Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, April 25, 1866, Image 4

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€bc Bail! V X[Ss ' LAR6EST C 1 TV ViBIT LATIOX. WBDNKSDAY MORNING...ApriI 23. !M« Good Advice is a Poetical Way.— It ii an oM saving, applied to a “mid*. dliu£ lair** verse, that "there is more truth than poetry in it.** The following contains some ot both, ami we commend it to the attention ot the municipal au thoriiies of all our Southern towns : • ASIATIC CHOLERA. A fearful whisper comes from the Ea*t, Os a raging monster, gaunt and grim, Making of men a vampire feast. Highest and lowest, aud greatest and bast— And all he finis ia food for him. And Westward ever he rolls his war. Marching with ‘l**w. insidious tread; Ilia victims struggle, weep and pray. And caught can bis terrible hunger st.iv. Till bis path is strewn with a tLou?aad dead ! Squalor he lores, and filth and crime ; What shall we do to avert h«s wrath ? Can we not purge our city in time. With charcoal, water aud sprinkled lime. And leave uo place fvr his hideous path ? Or will our rulers ro danger know. Till at our door King Cholera baits. While dead carts hit er aud thither go. And the thick air shudders w th cries or woe, And everywhere gape the bur.a. vaults ? Take heed of the warning, now—take heed, While still tLere is time our bouse to save ! For everywhere ripens the poisonous seed On whico King Chi lera loves to teed. That our city may be a mighty grave ! Cleanse. Oh ‘ Fathers, these gutters and styes ! Festering kennels, and filthy slants, Reeking beneath the burning skies ; For if their stench mu*t still arise— What sbail we do when King Cholera ci me* ? rjn H E ECLIPSE FAST FREIGHT LIFE. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. EttcibiUhvd for thi pur Los* of giving dirpatch TO HEAVY FREIGHT , AT REDUCED RATES! Is now prepared to receive and forward be tween Savannah, Augusta. Atlanta. Macon, Albany. Eutaula, Col am his. hi atgonje-T. Selma, Mobile. and Way Stations. Ship from XViff York to cor* K>- .’ : p4* Fast Freight Lint, Savannah. THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN, JXD Insurance Effected When Desired. For further information, ra*es. etc., is quire of Agent* SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO, and at the office • f the UAUNDEN EXPRESS. —las fiJ Or ad way. N. V \o r ice. Ci ENERAL GEORGIA T LAND AGENCY Fa. 23S Br*xtd street, t\ O . B<b: 63. AUGUSTA. GA. Negotiate t -a’’« for Furnxe'S. Mirers. e f c. Procure White Laborers •?' either s*x ; >•- gaoite Assoc:atr ns f- ’'•« Devel panectof Mining med Manufacturing lr!er~-t-. and the settlement of lie rg i L.r i : Pure rase and forward Machinery, [mp'ementi. Sup pli**s. etc., for Farmers. Miners, ere. Ail Lard left at this office for sale or iease, ia a tverti ed in pamphlet, free of charge t) the owner. Jacgß R. DAVIS & SON. mb If—3 m OFFICE GA. IMMIGRATION CO.. ) No. 233 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga.. * This company-organized for ffce purpose of supplying labor—facili tating Immigration and prom<-: ? ng the agricultural aud commercial interest of the State—is n'w prepared to receive and promptly S ’ ail orders :’*r FIELD LABOR ERS. HOUSE SERVANTS, md ME CHANICS —to be delivered in Augusta. Stockholders are entitled to Select Hands, at Half ConmiMions. A limited supply oi* Stock can be fur nished. J. JEFFERSON THOMAS, President. W M . R. DAVIS. Secretary. FRANK J. ROBINSON. 