The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 22, 1868, Image 4

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I V..GI.ST VITY CIRCULATION Official Orffaß of the U. 8. Government. TUESDAY MORNING Dec. 93. IBOfi AT TWILIGHT. urj kik If iho wanlow. W lml»y apt! 1. ii she faring kunset Hfpit, ' Watching the darkness creep over the sky, Out of the Eastern night; We sec the stars come trembling out In the truck of the fallen sun. And au loci th* 1 ttjiH k, witltirnuMl without. Tfnfl wrM< wh«*n tin- <Wy is done What have we Iwcn doing all day, nil day, Since the rosy morning smiled v I'luying al work and working at P* a y, God nclp us mother and child; But much 1 fear tliosc little hands Have pul tne to shame to-day; For God, who is earnest, understands •Truly our work ami play. I think of let ,I Übdoue That might liaic bnghkned tie day ; Os ittities drcuTHod of fait never b**gnn. Seal tercd along my way; You lie with peace iii your violet eyes - You have not learned regret— For the sorrowful years that make us wise Have not coinc to my baby yet. And . till, as I sit in this twilight hour, At the close of a weary day, Even sorrow and sin do not quite have I>ower To keep a blessing away A blessing that fate like the dew from heaven _ , On the parched ami thirsty ground ; And in loving much, because much forgiven, Afy deeper peace is found. Your life, my baby, is jnst begun. And mine is growing old ; But we’re children both iu the eyes of One Whose years are all untold; He holds its both in His loving hand, He pardoned all our sin. And. by-and-by, to,the same sweet land 1 le will genualet us in. OFFICIAL. Laws of Congress. For purchase and repairs of tools used in tbc public grounds, one thou • sand dollars. For purchase of treesand tree-boxes, to replace, when necessary, such as have been planted by the United Stats to whitewash tree boxes and fences and to repair pavements in front of the public grounds, three ( thousand dollars. For lighting the Capitol and Presi dent’s House and public grounds around them and aronnd the executive offices, thirty thousand dollars. For pay of lamp-lighters, gas lifting, plumbing, lamp-posts, Interns, glass, paints matches, materials ami repairs of all sorts, five thousand dollars'. For improvement of’Capitol grounds, two thousand dollars. Fyr continuing the United States twenty-inch water main from its pre sent terminus in north l> street on the east side of Delewaro avenue to the United Sfates twelve-inch main on First street east, ten thousand dollars. For of stationery, books, maps, plans, office furniture an*l con tingents of the offi*I*', 1 *', three thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the In terior to pay for fitting neeeessary shelving, ami for record books furnish ed or orderd for the office of register of deeds of the District of Columbia, during the period when Edwftrd C. Eddie was such register, five hundred andjjity dollars. . To pay William 11. West for service rendered in taking careof and keeping safely the bonds held in trust by the Secretary of the Treasury lor the bene fit of the Smithsonian Institution, ■froni March first, eighteen hundred mid fifty, to July first, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid out of the Smithsonian fund. To enable, the Secretary f the Sen ate to complete the alphabetical list of of private claims to the end of the end of the second st'sAioii of the thir ty-uiiith Congress, and to pay outstan ding claims ior services rendered in he preparation of said work under a resolution of the Senate of March six teenth, eighteen hundred and sixty six, two thousand dollars. That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, of as much thereof as may be neooessary, be, and the same is hereby appropriated,out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriation to defray the expenses of the Joint Committee on Ordnance, und that the same shall be drawn from the treasury, upwj tbeynlei’ of the Secretary of the Senate, as it shall be required; and any portion of the amount hereby ap propriated that sbnn bo allowed by the said joint ccoimnittee to witness at tending before it, or other persons tin ployed in its Service, for per diem travelling or other neeeessary expen ses, and paid by the Secretary of the Senate, in pursuance of the orders of said joint committee, shall be accord ingly eraliu>d.:t»»ql allowed by the ac counting officers of the Treasury De partment. To enable the Joint Committee on the Libary to pay Mrs. Sarah F. Ames an additional compensation for her marble hpst qf President Lincoln, five hundred dollars. For expenses of the trial of the im peachment of Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, six thou sand dollars," Or wo much thereof " as may be neccesary to be paid into the contingent fund of the Sendte. For the purchasing of suitable sites for the erection of additional school houses, and for the maintenance of wMMs in the county of Washington, outside of |he limits of the cities of Washington* and Cicbrgctown, ’ the sajue to be exdeijded under the direc tion oY’lfie levy court of the county of Washington, subject to the, approval of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. *mstit ict coiHvr' U northern District of Georgia.