Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, February 01, 1866, Image 4
,J ) LM , s:It rss - - THtIHKIMV MORNING, FEB. L^B6ft ANti-DOTE ok Sidney Johnston. — “M. tV. M." says an exchange, sends us the following anecdote of the late Gen Sidney Johnston: “While Sidney Johnston resided on Oyster Creek, in Texas, he kept a tame Mexican Hon, of which he was very fond, and which followed him every where like a dog. One day while at dinner with Gen. Lamar and Rev. Mr. Fontaine, he was feeding him with pieces of meat, and happening to give him a rare slice, with hlood dropping from it, the lion seized the hand' that held it, crushing it and growling fiercely, with angry eyes fixed on his master. General Johnston, without a cry of pain or a single movement, looked steadily at him and said qnietly several times, ‘Let go Dan.' But the animal only growled and lashed his tail, when, turning to a servant, the General told him to hand his pistol, which the frightened negro did, and General Johnston taking it in his left hand, blew out the lion’s hraias ; blit his hand was hopelessly niaimed." JNO. NELSON 11 Commission Merchant, And Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., Os Superior Quality. 304 Broad Street, Auoiista, Ga. N. B.—Agent fur Fail-bank’s Patent PLATFORM and COUNTER SCALES. A constant supply on band, for sale at Manufacturer's prices. Expenses from Sa vannah only added. ja34— tin QAND I E S at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT TOE FRENCH STORE, 20l> Broad Street. jail)—tf FINE' lot of BAGGING AND ROPE OR SALK 1 At C. L WILLIAMS, , a ti ts »15 Broad street. gOUTHERN FRUIT TREES! Tbe largest and best selection of apple; PEAR, PEACH, and other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS, Ere.. Etc. asa*- EXTRA LARGE TREES for in ■ EDIITK BEARING. Send far a Catalogue. Address j»l2—tf D. REDMOND, Augusta. Ga. g P. HUNT, M D , HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon dud Accoucheur, No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich How). Augusta, Ga. jalO-ly-itm* T A R D, • LA RD . 20 kegs clioioo LEAF LARD—free ol water, for sale by J. 11. HOLLINGSWORTH, ja9—tm 307 Broad street. I) H 0 D E S ~ X\/SI'PEK-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. We are again the Agents for the sale of this standard Manure, to which we are pleased- to call the attention of Planters. . Its quality is uniform, and testimo nials front Georgia and South Carolina planters ean he shown to prove its supe riority over all other fertilizers hereto fore sold in this market. Now in store, lor sale by J. A. ANSLKY & CO., jalO-lin No. ROD Broad st. FOR SALE. Valuable plantation NEAR TIIE GEORGIA RAILROAD. It will make forty bags of otton and enough provisions to support the stock and labor. Terms cash. Apply at THIS OFFICE. ja2(i—tf THOMAS TOBIN, ~ COTTON FACTOR and ,> . COMMISSION MERCHANT LSI BROAD STREET. _ja24-tf AUGUSTA, Ga. JMIESU GARDEN SEEDS— Ju-t received by Cull MU & LF.ir.VER, Ja3—Sw 21 2 ilruad -t., Augusta, (lentletuvn’* GW* £stablUh«d in IM3. J A. VAN WINKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, 23ft BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA. Being desirous of closing oul rttl Heavy floods now on bond, will mako Garments to order, in the most fashionable style, at muck less than the usual prises. A i.so, Clothing, Gents’ Boots and Shoes. Boy’s Boots, Ladies’ Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Notions, etc. ete. oVERC OA T 8 A T COST. All Goods in Storgare of the best quality. j» z /—1 mo. J. A. VA N WIN KML 7TENT LEM KN '8 ('LOTI UN G U AND FURNISHING GOODS. Just received, at Clark’s Corner, a large and select stock of Gentlemen's Clothing and Furnishing Goods, consisting in part ° GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS, or Every Style and Quality. Caasitnere Hu-siness Coats, Black G oth t oats. Black Doeskin Pants, Fancy Casaimere Pants and Vests, Black and Fancy Cassimete Buits, Fancy