6m Gen*!. Sup'*. The Petroleum Vapor Stove aud Ga3 Light \ RE NOW A OX EXHIBITION AT 30: BROAD STREET. UNDER PLANTER'S HOTEL. For ECONOMY NEATNESS and SIMPLICITY H'E CSALLEXGE THE WORLD ! AH kiadi of COOKING, BAKING, BROILING, etc. D«ne *t one-tec th the expense of ordinary fuel, and without od ir. smoke ••r ashes. apl2—tf SARONI ± BOSWORTH. Georgia Petroleum Vapor Stove and Gas Light Company. Branch sons a go, have kindly permitted the opening of a SUBSCRIPTION LIST for stock cf the above Ccmuaay, at their Banking House. Broad and Mclntosh rts., R* Rt BaaLj ap 12—Ki /# #/< mufti*'#. Georgia Horn. Insurance Company IT IS WITH PLEASURE THAT WE copy the f»*D«wing notice of the ahove Company from the \t!nnta .Yur Era. In thi« community It** trlialiluy and promptm**? m immediately paying *ll uWcm. i* well known and render-* it an ittMirution of prole t«» our cititcna. li* oitievp ate cotirteoii® a*ntlcmcn with year* of eaptuiencc in the hu-»ine*s. to which fuel, coupled pith tln ir i minent fitne*- t*ir the po<*if.»n. i».» remarkaH** pr-*«pei»ty ni'i't !*♦* mainly Attributed lhe Era -a\ < ; Act* Svk«k ’l.n* mr them \Y<ww—\Ve are j gratitl and to learn on inquiry Unit the Insurance ' C'ompany which paid -•> prom pi I v it* 10-?* hy i the tire on the cor* crof U hitehall and ec -tur street*. i« h Southern Company, ami none* ther than that reliable institution of our state Ihe O U Hour IX-fRkNC* t OMP'NT OT I ' lninhU* of wld h Mr. Jm» C Whitner i* Agent. Ihe ’ payment was made within twelve h«»Hra alter ; the first cry of tire waa heard, whilst smoke i was still issuing from the r»»i»>. No third 1 party < an»e forward to sift and feel a*-out for n*vk but the Agent issuing the p« he> ala* make* the payment just ao soon r- satisfied of ! it- mstneaa. We ask our merenarta and citizens to note 1 these facta. The cry ha* been rai-e i all bout hern Companies were totally mined. Ihe an-wer to liii- is. their investments were tuaue 1 etore tlte war. and were never changed, then i. >«*•.. th*-ref*'re. was mer*dr the profit* and ?-«*• labors for four years— tho'.uh some, bite the (,»oiflu H-’VE. have even come out N-r: ,»r r an they entered the war It i* fal-e that they are insolvent. A roo-t retnarkahle t**anire of bontheru C.jtnp.»t :e- i the ahaen-'e of-Special Aiicnts” ami •• Adjusters'* t“ st-nle up - Tnev go on the p* esumpn'on that the man they hjlov' nr ic* agent I* honest Hi and ca| - h dutv of making out a poll, y promising t«> pay y.» ■' in ca-e of'!•»*-. i- i.ii> iem \ uv up l<»*aes when they «*<*ciir !*en. there— f»*re. you insure with them y<»nr la-s t an-ac tion :« with the - me man—your friend, y• •*■ r neigh»*or. your feliow-eitiaen—With wh m your fir-r o«*ourred We do n >t mean to be sectional in our ad vice but we do think when we can build up .