The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 13, 1868, Image 4

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NMionniUrpnblican lAKUSHT CITY < I K<'I’MTION Oifi< iidOrrsa ofthTu. 8 Government. SUN DA V MOJiNING... I* [From the Sunday Telegrnin THE EAST OF EARTH nv moi i i n i.ii ii Why dow tin =fdr»< linger rUll I non tlie ihiesliold of the dear And dark fibvt*. and yet no fear Is in mv sons Igo alone. Save forth' 1 light which slill hath ‘•lpuh- I'pon iuv long nud toilsome win. Why do’l linger still ?" So snake the dying, While around His children stood, with grief profound Theii henris were wrung, but with hushed breath They watched the awful abode of death Steal softly o'er the pallid face And fix the dim and upward gaze. They saw each breath more softly drawn Until the last, and—he was gone! Gently the infant goes to reel Upon its mother’s tender brutal. And sinks to slumlier with a sigh; So gently dots the Christian die. Angels unseen were wailing then . To bear the soul to realms more fair; Their sacred presence, like a balm, Filled that sad place with holy calm, For death the victory had won O’er him whost weary nice was i uu. Could we but See beyond the veil! But here our earthly vision fails; In vain we strive with weeping eyes To follow to the fur otl skies Wur loved ones, yet, perhaps, 'lis best. God knoweth ; to eternal rest With him we leave them, knowing well. ’Ti» rest, indeed, w it h Him to dwell! ASSIGNEE'S SALE. tVUX BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT »♦ House door in thu town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, (in., on SATURDAY, tin 26th day of DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of Henry M Nixon, Bankrupt, to wit: Purl ol Lot „l Land No. 174. in the litleeiilli district of. origiufillv Houston, now Macon comity, being If acre* iti the Southwest corner of said Los part <>l Lot No. 204: part ol Lot No. 205: part ol Lot No. 217: and fractions Nos. 21(1, 241 and 216—a1l lying in said district i.nd county -. al*o. the south hull of fraction No. 115, in the first district of, originally Muscogee, bow Macon county ; also, one fraction in said last mentioned district, containing I acre and 31 poles, being part of fractions Nos. I and ■>, on the Flint River Academy Lands. These hinds all lie in one body on the Flint River, six miles North of Moutaziima, and contains in the aggre gate nine- hundred acres, more or less, with a valuable plantation thereon The Homestead will be excepted, and the metes aud bounds thereof described on thedayof sale. Bold as the property . of Henry M. Nixon. Bankrupt, for the benefit ot his creditors. Terms cash. A. H.. GREER, November 28th, 1868. Assignee. dci-l--law3w IN THE DISTRICT col KT OF THE UNITED Stater fur the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) ROBERT A. BEERS, I N. I>. BRINSON. }IN BANKRUPTCY Partners. Bankrupt*. I Tu all whom It may concern: The uuikndgn i •d, Assignee of Hie estates ol the above named I bankrupts, hereby gives notice that a second ; and third general meetings of the creditors of said bankrupts, will lie held at Albany, in said District, on the 23d day of December, A. D., 1868, at 3 o’clock p. m.,at the office of Hines A Hobbs. before Frank 8. Heascltinc, Esq., Register in bankruptcy’, for the purposes named in the 2, th Section of the Act of Congress, en titled ‘ an act to establish a uniform system ol bankruptev throughout the United States,” approved March 2d. 1867. \VM. OLIVER, decH—2t Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE } United States for the Southern bi-tricl ot I Georgia. In the muller Ilf ) KTCIIAKD A DYKES IN HAM; It I fi-M Bankrupt. j To all whom it may concern . 