The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 15, 1868, Image 4

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.idii " 11 '’"’j Nntionnlßtpubhran I I MwiSrc Official Organ of the U.S Government, fl I>IMV MoHN'ING I*'- **»• I*** «■ 1 ■ ' “ > A LOVE LETTER Mt fovc my choeen—bul not mine. I unit! My Whole heart t<> thee in th«e worts 1 ’write; , r • i 5.,!. i the blotted lines, my soul» sole tmud, I v upon thine, and Him® bobtest sit night h lie, I have loved yon, ns men love l.i dd, music, odor, Irnauty, love itsell Wluitcver is apart from, and above Those daily needs which deal with dust and pelf. And I laid been content, without one thought Our guardian angels toiild have blush d to 8o to'havc lived, and died, and demanded Save living, dying, to have loved you so. Mv wildest wish was vassal to thy will; Sly haughtiest hope a pensioner on thy '-mile, . Which did with light mv barren lieing till. As moonlight glorifies some desert isle. And so 1 wrote to vou ;* and write, and write. Tor the mere saka of writing to you. dear, What can 1 tell you that you know not? Night Is deepening’ through the rosy atmosphere. About the lonely casement of this roouf 'Which you have left familiar with the grace That grows where you have been. And on the gloom 1 almost fancy 1 can see your face. I’ereliancc 1 shall not ever see again That face. 1 know that I shall never sea Its radiant beauty ns J saw it then Save by tins lonely lamp in memory. With childhood's sttirry graces lingering yet T the rosy orient of young womanhood; And eyes like woodland violets newly wet; And lips that left their meaning in my blood ’. Farewell, and yet again farewell, and yet Never farewell—if farewell means to fare Alone and disunited. Love hath set < fur days, in music, to the self-same air. Farewell! The dawn is rising, and the light Is making, in the East, a faint endeavor To illuminate the mountain peaks. Good n ’ght> Thine own. and only thine, my love, for ever. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS. Men--Wornen--and Children I Men-Women--and Children ! HEAD—RF. 11). Looting to Scalds and Burns,” ' Soothing to all painful wounds, etc ■ Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, etc." “HENRY R. COSTAR, of No. 10 Crosby st., is ‘out’ with a Salve which he calls hig. ‘Ustmi’s* Buckthorn Salve Perhaps the most extraordinary Salve ever know.'. Its power of Soothing and Healing for ill Cuts, Hurns, Bru see, Sores, Ulcere, Chapped hands and Skin,for sore Nipple., Piles, etc., etc., is without a parallel. One person says of it.- T would uot be without a Box in my House, if it cost $5 00, or I bad to 1 rave! all the way to New York fori).'—A’ I”. Evening Xevs, Sept. 5. I COSTARS” f t an 1 ar d Preparations a iik “Cua/izr’s" Rat, Hooch, de., ExlermiiMlors. "tv tkt. 'o’ Bell Hug cLfc.7rti/e««»rjr. " C’os/jr’tr” {only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known. ‘lB years established in New York. ’ ••g.Obtl Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." “111 Beware 111 of spurious imitations." “All Druggists in AUGUSTA. Or address HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y., or John F. Hesky (Successor to) Demas Baknes <sc Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. .Solti b;/ nil Dr uggists in Augusta, Ga. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House dour, in the town of Milledgeville, Baldwin countr, Ga., on TUESDAY, the 22,1 day of DECEMBER next, between the legal hours o’ sale, the following real estate, to wit: One Hundred and fen Acres of Land, more or less, pailof Lot No. 181, in the first District of Baldwin comity, Ga. ALSO, Nim Hundred and Mighty Arses, more or leas, of wild Land,in Emanuel county. Ga. District and numbers not known. Titles lost. ALSO, An undivided hull of Oue Thousand Acres, more or less, of wild Land, in Emanuel comity, Ga. District and numbers not known. Titles lost. ALSO, An undivided fourth of One Hundred mid Sixty Acres, more or lees, of wild Laud, in Cherokee. District aud number not known. Titles lost. ALSO, One half Section (SJO Acres, more or less), of Laud, in Pontotoc county, Mississippi. Range and township not known. ’ Titles lost. ALSO, At the same lime and place, will be sold, the Bankrupt's hall interest in a Tan Yard, consisting of Vats, House, Sheds, etc., situated on Land of L. A. Jordan, with right of removal. All sold as the property of Thomae Humphries, Bunlerupt, of Baldwin county, Ga., under an order in Bankruptcy. Terms easin ARCHIBALD C. McKINLEY, Norember 30th, 1868. Assignee, dec 3—l aw3w TO ALL THOSE Iff WAKT The undersigned respectfully