- iveea thes ■ and with grea r r a*»van'Hge to ourselves, it:* our duty to do so There s r e a r urnherof Southern C* * panics represented here who are perfectly reha* e. ('all oil chat t xpeneneed Insurance man and noire southern gentleman. Mr Whittle;, at Slot smv A « Drug >• :e. and he wUI give you a hit that whi Miror--- v u C i Mj.H ALL. Agents of the above named Company, ip4—lm Augusta. Ga H. 11. BROD.V4X, INSURANCE AGENT, A'-j-'steJ and Paid by mt a! try Orh . corner Broad and Jjcktvii ttretU, Globe Hot. I, Acuvsta, Ga. I JAff' Ir.«tire on’T in cUt and tried Coie pa'iie, that are well kr> an. All business attended to with fidelity and dispateh. §10,000.000 CASH CAPITAL. ASTNA, of Hartford. o*>nn PIICEXIX. of iiartford Conn TRAVELLER #. Accident; Hartford NORWICH. Xorw'ch, Conn EQUITABLE LIFE. New York INTERNATION ANew York WASHINGTON. New York I CONTIN FN : AL. New Y rk 1 WESTERN JIAS-ACUUsETTS, Ma=i | GI'LF STATF. Florid* ALABAMA. Alabama ' JAMES KIVF.R. Virginia mh7—'’re Southern Mutual Insurance Cos., Athens, Ga. * Yorss L. G. llarkis, Prudent. Albion Coast, Secretary. HOLDERS OF ONE YEAR POLICIES es il'ed to oartietpa'e is the PROFITS of the COMPANY. F. FIIIXIZY i CO , A-ents, ArsrsTA. Ga . At old office of Pbiniiy A Clayton. *T> 12-ts Fire. Xariue Inland Navigation I\M Hi\l K. Hartford fire insckance co. Hartford. Futnam Fire Insurance Cc., Hartford. ; H-une Insurance Cos., New Haven. | C dunxbi.4 rir- Insi.raree C-* . New Y rk. : Fulton F te lusunnee Cos.. New Y<*rfc. ; Kxcelsi'tr Fire Insurance C >.. New York. ■ Baltic Fire Insu-ante C . New Y k. ■>' utheru Insurai c and. Trust Cos., Savannah. II tue lL‘.>::rarce C . Savannah. Tee undersigned. Agent ;Vr the ib''vc named reliable N -rk;:.-ru aril S-.ti herv. In surance C mranres. is prepared to rake risk* on Buildings. Mercian Use. Cotton, and other property, a: the current races. Losses prompt; v a ijt:sted au-i t aid. WM. E. EVANS, Agent, t>b4—l'm 2D» Br- ,i 1 *r , a-.- ISO. C. SCRREISER * SONS, Maeoa, Ga. JNO. C. SCHREZXi;R k SONS. Savannah, Ga. John C. Schreiner & Sons, \**o. m BROAD STREET. *> AUGUSTA, GA. BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC and FANCY GOODS. Keep constantly on hand a choice seieo ; :ion of the above articles. All orders from the Country promptly attended to. TITS BEST r.p TTALI IB VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. AGENTS FOR : Steinwav Jl Sons, Soeb’oeier A Schmidt*?, an t G ale A «*. ’< CELEBRATED PIANOS. feh4—ly LHAIU.FS I). ( VRR & CO.. .-)•) | BROAD STREET. s’J-t STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS. win •- - stocks, bonds, gold, silver in i bank NOTES. A!-,p. REAL ESTATE. tchST—3« HAY AND LIME. 300 BUNDLES NORTHERN HAY 100 bbls. beot ROCKLAND LIME Just received and for *ale bv CLARKE 1 BOWR, ETRs Street, in rear Tu*>«c. R. Rhode* B -^ IC£S pOR SALE. Apply to R- J. BOWS. Eiecntor, E’lil Street, in Thcj. R. F-hodes. Ken VEKY KIND OF BRIXTfXG :tnd BOOK BINDING y fatty and Ckeauly Executed AT THIS OFFICE. GIVE CS A CALL Until*. HfKttiilunit*. au. Waverly Hcuse, IN THE BEND OF KING ST., j Charlkstox, S. C. Th!