'lay uiuteraign ed, Assignee of the estate of shp above imine,! bankrupt,hwvby that azeomidund third general meeting of the oredltors of said bankrupt will he Feld nt Albany in«aldDistrict, on the 23d d,y <if December, A. D., 1868, at 3. o’clock, p. tu', at the atilee ot lliucs X Hobbs, and that I have tiled my final accounts, and •hall apply tn said Court for the settlement ot my said accounts aud for a discharge from all liability as Assignee ofaaid estate, before Frank S. Hesicltine, Esq., Register in bankruptcy, for the purposes named hi tin 27th anil 28th Sec tions of the Act of Congress entitled, “au Act. to establish a uniform svstcui of bauaanptcv throughout the United States,” upnroved March 3d, 1867. WM. OLIVER deed— 2l Assignee. Assignee's Sale. TITILLBE SOLD, BEFORE THS COURT VV ll'Sase door sit Ciilhnnu.,Gordon county, Ga., within the legal hours of aalu, on TUES DAV, the23d day of DECK.MBER next, to the highest bidder, for cash, Tree’from all -.ueuni branecs, in accordance with an order of the Di. met Court ol the United States lor the Northern District of Georgia, sitting as a Court ol Bunk rnptcy, Lot of Laud No. 281, in the iuurteentli district and third section of G0t.!.,,, county, con taining One Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or lees. Also, Nine Acres, more or less, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, known as the place of which 8. B. Heard now resides, belonging to the estate of 8. B. Ileurtl. Bankrupt. W. J. CANTRELL, douS—lawSw Assigmw. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE tJOUF.T House door, in 'ihe town of MilledgeviJ le, Baldwin couutv. Gw, on TUESDAY. tb«> tM slay of DECEMBER r.ext. between the legal Iw-i't of sale, the follo wing real estate, to wit: One Uiiattre-d and Ten Acres of Lanai, more dr I era, part of Tad No. 184. in the first -Distru -t ot Baldwin v-omity, Ga. ALSO, Nine Hundred mid Eighty Acres, more or less, of wild lauid, in Emannel county, Ga. Di strict and numbers not known. Titles ioet. ALSO, An undivided half of One Thousand Meres, more or less, of wild Emanuel esmuty, Ga. District and numbers not known. Titles lo«t. AMO. Au undivided fourth of One Hundred trnsl Sixty Acres, more or less, of wild Land, in Cherokee. District and number not known. Titles lost. ALSO, One half Section (320 Acres, more or lens), us Lari'!, in Pontotoc county, Mississippi. Range and township not known. Titles lost. ALSO, At Ihe same lime and place, will be sold, tlie Bankrupt's bait interest in a Tau Yard, consisting of Vats. House. Sheds, etc., sitnaled on Land ut L. A. Jordan, with right of removal. All sold as the property ot Thouuis Humphries. Maaln upt, of Baldwin county, Ga., under an order in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. ARCHIBALD C. McKINLEY. November 3*tb, 1868. Assignee, deed—law3w TO ALL THOSE IN WANT OF MONEY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY to the people of Augusta and vi cinity, that he is sow ready to Advance Juoans, Id Suim« from ONE HOLLAR upward#, Ob tuch Cvllaiiiral Seetrifji n# Clwtbißg, Watcher, Pirtok, Jewdry, Piieii fndn. ete.. hn the mnwt liberal term* Office, Rr'K*l Mreet, Au£U*t«. <U. . P MORKI« Leave to mH Rea! Eatate. STATE <»F GEttRGIA — Kit kiwMjl By fKrißtiMJou wf U*e CviHtWOrdinary,c»t njH coeety, notice ie hereby given, that sixty .(..»» after date, npplawtion will fie made to the Com t ol tfrtiescy for leave b> sell the real «st<u» U. Fleming, deceased. Egbert a Fleming. de, in—2t Phretiitor. 