Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 16, 1866, Image 1
7«l)c Hull) J)vrss. -gBptJGHE, Publisher k Proprietor, The hail r press is i>is tlrntniooisl. rrery m.-roin./. ■ est ' cAn.M./A.iul the c.ili.r Cn*. 'A-'-t-V LARGEST rlltri L t / /"A giii-prtlwfUU-lHw I i»st«*l l»*«l Kftvml TANARUS« rni». OFPtPE—Corner .»/■ oil,/ f, Streets, o//•>»'<• ; / Business directory ! IN Till- I*MI V I’KUX RESTAURANT. I. M. Pr-ITKOor, K.I.- -net, in nor i 11 •••«•'. §§jj|Boi’STA t'R MKER BAKERY. Wul C Vogt it' Cos.. 341 Broad rtroet. HO l l\ 1.. Broad street, Jones .fli Rita*. I’r-pr r< .IAS. G. 4 BRO., Carpets. Drv •A Granaries, etc.. 205 Broad street. - WM . Painter and Glazier. IS street, near t k e Hell T.nv.-r. SM'TH .< ni„ Tol.ae'o V •••.*.•>• t’otnmissiou Merchants. 2ns Broad ‘"■'r'fßilNE. AUGUSTUS. Peeler in St oars, - Snuffs, etc. 320 Broad street. iPlH** Br" and siri'et A poor*. Inc Dealers. Kllis Sire t, site I'oncert Hall. ,oV Z^KVtll' !•' Jewetter and Wareh ah-r pit Broad street. \\. !’. H. Tosnranee V L*ent, r!'i ,r Broad ind .Tnebn.n streets, tffe; HiiwvK. T .T.. I'.ililer. and Pieture - Male" 1: 7 Br ad street. I’ll \s I> A ptt . St, ek an I Real , ’Hfeda’c Brokers. ’SI Broad -treet. TYPE Ki'fVtißY. 201 street, rineinnati, 08,1,,. "j|i Mrs. s S.. Press Maker. Me lift we n Bread and K. vto Ids \V * C. H.. Boots. Shoe-. • *U 4 *•r**n <1 -trout. i BOWK. Hay and 1. me. Kllis - P r nr iit'T 1 P ",les_. : ,1. (I , paditer. .laek.son street. k 1 , Baooe J"H V lie A SON, stock and Broker. Ain 1 . M.. Boots, Shoes, etc., K s 2l -ad KOR 'K A CO.. Boot and Sln.e 2T,S Broad, near Gl-ihe Hotel ' JOHN, fotmnissioTi and Kx Broker. 2SV Broad street. ■J-Bu PRESS BOO'* t JOB PRINT . OFFICE, E. 11. Pnyhe. pr-pric- Broad and Melntnsli streets, up ,T. R. ,f- SOX. General Georgia Aacl Agency, 25S Rroad street. L. B„ Grocer and Comniissi'-n . olßMeruhant, 292 Brnad street. RUSSELL A BENJAMIN. Aue- anti Commission Merchants. FAST FREIGHT LINE, Express Cos., proprietor**. _ C., Aueu-ta lee House, uppo.-ite B Y th Carolina R. R. Pepot. GIF A-SOi I\TIOX. 1 . **. Xew York. ■ A CUNNINGHAM, Pleasure - for hire. Hamluirg. s. t. '*'* STORE, lee Cream and Con 2UH Bnmd street IMMIGRATION COMPANY. ■ * BKsBEUtIER. P if* « 0„ Segars and eorner Broad :ind Mclntosh Daii.v Press offier. A PII KB PS. Bankers and Brokers 9 Wall street. New York. T As. MBS.. Bnard'ng. Greene street, I doors lielow the Bell Tower. f ■^Ke _ CIBIT,K—a Weekly Literary Pa E. II Plight*, puhlisher. Office, - and Melntosh streets, up ."T S. P„ ll* ti.- Ipathie Physi 192 Reynolds street. (color and Family Grocer, atul .3 Hauler. Washington street, K ad •?.; ' * A LAPKYKZE fcolored). . f-*~Bfcee. s' . T"|HkPER* R. A. A CO. (colored), Me- I tgjKst< ell street lee H"'i-**. ; K. S. if- CO., Dry Goods, 35(1 ,1 Byoijdway. New York. i A CO.. Dry Is, Notions, f\, K 2fi2 Broad street. A K AYAN.U GH, Painters, 330 TrpKEDY A KI SSKI.K. Watchmakers, Jewellers, 290 Broad street, up ’$M Y (feS/B, E. B. A CO., Pry Goods, etc., 2Sti i Broad s:r --,1; iIfcLONE, Pit 1 1*1 P A Cos.. Augusta /i Bpjotidrv and Maehii •• Works. ,i ; |Ki aLB. JOS. K.. In mi ranee Agen ; «y. 2 10 Broad stn-et. \ ITT. S. W„ th aler in Wall Paper Shades, ct. „ 3011 Bp ad si. ft JAukR. THOM AS if- St II A F It. G i llail' */|KITrnr A. A< 0„ Pry Goods, Broad street. 'i'IAwHITBO' K if' < O , Commission Broad street, near t'utfthern '^Sp^Boffiee. *..r Ga. B. IK Broilnax, i*. Ga. M. A. Pehonev, '•'js l lor, Kllis St., near Washington. DAVIS' PAIN KILLER, (old * : every where. , fIiBpLKKM VAPOR STOVE AND hhJiiill LIGHT COMPANY, at Branch, corner Broad and Mi-Intosh under Planters' Ilotul. Saroni Hpth. Agents. Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1866. VOL,. I, BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS in the daily press. PLATT BROTHERS, Furniture Ware rooms. 