The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 27, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL! REPUBLICAN. VOL. IL National Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCBPTBD) Official Organ of the U- S Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: > ■. Year, in advance W x Months, in advance 2 50 l' ires Months, in advance 1 25 Sr* .4 naper furnished gratis tn any one senff „7 u« <i ffluft of ten subscribers. Tho undersigned, having a complete!/ furnished office, is enabled to execute all orders for Hook and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Kuliug cheaper than any etho- office in Hie I J. PUGHE. SUNDAY MORNING Dee. 21. 1868 1 —"'l 'J» pxnfrnm AND BOOBZ-EHSTDING. Mr. E. 11. PUGHE, Proprietor, having just returned from New York, is receiving large and important addi tions to his Printing and Book- Binding Materials, such as the latest styles of Type, CARDS, |a|iei[, etc, and respectfully announces his ability and readiness to execute all orders in either of the above branches of his bu siness in the best style, at short notice, and at the lowest living prices for cash. He would call particular atten tion to, and invite orders for, his new style of Wedding and Visiting Cards, Railroad Tickets and Checks, the latter of which, being printed on J apan Cards, are almost indestructible. Latest New York News I THE PEOPLE Grreatly Excited, WAMW FIELD. LADIES! LOOK OUT I LOOK OUT I I A BEAUTIFIED ‘as is’ A BEAUTIFIER. [Ladies Magazine for Sept,] “Henry R. Costar. of No. 10 Crosby Street, is said to be ‘out’with a BEAUTiriKR that eclipses anything ever known in this line. The Ladies are wild with delight. One lady says, ‘I know it's right,’ and pointed to a skin as fresh, soft and de licate as a child. Another lady said, ‘if it cost SIO.OO a bottle, I’d have it;’ and another, ‘Away with all hurtful cosmetics, and give me only dostar’s Bitter Sweet AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. It gives beauty to the Complexion, a rosy glow to the Cheeks, a ruby tinge to the Lips, and hap piness complete. ! I Beware!! of worthless imitations All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell it. Due bottle $1.00; three boules. $2.00, Or address “Cost a it," No 10 Crosby st.,N.Y. “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations . ARE Costafs" Hat, Roach, Etc.. Exlei-tdinalora. 'Costar's’’ Bed Bug Exterminators, < Costar's ’ (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." ‘‘lß years established in New York." “2,(100 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." "All Druggists in AUGUSTA sell them." "11l Beware!! lof spurious imitations." SI.OO sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. $2.00 for any three SI.OO sizes by express. 'Address HENRY K. COSTAR, 10 Crosby St. New York, or John F. Henry (successor to) Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold bg all Druggists in Augusta, Ga. novi—lydw Insurance Rooms OF . HALL, BARBER & CO., 221 Broad Street. Georgia Home Ins. Co*, Agency* Sc tip of 1867 Redeemed. POLICY HOLDERS IN THIS COMPANY are liereby notified that the Scrip of 1867 is now receivable a* Cash in payment of premiums, and they are invited to avail themselves of this advantage in renewing policies expiring or se curing additional insurance. A. G. HALL, nol7—lm „ Agent IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) HENRY I!. FITZPATRICK, ) Ixßanxri ptct Bankrupt. J No. 103. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 18th day of January, 1869, at 11 o’clock a. in., at chambers of said District Court before Albert G. Foster, Esq., one of the Registers of the s.dd Court in Bank ruptcy, at his office at the city of Mad ison, county of Morgan, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Gu., this 21st day of De cember. 1868. jab. McPherson. deu24—lawilw Clerk- •STANDING COMMITTEES Os City Council of Augusta and Hoard of Health for the Ensuing Year. December 2. IMS. finance and Accounts— Jackson, Tutt, Clark, Sibley. Streets. Drains and Plank Roads— Allen, Mei rer, Spaeth. Goodrich. Ikdice— Gardiner, Jones, Goodrich Barrett. Houghton Institute— Jones, Merer, Tutt, Dargan. Bridge. Hitter Bank and Wharves— Alleu, Bar rett. Gardiner, Gargau. Pumps and Wells— Gargau, Spaeth, Jones, Meyer. Engines— Goodrich, Gardiner, Barrett,Allen. South Commons— Meyer, Clark, Tutt, Jackson Turknett Springs ’ Wafer Works— Spaeth, Goodrich, Jones, Sibley Market— Mayor, Clark, Gardiner, Gargau. Health— Tutt, Barrett, Jackson, Alleu. City Hall— Sibley. Allen. Spaeth. Gargau. Jail— Goodnch., Clark, Meyer, Tutt. Lamps — Tutt, Sibley, Clark, Jackson. Augusta Ctwwl—Clark, Tutt, Sibley. Jackson. Hospital —Jones, Gardiner, Meyer, Guigan. Printing— Gargan, Barrett, Jones, Spaeth. Magazine and Military Gardiner. Sibley, Jonot., Goodrich. Shows and. Exhibitions—CAnPs, Barrett, Tutt, Gargau. , Rail and Street Railroads— Sibley, Allen, Gar diner, Jackson. Special Committee on Water Works— Barrett, Spaeth, Goodrich. Allen. Cemetery— Jackson, Spaeth, Jones, Meyer. . RECAPITULATION. Josiah Sibley Finance. Tnrknett Springs, Water Works, City Hall, Lamps, Au gusta Canal, Railroads. Magazine. John U Mevbii—Streets sand Drains, Houghton Institute, Pumps and Wells, South Commons, Market, Jail, Hospital, Cemetery. T. G. Barrett—Police, Bridge, River Bank aud Wharves, Engines, Health, Printing, Shows and Exhibitions, Special Water Works Committee. W. S. Jones Police, Houghton, Institute, Pumps and Wells, Tnrknett Springs, Hospital, Magazine, Cemetery. J. M. Clark —Finance, Booth Commons, Market, Jail, Augusta Canal, Shows and Ex hibitions, Printing, Lamps. J. V. .JI. Alles—Streets and Drains, Bridge, River Bank and Whatves, Engines, Health, City Hall, Railroads, Special Water Works. J. T. Gardissb —Police, Bridge, River Rank and Wharves, Engines, Market, Hos pital, Magazine, Railroads. W. jl. Tutt —Finance, Houghton Institute, South Commons, Health. Lamps, Au gusta Canal, Shows and Exhibitions. C. Spaeth—Streets and Drains, Pumps aud Wells, Turknett Springs, City Hall, Printing, Special Water Works, Cem etery. W. E. Jacksox —Finance, South Commons, Health, Lamps, Augusta Canal, Rail roads, Cemetery. W. IL Goodrich—Streets and Drains, Police, Engines, Turknett Springs, Jail, Magazine, Special Water Work-. James G arc an—Houghton Institute, Bridge, River lank and Wharves, Pumps and Wells, Market, City Hall, Hos pital, Printing, Shows and Exhibi tions. BOARD OF HEALTH. Ist Ward -M. P. Stovall, Wm. Richards, J. S. Coles. 