Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 21, 1866, Image 1
DAILY DoL I—SUNDAY MORNING Kermak* ’ | ( JQ DOEKN L4MPB }'UKS KE R O SENE OIL I AT • 1 V Wholesale wnJ ReUil. PARLOR, HALL, READING, STORK,’ KITCHEN, NURSERY, „ AKB , SICKROOM LAMPS, With and Without Chimney*, TH« best Ilf THIS NATION! Metal Tap, Hie*, and all the beat CHIMNIES. Also ’ lanterns, or ail kinds oknkrai.lt used. Wicks. Scissors, Brushes. Can*, eta, eta; all of which ana warteaud aa repreeau/ed or nioiiev refnaded., “Terrel***" Burner* altered to Kero-, serif free of charge. n! Ur<l Oil aai other Lamp* altered at abort notice. Atxl. a# lam the only «xpe tieoced “Lamp M.ui" in thi* section (awl n ny be the s»at*). »il knew what I eell; and a* the beat in a Lamp, a* well tft in a watch, it always the cheapest, everybody would do we'i to ct*me and sse me before purchasing elsewhere. I defy compeli- I tin. aotl W'H sell cheaper than the cheap est for tike quality. Call and see if these thin** are »o, at ISt Bread street, sign of the “Red Un * tern.’ W. J. FARR. j*3—lie . T^EROSENE LAMP , AND OIL DEPOT— Wholesale and Retail — No. 309 Broad Street— (Under the Planters’ Hotel.) Having established a Depot for the sale es Kerosene Lamps and Oil in this oity, I will keep always on band a large and varied assortment of all kinds id Hall, Bracket, Parlor, Swing and Hand LAMPS (with and without chimneys), with burners of the most Improved stgfes. KorosetfrLsntcrns New style Night Tapers for the sick room Ground (Mass and Plain Chimneys Burners, Wicks, Oil Cans, etc., etc. I will keep on band only one quality of K rescue Oil, whioh’will be the purest and host, and warranted not to be explosive. Respectfully, KDWD S. BLEAKLEY. H. B.—We have Oil put up for the oona try trade in five gallon cans. No extra « large for caps. K- 8- B. ja9—l« ______ j/ EROSENE LAMPS.— Chandelier, Parlor, Stand, Hall, and Taper Lamps and Lanterns—a laive sup ply, with now and improved Burners, with sod without Chimney*. Jaei- received Ivy DAVIDS!iN <fc CO., jaS—lm 210 Broad street. p URE KEROSENE OIL. 10 bids, purest and best Kerosene Oil 2UO gallons, in five gallon cans J..st received and for sale, wholesale and retail, at lowest tnarket prices, by DAVIDSON dt CO, j*3—lm 210 Broad street. (J A N D I E 8 ar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE FRENCH STORE, 200 Broad Street. jal o—ts • £ FINE LOTI)F BAGGING AND ROPE OR BALEI At a L. WILLIAMS’, Ja9— tf 31b Broad street. G& Emporium. EMPORIUM, u 136 Broad & reel, Augusta. The Augusta Horn* Association offers to the public an attractive stock of Fine Oil Paintings Revolving Castors • Table, desert, and tea spoons Fine tea sets ■ ' Water pitchers Napkin rings Vest aud nock chaius Belt buckles . Bracelets Fine ear drops Watch keys California diamond scarf pins Engravings Fruit and cake baskets Breakfast and dinner forks Gold pens and pencils Butter knives Silver platad sardine boxes Gold and silver lined cups Plain, chased, and cluster pins Sleeve buttons Necklaces . * IVatuhes Ladies’ tortoise shell pen knives Ladies' fine pocket books Photograph albums Sugar tongs and shells Call bells Gold lockets Gold Aid silver lined goblets Ladies’ gold and coral sets Ladies’ work boxes . Gents’ fine pocket books 1 , * Geuts’pocket knives Sets studs , Card baskets And an assortment of fancy articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold fer ONE" DOLLAR EACH, without regard to value, and not be paid for until you. know what you are to re ceive. . , Manner of Distribution. —Certificates I 'framing -etactr-Krttefe* vaiwgsw placed in sealed envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes, containing the certificate or order for some article (worth at least one dollar at retail), will be delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of twenty five cent3. The purchaser will see what article it draws, and its value, which »nay be from One to Fire Hundred Dollars, and can then send One Dollar and re ceive the article named. NO BLANKS. Every person gets an article of value. Parties dealing with us may depend oft having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to auy address by return mail or express. En tire satisfaction guaranteed in ajl cases. Six certificates $1 ; thirteen for $2: thirty-five for $5. • Agents wanted. Send a stamp for a Circular. All letters should be addressed to SHECUT, BELL A 00.. P. 0. Box 192, Augusta, Ga. jalO—lm 1,000“®““ ’ GOLDEN FLEECE COTTON SEED, FRESH OINKED, For sale by MAUDE & WRIGHT. Wc, the undersigned, certify that the Golden Fleeced SKKI) advertised by Messrs. Maude i Wright has produced the best Up land Cotton we have ever sold. We recom mend it with confidence to planters. HARPER C. BRYSON, j„9— e od2w JOHN COSKERY. rjt O G aTTd ENE R 8 . Glass in Sashes, suitable for Hotbeds, FOR SALE. Gardeners wishing to raise EARLY VEG ETABLES can secure a bargain in Glass by calling at Mrs. F. SMITH S Dry Goods Store, jal 3—ts 134 Broad »t„ Augusta, Ga. JjU. L. S. HAY Offer* hi* Profeetional Service* to THE CITIZENS OF AUGUSTA. .Residkhce—l29 Broad street. Office—4sß Broad street. ja9—tf ®|e gai| fuss. ATJGfUe lA.r OA. E. H, FUGSE, PttbMha * k Proprietor. to TnßjvrßCic. mr the “di nr press ” is Distributed GrcUui, usly every morning, except Monday, t\ tughout the entire City, therein/ ensttl kg the LARGEST CIRCULATION. AdvertUen hits Inserted •os Liberal T this. Pct~ OFFICE — lor tier of Broad and Mclntbsh Streets, pposite Post-Office »ii II . SUNDAY MORN NO, JAN. tl, 1866 SOX S B O B S. —The garrison 1 1 LaOrange has been withdrawn. —Silver can be leatenfjp plates of which 110,000 mat e an inch. —All the officer lof the New Jersey Legislature are Re inblicans. — Oil hatt been t truck in San Augua tine county, Texas may be at the helm, even* if youth is no long >r at the prow. —Some congreg ttions are in need of preachers—more ireachers in need of congregations. — We are apt tqbate those who wont cake our advice, aid despise those who do. * — ls you turn a thief into an honest man, you render .the world a greater service than by kifing a rascal. —lt shoald be between husband and wife as between two harp strings—the one trembling whfiu the other is struck. —New York fitfeuciers think gold will tie. down to 130y3efore the end of this month. —Only seven of the Government camels imported into Texas fifteen years ago are living. —The total immigration at the port cf New York for the last year was 195,075. —lt is stated that the small pox is raging in some of the interior counties of Indiana. —Gens. Campbell and William Jack son, lalte C. S. A., are in Jackson, Tenn., pursuing the practice of law. —There is on exhibition in Provi dence, Rhode Island, a piece of ice four teen years old. —Be true to all. We'may be true to the bad without being false to the good. —The Savannah Republican reports the death of Hon. Peter Cone, an old and distinguished citizen of Bullock county. —The solitude of childhood is not so much the mother of thought as it is the feeder of love and silence and admira tion. —Man has taught even the lightnings to forget their thunders, and to whisper, as they flicker along the wires, the ac cents of his thought. —The passage of an act is being urged in New York, forbidding the em ployment of girls in concert and drink ing saloons. —Efforts are being made in Columbus to get up an entertainment for the bene fir of the widow and child of the la mented Jackson. —lt is stated that strychnine is so in tensely bitter that it will impart a sensi bly bitter taste to 600,000 times its weight of water. —A gentleman at a musical party, seeing that the fire was going out, asked a friend, in a'whisper, “how to stir the fire without interrupting the music?’’ “Bjtweeu the bars,’’ replied the friend. fmmm. JANUARY 21,1866- 310.17 —A difficulty occurred in Oaluawma, j Miaa,, last week, between Mr. Heitlj F. Drummond, of that city, and Jaa. W. Prowell, of Tibbe Station, in which the former was shot through the breast and killed. ' —A carpenter at Charleston, 111., fell from a scaffold the other day, the con cussion driving the end of a cedar pencil he had in his mouth entirely through his tongue, inflicting a very severe and pain fnl wound. —A Richmond paper, in viaw of the solemn fact that the widows are snap ping up all the returned young warriers, wants an act of the Legislature passed forbidding widows marrying a second time, until all the youDg maidens hare secured husbands. Such a law was actually passed by the Virginia bouse of burgesses in “ good old colony limbs.” Family Groceries, Etc. GROCERIES. 