Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, March 09, 1866, Image 4

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«r|«Ohsr THE L*ft6ESl_C!icfUTl«.N. BRfDAY Take Heart! ■i— - BT EDNA DEAN PHOCTOR. All day the stormy wind has Mown From uff the dark and rainy eea; No bird baa past the window flown, The only song baa been the moan The wind made in the willow tree. Thia la the aommera’a burial time; She died when dropped the earliest leaver, And. cold upon her rosy prime, Fell down the autumn’s frosty rime— Yet I am not one that grieves. For well I know o’er sunny seas The bluebird waits for April skies; And at the /dot! of forest trees The May flowers sleeps in fragrant ease, And violets bide their azure eyes. 0 thou, by winds of grief o’er blown Besides some golden summer’s bier— Take heart! Thy birds are only flown, Thy blossoms sleeping, tearful sown, To creel thee ity the immortal year! CAIITIOX. rE PUBLIC ARE WARNED against having dealings, on our account, with a man calling himself MOREY MITCHELL, and who pretends to be blind. We disclaim any business transactions with Sim whatever hereafter. PORTER & PUTNAM. Augusta. Ga., March Ist. 1866. mb3—l w IXO. C. SCURF IN EK k SONS, Macon, Ga. ~ JaNO. C. SCHREINER k SONS, Savannah, Ga. John C. Schreiner & Son*, AUGUSTA, GA. BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC and FANCY GOODS. Keep constantly on hand a choice selec tion of the above articles. All orders from the Country promptly attended to. THE BEST OF ITALIAN VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. , AGENTS FOR Steinway & Sons, Socbbeler A Schmidt’s, and Gale A Co.’s CELEBRATED PIANOS. feb4—ly jy ENTUCKY SALE AND LIVERY STABLES, By GEORGE W. CONWAY, Campbell Street, bet. Broad and Reynolds, AUGUSTA, GA. AU kinds of Vehicles aud Saddle Horses for Hire; also, fine Carriages, strictly for Family use. Match Horses, Single Harness Horses, and Saddle Horses bought or sold on commis sion. Covered accommodations on the premisoe or two hundred head of Mules, ja3l—tf rjiHE~AUGUSTA ' CRACKER BAKERY, Is now in lull running order. The Merchants of this city and vicinity would do well to cail and find out the PRICE. We are making a far better Cracker than the NORTHERN CRACKER. You can purchase them cheaper and get at all times FRESH. * Go and see the SOUTHERN CRACKERS, WALLACE. VOGT & CO’S fe2s-3m BAKERY, 341 Broad street. IIORSE SUOEI.YG. pATRICK SHARKEY, HORSE BIIOER AND BLACKSMITHING GENERALLY. Remember the location—Bouuded on the North by Broad Street: on the South by Ellis Street; and located in Centre Street, between the two of them. ,ja3l—6m Augusta hotel.. JONES & RICE, PROPRIETORS. AUGUSTA, GA. '* The undersigned take this method' of informing their friends and the public gene rally, that they have taken a lease upon the above WELL KNOWN HOTEL, and have bad it thoroughly renovated and painted throughout. CLEANLINESS IN EVERYTHING Is our motto. Our tables are abundantly supplied with everything the market anil country affords. No pains will be spared to make the Augusta Hotel a pleasant home for. the traveller. JONES & RICE, felß—ly Proprietors. TO THE PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. I have now on hand and for sale, a large number of MULES and HORSES, generally from three to five years old, of the best growth of the Western country—such as are especially adapted to the business wants of the community-rand have arrangements op. band whje-h will enable me to supply a very large demand during the winter and Spring. Myself a hative of Kentucky, and havihg formerly had an extensive connec tion with this class of business, together with the fact that I am now permanently located itt Augusta, I flatter l myself that my facilities are unsurpassed for supplying this market at the lowest possible rates consis tent with a sound business. Purchasers are, , therefore, invited to call and examine my stock, or send in their orders for any num ber or any class of either Mules or Horses at market prices. M. A. DEHONEY, Proprietor Palace Stables, sell-ts Ellis st v Augusta, Ga. 1 "1 = " J«rr Summonses. JpQR