Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 21, 1866, Image 2

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®(|t Pail} fuss. HENRY CLEVELAND, Editor. AUGUST A, QA..I SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 11. 1860 ROBERT BURNS. A person being once asked, “ What three distinguished authors would be mentioned in an exclamation about a groat fire?” replied, “ Dickens 1 How-itl Burns 1” As we, survivors of the revolution can fully appreciate the old adage that “ a burnt child dreads the fire," what text could be more appropriate to the occa sion than Burns t The above is an attempt to get up some wit, as poor and iar-fetched as that which sparkles in leaden splendor from the pages of Frank Leslie’s, and liar Iters Magazine. Have we succeeded ? All of ns, more or less, form or sup port our opinions by those of great men, and we are informed that three promi nent Georgians, Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Linton Stephens, late of the Srfpreme Court, and Richard Johnson, late of the State University (perhaps many others), concur in ranking Robert Rums in the front rank of Poets, as the mate of such as Milton, Homer, and Virgil. * We copy what is said to be the favor ite poem of the late rebel Vice-Presi dent: “TO A YOCNG FRIEND.” “ I lang hae thought, my youthfu’ friend, A something to have sent you, Tho’ it should serve nae other end Than just a kind memento. But how the subject theme may gang, Let time and chance determine, Perhaps it may turn out a sang, Perhaps turn out a sermon.” “ Ye’ll try the world fu’ soon, my lad, And Andrew, dear, believe me, Ye’ll find mankind an unco squad, And muckle they may grieve ye : For care and trouble sot your thought, E’en when your end’s attain’d; And a’ your views may come to naught When every nerve is strain’d.” “I’ll no say men are villains a’; The real, harden’d, wicked, Wha hae nae check but human law, Are to a few restricted: But och ! mankind are unco weak, An’ little to he trusted; If self the wavering balance shako, It’B rarely right adjusted!” Yet they who fa’ in fortune’s strife, Their fate we should na’ censure, For still the important end of lifo, They equally may answer : A man may bac an honest heart, Tho’ poor-tith hourly stare him ; A man may tak a neebor's part Yet hae nae cash to spare him.” “ Ay free ass ban’ your story tell, When wi a bosom cronie : But still keep something to your sel Ye scarcely tell to onie. Conceal yoursel as weel *s ye can, Frae critical dissection ; But keek thro’ ev’ry other man Wi’ sharpened, sly inspection.” “The sacred lowe o’ weel-placed love Luxuriantly indulge it; But never tempt the illicit rove, Tho’ naetbing should indulge it. O, wave the quantum of the sin, The hazard of concealing ; But och! it bardeus a’ within, And potrifies the feeling 1” “To catch dame Fortune’s golden smile, Assiduous wait upon her; And gather gear by every wile That’s justified by honor; Not for to hide it in a hedge, Nor for a train attendant; But for the glorious privilege Os being independent.” “The fear o’ hell’s a hangman’s whip To baud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let ay that be your border : Its slightest touches, instant pause, Debar all side pretenses ; And resolutely keep the laws. Uncaring consequences.” “The great Creator to revere Must sure become the creature; But still the preaohihg can’t forbear, And ev’n the rigid feature; Yet ne’er with wits profano to rauge Be complisance extended; An Atheist's laugh’s a poor exchange For Deity offended J” “When ranting round in pleasure’s ring, Religion may be blended ; v Or if she gie a random sting, It may be little minded. But when on life we’re tempest drivon, A conscience but a canker!— A correspondence fix'd wi’ heaven Is sure a noble anchor.” , q) “Adieu, dear, amiable youth ! Your heart can ne’er be wanting; May prudence, fortitude and truth, Erect your brow undaunting! In ploughman phrase, ’God send you ipoed Still dally to grow wiser! And may you better reck the ride Than ever did the adviser!’ ’’ All that is excellent advice to the male bipeds ol the species, Man; but does not suit our lady readers, who, being angels (without wings), do not need advice. They have rights, however, and Burns thus discourses of “TIIE RIGHTS OF WOMAN.” “While Europe’s eye is fixed on mighty things, The fate of empires and the fall of kings ; While quacks of State must each produce his plau, And even children lisp, The Right. of Man; Amid this mighty fuss, just let me mention. The Rights of Women merit some attention.” “First, in the sexes intermixed connexion, One sacred right of woman is protection ; The tender flower that lifts its head elate, Helpless, must fall before tho blast of fate, Sunk on tho earth, dt based its lovely form, Unless you shelter ward the impending storm.” Onr second right—but needless here is cau tion, To keep that right inviolate’s the fashion, Each man of sense has it so full before him. He’d die before he’d wrong it —'tis decorum. There was indeed, in far less polished days. A time when rough, rude man had naughty ways, Would swagger, swear, get drunk, kick up a riut; Nay, even worse, invade a lady’s quiet— Now, thank our stars ! these Gothio times arc fled; Now well-bred men—and you are all well bred— Most justly think (and ice are much the gain ers) Such conduct, neither Sjtirit, Wit nor Man ners” “ For Right, tho third, our last, our best, our dearest, — That right to fluttering female hearts the nearest, Which even the rights of Kings in low pros tration, Most humbly own—is dear, dear admira tion 1 In that blest sphere alone we live and move; There taste that life of life,—immortal love; Smiles, glances, sighs, tears, fits, flirtations, airs ’Gainst such a host what flinty savage dares ! When awful Beauty joins with all her charms, Who is so rash as rise in rebel arms ? A truce with kings and truce with constitu tions, With bloody armaments and revolutions, Let Majesty your first attention summon, Ah 1 ea ira ! the Majesty of Woman 1” Alas! for the patience of our readers' When we start, our only limit is the quantity of prayer on hand, but we will wind up with the sad sweet words writ ten in tiie prospect of death ;—Burns immortal— “ PRAYER.” 0 thou unknown, Almighty cause Os all my hope and fear ! In whose dread presence, ere an hour Perhaps I must appear! If I have wandered in those paths Qf life I ought to shun, As something, loudly in my breast Remonstrates l have done: Thou knowestthat thsuhast formed me With passions wild and strong; And list'uing to their witching voico Hast often led me wrong. Wherejiuman weakness has come short, Or frailty stepped aside, Do Thou, All-Good! for such Thou art, In shades of darkness hide. Where with intention I have err’d, No other plea I have, But, Thou art Good ! and goodness still Dclighteth to forgive.” That, all men have joined to call beautiful ; and in these hours of gloom, when the storv of past power and pre sent humiliation but irritates our pride; and when the laws of mine and thine seem broken down, and State lines be come mere marks on maps; when taxa tion comes without representation, and trial by jury, and habeas corpus and the old sacred rights our sires brought with them across the seas and kept through the revolution, all seem fading and shadowy ; and we, like the foolish wife cf Job, almost wish to “curse God and die;” i# this trial hour, when dross consumes and gold grows bright, let us catch his spirit, who in that hour of looking at eternal things, exclaimed: “0 aid me with thy help, Omnipotence Di vine !” Cotton Market. [Expressly lie.ported for Daily Press. ] Augusta, Ga., January 20,1866. Cotton. —The market has been very quiet to-day. No sales of auy moment to report. Latest news from Liverpool, now due, are anxiously looked for. New Advertisementtt. QUNsf PISTOL^ AND AMMUNITION! I have just received an addition to my former stock of Goods, and offer for sale at reduced prices— Double and Single Guns Colt's Repeaters Smith A Wesson’s Pistols • Merwin A Bray’s Imri-oved Pistols SteveDi’ and Merwit A Bray’s Single Shot Pistols Ballard’s Patent Breech-Loading Rifles Powder, Shot, and.Gun Wadding Ely’s Double Wa'er-jfaiof Caps Cox’s Double Water-proof Caps Cox’s Common Caps j Ely’s bolt’s Pistol Caps Ely’s G. D. Caps T Metallic