Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, March 11, 1866, Image 1
fffr jtait)[ fttss. E. H. PUGHE, Pnbltehor h Proprietor. MU' run DAIL Y PRESS IS DIB - OMhtihmtly ,rrr, mo ruing, «r on* Monday, throughout the mtirr City, thinly tutoring (hr LARGEST CIRCULATION- AavertUemeatN limerted on Liberal Term. pm~ OFF ICS— Corner of Broad and Mr Inlook Strut to, oppooilo Pool- Oftre, lip. Stain. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY -AXD PRINTING-MACHINE WORKS 201 Vine street, Cincinnati. Srnrl for Specimen* anil Estimate*. mhl-fim S y Wf* H QZri BARRELS ODU Clioice Low-Priced WHISKEY inn barrels AUU Stag Head Bourbon WHISK ET foil -lm MAUDE A WRIGHT. Indemnities. MARSHALL’S 240 INS UR AN CE 240 AGENCY. Home In.uraf oe Company, of New York Security Insurance Company, of New York Manhattan Insurance Company, New York Atlantic Insurance Company, Brooklyn, New York Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Springfield, Mass. ■ Insurance• Company Valley "of Virginia, Winchester, Va. Florida Homo Insurance Company, Apa lachicola Woodville Insurance Company, Woodville, Alabama. Life and Accidental. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company New York New York Accidental Insurance Company, New York. Fire, Marine, River, Inland, Life and Ac cidental Risks taken in the above first-class Companies, at reasonable rates. Particular attention given to Farm Prop erty and Country residences. Losses promptly adjusted. JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent, ja3—tf 240 Broad street. Fire, Marine & Inland Navigation INSURANCE. Hartford fire insurance co., Hartford. Putnam Fire Insurance Cos.. Hartford. Home Insurance Cos., New Haven. Columbia Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Fulton Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Excelsior Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Baltic Fire Insurance Cos., New Y T ork. Southern Insurance & Trust Cos., Savannah. Home Insurance Cos., Savannah. The undersigned. Agent for the above named reliable Northern and Southern In surance Companies, is prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize, Cotton, and other property, at the current rates. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. WM. E. EVANS, Agent, feb4—3m 210 Broad st., Augusta. pLUMB & LEITNER, 212 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy A Toilet Articles, Brushes, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, ja3—tf * . gOUTHERN FRUIT TREES 1 The largest and best selection of APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, awl other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS, Etc., Etc. EXTRA LARGE TREES for m MEDIATE BEARING. Send for a Catalogue. Address jal2—tf I). REDMOND. Augusta, Ga. /A HO ICE PERFUMERY \J COLOGNE WATER BRUSHES , ' TOILET SOAPS, And almost evory article for the Toilet, for Bale by PLUMB A LEITNER, ja3—tf 212 .Broad st., Augusta. Bills of ladi:ng ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE DAILY PRESS JOB OFFICE. Comer of Broad and Post-Office streets, jafitf U p Stairs. Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1866. VOL. I. Sbt Dailii |)rrss. THE LAKfiBST CIRCULATION. MONDAY MORNING ....March 11, 1866. SCISSORS. —“Sweet are the uses of advertise, ments.” So Mrs. Partington says. —Five hundred and eighty persons are stopping at the Dry Tortugas. —ln Berkley county, Va., good land is selling at SSO per acre. —Gen. Slocum is visiting Gen, Sher man in St. Louis. —A great religious revival is progress ing at Fiant Royal, Warren county. —A “biological flexicostationist” is giving entertainments in Norfolk. • —Beet is falling in Canada because it cannot be sent into the United States. —ln a late affray on a schooner at Darien, one of the men was shot bv the mate. The latter has been arrested. —Anglers use cotton to catch a certain kind of fish. That's the way of some of the young women angle for their prey. —What is it we all frequently say we we will do, and no one has yet ever done ? Stop a minute. t —Men frequently pay more attention to re-forming their habits than to reform ing them —What was the first woman created for? Adam’s Express Company. Do you see the “pint?” —To