2d Ward—J. S. Cook, James Millar, N. B. Moore. 3d Ward—D. B. Plumb, J. B. Carter, John Davison. 4th Word—Churls* Estes, 11. C. Bryson, Fran cis Cogin. 11. F. RUSSELL, decs—3t Mayor C. A. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Jiichinond County. Whereas, Penelope McKenzie applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Alex ander McKenzie, late of Richmond county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday iu January,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters shonld not be granted. Given under iny hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, tins 18th dav of November,lß6B. SAM’L LEVY. no!9—6m , Ordinary. Letters of Di*mi»ion_ STATE OF GEORGIA, Itickmond County. Wherkas, Willing J. Farr, Administrator de bonus non of the estate of George P. Greeu, deceasedyapplies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sepS-lmfim Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Carolina Doubet applies to me lor Letters of Administration, ou the estate of Agatha Picqnet, late of Richmond county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in January next,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uhder my band and official signature, at office, in Augusbi’, this ftii dav of Deeetnbci. 1868 SAMUEL LEVY,. decltl—4t Ordinary Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA, Rixkmand County, Whereas, Freeman S. Palmer applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Isaac Palmer, late of Richmond county, de ceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office onor before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 21st dav of December, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, de22—law4t • Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— • , Richmond County. Whereas, Sarah Greeu applies to mo Letter* of Administration on the estate of Balam Green, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred aud creditors of said de ceased, tolte and appear at my office, on or before the fust Monday iu February next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should uot be granted. Giveu tinder my baud aud official signature, this 17th day of December, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. de!B—lm Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, William W. Alexander and Oswell E Carmichael apply to me lor Letters of Adminis tration on the ystate of James B. /fishop, >ie ceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo juid appear at iny office on or before the first Monday tit February next, to show cause, they have, why said Letter* shonld not be granted. Given under my band aud official signature at office iu Augusta, this 2l*t day of Deco-tuber, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. 3t't • Ordinary Book and job hukiimq Kxccuted at thl* Office At tbo Lowest Terwis and iu the Beat Style AUGUSTA, GA„ BUNDAY MOHN I NG, DECEMBER 27 186 8 7 V SHERIFF'S SALES. Richmond Sheriff'* Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, between the (egul hours of sale, at the Lower Market Hoose iu the city of Augusta, the following property, viz., situated iu the county of Richmond: One Tract of Land, about three miles from the city of AugOsta, on the Augusta and Savnnnah Railroad (excepting, the right ol wav of said railroad through said tract of land), containing three hun dred and nine acres, more or less, bounded south by lauds of John Pliiuizy and Rocky Creek, on the westby hinds now or formerly owned by De- Lalgle, On the north by land now or formerly owned by DeLaigle and a lane of John Phinizy , east by land of John Pbinizy. Levied ou under a mortgage li. fa. on foreclosure issued from the the Superior Court of Richmond comity, in favor of John Pbinizy against Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy said debt and costs, as the property of Robert C. Easteiling, being for the purchase money of said tract of land, except snch portion of said land as claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale; said (mid being now in pos session of John C. Spinks. And notice this <lsy served on him according to law. The above prop erty pointed out by John Pbinizy. October3.lß6B. WAI. P. RHODES, uolll-td Coroner, acting Sheriff K. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. II7ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES » v DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: That lot of land on the south side of Broad street, between Elbert and Lincoln streets, in the city ot Augusta, in said county ; bounded north by Broad street, on which it fronts fifty six feet, more or less ; oast by lot of the heirs of Phillip Crump, deceased ; south by Ellis street, and wesi by lot of the heirs of Jesse Kent, do eeased. Also, another lot in said city, fronting fifty feet seven inches on Ellis street, which bounds it on tho south, and running back to wards Broad street one hundred and thirty three feet six inches, more or loss; bounded west by lot of Alexander Marten, north by lot of the heirs of J. Turpin, and east by lot of John P. R. Miller. Levied on as the property of Robert J. Bowe, to. satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclo sure of realty, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor ot Harmon Rowley against Robert J. Bowe; and notice given to Robert J. Bowe, owner in possession, this 6th day of November, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, noß—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriffs Sale. \l/ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES > » DAY IN FEBRUARY, 1869, at tho Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, those Three Lots of Land, in said county, known as lots Nos. 1, 2 and :t, on apian of lots drawn by Fdwin V. Sharpe, aud. copied in a deed of said lot’s by John Brandon to Henry T. Nelson. Tho said lot, No. 3, fronting on the Summerville Plank Road, or Graded Road, now called the Augusta Avenue, seventy ' five feet, and situate one hundred and forty feet from Liberty street, and cast thereof, and run ning back of, even with, one hundred and sev enty feet, at an angle of said Avenue of 17J degrpes. The said lot No. 4, being contingent to said lot No. 3, on the east thereof, and run ning back the same number of feet from and at the same angle with said Avenue. The said lot No 1, fronting seventy feet on a new street, to be opened parallel with, and three hundred and fifty feet east of Liberty street, and running back from said new stroat towards said Liberty street one hundred and seventy five feet; the northern boundary line of said lot, No. 1, being the southern boundary ime of said lot*, No*. 3 and 4, and the three lots having bees conveyed to said Nelson by and from John Brandon, re corded in the Clerk's office of this county in book VV, folios 113 and 114. Levied on as the prop erty of Henry T. Nelson, to satisfy a fi. fa., on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Sol dier's Loan and Building Association, against Henry T. Nelson, and notice this day not served, there being no occupant in possession. Augusta, Ga., November 9, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOYLE, decS—td Dept’y Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s. Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES- DAY in Jannary next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property “ty of Augusta, viz: One lot on the north corner or Wasliinotnn streets, fronting on Fenwick street o. Vlh. inches, more or less, containing a two storv building and one story kitchen, adjoining, anti running back 42 feet north towards Watkins st, also one lot, with single story house, 17 feet, more or less, adjoinitig, fronting on Fenwick street, and running back 42 feet, more or less, north towards Watkins street; also, one lot with tenement house, 37 feet, more or less, ad joining, fronting Fenwick street and running back 42 feet more or less, north towards Wat kins street; also, one lot 36 feet 6 inches, more or less, adjoining, with single story house front ing on Fenwick street and running back 42 feet, more or less, north towards Walker street# also, one lot fronting on Fenwick street 41 feet, more or less, adjoining, with store on corner of Fenwick and Twiggs streets, running bock 42 feet, more or less, north towards Watkins St- Levied on as the property of the estate of Auv gustos 11. Roe, deceased, to satify afl. fa. Issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county In favor of Thomas H. Roberts, against Augustus H. Koe and Wm. P. Lawson, and written notice given to Foster Blodgett, Administrator on said estate, said Property being in possession of several tenants who are advised of the above levy. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM. DOFLE, dec8 —td Dept’y Sheriff RQ. * Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. IA ' ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUEB - i DAY in January, 1869, at the Lower Mar ket Honse in the city of Angusta, between the legal honrs of sale, the following property, viz: On all that lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said State and county, containing forty-six and a half acres, more or less, and bounded north by Wm. H. Jones, and on Mil ledgeville Road east by lands of Geo. W. Lamar, south by the Georgia Railroad, and west by a road leading from the former summer residence of Samuel C. Wilson to the Georgia Railroad, called Railroad Avenue, and northwest by a tract of ten acres, orignally a part of that hereby conveyed and recently conveyed by Wm. 11. Howard, to Emily F. Tubman, this being the tract conveyed by John H. Trippe to tbo said Samuel D. Linton, on deed bearing date 19th of June, 1856, which said deed is recorded in Book M. M., folio 473, 474; and upon which premi ses the said Samuel •>. Linton now resides and is in possession, on whom I have this day served written notice, (this 26th day of June, 1868), levied on the property of-lamuel D. Linton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from'the County Court of Richmond county, in favor of Thomas S. Mor gan and Cha*. A. Withers, survivors of the late : rm of E. M. Bruce A Co., against Marcus A. Dehoney, principal, and Samuel D. Linton and Charles W. Doughty, *eeurities. Wm. P. RHODES, Coroner, Aet’g She’ff R. C. Wm. DOYLE, Deputy Sheriff R. C. doeS—td Richmond Sheriff’s >ale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY In January next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: a tract of land coutaining three hundred and llfty acres of land, in Richmond county more or less, adjoining lands (of Dick ei-son, Harris and Cbavous. as the property of Henry Smith and David J. Smith: property pointed out by plaintiff’s Counsel, aud levied ibis 7th day of December, 1868, agd written notice served on Henry Beale, tenautin posses sion, to satify