50 BBLS. Stuart'* Crushed, Powdered, A and C Sugars 10 bbls. Stuart’s Extra Syrup 50 bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee 100 boxeß Adamantine and Patent Sperm Candles 100 bbls. Extra Family and Superfine Flour 10 casks Sides and Shoulders 200 extra large sacks Liverpool Salt 50 boxes No. 1 and Fancy Soaps 10 bbls. White Wine and Cider Vinegar 75 bbls. choice Eating and Planting Potatoes 5 bbls, choice Cranberries 5 cases Sardines Mackerel, in bbls., half bbls. and kits Underwood’s Pickles, Chow Chow Lobsters, atsups, Mustard Fresh Tomatoes, in cans Os! vc Oil •- . Table Salt, Chocolate, Cocoa Preston and Morrill’s Yeast Powders Currants, Raisins, Figs English Dairy aud State Dairy Cheese Maccaroni, Lard and Hams 50 mats Cassia 10 bags Black Pepper Corn Starch for Puddings Black and Green Teas. For sale by CHARLES ESTES, ja!6 fit 276 Broad street. Q L. WILLIAMS, No. 315 Broad Street, Has in store, and is this day receiving, fresh supplies of choice GROCERIES, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, comprising every article usually kept in first class store (Liquors excepted), all of which will be sold at tho lowest market prices, and to which he invites" the attention of the public. ja9—tf Jj> S. PELOT <Sc CO., DEALERS IK FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, Broom.-., Wood d? Willow Ware, Etc. 129 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Strict and Personal Attention given to all Consignments. ja3—tf M. O’DOWD, | WM. MULHERIX. Q’DOWD & MULHERIN, Grocers <(• Commission Merchants, 273 Broad Street, Augusta, G:f., "Will give prompt aud personal attention to the sale of produce, and will keep constantly on hand a large stock of choice goods. Call and give us a trial. ja3—lm J A. BRUX, 'family GROCER, Takes this method of informing his friends and patrons that he may be found at his hew store 334 Broad Street, (Next door below H. J. Osborne’s.) A choice lot of groceiies always on hand. ja3—lm Gift Emporium. TuTTTTTi t ct b r • ' NO. 316 BROAD STREET. GIFTS! GIFtSM GIFTS!!! FROM THE Charles to l - and New Orleans Jourr Stock , * GIFT ENTERPRISE l NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED! $50,000 worth or Fine Pianos . . . $375 00 Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machines, 125 00 Fine Gold Watches, . . 75 00 Fine Silver Watches, . . 25 00 Magnificent Tea Sets, . 50 00 Superb Cake Baskets, . . 15 00 Rich Castors, . . . 12 00 Lady’s Work and Toilet Cases, . 6 00 Goblets, . , . 4 0# Cups, . . . - 5 OO Card Receivers, 6 4# California Diamond Rings, . 6 OO Solid Gold and Silver Rings, 6 CO California Diamond Pine, . 5 00 Ladies' Sets, . * 600 Beautiful Photograph Albums, . 20 00 Large Pictures of Jeff. Davis, Generals Lee, Morgan, Beauregard, Stonewall Jackson, Stewart, Longstreet, Johnston, And many others, together with a large collection of Fancy Goods, Rick, Rare and Beautiful*! All to be for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what you will receive. Photographs and Lithographs of distin guished statesmen and Generals of the North and South are placed in sealed envelope?, together with certificates naming each arti clo and its value, and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent to any addre** upon recipt of 25 cents ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for $5, and seventy lor SIU. On receipt of the certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and tak - the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold or Silver Hunting Cas* Watch, Diamond Pin or King, Cake Basket, Cantor, or anything in our large stock, fbr One Dollar. In every cane you yet the value of your twenty jive cents in the Photograph or Lithagrorpv enclosed , andin no cane can you get {*»* than ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH\ as there are NO BLANKS. Agents are wanted in every town in the country, who can make from $4 to $6 on every lot of seventy certificates ordered, selling them at our retail prices. Send 25 cts. for a photograph and tificate, which will inform you what you caa obtain forsl. -’•On sending the order for the article? named on certificates, transmit therewith 15 cts. on each article to pay Express or Posi a o-e thereon. Address POHL. RANDALL & CO.. ja9—lm P. 0 Box 132 Augusta, Ga.