Traveling Shawls and Blankets, Shaker Flannel Drawers and Shirts, Canton H.nmel Drawets and Shirts, English and French Half Hose, Sue pewters, Ties, Scarjs , Hand kerchiefs, Glove'', Shiils, and Collars. a i.so » Every Style of FELT AND FLU SI I HATS. All of which will he offuieil at reduced pi ices to make room for a Spring stock jas—tin ? V T W. ‘ SHACKLEFORD j - ‘ It. MERCHANT T A I L OR. *25 Jackson St it el. N EXT DOOR TO WAK It EX BLOCK, A nif uat a , G a Has rnn*tnfitly on hand a large supply id CLOTH f*, OASSIMKRK ' and YESTI.VOS, Which will be made to aider in the most fashionable style, just—ts SBUhmV “uFTiCAL DEPOT. NO. dd6 BROAD STREE'I, (Opposite IManiers’ Hotel), A U GUST A, Ga. (SPECIALLY AM) EXCLUSIVELY OPTICAL), This is the only properly constructed , tiljt3 Ouuiii w tiere accurate and Minute vieaHurnucutH and adjust imittr, optically, can be made , upon which depends the pmper treatment, and hence preservation ot sight. Is it wise to ruin permanently the eyes to save a few dollars, or a short walk up town to the “Optical Depot?” Do you choose medicines without judicious advice? Equal ly absurd to cho.»se your Spectacles. lam impressed that the evils resulting from the injudicious use of Spectacles sold by mer clouts or charlatans, out/ht to be u ihvdjtu by laic, unless lhe seller can profc.; before a .Medical Hoard his competency in this Speci alty. Alas, many learn this truth only too late. Born in your midst, the total loss ot one eye necessitated this study for nearly fwcnhj years, ami the entire proceeds of ar duous tabor for that period has been sunk in bonds of my country, upon a'tirin' and unal terable conviction of riyht. lleuce 1 have no regret, though compelled by force of eir cuinstauofcfs under great disadvantages, to elect tl.is profession for support, not envy ing any man who came out of this war full or half handed. I shall prosecute it vitli strict reference to consiencions duty. nod its uses to this community. jaa—l ill HENRY J. OSBORNE. W. A. RAMSEY. | u. F. liALL. yfl A. RAMSEY & CO., G R 0 C E R S AND GENERAL ' OMMISSION MERCHANTS 308 Broad Street, (Opposite Union Bank), ja9—lm Aitrprta. Ot. j GUN LIiAU., Exchange and Commission Broker Office 289 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, Bonds. Stocks, Sterling, and Domestic Ex change bought and sold. Collections made and promptly re mitted (dr. Cheeks on New York, Savannah and Charleston. Having secured the use of the Bank ing Room and Vault of the Union Bank, deposits safely kept and accounts opened with depositors. juU-ilm. r IHIOMAS RJjSSLLL, J- : JEWELLER, Wishes to inform tbo citizens of Augusta and its vicinity , that he is prepared to do allkinds of ORNAMENTAL II Allt WORK. Specimens cun bo seen at his office, 290 Broad st., over Jtarry A Bat lev’s Drug Store. Also, Diamonds and alt kinds of Precious Slones set and re set. Watches and Jewelry repaired at most reasonable rates. jail lm .. l*ry &aonl*,,<te. s J K AHN AT6O . " In order to reduce our stork, we offei great inducements to customers. CALICOES, DeLAINES, AND ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE , WILL B£ Sold at Prices Lower than hare era bun offered in the City! In fact, many Goods at New York cost. This we propose for the purpose i;f ob taining mom in our establishment f" r the largest Stock that will possibly be selected f„r liny Southern city this Sprint?. We <k**ite to retain our former IMMENSE TRADE, and by doing so we mus- have ihe* St< ck and all Goods cheap, which we* intern! te> do Augusta must Ire the point for Southern Trade in future, and 262 BftOAD STREET, THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS. jal9 ts 1. KAHN & ORE NEW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED at NO. 314 BROaD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES , RIBBONS, SILK an el SILK VELVET, Dress Trimmings, great variety Bugle Cloak Sets Dress Buttons, large assortment Blapk and Colored Dress Silks Black Bombazine Black, Colored ami White Alpacas French DuLnines, figured and plain French Merino Poplins and Muslin DcT.aines Tarltons, Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet Muslins Cheek and Plaid Muslins Dotted Swiss Muslins Kid Gloves Buck Uj.untletß Ladies’, Misses’and Gents' Hosiery Drifting. 