SALE AT DAILY PRESS OFFICE IK QUANTITIES . "TO SUIT SHERIFFS, SEND IN Y'OUR ORDERS. Co-Partnership Notices. J . Co-Partnership Notice. JW. PERKINS WOULD RESPECT • fully announce to his friends and the public that be has associated with himself as n partner In the Photographic business, Mr. ALMA A. PELOT, who has been en gaged in his Gallery since May last, and is known as an able, attentive and skillful operator. A The business will in fhture be conducted under the name of PERKINS & CO., and we hope by careful attention to merit tbe liberal favors extended to this establish ment by an appreciative public for more than twelve years. As ever heretofore no pains or expense will be spared to secure to our patrons the finest productions of this beautiful art. J. W. PERKINS, 192 Broad street. January 15, 1866. ja2B—tf NEW FIRM.' ~ THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Asso ciated themselves in trade under the firm of CLARKE & BOWE, For the purpose of conducting a GENERAL COTTON AND PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS, And have taken the close brick store house on Ellis, between Washington and Monu ment streets, where we are now prepared to receive on storage, or for sale, COTTON and all other kinds of COUNTRY PRO DUCE. Strict personal attention to all business guaranteed. A share of public patronage solicited. 11. E. CLARKE, is26-6m R. J BOWE. Painters. PAINTING, GLAZING, Etc. A LL orders connected with the above jA branches promptly executed in the neatest manner, on reasonable terms. SHOP NO. 48 JACKSON STREET, Near the Bell Tower. The best quality of PAINT used, and GLASS of all sizes (obtainable) set to older. fe2o—tf WILLIAM BARROW. j. jvTfisk, QIGN AND O FANCY PAINTER! McINTOSH STREET, Opposite the Post-Office. Having returned from tbe Woods, will lie pleased t.u serve his old customers and the public generally in any branch of his art. jn3l—tf J - G. “COFFIN^ Iluuse, Sign ami Ornamental PaInTER, Jackson St., opposite Van Winkle Range AUGUSTA, GEO. jal2—6m* T IU! * eL,,,l ‘ FAST FREIGHT LINE. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. Established for the purpose of giving dispatch TO HEAVY FREIGHT , AT REDUCED RATES! Is now prepared to receive and forward be tween Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta, # Macon, Albany, Eufaula, Columbus, M ntgomery, Selma, Mobile, and Way Stations. Ship from New York to cars Eclipse Fast Freight Line , Savannah. THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN, AND Insurance Effected When Desired . For further information, rates, etc., in quire of Agents SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., and at the office of the lIARNDEN EXPRESS, ja9—Sin 65 Broadway, N. Y r . Ornamental Plants and Trees! I OFFER FOR PLANTING NOW, AND duriug the Spring, a fine lot of Extra Large and Beautiful • MAGNOLIA. EUONYMUS, PITTOSPORUM, LEGUSTRUM, LAURURTINUS, WILD OLIVE, or “ Moak Orange,” GOLDEN ARBOR VITAS, TREE BOX, DWARF BOX, for borders, AMERICAN HOLLY, JUNlPEß—varieties, CUNNINGIIAMIA, SPIREAS, SNOW BALLS, LILACS, Etc., Etc. These Trees and Plants are very thrifty, and of extra size—especially adapted to Ornamental Grounds, Cemeteries, etc., eto. They will be sold Very low, amVtaken up and packed carefully. I ean "also suppiy FRUIT TREES. GRAPE VINES, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Etc., all of. the choicest varieties, and some of the Trees suitable for immediate bearing. For Catalogue, etc., address: D. REDMOND, ja2B—eodtmhls Augusta, Ga. T UMBER I LUMBErTT 1 / LUMBER!I THICK PLANK! SILLS! FLOORING! JOISTS! SCANTLINGS! INCH boards: LATH! ROUGH EDGE, Etc., Etc. «ar“Aii sorts ’’ of Lumber cut to order, with dispatch. Address: REDMOND & CO., Augusta, Ga. Or leave order* at our desk, 278 Broad Street. fel—tf Auctioneers. --n-vi S. A. ATKINSOU, Auctioneer and commission MERCHANT, 141 Broad, front of Monument Street, Augusta, . Geokcia, Will give personal attention to all con signments and make prompt returns. Special attention paid to sale of Real Es tate. Sale* ovary Monday, Wednesday and Friday. felS— lrn SAVAGE HEYWAftD & SONS, AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants, No.