Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, March 09, 1866, Image 3

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CM #ails f§§ LARGEST (iSC E L ATION. AUOWfA, OA. FRIDAY MORNING..... Marsh «, 1566 Sew Advertisement*. v For hit or Root—Jno. B. Meade A Sod. Theatre. —Satan in Paris. . Lost.—Bakor k Shields. Oa Consignment Churchill k Johnston. Apples.—W. H. Potter. Kasteru llay.—Clarke k Bcwo. Spring Fashions—Mrs Pugho To the Ladies—l9# Broad Street Sale of Goeernment Property at Macon, Go Wednesday, April 4th, 18## New Goods—Mrs K II Pughe Wanted—John Nelson A Son LOCAIT MATTERS. Mr. E. Hiller will hear of some thing to his advantage by calling at the Dsilt Press Job Office. A New Steamboat for our River.— The Charleston South Carolinian of March #th says : “Our busiuess i-oinmunity will be glad to learn that Messrs. Willis k Chisolm hare determined to open a steam boat line between Charleston and Augusta direct. During the interruption of railroad communication it will be a great advantage to the merchants of both cities to be able to ship freight from one place to the other without the inconvenience of reshipments along the route. The steamer to be em ployed on this line is tho “Zebulon B. Vance,” anew iron boat, built in M'ilming ton, Delaware, with ample accommodations for passengers as well as froight. No firm has done more to relieve the commerce of our city Chau that of Messrs- Willis k Chis olm, and, consequently, they deserve in the highest degree the favor of our community. The same journal contains an account of a moonlight excursion trip of the Z. B. Vance around the harbor, which trip was very agreeable and very satisfactory. This enterprise will be a great accommo dation to our business public, and will, we hope, prove successful and remunerative to the energetic proprietors. Dry Goods. lf any of our lady friends wish to see some of the finest and handsomest-goods ever brought into this market, they should go to Mrs. Pughe’s dry goods, fancy and millinery store. No. 190 Broad street. We took * peep in there yesterday and we found everybody busy, waiting on customers, opening new goods, and presenting great attractions to the ladies especially. Mrs. Pughe has a fine assort ment of hats, bonnets, ribbons, and every thing usually kept in a first class dry goods and millinery establishment. She offers them on reasonable terms, cither at whale sale or retail, and ladies and dealers should give her a call. She is constantly receiving additions to her already large and varied stock. The South Carolina Rail Road.— We find the following gratifying intelligence in the Charleston South Carolinian of March 7th : “It is encouraging to hear that, in a very short time, the trains of the South Carolina Rail Road will he running along the whole length of the line from Charleston to Hamburg. The officers are concentra ting all their energies upon this most im portant work, and are rapidly closing upon the breaks, now traversed by wagons, a dis tance of twenty-five miles, from lilackville to Johnston’s Turn-Out. We congratulate our public upon this prospect, and Messrs Magrath, Peake, and their officers, upon that energetic working, which, in spite of embarrassment, aparently invincible, has enabled them to do so much. The Weather.— We have had for several days past a succession of pretty wcafber—a fore-runner of “mild, ethereal spring,” and the fairer portions of creation hare taken advantage of it to promenade Broad street, adding so much to its hand some appearauee by their handsome faces, sweet smiles, and gay dresses. Fact is, its rather difficult for a poor editor and printers who work at front windows, to do much work of an afternoon. But they can’t help it; therefore nobody should blame them. We don’t. Bnt then if a man stands by a window, and gases forth at the pretty girls, and doesn't make wages that’s his look-out, not onrs. Loss of the Steamer R. H. May.— We regret to learn that this steamer, built in this city, and named in honor of our pop ular Mayor, was destroyed by fire, some two miles below Poor Robin, 140 miles below Augusta, on the Savannah River, on Mon day evening last. She had a cargo of 336 bales of cotton and six bundles hides, all of which was lost. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks lodging in the cotton. The R. H. May was owned by Messrs Geo. T. Jackson A Cos., of this city. Iler cargo was valued at about SIO,OOO was not insured. The Constitutionalist. —We notice with pleasure, the evidence of success which oar old and respected cotemporary aeross the way exhibits. It come out yesterday morn ing arrayed in a handsome garb of new type, and is every way worthy of the enviable reputation whioh it bears. May its merits and its success never be less. They have a Horse Insurance Com pany in Louisville, Ky. It was chartered by the Legislature last winter, and is said to be doing a swimming business. It was chartered solely for the purpose of insuring horses, mules, etc., against death, theft and peril of inland transportation. We believe in insurance, and we have agencies in this city—look at their cards. Great Sale of Govemuxt Prop rrtt—We call the attention of builders, machinists and others, to tho greet sale of Government property which is to take pleee at Macon, Ue., on Wednesday, April 4th, 18##. It will embraoe copper, wrought, pig and cast iron, chains, cloth, bolting, powder, machines, besides harness, saddles, etc., paints, oils, ete. Catalogues can ba obtained from the Chief of Ordinanne, at Washington, D. C., and from the Command ing Officer of tho Augusta Arseual, Colds in the Head.—As this is the season for these troublesome and annoying little maladies, a remedy pointed out by the I tenoh Iloepilal Gazette may be of consider able interest and nse on this side of the At lantic. It consists in inhaling the tincture of iodide by bolding a vial of the tincture under the nose. The warmth of the hand volatiles the tincture. It is to bo thus breathed at intervals of tbreo minutes, and the malady is soon conquered. Theatre. —The enterprising Man agers, faithful to their promise, have already giveu a succession of plays ; and present an admirable bill for this evening’s enter tainment. It will consist of the pleasing comedy of “Satan in Paris,” and the amu- Bing farce of “Slasher and Crasher.” At Concert Hall you can spend a very agreea ble evening. If you want a good seat, se cure one and go early. Consignees per Central Rail Road. —L G Filiette, J Myers A Cos, I K ahn A Cos, J O Mathewson, W A Ramsey A Cos, Ste venson A S, J D Butt A Bros, Gray. M A Cos. D R Wright A Cos, .T W Bacon A Bro, G Kahrs, Mrs Anna Ludkins. A Bieakley, Ramey A TANARUS, E O’Donnell, H Levy, E R Schneider, Gen Brandon, R Miller. George Jackson. Liquors and Other Things.— Churchill A Johnston advertise choice bran dies for sale : also shoes, hats, etc., together with a variety of goods in which everybody is more pr less interested. Everybody, therefore, should visit Churchill A John ston and supply their wants. Apples that are Apples.— Who is it that does not love apples ? If any. he need not bother himself about it; but those who do love them, and want a really nice article, to all such we say go to W. H. Potter’s and get some. In case of ship fever or contagion of any kind on board of vessels, no better dis infectant can be obtained than Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid—better than any fumi gation, and no danger with it. To use Pro phylactic freely about ships prevents disease generally. Bed Rooms and Hospitals, especially where the sickness has been of a contagious character, or small pox, scarlet lever, or cholera, should be purified by sprinkling over walls, floors and beds. Darby’s Prophy lactic Fluid. Robbery.—A gentleman from the country was robbed in Broad street, on Wed nesday night last, of some S2OO in gold, by a couple of rogues, who overpowered him. The police were very promptly on the spot. Lost.—rlf any persons finds a breast pin, answering to the description of the one advertised by Baker A Shields, in another column, they should return it to the owner at once. For Sale or Rent.— John 11. Mead A Son advertise a house in Woodlawn for sale or rent. It is described as well ar ranged for comfort or convenience. River News.—There were no arrivals yesterday. The Union left for Savannah. At the wharf—Minnie Brandt and L Enos. Water mark six feet six inches. ' Municipal Election. INDEPENDENT TICKET.—The following named gentlemen will be supported for MAYOR aud MEMBERS OF COUNCIL at the ensuing election in April next: FOl! MAYOR. JOHN FOSTER. FOR CITY COUNCIL. first ward. JAMES T. BOTHWELL, A. P. ROBERTSON, JOHN U. MEYER. SECOND WARD. W. J. OWENS. D. H. DENNING, JOSHUA K. EVANS. , third ward. (f JACOB B. PLATT. ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, W. A. RAMSEY. FOURTH W'ARD. JERRY REED. DR. M. E. SWINNEY, JAMES GARRAGAN. mh6—td TIIE CITIZENS OF THE FIRST Ward having expressed their preference for the following gentlemen to represent them the ensuing year,as MEMBERS OF COUN CIL, they are, therefore, announced as can didates. HENRY T. PEAY, JAMES T. BOTHWELL, mh6—td JOHN U. MEYER. SECOND WARD.-The follow ing named gentlemen will be supported for MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, in Ward No. 2 at the Election in APRIL Next. W. J. OWENS, D. H. DENNING, mh3-td J. K. EVANS. 