Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, April 05, 1866, Image 1

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ijslpnihr •press. ~, HF «»£ IMP ' I'‘ 1 '‘ : : • '• “ 1 "' 1 .1" , » '■■•.. ■ (L.iii <'•■ ' ' . ■' , ' .1 /.->’• f.sr run / / 1 /7-» \ IIIIMI > lUMilnl ' /' r. " I / Olf()l»TI TYPE FOUNDRY ■ j . hint wonivs street, Cincinnati. s(■’< Specimen* amt t'.iti inn fit. ft > <•/'>. Gilders. Etc. * JT J r J. BROWNE, X*, B LOOKING GLASS Slip' AND Hture FRAME MAKER. ijm FRAiIES re-gilt, Eg Jm-LOOK EQUAL TO XEW, "u B OLD PAINTINGS CLEANED, LINED gOgHPI' AND „ ~pT' VARNISHED. ■ Ball work warranted, ” V; fjf ' A>r> Be as cheaply * JE as at tiie north. ■ 137 BROAD STD BET, Arin'-'Ti. Ga. , ■AINTING, GLAZING. E:c. . orders connected with tbe above M promptly executed in tbe manner, on reasonable terms. .oB? NO. 48 JACKSON STREET, mm Near the Bell Tower. best qnal 'v of PAINT used, and GLASS of all sizes (obtainable) IBSPl?'. «et to order. ; !<■ WILLIAM HARROW. G ’ COFFI N > ’P ■ //««, Fill a am! Ornamental PAINTER, Bjbkson St., opposite Van Winkle Pan:.-e X I • AUGUSTA, GEO. n-ii»> !( An IiAVtXAIGII, I , SIGN, and DECORATIVE j PAINTERS, Broad Street, Augiwta , Ga., Opposite Planters’ Hotel. 1! Gold!! Gold 111 FISK \’E SIGNS, FANCY GLASS CARDS ; else—“so called" 'A INTS PE, SIGNS, FANCY ARTICLES, 3, AND EUS TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, j Etc., Etc., OSITE POST OFFICE) St. AUGUSTA, GA. F. HHCISI.HK. C. H. BRADY. I UeuKK‘l' & Brady, Burn litre re PAIR Elis, ;■ Brnisiier.s and polishers. hanging pf- AND WALL COLORING ■I, and J'romptly Dune. kinds of ■ COACH and CARRIAGE PAINTING HhJulij and Cheap!;/ Executed. , Street, Corner Et.i.ts, ' AUGUSTGA. Bheaugusta ■ CEACKEE EAKEEY, L 1 la now in full running order. Merchants nftliis city and vicinity do well to (tail anil find out the PRICE. ure making a far better Cracker than liW NORTHERN CRACKER. ■n can purchase them cheaper uud get timet FRESH. and pee the ■ SOUTHERN CRACKERS, ! v WALLACE. VOGT & CO’S BAKERY, 341 Broad street. If B BRICKS ■j'Oß SALE. Apply to ft ; R. J. ROWE, Executor, EUi« Street, in mar Tbos. R. Rhodes. Hn»?Q—6 m Daily Press. AUGUSTA, G A., THURSDAY MQRNINC, APRIL, 5, 1866. VOL. I. (flic failg llvtss. TIIH LAHDMBT CIRCT LATION. THURSDAY MORNING.. ...April S, JS66 soissonsl —Fort Lafayette is vtfeant. —The London Times is said to circu late 60,000 copies daily. —An Irish sailor once visited a town where he said, "they copper-bottomed the tops of tho houses with sheet lead.” —Vacant stores are making their ap pearance in Lynchburg, Va. Merchant* are tired of paying high rents. —lt is stated that fifty dollars have been offered for the pen with which Pre sident Johnson signed the veto message. —A young lady, whose father is im proving the family mansion, insistsuipon having a beau window put in for her benefit. j —A man in Paris undertakes to re late the past, present and future of peo ple by a simple inspection of the foot. He is called a pedomist. —The new report of the engineers of j the Mount Oenis Railway affords, it is said, hope that the works will be com pleted before 1871. —Victor 6ugo refuses SIOO,OOO for his new work, “Les Travailleurs de la Mer,” which he intended to publish in the shape of a /euillelon. —“Jane, has that surly fellow cleared off the snow from the pavement ?” “Yes, sir.” “Did he