- I*B East Bav. Cbari.xsion, 6. *C. (N’pxt to Union Bank), AND No. 241 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Will give prompt attention to the Pur chase and Rale of Lntnls, Bonds, Stocks, Cotton, Rice, Merchandize, Naval Stores, and all kinds of Produce. Having large store room accommoda tions, will be prepared to sell, at auction and private sale. Cargoes and all Consign ments which may he entrusted to us. fe4—-6m V. WALKER A CO., 271 Broad Street, Avgusta, Ga., AUCTION AND General Commission Merchant*. Will give prompt and general attention to all business entrusted to them. Favors so licited. ja3—tf Guns, Pistols, Ammunition. To Sportsmen. QUNS, PISTOLS, AND AMMUNITION. Just received, a full assortment of Single and double barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, all sizes Smith <fc Wesson and Merwiu & Bray’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN WAD DING Best quality water proof CAPS All kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for all size Tistols All kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR and DRAWER LOCKS, all sizes A general assortment of every thing to bo found in a well stocked Gun and Lock smith Store. Repairing done promptly and in the best manner, and on the lowest terms. Our stock was purchased since the decline and will be sold at low rates. Please call aud examine. Remember the plaee. W. D. BOWEN, 290 Broad Street, Over Barry A Batty’s Drug Store feP6—3m j7OR~AS IT AS WRITTEN As I live, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue confess that— I KEEP THE BEST . KEROSENE OIL IN THE CITY for happy is be that condemneth not himself or that which heselleth— FOR MY,HOUSE V SHALL BB CONSIDERED THE EMPORIUM of the CITY AND THE OIL WELL OF GEORGIA I • And he spoke to the multitude, saying, the Lord giveth, and the Lord takelh away; but he that taketh a PEPPER-CURED HAM away from Willis’ taketh away THE BEST IN IHE CITY. I sell Kerosene Oil, pure, at $1.20 cents per gallon ; v ith foam, $1.50. And blessed is he who giveth gratuitous advice when it does not profit himself; so CALL AND SEE M E AT THE GROCERY HOUSE , Corner of Ellis and Campbell Sts Where the Goods spoken of can be seen and tried. 11. B. WILLIS, fe22—lm Meat House and Oil Depot. LUTHER ROLE, NO. 155 BROAD STREET NEXT MECHANICS’ BANK. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IN COACH and HARNESS MATERIAL, Etc., FRENCH CALF SKINS, CHAMOIS, SHEEP and LINING SKINS, SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, and COLLARS. A Full Assortment of PAINTS, viz— White Lead, Drop, Eddy's and English Lamp Black, Chrome, Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Litharge, Gum Shellac, Patent Dryer, Lump and Pulverized Pumice Stone, Whiting, Sand and Emory Paper, Var nishes, etc. SPOKES, FELLOWS, HUBS, Finished and Unfinished SHAFTS, AXLES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, BANDS, and a full assortment, of HARNESS MOUNTINGS. Also, SHOE PEGS and SHOE TOOLS, and IIARNES MAKERS’TOOLS, ENAM ELLED DUCK, DRILLS aud PATENT CLOTH. SMOKING and CHEWING TOBA' CO. Being desirous of closing my busi ness, 1 will sell at the very Lowest Prices. Augusta, Feb. 9, 1866. felU-lm nAND 7 E s v> AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THK FRENCH STORE, 200 Broad Street FRENCH STORE, lain—ly 200 Broad street. Splendid Lot Kentucky Mules. Received this day, direct from the West, 108 head ; among them some of the larg-st and finest grown anywhere, • specially adapted to the wants of lumber men, draymen and the cultivation of low lauds. Come and see them. M. A. DEHONEY, mhl—tf Palace Stables, Ellis street. WHITE LABOR. W E HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF AN IMMIGRATION COMPANY, And are now prepared to furnish WHITE LABORERS, S UCII A S FARMERS, GARDENERS. COOKS, Etc., ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. JACOB R. DAVIS A SON, Land Broker, fel4—] na No. 292 Broad Street. Medicines, Drugs, Etc. JJAKBY’S SHALL POX PREVEXTIVE. YELLOW FEVER ERADICATOR! SCARLET FEVER CUKE CESSPOOL Purifier. [ERYSIPELAS ’; Cured Effectually. 