a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Geo. W. Sammers against Henry Smith and David <*. SmWi. WM P. RHODES, Coroner Acting Sheriff K. C. WM. DOYLE, decß—td Dept’y Sheriff K. y. SHERIFF’S SALES.» Richmond Sheriff's Sate. WILL BE 86LD ON THE FIR<T TUES- D4Y io February, 1869, at the lower mar ket house in the city of Augusta, between the legal hoars of Sala, tbo following- property, towit: That lot of land >itunt« near, tue South Boundary st., of the city of August*, fronting on the Savannah rood, and krmOn i*i apian of lot* made by W. E. Brown, surveyor, iuJ reeunl ed in the Clerk’s office of the Court, ifcbook TT, folio 259, 260, as lot No. seventeen (17), having a front on said Savannah road of six* (60) fact five (5) inches, and running back oho hundred an.l eighty (180) feel; bounded on tin) north by lot No. sixteen (16), south, by Louisat- east by tot No. twenty nine (39), and westby Mid Savan nah road, in said county. Levied on as the property of Peter Jennings, tosalisfyfa fi. fa. on foreclosure of mortgage, Issued from dfe Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor if Bernard Bignon, executor of Chas. DeLaigle »gs*tist PcteF Jennings, and notice not given, there being no occupant in pos ession, this the 9th Nov. 1868. WM. P. RHODES,-Cbroner, Aet’g Sheriff R. ,C. WM. d©YLE, decS—td Dept’y Sheriff R. C. ’ Richmond Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, 0 8 THE FIRBT IBIL3- DAY in FEBRUARY, 1869, at th» Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours nf sale, the following property, to wit: Those three Lots of Lata lying in Richmond county, and fronting on tho Savan nah Road, near South Boundary Streep of tho city of Augusta, known in a Plan of Bets ffiade by’W. E. Brown, Surveyor, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of this Court,in book T. T.,folios 259 and 260,as Lots No. 9,10 and 11. Kachfof said Lots having a front on the said Savan -an’ Road of 60 feet, and running back 181 ;eol; bounded North by Lot No. 8, South by Chirks street, East by Lot No. 5, and West by the said Savan nah Road. Levied on as the property of Mrs Margaret Kennedy, to satisfy n fi. fa. on fore elosure of mortgage In favor of BemaiM Bignon, Executor of Charles DeLaigle; and not given, there being no occupant in- possession, this 9th day of November, 1868. - W. P. RHODES. Coroner, ActingSlidrilT R.’C. WM. DOYLE. deeS-id De; ! / Sheriff R,C. ■ Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD 0 > THE fflftST TUES DAY in February 186 U, at too lower mar ket bouse, in the city of Augujta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, tO-Wit: That lot or parcel of land i« tbo city es Augusta, on the south side of Margaret st., between McKinne and Mill st., having a fronton Market st. of one hundred and nine ieet and extending through to Reynolds st. ujion wh!*h it has same f ront; bounded on the north by Market st:, south by Reynolds st, oast by lot of Win. Keener, Trustee, and west by lot of Anthony Bateman,- ia said county. Levied on as th* property of Chas. F. Keener, to latisfy a ft. fa. on foreclosure of mortgage, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of the Soldiers Loan and Building AssociaUon, against Cbarle* F. Keener, and aotice given to Charles F. Keener, owner, in possession, this ifth day of November, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, Coroner, Coroner, Aet’g Sheriff, R. C. WM- DOYLE. decS—td Dept’y Sheriff. R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s S&le WILL BE SOLD ON THE EHIBP TUES DAY in January next, betwafia Ike usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, the following property, to-wlt . levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. Issued from Richmond .Superior favor, of John Leonard vs. Janies L. Mcßeth : The House and Lot situate In tbe city of Au gusta, known as-tot No. 119, in a plan of lots made by E. W. Brown for F. A. Manure, record ed in book SS, folio 478, iu the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Richmond, bofnded south by Mange street, east by lot formerly occupied by L. Dwclle. WM. P. RHODES, Cormier, Acting Sheriff R. C. WM DOYLE, dceß—td Dpt’y Sheriff R C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. TIZILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY iu JANUARY next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz..: One Two Horse Wagon,levied on as the property of the defendant, by a former Sheriff, to satisfy a distress warrant, issued by a Justice of the Pence, in favor of Thomas Jone*, guardian of his minor children, against James Kelly, Isaac A. Little. Robert Pncket. WM. P. RHODES. Coroner. Acting Sheriff R. C. . tt . , wm DOYLE, dec B—td IToptirv <m. „*,xi Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY, 1869, at the Lower Market House, iu the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All that lot or parcel of laud on the north side of Broad street, between Centre and Elbert streets, in the cityj of Augusta and county afore said, being the third lot from the corner of Broad and Centre streets, knnwH in Phillips* plan and map of said city as Lot No. 9, coutaining a front on Broad street of twenty-nine feet , more or less, aud having such sbajkes, metes and bounds us are set forth in the deed from William W. Mann and Henry Daly, dated Feb sth 1853, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court in Book HH, folio 311; levied on as the property of Wil liam Desmond, to satisfy a li. fa. on foreclosureou realty issued from the Superior Court of Rich ’ mond county in favor of Henry Daly, against William Desmond ; and notice given to Henry T. Peay, tenantin possession, this Gth day of Novem ber, 1868. WM. P. RHODES. noß—td Coroner, acting Sheriff R. C. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. IVILL BE SOLD, AT THE LOWER AR W KET Iloute, in the city of Augusta., be tween the legal hour, of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 1869, tho following property, to wit: That, lot of land in the city of Augusta, in said county, bounded south by Ellis street, on which It stands eighty feet, more or less, running half way to Broad street; bounded west by lot of Wm. IL Jone*, and east by lot of Antoine Picquct, containing one quarter of an acre, more or le»o. Levied cn as the property of William C. Jones, to satisfy a fi. fa. on foreclo sure, issued out of the Superior Court of Rich mond county, in favor of Barney S. Dnnbar against William C. Jones ; property pointed out in said fi. fa., and written notice given to A. W. Lewis, tenant in possession, thia Rih day of No vember, 1868. WM. P. RHODES, noS—td Coroner, acting Sheriff K. C. United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A V RIT of fieri facius. issued out of the Honorable, the E’iftli Circuit CoSrt of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiffs,Catherin M. Tracy,in the following case, to wit: Catherin M. Tracy versus E. 11. Loy less & Co. I have levied upon, as the property of the defendant, E. B. Loylese. all that lot or par cel of land, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of Eight Brick Store-Houses and Warehouse, situate on Cotton street, lending west from the northwest corner of the Public Square, in the town of Americus, county of Sumpter, and Slate of Georgia. Also, one half interest in four Store Rooms, iu the Loyless Bleak. Nos. I, 3, 4 and 5. One-half interest in tho Warehouse aud Lol kuowu as the residence of E. B, Ixiyless, containing six acres, more or less. One Honse and I*4 known as the McLiii lot, coutaiunig one acre, more or less. One House and Lol known as the boifsc aud lot where J. E. Loyless now resides. <o>u taining two acres, more or less. One House and l*>t known as the Brantley Academy lot. eoultun ing five acres, more or less. And One Lot cun tabling ten acre*, more or les*, lying no'th of L. M. Robert*. Tho number of aU the said lots being unknown, but the same lieing situate, lying and being in the town of Dawson, comity of Terrell, and State of Ga.. and will sell the same at piitdic auction, at the Court Hoose, in the city of Macon, couotv of Bibb, and State of Georgia, ou the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, next, between the lawful hour* of sole Teitas—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tiff** attorney. Dated »' Suvuuiihli.Georgia, December 3, 18<A WM. a. DICKSON. de*— lawlw United State* Marshal Richmond County. Letters of Dismission STATE OF GEORGIA, ‘ Richmond Con i Wauna**, James T. BothwoiL Adminis . of tho Estate of Thomas B. Smith, decc,, i applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all 1 aud singular, the kindrod and creditor* of said , A-ccasoa, to lie anil appear at-my ofiieo on or , before the fir*t Monday iu Match next, -tq.ahow , cause if any they have, why said Letters should . not be g»Stited. Given under my haul and official signature at office In Augusta, th’u 7th day ol September, 1868.. SAMUEL LEVY, sepß—lm6tu __ __ Ordinary. 1 GJTATE OF GEORGIA— O Kdnttned Coutsiy. Wlierea , Kob. Douglas* aud S. D. Willffim*. Executor* on the Estateof Ira D. Malhews, late ■of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters ■ of dismission : • These are, therefor*, to cite and udmonisn air 1 gthiWßidar, the and c;eihtors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in February next,to show c.nisc, if any they have, why saidj*etter? should nos be Giveu underuiy hand au.dailfigial aignature, at offigojn Augusta, tliis Auguste 15th, 1888. * . . .SAMUEL LEVY, . . jy 16—laiutlm r , Ordinary Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA.. ' . . Richmond Comity. WfißiJOias Timothy C. Murphy,-Administswkqr ;on the.estatoof Phillip McGee, late of said coun ty-, Espoused, applies" to iuo-for 'Letters of Dis miaffioa: , • ' These are, therefore, th cite and admonish all, and, singular, tbc,ki(*lrod. and creditors of .sajd, deceased, to bo and appear at my office, oq or, hbfor* tbo first Monday ip April next, to Show if any they have, why said Letters should net be granted. ’ Giveu nne’er my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Istday of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY’, ' , act 2—lauffuu _ ;. Letter* of Difimisaion. State of Georgia- . ’ ■ Richmond County. W<H»i*fcitis, Jolfifc-H. I'earey, Administrator on tpe estate of HurrjHluglies, deceased', applies to mefor Lettats o£cDi«mi**ion— ■ These, are, Utereftire, to ckw mid adnionudi all and siwgnlKr, the kindred and creditors of tlie said <lecea«ed. to lie Hhjiawpeaf at my officeOn or before the first Monday in Mari-'h next, to show caitae, if’awy tlie>)iave,.wiiyishid.lwtets should hot lie granted. ‘ « Giv4n under mylMthd’iml- official signature a office in Augusta, this 28tb ihjy of K-|>tepibeivlßtiß;, I wp29-6m __ -/ Ordjiffity. STATE OF GEORGIA— L , | Richmoiul County. Whkhkm, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Ricliard Quiiui, -late of raid connty, deceased,applies to me’for lArters of Dis mission. ’ ( These are, therefore, to .cite and adui,uuish all, and singular this kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office onor before the first Monday in March next, to sliow canse, if any they have, why said Letters shonld not be grained. Given under my hand mid official simi.ituru at office iu Augusta, this September 11th. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. aepl2—lmnfim “ (JrdiiiAry. Letters of Dismission- O’feVlE OF GEORGIA— J, .Richmond County. VVh- .Tfi6ms<T:'Wrire4rtn- Freldou F. Brandon, Executors of James Brandon, deceased, applp to me for Letters of Dismisrion. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all pud singular, the kiudred and creditors of said deceased’, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in May next, to *liow cause, if any they have, why said Letters shonld not be granted. Given under my baud and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 17th day of November, 1868. SAMUEL LIJVY, nolß—lmom Ordfamry. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA. Richmond County. Whereas, William E. Jackson and George T. Jacksen, Executors of the Estate of Joiiu K. Jackson, deceased, apply to me for Letters of Disinlseion: These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular, the kiudred aud creditors of said deceased, to bo and apfitur at my office on or belore the first Monday in May next,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at >n Augusta, Ulis 28tii dav of November. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. nov 2!)-lam6m ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whebkas, Jpseph B. Cumming, Administra tor, with the will annexed, on tbc estate of Sarah S. Twiggs, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. these arc therefore to cite, and admonish ill and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in Jape next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 7th day of December, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, decS—6m Ordinary. United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND i»Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of th* Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Bnnthern District of Georgin, in favor of the plaintiff, Phillip Strauss, iu Luo following case, to wit: Phillip Strauss versus T. SI. Allen A Go. I have levied upon, as Ute property of B. F. Brnton.defeudaul, n Lot of Land, coutaining two and three-fourths acres, more or less, together with the Improvements thereon, consisting of a frame Warehouse, known as the Slxilwell Ware house, wrtwi.e ou the east bank of Flint river, bounded on the east by River street and lot* vwUou by B. F. Petrel! e»4 W. H. tbxwford.ou die south by lot* formerly owned by A. W Cun hiugliam, on the west by Flint riyer, and north by trie old Peabody or Cunninnhgm Warehouse lot Also, a lot containing one-half were, mere or less, together with improvemenu tlmreon, eou’ idsting of a frame Store, situate on the corner of Bronghton and South Brood Streets, now oeea pied by Vaughn fit Gibson. All the above prop erty is situate, lying and being in the Town of Bainbridge, county of Decatur, and State of Georgia; aud will sell the same at public auction, at Ui« Court House, iu the city of Savannah, conutv of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY next, be tween th* lawful honrs otsele. Term* —Cash. Property pointed out by plain- tiffs attorney. - Dated at Savannah, Go.. December 3d. 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, dec s—law iw United States Blarelial. United State* Marshal's Sale. LTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT / of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States for : the Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiff, Robert HaU,iu the following case, to wit: Robert Hall versus More* Singleton. 1 have 1 levied upon, a* the property ot Moses Bingletoa, defendant, a lot known as the Cunuingliam Ware- ‘ bouse tot, containing one and one-tialf acre*. more or le*o, together with tl>e improvements tbcieun. conastiug of a twe-story frame house ; and, also, the property known a* the Singleton Livery SutMe, togetlwr wiGi tbo lot np'Hi whiih it stand*, coutaining tbree-fourtli* of an acre, more or les*. All above named property situate, lying and being in the 15th Di*tnct, connty of Decatur, town <>f Brainbridge, aud Stole of Georgia aud | will tail Ute same at public auction, at the Count , House, iu the city of Savannah, conutv of Chat Lm. and State of Georgia, on the FH4WT TU E8 .DAY IN JANUARY next, betwuun the i.iwtui hours of Stic- Term*—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tiffs attorney ■ , Dutcd at Ifavaiinali, Ga., D<*>-ui tei.JJ, 1.8(8 WM. G. DICKSON. dc<->- law fw Uhired State* Marshal ’Rail Rnsd fiLnhoutnlM Xw&U KO3.U TxCn&ulUvS. Outage of Schedule. Orrum 8. C. R. R.Co., I At»«u*T*,G*.,M*y 7,18«8. ( \ FAST NEW YORK THBOUGU MAIL aud pMtwugor Train, direct from Augusta, «*., to Wilmington,N. C., WITHOUT CH ANGE J OF CARS, will commence running on Suaday, J- May 10th, as follows: v MORNTNO MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN " For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co. '■ lumbia, South Cmolin*. Charlotte Road, and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. I Leave Augusta Central Joint Depot at...8:1# a. at. ’> Arrive “ “ “ “ ...0:0 p.m. Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, S. C« and part* beyond, are respectfully requested NOT to uk«”tlii« Train, as it does not make con nection with any Train for above point*. They will pioase take Train leaving ’ Central Joint Depot at ......5:50 a. m. “ “ " “ 4:00 p.m. H, T. PEAKS, * D my 8 , Uen’l Sup*!.’ £ SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. '< GENERAL SUPT’S OFFICE, I • Chaiilistox, 8. C-, March 26, 1868. J ns AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 2»th, ‘ the Passenger Trains of the South Carolina Railroad will run a* follows: FOR AUGUSTA. v Igoite Charleston...; 6.30 a.m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p. m. ./lonaecting with trains star Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and Orleans, via Mont gomery and Grand Junction. r FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 0.30 p.m. Arriyp at Columbia 3.50 p. m. • Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester ■ Bpilroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad 1 and Camden, train.