< well-known Ilon.e b.vinplven eom forittMv tided up and funii.Lid, is u » i.pen lor the ro- pt" ii of piu-na MBS. A. J. KENNEDY, MBS. L A. BI FF. apIS-lm Pr ‘»prietrrs •». iVCrfiTA HOTEL. I ONES & HICE, J PROPRIETORS. AUGUSTA. GA. The undersigned take thi* uierhixi of Informing their friend* and the public gene rally. that they Lave taken a lea?e upon the above WELL KNOWN HOTEL. and have had it thoroughly renovated and j painted throughout. CLEANLINESS IN EVERYTHING l? our in**tto. Our t iMes are abundantly i -applied with every thing the market and country afford*. No pains will be spared to make the Augusta Hotel a pleasant borne f-r the traveller. JUNES A KICK. telS—|v Pf*f rieft-r*. MKEVEX 1501 si;. OAVANNAII. GEORGIA, O THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Ilarinffbeon renovated ard newly furn ; »hfd, i? r* w * pen for the reception of the travel ling pubiic. GEO. McGINLY, Proprietor, n’ b l fi— c m Notice. Thankful for the patronage Conferred "n the St. CIIAKLFS, I will ever be ready t wji- up-n n y gut*?? : and having employed one of th> K-*t bar keeper*. I b |e to give entire *F»ri-*' • '-n t“ the public. An* number «>t* day b- ar-ler* will be acconim -dated with day l jrdir.g at sl»> per week. At and a few with g i r * well furnished, at the low price of? 13 per week. Rav Board s2.’>o per day. apl- ts SAM L V. BRADFORD. BOARDERS WASTED. Fifty boarders CAN BE ACCOMMODATED, With or without Lodging, at tie BLENNERIIASSETT RESTAURANT Corner Campbell and Walker street*, OPPOSITE GEORGIA R. R. DEPOT The term* aw the m- *t fav ra’de of any II l;«e in tr,e c y. when the character •>* the fare l* cun-idered. ISAIAH DAVIS, Proprietor. THE BLENNERUASSETT SALOON T* still conducted by the old proprietor, wh take* pleasure in c amending Mr. Davis tv his frk-r.d* aud the pub c gcuern v. mhlo— ts E. B. PUK* ELL. IMLui m aklesT , w . THE UNULKMGNED Dv l— ve ’ > return his 1 vk - ’ ? the ciuzens Augu*ia :«n . : rhe publ c g»neral y :'--r the generous rat -i age heretofore extended to l;x au I so licit* a con tin> a nee « i the same. Having recent)v fi'"'** l up this e*-a’ r ’i*h ment through ut, aud added to :be stock some new aud ELEGANT CARRIAGES GENTLE ANO F!NF. HORSES CAKEFUL DKIVLIIS. stc.. et . He i« prepared to acccmm ii’c the pub ; «c lr oc a?c u* of BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. lies wi? . : - r.-vided severa n* w ana elegunt cu.ics. which will be retained EXPRESSLY FOR THIS CLASS or BUSINESS. Thev may find it to rl e : *ijjrere*t to mike either a *peciai wr gea«ra* them SINGLE AND DOUBLE TOP AND OPEN At all times kept f r kite. FINE SADDLE HORSES. Among r?.em tw ■- r three pacer*. Lr ladies— perfectly genCeand kind. WEDDING PARTIES Will be attended ia the meet elegant stvle. FUNERAL OCCASIONS «U.L .VEST WITH PROMPT ATTENTION. IIORSES AND MULES KEPT BY THE DAY WEEK MONTH os YEAR At en«- .-tcitT rate.. Ani always ca band •or sa'e. Pie.iiing bis best e? rts to please, he hope-* to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. mbli— ’J M. A. DEHONET. VU'HITE LEAD \V LINSEED OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colors For sale, wholesale anti retail, at the lowest figuies. bv PLUMB A LEITNER, ??v“T—tf • > T“ > Ftr*Aail *t.. A-• TO THE LADIES: 1 MADAMS DEMOREST. Enroßirjt of fashios. Branch at Arr-voa. N i'Ni Bcoa.i PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, f. r sale. »t» parrESJS Btcittvir- sosthlt. j» li —Sta Mus L. J. READ. .IrU'illrrs Notic f?? _ KKXNKDY A KUSSKI.I. Have «..