thomson 3.117 “ PENNSYLVANIA.Capt. Lewis 2.872 “ VIRGINIA Capt. Prowse 2,876 “ Leaves Pier 47 North River, every Saturday, at 12 o'clock M. The size of all these Steamships admits of very spacious State Rooms, opening liitclly into the Saloon , the accommodations and fare are unsur passed, and the rates lower than any other line. An experienced Surgeon on each ship, free of charge. Tickets are issued in this country to par ties wishing to prepay the passage of their friends from Liverpool or Queenstown (Ireland) for $35 payable hero in currency. Drafts issued at the lowest rates of Exchange for any amount, payable at any Bank in Grea Britain and Ireland. Passage from New York to Queenstown or Liverpool CAB. IN, SIOO Currency; STEERAGE, $25, Currency For Freighter Ciib'ii Passage apply at the Offices of the Comfanx, 57 Broadway; and for steerage tickets at the Passage Office of the Com pany, 27 Broadway, New Y’ork. myl7-ly F. AV, J. HURST. Manager. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County. Whereas, William J. Farr, Administrator de lonue non of the estate of George P, Green, deeeased, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if auy they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sepß-lm6tn Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Penelope McKenzie applies to ine for Letters of Administration on the estate of Alex ander McKenzie, late of Richmond county, dp ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore th« first Monday in January, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 18th day of Nevember,lß6B. SAM’L LEVY. noVJ—6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, John 11. Rhodes, Administrator on the estate of William F. Malone, deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to clto and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band an.l official signature, at office in Augusta, thie 2 >th day of September, 1868. SAMUgL LEVY. sep 26-lawdm Ordinary. B OOK AND JOB I’Hi . fTNi. Executed at this Office , M th-! I.’w u Thub and itr the Best Style AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10. 1868. SHERIFF'S SALES Richmond Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES IV DAY IN JANUARY, 1869. betwe. ii the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property, vht., situated in the'county of Richmond: One Tract of Land, abont three miles from the city of Augusta, on lite Augusta and Savannah Railroad (excepting tho right of wav of said railroad through said tract of land), containing three hun dred and nine acres, more or lees, bounded south by lands of John I’liinixv and Rocky Creek, on the weatby lands now or formerly owned by De lailgle, ou the north by laud now or Ibnucriy owned hy DeLaigle and a laue of John Phinizy, east by land of John Phinizy. Levied on under a mortgage fi. fa. on foreclosure issued from the the Superior Court of Richmond county, in furor of John Phinizy against. Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy said debt aud costs, as the property of Robert C. Eastetliug, being for the purchase money of said tract of laud, except such portion of stud land as claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale; said land being now in pos session of John C. Spinks. And notice this day served ors him according to law. The above prop erty pointed out by John Phinizy. October 3, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, nolll-til Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff's Sale. UfILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JAN’.'.HtY, 1869, at the Lower Market ffinre, in the city of Augusts, between the legal luurs of e ile t the following property, to wit: That lot of land on the south fide of Broad street, between Elbert aud Lincoln streets, in (he city of Augusta, iu said county ; bounded north by Broad street, on which it fronts fifty six feet, mure or loss ; east by lot of tho hairs of Phillip Crump, deceased ; south by Ellis street, and westby lot of the heirs of Jesse Kent, de ceased. Aho, another lot in said city, fronting fifty feet seven inches uo Ellis street, which bounds it on the south, and running back to wards Broad street one hundred and thirty three feet six inches, more or less; b mndeJ west by lot of Alexander Marten, north by lot of tho heirs of J. Turpin, and east by lot of John P. K. Miller. Levied on as the property of llobcrt J. Bowe, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclo sure of realty, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Harmon Rowley against Robert J. Bowe; and notice given to Robert J. Bowe, owner in possession, this 6th day of November, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, noS—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriffs Sale. 11; ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUE-- » » DAY