Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, February 22, 1866, Image 1
*W a*-*. ,***, jk-H*s. ip :;r — Indent Httiea. MARSHALL’S 240-M’sw*A.iv<?f 240 agency. uo*4t*«t*»<* «■■?■**• of *•» York flZriu I»»n>» r * Company, of Now York 2rV,u» lo«nuw* Company. Now York IdoiK' Innirenen Company, Brooklyn, »w Tor* , ;j Jit* and Marine Insurance Sprin*<*M. Mom. iMßTinirt Ca*P***y 'Alley of Virginia, Winchester. 'a* Florid Maaw liiioraaa# Company, A pa lactic via Waedrill* In*«r*noe Company, Wood. HU, Atakim*. If fit aiyl Aceukulal. I,iekfL.f. In»uronoo Company Art York jj { , York Accidental Insurance Company, Xo» York. Pire, Marine, River. Inland. Lift and Ac ndtsul Buk* taken in the above flrtt class Coapanie*. a! reasonable rate*. Pwticotar attention given to Farm Prep ay and Country residence*. Loarta promptly adjusted. JOS. B. MARSHALL, A cent, 240 Broad street. Yire Marine & Inland Navigation IVSCRAXCK, Hartford fikk insurance co., Hartford- Putnam Fire Insurance Ca„ Hartford. Home Insurance Cos.. New Haven. Columbia Fire Inauraueo Cu., New York. Fulton Fite Insurance Cos.. New York. Eirelsior Fire Insurance Cos.. New York. Baitie Fire Insurance Cos., Now York. Southern Insurance A Trust Cos.. Savannah. Hume insurance Cos., Savannah. The undersigned. Ageu* for tho above limed reliable Northern and Southern In surance Companies, is prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize. Cotton, and other property, at the current rates. Losses prumptlr adjusted aud paid. WM. E. EVANS, Agent, f,M—3m 21** Broad st., Augusta. BH. BRODNAX, , I.vacttAxt'K Agency. 1/nm JifrU'l"! a>‘d raid by me at my Office. comer Broad and Jackson iti-eets, opposite Globe Hotel , Augusta, Ga. soy- Insure only in old and tried Companies that are well known. business attended to with fidelity r:d dispatch. ♦10,000,000 CASH CAPITAL. .Etna, ol Hartford. Conn. Phoenix, of H.trttord,' Conn. Traveler’* (Accidml), Hartford, Cotiv~ Norwich. Norwich, Couth Equitable Life. New York, r. International. New York. Washington, New _ Continental. New York?*’ Western Massachusetts, Massachusetts. •tTfllf State. FluriHa. Alabama. Alabama. James River, Virgiui n. jnO—2m Physicians. jjarmiAY-"' Offer* hi * Professional Service. to THE CITIZENS OF AUGUSTA. Rssidence—l2o Broad street. Orrtcr—4sß Broad street. ja9—tf Q P. HUNT. M D~ 0. HOMtEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Surgeon and Am atrhrur. No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich liow), Augusta, Ga. j»10-ly-3m* Guns, Pistols, Ammunition. ' To Sporismen. QIXS, PISTOLS, AND AMMUNITION. Just received, a full assortment of Sin-le and double barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, nil sizes Smith A Wesson and Merwin & Bray’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN BAD DL\6 lieu quality water proof CAPS All kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CART RIDGES, for all size Pistol« Ail kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOlt and DRAWER LOCKS, ail nzes A Keneral assortment of every thin# to be found in a well stocked Gun aud Lock smith Store. Repairing done promptly and iu the best manner, and on the lowest terms. Our stock was purchased since the decline aiul will be gold at low rates. Please call Mid examine. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, 290 Broad Street, f Ver Barr J Batty’s JJrug Store Puns,''pistols, ~~ U AND AMMUNITION! I have juat received an addition to my former stuck of Goods, and offer for sale at reduced prices— Double and Single Guns Lull’s Repeaters Smith A Wesson's Pistols Merwin A Bray's Improved Pistols Stevens' and Merwin A Bray’s Single shot Pistols RallardV Patent Breech-Loading Rides fonder, Shot, and Gun Wadding Double Wa er-proof Caps -ox s Double Water-proof Caps L' X s Common Caps =|V Colt’s Pistol Caps % -0- D. Caps ntallic Cartridges, for all size Pistols owder Masks and Shot Bags, all varieties ocket Cutlery and Spissors Razors and Strops Drawer. Locks K *dAlßlx<i OF GUNS’ AND PISTOLS ,„,. nne * B Lhe best manner, and at short notice, at . 245 Brocui Street. J*2l—tf e. H. ROGERS. F\ . p-~_- Uaily Press. VOL. I. GA h THURSDAY . s^ttss. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. THURSDAY MORNINw FKR 22, 1860 SOISSOIiS. —<ien. Cass is tailing fast. Divorce agencies flourish iq the West. —SL Louis is to have an SBO,OOO the atre. —The coolies are kicking up a sail row in Havana. —Pekin is to have a Catholic cathe- Ural. —Wolves in Michigan are huugry and numerous. —They have a "Stepmother Society" iu Gotham, —Fort SnjJth, Ark., is to have a Na tional Rank. Ibe work on the levees in Louis iana is progressing slowly. —The Government is cancelling the j three cent currency." —The Philadelphia!?uvy Yard cost! $1,998,3.->5. The Rhootees have made peace! with England. —Liberal definition of a J/;ry—twelve ! men in a box. —A critic in Paris died from beiug accused of tAktng black mail. ihe tickets to a certain masked ball in Washington are SSO. A Baptist Church in New York is to be turned into a lager beer saloon. - -Bitter words are appropriately hissed through clenched teeth. —lthasbeeu decided that the Gov ernment vouchers are not negotiable. —1 he New Yorkers ask for a nine months season of opera. I he Temple Bar Magazine has been sold for $12,000. , —A man iu Illinois has been fined $2,000 for calling another a thief. —Ths jcustolo of advertising is a cus" lorn that brings customers. —Louis Napoleon has written a mag a wine article on'Liberty. —Aa .amiable London gentleman kicked his wife to* - "UeaYH*'a Tew weeks ago. —Col. DeKorfxmay, who was the first to introduce the Polka in this country! ! died in Philadelphia recently. —A young uiuti in New York dranvj some corrosive sublimate for whiskey, but he never discovered his mistake. —The .medical students in Chicago, are complained of for leaving dissected i bodies ou the sidevcaiks. —Seventeen millions dollars '<•* gold were yielded by the Idaho mines jn 18G5. —Dr. James H. Dunn, of Abingdon i Va., is making the effort to raise a col ony for Mexico. —A deaf mute passed his examina tion as an attorney at the recent term of Court at Toronto. —Gov. Morion, of Indiana, is to un dergo the “raoxa ’ treatment in Paris— ilia back burnt with tire. —A number of iron mills at Wheeling have suspended on account of workmen striking against a reduction of wages. —A destructive fire took place at Aus tin, Texas, on the 4th instant, involving a loss of $25,000. —The Nevada Legislature has passed resolutions endorsing the Monroe doc trine. —A correspondent asks whim we are happiest? When our dinner is well coosed and "good digestion waits on appetite." —A Southerner has been hoarding in his own house in Beaufort, S. 0., and flaying the negro occupant three dollars a day. —The salt works on Navy Island, New Orleans, will soon be prepared to furnish 1,000 sacks of salt for exporta tion. —Charles Ripley, one of the most emihent lawyers of Kentucky, died Wednesday morning at Louisville, of erysipelas. —The biggest thing on ice is the berg mentioned by Dr. Hayes, which con. mined 27,000,000,000,000,000,000,0110, - 000 tons —more or less. who picked up a waterfall, had the temerity to inspect its contents. He found an old shoe, three newspapers, a live mouse and a turnip. The young lady students of the Se neca Falls Acoifemy have organized a literary society, which meets onfce a week, and cull themselves "The Go- Home-Alones.” A Paris Case has on its sard, among other wiuefi and liquorel the word ■‘Cnerigobler." -The Empress of France is earning girls to be employed iu the telegraph of- Snakes” is another aew fashion for wearing ladies’ hair, which sscceeda thVt called?