1 . ::-rrrzr. zr= FOR MAYOR. —We are author ized to announce JOHN FOSTER, Esq., as a Candidate for MAYOR of the City of Au gusta, at the Municipal Election in APRIL next. mh2-td fogS-, INDEPENDENT TICKET.— The tellowing names will be supported for MEMBERS OF COUNCILin Ward No. 1, at the ensuing Election m APRIL next. JAS T BOTHWELL, A P ROBERTSON, mh2-td JOHN U MEYER. Soothers Medical A Sargfal JOURNTAL I Third series— EDITED BY JOSEPH JONES, M. D. Professor of Medical Chemistry in the Medical College of Georgia, at Augusta; and tormerlu Surgeon in the Provisional Army of the Confodeiate States. The SOUTHERN MEDICAL and SUR GICAL JOURNAL, of Augusta, Georgia, was established in 1536, by the late Prolessor Milton Antony, the illustrious founder us the Medical College of Ueorgia, aud has al ways commanded tho respect and patrouage of the Profession, not only as one of the oldest and largest American Periodicals, but ohiefly by those valuable original com municatiojs, contributed by the most emi nent, scientific men and practitioners of the Southern States, which have enriched its pages during the past thirty years. The volumes already issued, embrace over six teen thousand closely printed pages, con taining more than six hundred original communications from professional tnen throughout the Southern States, besides an immense number of valuable articles, select ed from its ample list of American aud foreign exchanges. During the recent civil war, the publica tion of the SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNa\L was necessarily sus pended. At the close of a Moody and dis astrous war, which has ended in the destruc tion and surrender of the Southern armies, aud in the destruction and capture of the archives of the Confederate Government, and of the immense stores of medical facts and observations accumulated by the Medical Officers of tho Confederate Army, under the direction of their intelligent and efficient Surgeon General, it is believed by medical men of the highest standing in this section of the South, that it is important to estab lish at this time a Medical Periodical of sufficient size to furnish ample room for the publication of the valuable experience of the Medical Officers of the late Confederate Army. It will he the earnest effort of the Editor to sustain the former usefulness of this Journal as a medium for the communica tion of the discoveries and advancing doc trines.pfscience and of all the departments of Medicine, aud of the facts and discove ries tending to develop the material pros perity of the South, and especially of the valuable Medical statistics and observations of the recent disastrous revolution. In view of the good accomplished in times past by the publication of th<* SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, the Editor feels no hesitation iu urging its claims upon its former patrons and friends. The SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SUR GICAL JOURNAL will be issued every TWO MONTHS, commencing Ist of July, 1866, and each number will contain ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX PAGES of printed matter, (octavo); the yearly publication will therefore number One Thousand and Fifty-six pages, and bo equal in size to the largest American and Euro pean Journals. TERMS— Five Dollars Per Annum, in Advance. Subscribers are requested to send forward their names at once, is important that the Publisher should have some idea before hand of the number of copies to be printed. The Publisher would respectfully call the attention of Druggists, aud of the Import ers and Manufacturers of Drugs, Chemicals and Philosophical Apparatus, and of Book Publishers and Sellers, and of Business Men generally, to the SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND ■SURGICAL JOURNAL as the best means of Advertising in the Southern coun try TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One Third Page, per aunum S2O 00 One Half Page, per annum 30 00 Whole Page, per annum 50 00 Transient advertising inserted on special contract. All Exchange Books for review and Com munications relating to the Literary De partment of the JOURNAL should be sent free of expense, and addressed to the Editor, DR. JOSEPH JONES, 117 Telfair street, Augusta, Ga. Communications on all* Business connected with the SOUTHERN MEDI CAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, must be addressed to the Publisher. E. H. PUGHE, Publisher and Printer, u Daily Press’* Establishment, mh4—tf Augusta, Ga. JOB PRINTING HOUSE. ryi IIS ESTABLISHMENT HA S X been furnished with everything in the TYPE and PRESS