IN FEBRUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, those Throe Lots of Land, in said county, known as lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, on apian of lots drawn by Edwin V. Sharpe, and copied in a deed of said lots by Toht. Brandon to Henry T. Nelson. The said lot, No. 3, fronting on the Summerville Plank Road, or Graded Road, now called the Augusta Avenno, seventy five feet, and sitmite orfe hundred and forty feet from Liberty street, and east thereof, and run ning back of, even with, eno hundred aud sev enty feet, at an angle of said Avenue of 174 degrees. The said lot No. 4, being contingent to sail) lot No. 3, on the east thereof, and run ning back the same number of fe<t from and at the same angle with said Avenue. The said lot No 1, fronting seventy feet on a new street, to be opened parallel with, and three hundred and fifty feet cast of Liberty street, and running back from said new street towards said Liberty street one hundred and seventy five feet; the northern boundary line of said lot, No. 1, being the southern boundary line of said lots, Nos. 3 and 4, and the three lots having bees conveyed to said Nelson by and from John Brandon, re corded in the Clerk’s office of this county in book VV, folios 113 and 114. Levied on as the prop erty of Henry T. Nelsoa, to satisfy a fi. la., on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Supcrigr Court of Richmond county, in favor of tho Sol dier’s Loan and Building Association, against Henry T. Nelson, and notice this day not served, there being no occupant in possession. Augusta, G*., November 9, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOYLE, decS—td I'ept'v Sheriff’ B.'O. Richmond. Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in January next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property situat ed in the city of Augusta, viz ■ One lot on the north corner of Fenwick and Washington street*, fronting on Fenwick street 64 feet 6 inches, more or lore, u two sioi v building and one story kitchen, aafolntop, ....a running back 42 feet north towards Watkins st., also one lot, with single story house, 17 feet, more or less, adjoining, fronting on Fenwick street, and running back 42 feet, more or less, north towards Watkins street; also, one lot wit h tenement house, 37 feet, more or less, ad joining, fronting Fenwick street and running back 42 feet more or less, north towards Wat kins street; also, one lot 36 feet 6 inches, more or less, adjoining, with single story house front lug on Fenwick street and running back 42 feet, more or less, north towards Walker street; also, one lot fronting on Fenwick street 41 feet, more or less, adjoining, with store on corner of Fenwick and Twiggs st rents, runningback 42 feet, more or less, north towards Watkins st.— Levied on as the property of the estate of Au gustus H. Roe, deceased, to satify a fl. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Thomas If. Roberts, against Augustus 11. Roe and Wm. P. Lawson, and written notice given to Foster Blodgett, Administrator on sold estate, said Property being in possession of several tenants who arc advised of the above levy. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOYLE, deeß td Dcpty Sheriff R.C. - ■■ i ■ < him I i ■■■ ■ i - ■ Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. 11/ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TI’ES » ♦ DAY in January, 1869, at the Lower Mar ket House in tho city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz; On all that lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said State and county, containing forty-six and a half acres, more or less, and bounded north by Wm. H. Jones, ami on Mil ledgeville Road east by lands of Geo. W. Lamar, south by the Georgia Railroad, and west by a road leading from the former summer residence of Samuel C. Wilson to the Georgia Railroad, called Railroad Avenue, and northwest by a tract of ten acres, orignally a part of that hereby conveyed and recently conveyed by Wm. 11. Howard, to Emily F. Tubman, this being tho tract conveyed by John 11. Trippe to the said Samuel D. Linton, on deed bearing date 19th of June, 1856, which said deed is recorded in Book : M. M., folio 473, 474; and upon wbirb premi ses the said ♦Samuel I'. Linton now resides and is in possession, on whom 1 have this day served written notice, (this 26th day of June, 1863), levied on the property of Samuel D. Linton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the County Court of Richmond county, in favor of Thoinns 8. Mor gan and Chas. A. Withers, survivors of the late : rm of E. M. Bruce A Co., against Marcus A. Dehoney, principal, and Samuel D. Linton and Charles W. Doughty, aecuritie-. Wm. I’. RHODES, Coroner, Act'g She’ll R. C. Wm. DOYLE, Deputy