<»rutvd tbemiwlve, free. 4SB f„r the purpose ot carrying nn the It epa» rin g <>• OTKS anil JEW ELI: Y. »»i »olicit the public patronage, at -‘JO Br«»ad it. Up '" , ‘■ ,r!, ■ J. B. O. KENNEDY. _«b7-::.o Til"* KCSSEI.L. INialilishcil in ]' A. BRAHE HAS RKCLI\ ED 1 • nti-l offer, lor .ale at hU ohl stand, ltlf Bread street. . fine iut of BOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS. and a variety of fine an l new style Jewelry. ALSO, A LARGE LOT op SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, . TKUIT KNIVES. SOUP and GRAVY LADLES. . SUGAR SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and manv other article?. , He u ziviu? hi? personal a-tenti >n to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clock? and j Jewelery, in that well known and punctual nttnner. •'•’ - ' m Painters, Gilder*. Bfe. J J. BEOWNE, f i ILDER, u LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MAKER. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT, TO LO A EQUAL 7 O XE IF. OLD PA N NCS CAREFULLY CLEANED, LINED avo YARN ISHED. ALL WORK WARRANTED, \vn DONE AS CHEAPLY AS AT THE NORTH. IST BROAD STREET, mMfi— l dm A rrtr-Tt. O i. PAINTING. GLAZING. Etc. \[,l. r; r? conneetel with the ah ■ e hranclte. pr nip’.y evenured in toe imnrer, c-n *'s.v’ «i Term*- SHOP NO. a- JACK-ON STREET, y, rHe B-n Tower. The best una'iry of PUNT a red. and • GLASS of a!! ? te? d.tainafcle) jet to order. f..ni_»f WILLIAM n ARROW j G. COFFIN, II n*r. S 'a a«d Ornamental p ?Inter. Jackson St., onnr.'re A t'’ .’tie Rar.^t .lrct'sri, geo. ~kT::,ly * kiva\.\ic:i, House, sign. aND DECORATIVE PATXT E E ? . S'o tj, ; . On.. tr. '?' : • - P at t.rs H- te!. GoIiJ I tiolsl !! Gold !! ! F IS K GILDS FINE SIGNS. > anyth % else • FURNITURE. SIGNS. FANCY ARTICLE:-. TIN W \R". ,eo LE T rERS '’> KS C RELL AS K- •.. Etc . , Ortn.ctTE /'"o'" OFFt'E Mclntosh S 1 ' .'STA, GA. m’ ~ T’ —t-’ Guns, Piste Is, Ammunition. To *porlsrm-n. PUNS, PISTcbS. AND AMMUNITION Just received, a fall assor-racut :f St-i-le ar. ! • -nVe herreled GUNS US REPEAT! S. Smith A W,,?.;a and Merwia and Bray’s POWDER. SHOT, and GUN WAD DING Best qnaFte ws-cr proof CAPS A'l br ? CISC i. A’A PS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, feraii site Pisti? Ad ki-dj cf POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR at-d DRAWER LOCKS, ad jiees A zeneral et? '*' * every tn! —ar t be found in a well stocked Gua and Leci stnith Score. Repair c lone pr-mptly a:- 1 in tbe best niter, t'd or the Towcst term?. ‘.'or ? ?