214 llmod street. PTiVMB A LEITNFR. Wholesale ami Retail PUGIIE, MRS. E. 11. Millinery, Dry no«l Frtney (toods, IHO Broad street. ITGIIE. E. 11, Book and Job Printer, corner Broad and Mclntosh streets, up Btaira. T.IEAf), MISS L. J. Asrent for tlrovor A Ii Baker's Sewing Machines, Millinery, etc., 32* Bn>a<l street. RISLFY S EXTRACT OF BIICIIU, for sale by all Drmrgists. ROBBE. C. A.. <?as Fitter and Plomb|r, in rear of 27? Broad street.. T. CHARLES* SALOON, EUis street, near Mclntosh, San>uel P. Bradford, Proprietor. SCTTRFTNER. JKO. C ,f- SO\s, Pl M oa f Books and Music. 199 Broad street. OCOFTEU). WTTJJAMS A C~o.~Manm factnrers and dealers in Tin Ware and Roofing Materials, corner Jackson and Ellis streets. Or-REVEN ITOCSE. Savannah, Ga., Geo. O Mctlinlv, Proprietor. SFOTX. Mines. French Millinery and Dress Makin*. 142 tirecne Street. OTTARKFY, PATRTCK. Blackstrith. on k t^entre Broad and Kllis. QOf’TiiKRV ACCTDEXT INSURANCE O COMPANY—A. G. Hall, agent, Au gusta. Ga. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, Ex press Forwarders. Office 179 Broad st. QODTTTKRN “MEDICAL & SURGICAL 1 JOURNAL, E 11. Poehe. publisher. Dr Joseph .Tones, Editot. Offiee, corner Broad and M Tntosh streets, up stairs. SOUTHERN MUTE A L CO.. Athens, Ga.. F. Phinizy A Cos., corner Campb-1* and Reynold streets. SPEARS, DR. W. E.. Dentist, 204 Broad street, over IV. H. Tut Cs. A . AVholesalo and Retail 1 Grocer, 299 Broad street, near Planters’ Iloiel. SUMNER, E. 1!., Jew Her, Mclntosh st, one door north of Broad. THE CHARLESTON STORE, C. C. Drake, Dry and Fancy Goods, 256 Broad street. THE FANCY BAZAAR, Dry Goods etc., 253 Broad street. VOLGER. G. A CO., Segars aud Tobacco, 192 and 2#4jprs>aand VV Coinmisßion Merchants. WARNER, C. 11., Plumber and Gas Filter, in rear of 255 Broad street. WARREN, W. HENRY A 00., Commis sion Merchants and Whnlesa ! e Deal ers, 175 and 177 Broad street. 4VERLY HOUSE. Charleston. S. C.. ' * 256 King street, Mrs. A. J. Keunedy and Mrs. L. A. Ruff, Proprietresses. IT 7 EST A MAY, Furniture, 137 Broad V\ street, opposite Monument. AX7ILLIAMS, C. L., Grocer, 315 Broad VV street.. Jewellers. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. J/' 11. SUMMER, L/t Mclntosh Street, One Door Below National Bank, AUGUSTA, GA. AVatchinaker’s Tools. Material and Glasses. Watches and Clocks re \ aired and warrant ed. Jewelry made and repaired. All kinds of Ilair Braiding done. All work done at the shortest notice. [niy3—lni Notice. ~ KENNEDY & RUSSELL Have associated themselves for the purpose of carrying JV^» on Repairing of \\ AiCiIES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, and solicit the public patrouage, at 290 Broad st, up stairs. J. B. G. KENNEDY, mh7-3m THOS. RUSSELL. Established in 1544. FA. r.RAIIK HAS RECEIVED ■ atul offers tor sale at his old stand, 194 Broad street, a fine lot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, and a variety of 6ne and new style Jewelry- ALSO, A LARGE LOT OP SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, FRUIT KNIVES, SOUP and GRAVY LADLES, SUGAR SPOONS, BUTTER' KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and many other articles. He is giving his personal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jcwelt-ry, in that well known and punctual manner. fe2o—3m NOTICE. f \ ENERAL GEORGIA VT LAND AGENCY No. 258 Broad street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA, GA. Negotiate loans for Farmcs, Miners, etc Procure White Laborers of either sex ; or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the settlement of Georgia Land : Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies. etc., for Farmers, Miners, etc. All Land left at this office for sale or lease, is ndverti-ed in pamphlet, free ol charge to the owner. JACOB R. DAVIS A SON. mhlff-3m UEE'ITNGS, SHIRTINGS, PILLOW CASE COTTONS, and all kinds of White Goods, at MRS. PUC.IIE’S, 190 Broad Street, (Tl)f Sail)) |)vcss. lamest City ( hu ilation. WEDNESDAY MORNING...May 18, 1S«« SCISSORS. —Plantation Kilters Freed men's strikes. —Nitroglycerine is used in homoeo pathy as a cure for headache. —The Colt Factory at Hartford is assessed at $1,000,000. —A Kangaroo works a tread mill in Melbourne. —lt cost SIOO,OOO to establish the N. Y. World. —The N.Y. Tribune is aged 25 years; old