DEPARTMENT that the best Founders could supply, and is prepared to execute orders for every descrip tion of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL J oto Printing’ FOR MERCHANTS • MANUFACTURERS MECHANICS AUCTIONEERS BANKS RAIL ROADS STEAMBOATS EXPRESS COMPANIES • INSURANCE COMPANIES HOTELS RESTAURANTS BOARDING-HOUSES THEATRES CONCERT HALLS CLERKS OF COURTS SHERIFFS , * CONSTABLES LAWYERS DOCTORS DENTISTS COLLEGES SCHOOLS and for all other persons, corporations, and institutions. WE PRINT Business Cards Checks Visiting Cards Notes “ At Home ” Cards Drafts Wedding Cards 1 Prices Current Ball Cards Title Deeds Show Cards Trust Deeds Admission Cards Leases Election Cards Receipts Time Tables Taxjiills Way-Bills Licenses Circulars Bonds Bill-Heads. Insurance Policies Shippers’ Receipts Calendars Steamers’ Bills Notices Druggists' Labels Bills of Lading Tobacco Labels Manifests Clothing Labels. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. E. H. PUGHE, OFFICE OF THE DAIL Y PRESS, Corner Broad and Mclntosh sts., Up Stairs, Ausnkta, Ga. - finnX' Tobacab Cigars, A Dollar Saved ii a Dollar Sained. This truism you can realize By purchasing NELSON k McILWAINE’S FINELY FLAVORED Scotch. Snuff! “SWEET *AS THE ROSE,” Whioh they are selling here in Augusta at NEW YORK PRICES. The quality of the Artioie thoy guarantee to be Equal to any and Excelled by Nona in the World ! Dealers will consult their own interest best by purchasing their SNUFF. Placing their business upon this haail, their indulgent patrons will observe that they ask for no favors, except that Southern Dealers may SAVE FREIGHT A OTHER CHARGES, And at the same time Encourage and Sustain SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES. You can now SAVE YOUR MONEY AMD ENLARGE YOUR PROFITS By calling upon their Agents, BLAIR, SMITH A CO., GEO. R. CRUMP A CO., Commission Merchants generally, and most of the Druggists of this oity. NELSON A McILWAINE. N. B—Remember, wosell at NEW YORK PRICES, uad allow the usual discount to the Trade. fel3-ly &11. MEYER, • 144 Broad Street , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. DOMESTIC & HAVANA SEGARS, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snu ff, Pipes , dec. Also, a complete stock of FANCY GOODS Os every description. A lino lot of patent Pipes always on hand. feß—3m P. HANSBERCKER & CO., ~ CORNER BROAD A M’INTOSH STS. (Opposite Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN And Importers and Manufacturers of IIAVANNA AND DOMESTIC SUGARS CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Pipes and Tobacco of all kinds, Lorilllard’s, Rappee, Maec'aboy, Scotch SNUFFS, ETC. feh4-3m Tobacco, Snuff, Iron and Bacon. 200 BOXES TOBACCO, VARIOUS BRANDS AND GRADES. From Common to Fine. TWO HUNDRED KEGS AND BARRELS SCOTCH AND MACCABOY SNUFF, A Good Article. <■ THIRTY TONS IRON, All Sires, including Band, Hoop, Round and Square.* A Few Hogsheads PRIME BRIGHT BACON SHOULDERS. * Fa r Sale by NEAL, WHITLOCK & CO. ja3o—tf BROAD STREET. pLAIN ANI) FANCY. E. H. PUGHE, Corner of Broad and Mclntouh Streete, UP STATUS. EXTENSIVE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ES TABLISIIMEN T. ALL COLORS OF INK. RED INK CARMINE INK LAKE INK PURPLE INK LILAC INK GREEN INK YELLOW INK BROWN INK BLACK INK BLUE INK WHITE INK ALL COLORS OF PAPER & CARDS or beautiful finish. CIRCULARS CARDS HANDBILLS BILLHEADS CHECKS BLANKS RECEIPTS LABLEB TICKETS PROGRAMMES, VISITING, WEDDING AND ADDRESS CARDS, Bills of Fare Dray Tickets Concert Bills Coal Tickets Programmes Wood Tickets Theatre Bills Bread Tickets Show Bills Milk Tickets Posters, all sizes Reward Tickets Passenger Tickets Election Tickets. Certificates of Stock Renewal Certificates Manufacturers' Labels. All work ordered will be done in the most artistic manner, and at very low prices. Printing in every color, ehape and form. ON ANY KIND OF PAPER, EXECUTED PROMPT, NEAT, CHEAP. BAIL BQNDS. BAIL BONDS FOR SALE AT “DAILY PRESS” JOB OFFICE. ALSOy • BLANK SHERIFF SUMMONS. W. HENRY WARREN 4 CO J£XCLUBIVELY AT WHOLESALE, GROCERIES,; BAGGING. ROPE, TWINE, HATS, BLANKETS, NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., 17S and 177 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga. We purchase and sell COTTON, TOBACCO, PRODUCE, JEtc, ON COMMISSION, And forward Goods to any section of the country, North or South. ’ Guano! Guano!! ETTLEWELL’S CORN AND COTTON COMPOUND OF PHOSPHATES, AMMONIA, AND A LKALIES, Made expressly for these Plants and Root Crops. Introduced before the war with GREAT SUCCESS! Price per ton of 2,000 lbs., $55, with Expenses added. For sale by W. HENRY WARREN & CO. ’ To Owners and Shipper* O F COTTON. JNO.. K. GILLIATT