'POISON OAK Cure! | BURNS Relieved in stantly ! BURNS Healed very R-pifily. .SCARS PRE- I vented. PITTING of Small i Pox Prevented ! ['ULCERS Purified : and Healed. OLD SORES Healed ' and Cured. [GANGRENE Pre vented and Cured. WOUNDS Healed ! Rapidly. . [SCURVY Cured in : Short Time! [TETTER dried up |[ and effectually : Cured. '[IT IS PERFECTLY |i HARMLESS! [For SORE THROAT i it is a Sure Cure. [For DIPTHERIA, ,[ it is the very best ; Remedy known. '[SHIP FEVER Pre- I: vented by its use. [Removes all Un ij pleasant Odors. I ln case of death in |; the house, it should always be used [ about the corpse— I it will prevent any I: unpleasant smell. [POISONS (animal or 1 vegetable) are dc- I st-royed by its use. CONTAGION D«-i atroyer! STING AND IN SECT BITE Reliev er! ALL BAD ODORS Destroyed! SICK ROOMS Pari tied and made Pleasant FEVERED and SICK Persons greatly relieved and refreshed bv bathing with Pro phy lactic Fluid; added to the water SOFT WHITE COM plexisns secured by its use in bath-; ing ! IMPURE AIR made harmless and pu rified by sprink-i ling the Fluid; about. The Surest Previn [ tire against tbC SMALL POX! To Purity the Breath cleanse the Teeth, it can’t bo sur passed. HOSPITALS should use it as a Disin fectant. SHIPS should use it as a Purifier. FAMILIES should use it to purify the sick room, the privies, the night chairs—to have pure air is to have good health Dangerous Effluvias of Sick Rooms and Hospitals removed bv its use. PROPHYLACTIC r In fact it is the GREATEST DISINFECTANT AND CONTAGION DESTROYER ever known. Get a Pamphlet, and always keep about you a bottle of DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Sold by all Druggists. fe2o—ly “JOY TO THE WORLD.” tpilE INTRODUCTION OF PEIiRY DA VIS’ PAIN KILLER TO THK SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE HAS RELIEVED MORE PAIN AND CAUSED MORE REAL JOY THAN ANY OTHER ONE THING THAT CAN BE NAMED. IT IS A “BALM FOR EVERY WOUND.” Our first physicians use it and recommend its use; the Apothecary finds it first among the medicines called for, and the wholesale Druggist consid ers it a leading article of bis trade. All the dealers in medicine speak alike in its favor; and its repu- . tation as a medicine of GREAT MERIT AND VIRTUE is fully and permanently established; and it is the great FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE. EVERY BODY SHOULD HAVE A BOT TLE. IN CASE OF SUDDEN ATTACKS OF DISEASE. Taken Internally , it Cures SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, WEAK STOMACH, GENE RAL DEBILITY. NURSING SORE MOUTH, CANKER. LIVER COM PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA or INDIGES TION, CRAMP and PAIN in STOM ACH, BOWEL COMPLAINT. PAINT ERS’ COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, DIARRUOSA and DYSENTERY. Taken Externally, it Cures FELONS. BOILS and OLI) SORES, SE VERE BURNS and SCALDS, CUTS, BRUISES and SPRAINS, SWELLING OF THE JOINTS. RINGWORM AND TETTER. BROKEN BREAST, FROST ED FEET and CHILBLAINS. TOOtll- ACIiE. PAIN IN THE FACE, fiEU RALGIA and RHEUMATISM. Full Directions Accompany Each Bottle. PAIN KILLER^ taken internally, should he adulterated with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaton, will be more effective than any thing elso. For SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of PAIN KILLER and water, and the relief is iintne diate, and cure positive. It should not. be forgotten that the PAIN KILLER is equally as good to take inter nally as to use externally. 