enough to hehave better. —Two Connecticut terriers recently killed 183 rat3 in übout as many min utes. —Lake Winnipiseogee, N. IL, is still frozen over to to the depth of more than a foot. —A good motto for an auctioneer— Come when you're bid and bid when you'eome. Harry Jennings’ fighting dog was killed by another animal in Buffalo. Harry purchased the conqueror for SSOO. —The Emperor of the French was born at the Til leries on the 20th of April, 1808, and has now, therefore, completed his 58th year. —A lion tamer in Turin, Austria, had his head nearly snapped off by a lion ir.to witose month he was in the daily habit of putting it. The spectators were somewhat surprised at the transaction.. —The losses of foreign residents by the bombardment of Valparaiso are estimated as follows: American, $113,000; English, $191,000 ; French, $275,000 ; and German sl7t>,ooo. —An Illinois Judge has decided that a woman cannot maintain a suit tor damages against her husband tor putting her into an insane asylum, under die -pretence that she is insane. —TJetWtWdn Davis' son is an 'inmate of the Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Canada, aud his little daughter is at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Sault-au* Recollet. —Most of the the false hair, it is said, comes from Ireland. Very easily ac counted for, when yon remember that the great “Head Centre” hits always been there. —Frank Gurley, who ha3 been im prisoned at Huntsville, Ala., for killing General McCook, was released on parole recently. He has been elected sheriff of his county. - John O'Mahoney, lately tried and deposed by his Fenian subscribers, has issued a long circular, palliating late acts, and laying certain charges against Killian. —The last foreign advices report that at a meeting in London of bond-holders of the State of Georgia, it was resolved that the offer of the State to refund the coupons and over-due bonds into anew debt, carrying 7 per cent, interest, he accepted. —A leather medal having been offered for the worst possible conundrum, the prize was unhesitatingly awarded to the following, selected from several hun dreds sent in : “Why is rascality like the breast of a fowl ?” “Because it is a piece of chicane.” ■ —Grotesque'scatf pins are the “rage” for gentlemen abroad. Dandies parade the streets with a wonderfully life-like representation, in enamel, of a human eye, and an inch or two below file chin, or, in place thereof, a iighted segar with a ruby in the head to indicate the fire, or a lucifer match of precious metal closely resembling the real article. —A curious family has just been es tablished in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. In an iron cage have been placed a young lioness, an Algerian wild boar, and a little dog. This last is quite the master, the lioness generally amusing herself with teasing the boar. When, however, the lioness goes too far, the dog interferes and re-establishes order. —The New Orleans Picayune says that the Hon. Wm. Gwin, fornn rly of California, now confined in prison at Fort Jackson, below that city, was offered his liberty the other day if he would give his parole to leave the coun try and never return, and that he imme diately declined, preferring to remain a prisoner in his native land rather than to go into banishment elsewhere. Dry Goods. SPPING AND SUMMER GOODS A T THE WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR STORE OP I. Kahn & Cos. 2G2 BROAD STREET, CAN NOW BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, HAVING REFITTED OUR STORE AND LAID IN A STOCK EQUAL TO ANY EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUR PATRONS. country merchants will FIND IT TO TH' M? ADVAN TAGE TO DEAL WITH US, AND TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE FACT, * WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILLS PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON SAVANNAH OH ANT SOUTHERN CITY, THEREBY SAVING ONE HUNDRED MILES FREIGHT. WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED AND ARE CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT . , . or G O O r> S! CONSISTING OF CALICOES MUSLINS GINGHAMS LAWNS CAMBRICS NANKINS TWEEDS BAREGES CRAPES LINENS BRILLIANTES DRAPERING TARLETONS CASSIMERES SHIRTINGS CLOTHS JEANS SHEETINGS BOBBINETS COTTONADES TISSUES Lisle Thread STURTS and DRAWERS Lisle HALF HOSE, Ladies’ HOPE Childrens’ HOSE and HALF HOSE Ladie-i’ and Gents’ LTNEN HANDKER CHIEFS Embroidered COLLARS and CUFFS Embroidered SETS, EDGINGS,-etc. OUR ASSORTMENT OF SMALLER ARTICLES SUCH AS Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Tapes, Bobbins Combß, Brushes, Burtons, Belts, and Buckles, Portmonies, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hair Nets, Table Cloths And a thousand other articles foo numerous to mention, defies competion, both in PRICE AND EXCELLENCY. JES-We especially call the attention of the Ladies to our beautiful assortment of LADIES’ BASQUES SAQUES CIRCULARS, Trimmed in the latest Spring styles of Bugle, Beaded, and Lace Trimming. ALSO, DUSTERS, CASSIMERE SACKS, btc.,btc. I. KAHN A CO., 262 Broad street. mhlfi—tf NO. 116. Dry Goods, Notions. SPECIAL NOTICE. W® IIAVE NOW 1N STORE A LARGE >» and varied assortment of SHOES, GAITERS and BALMORALS, In Cloth, Kid, Calfskin and Morocco for Ladies, Misses, Boys .ud Children, all of which will he sold low AT TUB CHARLESTON STORE. ap2o—tf COPPER TIP SHOES PROTECT THE TOES OF CHILDREN’S Shoes, one pair will outwear three without Tips. A large assortment Just received a' the CHARLESTON STORE. ap2s—tf FRENCH REQUA CLOTH. '. OR GENTLEMEN’S VESTS AND CHILDREN’S WEAR A Full Assortment at the CHARLESTON STORE. ALSO, Misses’ White and Brown Cotton Hose, all sizes at the ap2s—tf CHARLESTON STORE. MORE NEW GOODS. ’ IN ADDITION TO OUR BEAUTIFUL AND VARIED STOCK OF LADIES DRESS GOODS LINEN GOODS COTTON GOODS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES VEILS PARASOLS CUFFS and COLLARS TABLING TOWELLING HOOP SKIRTS and SKIRTING BONNETS and DATS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, And our endless variety «.f NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS, —we Save just received. 8 4 Black IRON BEREGE 8 4 White IRON BEREGE 8 4 MANTLE RKREGE MOURNING DRESS GOODS COLORED DRESS GOODS Hi-land il i LINEN SHEETINGS 6-4 LINEN PILLOW- CASINGS LONG CLOTHS, ranging from 224 to 50c IRISH LINENS, Assorted GALLOON RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS, FANCY TIES. RIBBONS, BUTTONS, etc., etc., and many other articles, too numerous to mention. Call and examino for yourselves, and thereby afford us an opportunity of proving that we can and do sell Goods as Cheap or Cheaper than any house in the South. Being in receipt of Fresh Goods almost every week, we are enabled to offer great inducements to Country Merchants as well as to our retail customers. J. D. A. MURPHY A CO. 314 Broad street, Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. ap24—tf Selling Off at Very Low Prices 1 MHIE ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises. Segars, etc., etc. To make room for Goods constantly arriving at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. \ FINE ASSORTMENT OF tA LADIES’ WHITE GOODS SILK BASQUES AND JACKETS, HOSIERY AND DRESS GOODS Just received, and for sale at a bargain, in THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. r PHE LATEST _ 1 and BEST STYLES OF SPRING AN!) SUMMER (^LOTIIING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At lowest price , at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. Country Met chants Will find it to their advantage befo r pur chasing elsewhere to call at TIIE FANCY BAZAAR, mh2B No. 253 Broad street- Jjpss L. J. uimr; AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, 326 Broad Street. A complete stock of Needles, and all the improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always for sale. jal3—6m M’O THE LADIES: I MADAME DEMOREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Branch at Augusta. No. 326 Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for sale. NKW PATTERNS RKCETVEIt MONTHI.T. in 13— 6m Miss L. .1, READ. K. S. J IIT’IIU A UO. JMPOR.TERS AND JOBBERS OP Dry Goods, 350 Broad way, NEW YORK. fe27—6m N'HE AUGUSTA 1 CRACKERY BAKERY. Is now in full running order. The Merchants of this city and vicinity would do well to call and find out the PRICE. We arc making a far better Cracker than the NORTHERN CRACKER. Y'ou can purchase them cheaper and get at all times FRESH. Go and see the SOUTHERN CRACKERS, WALLACE. VOGT & CO’S fe2s-3m BAKERY 341 Broad etreet. Os Pailg frtss. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OF : • -« EVKRY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED * IN THE BEST MANNER. The Faile.t Power Prtuee, and Beet a f Wo Amen enable* at to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Bate « than elsewhere. Boots & Shoes. The Oldest Shoe Home in the State. a . WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, -SHOES, LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS and SHOE FINDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. No. 258 Rroad Street, two doors above the Globa Hotel. ap2l—2m CONLEY, FORCE <f- CO. SHOES! SvOES! SHOES STM. Cohen. BROAD STREET, Has just received a iarge SPRING STOCK of the Latest styles of Ladies’, Misses’, Gents', aod Boys’ SHOES consisting is part of— Ladies’ GAITERS Misses’ SLIPPERS Ladies’ Kid SHOES Ladies’ Morocco SHOES Gents’ Pump Sole BOOTS Gents’ OXFORD TIES Gents’ OXFORD TTES, patent leather Boys’ Red Top BOOTS Children’s Copper Tipped BOOTS and SHOES All styles of BOOTS and SHOES, for Boys and Girls ; the latest styles Gents’ HATS ; a large lot of TRUNKS and VAL ISES Also a fine assortment of STRAW IIATS, at New York Prices. Don't forget the place— ' 1821 BROAD STREET, ap4-3m Opposite Augusfa Hotel. Down With High Prices! fFj BOOTS AND SHOES, r V-J BROGANS and TRI'NKS At Wholesale and Retail. We tyould respectfully inform the people of Augusta and surrounding country, that we have opened a branch of our New York city Store at 314 Broad street, where we are now prepared to sh'*w all in want of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS and TRUNKS, The best selected aod finest Bt«»ck of Goods in this section of the country. To City and Country Merchants, wo would say we can sell you Goods in our lire as low as you can buy th* m North ; for our Goods are direct from the Manufactu rers, as one of the firm is in the wholesale business in New York City, and our motto is “quick sales and small profits,” and to do a big business. One trial is sufficient to prove the truth of the above statement. Don't forget the place. W. & C. 11. CLARENDON, 314 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. apl-tf PAEACE STABLES. ■-JjHBJg - THE UNDERSIGNED bogs leave to return his thanks to the citizens of Augusta and the public generally for the generous pat ronage heretofore extended to him, and so licits a continuance of the same. Having recently fitted np this establish ment throughout, and added to the stock some new and ELEGANT CARRIAGES, GENTLE AND FINE HORSES CAREFUL DRIVERS, etc., etc. He is prepared to accommodate the pub lic for occasions of BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. The especial attention of families wishing to avoid the expense of keeping carriages, horses, etc., is caMed to the fact that he has provided several new and elegant outfits, which will be retained EXPRESSLY FOR THIS CLASS OF BUSINESS. They may find it to their interest to make either a special or general arrangement for them . BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TOP AND OPEN At all times kept for hire. FINE SADDLE HORSES, Among them two or three fine pacers, for ladies—perfectly gentle and kind. WEDDING PARTIES Will be attended in the most elegant style. FUNERAL OCCASIONS WILL MEET WITH PROMPT ATTENTION. HORSES AND MULES KEPT BY THE DAY WEEK MONTH on YEAR At customary rates. And always on hand for sale. Pledging bis best efforts to please, he hopes to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. mhl4—tf M. A. DEHONEY. IADIES’ AND MISSES’ HATS J AT MRS. FUGUE’S, 19# Broad Street.