Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, April 25, 1866, Image 1

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p.ulij press. nii . > /v,/;.'.v is ms ' "" 'A , • lie rii 11 1 f I’, 'I/, thri.i.ll §SSSBSjB>i- n»:i 'h- /■ \/:m:sr nun t..\ rtu.s ■ HDi illM'iiii iiln InM ili'd I.llx r.ii T.'i'iiio. B Ot't'll'E-—VurMrr of llrood ami HBBHB, soll .. ~j, / ...• i ■. i Hoots, Shoes, Etc. OLD CITIZENS! HHn\ IST BROAD STREET. TO SUIT THE TIMES, \ 1330l 3300 *^ ■H TO FIT. ■BBm HM/?/.m .v 77.7» a v !:i:ri:rsi:.\ rn). undersigned. uni kn-utiMi t his <*«>iii- - Jd any fair dealers in the trade. —branch Ho ises or whut not. liny JUr Cash tuv.i S*ll F>r C;\s/i. ■Epl'.v ■ Our acquaintanci’S will tell their friends the ouaiher is. BUNK Sit HKXDKUSOX, I>7 Hr at Street, apU —lm \ *• trn- 1 . Ga. Bstfoi:s! sloi:m siflotssr ® M. Cohen, H,c ju.-t re w ive * •* .ar.e 'lh. ING > • UV «. the La»o't styles of Lad es'. Mines'. and Hoys’ SIIUKS consisting in ■ of— |u. ■Ladies’GAITKHS Misses’ SUFFER 1 ? Ladies' Kid SHOES La lies’ .Morocco SHOES Gents' Pump Sole BOOTS IpPfHGents' OXFORD TIE* ggliill Gents' o.\ I Oil H TIES, patent leather Hoys' lied Top HOOTS Children’s Copper Tipped HOOTS and SHOES b&jiSJtsfel All syvles of HOOTS and SIDES, for and Girls: the la»est styles Gents’ 11A TS ; a largo lot ot THUNKS and VA L IIWMISES. Ai?o a fine assortment of STRAW IIATS. New York Prices. Don't forget the place— ■■B IS'JJ BBO.M) S riiEKT. npl-Jtn Oppi.>iie Autik'ii Hotei. JDowi With High Piices! S BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS and TRUNKS g|l§§.: A •» '!(»]psnle awl Ju fail, We would respcetfidlv in r o»-,* the people of Augus’a and Mirr- unding country, that we have opened a branch of our New York |gg||V city Store af Jl 1 Hr<>nd treet. where w* arc Biliß now prepared to sli w all in want of n BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS and TRUXKS, The best selected and finest stock of Goods ghf' Bin thia section n|*the country. To City* and Country Merchants, we GgifHr would say w.j can sell you Good- in our lit e as low ns you can buy Hi m North : for !|l||jß our Goods ar* direct Iron the Maimfuctu rers, as one of the firm is in the wbo'esale |||;:BB bus ness in N**w York Cjry and «ur motto is ‘•quick sales and -mallp ofns,” nn < >• and B|| a big bit-mess. One trial is soffi. ient to prove the truth of the *b »ve .-tateuient. Don't forget the place. RW W. & C 11. CLARKXDOX, ■■, oU HUOAD STREET, Augusta. Ga., Xiarly opposite Planters’ Hotel. llilllhv: apl-tf Hit if Itoa f Xoticrs. Clianpre ol Schedule. Sorni ('uioi.in \ Kaii. Hoad, ) General SupcriutriHent’s Office, V ■ ( hiirlt--: ' -i. 1 M'.i’t. j tiie trams will leave ami arr:\ e ' j, - *' V as follows, viz : I-«nve Charleston 7.00 a. in. £SR||||i? Arrive at Augusta 600 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 5 20 p. m. Leave Augusta 0.00 a. in. Ssßmßjll. Leave Columbia 0.15 a. in. Arrive at. Charlr-tmi 5.n0 p. m. Connecting with Train at Lraneliville for Kingsville. Wilmington an«l Manchester ' I Ron I, Columbia and Charlotte Hail Hoad. PnR 11. T. FLAK K, BwMwmllfe ap7—tf (icreral Sup. r i tondent. -1 ** Central Kail P.oad. ■ OFFICE OF TIIE CENTRAL R. R„ | |SHp|p’ Savajj-w, Ga., Jan. 29. 1860. [ &%££( {££3h 0S ANI> AFT Lit ■ MONDAY. THE 6th KEI'.UIAKV, IVi O HA ILY TRAINS will I run between Augusta and Savannah, con I necting iu both directions with trains on the Georgia llail lt-.ad as follows, vi/.. : . I|§g» Leave Augusta 9. JO A. M. and 8.15 F. M . Arrive at Augusta 5 F. M. and 5.45 A. .M Leave Savannah 7.J0 A. M. and 7.J0 F.M. Arrive at Savannah 7 00 F. M. and 6.35 gggggli A. M. Passage SB. Freight to go by Passenger Train must 9Rnpi||.' be prepaid and delivered at passenger shed HH tbirtv minutes before dcpartn.e ol train mBSg, ' J. M. SELKIRK, fob! Master of Transport at ion. Bfe ■ Plant the Corn. 4- A ND PLOUGH IT— AND SHELL IT— '.vie, AND SELL IT. F ' , J. i T. A. BOSES T'A->. Aro now receiving j®g||| PLOUGHS, GRINDSTONES, And mans other thin.jt NEEDED AT PRESENT. ja3l—tf KWt 7\ HOICK PERFUMERY L cologne water, BRUSHES ;V ; TOILET SOAPS. SBgS;* An) almost evorv nrtirli- fm (lie Tin let, fm Spiff' i|e liy PLC'III A I.KITNEK, !!§» H&—lf 212 Utoa<i tsL, August*. Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1866. VOL. I. />/•// floor Is, Etc . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS IT THE WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR STORE or I. Ivahn & Cos. 2U2 BROAD STREET, CAN NOW BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK or SEASONABLE GOODS, HAVING REFITTED OUR STORE AND LAID IN A STOCK EQUAL TO ANY EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUR PATRONS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AI) VAN TAGE TO DEAL WITH US. AND TO CONVINCE THEM OF TIIE FACT, WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILLS PURCHASED IX CHARLESTON SAVANNAH on ANY SOUTHERN CITY, THEREBY SAVING O.YA’ //VSO 11 ED MILES I HEIGHT. WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED AND ARE CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT or GO O ID S! CONSISTING OF CALICOES MUSLINS GINGIIAMS LAWNS CAMBRICS NANKINS TWEEDS BAREGES CRAPES LINENS Bill LLI ANTES DRAPERING TARLETONS CASSIMERI S SHIRTINGS CLOTHS JEANS SHEETINGS BOBBINETS COTTONADES TISSUES UisTe Thread STURTS and DRAWERS Lisle IIAI-F HOSE, I adies’ HOSE Childrens’ HOSE and HALF HOSE Ladies’ and Gents’ LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS Embroidered COLLARS and CUFFS Embroidered SETS, EDGINGS, etc. OUR ASSORTMENT SMALLER ARTICLES SCCH A8 Pins, Hooks and Eves, Tapes, Bobbins Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Belts, and Buckles, Portmonies, Pocket Knives, Scissors. Hair Nets, Table Cloths And a thousand other articles too numerous to mention, defies eompetion, both in PRICE AND EXCELLENCY. We especially call the attention of the Ladieß to our beautiful assortment of LADIES’ BASQUES SAQUES AND CIRCULARS. Trimmed in the latest Spring styles ol Bugle, Beaded, and Lace Trimming. ALSO, DUSTERS, CASSISIERE SACKS, etc.,etc. I. KAHN A CO., 202 Broad street. table—tl a lie Jlailii |lvrss. LAMEST CITY“(iI KCtLATIOX. WEDNESDAY MORNING...ApriI 26, 186* SCISSORS. ; —A lady has been nppointed postmif. tress in Ilightown, Va , because she is the only person in the place who can t ke the oath. —A little gir!—an only child—one day looked into h*-r mother’s lace, with ‘'mother, what do you make me wc-«t this old truck lor? [ think von might af ford to dress me better, seeiu’ as how there's only one of us.” —Josh Billings says: “I could nev< r find the meaning of the word ‘collide’ in Worcester or Web-ter. But riding the other day on the New J, rsey Central Rail Road, I saw it all. It is the attempt of two trains to pas each other on a single track. D I remember correctly, it uus a single failure.” —A fire ot eurred in a warehouse in Manchester, England, recently, iu con sequence of rats having knawed a hole in a gas pipe. Rats, in order to satisiy their thirst, often knaw 1 oles in pipes, but their sagacity, ns in this case, does not enable them to distinguish water from gas pipes. —The New York Commercial I .r special says the English Minister is seriously exercised at the demonstrations of the Fenians, and has made important rep reseutatiims to the State Department, with a view of inducing our Govern ment to adopt repressive measures. Secretary Seward lakes the ground that so far the ordinary laws against any violation of neutrality are sufficient. It is understood, however, that a procla mation will be issued. —I he number of emigrants from’ Germany arriving at Havre to take ship for America has lately increased in an extraordinary degree. A Havre journal ■states there are not less than a thous and emigrants now lodging in the quar ter of St. Francois alone awaiting ves sels to take them out. Two dayy since eighty persons left Havre for England in the hope of getting off earlier. The same journal remarks that this increase of emigration coincides with a great e.x tension of the commercial relations be tween France and the United States. Not less than twenty five vessels are shortly expected at Havre from New Orleans, one from Texas, and five from Mobile, all laden with cotton. A con sider ible quantity of the same material is also being shipped for Havre, at New York, along with other merehan dir.e. In short, the import trade at Havre has not been so brisk for five years. The emigration to North Amer ica is daily asunittiggreater proportions. Up to the end of May ten thousand per sons have already engaged to leave via Hamburg and Bremen. The emigrants are nearly all Northerners and Protest ants, whereas, ten years ago, the vast majority consisted of Southerners, many of them Roman Catholics. An Editor Lost. The Waco (Texas) ller/ixter thusclironicles the loss of its editor: ‘‘This paper has lost an edi tor. Not by death; not by marriage. ‘Not by anger; but in sadness.’ He left us with his'heart full of joyous nnticipa. tions, his mild beaming with hope; his voice cheerily whistling Yan kee Doodle, and his wardrobe carefully pa- ked in a red cotton handkerchief. He is gone from us now, and the Itcjis ter mourneth; our contemporaries of Hudson and Galveston will treat him kindly. He was last heard of in their vicinity. He is a very respectable young matt, and sings in the choir. He is perfectly harmless—though the effigy of the American eagle (on a half-dollar) or the sight of a woman has a marked effect upon him ; is a single man, but that is not his fault. His name is Chase, and that is supposed to have been his name before lie came to Texas; is perfectly honest —never known to take anything out of his reach—and the charge that he was a very reaching young man is false; never drinks anything spirituous, unless invited, and then only as a medi cine; he is weakly; was originally a na tive of Vermont—was born there from choice, but is now a member of the Uni ted States, having taken the amnesty oath and all the proclamations. When he left he had anew suit of store clothes, and all the funds of the concern upon his per son. An exteuded circle of friends and creditora anxiously wait for intelligence." Ice Dealer*. Ice Notice! A CONSTANT SUPPLY OP ICE mav he found at THE AUGUSTA ICE HOUSE, opposite the South Carolina Kail R«a<l Depot, and at the Branch House on Jackson Street, immediately in the rear of Antoine Poullain’s store. Both houses will be open for delivery of ICE from 6 o'cloek, a. in., until 7 o'clock, p. in fSunday s excepted.) The hours on Sunday from 6 to 9 a.m.; from 12 to 2 p. m.. and from 6 to 7 p. m. The above hours, on Sunday, will not bo deviated from unless a physician’s certificate Ten tiers it necessary. Price for the present for 50 lbs. and up wards. three (3) cents per pound; four (4) cents per lb. at retail. '»p4—tf C. EMERY. ICE. cpiiE Mclntosh street Ice House (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFTCE) IS NOW OPEN. Prices for tbe present four (4) o»nts a pound, retail. For fifty pounds or more three (3) cents. R. A. HARPER A CO. nplf—3m (colored). -. . j . Groceries, Liquors, ,(c. ~(UROCER IESL Q L. WILLIAMS, No. 1115 I!road Street, lias in store, and is this day receivings fresh supplies of choice GROCERIES, which will be sold at ■ Wholesale and Retail, com prising every article usually kept inn first class store (Liquors exeepted), all of which will be sold at. the lowest market prices, and to which lie invites the attention of the public. fell)—3m M. o’rmwn. | WM. MULHEItIN. Q’DOWD & MULHERIN. Grocers Commission Merchants, 273 Broad Street, Augusta, On., Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of produce, and will keep constantly on hand a large stock oi choice goods. Call and give ns a trial. fed—3m FISH ! OYSTERS ! I QAMEIII POULTRY! VEGETABLES!! . A XI) FAMILY GROCERIES!!! OF EVERY KIND AND FOR SALE LOW. Call and see me. WM. HALE (colored), Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, Augusta, Ga. mhfi—fim Medicines, Drugs, Etc. Ferry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer. tWE ASK THE ATTEN tion of the public to this long tested and unrivalled FAMILY MEDICINE! It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have received thousands of testimo nials, showing this Medicine to be an almost never-failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon— Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side. Back and Loins, as well as in the Joints and Limbs; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains in any part of tbe system. Tooth-ache and Pains in the Head and Face. Asa Blood BurifLer* and Tonic for the Stomach, it seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heart hum, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, King worms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General De bility of the System. It is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painters’ Colic, Diafrhcea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds. Burns, Sprains Bruises, Frost-Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings ol Insects, Scorpions, Cen tipedes. and the Bites of Poisonous In sects and Venomous Reptiles. SEE DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH COTTLE. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the Missionary and the Traveller —on sea and land—and no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Price 7went;/-Fire Cents. Fifty Cents, and One Dollar per Buttle. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERY WHERE. ap.3—2m<> ~ BAIL BONDS. Bail bonds for sale AT “ DAILY PRESS ” JOB OFFICE. ALStJ, BLANK SHERIFF SUMMONS. NO. 98. Dry Goods, Etc. SPRING TRADE IH«6 QUR STOCK NOW COMPLETE. GREAT SEDUCTION IN PRICES. V. MdlAluTs & BROS, Taka great pleasure in announcing to the citizena of Augusta and vicinity that their SPRING STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE, and FAR SURPASSES ANYTHING They ever had the pleasure of exhibiting in th?s oily, and they guarantee tbe PRICES SO LOW AS TO OTVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. And to this fact they would especially call the attention of purchasers. Flattered by the IMMENSE PATRONAGE Bestowed upon them the past season, they tako this occasion of returning their thanks, and begging a CONTINUANCE of the SAME, and ot* saying that they Buy their GOODS upon the very Best of Terms, viz; “FOR CASH.” And Customers tnav RELY UPON BEING FAIRLY DEALT WITH, and Goods offered at the 7cry LOWEST MARKET PRICE. They say this becadke they are abb and determined to SELL GOODS AS LOYV OR LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TIIE COUNTRY. And they Hope Soon to have it KNOWN FAR AND YVIDE TH AT THEIRS IS TIIE GREAT AND CHEAP DRY GOODS HOUSE OF AUGUSTA. Their intention i* to KniM up a Trade, ami thi« thev will do, if FAIR DEALING, LOW I’RTCES. and STHTOT and POLITE ATTENTION TO CUSTOMERS and busi ne»A will do it. Their Sfc »ck is eo Large and varied that it would he impossible to give a correct idea of it in our advertisement, so they mention only a few of the Leading Articles, hoping that each and every pi rchaser in this Mar ket will call and examine heforo buying. IN LADIES DRESS GOODS THEY HAVE BLACK SILKS, all widths and prices from $1 50 to Si. Plaid and Figured GRENADINES Spring POPLINS Black and colored ALPACAS Checked and Plaid MOZAMBIQUES French and English BAREGE Black and White deck India SILKS Black and Purple Foulard SILKS Black TAMATINE and DeLAINES Pointed CHALK IES FOBLANKS and DeLAINES OKGANDIE MUSLINS, all qualities Printed JACONETS, all qualities French CHINTZ Printed ami Plain Colored PERCELLS Plaid and solid colored GINGHAMS With many other Dress Goods of medium quality. IN SILK WRAPPINGS,LACE, POINTS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, etc., they have a very largo and Superior Stock, to which they particularly invite the attention of purchasers. IN WHITE GOODS tho Stock is very complete, consisting mainly of Plain Striped Piaid Swiss and Dotted Muslins Check and Striped Cambrics Jaconet Cambrics Mull and Nainsook Muslins White and colored Tarletans Brilliants. Irish Linens Table Damask. Towelings Sheetings and Pillow Case Linens Mosquito Nettmgs. etc., etc. In (ioods f"r Boys’ and Mens Wear, may he found a nice lot of Grass and Twilled Linens, Cloths and Cassimercs and Cotton ades. These goods are at low prices, and deserve the attention of all purchasers in their line. Stock of Gents’ and Ladies’ Hosiery very large. ALSO. A Great Variety of Ladies’ Silk Mitts from * fift.y-cents per pair to the finest. They have on hand a large lot of Ladies* Hats, Lace Veils, Trimmings and Buttons of every stylo. A Groat Variety of Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, nicely embroidered. Hemstitched and Embroidered Handker’fs NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, SUCH AS Combs, Brushes, Embroidering, Cotton, Linen and Silk Floss Braids of all kinds, etc*, etc. A fine Lino of Thread and Silk Laces Swiss and Cambric Edges and Flouncings Dimity Bands, Embroidered Infants’ Waist and Dresses WITH MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, BUT