clear it off with alacrity ?” “No, sir, with a shovel.” —The President has pardoned the Hon. Enoch Louis Lowe,, of Maryland, Gov. Bradford used his influence to try to prevent this pardon. Bishop Grace, of St. Paul, Minneso ta, denounced the Fenians in the most hitter terms in his address on St. Pat rick’s day. —The scheme for paying off the na tional debt of Italy by means of volun tary contributions continues to make headway. —Recently the Jewish Synagogue in Nineteenth street, New York, was enter ed by burglars, and robbed of about SI,OOO worth of valuables. —The military authorities at Sauls bury, N. C., have suppressed the sale of the pictures of Gen. Lee and Gen. Jack son. —“Fiith and shure.” said Patrick, meeting an engine, “that’s tiie divil.” “Och, no,” said Mike, “it’s only a steam} boat hunting for watber.” —A rich Russian prince in Paris has married a poor but pretty seamstress. The line wprld is much moved by the event. —A few days ago a highly respected Friend was disowned by the monthly j meeting at New York because he had a ! piano in his house. —A New Orleans paper says: “We had the pleasure yesterday of inspecting a beautiful set of silver spoons.” We believe silver spoons are scarce there. —The Swiss journals complain of the rage for emigration which is just now manifested in the majority of the cantons of the confederation. Many are prepar ing their departure for America. —A handsome young woman in New Jersey has applied for divorce from a septugenarian with whom she lias been living for a year or two; but the naughty old fellow tiles an answer denying their marriage. —lndianapolis affords some queer matrimonial incidents. Only two weeks since a couple were married in the morning, got drunk by twelve o’clock, and spent the first night of wedded bliss in the county jail. —The Conservatives have broken away from the Radicals and struck opposition. They have formed a Na tional Union Club, with first asssistant Postmaster General Randall as Presi dent. —At an informal conference of the Southern Senators now in Washington, it was agreed that Senator Stuart’s reso lutions do not represent the wishes of tbe Southern people. They desire no further amendments of the Constitution. —Governor Fenton, of New>York, has declined to make a requisition on Gov. Worth, of North Carolina, for the return of a fugitive from justice, on the ground that he cannot recognize North Carolina as a State in the Union. —The oldest town in America is St. Augustine, Florida, which was settled three centuries ago. The next oldest town in the United States is Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both are Spanish. The oldest English town was Jamestown, Virginia. Dry Goods, Etc. Xcw Spring uyl Stun in or GOODS. TUST RECEIVED, AT 314 BROAD STREET’ (Clark & Butler’s Old Stand), nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel, a beautiful line ot Foreign and Domes tic DRY GOODS, which, having been purchased since the recent great fall, can and will be sold considerably below the market price. IN LADIES’ DRESS GOODS we offer— Black and colored SILKS Black and colored GRENADINE Black, white and colored ALPACAS Black BOMBAZINE Striped and plaid MOZAMBIQUE Black and colored BAREGES Strip and CIIALLIES and MOHAIR GOODS Printed CHALLIES Printed LAWNS (Jaconet) Printed LINEN LAWNS French GINGHAM LAWNS Check and plaid GINGHAMS Black Crape MARTTZ DELAINES and PRINTS India MULLS NAINSOOKE, plain striped and cheeked SWISS MUSLIN, plain and figured JACONET MUSLIN, plain and puffed TARLETANS, white and colored Victoria and Bishop LAWNS Colored TAPPATINS anew and beau tiful style In HOSIERY— Ladies’ and Misses’ W. C. HOSE Ladies’ Black Cotton HOSE Ladies’ Black Silk HOSE Ladies’ White Silk IIOSE Gents’ Colton Half HOSE IN HAN!