Sheriff R. C. - decS—td Richmond She tiffs ale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY in January next, at the Lown Market House, in the city of Augusta, bet wee n.the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz : a tract of laud containing three hundred and Ally acres of land, in Richmond county more or less, adjoining lands 'of Dick erson, Harris and Chavous. as the property ot Henry Smith and David J. Smith: property pointed ont by plaintiff's counsel, and levied •bis 7th day of December, 1868, amt written notice served on Henry Beale, tenant in posses sion, to satify a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Geo. W. Smunii is against lleuiy Smith aud David J. Smith WM P. RHODES, Coroner Ailing Sheriff' R. C. WAT DOYLE, dceß Id Di pl’y Ulierilf X. C. SHERIFF’S SALES. Richmond Sheriff's Sale. ! 11/ILL DK SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES ' »V DAY In February, IS6V, at the lower mir Let house in (he city of Augusta, between the legal hours of s ic, the following property, towlt: That lot of land situate near the South Boundary st., of tbo city of Augusta, fronting on theSavann-u road, and known in apian of lots made by W. E. Brom, surveyor, and record ed in the Clerk’s office of (he Court, in book TT, folio 259. 260, as lot No. seventeen (If), having a front on said Savannah road of sixty (60) feet five (5) inches, and running back one hundred and eighty (ISO) feet; hounded on tho north by lot No. sixteen (16), south by Louis st., cast by lot No. twenty nine (2V), and west by said Savan nah road, in said county. Levied on as tho property of Peter Jennings, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the (Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of Bernard Bignon, e..ecu tor of Cha?. DcLaiglu against Peter Jennings, and notice not given, there being no occupant in pus cssion, this the 9th Nov. 1869. w y. p. Rhodes, coroner, ‘ Act’g Sheriff B. C. WM. DOYLE, <l<vß -t<l _ Dept’y Sheriff It. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. i ILL BE SOLD, O'l 111 1; FIRST TUES | v : DAY in FERRI. Alt), 1869, at the Lower | .Mari.ct House, in tho city of Augusta, between ! tbo legal hours of sale,,i:i<> tjluwing property, jto wit; 7 hose lb roe Lot, of Land lying it. i liLhiuoud county, ao l fronting on tho Savan nah Hoad, near South Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, known in a Plan of Lots made by’W. E. Lrowt., Surveyor, and recorded in tho Clerk's Office of this Court,in book T. T.,folios 259 and 260,as Lots N 0.9,10 »nd 11. Each of said Lots having a front on the said Savannah Rondos 60 foot, and running back ISI feet; bounded North by Lot No. 8, South by Charles street, K ist by Lot No. 5, and West by tho said Savan nah Road. Levied on as the property of Mrs Margaret Kennedy, to satisfy a ti. fa on fore closure of mortgage in favor of Bernard Bignon, Executor of Charles Delmigle : and not given, there being no occupant in possession, this ‘Jth day of November. IS6B. W. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOYLE. d< co id Dept y Sberltf K. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. \VILL BE SOLD 0 > THE FIRST TUBS » > DAY iu February 1869, at tho lower mar ket houdc, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the f<> lowing property, to-wit: That lut or parcel of Lin J in the city of Augusta, on the south fldo' nf Margaret st., between McKiniie and Mill st., having a fron*. on .Market st. cf one hundred and nine feet and extending through to Reynolds St. upon which it has the same front; bounded oa the north by Market st., south by Reynold" st, east by lot of Wm. Keener, Trustee, and west by lot of Anthony Bateman, in said county. Levied on as tho property of Chas. F. Keener, to tatisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of tho Soldiers Loan and Building Association, against Charles F. Keener, and notice given (e Charles F. Keener, owner, in po.JSCSLion. this 9th day of November, 1868. WM, IL RHODES, Coroner, Coroner, Act’g Sheriff, R. C. WM DOYLE. gccS-’-id Dept’y Sheriff, R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale VITILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY in Janmlry next, between the (isual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, iu the City of Augusta, the following property, to-wit. levied upon by virtue of a 11. fa. issued from Richmond Superior court, in favor of John Leonard vs. James L. Mcßeth: The House and Lot situate in the city of Au gusta, known as lot No. 119, in a plan of lots*, made by E. W. BrowjcforF. A. Mauge, record ed in book BS, folio 478, in the office of the Clerk of the Bnpcrior Court ol the county of Richmond, bounded south by Mauge street, east by lot formerly occupied by L. Dw-elle. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sherifl K. C. WM. DOYLE, <lec8 —Id Dpt’y Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL BE SOLI) ON THE FIRST TUES DAY' in' JANUARY’ next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz.: One Two Herse Wagon, levied on as the property of the defendant, by n former Sheriff, to satisfy a distress warrant, issued by a Justice of the Peace, in favor of Thomas Jones, guardian of his minor children, against James Kelly, Isaac A. Little, Robert Pucket. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOYLE, ■feeH—l.l Jloputy Sheriffli. C Richmond Sheriff's Sale- WILL BE SOLD. ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 18(19, at the Lower Market House, in (he city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All that lot or parcel of land on tbe north side of Broad street, between Centre and Elbert streets, in the city of Augusta and county afore said. being the third lot from (he corner of Broad and Centre s(ir< Is, known in Phillips’ plan Hird map of said city as Lot No. 9, containing a front on Broad street of twenty nine feet, more er less, and having such shapes, miles aud bounds as are set forth in the deed fi - in William W. Mann anil Henry Daly, dated Feb Jth 1853, aud recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Sup 1 rior Court iu Book 11 H, folio oil; levied on as the property of Wil liam Desmond, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclosureou realty issued from the Superior Court of Rich mond county in favor of Henry Daly, against William Desmond : and notice given to Henry T. Petty, tentuil iu possession, this 6th day of Novem ber/1868. WM. P. RHODES. noß—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. 117 ILL BE SOLD, AT THE LOWER AR VV KKT Hou*e, in tho city of 'ugusta be tween the legs! hour-? of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 1869. the following property, to wit: That lot of land iu the city of Augusta, in raid county, bounded south by Ellis street, on which it stands eighty feet, more or less, running half way to Broad street; bounded west by lot of Wui. H. Jon«f, and cast by lot of Antoine Picquet, containing one quarter of an acre, more nr less. Levied on as the property of Wiliiaui C. Jones, to sa;isfy a fi. fa. ou foreclo sure, issued out of the Superior Court «-f Rich mond county, iu favor*of Barney S. Dunbar against William C. Jones ; property pointed out in said fi. fa., aud written notice given to W. Lewis, tenant in possession, this 6th day of No vember, IS6B. WM. P. RHODES, noB td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. United States Marshal's Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A M RIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of tho plaintifis.Catherin M. Tracy,in the following case, to-wit: Catherin M. Tracy versus E. B. Loylesa (fc Co. I have levied upon, an the property of tliedefendant, E. B. Loylcss, nil that lot or par cel of land, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of Eight Brick Store Houses and Warehouse, situate on Cotton street, leading west from the northwest corner of the Pnbiic s<inare, in the town of Americas, county of Lumpkh. and State of Georgia. Also,one-half iutioast in four Store-Rooms, in . the Loylesa Block. Nos. 1,3, 1 and 5. One-half iuterest in the Warehouse and l.ot- known as llie residence us E B, Loyleas, containing six acres, more or lean. One House and Lot known iw tbe Mi Lin lot, containing one acre, more or less. One Ilom'c and Ixn known as the house and lot where J. E Loylees now resides, con taming two seres, mote or less. One Hotiee and Lot known as the Brantley Academy lot, contain ing live acres, more or less. And Oneliotcon taining ten acres, more or leas, lying no th of 1.. Al. Roberts. The number < t till the said lots being unknown but tbe same being situate, lying an J being in the town of Dawson, county of Terrell, and State of Go., and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court Honse, in the city • f Macon, eonuty of Bibb, and State of (>'eorgi.i. on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY next , bet ween Mie tawfnl hours ot sale. Terms—Cash. Property poiMsd <>m by plain I tiff s attorney. Dated at or:.i-.t. December 3, IS. <. i WM O. DICKSON dco lawbv United States Marshal | Richmond County. Letters of Dismission OTATE OF GEORGIA, O lti.d,o,n:,d foo p WnciiEAs, Jamw* T. Bothwell, Adminh , of tho Estate of Thoma* B. Smith, i applies to mo for Letter, of JMsmlpHien. i fhose arc therefore to cite and admonlih all ' aud singular, the kindrod and eroditors • f said - deceased, to be and appear at my < thco pu or , before (he first Monday in March next, to tbow t cause if any they have, why said Letters slioubl I not be granted. I Given under my hand and official signature at r office iu Augusta, this 