- ..’ FOM.CHARLESTON. ' LdhVe Alights 6.00 a m. 1 Arrive at Charleston. XIO p. m. Leave Columbia 6.00 a. m. > Arrive at Charhston 3.10 p. m. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (suaDAxa rxcarrxD.) Leave Charleston 7.30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta.....l 6.45 a. m. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash villa and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta 4.10 p. m. i Arrlrn at Charleston 4.00 p. m. ’ * COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (huiOays Kxccpran.) Leave Charleston 5.40 a. m, . Arrive at Columbia ....' 6JOa. m* Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Groan viile and Columbia Itajjfoad. Leave Columbia.... 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Charleston.;. 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave KingviMe 2.20 p. m. Arrive at Camden... 5.00 p.m. Lpava Camden 3.10 a. m. Arrive at Kingvillo 7 40 a. m. (Signed) 11. T. PEAKE, je 18 General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S O»ICE,) Atlantic A Gotr Railroad Caw fast, > Savannah, April 10th, 1868. ) ON AND AFTER SUJQ»Ai', THE Hrn instant, the Schedule oT PASSENGER TRIANS on this Road will lie as follmgs: Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays eF of •••••■••e eoeewaaae 4.00 P- m, I Arrive at Bainbridge 6:30 a. m. Arrive at LiveGak..;.... - «... 3:05 a. m. Arrive at Jacksonville 7:30 a. m. l>eaveJiioksonviUo(Sandaysexceptod) 8:50 p-m. Leave Live Oak •>■•••- >• m. Luura Uainhridge (Sunday* exc*fted)low» p. »> Arrive at Savannah 1:00 p. m. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through from Savaunah to Jacksonville. Steamer Hattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4.00 p. m. Steamer Darlington leave* Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at 4:00 p. m. Through tlekets by this line as low as by any other. I’assengars for St. Augustin* have choice es Lino of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Pteelata ea arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, .daily, to Gainesville and Fernandina. Train for Cedar Keys loaves Baldwin on Mon day aud Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tuesday aud Saturday. Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, Eu ’ faula, and Fort Gliner on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arriral of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. • H. 8. HAINES, ap36—l( General Superintendent. Hew and Most Direct ROUTE CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. via th a* .’hawhville amd <’liuttaaiM«so, *x» , j NfawhvlUe and Xorth w eMternJK.K I?RUM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, ’ ‘2112 miles shorter than via Memphis. From Atlanta toßt. Loon, 27 miles shorter than via Corfu th. From Atlanta to St. Louis, 151 miles shorter than via Indianapolis. From Atlanta to St. Louis, 190 miles shorter than vis Lonisvßle. TWO DROT TRAINS . Leave Atlanta, making close connection at Chat tanooga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH, CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all important point* Northwest. HUMBOLT, JACKSON (Tenn.), , MEMPHIS. JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE,ami all other point* South and Southwest. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vlcks bnne and New Orleans, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphis. Five hour.* quicker to Memphis, and no delay at Chattanooga by tliis route. Fifteen hours aud twenty mrnuts delay if yon have tickets via Mem ; ■ 11ia & Charleston Railroad. ] At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville & Cliatta nooga aud Nashville aud Northwestern Railways I ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM TIfE SAME DEPOT, thus avoiding OmnibusTrausfer. ONLY TWO CHANGBS Bettv ecu Chattanooga and St. Louis, via Hickman. Meals and Stale Rooms on Steamer* Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. • AMPLETIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always eave Trouble, Time and i Monev by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK- ’ ETB. He sure to ask for Tickets via Nashville &. 1 Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded dis- ] patch and safety. , Water carriage from St. L<>ui». Now Orleans t and Memphis and other points to Hickman, aud from Hickman to Atlanta. Augusta, Macon and i Montgomery, etc., without chsfok or cans. Corn from St I.ouis to Augusta.... $ 46 perbusbel Flour fromSt Lome to Augusta.... 2 2Unerbarrei ! And equally low rates on other goods. ' WM. P. INNE&. J. D. MANKY, Receiver and Geu’l Snpt. Gen'l Ticket Ageut. r M GRANT, Gen l Freight Agent. ’ may l’i-3m t Leave to Sell Beal Ectate. STATE OF GEORGIA, re Richmmid CvssUg; Ey permission of the Court of Ordinary of J Itielin’oud, County, nvtiee U hereby given, that sixty days after date,application will bemad* to c the Conn of Ordinary l<-r leave tn sell the Real R h rtate of Cl-erle* Dm.lte, doevared. o JULIA M. DWELLS, 1 Augujta. Nov. 2, I*6B AdtpfolettoOvx' ndvJ— 2m NO 166 V. 8. MABSHAL’BJBALES. Unite. State* Marshal's Sale- v. s. marshal's office, < . Sorrnnag Disratcr or Gsobula.) , rpHE UNITED STATES „ w ACRES OF • A Land, near Maoon. Ga , By virfoe of a writ of vendiUoni «>»ouu. iidhsed from the District Court of the United States i for the Southern District of Georgia. in the above . entitled cause, dated March 25, IBtw to me di I reeled and delivered, I wilt sell at public aurtion. oa the firet Tuesday in Jaau.iry next. within the . lawful hours es sale, at the Coart Hoose in the ci’y of Maeon. Bibb county, Ga.. certain lots of land near the old steam mill, formerly owned by ■ the Monroe Railroad and Banking Company. Bibb donaty. State of Georgia, and bounded as follows, ’ via 5. • Starting from » point (marked by a eat stone) distant thirteen cliaius, five links nod four degrees west of north from the south-east eot ner • of lot thirteen (13) of the Maeon reserve, west the • Ocmnlgee river, proceeding on a Uno parallel to the Macon and Western Railroad track, south wardly seventy cnains and eighty links, than (southwardly) parallel With said railroad track for five chains and twelve links, and lastly, north wetlwardat right angles to railroad track to point of starting, and being four actea, more or leas. Also, another piece of land, bounded aS follows: ' Starting from a point weOMe of lot thirteen (13) of Macon reserve, West of OemnlgM river, dis, taut twelve chains and seventy-five links from southwest corner of said lot. running seventeen chains and seventy five links northward along said side, then fuming forty-two degrees and thirty minutes west of south for thirteen chains, and then forty seven degrees and thirty minutes east of south for twelve chains, theu returning to the starting point, containing eight (8) acres, more or less—the two together containing twelve (12) acres, more cr less. -‘ I Wn. G. DICKSON. H<>2fi-td U, 8. Marehal of Georgia United States Marshal’s Sale. U. S. MARSHAL S OFFICE. \ BOL-THBKN DISTRICT OF GIOUUiS. , THE UNITED STATES vs. US 38-100 Acres of Land, near Macon, Ga. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponae, issued from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the above entitled cause, dated March 25. 1667, to me dr reeled and delivered, I will sell at public aueffou, oa the first Tuesday in January next, within the lawful hours of sale, at the Court Honoe in the city of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., a certain lot ot land, containing one hundred and eighteen 38-11*1 acres, more or less, situate >u the ooouty of Bibb, State of Georgia, lying and being in the thirteenth District, and also in the Macon reebrve, commenc ing at a point fifty feet from the Macon and West ern Railroad, about two miles from Macon, which is marked on the spot by a stake placed by A. Schall, the Surveyor. W G. DICKSON, no2fr—td U. 8. Marshal. Fofitponed U. 8. Marshal’s Sale« TINDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THRB&3) V writs of fer» faeiai, issued out of the Hon ombie the Fifth Circuit Court of the United Stater for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor ot, the plaintiffs, in the following cases t n -wit: CARHART A BROTHERS vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, A. T. STEWART A COMPANY vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING, Survivor, etc., vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, I have levied upon, as the property of Benjamin F. Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty-tax line died (2,800) acres, more or lees, situate, lying and being in the county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, numbers of lota unknown, but lying at and immediately around Wards Station, on the Southwestern railroad. Ite iZ x ' a l -** r \ ’ Due tot of Land, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, out bteidtngi, and <*ttr niprovettieiitM, twing the residence of Benjamin F. Adams, and adjoining the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A. O.Motley, W. E. Adams, R. C. Jeakins, and others, in the town of Eatonlou, county of Putnam, and State aforesaid. ALSO Two Store Houses and Lots ou the Court House square, known as Hudson and Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B. F. Johnston & Co., and Beuj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store House and Lot, <xxupied by Erin i A Davis, druggists. ALSO One Store House and Lot on Main street, occn pied by J M. Ballard. Jr. ALSO One Town Lot near the Railroad Alepot, how vacant. -* All the said Town Lots situate, lying and be ing in the town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, and State aforesaid. And will sell the same al public auction, al the Court House in the city of Macon and county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN JANUARY next, between the law s 1 hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of Septem • ber, 1868, WM. G. DICKSON, nos-law4w U. S. Marshal Diet, of Ge. NEW FALL ——'o— LA. BALK ITB BROAD STREET I »u> now openings CAREFULLY BEL STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS —Bvca as- ■ Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, CASSIMEREB, SHAWLS,| 1 CLOAKS, HOOP.SKIRTS, CORSETS, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. As these Goods are bought only (ot BEADY MONEY, they, of course, will be •old at POPULAR PRICES. HENRY L. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street, sep 20 CHARGE OF SCHEDULE or Maroi and Aagssta Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT. stb, 186$, the Trains on this Road will ran as fol lowa t Leave Camak daily at—.. ........—......12.40 p.m Leave Milledgeville _ 6.45 mas. Arrive at Milledgeville..... 4.20 p.m? Arrive at Cam5k......—..... IS. 11 mm. Pzsseugers leaving Augnsta or Atlanta oa the Day lesser ger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make elese connections at Camak for inter mediate pointe en the above Read, and also for Macon. Passengers testing Milledgeville at 5.30 a.m. reaches Atlanta and Augusts the same day, and will make close connections at either place for the principal points in adjoining States. E. W. COLE, my 10—ts General Superintendent. Leave to sell Beal Estate- LJTATE OF GEORGIA— O RickmoHd CouKif By perwiwMou of the Court of OnNhuy. of said nuaiity. uvtiivi ie hereby javea, that sixty <teys alter de tv, upplteatkin will be made to the Court of Ordinary tor leave to set the real eatota of Thomas W. Fteuimg, deceased. ROBERT A FI.MIEG. . dsrtS—2t MMalhr.