WHICH WE WILL TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN SHOWING TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We will sav to Merchants buying in tljis Market that we will make it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock. V. RICHARDS k BROS., 279 Broad street, Next door to Bones, Brown & Cos. ap4—lm / t|c Jtailj) frtss. EIN TIN 0 or EVERY DESCRIPTION • BXECUTED IN THE B*5T MANNER. Tkt Fatten Poteer Pretest, and Rett of Workmen enables tie. to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Rates than elsewhere. Dry Goods, Etc. Spring Trade! Mew Goods. FOLLOWING GOODS, just received, ARE OFFERED FOR SALE LOW: 50 barrels Pog*rs 1110 doz Planting Hoes sfl bags Cn(T„ 30 do* Shovels 10 chests Groan and IGdozßskes Blaek Te» 10 d«z Forks lft# barrets Flour 100 <f»t Penknives JOO bbu Potatoes 10 doz Rat Traps SO bojtfis Soap 100 kegs Nails 106 inzw Starch 100 boxes Glass 1000 boxes Sardines 10 Washing Ma -30 bbls Crackers and chines Biscnifs 3000 yferds Gunny 30 kills Mackerel Bagging 10 bills Pickles 20ft lbs Rope and 10 kttts Salmon Twine 10 kitts H Fins 3000 lbs Plow Lines IP kitts Tongues and 20 doz Buckets Sounds. 30 bests Tubs 30 State Cheese 30 doz Brooms 200 boxes Candles 100 sets Measures 1000 Ihs Hams 30 doz Baskets 2000 tbs Shoulders 6# dos-Sitters 100 doz Preserved 5 bbls Dried Apples Fruits 30 boxes Lemon 30 boxes Tobacco Syrup 30 hoxt-e Mnccaroni 20 dos Arrsck Punch 30 boxes Bai-ins 20 doz St. Domingo Nuts of all kinds Punch Brushes of all kinde 20 doz Whiskey 60 doz Briar Pipes 20 doz Old Brandy Clothes Pins and Ceoking Wines Lines Spices of. all kinds Whitewash Brushed Preserves of all kinds Blacking A Brushes 1000 prsShoes, Gaiters 500 boxes Scgars and Slippers, of all Kcroseuo Oil sizes and kinds 1000 Papers of Tacks Piano A Table Covers Etc., etc. DRY GOODS Os Almost Every Description, CARPETS OF AM. KINTIS MANUFACTURED. RUGS AND MATS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PA PEKING A BORDERS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS White and Red CHECKED MATTINGS, MATTING STAPLES, DAMASK A LACE CURTAINS TABLE OIL CLOTHS PICTURE NAILS AND TASSELS CORNICES, ' BANDS, PINS. HOOKS All of the above GOODS we offer to the Trade, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THr LOWEST MARKET PRICES! JAS. G. BAILIE A 880. 205 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. P. S.~Carpets Cut, Made and Laid ; Window Shades Ilung; Oil Cloths and Mat tings jCut and Laid at shortest notice by a competent workman. mh2s—lra * JAP. G. BAIT IE & BRO. NEW SPRING GOODS THE CHARLESTON STORE. Wo are now prepared to exhibit a large and varied assortment of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, comprising, in part, elegant DRESS GOODS, in POPLINS, BAREGES, GRENADINES, etc, ALSO, A large stock ofligbt and medium colored CALTCOES, varying in price from twenty to twenty-five cents. 500 yards Plaid English BAREGE, 35 cents, worth 50 cents. 500 yards Colored CHALIES, at 40 cents, worth 60 cents. 1,000 yards Pd CHEONS, at 35 cents, worth 50 cenis. 1.000 yards Colored Figured MUSLINS, at 35 cents, worth 50 cents. Besides many other New Goods, all of which will be sold low, for cash, AT TIIE CHARLESTON STORE, 236 Broad street. JUST RECEIVED, That lot, of elegant GRENADINE ROBE DRESSES. Th<-se ROBES are decidedly the most stylish and elegant thing of the season. As there are but a few patterns, Ladies will find it to their advantage to call early and get the first selections, AT DRAKE’S CHARLESTON STORE, mhl 7—ts SIL,TESTER & COREY, 07 A BROAD STREET, 4141: HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For the SPRING TRADE! One of the proprietors having purchased these articles himself in New York, at ex tremely low rates, we are prepared to offer the greatest inducements to purchasers. For REALLY CHEAP GOODS, give us a call. SYLVESTER & COREY £3s* Country merchants will find it t« their advantage to deal with us. mb2B—] m jy'ISS L. J. READ, AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, 326 Broad Street. A complete stock of Needles, and all the improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always for sale. jalH—6m E. S. JAFFRAY & CO. JMPOKTERS AND JOBBERS OF Dry Groods, 350 Broadway, NEW YOBX, fc27—6m