7FS- Each bottle is wrapped with full directions for its use. feb4—ly C. H. WARNER, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, In rear of 255 Broad street, Apocsta, Geo. Pumps, Gas, Steam and Water Pipes promptly furnished or repaired. ja2(t—t,f Clat h Ing! CloliiTagM A SPLENDID LOT OF CLOTHING! Gentlemen desirous of getting a Good Suit of Clothes CHEAP, can do so by call mg on us. 0. V. WALKER A CO., felfi-eodtf Jfl Broad Street. Gift Emporium. GREAT BISTRIECTIOM By the EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION, ESTABLISHED IX 1846, 180 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Romrood FtaDon. M'lodeov*. Fine Oil Paini 'nicf*. Fvyrav>ng* % Silver Ware* fine Cold avdSilver \YatcJ»ee % l/iainond J’iv*, ’ Diamond Ring*. Gold Fracetet*, Coral , Florentine. Mosaic. Jet, Lava, and Cameo Ladies' Sets, Gold Pettit, xtilh Gold and Silver Extension Holders , Sleeve Button*, Set* Stud*, Vent and Neck Chains , Gold Ring 8, etc . VALUED AT *1 ,000,000. # DTSTIt/B UTJON is mad© in the following irmimor: CERTIFICATES nnmirg each article and it* value are phwed in SEA LED EiS VELOPES winch are well mixed. One of en vel pcs containin'! the certificate or order for some article, wdl bed hvered at our office, or s* nt by m.nil to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of 25 cents. <»n receiving the certificsite the purchaser will see what article it drawn, and its value, and can then send OFE DOLLAR and receive the article named, or can choose any other one artiHt- oti our 1M- of toe same vain *. Purchaser* of our SEALED ENVELOPES may, in this manner, obtain an article worth from one to five hundred dollars, FOR ONE DOLLAR which n,t pay until it is known what i*4 drawn ’and its value. Entire satisfaction guaranteed in ail case.*. THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION would call attention to the fact of its being the original and largest gitt association in the country. We are. therefore, enabled to send i liner goods, and give setter chances to obtain j the more valuable prizes, than any other I establishment of the kind. The business eon | tinues to be conducted in a fair and honorable j manner, and a large and greatly increasing | trade is proof ihat our patrons appreciate this ! method of obtaining rich and elegant goods. ; During the past year this Association has | scuta very large number of valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patronize is will receive th** full value of their money, as no article on our list is worth less than one dollar, retail, and there are no olanks. Parties dealing with us may depend on hav ing prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to any address by return mail dr express. 'I he following parties have recently drawn valuable prizes from the Eureka Association, and have kindly allowed the use of their names, Many other names might b<* published were we permitted : Andrew Wilson,Custom House,Philadelphia, Penn.. Oil Paihling. value ?100; James Har graves. *2l Broadway, New York. Oil Painting, value $100; K. F. Jones. Barrett. Marshall Cos., Kansas. Melodeon. value $200; Patrick J. by rues, Waterbury. Ct, Gold Watch, value $126; J. F. Shaw. 224 East 24th street. New York, Piano, value $850; Mrs. Chas. J. Nevis, Elmira. N. Y., Piano, value $300; Miss Lucy Janeway, Elmira,, N.Y., Cluster Diamond Ring, value £200; Mrs. K. Peunoyer, City Hotel, Nashville, Tcnn . Melodeon, value 125 00; Oscar M. Allen. Cos. B. llJd Huge. Ind. Vols., Nash ville, Term., Watch, value 85.00; Rowland S. Patterson. Cos. I>, loth lowa Vet. Volunteers. Oil Painting, value 100.00: Mrs. Abbuv J. Par, sons. Springfield, Mass..Melodeon, value 160.00; James L. Dexter, City Surveyor, Syracuse, N. Y .Oold Watch, value 150.00; Mrs.’James Ely, 177 Wooster street, corner Bleeker. N. Y., Oil Paintiug. value lUo.OO; Mrs. J. C. Coles. Grand Rapids, Michigan. .Silver Castor, value 40.00; Dr. J. R. Sinclair. N0.4 Main street. Utica. N. Y.. Framed Engraving, value 25.00; Hon. Luther Let mold, Was lung ton, D. C» Oil Paint ing. value 100.00. Letters from various parties throughout the country, acknowledging the receipt of very valuable gifts, may be seen on file at our office. TO DE SOLD FOR ONE DOLL U EACH, Without regard to value, and not to be paid fur until you know what you will re ceive. EACH. 50 Elegant Rosewood Pi anos, worth fr0m...5250 00to500 00 50 Melodeons, rosewood eases 125 00t0225 00 100 Fine Oil Paintings 25 OUtolOO 00 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches 75 00tol50 00 150 Diamond Rings 50 00tu200 00 250 Ladies’ Gold Watches. 