■ k wupund .t?ed since :he decline a- i will be s< Id at ! w rare?. F'.ase cat! and examine. Remember r c place. W. P. BOWEN. -’do I’roa l Street. Over Earry A Ratty's Drag Store te'ot—dtn pLIvSI a ' :Uu. •21? Jtroad St. Augusta. Ca WH.ILE-?AL«; ?VD a ETAJL DC.ILERS IV ' . VAN iMICALS PERFUMERY. FINE H UR AND T>tOTII BRUSHES. Fine Toilet 'oups, ami IVtrtal In?trtiniert!j, Glass. Putty, Paints, Oils, \'un :shes. Dye sen,*??. Fati'-v A Fodet Articles. Idrttehes. GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS. jab—O' SELECT SCHOOL. I AM PREPARED TO GIVE INSTRCC -1 ti a in daisies, the Htcaer Brancbea ot the Enyißh Lan-uaje. and the Primary De pa-tmeat. *trict attend n will heps’! to the vounrer f molars, as well as to those farther ad a.need. Term? reasonable. JOSEPH T. PERRY. j»a*7—dm’ S3 Walker street. Suit/}', ’itthnrra, Cif/ars, l.tr. SEGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE ESTABLISHED IN iU4. VOLUEU A CO-, Importers and Manufacturers of II AVAN V AND DOMESTIC S Cx a V S , AND CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Nos. I'M! and £34 BROAD STREET, AUGUST\, GEORGIA mb o—3io ( \ H. MKYKII, UT. 144 Rooad Si reef, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. DOMESTIC A HAVANA SEGARS., Wfa .icjale and Retail *Jeaicr in Sryars, Cueician and Sntnkiny Tobacco. So, , P,,es.it-c. Alsu, a complete s'— k of FAXCY GOODS Os every de-cription. A tine lut of pat.nt Pipes aiwav? ni hand. fcS—dm P. KANSBIUGER & CO., CORNER i!F.O \D A MTNTGsII STS. Uppo?i. Po?t Office./ WH.LESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS Ar»«l TmriDr'er* aid Manufacturer* *»f : lI.WAN.W AND DOMX.-Tl' SK«iARS CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Pipes and Jot aero <? a'! k : n ,a . Lor ill 'ard'*, Ka?-|<p, Maec-»b«»y, * : coirh -xV l- FKTC. t 1 4-: m Tobacco, Snuff, Iron and Bacon. .PQ() BOXES TOBACCO, VAKD-US BRANDS AND GRADES. F . to F .e. TWO HUNDRED KEGS \ND BARRELS SCOTCH AND MA‘CABGY SNUFF, A G o.d Article. THIRTY TONS IRON Ai- Sites,'! Audi' .-Rat :. H -p. K uni and Si; nure. \ F- w i I "c-b'-ad * PRIME BRIGHT BA'"N SHOULDERS. For .Coir h y NEAL. WHITLOCK X LO. Ph ysicittns. Or. Wni. Pcllihitw |_j.\S REMOVED HIS OFFICE AN? RESIDENCE T 91 Br id ?treer. • t’-posire Kng I'*? 1 '*? [! •»■*« of the Gazelle Fire Company. fe2s —ts south side. J P. FU'NT. M I>- HOMXOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Sttr : :-fin aii Aru’-urt)*.. r. Mo. I_ Re ’ : - >•?. Goodrich Row). AmrsTA. Ga. Dentistry. W. E. SPEARS, " rXFNTIST- U i MS 264 BROAD STREET Over IF. //. .-' • . ■ -•- A L • : l T* (tE .’RIjIA '• - " C - ’ -• ■ * ' IBCB • J ts. :k«5- -dui t V>— Pti rlnerslt ij) Fofires. TIIE UN - *S*S9 u -‘cd fh-.tn-v ;ves in trade: under rb»; irm .it CLARKE BOW E. F- r the r *»rp. -c f <•• • .u-ri-g a u: F \iR L C . iuX (Y'!' ■£:’ y DC S TV ESS. An i ive taken :i;c c!* *e V-riek *' re -A. use ' -i • ' ' yl V-l •••*’ m » -J* us COUNTRY PRO t>U‘ E s\r\ »z per* >nal a'tenti- n t-.» ?i. *s guar i • • - patr ■ i.-- rieited. R. E. CL R. J BOWE. Ga* ami Meant i itiiu£ and | A. ROBBK, v • H:tvig a Gas ard t - - V-'*''* • P * v to do ah kind* or w->rk '.*• with GAS. I.IGHTtNG, STEAM HEATING. - '• On “• as- ** l ? ertn* s: r■ »;<. f ! rd<r* trvui t.uo country prompt ly an ter-Wd to. Aii w-.rk vr:irr--*nre«i. mlrWffl r piK AUGUSTA CEACKER BAKIET, l* u-ov in ;ud run’:mg orUcr. The Mcrv ..? o: v .n; i vicinity w i: ; 1 • -aM An.} t ii ■ at. ;be PRICE. Me are uii.A.' g x fur better Cracker than tbe NORTHERN C RAC L\ ER. V ea • purchase them cheaper and ge; xt a ' a»e? t RESU. Go and see tbe SOUTHERN CRACKERS, AT Wallace, vogt a cos v-3 .ta 1' a iv. E K\.. 