>KKIICI’TEFS Ladies’ and Gents' L. C. H'DIv'FS Ladies’ and Gents’ Hem-stiched H'DK’FS Ladies’ Embroidered H’DIv’FS Gents’ Cotton and Silk H'DIv'FS IN GLOVES— Ladies’ and Gents’ black and colored KID GLOVES Ladies’ and Gents’ Lisle Berlin GLOVES Ladies’ Taffeta Silk GLOVES Ladies’ Black Silk MITTS CUFFS and COLLARS, in Lace, Cambric and Linen, separately or in setts IN VEILS— Silk, Litre, Love, Barege, and Grenadine VEILS IN DOMESTICS and WHITE GOODS’--- Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS Linen and Cotton PILLOW CASINGS Irish LINEN Bird-Eye and Scotch DIAPERS Bleached and Brown LONG CLOTHS various brands Linen Damask TABLING Linen Damask NAPKINS Linen Damask TOWELS Twilled and Huckaback TOWELING Fine White FLANNELS IN GENTS’ WEAR— Black French BROADCLOTHS Black French Doeskin CASSIMERES Linen DRILLS Farmers’ and Brown DRILLS French DUCK Colored LINENS IN LADIES’ SKIRTS— Bradley’s Duplex Eliptic (EMPRESS TRAIL) LAPKTT SKIRTING INDIA TWILLS MOHAIR BALMORALS IN PARASOLS— Fine Black SILK PARASOLS Colored SILK PARASOLS Fancy BEADED PARASOLS IN STRAW GOODS— Every variety and style of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s HATS and BONNETS, Trimmed and Untrira med Also, a great variety of RIBBONS. FLOWERS, RUCHES and HAT ORNAMENTS. IN TRIMMINGS— BUTTONS, CORDS, BRAID, TRIM MING RIBBONS of every style and color LACES, EDGINGS, etc., etc. And our usual gtock of— Lubin’s and othfer EXTRACTS, POM ADES, SOAPS, PINS, NEEDLES HOOKS and EYES, BUTTONS, and all those little articles usually kept in wholesale and retail stores. Bgy-All country . merchants will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. “Buy cheap and sell cheap,” is our motto. J. D. A. MURPHY A CO. mil 25—6 m jVcw Gootb! B.atcst Styles! GOODS DRY GOODS DRKSS GOODS LADIES’ AND MISSES' HATS LADIES’ BONNETS MANTILLAS HOOP SKIRTS SUNDOWNS ALL KINDS OF BRAIDS, TINSEL CORDS, IIAT and DRESS ORNAMENTS And every article required by Ladies in their Wearing Apparel. For sale at very moderate prices, by MRS. PUGHE, 190 Broad street. Dry Goods 1 Etc, , Mr*. 11. McKinnon, (251 Broadway.) mN'AMENTAL HAIR V BRAIDS CURLS , , WIOS ROLLS RIMMINGS SILK . GILT JET BUTTONS TASSELS nnnrtn SPANGLES CORDS RUCHES ■piBBONS -Li SPLENDID ASSORTMENT PAPS yj LACES NETS „ FEATHERS FLOWERS WREATHS INSERTINGS and EDGINGS. TjARASOLS : -L and !■ SUN UMBRELLAS QROCHET NEEDLES RUFFLES AIL SILK Kid, silk and COTTON GLOVES |JLACK SILK MIL'S i S” PLENDID ASSORTMENT HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS, (some extra sizes.) Dress goods— BAREGE TARLETON CHINTZ SWISS MUSLIN DOTTED MUSLIN ORGANDIE MULL CHAMBRAY GRENADINE TOADIES!... j_J GENTLEMEN And CHILDREN'S POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS From 15c. to S3O BIRD’S EYE DIAPER FRENCH DIMITY TTEAD HANDKERCHIEFS MRS. MCKINNON HAS JUST returned from New York with a fine stoci of DRESS and MILLINERY GOODS, as above, and will be pleased to see her customers at