—No. 289. bio in Bankruptcy, all peivoua interested are n, Hill ed to appear on tlm 2d day of January 1869, at 10 a. in., before Register Murray, at Giitlin, Ga.. to show caw- whl the prayer of tbe ihiuk rupt should mrfb^grrtMWT' 4M#seeond and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place W 11 SMITH. Cork dec2o-If STAIAIB6S & ROGERS, 132 Hroad Street, Augusta, (la. furniture Os Every Deecription, from the Finest to the Cheapest!! c Haling enlarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK!! oel29—3moa Latest New York News! THE PEOPLE Greatly Excited, WCTTHOIELD. LADIES! LOOK OI T! LOOK O1TI! A BEAUTIFIEB 'as is’ A BEAUTIFIER. [ Ladles hiagazine for Sept.) “Henrv It. Confer. of No. 10 Croaby Street, if Huid to be ‘out’with u ukautiukk UniteclipM* anything «v«r known iu thia line. The Ladies are wild with delight. One lady says, ‘I know it e right,’ and pointed to a akin as fresh, soft and de licate as a child. Another lady said, 'if it cost SIO.OO a bottle, I'd have itand another, 'Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only Costar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. It give, be inly to the Complexion, a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the Lips,and liup piness complete. !! Beware I! of worthless imitations AU Druggist* in AUGUSTA sell it. One bottle $1.0(1; three bottles, $2.00, Or address “Cost an," No 10 Crosby al., N.Y. “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ARE "Custar's" Hal, Hoach, It!l<.. Exterminators. "Goslar's” lied Bug Exterminators. « Costar's’ (only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known/' “18 years established in New York/' “2,(MM> Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily/' “All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them. “! I ! Beware! I! of spurious imitations." SI.OO sizes sent bv mail on receipt of price. $2.00 for any three SI.OO sizes by express. Address HENRY It. OWTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Henry (succcsso-- to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21. Park Row, N. Y. Sold hg all Druggists in Augusta, G&. novi—lydw HOUSEKEEPERS. i HOUSEKEEPERS. Men--Women--and Children I Men--Women--and Children I READ-HEAD. "Coeliug lo Scalds and Burns," “SooUiiag to a() pabkfttl wouada, ete,’ “Healtog to all Sores, Ulcers, etc.' “HENRY R. COSTAR, of No. ID; Crosby st., is ‘out’ with a Salve which he calls his ’ft vostar’s Duckthorn oalve I'erliut*. too most extraordinary Salve ever known. Iu power ot Soothing and Healing for nil Cuts, Burns, Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Choptf” hands and Skin, for sore Nip/»fe», Files, etc., etc., is wilhonta One person says ot it : I would not be without a Box m my House, if it cost $5.00, or I had to travel all the way to New York for it.’’—JV. Y. Evening News. Sept. ■. “COSTAR'S" ! Standard Preparations AKS “Qostar’s" Hat, Hoacli, etc., Exterminators. Red Rug Exterminators. “ Costar's" {only pure) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known." “18 years established in New York," “2.000 Boxes and Flasks manufacluicd daily." “! !! Beware!!! of epurions imitations." “All Druggists in AUGUSTA.” Or address HENRY R. COBTAR, 10 Crosby N. ' Y., or Jobs F. Henry (Successor to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. SoUlby oil Druggist* in Augusta, Go. GEO.PRwELL§-g Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers ,No advance charged on Publishers’ prices. All leading newspapers kept on file. Information as to cost of Advertising furnished All orders receive eareful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for easterners. Advertisements written and Notices secured. Orders from Business Mon especially solicited. 40IMWO? Jy, “ l L ______ TO ALL THOSE IN WANT OF MONEY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces to the people of Augusta and vi cinity, that he is now ready to Advance Loans, In Sums from ONE HOLLAR upwards, On each Collateral Security as Clothing, Watches. Pistole, Jewelry, Diamonds. eUu, on the most liberal terms. Office. 282 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. nol. 3m P- MORRIS. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLER. o Read the following letter from Rev. It. Telford. Missionary in China, now visiting his home in Pennsylvania: Washington, Pa., June2s, JB6(i. Messrs. Perry Davis & Rt>n I.: Dear Birs—During n residence of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I fonnd your vegetable Pain Killer u most valuable remedy for that fearful scourge, the Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most effectual to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar; then, after abont fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful of the sumo mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply lyit applications to the extremities. Bathe Uie stomach with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those who had the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Yours, truly, R TELFORD. If an attack with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don't delay the use of the Pain Killer. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April I<, 18(>(i. | Gentlemen— * * ' 1 want to say a little I more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very ; valuable medicine, and always keep it on band. I have travelled a good deal since I nave been iu Kansas, and never without taking it with me, In my practice I used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera, in 1810, and with better success than any other medicine ; I also need it here for cholera in 1855, with tlie same good result Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Cholcxa I***l regret to say "that the cholera has prevailed here of late to a fearful extent. For the last three weeks, from ten to fifty or sixty fatal eases each day has been re ported. I should add that the Pain Killer, sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic. If taken in season is generally effectual iu check ing the disease, Rev. CHARLES lIARDINIG, Sholapore, India. [From the Portland Monthly.] Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be the prevailing element, and any medicine that in everywhere acceptable, and that is reliable, is a very desirable acquisition. From what we have seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of using it,we quote from the directions; “For common bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful-in a gill of new milk and molasses, in equal puns, stirred well together; lessen the dose for children, according to the age. If the pain be severe, batlie the bowels and back with the medi cine. This mode of treatment is good in cases of the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re [ peat the dose e very hour. ."The quickest, way I ever saw the dysentery cured was by taking one spoonful of the Pain Killer in one gill of milk and molasses stirred well together and drank hot, at the same time bathing the bowels freely with medicine. last the dose be repeated every hour until the patient. ■ is relieved. ’’ If every person who has reason to fear this disease would provide themselves with a bottle of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we j believe vgreat amount of anilering and sickness would I- 1 saved. je!2—2m r Tax Notice. Make Your State Tax Returns* kLL PERSONS TAKE NOTICE THAT, for the purpose of receiving said Returns, I shall attend the following places, from October [ 26 to December 15, 1808: At the Upper Market, on every Monday, from '.I a. tn. 10l p. m.. mid fro n 3 to <> p. m. On Tuesdays at Messrs. Day & Inman's Auc i lion Room, on Broad street,. On Wednesdays, at the Court House. On Thursdays, nt the Scale House. On Fridays, at the Court House. On Saturdays, at District Court Grounds, of > winch due notice will be given. All citizens, w bite* and colored, between the | ages of twenty-one and sixty, are liable to return ' and pay a Poll Tax of One Dollar, and such other taxes ns may be imposed by the County. For failure to make your returns, of all proper* or to comply with the law, ™.w or force, the penalty of the lan- will bv rliieily eiifoiced, unbiased and impartial, on all defaulters. N. B. For failure of making returns, the penalty is a doable tax. J. B. VAUGHN, R. T. R., Richmond County. Augusta, October 24,1868. oct24—tdecli Assignee’s Sale. By VIRTUE A)F AN ORDER FROM THE Honorable District Court of the United States, 1 will sell to tho highest bidder, for cash, at the Lower Market Hopse, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, ou the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 1869, two hundred acres of Land in Montgomery county; two hundred and fifty acres in Decatur county, Ga,; one hundred mid sixty acres of Laud in Independence county, Arkansas, with Mining -Stocks, Patent Rights, Notos, and other Ac~ counts. All sold as tho property of Charles P. McCalla, bankrupt, for the benefit of creditors. JACOB R DAVIS, Assignee. December 15, 1868. de!s—lawJw TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) BENJAMIN R. SMITH, ) Is BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern: The undersign ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Benjamin R. Smith, of Washing ton county, State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Hankiupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. .Dated Sandersville, Georgia, this 3d Decem ber, 1868. if. NEWMAN, del7—lawow Assignee. United States Marshal's Sale. U. 8. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, I Southern District of Georgia t The united states vs. is acres of Lund, near Macon. Ga. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, issued from the District Conrt of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the above eu titled cause, dated March 25, 1867, to me directed and delivered. I will sell at public auction, ou the first Tuesday in January uext, within she lawfhl hours of sail, at the Conrt House in the city of Macon. Bibb county, Ga., a certain lot of laud, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, sitnate in the Thirteenth District, county of Bibb, State ofGeorgla. Wm. G. DICKSON, no‘J6—td U. S. Marshal, Diet, of Georgia. AUCTION SALE OF Government Property! IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS received from the Major General Command ing Department of the South, I will sell at public auction, on TUESDAY’, the 22d instant, all tbe Public Buildings now occupied by the U. 8. Troops, at Aiken, 8. C., without, reserve. Terms cash, in