1 «i i""T '■'>. 'i... .■ y■■ —it ■ ~~ - x'.- J'--J • 11 ATI.tNTA DEPARTMENT. | I Southern Life Insurance Co. I'KJM’iiMI. <»I’FI< I>. \TI.ANT\.G\ MEMPHIS TENN I.t'LISVILLE. KV j.n . < <PIT IL • Gen. JUHN B GORDON ..President. I .• W- C. MOKillSSecretary. Sfc t H. H°ILL UITTI ; v '« . 4-g - ■' -- ASNFTN. July l»t. IstDv NMV.OIV.AU A PURELY SOUTHERN INSTITUTION ! ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE EOKM OF POLICY. - „—..Q All 1/olicit‘s N on-BVivieiting'!! Pitiiiiinns arc puv.iLlc in Ca li, iay bo paid Itcu tfiir.dri Cash and ane-thifd Loan (withou Noto), with tix per cent, interop on Loan in advance. Loansun intareet ynai'anteed to be can cfUcd by dividend#. Premiums annually, semi-annnally and quarterly, suit! rate* /«>c as any Company can offer and do a “h Inisincß?. Ao mt Tnt< v ! /// h< ■ ! Truc 'i t.dt . CompanyMrcugth ! Ratio of Assets to Liabilities 32VU.67 lUO .Q Assurance Within the Reach of AH! ! Patronize Home Institutions!! -- o KEFEKENCES : Ifori. 11. 11. Hill, Aiht'u , ♦. t lion. B. C. Yancey, Athcn.’. << Dr. Jarnos S. Hamilton, Athene, <• Stevens Thomas, Esq., Secretary > >: i Mi- tnal Fire Insurance Company. lion. Robert Toomb«, Washington, < a. I Hon*. Augustus Rccfo, Madison, Ga. | Davin E. Buller, E.‘q , .Hadhon, <ll. F. I’hiiiizy, E.«q.. Augu-ta, <hi. W. H. Howard, E.-gj., Augusta, Ga. Edward Tb- uia#, Esq , Augusta, <•. . I . o ■■ ■ ■■ M. A. <'JjEUJxIjK \ , jM. I’., Mt tlictil Exaniinei 1 , August:!, Ga. J. H MILLED, General Agent, i I nov3U—2w Office 26.7 Bread Street, next door to Jame.t G. Bailie A 8o». STALMIGS & BOmS, 132 Broad Street, A.ugusta, Gra. 0 Os Every Description, from the Finest tj the Cheapest! ’ —Q .. .. . Having cuiarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK!! oct2!)—3tuos I j Latest New York News ’. THE PEOPLE G-really ed, i “Cimß” IN TBE FIELD. - - - LADIES 1 LUOk <ll T! I.OOH Ol TI! 1 < ttEAUTniFR -as is’ A BEA 1 TITIER, f f.«Ah\ n Matia cije J\>r Stpt.\ “llcmy It. Collar, of No. 10 ('i<t-by :'-:i. ci, is Raid to he ‘out’ with a heai th ij i; iJuu, edipni s anything ewr known in this line. The are wild with delight. One lady says. k l know n a right.’ and pointed to a skin fresh, and <b‘ iiralo as a,child. Another lady said, ‘if ir < o>i a buttle, I<i have il and :inoih« i. ‘Away with all hurtful cofnnoticH, and give no ciilv Costar’s Bitter Sweet ANU OllANGl’. BLOS'iOMS. Il gives beauty ui the Uonipleximi. a rosy gluw to the Checks', :i ruby tinge Io the Lips,and I: :p pities eomplefe. ! I Beware* ’ <>t worthless imimtmu.- All Druggist, in AUGUSTA sell it One bottle tjl.htl: three bottles. §2.0t1. Oi Hddre»s"C<>srAU," No 1(1 Crosby st..N,Y Standard Preparations A RK , 11 C’os#«/-'.y” dial, Itnaf./i. Eh.. E‘l'l hii>h:l'>i.i. “Costar's'’ Bed Bui/ Exterminators. 1 < Ct»/a?-'s’’ (only puro) Insect Powder. '■< inly Infallible Remedies known 'lB years established in New York.' ■ ••.O’l.Mtßoxes and Flasks manufactured daily "All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them.' '•!!! Beware! I! of spurious imitations.'' ■$1.1)11 sizes seat bv mail on receipt of price. $2.00 tor any three $1.0" sizes by express. - I Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Henry (succcsso’ to) I I' Demas Baknks A Co., 21 Park Row, N. > . Sold l>y all Druygixts in Avgusta. Ga. ri novi lydw j ' NATIONAL , fREEDMIVS SAVINGS AND TRUST CO MPANY. Chartered by Act oi <.o*KreMN. o Binking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner i of 19th street, YVashington, D. C. o ! BHANCH AT AUGUSTA. tIA., M «JICBH ST. , Open every d»y—Sundays and Uolidny- ex , ceptcd—from 9a. m. to 2p. m., and Saturday t evenings from f> to Bp. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM 1 ; FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. , Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in '‘Greenbacks’’ «r National Bank Bills. , All the profits belong to the depositors. I Inv.-’ltnent-: are only made in Sreuritie.. ■: L * -I the United State--. GEO. 11. HARRIS, . I Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. KENT, i Becretarv. i DAVID A. UITTKR. • - Acting Cashier. au2l—dAwlf Letters of Adanmitration. 1 r VIE OF iIKOR'HA Wherrns. Kohert J. 1 >i<4ftivoii applies i<- nu* h-r LtJivri us AdiuniirUr.dion on the (-statu < I Victor LaTarte. IhU* nf county. Jetvrwtod. i Thi-ne are lhcr<*for« to cite and adnioni-Ji all and | Mngulur, the kindred and erediion* uT <L - It-aafed, to he Hlid Jtpp» «ir HI n»y oftke, oh <»r bi fore lhe«e< <»nd Monday in Uotonihci iicxl. l<» ghnw j <an*e. if any they have, why «ihl JaciUi- should ‘ i | not l>e grouted. I ' Given nndcrmy hand and ufli*nd Mg'. .itus< • Augusta thi.< 9th day oi Novtudier, I'm > EL LEVY » Ordinary. ! I C. H. I'hiuizy, Esq , Augu.-ia, »-u. i Hod. Warren Aiken, Cartunville. Ga. | Hon. John B. Gordon. Atlanta, Ga. A. Auetcllp Esq., Atlai.tti, Ga. jE. W. Holland, 1X- M ., Atlanta, Ga. ; Gen. Wade llaxuptu<»» Columbia, S. C. i Genera*3 Eawton <t Jackson, Attorney- at Law, Savannnb, Ga. j <>cn. Henry L. Benning, Columbus, Ga. Gen. S. Mc’iowan, Abbeville, S. C. j Gen. A. ii Colquitt, Newton, Ga. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China, i ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLEkJ v Read i he following li.iter from Rev. 11. Telford. Missionffrv in Chinn, now 1 visiting his liomo in Pennsylvania: Washington, Pa., June2s, )Bti6. •V. , I’i'i'H Davint San Proeidenrc, It. I- Dear Sirs—During a residence of some ten l years a- :i Missionary in Siam and China. I found you'- vegetable I’aiti Killer a most valuable i iiieily foe that fearful scourge, the Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it tuo.-jt eu'ect rd to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a gid of hot wuter sweetened with sugar: then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a Uible spootifnl ot the same mixture every minute until i. li. I'was obtained. Apply hot applications to th.- e.Mn initii-.. Bathe tho stomach with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Oi those ■ who bad the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully m tlie way staled above, eight out of ten recovered. Yours, truly. R TELFORD. I, mi :dt.:o k with- Diarrhoea. Dysentery, or t..amp Colic, don't delay the use ot the Pain Killer. <o!d by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents, stl eeiit.-'., and $1 per bottle. M ASH VTT (V. K ( NBAS. April 17, IBfiti, Geiillcineii ■* * * f want to say a little »m:e about llic Pain Killer. I consider it a rere rubi/ibl medicine, and always keen it, on baud. I have travelled a good deal since I nave been in I Kansas, ami never without taking it with me. j In my practice I used it freely for tho Asiatic , Choh ra, in 181'.), and with bolter success than any I i other uadu ine . I also used it here for vlioleia in ! 1855, with tho same good result. Truly, yours. A. HUNTING, M. D. i Swato, Chin a. > Cholera 1 '* * * I regret to say that the i , cholera has prevailed here of lulu in a feurfal I ’ extent. F’or (lie last three weeks, tr im ten to i fifty or sixty fatal eases each day has been re : ported. I sitould add that the Pain Killer, sent ' recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic, i Iftaken in season Is generally effectual iu check ing the disease. Rev. CHARLES HARDINIG, j Sholapore. India. [From the Portland Monthly.| Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be the I prevailing element, and any medicine that is ■ everywhere acceptable, and' that is reliable, is a • very desirable acquisition. From what wo have seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of usingit, we quote from tho directions: “'For common bowel complaiuts, give one tea t spoonful in agill of new milk and molasses, in 1 equal parts, stirred well together; lessen the dose tor children, according to the age. If the pain be | severe, bathe the bowels ami back with the medi i cine. This mode of treatment is good iu eases of I the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re- I peat the dose every hour. ; "The quickest way 1 ever saw the dysentery cured was by taking oue spoonful of ihe Pain Killer in one gill of milk and molasses stirred i well together and drank hot, at. the same time ] i bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Lot the dose bo repeated every hour until the patient I is relieved." I If every verson who has reason to fear this disease would provide themselves with a bottle 1 of this medicine, and uso as occasion required, we believe ‘.great amount of sufi'eriug and sickness would I. :saved. je!2—2n> Tax Notice. Baku Tour State Tax ileturiis. j- * EL PERSONS TAKE NOTICE THAT A A tor the purpose pf receiving said Returns, I shall attend the following pti ees. from October 26 to December 15, lst>B: At ihe Upper Market, on every Monday, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.. .and from 3to 6 p m. On Tuesdays at Messrs. Dav At, Inman > Auc lion Room, on Broad street. On Wednesday’, at the Court House. On Thursdays, at the Seale Honsi*. Ou Fridays, at the Court Honse. On Saturdays, at District Court Grounds, of ; which due notice will be given. All citizens, white and colored, between the i ages of twenty one and sixty, are liable to return aud pay a Pull Tax of One Dollar, and such other j taxes as may be imposed by the County. For ; failure to make your returns,df all properly, or to i comply with the law.m.w of force, the penalty of “ tl.o law will be strictly enforced, unbiased and j impartial, on all defaulters. N. 11. For tailnre of luakiiiv retnrns. tho petrnlt v i a double tax J B VAUGHN. R. I. IL. Richmond County. Augu.-ia, O<toliui 24 1868. <>ct2l—tdcel.s Leave to Sell Real Estate. ■»t PERMISSION OF THE (WKT OF JL} Ordinary oi Ititiimoiid counly, notice is ‘ hereby given tbautMXty Jhvh after <Lite. niqdicn ii<*n w»ll Lu laiuie io ihv Cviiit of Onniv.iry fur I« iv»j h» rcllfhtt |b»,i Ek! ah* ot Martin Brogan. •I MAMi.L BKQ4IAN. AnffU htOcl j’ IS«.S ,\4ui rd. E H. PUGHE’S & Jeb PRINTING OFFICE, 190 Broad 153 Ellis Streets, e =^ , u^usA<ta f C&a. In Noys Mipplted with U»e Ia»UM atst! KiieproteJ PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, DHNAMENIS, ETC., Aud is ready to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS® BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, posters, labels, pamphlets, I BILLS LADING, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, auction BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, ;and, in fact, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING 11 0 THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment XSI 75 SFECIAIaTY. And we have reconlly made large additions ol NEW TOOIuS AND Ai ATEK 1A LS .’o The Daily National Republican A Morning* Paper, PI'BLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A FEAR A N 1 > <Lbc aleehlu Rational Republican. PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, t’miUiii the Latest News by Tclftgiaph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office —l9o Broad and 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga ; nSI’RAXCE. 