the Old Stand, 251 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. mh2s—lm Spring and Suicnner Goods. QOOD NEWS TO AI.L,! GO IMMEDIATELY TO JOHN KENNY’S And order a Suit of Clothing ! Ho is now ready to make to order, CLOTHING, FROM THE BEST CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, In the latest, and most improved styles. Having the finest, largest, and best selec ted stock of SPUING GOODS ever seen in this city, consisting in part of Black, Brown. Blue, Dahlia, and Olive BROADCLOTHS, Panov FRENCH CASSIMERES, of all Descriptions, Farcy SILKS nnd CASSIMERE VESTINGS, SHIRTS, COLLARS. NECK TIES and CRAVATS. I am now prepared to supply the public with DRESS and BUSINESS SUITS On the most reasonable Cash Terms! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, In the neatest, most substantial and latest styles, as note but the best workmen are employed. * Also, Agent for WEST’S REPORT OF FASHIONS. JOHN KENNY. Merchant Tailor, 221 Broad Street, mb 16—1 m KY GOODS! LUDINGTON & CO., 330 BROAD Hf Ay, EE IV YORK, Offer to Southern and Western Jobbers, and retailers, at the lovest market prices, FOR CASH, Avery large and attractive stock of Dress feroods, CLOTHES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY', mb27—lea WHITE GOODS, Eic, NO. 81. Dry Goods, Etc. DRY GOODS! GOODS!! 11. F. RUSSELL & CO. 171 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL. Q. F. RUSSELL. W. SAMEL J. J. BUSSELL Offer to tbe public one of the most BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF GOODS Ever brought to Augu-ta, which having been selected with great care, and bought on the most favorable terms, will be sold very low. Our motto being “quick sales and small profits.” TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS We offer great facilities in PRICE, QUALITY, and VARIETY Our stock of DRESS GOODS consists of R'ack and Colored REP SILKS » Black and Colored COItDEo SILKS Checked and Striped SILKS Plain Black SILKS Foullard SILKS Black and Colored GINGHAMS Broche Figured GINGHAMS Black and Colored TAMARTINE Black, White and Colored MOHAIR Black and Colored IRON BAREGE BAREGE ANGLOIS MOZAMBIQUE Black and Colored CIIALLIES Black and Colored U EKNANE Black and White BAREGE 8-4 ORGANDIE ROBES ORGANDIE MUSLIN Printed JACONET Printed LINENS Printed French CAMBRIC Printed BRILLIANTS Colored CIIAMBREY Colored LAWNS P'igured LAWNS Figured PEKCOLE Plaid GINGHAMS P'igured PICQUET CLOTH PARASOLS and FANS In COVERINGS we have Ohalle and Barege SHAWLS Shetland SHAWLS Black, IVinto andColored LISLE THREAD SHAWLS Black SILK S ACKS, Long and Short Black SILK CIRCULARS LACE POINTS, etc., etc. Our Stock of WHITE GOODS cannot be surpassed, such aa Jaconet MUSLIN Jaconet CAMBRIC Swiss MUSLIN Nainsook and Mull MUSLIN Shird MUSLIN Puffed MUSLIN LINEN CAMBRIC ,L AMJHUfct.i m* LONG LAWN Irish LINEN BIRD EYE DIAPER Plaid and Striped NAINSOOK PLAID and SWISS Checked MUSLIN Dotted SWISS MARSEILLES CAMBRIC DIMITY TARLETON MUSLIN DRAPING MUSLIN Our HOSIER Y consists of— Ladies’ best English Ladies’ Lisle Thread, plain and open work Gents’ Brown and Bleached English Gents’ Lisle Thread Misses’ and Boys’ EMBROIDERIES— Linen SETS. COLLARS and CUFFS Cambric SETS, COLLARS and CUFFS Lace SETS, COLLARS nnd CUFFS Muslin and Linen COLLARS L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS For Gents’ wear— Black French BROAD CLOTH Black French DOESKIN CASSIMERE Black French DRAB Glared CASSIMERES LINEN GOODS, plain and fancy CRAVATS and COLLARS Lisle Thread and Gauze UNDER VESTS DOMESTIC GOODS— -3 4, 7-8, 4-4 Brown SHIRTING 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 Bleached SHIRTING 5-4. 