U. S. currency. Further par ticulars on the day of sale. JOHN O’CONNELL, Lt. Bth Infantry, A.A.Q.M. and A.A.C.S., ] del.i fit Commanding Station. E H. PUGHE’S Book & Job PRINTING OFFICE, 190 Broad 153 Ellis Streets, gSTMUfI 00091 ts Now Supplied with the Latest and Improved PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC., And is reaejy to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS,: posters, labels, pamphlets, bills lading, hand bills, programmes, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS* BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, « CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, * AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, AND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING!! - -0— — THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment TS 7* SPECIALTY. And we have recently made large additions ol NEW TOOL,B AND MAT’DIU Al *S ’ _o— ’ -- The Daily National Republican A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR AND Rational lepublitan, PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Contain the Latest News by Telegraph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Offke— l9o Broad and 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga BEAITIHL HAIR, AMD Ornaments for the Hair I C. BALZEAU, 'BAKES GREAT PLEASURE IN INVITING JL the nttentiou of his old friends and patrons, (the Ladies especially) to the new and splendid assortment of ntniN unit, which lie luis just received direct from Paris, mid oilers al prices Fully 25 per cent. Lower than the same can be pureh<t»e<l at retail in the city of, New York! Having had over twenty five years experience in the Hair Dressing business, he flatters himself that ho very thoroughly understands all Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, and will be happy to treat such on the most liberal terms. Consultations given gratis, both for ladies and gentlemen, at his rooms, No. 198 Broad street, south side. Wigs, Curls, Front-Eands Chignons, and Braids, alway« ou baud, or manufactured to order at short notice. nov22—eodOt. MECHANICS’ BAEK. — Assignee’s Sale. ON THURSDAY, THE 7TH OF JANUARY next, at 12 M., will be eold. at Public Auc tion, on the premises, the BANKING HOUSE AND LOT OF THE MECHANICS’ BANK. This Lot is one hundred and seventy-three feet deep, and has a front ou Broad street of thirty nine feet, of which four feet nine inches is in the alley on the East, reserved for the nse of all the adjo’iniug lot-holders. The property is too well known to need further description. At the same time and place, the FURNITURE remaining in the Bank will be sold consisting of MARBLE COUNTER DESKS, TABLES, a first-class IKON SAFE, line GOLD SCALES etc. Terms cash, in currency. WM. T. GOULD, October 30 Assignee. oct3l —d&wtd A Good Smoke is a Perpetual Comfort LORILLARD’S “YACHT ! CLUB” SMOKING TOBACCO. Competent critics pronounce it best for many reasons: It is made of the best stock grown. The Nicotine is extracted; there are No drugs in it, consequently it is Anti-nervous in its effects. It lias an agreeable, aromatic flavor; Does not burn or sting the tongue; Leaves no unpleasant aftertaste in tho Mouth, or disagreeable odor in the room. Instead of exciting the nervous forces, It allays irritation, and calms them. We regard it as tho perfection of Smoking Tobacco. Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes are being packed daily In the various sized bags in which it is sold, As an extra inducement for those Who love u good smoke to try it. LORILLARD’S “EHREKi” Smoking Tobacco Is likewise an excellent article of choice Virginia Tobacco, 84 a heavier body than the former, And lienee much cheaper in price ; nevertheless It makes an excellent smoke. Orders for Meerschaum Pipes daily packed in this brand. LORILLARD’S “<JENTUKY” Chewing Tobacco Composed of the best cutting Leaf in Die country Superior in color, finer in quality, and makes a Better chew than oilier brands. Acknowledged The Leading Fine Cut Tobacco wherever used. Respectable jobbers and dealers in all sections Keep it, and small buyers can save money, Time arid trouble, by purchasing of them. LORILLARD’S Maccoboy, French Rappee, and Scotch SNUFFS still retain excellent quali ties which have made them so famous every where. Circular, sent on application. P. LORILLARD, nol i—codim New York. NATIONAL Fill’lS UMAX’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. o Chartered by Act <*l*ConKrri«w. Banking Il.use, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. C. o BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., NO 40 JACKSON ST. tjpen every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 9a. m. to 2 p. m., and Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF-ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie. All other deposits arc repaid in “Greenbacks” yr National Bank Hills. All the profits belong to tho depositors. Interest added to accounts three times a year. Investments are only made in Securities of the United States. GEO. 11. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. KENT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Cashier. au2l--ihlwtl IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ] P. B. BOURNE, | 11. W. BOURNE, and )■ IN BANKRUPTCY JAMES A. SANDERS, | Bankrupts. J At Elberton on the 12tb ol December, 1868. This is to give notice that I have filed my final accounts, as Assignee of the estates of P. B. Bourne, H. W. Bourne, and James A. Sanders, bankrupts, in said Court, and that on the sth day of January, 1869,1 shall apply to said Court for the settlement of my said accounts,and for a discharge from all liability as Assignee of said estates, In accordance with the provisions of the 28th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. JAMES J. BURCH, dcl7-law2w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) GEORGE LAURANT, CIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Pursuant to the order of Frank S. Hesscltiue, Register in Bankruptcy, a second general mect ing’of creditors of tho said Bankrupt will be held at the law office of Frank S. Hesseltine, in the city of Savannah, at 9 o’clock a. m, on the 2d day of January, A. D., 1869. > P. V. ROBINSON, d.l»-2U» Assignee. tn THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) B. M. FRYER, IIN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. i Thia is to give notice tiiat a second general meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt will be held at Cuthbert, in said Diatrlel. on the 21st day of December, 1868, before Frank S. Hesseltine. Esq , Register in Bankruptcy accord ing to 27th Section of Bankrupt Act, approved M?reh2«1,1867 AbBE RTBUGGB, deci? law?W Assign.!, Bail Hoad Schedule.. Westen aid Atlantic Railed /"IN AND AFTER NOVEMBER If,, a J PASSENGER TRAINS will n, n „ GOING NORTH. Leave Atlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Exmes. p ranger.—Arrive at Ul.Jta U o ( s7Z i, ‘ m., oouuecting with train* „f Naabvit and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashvilu Louisville, and the West, and for bRM I SX. Rttilro ' ,,, fOT Memp^’ Me * 4.15 r. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton a commodatiou.—Arrive at Marietta at 5 v, Cartersville 8.13 p.m K l ±*’ 9.19 p in., Daltou 12.44 a.m. 6.45 P.M. Daily Great Northern Mail -a. rive at Dalton 1.29 a.m., connecting W it> trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg tngton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and York. Arrive at Chattanooga at 4hi a.m. connecting with trains of Naahv.lL and Chattanooga Railroad for Naahvil. Louisville,andthe West, and for N.™ York and other Eastern cities, via U™ Ville; also with trains of Memphis „' d Charleston Railroad for Memphis it Louis, and the West. r COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.35 A. M. Cai y Great Southern Mail —Lem ing Chattanooga at 5 50 p m., coimectine with trains of Nashville and Clmtta nooga, and Memphis and Charleston Rail roads, and Daltou at 8.411 p. m . COh necting with trains of E. T. and Georgia Railroad. ” 11.00 A. M. daily (exrept Sundays) Dalton Ac commodatiou.—Leave Daltou at 2.1.5 a m., Kingston 5,23 a.m., Cartersville 6,18 a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a-m. 2.00 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 4.40 a.m., connecting with trains of Nash ville amd Chattaypoga, and Memphis ami Charleston Railroads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaches on ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, AND OTHER Eastern Cities, Via Western and Atlantic AND Virgina and Tennessee Railways ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, TUESDAY, Nov. 17, 1868 NOHTU. Leave Atlanta at a 6 45 p.ui. Leave Dalton 2 30 a.m. Leave Knoxville 11 15 a.m. Leave Bristol 7 28 p.m. Leave Lynchburg 9 60 a.m. Leave Washington 7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 8 55 p.m. Leave Philadelphia 1 22 a.m. Arrive at New York 5 20 a.m. SOUTH.- Leave New York 7 30 p.m. Reave Philadelphia U 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore 3 50 a.m. Leave Washington 6 39 a.m. Leave Lynchburg 4 40 p.m. Leave Bristol 5 37 a.m. Leave Knoxville 1 1* p.m. Leave Dalton 8 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta 3 a - m - Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours. GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and ' New York is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains Through Tickets Good until used, and Baggage Checked Through to all important points. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, W. A A. R. R. 1868 and 1869. Winter Arrangement. GREAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, OR Indianapolis. t Passengers by this Route have choice ol twenty-five different Routes to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE aud WASHINGTON Passengers holding Tickets by this R° ut U *’ New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can vi.iv Washington without extra charge. W- Faro same as via Knoxville or August*. Trains leave AtlanteDAlLY , at 8.15 a and 6.45 p. m., after arrival of all Southern T and make close connections to above na cities. Check Baggage to Lonisvillp, and it re-checked to destination on Trains o ville and Nashville Railroad before arr Louisville. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample time for Meals, and good Hotel ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISV IEL.E- Tickets by this Rout* for •* the ' !ener * Ticket Office, Atlanta. * & WAEKIR. Master of sugSfi-iy w-