A CO., Liverpool. England. OBER, NANSON & CO., . New York. OBER, ATWATER A CO., New # Orleans. LEWIS, NANSON A CO., St. Louis. W. HENRY WARREN A CO., • Augusta, Ga. Representing tho above well known Houses for the State of Georgia, we will put in order and ship COTTON from any seo tion of the country, making liberal advances and speedy returns. The reputation oftheee Houses will insure the most favorable nego tiation of Exchange on New York, Liver pool and London. By our advertisement, it will be seen that we keep expressly for the trade a largaetock of GROCERIES, of all kinds, HATS, CLOTHING, BLANKETS, LINENS, etc., etc., which we will sell as cheap, and in many instances lower, than can be bought in Louisville and Cincinnati. We propose to Merchants holding COTTON to make them advances in Cash or Goods, and sell or ship their COTTON to any of the above points, thus giving them the ad vantage of Augusta, New York or Liverpool markets. An investigation of the above will prove that our facilities for doing business with any section are the very best, and the ad vantages we possess tor making advances in Goods or Cash are probably superior to any one in the State. We earnestly solicit a correspondence with Dealers and Shippers. W. HENRY WARREN A CO., 175 and 177 Broad Street, fe4 —3m Augusta, Ga. OrocerUt, Liquors, etc. Geo. Kahn a Bro*., CORNER ELBERT , k GREECE STREETS. Augusta, Ga, 'At.J iU i WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS JUST RECEIVED. 50 tieroes Carolina KICK 30 bbls Peach Blown POTATOES 13 sacks COFFEE 50 boxes Adamantine Candlea 30 bbls FLOUR 10 tierces Sugar Cured Hams 4 tieroes Breakfast SIDES Besides a large lot of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, A fine assortment of WOODEN WARE, Corner Greene and Elbert sts. GEO. KAHRS & BROS. fe27—lm kerosene oil. LOW PRICES, and FINE KEROSENE LAMPS, Os every desefition, for sale by GEO. KAHRS & BROS, feb27—lm Cor. Greene and Elbert sts. WHISKEY. QA BARRELS, VARIED GRADES /C\J ofGibsous’ celebrated WHISKEY. 5 Barrels BRANDY 6 Barrels GIN 1 Pipe HOLLAND GIN, at fe27—lm GEO. KAHRS A BRO. GROCERIES. Q L. WILLIAMS, No. 315 Broad Street, Has in store, and is this day receiving, fresh supplies of choice GROCERIES, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, comprising every article usually kept inafirst class store (Liquors excepted), all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices, and to which he invites the attention of the pqblio. felO—3m M. o’DOWD, I WM. MULHERIN. Q’DOWD & MULHERIN. Grocers & Commission Merchants, 273 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of produce, and will keep constantly on hand a large stock of choice goods. Call and give us a trial. fe4—3m g S. PELOT & CO, DEALERS IN FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. Brooms, Wood & WiUow Ware, Etc. 129 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. Strict and Personal Attention given to all Consignments. jaß— tf Dry Goods, Etc. E. S. JTAFFRAY & CO. JMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Dry Groods, 350 Broadway, NEW YORK. fe27 —6m J K AHN-& CO. In order to reduce our stock, we offer great inducements to customers. CALICOES, DeLAINES, AND ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE WILL BE Sold at Prices Lower than have ever been offered in the City! In fact, many Goods at New York cost This we propose for the purpose of ob taining room in our establishment for the largest Stock that will possibly be selected for any Southern city this Spring. We desire to retain our former IMMENSE TRADE, and by doing so we must have the Stock and sell Goods cheap, which we intend to do Augusta must be the point for Southern Trade in future, and 262 BROAD STREET, THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS. ja!9- -if 1. KAHN & CO. QHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, DRY GOODS AND General Commission Merchants, 233 Broad St, Augusta, Ga, OPPOSITE MASONIC BALL. Will give prompt and personal attention to all consignments they may be favored with. Consign ments solicited. They keep constantly On hand A good Assortment o DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, - AND GENTLEMENS CLOTHING. ja3—tf fyp-ISS L. J. READ, AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, 826 Broad Street A complete stock of Needles, and all the improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always for sale. j a l3—6m TO THE LADIES: MADAME DEMOREST, emporium of fashion, Branch at Augusta, No. 326 Broad street PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for sale. FEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. js 13—6 m Mite L. S. READ.