7th ‘lay of September, • 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sepS—lui6ui Ordinary. ’ Q TATE OF GEORGIA— . O /Richmond (Jou*ty. I Whereas, Rob. Douglass and 8. D. Williams, . Executors ou the Estateof Ira D. Mathewa, late of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters of diMiiission : These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all aud biugulur, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, t’» be aud appear at my office on or before the first Monday in February next, to show •ause, if any they have, why said’Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official lenat ui •, al office in Augusta, this August 15th, 18*i8. SAMUEL LEVY, uu Hi—l ain Gm Ordinary, Letters of Dismission, OF GEORGIA. O Richmond Coun'j/. Whekras Timothy C. Murphy, Administrator on the estateof Phillip McG«u, late of said coun ty, deceased, applies to ma for Letters of D is mission : These arc, therefore, to cite and Admonish all, and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased*to ho and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Istdny nf October. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct 2—lamGm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATB OF GEORGIA- 10 Richmond Countg. Whkkeas, John H. Fearey, Aiimtuiutnilor on tbe eetate of Hairy Ilngli«n, dcceaacd, applies to me for Letters of Dismissiou— These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of tlx: said deceased, to be and appear nt my office ou or before the first Monday in March next, to show cauee, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature a office in Augusta, this 28th day of September, 186 S SAMUEL LEVY, sep29 —6m Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whirkas, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator ou the estate of Richard Quimi, late of raid county, deceased,applies to me for Inttera of Dis mission. These are, therefore, to cite and udmonii-ll all, and singttlar the kindyed and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear nt my ollieo on or before tbe first Monday in H-trch next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letter, ,-lwnld not be granted. Given under my hand andoltii ial aiuuature nt office in Augusta, this September 1 lib, 18<>8. SAMUEL LEVY, sep 12—laiuGm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Counly. Wherea.i, Thomas T. Brandon and Fieldon F. Bnmdon, Extcutore of JameHßrandon, deceased, applp to me tor Lettei-s of Dismission. are, therefore, to cite and admdnish all and eiugular, the kindred and crediturs of said ’ deceased, to be and appear ut my office on or be fore the hi at Monday iu May next, to show caufoe. if any they have, wny raid Letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 17th day of November, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. nolS—lm6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA. O Richmond County. Whereas, William E. Jackson aud George T. Jackson, Executors of the Estate of Joint K. Jackson, deeeasbil, apply to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at iny office ou or belore llie first Monday in May next,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. • Given under my hand and official signature at office hi Augusta, this 28th <hiv of November, IBfiß. SAMUEL LEVY, nov I.imSin Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Counhf. Wbkfkas, Joseph B. Cumining, Administra tor, wit b the will annexed, on f heefetau of Sarah 8. Twiggy, dccea •• ’. applies i > no for Letter; of Dismission. hese are therefore t«« die aad aduiotiish all and Mngnlar, the kindred and creditors of •■mid deceased, to he and appear at. my office on or before the first Monday in June next, to thow cause, if any they have, why said Letters shculd not be granted. Given under my hand aud official siguatdte, at office In Augusta, this 7th dav of December, *B6B. SAMUEL LEVY, dccß—6in Ordinary. Unittd States Marshal’s Sale. tTNDER AND HY VIRTUE OF A WRIT ) of fieri facias, Issued oat of tho Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for tile Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, Phillip StrantK, in the following case, to wit : Phillip Strauss versns T. AL Allen A- Co. I have levied upon, or- the property of B. F. Bruton .defendant, a Lot of Land, containing two and three-fourths acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a frame Warehouse, known as lite Shotwell Ware house, situate on tlie east batik of Flint, river, buuudr-d on the east by River street and lots owned by B. F. Powell and W. 11. Crawford,on the south by lots formerly owned by A. W Cun hinghum. on tlie west by Elint river, and north by tlie old Peabody or Cunuinnham Warehouse lot. Also, a lot containing one hall acre, more or less, together with improvements thereon, con sisting of a frame Store, situate on the corner of Broughton and Month Broad Streets, now occu pied by Vaughn & Gibson. All the above prop erty is situate, lying aud being in the Town of Bainbridge, county of Decatur, and State of Georgia: and will sell the same at public auction, nt tbe Court House, in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY uext. be tween the lawful hours of sate. Terms —Cash. Property pointi-d out by plain- tiff’s attorney. Dated at Savannah, Ga., December 3d. 