3i l Broad street. C H. WARNER. |)LUMBER. I _ GAS at.d STEAM FITTER. To rear of 23J Br , . , ad street. Avgusta. Geo. Pimp*. Ga?. Sream and Water Pipe* • pr- trptly furnished or repaired, ts Old Frames Made New. J|ARI’EK A LaDEV'EZE Are bow prepared to RE-GUILD OLD FRAMES. P*?!iv? buvine o’d p?'rtrait frame?, m,- ! inentue? ■b' the j u?f van h.? r e made to LOOK Ah IF NEW, , If sent tu thei- .*h'*p.No. 32 Jlclat- ?h street, , opp--?:te tb« i'bjt-'. fi-ow. aMt-rf ! 1 : I -T; iTtCy^J v i.^^l shiism CINCINNATI TYPE roujj -Asr»- PR IXT IX GOIA CII IN £ 2Ci Visa street, | Send for and I'on itftrirsm i ltn j.s tu a. iuy, M WORSE S»JOCI\g7| pATRICK SHARKEY, I HORSE SIIOER I AST* 9 BLACKSMITH TNG RE>;ERART. I fbe I ran- r.— N -r h by Br« *d Sir*et: • n Elii* Street: a:«d l**ra?td in Gfwpf-r the rwo/>f fbtrn. A iVl’-TA Id 5 \!; i;| 11 diine Wort*. I AU"USTA. fj* IIESE EXTENSIVE V.'OFK; | HAVING BEEN KFFinJ And Snpplled with *mp T - m.teril. I Tbe I’r* [>riet"r? are prija.-..! ,^ (I J EVERY KIND OF WORK I IN TI!EIK ini AT TIIE SIIOBTEST F- -SII.LE XOIM BEST .MANNER, I At New York or a-y ?-ber N..rt'en tiifl pnee?. 1 FARMERS’ UTEN-T! « I RAIL RO A1) Mil HOUSE WARE: RKTiiRTS FOR GAS llf.rJ SUGAR MILLS ; 1 SUGAR PORE* Plain and "rremer•?’ 7* ("■>,' F.U! GIN GFAP.: I PI LI.E in. ? i .'Tr, ar . I'a’*,,.,; I ■ - x-■ : Effl HOLLOW WARE; I SA-II WETGinB I'hnreh. School. Fi- —v .■.i F.re Alafl EELL.t: I MILL WORK; I C LSTINtiS rv I or Heh». in fr- n ..r hr».?«. I BLACKSMITH TNG ir •> ' ir? hnwlj ,E3- Railroad C..mp,;ri.?. i ?r 1 r« Farti-ry ard Mill 0?:nr--. f .r|. r*:,a rb- rii'e?. *nd all ti w'-cir? a 'jfl am' n- rof < , a?tire?. tvl' ! c - ! if t., ibrirfl varrae- ' _-ive a ? a caii re rv 0.-strarhH ei-ewhvre. I Ff t 7 ay ■ - F..-* T’<ar - Gri-ir* J&s- Vr J R. Ii w.- '? i. ■ T ! 'KRINE Wa I EE: v. ai.ll ■ l? ma ar rr F- or I r’ ■ PHILIP V4TANF i rn I F or. try Va.- a.irJ •elf fia A tlur.iH Lock to vonr Ir.freM. I T::f phoinia hd-n w-.hk>.l I M • - ; ". r • r!;e IJ !•' *•' rv I lr -w- -- -he -H M DRY and V4' IUXK W-TiKS. * ' I Steam Mr;:--? i , • Sail!* ■ Other i R .'N a;: ! i KG? lA.-TIN-if B ;i.m -R<r rh*.- - art -* ■ -a*er»'-r munshii*. wr. leh w-: i-*- m-Til*'' ’-fl • ureu*- *jiv~s. ;i ‘be pnoli-: geutn:i,H ‘be v»*ry l •: p- I f-r’ers re.-i.ee: u? y i au iprsjH filed. I C'o:p**tcnr Mai*Vi ; -** 'e-t r- arjr«B the eounfrr r - •' '* • vr Va.*h ; t«yH I*AY 1 fill: LH S. ir irx:M KEFSBFNi KS. H Vr J R ET wei'. 3it. AususiaH Va j <’ *• T■)a <• k n. J i. Ga. m Mr W Brenner. Augusta. Ga. Mill nish-er. Jesse Osm- ad. Esq. Anzust*. Gal Builder. Emmy 1 Merry. Cene”:a. va.lVpne! Saw M T. Cook i T.ampk : n. Calnmb-'a r«>oifT. Guano ! Guano!! r VO THE 1 PLASH OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH C A BOLD We ire Hew prei_a? r ed tc famish tU'ANO AND FERTILIZE OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, With Experfe- added, which shall h reasonable as possible. PLANTERS W’TLL VLEASE SEND IN THEIR OSD A? EABLT AS POSSTStr. -«5 GOOD GCA SO ASi FF.'. TILUI ARE SCARCE. geo. r. crrr? i fel«—3m 2**t» Brnilj Bills of”lad;nV;" ALWAYS ON Hi AT THS DA nr press JOB Olr'lfl Co-n er of i;n«ti and jantf Up Stain.