‘rats and,inice." i ‘ ~ St i& l "‘ Ve keen taken in New York to foi «. society to* pre\ vent cruelty to artim»ls. ' Rev. Robert L. Cn)lier, of Chicago, recently a prominent Mtgfhopist clergy man, has accepted the call tjf a Uuiver. salist church imtliat city. ; —Jenkins, in describing the "burst, ing ’ style of dress prevailing in New York bulls, has literally taken to aeck romaneing. —Rev. John J. Williams, recently ap pointed co-auditor Bishop of Boston, is the successor of Bishop Fitzpatrick, who died recently. —J. T. Hart, the sculptor, noil” in Florence, writes that his statute of I!% nry Clay, designed for the Louisville court house, will soon he completed. —General Sutter, the pioneer tettler of California, is at Washington, seeking payment for property taken away from him in that State. He is very poor. —There’s an old day laborer down town, says the Utah Vidctte, that has thirty children crying for bread, audjiis two Welch wives well nigh emaciated. It’s lucky for him that there’s no tfix'on children! —Little three year old Jennie was playing very roughly with the kitten, Car rying it by the tail. Her mother t£ld her that she would hurt pussy. "Wk y, no I wou’t," said she, "I’m carrying it by the handle 1" —A .reporter of the Chicago Tribune, disguised as a female, learned from a professional astrologist of that city that he was a widow, shortly to be marriedtto a middle aged gentleman, and to take a bridal trip to Europe. —The Charleston Courier states th.,.t the direct land tax under the act .iVJSfig, already collected in South Car, ,na, ex ceeds the apiiortigmemt r. tfuirt d*to-- W~ paid by that State by nearly two hun dred thousand dollars. —At a reception in Washington a re porter says there were present “warriors and naval heroes, whose fame is world wide, eminent statesmen and jurists, twenty of whom at least are candidates for the Presidency.” The Momr IL>pe Asylum conspiracy case was brought to a termination on Wednesday. The court sustained the point made by the defence against the admission of evidence prior to 1865, upon which the prosecution abandoned I the case. | —Boston is rejoicing over the pros j pectof anew grand hotel. It will be built ip Franklin Square, on the site of Hallet A Davis’ piano manufactory. The whole are* occupied will be over an acre and a half. \ —A train \n the Virginia Central road connects aXHordohsville with the night train of the krange company, and take, through to Rich mond witnout detentiiK i —The average months attendance of scholars at the various Sulbath Schools of the Baptist Churches in Hchmond, is 1601, employing 218 teachers. —We learn from the Republic%n, that anew Gas Company has been stated in •Savannah, under Battering Alderman Gue is at the head of the en terprise, and has taken the contract to light the efty. —At Bridgeport, Connecticut, Feb. 14, the jury returned a verdict of guilty against Clartr and Tristman, recently arrested and tried for robbery of the Adams Express Company, on the night of the 6th of January. They were sen tenced by Judge Butler to hard labor in the Penitentiary. —Two