60 OOto 85 00 450 .Silver Watches 25 OOto 50 00 200 Fine Steel Engravings framed 12 OOto 25 00 100 Music Boxes 12 OOto 45 00 100 Silver Revolving Pa tent Castors 15 OOto 40 00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets.: 15 OOto 35 00 500 Set.. Silver Tea and Table Spoons 15 OOto 30 00 2,:.0!) Vest and Neck Chains 5..00t0 25 00 2,500 Ladies’ Silver Porte Monnies.;.., 8 OOto 15 00 3,000 Silver Butter Knives.. 3 OOto 700 2,000 Paris Ear Rings (Dew stylos) 1 50(o 600 3,000 Gold Pencils and Tooth Picks 3 OOto 800 3,000 Onyx and Amethyst Brooches 4 OOto 10 00 2,000 Lava aud Florentine Brooches 4 OOto 650 1.000 Masonic Pins 4 OOto 600 2,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys 5 50to 500 5,000 Children’s Armlets 2 50to 600 2,500 Sets of Bosom Studs... 1 st)to 850 2,500 Enameled Sleeve But tons 2 50to 10 00 10,000 Plain Gold and Chased Rings 1 OOto 600 5,000 Stone Set aud Seal Rings 2 50to 10 00 Lockets, all sizes 2 OOto 700 10.©0 Sets of Ladies’ Jewelry 8 OOto 20 00 4,000 Watch Charms (each).. 3 OOto SJO 5,000 Gold Pens, silver ex. case 4 OOto 600 5,000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 3 OOto 20 00 2,000 Ladies’ new stylo Belt Buckles 4 OOto 600 2,000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6 OOto 20 00 1,000 Gold Thimbles 7 OOto 14 00 2,000 Sets Ladies’ Jet and Hold io ooto 20 oo 10,000 Gold Crosses l 50to 600 6,000 Oval Band Bracelets... 6 OOto 20 00 4,000 Chased Bracelets 5 OOto 16 00 2,000 Ball Eardrops, all cols. 3 OOto 500 5,000 Fine Gold Pens 2 OOto 350 2,000 Now stylo Jet and Gold Eardrops 3 OOto 700 2,50 C New style long Crystal - Eardrops 4 OOto 8 00 2,000 (Sold Pens 3 00 to 600 .. 93“ ' Chance to obtain any of the above ar t'eles for OAF. DOLLAR by purchasing a sealed-envelopes for 26 cents. * m- Five sealed envelopes will be sent for $1; eleven tor $2; thirty tor $0 : sixty-five for $lO. one hundred for sls. Agents wanted everywhere. Our patrons are desired to send United {states money when it is convenient. Long letters are unnecessary. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every case be accompanied by the cash, with tne name ol the person sending, and town, county and State plainly written. Letters lows’ be “ ddre3Bed t 0 the Managers, as fol- GOODWIN, HUNT A CO., Box 5706 Postroffice, New York, feia—3m* Every 7 kind of printing— nud BOOK BINDING Neatly and Cheaply Executed AT THIS OFFICE. GIVE ITS A CALL Gift Emporium. 250,0001 ~ 5 WATCHES, CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, Ete., Worth over One Million Dollars ! All to be sold for One Dollar each, Without regard to value! Not to be paid for until yo know what yyu are to receive. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to be *old for $1 each ! 250 Solid Oliver Dining Sets, $75 to .300 500 Silver Salvers nnd Urns, 50 to 250 500 Solid Silver Tea Sets complete,so to 300 150 Rosewood Musical Doxes, 32 airs, . . 75 to 250 200 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 air?, . . . 50 to 200 250 Gold Hunting Watches, 75 to 250 250 Ladies’ Enamelled Gold Watches, . . 50 to 200 500 Gents’Hunt’g Silver Watches,3s to 100 500 Open-face Silver Watches, 25 to 50 500 Ivory Opera Glasses, . 25 to 100 500 Mother of Pearl Lognettes, 50 to 100 300 Six-barrel Revolvers, 15 to 50 500 Single and Double Shooters, 10 to 50 300 Elegant Oil Paintings, 50 to 1(0 250 Marble Statues, Busts, ete., 50 to 2< 0 250 Diamond Rings, . . 50tol(0 5000 Photograph Albums, all sizes, 5 to 50 j 2000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 15 to 30 3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 5 to 10 5000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 12 2000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains, 5 to 20 7000 Sol i t ai r e and Revolving Brooches, . . sto 10 2000LaYa & Florentine Brooches, 4 to 10 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald . Brooches, . . 4to 10 5000 Mosaic, Jet and Lava Ear -drops. . . . 4to 10 7000 Coral and Emerald Eardrops, 3to 8 5000 California Diamond Pins, 5 to 20 5000 California Cluster Diamond Fins, . . 3 to 10 3000 sets Solitaire Buttons & Studs, 3to 10 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., 3to 8 10000 Lockets, double-glass, 3to 5 5000 Lockets for Miniatures, sto ]i) 3000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, dtc., 3to 8 5000 plain Gold Rings, . . 