1 FIROW AMD! r |'.’.’i IS HIE IHb.NT < lb' I 1 r . dlownig "ill km-wu iM-pm-ibm C.ita- ’ ’ |>h!." ' ■ -fr. ‘ tiliiftr u paid :l p H|wGl ami ii:|lr. el i, : ■ I . ■ 2E'.n- liuuiiuice Company, HmlJoiO, Conn. Phoenix Insurance Company, (larlju. <l, Mov aid Insurance Company, New I oik Manhattan Insurance Company, New York \ Standard Insurance Company, New York. Astor Insurance Company, New York Commerce Insurance Company, New York, fireman's Insurance Company, New York. Lamar Insurance Company, New York Commercial Insurance Company, New York. Mercantile Insurance Company, New York Phenix Insurance Company, | .H-.r b., ',- ’liie .i.iXA. ... llu.ilorj, Hu HOWARD, I M INII ATTAN.-iml KIRKMAN’S, of New York. ■ w :eil ... .<1 ii,,r u Indi century since, and are ! known ;i unioug the bo I and most substantial J Companies in the United (States, as are the other Com panic named with them. I can insuresloo,l)ooon Cotton, in any one vi our AVan hous.-s, and S7V,OO(Ion Cotton in a good Steamer, from Savannah or Charleston to New York, or other Northern Ports. Ln. •< equitably adjusted and promptly paid. The patronage of the public is respectfully so lioited. oct22— 3m Wm. SHEAR, Agent. Augusta. October 22, 1808. BEAUTIFUL HAIB, AND Ornaments for the Hair! C. BALZEAU, tIUKES GREAT PLEASURE IN INVITING I the attention of Lis old friends and patrons, (the Ladies especially) to the new and splendid assortment of JI«.’MAS HAIR, which he has just received direct from Paris, and oilers at prices Fully 25 per cent. Lower than the same can bepurchated at retail . in, the city of New York! Having had over twenty five years experience in the Hair Dressing business, lie flutters himself that be very thoroughly understands all Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, and will be happy to treat such on the most liberal terms. Consultations given gratis, both for ladies and gentlemen, tit bis rooms, No. 108 Broad street, south side. Wigs, Curls, Jb'ront Bands Chignons, and Braids, always on baud, or manufactured to order at short notice. _ MECHANICS' BANK. Assignee’s Sale. '/ \N THURSDAY, THE ITH OF JANUARY ; 1 / next, at 12 M., will be sold, at Public Auc- I lion, on the premises, the banking house and lot of Tin: MECHANICS’ BANK. This L it is one hundred and seventy •three feet deep, and has a front on Broad street ot thirty* nine feet, of which four feet nine inches is in the all. v on the East, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot holders. Tim property is too well km.-,vi. to need fill tiler description. ... At tl•< same time ami pine**, the I’ tPR Nll b lIL remaining in tho Bank w ill be sold. consisting of MARBLfc COUNTER I’KSKS. TABLES. a first-class IRON SAFE, fine GOLD NGAI.Es etc. Terms cash, in currency. WAI. T- GOULD, October JO Assignee, octdl —diftwtd 1 A Good Smoke is a Perpetual Comfort LORILLABD’S <c YAC H T CLUB” SMOKING TOBACCO. Competent critics pronounce it best for many reasons: It is made of the best stock grown. The Nicotine is extracted; there are No drugs in it, consequently it is Anti-nervous in its etlects. It lias an agreeable, aromatic Ila' or; Does not burn or sting the tongue Leaves no unpleasant aftertaste in tin Mouth, or disagreeable odor in the room. Instead of exciting the nervous forces, It allays irritation, and calms them. We regard it ns the perfection of Smoking Tobacco. Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes are being packed daily In the various sized bags in which it is sold, As an extra inducement for those Who Jove n good smoke to try it. LOaiLLAKD'S “EUBEJLV? Smoking Tobacco Is likewise an excellent article of choice Virginia Tobacco, of a heavier body than the former, And hence much cheaper in price; nevertheless It makes an excellent smoke. Orders for Meerschaum Pipes daily packed in this brand. LORILLARD’S “CiSMTUBY” Chewing Tobacco Composed of the best cutting Loaf in the country Superior in color, finer in quality, and makes a Better chew than of her brands. Acknowledged The Leading Fine Cut Tobacco wherever used. Respectable jobbers and dealeas in all sections Keep it, and small bnyerS'Can save money, Timo and t rouble, by purchasing of "hem ■ LORILLARD’S Maccoboy. French Rappee, and Scotch SNUFFS still retain excellent qnali tips which Imre made rti m so faMotis every where. Circular, sent on application. P. LOKILLARD, noi l—eodlm New York. Fiutinvial NtaU'Hient of the NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS & TRUST COM- I’A NY.— Principal Office at WamhngtM, P.O. Am&unf of DcpusjiU for October at 23 branch?-* $346,462 88 Draft* for October.... 5*308,083 53 Exee** of Deposits ever Draft* S3%Ji7B SG Total amount due Kyo>:t.or*, $825,953 73 tin* 1,1 ’ • 3 Dvp>.*-itS< Oct* Drafts for October v Sb** 2” Am. nt ’ Hep '• 'Vr Vaember *2.453 52 Draft November sl,Ol < 9.-» Totni Amount Due 421 Dcp<»*hArs al Atlgv t) Branch..,.* $10,533 9V Di.’ US Kl> IRON ALL < 1 ai i r < \ i trim !WTere<t nrte. 7>riir : I IP*. • -i.lAt COQkfl A Co., N T . AM> VS “’TI., I r. t nw II n.K -I'AVlh l.ltlTlKfl. deeP It Cashier. | STtNt & MSWps 'wWaiyjL wff Mln Triumphal Return OF STONE AND MURRAYS Superb WITH ITS AMASSED MIRACLES OF SKILL! AND MARVELS OF OAKI\<;. This Grand Circus Will again visit A,u.gusta, 7 ON Saturday, Dec. 19th, AND GIVE TWO PERFORMANCES ! (Day and Night) C'oiuiueuciiiK at 2 1-2 and 7 1-2. Doors open one hour previous. ADMISSION, ... 75 CENTS Children under 10 years. 50 cts I 'sAk. I ■ \ i Slene & Murray i Desire so repeat their i earnest thanks for the ' unparalleled patronage which has thus far been bestowed upon them, in their efforts to AMUSE The Public, and to respectfully an nounce that they will again exhibit their CIRCUS AUGUSTA SATURDAY, Dee. 1». Fully appreciating the many favors extended to them. STONE & MURRAY will make it tbeir con. slant aim to render their Circus worthy of a con tinuance of public con fidence and popular sup port. THE SAME PREDOMINATING FEATURES which has given this Cir cus an exalted reputation for excellence and respect ability will ever govern, and STONE & MURRAY will endeavor, by a well directed use of the abund. ant resources a t their command, to make the coming Exhibitions the most Refined and INTERESTING Ever Given. The miscellaneous at tainments of the extra largo TROUP OF Performers have acquired a perfec tion which no previous, attempts have reached, superceding in Splendor AND NOVELTY All Establishments en gaged in the vocation of amusing the public, and positively Beyond THE RESOURCES Os any other EXHIBITION, •f whatever kind, to imi tate. Many of the Acts and Feats are KNTIKKLI NF.W in AMERICA! And will be executed by Artists having NO PARALLELS In theiram»sd’>F^P er ' a *' Ticket' * -an *t >''* Murte St«r*. > I 14 ' A* iJ i I ' Ji 9 Wtl pji * ' iUi Zr\l - // [) ® I ‘ \ar Y it ! * ». Cnu'