announces to the people of Augusta aud vi cinity, that he is now ready to .Advance Loans, In Sums from ONE DOLLAR upwards, On scch Collateral Security as Clothing, Watcher, Pistolr, Jewelry, Diamonds, etc., on the most liberal terms..' Office. “62 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. sob- &■ " P. MORRIS. Letters of Administration- QTATB OF GEORGIA-- Ridanond County. Whereas. Robert J. Dickinson applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Victor LaTaate, late of said county, deceased. Tbeae are tliereforc to cite and admonish all and tingular, the kindred and creditors of said de < eased, to be aud appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in December next, to zb-w i «an«, if any they hare, why said Tx-ltera shoui.l not be gi anted. Given under my hand and official signaUue, at •■Bee in Augusta, this 9th dav of November, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, mifil-liu Ordinary. ATLANTA DITA RIM ENT. ■■l ■ • I IBI " Southern Life Insurance Co. Q PRINCIPAL OFFICES, ATLANTA. UA MEMPHIS. TENN LoLISVILLE. KY. o K APITAL M22H.500 -•—■ - o Gen. JOHN B GORDONPresident. W. C MORRIS Secretary Gen- A H COLQUITT, >Vice President* Hon. o. rx- MILL* ' o ANNKTN. Jul) INI. I MIN MMO.WI3.oe A PURELY SOUTHERN INSTITUTION ’ o ISSUES EVEBY DESIRABLE FORM OF POLICY. '■ o A.ll Policies Non Forfeiting! I o— Premiums arc payable in Cash, or tuny bo paid two third* Cash aud one-third Loan (witbuu Note), with six per cent, interest on Loan in advance. Loans on interest f/ttaraiilocd to be can celled by dividend?. Premiums payable annually, semi-annually and quarterly, and rates a* low as any Company can offer and do a tw/e business. jVb Hettrictiou on Travel anti Uceidencc ! True Test of Company s Strength Ratio of Assets to Liabilities•* 1299.67 to 100 0 Assurance Within the Reach oi All!! Patronize Home Institutions 11 REFERENCES: Hou. B. 11. Hill, Athena, Ga. Hon. B. C. Yancey, Athens, Ga. Dr. James S. Hamilton, Athens, Ga. Stevens Thomas, Esq., Secretary Southern Mu tual Fire Inenrunce Company. Hon. Robert Toombs, Washington, Ga. Hon. Augustus Reese, Madison, Ga. Davin E. Butler, Esq., Madison, Ga. F. Phinizy, Esq., Augusta, Ga. IV. It. Howard, Esq., Augusta, Ga. Edward Thomas, Esq., Augusta, Ga. 0 M. A. CLECKLEY, M. !>-, Medical Examiner, Augusta, Ga. J. H MILLER, General Agent, nov29—2w Office 207 J Broad Street, next door to James G. Bailie A Son. STALLIMGS & KOGERS, 132 Broad Street, A.ugusta, Gra. 0 FURKFITURE Os Every Description, from the Finest ta the Cheapest!! c Having enlarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AN J) EXTENSIVE STOCK I ! ocl2!l—.'linos Latest New York News I THE PEOPLE G-reatly Excited., WAR”IfTHPIEIiI). LADIES! , LOOK OIT! LOOK Oi l ! I A BEAUTIFIER ‘as is’ A REAUTIFIEK. (Zodies Magazine for Sept.) “Hcury R. Costar, of No. 10 Crosby Street, is said to be ‘out’with a bkautifikr that eclipses anything ever known in this line. The Ladies are wild with ilelight. One lady says, ‘I know it s right,' and pointed to a skin as fresh, soft and de licate as a child. Another lady said, ‘if it coat SIO.OO a bottle, I'd have it,' and another, Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only Costar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. It gives beauty to the Complexion, a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the laps,and hap piness complete. i 1 Beware!! ot worthless imitations All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell it. One bottle $1.00; three bottles, $2.00, Or address “Cost ar,” No 10 Crosby st..N.Y. 4t COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ARE ''Costar's" Hat, lloach, Etc., Exterminators. “ Costar's’’ Bed Bug Exterminators, < Costar's’ (only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known." “18 years established in New York." “2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily. ‘ “All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them." “!!! Beware!!! of spurious imitations." SI.OO sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. $2.00 forauy three SI.OO sizes by express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Henry (successor to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists in Augusta, Ga. novi—lydw FREEDMAN SAVIWS BOK.I Chartered by Act of Congress. Q Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. C. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA. GA., SO 40 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sunday, and Holidays ex cepted—frouj 9 a. in. to 2 p. m., and Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits cun always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. AU other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong to the depositors. Investments are onlv made in Securities of the United States. GEO. H. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. KbNT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier, auil— ddwtf Assignee's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT House door at Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga.. within the legal hours of sale, on TUES DAY, the 22d day of DECEMBER next, to the highest bidder, for cash, free from al! tncnni branees, iu accordance with an order of the Dis trict Court of the United States tor the Northern District of Georgia, sitting as a Court of Bank ruptcy.Lolof Land No. 231. in the fourteenth j district and third section of Gordon county, con taming Oue Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or ! lew. Also. N me Acres, more or leas, iu the town of Calhoun. Gordon coanty, known as the place of which 8. B. Heard uow’ leeides, belonging to the estate of 8 H. Heard. Bankrupt. W. J. CANTRELL. dec3—law3w Assignee | I C. H. I’hinizy, Esq., Augusta, Ga. 1 lion. Warren Aiken, Cartersville, Ga. I lion. John B. Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. - 1 A. Austell, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. E. W. Holland, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. Gyn. Wade Hampton, Columbia, S. C. Generals Lawton A. Jackson, Attorneys at Law, Savannah, Ga. Gon. Henry L. Benning, Columbus, Ga. Gen. S. MeGowan, Abbeville, S. C. Gen. A. H Colquitt, Nowton, Ga. MEDICINAL- Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLER. ——o Read the following letter from Rev. R. Telford. Missionary in China, now I visiting his home in Pennsylvania ■■ Washington, Pa., June2s, 1866. > Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R. 1.: Dear Sirs—During a residence of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam and China, 1 found your vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy for that fearful scourge, the Cholera. Iu administering the inediciue, I found it most effectual to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful ot the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe the stomach with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those who had the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully iu the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Yours, truly, BTELFORD. If an attack with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or ! Cramp Colic, don’t delay the use of the'Pain Killer. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17,1866. Gentlemen— * * * I want to say a little more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable medicine, and always keep it on hand. I uu>« travelled a good deal since I Have been in Kansas, aud never without taking it with me, Iu my practice 1 used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera, in 1819, aud with better success Ilian any other medicine ; I also used it here for cholera in 1855, with the same good result. Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Choloia! * * * I regret to say that the cholera has prevailed here of lute to a tearful ’ extent. For the la«t three weeks, fiom ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day has been re ported. I shpuld add that the Pain Killer, sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during" this epidemic. If taken in season is generally effectual in check | ing the disease, Rev. CHARLES HARDINIG, Bholapore, India. [Frbni the Portland Monthly.] Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be the ' prevailing element, and any medicine that is everywhere acceptable, and that is reliable, is a very desirable acquisition. From what we have seen, beard, and experienced, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of using it, we quote from the directions: “For common bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful in a gill of new milk and mo!a<x>es, in equal parts, stirred well together; lessen the dose for children, according to the age. If the pain be severe, bathe the bowels and back with the medi cine. This mode of treatment is good in cases of the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re peat the dose every hour. “The quickest way 1 ever saw the dysentery cured was by taking one spoonful of the Pain Killer iu oue’ gill of milk and molasses stirred well together and drank hot, at the same time bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let the dose be repeated every hour until the patient is relieved.’’ If every person who has reason to fear this disease would provide themselves with a bottle of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we believe 'great amount of suffering and sickness would b rsaved jal2—2m Tax Notice. Make Tour State Tax Returns. All persons take notice that, for the purpose of receiving said Returns, I shall attend the following places, from October 26 to December 15, 1868: At the Upper Market, ou every Monday, from Ip. m.. and from 3 to'6 p. in. On Tuesdays at Messrs. Day A. Inman's Aue tion Room, on Broad street. On Wednesdays, at the Court House. On Thursdays, at the Scale House. On Fridays, at the Court House. On Saturdays, at District Court Grounds, of which due notice will be given. All citizens, white and colored, between the ages of twenty one aud sixty, are liable to return and pay a Poll Tax of One Dollar, and such other taxes as may be imposed by the County. For failure to make your returns,"of all propertv, orto comply with the' law, now of force, the penalty of tlie law will be strictly enforced, unbiased and impartial, on all defaulters. N. B. For failure of making returns, the penalty is a double tax. J. B VAUGHN, R. T. R.. Richmond County. Augusta, October 24,1868. oct24—tdeclJ Leave to Sell Beal Estate, By PERMISSION OF THE COURT OF Ordinary of Richmond comity, notice is hereby given that, sixty days after date, applies tion will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Real Estate of Martin Brogan, deceased DANIEL BROGAN, Augusta Oct 2t> I Ailß Adni'r dcbtinis non oct27—law'Jmo E H. PUGHE’S Book As .lob PRINTING OFFICE, VW Broad \ 153 Ellis Streets, 1H Now Supplied with the Latest and Improved PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC,, Aud is ready to execute tiny description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS! BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, JAND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING!! o THE BOOKBINDER Y 4 Os this Establishment IS TV SF’EJOITVXj'TY. And wc have recently made large additions ol NEW TOOLS AND MATERIALS! The Daily National Republican A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A VEAR AND Weehlg Rational lepblican, PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Contain the. Latest News by Telegraph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office— l9o Broad and 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga nsriiAM hl M, MOi & INLAND '|’!ll. SI BsCKIBER IS UH. AbKM OF 1 tlic following well known responsible Com- I I representing a paid up capital and surplus ot more than *l'l OUO.ttW- viz ; JEtna Insurance Company, Hertford, Conn, Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Howard Insurance Company, New York Manhattan Insurance Company, New York Standard Insurance Company, New York. Astor Insurance Company, New York Commerce Insurance Company, New York. Fireman’s Insurance Company, New York. Lamar Insurance Company, New York Commercial Insurance Company, New York. Mercantile Insurance Company, New York Phenix Insurance Company, New York The .ETNA, of Hartford, the HOWARD, MANHATTAN and FIREMAN’S, of New York, were charterer! near a halt century since, and are known as among the best and most substantial Companies in the United States, as are the other Companies named with them. I can insure SIOO,OOO on Cotton, in any one of our Warehouses, and $70,000 on Cotton in a good Steamer, from Savannah or Charleston to New York, or other Northern Ports. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. octfJ2—3m Wm. SHEAR, Agent. AuoUita. October 22,1808. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, AND Ornaments for the Hair I C. BALZEAU, rpAKES GREAT PLEASURE IN INVITING X the attention of his old friends and patrons, (the Ladies especially) to the new and splendid assortment of HUMAN HAIR, which he has just received direct front Paris, and otters at prices Fully 25 per cent. Lower them the same cun be purchased at retail in the city of New York! Having had over twenty five years experience in the Hair-Dressing business, he flatters himself that he very thoroughly understands all Diseases of the Hair'and Scalp, and will be happy to treat such on the most liberal terms. Consultations given gratis, both for ladies and gentlemen, at bis rooms, No. 198 Broad street, south side. Wigs, Curls, Prout - Bands Chignons, and Braids, always on hand, or manufactured to order at short notice. nov22 —eod6t. MECHANICS’ BANK. Assignee’s Sale. ON THURSDAY,THE .TH OFJANUARY next, at 12 M., will be sold, at Public