4to 10 5000 chased Gold Rings, . 4to 10 10000 Shield and Signet Rings, 3 to 10 10000 California Diamond Rings, 3to 10 7500 sets Ladieg’ Jewelry, jet, sto 10 5000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, coral, Bto 12 5000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 15 5000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, lava, 12 to 20 2500 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30 10000 Gold Pens with Sil. holders, 5 to 10 5000 Gold Pens with Gold holders, 6 to 12 5000 Gold Pens <fc Holders, sup’r, 10 to 15 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking C U P S > • • Bto 10 3000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders, . . 15 to 50 2000 Silver Fruit & Cake Baskets, 20 to 50 Messrs. PARKINSON A 00., No. 208 Broad, way. New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of many ot the leading and most fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry.de siring to increase their busrnes« to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Oteaj Gift Sale subject to the regulations following : ’ Certificates naming each article and its value are placed in Sealed Envelopes and weil mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of twenty five cents. All articles sold at One liollar each, without regard to value. On receipt of the certificate you will see what vou are going ! to have, and then ii is at your option to send the dollar and take the article or not. pur chasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch via. mond Rin». or any set of Jewelry on ou ; p., tor one dollar, and in no case can they get less than one dollars worth, as there are ho'uncer tainties. The price of certificates is as fol lows : One for 2d cents: five for $1: eleven for $2; thirty for 15, with elegant premium; siity. five for *lO, with i onus : one hundred for flo, and handsome present to the geuer-up of ti e club. fcxT Agents wanted everywhere, to whom special inducements are offe'red. Address PAKKINboN A O'. 1 ., Importers, ;af9—3m 208 Broadway. N y. YVxr. A. WmgbtT Tn<iM.t?Tli^ Late Richmond. Vn. Augusta, Ga. Geo. R. Crimp, Augusta, Ga. WRIGHT, GIBBS A CO, GENERAL COMMISSION SHIPPING MERCHANTS, No. 7 JONES BLOCK, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. IPS' Will purchase and sell on Commis sion, COTTON, TOBACCO, PRODUCE, and MERCHANDIZE of every description. Refers to Ihe Merchants and Bankers of Augusta. Georgia, and Richmond. Virginia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. fc2o—lui .South Caroiina Rail Road. AUGUSTA AGENCY, 1 February 10, 1866.) l-’Ui instant, until further notice, the'Pas senger Train on this Road will run as lol* lows : Leave Augusta g.on p. m. Arrive Johnson’s T. 0 11.00 p. m. Leave Johnson’s T. 0 12.00 Arrive Augusta 3.00 a. m. H. T. REAKE, Gen. Sup't. fel 4—ts _ 1 Central Kail - RosTi OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL R. R..) UA^ Ja "', 29 ' IS6fi .. FEBRUARY, TWO tvifi run between Augusta and Savannah, con necting in both directions with trains on the Georgia Rail Road as follows, viz.: Leave Augusta 9.30 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. Arrive at Augusta 5 P. M. aud 5.45 A. M Leave Savannah 7.30 A. M. and 7.30 P.M. Arrive at Savannah 7.00 P. M. and 6.35 A. M. Passage SB. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at passenger shed thirty minutes before departure of train. J. M. SELKIRK, _ feKI Master of Transportation. „ BRICKS POR SALE. Apply to R. J. BOWE, Executor, Ellis Street, in rear Thos. R. Rhodes. ja26—6m HAY AND IIMK ” 300 BUNDLES NORTHERN HAY 100 bbis. best ROCKLAND LIME Just received and for sale by CLARKE A BOWE. Ellis Street, in rear Thos. R. Rhodes. jn.26—6m yy akp.en & platnEh, Wholesale Dealers in al! kinds ot Fine and Coakse PAPERS, ENVELOPES, TWINE AND PAPER BAGS, ALSO, DEALERS IN PAPER STOCK. „ CASH PAID FOR RAGS, WASTE PAPER ANL DAMAGED COTTON. No. 210 Bay Street. Savannah, Ga. O* PAPER furnished at manufacturers jag—if