destroy rats —catch them one by one, and flatten their heads with a lemon squeezer. —“There is no parting there,” as the bald headed man sang while he viewed his pate in the mirror. —The most unpopular article of fur niture in the Washington market at present is the “Freedmen’s Bureau.” —“What’s whiskey bringing?” asked a dealer. “Bringing men to the gallows and woman and.children to want,” was the reply. —A Calcutta paper announces the arrival at that port of a ship from Eng land, with nineteen lady passengers and uo quarrel during the passage. A cotemporary says : “ Judging from tWwimnber ol marriage notices thill we see in our exchanges, cradles will be in demand— arter a while. —To kill cockroaches —get a pair of heavy boots, then catch your roaches, put them into a barrel, and then get in yourself and dance. —ls any of our benevolent citizens have a spare auger hole or a crack in a garret-wall not occupied by rodent ani mals, they will be performing an act of real humanity by giving the use of it to the “Occasional” editor of the Press.— Louisville Journal. —An Arabian having brought a blush j to a maiden’s cheek by the earnestness j of his gaze, said to her, “My looks have j planted roses on your cheeks; who forbids me to gather? The law permits him who sows to reap the harvest.” —ln Sacremento, recently, a woman procured the release of herbusband from jail, and that night ran off with another fellow. Her object in procuring her husband's release was to leave some one with her children. —Ah, Sam, so you’ve been in trouble, have you ?” “Yes, Jim, yes.” “Well well, cheer up, man : adversity tries us and shows up our better qualities.” “Ah, but adversity didn’t try me; it was an old vagabond of a judge, and he showed up my worse qualities. —At the late imperial Carnival ball, at Paris, Her Jilajesty, the Empress, was dressed as Marie Antoinette, and looked as charming as ever. More than two thirds of the guests wore the costume of the time of Louis the XVI. Thq Em peror was particularly gracious to the Ambassadors from the leading powers, and he never lost an opportunity of say ing something amiable to the ladies. The lively and witty Princess Metternich was in the costume of Madame de Pom padour, and had more than $4,000,000 worth of diamonds scattered about her dress and coiffure. The Candle Fish. — The California Express says : “This is one of the most curious members of the finny tribe. It is caught on the coast of British Colum bia, where it is extremely common and proves very useful to the natives. Some idea may be gleaned from the fact that the natives use it as a lamp, the light given being very considerable. The fish, when dried, has a piece of rush pith, or a strip from the inner bark of the cypress tree, drfiwn through it, a long needle made of hard wood being used for the purpose; it is then lighted and burns steadily till consumed. Any one can read comfortably by its light.'’ Young America Wonders. —Won- der why mania keeps Bridget at home from church to work all day, and then says it is wicked for me to build my rabbit house on Sunday? Wonder why our minister bought that pretty cane with the yellow lion’s head on the top, and then asked me for my cent to put in the missionary box ? Don’t I want a jewsharp just as well as he wanted a cane ? Wonder what makes papa tell such nice stories to visitors, about his hiding the master's rattan when he went to school, and about his running away from the schtiol-mistress when she was going to whip him, and then shut me up in a dark room all day because I tried just once to be as smart as he jyas. Wonder wliat made papa say that wicked word when Betsy upset the ink all over his papers, and then slapped mv ears because I said the same thing when my kite-string broke ? Wonder why mama told Bridget the other day to say that she was not at. home when Tommy Day’s mother called, and then puts me to bed without my supper every time I tell a lie ? Oh. dear 1 there are lots of things I want to know. I wish I was a man 1 AUGUSTA 10 L ADRY AND . Mfichine Works, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. rjpHESE EXTENSIVE WORKS HAVING BEEN REFITTED, And Supplied with ample material, The Proprietors