Cartridges, fir all size Pistols Powder Flasks and Sm‘, Bags, all varieties Pocket Cutlery and reissors Razors and Strops Door and Drawer Locks REPAIRING OF GUIK AND PISTOLS Done in the best manner, and at short notice, at 245 BroaS Street. _ ja2l—tf E.j H. ROGERS. Established in 1843. J A. VAN WINKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, 230 BROAD jMgiEET,, AUGUSTA, GA. Being desinflHp' clodng out all Heavy Goods now will make Garments to order, in the most faahiut&ble style, at much less than the usual prisffe. also; Clothing, Gents' Boots ‘and Shoes, Boy's Boots, Ladies’ Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Notiona, etc. etc. OVE"RCOATS|AT COST. All Goods in Store are oi the best quality, ja 21—1 mo. J. A. VAN WINKLE. J OOK IN AT FOUL, RANDALL & CO/S New stock of * Cake Baskets, Castors, Cups, Goblets, Spoons, Forks, etc., To be disposed of at $1 each. ja2l—lt GUNNY BAGGING, QALICOES, * IRON, FLOUR, CHAMPAGNE, SODA, For sale low, to close consignment, by L. B. DAVIS, ja2l—2t 292 Broad street. qTHT early; AND GET THE BEST PRIZES, On Monday, and during the week, at POHL, RANDALL & CO/S, ja2l—l 316 Broad St, opp. Planters’ Hotel. Co-Partnership Notice. HAVING associated with us in our busi ness Mr. 11. M. Boardman, a thor oughly skilled machinist and draughtsman, well and favorably known in Augusta, we will continue our business at No. 189 Rey nolds street, under the firm and style of WALKER, PENDLETON <fe BOARDMAN, as Machinist and Manufacturers’ Agents for the sale of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Horse Powers, Wood Working Machinery, Rubber and Leather Belting, Steam Packing, Force and Hydrant Pumps, the be3t Water Wheel manufactured in the Now England States, Machinist’s Tools, and every description of Machinery needed in the South. With increased work-shop facilities, we are prepared to do all JOB WORK AND REPAIRING OF MACHINERY Entrusted to ns promptly and on favorable terms. The patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. Walker, Pendleton A Boardman. ja2l—lm HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! I HAVE in Store a large and well selected Stock of Hats, fresh from New York, which will be sold at Nev York cost, with freight added, to close consignment A. H. KETCHAM, Jackson street, near the ja 21—2 t Bell Tower. piANOS & SEWING MACHINES Will be opened on Monday morning, by POHL, RANDALL & CO., And disposed of as usual by them, ja2l—lt Amusement*. I PROP. CEVOR’B qtereoscopucon, OB PHANTOM EXHIBITOR, WiU be on exhibition at Masonic Haul, commencing / Monday Evening, January 22, 1866. This beautiful and scientific Hlnstrator has met Ate approbation of the layers_of art throughout Eorope and this connlry for the past two years. Thi« beautiful Exhibition comprises Scriptural and Historical sub jeets. The Descriptive Lecture will be de livered by Pr >*. Cavoa. 4| For carticu.ars, see small Price of admission, $1 00; (JBldreti half price. ja2o-tf_ HELLING off winter dress goods, Etc., • Etc. MRS. E. £ PUGHE’S 190 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., To Make Room for SPRING STOCK. Amongst many articles, the following are enumerated : Black and Colored Dress Silks . Bombazine —very superior article Alpacas—Black, Colored and Figured Merinos—White, Sky Blue, French Blue, Purple, Rose, Magenta, Maroon, Brown, Green and Black DeLaines—Solid Colors, same shades as Merinos, above * Figured DeLaines—beautiful styles Merinos —large and small plaid Worsted Dress Goods of all kinds Calicoes Ginghams Linen Sheetings . Pillow Case Cottone Bleached Shirtings Linen, for Shirt Bosoms Linen Cambric Paper Cambric Bird-Eye Diaper Muslins—in Check, Jaconet, Swiss, Cam bric, Mull and Nainsook Ladies’ Handkerchiefs—Embroidered, Hem- Stitched and Plain Gentlemen’s Handkerchiefs—Plain White, White with Colored Borders, and Imita tion Silk Madras Handkerchiefs Infants’ Embroidered Robes, Waiats and Hats Blue Tissue Veils Brown, Bine and Green Barege Veils Black Lace Veils Mask Veils Silk Illusion for Veils Bridal Wreaths Mourning Flowers French Flowers Feathers and Plumes, in great variety Ribbons, in all Colors and Widths Belt