Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 31, 1866, Image 1
t'f, tm J ■M ■ " ’m. --Vs £#■■■’- iW?j» f i ■ ’ •. ■HP ”r Ir : - —•—•» . ■|J X • *• j 4 mm . « t XT I fl 8 ■ 0 9 ■ ' ■ M JL JLJ JL '*" J-'l jj|. i—WEDNESDAY MORNING &sfo*cn r (Ml* Ktt* LAMPS AND ,tfgE KEROSBNA OIL, pg¥>;:.. AT « Wholesale *?4 R***sl - HAUL, READ 1 NO, ffIDRK, KITCHEN/ nursf.By, ASP SICK ROOM LAMPS, ,■ pyh and Without Chimney*, TtIR t ggBT i y rnis XAfiofr! g etß l t«p, >"'•**. »•»’! *R G»« *>* st s CII DIKIES. j LANTERNS IfuMf or W i : til gIADS •uKItXMA ELY USED. Wick', Scissor* Rr.i-.he*. I'an*. etc. etc.; «nos oiioli a-e w.irr.itited as reprnenlf J ir money fli " n| *® , L V . : •■Tmolßurners- dtereJ to Kero mi* foe of olvn sfo. * ’ "Lard Oil and iJVr i~nn?» altered nt n A ml. *« ! **n th« *w»lyexpe ibered 'Limp lh"* action (ami •übo the a"'l know wha* 1 Hytl J t dj*, llm hrsf in a Lamp. a* well as in a ’ *jtrh,i* always lit* (3UBp****, everybody 6 nu l,| ,1a «e'l to conn* ami see me before . MKhasiiu; elsewhere. I ilrfy competi {Jqo, anil wnl waG cheaper than tl>e cbeap *t fir like quality. i. (VII «»l see if these thins** are no, »t * lit Broad street; of Ate “Bed ban “ W. J. FARR. >iri ra LAMP AND OIL DEPOT— ; flutesaic uml lint ad — No. 309 Uiioad Street— ((Met tie Planters’ Hotel.) String established a Pcpol for the sale 1 1 Kerosene Lamps ami Oil in this city, I tiUkwp always on haml a large and varied Iturtaeul ot all kimlA of Hall, Bracket. Ptrior. Suing and AM i\S (with and •itioat chimneys), with earners us the moA bapreved style*. Kerosene I. intern* L Sew style Night Tapers for the sick room Ground Glass and Plain Chimneys Burners. Wicks, Oil Cans, etc., etc. 1 will keep on hand only one quality of fr-Tinene Ail, which will lie the pnrest olid hast, and warranted tint to ho explosive. Respectfully, ' KDW'I) S. BLKAKLBT- S. have Oil put up for the coun try trade in five gallon eaus. No extra abarye tar cans. E. S, B. Jdt-lia - gHpEXE LAMPS.— Chandelier, Parlor, Stand, IT all, and Taper Uwp* anil Lanterns—,i 1 ari'e sup ply. will, w w ami improved Bui n«er», with taA without chummy*. Just rcce veil liv DaVlDni <t 00, ;a8— lm stO Hr,nnl -treet. pU| E K KUOSENE OIL. J 10 hhls. purest anil Bc*t Kerosene Oil MO gallons, in five gallon cans lust itrcisnl oid lor - in l , u Uulesalc and ■tall, at lowest mnket price-, bv I>.vVIL-'U.N ih CO, * j»i— hn "In liriiml street. JJUAVS, l-ASlttr, 4 CONFECT I ONKRIES si tTLien ron WEDDINGS ANil PARTIES, AT SHORT NOTICE, „ _ AT TIIK french store. tojof tbc best Meat nnd I*a?try Cooks, Mil faoej « nri:cctio»cry I takers is now at "reoo|i Slurp. That establishment ran nirnwii, in the ln«r style ami at flior Mca s, Fish, Fowl, (ianie, Pastry “and Cosfeclinnvries, to WedMiims ai»-i i»ar •MfCii tbs most reasonable term**. •. }• FIU2NCU STORE, 200 lJroaii street. i n t i ;* n it » fgj ::•#*:/+•■. ■ *-* qr <*y ,fc *" * —~ ~- f B' ; *■: s.J&q .*« • **• - dbr Dailn at-oithta. oa. E. H. PIJGHE, Publisher & Proprietor, TO TUB VJkSLHN " «r TffE l! J)AthY MESS'- IS Ihi'rihvUJ nrvhttotfidff erertf norniny, err ,,,t Movlay, th« ruth* City, thrrfhy tHturin.j the LARGEST CIRCULATION. «.. A . d a\* r< i? <s i!S , ** t * l“*ert«d oi» l.llM-ral Terms. Rbir OFFlCE—Corneir of Broad and 7 r rl it. opposite Pont-Office l />-Stairs. ** i amo «<*.»-} iv* T W VDNFSDAY MORNINgTj AN tSUgfifl ■'r- - ■ s OXS SOR S . —The Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road bus begun a suit against&s late President fur sloo,oop damages in permitting (he Confederate Government to use the road and its machinery during the war. ! A' lTte Washington Star says that the mtssivd to Senator Smnner ( , ijiclosing a negro’s finger w«|s “a st»ge trick of some party wishing to create sympathy in behalf of the Senator and his meas ures/' f tU —A young lady who was Mitikod by her mother for kiasiAg her lover, justi fied the act by quuling the passage— “ Whatsoever ye would that m«n should do unto you, do ye evcu so to. tbtxp.” When a man and a woman are made one by a clergyman t the question is, thick ii the artef %oAeßtteil there is a long fLuggle between them before the matter is finally settled,•, , „ —.11“ that cannot forgive Other., breaks down the bridgfe over whtth he must pass himself; for every man hath need to be forgiven. —Gen. Grant, at Mrs. Ddnglass’ wed ding party the other evening, was called upon by Secretary Stanton for a speech, and responded in the following laconic style : “I am right glad to see you al!.’’ —Eugenie is no longer looked up to, in England, as the great oracle oil fash ions. The English ladies are more gov erned now by the Prjncess of Wales, who is younger and more gay, and therefore better fitted to set the example. —A clerk in the Quartermaster Gene ral's office, Washington, named Jones, remarked the other day, on hearing of the threats of assassination to Senator Sumner, thnt he was not exactly in fa vor of decapitation, but he would like to see him sent to Ins long home. The Secretary of War. on hearing of it, im mediately dismissed him from the ser vice. —Beast Butler, it is said, presented Artemns Ward with a splendid Gold Watch. Artemus, in the fulness of his heart, was about to return his thanks for the magnificent present, but was pre vented by the beast: “No thanks, it cost me nothing, and I have a barrel of them lelt.” 1 —An exchange truly says that “you may insert a lliousaed excellent things in a npwsp iper, and never hear a word of approbation from its readers; but just let a line or two not suited to their taste slip in (though by ttcndeol), and you will be sure to bear of it.’’ There is more trouble in keeping a newspaper free troin an objectionable thing than filling it twice over. —A singular robbery was committed in Chattanooga last week. Two men pretending to be detectives frrtm Colum bus, Ga., persuaded a lieutenant of the military guard to furnish them assist ance, went to tb-> Crutchfield House, dragged several gentlemen out of boil, carrier! them to flic gmir l house, pliin dered them of over two thousand dol lars in money, watches, etc., and kept them looked up that night, and the next day started South. Gift Emporium. A GIFT EMPORIUM, ~ 136 Brpad Street, Avgusta. The Augusta Home Association offers to the public an attractive stock of Fine Oil Paintings Revolving Castors Table, desert, and tea spoons Fine tea sets | Water pitchers Napkin rings Vest and neck chains Belt buckles Bracelets Fine ear drops beys California diamond sotff pins Engravings Fruit and cake baskets' Breakfast and dinner forks Gold pens and pencils Butter knives Silver plated sardine boxes Gold and silver liued cups Plain, chased, and cluster pins • Bleeve buttons Necklaces Watches Ladies’ tortoise shell pen knives Ladies' fine pocket books Photograph albums Sugar tongs and shells Call bells Gold lockets Gold and silver lined goblets Ladies’ gold and coral sets Ladies’ work boxes Gents’ fine pocket books Gents’ pocket knives *-'’• * t Sets stnds Cird baskets And an assortment of faicy articles too uumeroiis -to meution, all of which will be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH, without regard to value, and not be paid, for until you know what yoA are tO re eeive. . . . ,i. “Manner "/Distributinn-^ifle rtificates nfuning each article and its value are placed in sealed envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes, containing the certificate or order for some article (worth at least one dollar at retail), will be delivered at our office, nr sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of twenty five cents. The purchaser will see what article it draws, and its value, which may he from One to Fire Hundred Dollars, and can then send One Dollar and re ceive the nrticle named. NO BLANKS. Every person gels an article of value. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will bo immediately sent to any address by return mail or express. En tire satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. thirty-five for $5. Agents wanted. Send a stamp for a Circular. All letters should be addressed to SHECUT, BELL & Oft.. P. 0. Box 192, Augusta, Ga. jalO—lm JJU. L. S. HAY Off*rn Mu Profesiional Service » to THE ‘ CITIZENS OF AUGUSTA. Rbsidenck—l29 Broad street. Office —4sß Broad street. ja9—lf QiT. CHARLES RESTAURANT, 154 Ellis St., near Post-office, Augusta, Oa., LEWIS & BRADFORD, PUOI’RI ETOUS. Board with or without lodging at reason able rates. Meals served up at all hours. Rooms for private parties always ready. jall--tf • A. UOUSTA SEED STORE ’ No. 15 Washington (or South Carolina Railroad Street), Between Broad anil Ellis Streets, Whcro can bo found a full assortment of warranted pure and fresh Garden Seajp’, Oniou Setts, Flower and Blue Grass Seed, selected in person by the subscriber at the North, in October last. A discount to coun try merchants. jas -2m C. PEMBLE. r * ■piK tjnrij, mis 18 MKT . . "* «•“’... „> * UT T A ,U£ .®iu**&ro f«s PRESS. JANUARY 31, 1866- -)lo.20 Hi ft Emporium. J N AUGUSTA NO. 31# BROAD STREET. GIFTS ! GIFTS!! GIFTS!! FROM THE Charleston and New Orleans Joint Stock ENTERPRISE! » NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED $50,000 WORTH OP Fine Pianos ‘ . . $375 00 Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machinos, 125 00 Fine Gold Watches, . . 75 i(I Fine Silver Watches, . . 25 00 Magnificent Ten Sots, . 