aro prepared to execute EVERY KIND OF WORK IN THEIR LINE, AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE, AND BEST MANNER, At New York or any other Northern city’s prices. FARMERS’ UTENSILS of all kinds ; RAIL ROAD WORK; HOUSE WORK; RETORTS FOR GAS HOUSES; SUGAR MILLS; SUGAR BOILERS Plain and Ornamental IRON RAILINGS; GIN GEAR; PULLEY’S, all sizes and best, Pattern*: CART AND WAGON BOXES'; HOLLOW WARE; SASH WEIGHTS; Church, School, Factory and Fire Alarm BELLS; MILL WORK; CASTINGS of all and every kind, heavy or light, iu iron or brass. BLACKSMITIIING in all its branches. Jiff- Railroad Companies, Car Builders, Factory and Mill Owners, Corporate Au thorities, and all those wishing a large amount of Castings, will find it to thoir ad vantage to give us a call before contracting t elsewhere. ANTI-FRICTION METAL, For Heavy or Fast Bearings, furnished at shust notice, and warranted of best quality. jEsf- Mr. J. R. Howell’s celebrated j TURBINE WATER WHEEL i Is made at our Foundry. PHILIP MALONE & CO., Augusta Foundry and Machine Works, ! felt!—6m ' Augusta, Georgia. TTENTUCKY SALE AND LIVERY STABLES, By GEORGE W. CONWAY, Campbell Street, bet. Broad and Reynolds, AUGUSTA, GA. All kinds of Vehicles and Saddlo Horses for Hire; also, tine Carriages, strictly for Family use. Match Horses, Single Harness Horses, and Saddlo Horses bought or sold on commis sion. Covered accommodations on the premises or two hundred head of Mules. ja3l—tf rjUIE "AUGUSTA CRACKER BAKERY, Is now in full running order. The Merchants of this city and vicinity would do well to call and tiud out the PRICE. We are making a far better Cracker than the NORTHERN CRACKER. You can purchase them cheaper and got at all times'FRESH. Go and seethe SOUTHERN CRACKERS, WALLACE. VOGT & CO’S f025-3m BAKERY’, 341 Broad street. AUGUfiTA HOTEL. TONES & RICE, J PROPRIETORS, AUGUSTA, GA. The undersigned take this method of informing their friends and the public gene rally, that they have taken a lease upon the “ bOVe WELL KNOWN HOTEL, and have had it thoroughly renovated and painted throughout. CLEANLINESS IN EVERYTHING Is our motto. Our tables are abundantly supplied with everything the market and oountry affords. No pains will be spared to make the Augusta Hotel a pleasant home for the traveller. JONES Sc RICE, fel B—ly Proprietors. TO THE LADIES: MADAME DEMOREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Branch at Augusta, No. 326 Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for sale. NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. ja 13—6 m Miss L. J. READ. W. B. GRIFFIN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale. POSITIVE SALE AT AUCTION OF A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Etc., Etc. On MONDAY next, tbo 12th inst., at store No. 252 Broad streot, few doors above La- Fayette Hall, will be sold without reserve, a splendid assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS AL9O READY MADE CLOTHING And a complete assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS SHOES, SHIRTINGS LINEN GOODS CUTLERY YANKEE NOTIONS, and various articles too numerous to mention. This is one of trie best stocks in the city, and will be positively sold, as the owner wishes to change his business. Ladies are respectfully invited to attend tbe sale. B. PHILLIPS, fe2l-td 282 Broad street. Com mission Merchants. Milo Hatch—For twenty years Cashier Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta, Ga. Chas 11. Phrlps —For six years Agent and Cashier Southern Express Cos. HATCH and PHELPS, JANKERS, PROKZRS, AND GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS, NO. 9 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, (Entrance on Now Street). REFERENCES ! R. 11. Lowry, Esq., President Bank of Re public, N. Y Josiah Oakes, Esq., V. Pres’t Shoo and Leather Bank, N. Y. J. D. Vermilye, Esq., at the Merchants* Bk, N. Y. Nourse A Brooks, 127 Pearl street, N. Y. Brodie & Pettes, 122 Pearl street, N. Y. D. D. S. Brown, Esq., Editor and Proprie tor Rochester Democrat, Rochester,N.Y. John L. Bunce, Esq., President Phenix Bank, Hartford, Conn. James M. Niles, Esq., President Exchange Bank, Hartford, Conn. Francis Fellowes & Son, Attorneys at