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, dec s—law iw United States Marshal. United States Marshal's Sale. LTNDER AND in' VIRTUE OF A WRIT J of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable ,the Fifth Circuit Court of Hie United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of tbe plaintiff, Robert Hall, iu tlie following ease, to wit: Robert llall versus Moses Singleton. I have levied npon as the properly ot Moses Singleton, defendant, a lot known as the Cunningham Ware house lot.ccntaimug one and one-half acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a twe-story frame boose; and. also, the property known as tbe Singleton Livery Stable, together with the lot upou which it statute, lOiilaiuiug three-iourlhs of an acre, mote or less. All above named property situ ite, lying a>:<oeiug in the 15th District, county of Dceimtr. town of Brainbridge, and State of Georgia; aud w ill tell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the citv ol Savannah, comity <>f Chat ham. ami State of Georgia, on tiie FIRST TUEB DAI IN JANUARY next, between the lawful Isiurs ol s lie. Terms—Cash Pixiperty pointe.l out by plain tiff's attorney. Dull'd at Savaimali. Ga. !>■ '.'in’iei .»d, IF-iS WM. G. DICKSON. luwKr United StSt o Mai.lid Rail Road Schedules. Change of Schedule. OrriCK 8. C. R. R. Co.. I Ai uusta, Go., M«y 7,18G5. ) A FAST NEW YORK THI.OUGII .MAIL •TV and Passenger Train, direct from Augusto, tl»., to Wilmington, N. C., WITHOVTCH ANtiE <IF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, Muy 10th, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, eouuecung witb Train for Co. lumbia, South Catoliua, Charlotte Road, aud Wilmington and Manchester Railtoad. Leave Augusta Central Joint Depot at...3:10 a. m. Arrive “ “ “ •• ...9:45 p. m Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, 8. C., and putts beyond, are respectfully requested NOT to take thia Train, as it does not make con nection with any Train for above points. They will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at 5-50 a. m. “ * A 4:00 p. m. 11. T. PEAKE, m,B Gen’l Sup't. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD GENERAL SUPT’S OFFICE, I CuAiiLEsroN, S. C., .March 26, 1868. ( ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29rn, the Passenger Trains of tbe South Carolina Railroad will run os follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston 6.30 a.m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p. m. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont gomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p.m. Arrive at Columbia 3.50 p. m. Connecting witb Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta 6.00 a m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. Leave Colombia, 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUXDATS P.XCEPTED.) Leave Charleston 7.30 p.m. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 a. m. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash ville ami New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta... 4.10 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 1.00 p. m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (suhbAvs EXonrTßn.) Leave Charleston 5.40 a. tr. Arrive at Columbia 6.20 a. in- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green ville aud Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 3.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On .t/ondni/s, Wednrndiiye and Satnrdayn. Leave*Kingviile 2.20 p. tn. Arrive at Camden 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden .* 3.10 a. m. Arrive atKingviile 7 40 a. m. (Signed) ll.' T. PEAKE, je IS General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENI’S OFFICE, 1 Ati/intic <1 Qv&r Ram.boad Comvahv, > Savannah, April 10th, 1868. J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12th instant, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRI ANS on this Road will he as follows; Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays ex cepted) at 4:00 p. m- Arrive al Bainbridge 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Live Oak 2:05 .a. m. Arrive nt Jacksonville 7:30 a. tin Leave Jacksonville (Sundays excepted) 8:56 p. re. Leave Live Oak 2:30 a. m. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays excepted)lo;oo p. m. Arrive at Savannah 1:00 p. m PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through from Shvaunah to Jacksonville. Steamer Hattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9.00 a. in. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, aud Friday, at 4:00 p. m. Steamer Darlington leaves Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. ui. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at a...4:00 p. tn. Through licketa by ibis line us low as by any other. Passengers fur St. Augustine have choice ol Lino of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Picolafa on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and Fernandina. 'Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day aud Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin ou Tuesday and Saturday. Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, Eu faula, and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. H. 8. HAINES, ap26—tf General Superintendent. New and Most Direct ROUTE T O CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. VIA THE (Nashtitle and dliaituuooga, AND NsMktville and ■|7KOM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, 21)2 miles shorter than via Memphis, From Athiuta t<> St. Louis, 27 miles shorter than via Corinth. From Atliuita to St. Louie, 151 miles shorter than via Indianapolis. From Atlanta to St Louis, |IH> miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta making close connection at Uiuit tauooga for NABIIVILLE. PADUCAH,CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all important pointe Northwest. HUMBOLT, JACKSON (Tenn ), MEMPHIS. JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, and all other points South aud Southwest. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vicks ‘burg aud New Orleans, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphis. Five hours quicker to Memphis, and no delay al Chattanooga hv this rente. Fifteen hours and twenty niihnts delay if yon have tickets via Mem phis bi Char! ’foil Railroad. • At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville A Chattu noo'oi and Nashville and Northwestern Railways. ARitIVE AT AND DEPART FROM THE SAME DEPOT, Gins avoiding Omnibus Transfer. ONLY TWO CHANGES Between Chattanoogaun,i St. Louis, via Hickman. Meals and State Rooms on Steamers Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS ou all Night Trains. AMPLETIMEGIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Monev by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS. Be sure to ask for Tickets rig Nashville & Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with dis patch aud safety. Water carriage from St. Louis. New Qrleups mid Memphis and other points to Hickman, and from Hickman to Atlanta. Augusta, Macon aid Montgomery, etc., without chxscit or cans. Corn from til Louis to Augneta... | iff perbusliel Flour fimnStLomsto Augnsta.... 2 20perbarrel And eqnallv low rates on other goods. WM. P. INNES. J. D. M A NEY, Receiver and Geri’l Supt. Gen’l Ticket Agent. M GRANT, Geu I Freight Agent. may 10-3:n . ft, , « Leave to Sell Real Estate. QTATE OF GEORGIA, O Richmond Countu: By permission of the Court of Ordinary of Blebmmid, County, notice is hereby given, that sixty days after date, application will hemarte to tbo Court <>( Ordinary i-r :eavo iu toll the Real I * Charlo.' Dwellc, dee-asid. JULIA M. DWELLE, Aug'i Nov. I, 1665. Adntiaistrafrx* novJ - 2iu NO 152 u. 8 MARSHAL’BJBALJB. United Butee Mnrohal’e Sale. By virtue of h writ of venditioui exponas issued from the District Courtof the United States (or the Bout barn Diat.rict of Georgia, in the above entitled cause, dated March 25, 1867, to me di rected and delivered, 1 will sell at pnbiic anetion, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the lawful hours of sale?at the Court House in the city of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., certain lots of land near the old steam mill, formerly owned by the Monroe Railroad and Banking Company, Bibb county, State of Georgia, and bounded as follows, viz; Starting from a point (marked by a cut 1-toue) distant thirteen chains, live links and font degrees west of north from Ike south-earn coiner oflot thirteen (13) of the Macon reserve, west tlie Ocmnlgee river, proceeding on a line parallel to tin. Macon and Western Railroad track, south wardly reventy ettains and eighty links, then (southwardly) parallel with said railroad track for live chains and twelve link?, and lastly, north westward at tight angles to railroad track to point ot starting, and being four acres, more or less. Also, another piece of land, lanindod as follows : Starting from a pniM west side of lot thirteen (13) of Macon reserve, west of Ocmulger- river, dis tant twelve chains and seventy five links from sonthwett comer