Ribbons—Plain and Tinselled Corsets —all sizee Craja: and Embroidered Collars Ermine or Swan’s Down Ladies' Hosiery—in Black, White aDd Col- ored Misses' Hosiery Alexandre’s Kid Gloves Cloth and Lisle Thread Lined Gloves Gents’ Gloves—different styles Ladies’ M. rino Vests Gents’ Merino Vests Large Double All-Wool Plaid Shawls Broche Shawls Canton Flannels White and Colored Flannels Thread, Pins. Needles Hair Pins, Skirt Braids Portmounaies Looking Glasses Hickory Stripes Fancy Soaps . Perfumeries Hair Nets Waterfalls Ladies and Misses’ Hats and Caps All of the above Goods were selected per- Ibnaliy by- Mrs. PUGHE, are fresh and new, and of the best quality. Before proceeding elsewhere, please call at 190 Broad street, next door below Perkins’ Picture Gallery. ja9—tf Kerosene cooking AND HEATING STOVES. Large variety at the Kerosene Lamp <£ Oil Depot, No. 309 Broad Street, Under Planters’ Hotel. The cheapest, most cleanly, and decidedly the most convenient Stoves in the world. They burn tho ordinary Kerosene Oil, and costs from one to five cents per hour. No smoke, and no smell. They .are portable, and can be used any where, without the least dirt, and arc no more trouble than an ordinary lamp. Call and see them, at ja2o—6t BLEALEY’S. Horse Taken Up, A N OWNER IS WANTED for a J A Brown Horse, picked up near Farmer’s Bridge. Burke Cos., on the 7th inst. Tl.e owner can have him by proving pro perty and paying expenses. Apply to PETER WALKER, Reynolds street, cor. Houston, ja 20 fit* • Augusta, Ga. salt’ 175 BARRELS AND SACKS LIVERPOOL JsALT, For sale at reduced prices! B. B. LONG k CO., ja2o fit 286 Broad B(reet ’ f " Auction Sales. Y A/ ATKOrSOH r Auctioneer and commission MERCHANT, A 141 Broad, front of Monument Street, Augusta, Gkorgia, Will give personal attention m all cen •ignnents and make prompt returns. i’oecial attention paid sate < »f Leal itt tate. g|)eß every M o»day» Wednesday 41,6 jal~—ltn Wards. W' " anted—^ BOARD— By a single gentleman, in a private fam ily, with or without rooms, in the eentt.l part of tbe city. P Address GLASS BOX 132, jaX7—fit Augusta P. 0, “gift emporium, QORNER OF ELLIS AND CENTRE STREETS. We are now offering a fins STOCK OF GOODS, CONSISTING or Gold and Silver Watches Cake Basket Gold-lined Goblets Silver-plated Goblets Gold-lined Cups Silver-plated Caps Salt Stands Call Bells Napkin Rings Forks Spoons Jewelry of all kinds, Albums, a;e. Manner of IHetribntion. —Certificates naming each article and its value are placer! in envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes, containing tbe certificate or order (worth at least one dollar at retail), will be delivered at our office, or sen; by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of twenty-five cents. Tbe purchaser will see wbat article it draws, and its value, which may be from ONE to THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS and can then ssnd One Dollar and receive tho article named. Every person geu an article of value. 1 Certificate, 25 cents; 6 for $1; 35 fir So. | Ail letters should be addressed to PORTER & PUTNAM, Lock Box No. 190. jalß—tf Augusta, Ga. PAINTING, GLAZING, Etc. ’ A LL orders connected with the above u\. branches promptly executed in die neatest manner, on reasonable terms. SHOP NO. 48 JACKSOJ^TREIH, Near the Bell Tower. Tho best quality of PAINT used, acd GLASS of all sizes (obtainable) set to o/der. ja!9—tf WILLIAM BARROW_ Bolted Meal and Grist. Buckwheat flour in sacks New Orleans Syrup Cuba Molasses Cuba Oranges Etc., etc. Constantly on hand at W. H. POTTER’S, No. 181 Broad street, jal9—fit Next door to Express Office. REDUCTION. DESIRING to reduce our stock previous to replenishing for the Spring, we will sell at considerable abatement from former prices. K. B. LONG A CO. ja2o—st C. H. WARNER, PLUMBER, . GAS and STEAM FITTER. In rear of 255 Broad street, Augusta, Geo. j?®-Pumps, Gas, Steam and Water Pipe* promptly furnished or repaired. ja2o—tf MUSIC. WARREN Will receive a few more Pupils for GUITAR OR PIANO INSTRUCTION. Terms $lO per month. jal6—fit* J~A Rb~ LAUD. 20 kegs choice LEAF LARD—free « water, for sale by J. li. ROLLINGS WORTH, ja9—lm 307 Broad street-