Law, Hartford, Conn. D. A. Dwight & Cos., Boston, Mass. Calvin Taft, Esq., Worcester, Maas. Thomas S. Metcalf, Esq., Augusu., Ga. John Davison, Esq., Augusta, Ga. H. B. Plant, Esq., President Southern Ex press Cos., Augusta, Ga. R. B. Bullock, Esq., Superintendent South ern Express Cos., Augusta, Ga. E. Ilulbert, Esq., Superintendent Southern Express Cos., Atlanta, Ga. James Shuter, Esq., Superin ten dene South ern Express Co*, Memphis, Tenn. A. B. Small, Esq., Superintendent Southern Express Cos., New Orleans. And Agents of Express Companies, febti—3m fW J. Nelson & Son j| I Commission Merchant, And Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., Os Superior Quality. 304 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. N. B.—Agent for Fairbank’s Patent PLATFORM and COUNTER SCALES. A constant supply on hand, for sale at Manufacturer’s prices. Expenses from Sa vannah only added. fe27—lm JOHN CRAIG, Exchange and Commission Broker Office 289 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Sterling, and Domestic Ex change bought and sold. Collections made and promptly re mitted for. Checks on New York, Savannah and Charleston. Having secured the use of the Bank ing Room and Vaultofthe Union Bank, deposits safely kept and accounts opened with depositors. ja9-3m. PT CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE AND General Commission Merchant, Augusta, Ga., Will continue the Warehouse and Com mission Business, in alt its branches, at the old stand of Phinizy A Clayton. He re turns his thanks to tho patrons of the late firm, and solicit a continuance of their favors. Having ample dose Storage ac commodations, he will be prepared to re ceive, store, sell and forward Cotton and all kinds of Produce and Merchandise. He will also buy and sell, on commission, Bonds, Stocks, Coupons, eto. Consignments so licited. Augusta. Oct. 10, 1865. jal3—2m THOMAS TOBIN, COTTON FACTOR and COMMISSION MERCHANT 181 BROAD STREET, ja24-tf AUGUSTA, Ga. TO BENT. MY HOUSE AND LOT ON THE Sand Hills, about two or two and a half miles from the city. Said residence contains eight well finished rooms. On the lot there is a kitchen, negro quarters, stable, carriage house and other necossary outbuild ings. A good well of water, garden spot and many fruit trees. Possession given im mediately. fe2o ttf JOSIAH SIBLEY. NO. 61. Eert/Uixers. PHQ3NIX GUANO, JMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN THIS SPRING. This GUANO was used very extensively in 1861 with suoh general satisfaction that, in offering it to tbe planting public now, we deem it unnecessary to publish any of the many certificates which we have received from planters this spring, testifying in the very strongest terms in its favor. All that wo can say is to guarantee that we will pledge ourselves to furnish an article PURE AND UNADULTERATED, such as was analysed by Professors Joseph Jones, of Augusta; Charles A. Shepherd, of Charleston, S. C., and J. Darby,of Alabama, whose analyses we publishes in 1861, and were satisfactory to all. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW HUNDRED TONS OF THIS WELL KNOWN AND VALUABLE FERTILIZER TO OFFER THIS SPRING, Consequently we advise all who want any of it, to SEND IN THEIR ORDERS AT ONCE. It is put up in barrels of about 300 pounds, and the price will be uniform, as follows : S6O per ton, of 2,000 pounds, in Augusta, or $55 in Savannah, cash. All orders to bo filled from Savannah must be sent in by the 10th of March. WE AI.SO HAVE A FEW TONS JOHNSON ISLAND. AMERICAN AND COLUMBIAN GUANOS. All valuable, and for sale low for cash by D. 11. WILCOX A CO., fe27 —lm No. 3 Warren Block. Guano! Guanp!! TO THE PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. We are now prepared to furnish GUANO AND FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS, a AT NORTHERN PRICES, With Expenses added, which shall be as reasonable as possible. PLANTERS WILL PLEASE SEND IN THEIR ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, A8 GOOD GUANO AND FERTILIZERS^ ARE SCARCE. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO. felO—3m 209 Broad St. Physicians. Dr. 91. J. SOLAN, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Will attend to ail Calls left at BARRY Sc BATTY’S DRUG STORE, OR AT RESIDENCE, No. 423, UPPER BROAD STREET. mhl-lm* Dr. Win. Pettigrew JJAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE To 94 Broad street, opposite Engine House of the Gazelle Fire Company, fe2s—tf south side. P. HUNT, M D., • HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur , No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row), Augusta, Ga. jalo-ly-3m* NOTICE. G 1 ENERAL r GEORGIA UAND AGENCY No. 292 Broad Street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA. GA. Negotiate loans for Farmors, Miners, etc. Procure White Laborers, of either sex ; Or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the Settlement of Georgia Land: Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, Ac. All land left at this office for sale or lease is advertised in pamphlet, free of charge, to the owner. fe!3—lm JACOB R. DAVIS A SON. WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colors For sale, wholesale and retail, at tbe lowest figures, by PLUMB A LEITNER, jaS—tf 212 Broad st., Augusta S|t jgailg |ms. bo okTflTjob Tbihtihg OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER. The Faitut Power Preset, and Beit of Workmen enable* vs to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Rates than elsewhere. Jewellers • Notice. gSC n KENNEDY A RUSSELL Iff Have associated themselves (£—4 for the purpose of carrying on the Repairing of WATCIHIS, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, and solicit the public patronage, at 299 Broad st, op stairs. J. B. G. KENNEDY, mh7-3m THOS. RUSSELL. Established in 1844. FA. BRAHE HAS RECEIVED • and offers lor sale at his old stand, 194 Broad street, a fine lot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, and a variety of fine and new style Jewelry. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, FRUIT KNIVES, SOUP and GRAVY LADLES, SUGAR SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and many other articles. He is giving his personal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery, in that well known and punctual manner. fe2o—3m J£EROSENB OIL HUNGER’S. Lamps, shades. CHIMNEYS, Etc., MUNGER’S. Gas shades; AND LAMP REPAIRS, AT MUNGER’S. PRETTY ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY BEADS, SPANGLES, Etc., MUNGER’S. ■REDDING PRESENTS AND NUPTIAL RINGS, Os the FINEST GOLD, MUNGER’S. SELECT ASSORTMENT OF GOLD WATCHES, GOLD JEWELRY, And the usual variety of FANCY GOODS, AT MUNGER’S. Mr. munger devotes his per sonal attention and skill on all WATCH WORK entrusted him, at 150 BROAD STREET, fel3-lin 2d Door below Monument. A. I- STROM, JEWELLER AND DIAMOND SETTER, McINTOSH STREET, Between Broad and Ellis Sts., (opposite Post- Office), AUGUSTA, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired Promptly and Cheaply. felO—lm Dentistry. DR. WRIGHT, jraßx DENTIST— Having increased faoilities, is now prepared to perform all operations in the line of his profession, to the entire sat isfaction of bis patients and friends, and those who desire his professional services. Artificial teeth set on fine gold plate or vulcanile base; always guarantees a perfect fit and restore the natural expression of the lace. Office at the old stand, No. 266 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. mh6-lm wTeTspears, Dentist booms 264 ERO ID STREET, Over If. H. Tutt’o hr y Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is constantly receiving all necessary ma terial appertaining to his profession, of the latest improvement and best styles. fe6—6m Plant the Corn. PLOUGH IT— AND SHELL IT AND SELL IT. J. 4 T. IT BONES Are now receiving PLOUGHS, GRINDSTON E S, And many other thing! NEEDED AT PRESENT. ja3l—tf FRENCH ROUS JWERY DAY, BRANDY, FOR MEDICAL USE. AT THE FRENCH STORE, fe2s—lm 200 Broad street. select”school. I AM PREPARED TO GIVE INSTRUC- I tion in Classics, the Higher Branches of t)|| English Language, and the Primary De partment. _ • Strict attention will be paid to the younger Scholars, as well as to those farther ad vanced. Terms reasonable. JOSEPH T. DERRY, jan27—3m* 82 Walker street. |®“ If you want yoar Printing done in the best manner, call at E. H. Pughe’s Office, corner of Broad and Mclntosh streets.