11..0U, Round and Kino Coral* Silk, Cotton and Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs Bird eye Diaper Towels and Towelling Damask Tabling and Napkins Brown and Bleached Shirtings Fronting Linen Linen and Cotton Sheetings Linen and Cotton Pillow Casing Colored Cambrics and Paper Cambrics Colored and Bleached Jeans Kentneky Jeans and Tweeds Sattinets and Cashmeres Fine French Broadcloths Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes And many other articles too numerous to mention. Call and see our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods at wholesale and retail. J. D. A. MURPHY A CO.. HI4 Broad street, Augusta. Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. jalH—lm fpo THE LADIES: 1 MADAME DBMOREST, EMPORIUM OP FASHION, Branch at Augusta. No. 32fi Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed ami Untrimmed. tor salo.j NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. ja 13—ts Mi.s L. J. READ. D R. WRIGHT & Cos.. . Globe Hotel Building 250 Broad Strgft, Augusta, Ga.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple amt Fancy D R r GOOI) s. Keep constantly nn band a complete and choice assortment *if all kinds of Dry (lands, ('tanks. Shawls, Riadiey'r Dlljjba ElliyUc Skirls, Dress (loads, linens, Da masks. Hosiery, etc., etc., all of which they )(l'er at i.nyy prices, and invite an examinajion of their Stock. Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad Rank notes reeeivid at par lor goods. jail—lm Is S L . J . REA D , AGENT FOR GROVER A BAKER’S SEWING M A CHINES, 326 Iroad Street. A complete stock of Needles, and all Ihc improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always forsale. jalj—tf J. N. FREEMAN, Dealer in watches’. clocks JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, l‘L \Tlil) GOODS. Etc.. 312 Broad Strtel, Augusta, Georgia, Nearly oppoiite Planters' Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY Repaired. ja24—lm Auctioneers. TanL>RY~74ii. ’ J JANUARY 7th, 18t6 AFTER THIS DATE m von auction wiix be Received on I|MIT W,, LBE "“Without reserve 701118 highest bidder. GOODS CONSIGNED cs OR REAL ESTATE FOR PRIVATE SALE WII.I. MEET wirH pROMpT AND PERSONAL UNDER LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS FROM OWNERS AND CONSIGNORS. REGULAR SALE DAYS AT AUCTION TUESDAY THURSDAY A NT) SATUR D A r. ju7 i m C. V. WALKER & CO. rjj3 SAVAGE HEYWARD & SONS, A UCTIO N ANT) General Commission Merchants, No. I*2B Fast Bay, Chaui-oho*, S. C. (Next to I'lfon Bank), AND No. 241 Broad Street, Augusta, G). Will give |Hi mpt ntteftion t» the Pnr clmse i.iiii .“ale of Lauds. I’lli'ls, St. ok-. Cotton, l ice, Vbrchatulize, Naval Mores, and alt kinds of Produce liming l»ree -t le rimn) rconm.oda tions, v ill le |.n 11 toil io soil ala union am! piivao sale, i ing.es and all inents «I,Veil mov lie eiitiusted lo ns jaß— r f j ■ ' ' Q V, WALKER & CO., 271 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., AUCTION AND General Ciniunssiau Merchants, Will give pr« lupt hihl pturial ancution to all busiiK'SH onirusted to them. Favors so licited. juJ—tf In eh nni itlen. li. DRuDNAX, Ix.srilAVCK Agem T. Losses Adjusted and 1 aid by me at my Ofice, corner Butnl olid JucLson streets, opposite Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Insure only in old and tried Companies ihnt are well known. All business attended to with fidelity a; and (lispateb. $10,000,000 CASH CAPITAL. /Etna, of Hertford, Conn. Phoenix, of Uprtlord. Conn. I’raveler’s (Aeeident). Hartford, Conn. Norwich. Norwich. Conti. Equitable Life, Now York. International, New \ w rk. Washington. New York. Continental. New York. Western Massar