Auc tion, on the premises, the banking house and lot or THE MECHANICS’ BANK. This Lot is one hundred and seventy three feet, deep, an<l has a front on Broad street ot thirty nine feet, of which four feet, nine inches is in the alley on the Eart, reserved for the use of all the adjoining lot-holders. The property m too well k remaining in the Bank will be sold consist iny of MARBLE COUNTER DESKS. TABLES, a first-claw IRON SAFE, fine GOLD SCALES etc. Terms cash, in currency. WM. T. GOULD, October 30 Assignee. oct3l—d&wtd A Good Smoke is a Perpetual Comfort LORILLARD’S ‘YACHT CLUB” SMOKING TOBACCO. Competent critics pronounce it best for many reasons: Il is made of the best stock grown. The Nicotine is extracted; there are No drugs in it, consequently it is Anti nervous in its effects. It has an agreeable, aromatic flavor ; lines not burn or sting the tongue; Leaves no unpleasant aftertaste in the Mouth, or disagreeable odor in the room. Instead of excitii g the nervous forces, It allays irritation, and calms them. We regard it as the perfection of Smoking Tobacco. Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes are being packed daily In tho various sized bags in which it is sold, As an extra inducement for those Who love a good smoke to try it. LORILLARD’S “ El’ll EK ,1” Smoking Tobacco Is likewise an excellent article of choice Virginia Tobacco, of a heavier body than the former, And hence much cheaper in price ; nevertheless It makes an excellent smoke. Orders for Meerschaum Pipes daily packed in this brand. LORILLARD’S “CENTURY” Chewing Tobacco Composed of the best cutting Leaf in the country Superior in color, finer in quality, and makes a Better chew thau other brands. Acknowledged The Leading Fine Cut Tobacco wherever used. Respectable jobbers and dealeus in all sections Keep it, and small buyers can save money, Time and trouble, by purchasing of them. LORILLARD’S Maccoboy, French Rappee, and Scotch SNUFFS still retain excellent quali ties which have made them so famous every where. Circulars sent on application. P. LORILLARD, uol-I—eodlm New York. Financial Statement of the NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS 4 TRUST COM- PANY.—Principal Office at Washington, D.C. Amount of Deposits for October at 23 branches $346,462 88 Drafts for October $308,083 53 Excess of Deposits ever Drafts $38,378 36 Total amount due 8,850 Depositors, $895,953 73 Amount'Of Deposits lor October at Augusta• $2,605 25 Drafts for October $1,296 20 Amount of Deposits for November $2,453 52 Drafts for November $1,517 93 Total Amount Due 424 Depositors at Augusta Drench $16,533 99 Deposits HBceivkd from all < lasses, I'AY AIII.E ON IIFMANH WITH INTEREST DYE. DRAFTS drawn on lAV G oke A Co., N. Y., anr on o> r Branch Bases. DAVID A. RITTER, de<9 -4t Cashier. STmg I IIBBAPs CiMi/sjX w nt) ■ Triumphal Return 01' STONE AND MURRATS Superb CSKEHBXFjB WITH its amassed MIRACLES OF SKILL! AND MARVELS OF DiHSNG. Rwa « I®’ 4 —n —irflT.x * This Grand Circus Will again visit Augusta, ON Saturday, Dec. 19th, AND GIVE TWO PERFORMANCES ’ (Day and Night) Commencing al 2 1-2 anti 7 |.o. Doors open otic hour previous. ADMISSION, - - - 75 CENTS. Children under 10 years. 50 cfs. Stone & Murray Desire so repeat their earnest thanks for the unparalleled patronage which has thus far been bestowed upon them, in their efforts to AMUSE The Public, and to respectfully an nounce that they will again exhibit their CIRCUS IN I TTH TTfim A AUIiUiSTA ON SATURDAY, Dec. 19. Fully appreciating the many favors extended to them STONE A MURRAY will make it their con. stant aim to render their Circus worthy of a con tinuance of public con fidence and popular sup port. TIIK SAME PREDOMINATING rEATURBS which has given this Cir cus an exalted reputation forexcolleneeand respeef ability will over govern, and STONE A MURRAY will endeavor, by a well directed use of the abund. ant resources a t their command, to make the coming Exhibitions the most Refined and INTERESTING Ever Given. The miscellaneous at tainments of the extra large TROUP 01?: Performers have acquired a perfec tion which no previous attempts have reached, superceding in Spleudor A’lO NOVELTY All Establishments en gaged in the vocation of amusing the public, and positively Beyond THE RESOURCES Os any other EXHIBITION, of whatever kind, to imi tate. Many of the Acts and Feats arc ENTIRELY NEV/ 1 in AMERICA! And will be executed by Artists haring NO PARALLELS In their amazing Special- j itibs. Tickets for *“>» J - C ’ -1« Music Store. r s SL. U ■' 1 L WR 1 fl Xu • Wtel Fwi I MS ' iM! G Wx g|j|o V ■ I k (j ® i F J Xf" . .t. Son