little children of Messrs. A. VV. Cramer and H. B. Davenport, of Charlestown, Virginia, were badly burned the other day by their clothes catching fire. And at Rippon, in the same county, Mrs. Jane Amanda Burns, lost her life last Tuesday in the same way. There has been no fatal case of cholera in Paris since January 14th. The epidemic made its appearance on the 15th of September, 1865, and in the course of the four intervening months carried off 6,388 persons. The greatest mortality on any one day was on the 14th of last October, when 230 deaths were recorded. MORYIYG, FEB. 22, 1866. Rare Chance ! Rare Chance! QUEAT BARGAINS y GIVEN AWAY 1 SELLING OFF BELOW COST. The Undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Augusta, and surrounding cmlntry in general, that be is about to change hie business, and offers his ENTIRE’ STOCK, Consisting of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, ’ SHOES, HATS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc, Etc, at greatly reduced prices. Ladies will do well to give me a call be fore puYeliisgiug elsewhere. , B. PHILLIPS, Snuff, Totmcco, Cigars, Etc. A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Gained. This truism you can realize By purchasing NELSON A McILIV.VINE’S FINELY FLAVORED Scotch. Snuff! - “SWEET AS THE ROSE,” ’ Which they are selling here iu Augusta at NEW YORK PRICES. Ibe quality of the Article they guarantee to bo Equal to any and Excelled by None in the World ! Dealers will consult, their own interest best by purchasing their SNUFF. Placing their business upon this basis, their indulgent patrons will observe that they ask for no favors, except that Southern Dealers may SAVE FREIGHT & OTHER CHARGES, And at tho same time Encourage and Sustain SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES. You can now SAVE YOUR MONEY AND YOUR PROFITS Ry calling upon their Agents, BLAIR. SMITH & CO., GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., Commission Merchants generally, and most of the Druggists of this city. NELSON <t McILWAINE. N. B.—Remember, we sell at NEW YORK PRICES, and allow the usual discount to the Trade. fe 13-1 y Tobacco, Snuff, Iron and Bacon. <2QQ BOXES TOBACCO, VARIOUS BRANDS AND GRADES. From Common to Fine. TWO HUNDRED KEGS AND BARRELS SCOTCH AND MACCABGY SNUFF, A Good Article. THIRTY TONS IRON, All Sizes, including Baud, Hoop, Round and Square. A Few Hogsheads PRIME BRIGHT BACON SHOULDERS. Fo r Sale by NEAL, WHITLOCK k CO. ja3o—tf BROAD STREET. Gh. meyerT > 14 4 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. DOMESTIC & HAVANA SEGARS, Wholesale and A.-tail dealer in Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, i(x. Also, a complete stoek of FANCY GOODS Os every description. A fine lot of patent Pipes always on hand. feß—3m ~ ' P. HANSBERGER & CO., CORNER BROAD & M’INTOSH STS., (Opposite Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN And Importers and Manufacturers of HAVANNA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipes and Tobacco of all kinds, Lorilllard’s, Rappee, Maecaboy, Scotch SN UFFS, ETC. feb4-3m |j^~ ENTtTCKY SALE AND LIVERY STABLES, By GEORGE W. CONWAY, Campbell Street, bet. Broad and Reynolds, AUGUSTA, GA. All kinds of Vehicles and Saddle Horses ‘or Hire; also, fine Carriages, strictly for family use. Match Horses, Single Harness Horses, and Saddle Horses bought or sold on commis jon. Covered accommodations on the premises fir two hundred head of Mules. ja3l—tf ' HAY AND LIMEL 3QQ BUNDLES NORTHERN nAY 100 bbls. best ROCKLAND LIME Just received and for sale by CLARKE A BOWE, Ellis Street, in