8-4. 10-4 SHEETING PILLOW CASE LINEN MARSEILLES QUILTS DOMESTIC GINGHAMS CALICOES Brown and Bleached TABLE DAMASK LINEN TOWELS Crash. Huckaback A Russia TOWELLING BED TICKING, GAUZE, FLANNEL Etc., Etc. And in fancy articles, too numerous to men tion, we offer an endless variety. Everybody is invited to call and examine our stock, mb 2ft—lm Selling Off at Very Low Prices 1 The entire stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots an*i Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Segars, etc., etc. To make room lor Goods constantly arriving at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ WHITE GOODS SILK BASQUES AND JACKETS, HOSIERY AND DRESS GOODS Just received, and for sale at a bargain, in THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. THE LATEST I and BEST STYLES or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At lowest prices, at / THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. Country Merchants Will find it to tbeir advantage beforo pur chasing elsewhere to call at THE FANCY BAZAAR, mh23 No. 253 Broad street. ®jrt Sailjj Ijrtss. BOOKAKDJO BPBIHTIBQ or EVERY DESCRIPTION BXECIJTBD IN THE LEST MANNER. The Fne'elt Power Prettet, and Pot of Workmen enable* a* to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Bate* than tUeecher*. Dt l y Goods, Etc. SPRING AND SDMZEBGOODfr THE WELL KNOWN ASP POPULAR STORE or I. Kahn & 00. 262 BROAD STREET, CAN NOW BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK or SEASONABLE GOODS, HAVING REFITTED OUR STORE AND LAID IN A STOCK EQUAL TO ANY EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUR PATRONS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVAN TAGE TO DEAL WITH US, AND TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE FACT, WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILLS PURCHASED is CHARLESTON SAVANNAH OK ANY SOUTHERN CITY, THEREBY SAVING ONE HUNDRED MILES FREIGHT. WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED AND ARE CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT ’ OP GKO O I) S ? CONSISTING OP CALICOES MUSLINS GINGHAMS LAWNS CAMBRICS NANKINS TWEEDS BAREGES CRAPES LINENS BRILLIANTES DRAPERING TARLETONS CASSIMERES SHIRTINGS CLOTHS JEANS SHEETINGS BOBBINETS COTTONADES TISSUES Lisle Thread SHIRTS and DRAWERS Lisle HALF HOSE, Ladies’ HOSE Childrens’ HOSE and HALF HOSE Ladies’ and Gents' LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS Embroidered COLLARS and CUFFS Embroidered SETS, EDGINGS, etc. OUR ASSORTMENT OP SMALLER ARTICLES SUCH AS Pins, Hooks and Eves, Tapes, Bobbins Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Belts, and Buckles, Burt monies. Pocket Knives, Hair Nets, Table Cloths And a thousand other articles too numerou* to mention, defies competion, both in PRICE AND EXCELLENCY. jZStS-We especially call tho attention of the Ladies to our beautiful assortment of LADIES’ BASQUES SAQUES CIRCULARS, Trimmed in tbe latost Spring styles of Bugle, Beaded, and Lace Trimming. ALSO, DUSTERS, CASSIMERE SACKS, etc.,etc. I. KAHN & CO., 262 Broad street mhlfi—tf