husetts, Massachusetts. Gulf State, Florida. Alabama, Alabama. James River, Virginia. jaG—2m 240 MABSHiLLS 240 INSURANCE AGENCY. Home Insurance Company, of New York Security fnsuraore Company, of New York Manli»ttan Insurance Company, New York Atlantic Insurance Company, Brooklyn. New York Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Springfield, Mass. Insurance Company Valley of Virginia, Winchester, Ya. # Florida Home Insurance Company, Apa lachicola 1 Woodvjlie Insurance Company, Woodville Alabama. Li fe and Accidental. Knickerbocker Lite Insurance Comnanv New York ~ New York Accidental Insurance Company New York.. Five. Marine. River. Inland, Life and Ac-' cidental Risks taken in Hie above first class Companies, at reasonable rales. Particular attention given to Farm Prop erty ami Country residences. 1 Losses promptly adjusted. . , JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent, j* 3 240 Broad street. McHULtus, Drugs, Ij <t — -txf- 4-hi fr*- ' ptlMB k LEITNER, . “ !I? Tlrnftd Ft. / ogu-ta. fit. ‘ ' • llotksAl.K AM) AKTAU. )*) aii,. ■_ DRUG J* M EJUI'IS IS, CIiFMiA PERFUMERY,.I l-V: ll.\lu Afip ’ tootii Biiisiu-s, I F’ine Tnifct i ’ Surgical an*l I «>(»! Tiistinii cut. (ibis.-. Putty I iiiou, 1 1,). VimiWbcs. Ihc M iifii_ Famy.tr I /ilet Artid Ittli-Un. ‘ ! GRASS AND GAItLEN FEED• | j .3—ts 1 lIR. JUS. HATT.jX. | PH. s. 11. SlßVfnva \:EW I’RESLRIi TION Ufif t |IN STORE, lli Near fbe Bell Tow-r, At i. i sta, 0i Drs. IIA TTON <( SHUMORS, Dealers iii DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICAL PERFUMERY, TOILET#Ain ICLI S, Ac., Ac, Pres< riptions cnrefully enri:j)<misled ft all liourß, day and night, utit-.-r the M .sonnl supervision of one of the firin Orders from our country speetfullv wdicilcd. j,,;; j. a. AX-i.r.v. j p I, avsi.ii yiRGINIA & NORTH CAIIOLINI TOBACCO AGENCY J . A . ANSLKY A CO., Commission Merchants, No. 300 Broad Street, Augusta. ja4 tin l. t. ii.AtHonX, W. K. IltKliiv-^' 120 Chestnut st., N0.7 Wiirrenblock Philadelphia. Augusla t Gi. QLAGHORN & HERRING, Commission Merchants. Agents for the piuebuse and safe Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Sheetings. Shirtings, Bril's, Osiiaburgs, Ae., Ac. UONBIOXMEXTB AXP OIIPFUS KOI.ICITCD. An (fit aid, Ga. j»3—l m Wholesale Dealers in nil kinds of FiXK AMI CoAIiSK CAPERS, ENVEUH PS. TWINS AND PAPER BAGS, DEALERS IN PAPER STOCK. GASH PAID Fuli RAGS, WASTE PAIER Ahj DAMAGED COTTON. No. 210 Bay Street. Savannah, Gj, YT PAPER furui-i.-ed at inanufii-niren l :l b'es |.. 3—if (\ 11. MEYER, v I • 144 Jtiood Street, Wholesale and Retail dialer in Si gars, Cheering ova Smoking Tnhaat SoujT, Pi/ex, Ac. Also, a complete stock of FANCY GOODS Os every description. A tine lot of patent Pipes always oi baud. jii7—lb nHOICK PERFUMERY \J COLOGNE WATER BKUSHI S . TOILET SOAPS, And almost evorv nrtii b- I'm the Toilet,(or sale by i'LUMjI ,t- LI, UN El!, jn3—tf 212 Broad TANARUS, August!, \\ HITE LEAD VV LINSEEI) OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colon For sr le, wholesale aid utail, at tbs lowest figu es, Lv PLUMB A LEl'iNiß. jaS— If 212 Broad st_ Augiut* J G. COFFIN, House, Sign and Ornamental PaIxTK'K, Jackson St., opposite Van Winkle Hang) AUGUSTA, GEO. .in 12—fun \ L STROM, ii i Jeweller and Diamond Selter, Mclntosh street. Bet. Broad and Ellis Pts . (opp. P,)St-0E«)i AUGUSTA, GA. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired Promptly and Cheaply. jn7—lm Administrator's Sale. WILL be sold, at tbo Lrwcr Market House, in the city of Auuufuu between the legnl hours of sale, on the first Tue-Jtjil March next, under an order of the Honor able the Conrfc of Ordinary, of lliclmocd county, one House and Lot. on Centred in the city of Augusta, mar the Waynesbo ro* Depot. The lot fronting nincty-the left on entre street, itfdre or less. Sold as tin of the estate of Matthew Cuuualan, dWeased, for the benefit o the heirs md creditors of said deceased. -T«»im* ( nsh. TIMOTHY IlKri-FKNAK, jal6—4ot* AUuiinistrstof*