rear Thos. R. Rhode*. ja26—6m NO. 47. Fertilisers. HOYT’S SUPERPHOSPHATE. $63 PER TON ’ DELIVERED IN AUGUSTA. We offer the above Well known and thoroughly favorite MANURE At $63 per Ton, In lots of Five Tons In smaller parcels, S6B per Ton. This MANURE has been used and tested in the most thorough manner in Georgia and has universally proved equal to any Manure offered in the culture of Cotton. Every Barrel is guaranteed to be of Stan dard Purity. Terras strictly cash. Below are the names of some who have used, and can best speak of its excellence; JONATHAN M. MILLER, Esq., Beech Island, S. C. OWEN P. FITZSIMMONS, Esq., Jefferson County. DAVID DICKSON, Esq., Oxfprd, Georgia. J. A. BELL, Esq., Oglethorpe County, Georgia. JAR. P. FLEMING, Esq., Augusta, Ga. ISAAC T. HEARD, Esq., Augusta, Ga. DR. E. M. PENDLETON, Sparta, Georgia. ROUT. F. CURNELLY, Esq., Burke Couuty Georgia, R. .T. HENDERSON, Esq., Covington, Ga. TUGS. J. DAVIS, Esq., Beech Island, South Carolina. GEO. A. OATES. Esq., Augusta, Georgia. DR. 11. R. COOK, Beech Island, South Carolina. THOS. W. WHATLEY, Esq., Beech Island, South Carolina. WM. SUMMER, Esq., Pmaira, South Carolina. COL. M. C. M. HAMMOND, Athens, Ga. WM. D. GRANT, Esq., Walton County, Georgia. JAMES A. SHIVERS, Esq., Warrenton, Georgia. 7. F. AWTREY, Esq., LaGrnnge, Georgia. WILSON BIRD, Esq., Hancock Couaty, Georgia. J. R. MORRISSON, Esq., Burke County Georgia. W. A. SAFFOLD, Esq., Madison, Georgia. AY. W. ANDERSON, Esq., Warren County Georgia. JUDGE M. n. AYELION, Esq., Warren . County, Georgia. M. W. HUBERT, Esq., AYarren County, Georgia. AV. H. BRANTLEY, Esq., AVarren County, Georgia. ISAAC POAYELL, Esq., High Shoals, Ga. L. C. DENNIS, Esq., Eaton ton, Georgia. A. G. HESTER. Esq., AYalton County, Ga. JQEL MATIIEAVS, Esq, Oglethorpe County, Georgia. COL. JOHN BILLUPS, Athens, Georgia. DR. G. AY WATKINS, Sparta. Georgia. A. J. LANE. Esq., Sparta, Georgia. AA r . AY. SIMPSON, Esq., Sparta, Georgia. J. T. BOTHWELL, Esq., Augusta, Georgia. J. V. JONES, Esq., Burke County, Georgia. A. PHARR t JEsq., Social.. Circle, Columbia.. Countv, GeoTgtX. J. C. BOAl r ER, E.«q., Irwinton, Georgia. R. H. P. LAZENBY, Esq., AYarrenton, Georgia. JAS. RAINSFORD, Esq., Edgefield, South Carolina. IION. J. J. JONES, Burke County, Georgia. 8 M. r MANNING, Hawkinsville, Georgia. E. A. SMITH, Esq., AVaJton County. Georgia. T. J LESTER, Esq., Walton County, Georgia. JOHN P. C. AYHITEIIEAD, Esq., rke County, Georgia. DR. M. S. DURHAM, Esq., CLirke Cos ty. Georgia. A. P. DEArING, Esq., Athens. Georgia For prompt attention orders should be sent iu early, to J. 0. MATHEWSON, Agent, fe4—tf 285 Broad st. August.a, Ga. Guano! Guano!! rPO THE 1 PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH \Ye are now prepared to furnish GUANO AND FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, With Expenses added, which shall be as reasonable as possible. PLANTERS WILL PLEASE SEND IN TIIEIR ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSNBLE, AS GOOD GUANO AND FERTILIZERS^ ARE SCARCE. GEO. R. CRUMP A CO. fcio—3m 209 Broad St. NOTICE. H ENERAL Ur GEORGIA LAND AGENCY No. 292 Broad Street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA. GA. Negotiate loans for Farmers, Miners, etc. Procure White Laborers, of either sex ; Or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the Settlement of Georgia Land ; Purchase and Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, &c. All land left at this office for sale or lease is advertised in pamphlet, free of charge, to the owner*. fel3—lm JACOB R. DAVIS & SON. AYTHITE LEAD VV LINSEED OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colors For sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest figuies, by PLUMB 4 LEITNER, jaß—tf SI 2 Broad at., Augusta Cjft Ijrili |rtss. BOOK AITD JOB PRIHTIHO or EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER. The Faetest Power Preeees, aud§Beet of Workmen enable* u* to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Rate* than elsewhere. q barrels OGU Choice Low-Priced WHISKEY 1 nn BARRELS I G'-I Stag Head Bourbon WHISKEY fel7 -lm MAUDE A WRIGHT. Auctioneers. S.' A. ATKINSON. Auctioneer and commission • MERCHANT, 141 Broad, front of Monument Street, Augusta. Georgia, Will give persona! attention to all con signments and make prompt returns. Special attention paid to sale of Real Es tate. Sales every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. felß—lm W. B. GliSi riY. Commission merchant and AUCTIONEER, No. 274 Broad Street, Avgusta, Ga., Will give prompt attention to all consign ments of Merchandize, Stocks, Bonds. Real Estate, Furniture, etc., etc., either at Pri vate or Publie-Saie. Respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, will do his best for the interest of bis patrons. Sale days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Quick sales and prompt returns. fel7-ltn fJA SAVAGE HEYWARD & SONS, A UCTION AND General Commission Merchants, No. ,123 East Bay. Chari.as tori, S. 0. (Next to Union Bank), AND No. 241 Broad Street, Augusta, ■ Qa. Will give prompt attention to the Pur chase and Sale of Lands, Bonds, Stocks, Cotton, Rice, Merchandize, Naval Stores, and all kinds of Produce. Having large store room occommoda tions, will be prepared to sell, at auction and private’sale. Cargoes and all Consign ments which mt.y be entrusted to us. . -y; Q V. WALKER & CO., 271 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., AUCTION ANI> General Commission Merchants, Will give prompt and general attention to all business entrusted to them. - Favors so licited. ja3—tf INO. C. SCHRf.INKH FsOSS, • Macon, Ga. JNO. C. SCHREINER * SONS, Savannah, Ga. John C. Schreiner & Sons,. AUGUSTA, GA. BOOKS. .STATIONERY, MUSIC and FANCY GOODS. Keep constantly on hand a choice seleo tion of the above articles. All orders from tho Country promptly attended to. THE BEST OF ITALIAN VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. AGENTS FOR Steinwav A Sons, Soebbeler A Schmidt’s, and Gale A Co.’s CELEBRATED PIANOS. feb4—3m IIORSE SIEOEIXG. pATRICK SHARKEY, . HORSE SHOER AND BLACKSMITHING GENERALLY. Remember the location—Bounded on the North by Broad Street; on the South by Ellis Street; and located in Centre Street, between the two of them. ja3l—lm SELECT SCHOOL I AM PREPARED TO GIVE INSTRUC -1 tion in Classics, the Higher Branches of the English Language, and the Primary De partment. Strict attention will be paid to the younger S molars, as well as to those farther ad vanced. Terms reasonable. JOSEPH T. DERRY, jat)27—3m* 82 Walker street. (40UTHKRN FRUIT TREES! The largest and best selection of APPLE, PEAR,*PEAGH, and other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS, Etc., Etc.' pm- EXTRA LARGE TREES for in MEDIATE BEARING. Send for a Catalogue. Address ja)2—tf D. REDMOND, Augusta, Ga. TO BENT. ' MY HOUSE AND LOT ON THE Sand Hills, about two or two and a half miles from the city. Said residence contains eight well finished rooms. On the lot there is a kitchen, negro quarters, stable, carriage house and other necessary outbuild ings. A good well of water, garden spot and many fruit tree*. Possession given im mediately. fel»—tf JOSIAH SIBLEY.