50 00 Superb Cake Baskets, . . 1. 00 Rifeb Castors, . ••**•’. . 12 00 Lady’s Work and Toilet Coses, . 6 00 Goblets, . . . (00 Cups, . . . . 5 00 Card Receivers, , . 6 00 Californra Diamond Rings, . 5 00 Solid Gold and Silver Rings, 6 00 California Diamond Pins, . 5 00 Lndioß’ Sets, . • . 500 Beautiful Photograph Albums, . 20 UV Large Pictures of Jeff. Davis, Generals Lee, Morgan, Beauregard, Stonewall Jackson, * Stewart, Longstreet, Johnston, And many others, together with a large collection of Fancy Goods, Rich, Rare and Beautiful l All to bo sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value; and not to bo paid for till you see what you will receive. Photographs and Lithographs of distin guished statesmen and Generals of the North and South are placed in sealed envelopes, together witli certificates miming each arti cle and its value, and well mixed. Ore of these envelopes will be sent to any adih-ess upon recipt of 25 cents ; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5. and seventy for $lO. On receipt of the certificate you will sec what you are going to have, and then it if at your option tu pay the dollar ami take the articio or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold or Silver Huntiug Cage Watch, Diamond Pin or Ring, Cake Basket, Castor, or anything in our large stock, for One Dollar. In every cnee yon yet the value of your twenty jii'e cent* in the Photoyraph or Lithoyraph enclosed, and in no case can you yet lest than , ORE DOLLARS WOT.Tn, » as there are NO BLANKS. Agents are wanted in every town in thv country, who can make trom $4 to $5 or every lot of seventy certificates ordered, selling them at our retail prices. Send 25 cts. for a photograph anil ccr tificatc, which will inform you what you cat obtain forsl. $ On sending the order for the articles named on certificates, transmit therewith 15 cts. on each articio to pay Express or l*ost n"-e thereon. Address FOHL. RANDALL A CO. ja9—lm P- O Box 132 Augusta, Ga. Gift Emporium. GIFT ~ QORNER OF ELLIS AND CENTRE STREETS. We are now offering a fine STOCK OF GOODS, CORBISTIXO OF Gold, and Silver Watches Cake Baskets Gold-lined Goblets Silver-plated Goblets Gold-liued Cups Silver-plated Cups Salt Stands ' Call Bells Napkin Rings Forks Spoons Jewelry of all kinds, t Albums, etc. Manner of Distribution. —Certificates naming each article and its value are placed in envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes, containing the certificate or order (worth at least one dollar at retail), will be delivered at uar office, or sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of twenty-five cents. The purchaser will see what article it. draws, and its value, which may be from ONE to THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS and can then ssnd One Dollar and receive the article named. Every person gets an artiole of value. 1 Certificate, 25 cents; fi for $1; 15 for $5. All letters should be addressed to PORTER & PUTNAM, Look Box No. 190. jal*—lm Augusta, Ga. Eamilrj/ Groceries, Etc. U L. WILLIAMS, No. 315 Broad Street, lias in store, and is this day receiving, fresh supplies of choice GROCERIES, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, comprising every article usually kept in first class store (Liquors excepted), all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices, apd to-which he invites the attention of the public. ja9—tf j) S. PELOT & CO.;~ DEAI.KRS IN* FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES. LIQUORS, Brooms, Wood ft Willow Wure, Etc. 12!t Broad St, Augusta, Ga. Strict and IVr-.0n.1t AHi-miun given to all Consignments. _ja3—tf M. o’DUWII, j WM. MULtlKltlll. Q DO WD & MULHERiN. Grocers & Commission Merchants, 273 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of produce, and will keep constantly on baud a large slock of choice goods. Call and give ns a trial. i»3—lm J A. BRUX, ~ 'family GROC ER, Takes this meiliod of inform ng his friends and patrons that he may be found at his new store 3.'5t Broatl Street, (Next dooi below M. J Osborne’s) A choice l ,t of groeeiies always on hand. jaS— ltn * P. CLAYTON, W A RE H O USE AND General Commission Merchant, Augusta, -Ga., Will continue the Warehouse and Com mission Business, in all its branches, at. the old stand of Phinp.y A Clayton, lie re turns his thunks to tho patrons of the late firm, and solicit a cohtiifiuimc of their favors. During ample close Storage ac commodations. lie will bo prepared to re ceive. st re. sell and forward rollon and all kinds of Produce and Merchandise. ’He will aim boy and sell, on commission, Bonds, Sto-ks, Coupons, clc. Consignments so licited. Augusta, Oct. 10, l’ga. jail!—2m