of said lot. running seventeen chains ami seventy five links northward along said side, then turning forty-two degrees aud thirty minutes west of south for thirteen chains, and then forty seven degrees and thirty minutes east of south for twelve chains, tlieu returning to tho starting point, containing eight (8) seres, more or less—tho tw'o together containing twelve (12) acres, more or lean. Wm. G, DICKSON, no-Jfi—td Marshal of Georgia. United States Marshal’s Bale. U. 8. MARSHAL’S OFFICE. ) Soutiiekn District or Gxokoia. J THE UNITED STATES vs. 118 38-100 Acres of Laud, near Macon, Ga. By virtue of a writ of venditioniexponas, issued from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the above entitled cause, dated March 25, 1867, to me di rected aud delivered, I will sell at public auction, on the firet Tuesday in January next, within the lawful hours of sale,, at the Court House in the city ul Mac on, Bibb county, Ga., h certain lot of laud, containing oue hundred and eighteen3B-160 acres, more or less, situate m tbe county of Bibb, Slate of Georgia, lying and being in the thirteenth District, and also in the Macon reserve, eonimeuc ing at a point fifty feet from Hie Macon and West ern Railroad, about two miles from Maeou, which is marked on the spot by a stake placed by A. Bchatt, the Surveyor. W G. DICKSON, no2ti—rd U. 8. Marabal. Postponed U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THREE (3) write of fieri facia*, issued out of the Hon orable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States tor the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following cases to-wit t CARHART X BROTHERS vs. BENJAMIN F ADAMS, A. T. STEW ART A COMPANY vs. BENJAMIN E. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING, Survivor, etc., vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, I have levied upon, tie the properly of Benjamin F. Adams, a Plantation, coulaiiuag twenty-six hnn died (2,696) acres, moiw. or leas, situate, lying and being in the county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, nnmbert of lots unknown, but lying at aud immediately around Ward e Station, en the Sonlhwestein railroad. .CLBo One lot of Land, containing oiie hundred (101)) acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, out bmldiugs, and other improvements, baing the residemeof Buujamiti F. Adams, and adjoining the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A.O.Mosley, W. E. Adams, R. O’. Jenkins, aud others, in the town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, and State aforesaid. ALSO Two Store Houses -and Lots on the Court House square, known as Hudson and Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B.F. Johnston A Co., and Beuj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store House and lait.occupied by Ethridge & Davis, druggists. ALSO One Store House and Lot tm Main street, occu pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. ALSO One Towu Lot near the Railroad Depot, now vacant. All the said Town Lots situate, lyirug and be ing in the town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, and Slate aforesaid. Aud wiH sell the same at public auction, at the Court Honse in tlie city of Macon aud couuty ol Bibb, ami Shite of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAx' IN JANUARY next, between the law s . hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of Septem ber, !Bfe, WM. C. DICKSON, noS- law4w U. S. Marshal Diet, of G». ■'i'i»«« -I T>* ■■■ j 2 1 -r V "'’*l| ’» y NEW FALL —0 HENRY L. A. BALK IT4 BROAD STREET I am now opening a CAREFULLY SELLCIKD STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS —SVCH AS Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BOOP-SKIRTS, CORSETS, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. , 2 ..,^ y A At these Goods are bought only for READY MONEY', they, of coursu, will be sold at POPULAR PRICES- HEKRT t‘. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street. ■ep 30 CHANGE of schedule : .j o» s tacon ainl Augusta Railroad. Z jiv AJipyAFTEIi MONDAY, OCT. Mb, 18«8, v/ the Trsipi- on thia Road will run az fol low? : Leave Camak dufl#’ at . 13.40 p.m Leave Milledgeville MS a.m. Arrive at Milledgeviße 4.3® p.m. Arrive at Camak.., .-..lfr-ld a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Dav Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Camak for iater medrate points on the above Road, and also for Mswa. Passengers leaving Milledgeville reaches Atlanta and Augasta the same day, and will make close connections at either place for the principal points in adjoining States. E. IV. COLE, my in—ts General Superintendent. Suigicni Operations VV M.LBE PKUhORJV‘I> tv RA IDiTO ÜBLY .v > at lilt A College, luring the Session i>\ the member- ■ < the Faculty. L. A. DUGAS, . navi- lawlw Daaa