Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 19, 1866, Image 3
-? BR it il n Jlrrss. • ruiri »\Tiuv :vSale«iKi^^fct * T TSTA . I iA . f! «■ *. . KuHMXi;.. May 10. I>:V. SBHHK'rr IN MINI' THAT THK ADVKUTISI'S M'»«K ' N ' N ' v XM : ' ’; : c‘ ißrn w !••• mu . SpEjgHlUt* WII.I, KIND IT A "S&} '■ MKIHI M. Kt> Printitier , lii r.incv Colors, nontlv. > ■ promply <.-x.-out< 1 at this ■HHII 'o' P r l-r.'” t; • I skill.' i » t!. i:: 'll. I 1:.i!.:.■« !; - at the 1..a .>( t, :.ires at: 1 i Hadvrrtlsemonts. fPipH Spelmau. —fohn Tilkev. To u taut. P. Brown. Dentist, gasmif.i IDJMLMcftiiu >f 't okhuMers in Hum S- >ve Com; any. Caffin. At" .A: A-'a H. Davis. wiiiu. '■ 108 l matters. o’.:;n>\ /,” ;/ >' F ’ —ln the fullness es I‘l'*bl)s’ lO'T, lh Ut - 1' ii* l ’ g^|W l his umbra*":*. :v f'.vitb- HsiWlthe only irotcc'inn he had f*-r in sunshiny went her. , r ii.. - tsis aversion to getting his only <* ildfclsM spoiled in rainy weather ; Hh, as before said, yes, mng -ane(l his umbrella to seve- ‘ :;v' tidies, who La i sought shelter : tin* iVst-Of-lee. They ■w&m&ij JggfcM the same with the premise ! |£ith»y would certainly return said ißMjiatelv, i. e. we thought at .• MBd be returned as as the storm abated, and -dd Xfi jjSKbeautiiul earth onee more, fcrsl'M' *i|Hkla came not. lll*.i»b> rea m&X’i. lb at tßfmir ones had g*.n e t-> gather ■strmw would return it next f, 'fptjlrith them ; but, alas for feemaa the morning has e »me has had t<» puddle the as best he could. Ulobbs -i jNjfyfasts the fair damsel (Mary $0 fe#§iP kind as to fend it to the ?**;<: and he promises never - HpCot'iiT. li.o ord.T (Ii! ••■ V;/ iu his Court, just n..w. ver J v i^i• a:it. and vi-.a- Ordinances are ••brought to ' Willy, mi'i juioi" to.--.iii'.y 11. e of tho law. Tho cases ‘^SNl* on8 ot a numher <>t (". 1: ■■■■or two of these was f.-r around the street jminps. JBfo the folio win _•. apj-are.ii'.y Hptical cook, who was fined the (ueens.” ands- nods ’, parudy ->n 1 * f i.o Weai i:i u; **(s&s4*'mci you bear t-> • ■' :ie I'o.i'-e HEa wa.-hin.t: pr* ens up>*n tlo piZßi in Hun and ? -Si-j-* ■„ HBg greens and things will us seen > .JibiitiifiHUw against the washing of ®flfi*W'P cr^c cman,whoto<d;rn«'f.y ftftlr! .HoHK TOUT gP'“!ia tl: ; M : ’"Wm stand ;’ |h|i thi-. <). tiin.m-’f once . V-r.t ’iUoa t ' IHBrng*' ! the scene! T-V> vA 'mKßfc' h'-’th ' ill d black, f'.r ttreens.” , however, fh»;Bfcves fan.d: r wif:i Vlty, the iiec.>rder v. . airliftv. —Un titir way down and while in sea roll for Sfc@‘ai% »Vt ■. 'o HBe assailed by cries and • Bfcecding fr-m the rear of 1 on Uroa 1 street. Vm <tlra e agonizing sight tha? /fffßß organ. Stretched upon oK wilful, it was evident. ‘ 'lfilM 'nM sur\ ive. ar >ana ti.r several !r iai'-n •••.;,) k% <T : üßßbcir heart* w .aid break W«tt UJtfifijrtght, for the c .mpani- u Ms i o'yfo‘pbnrs was now about to c<«U. Sr ret.-bed <m |B and augui-h. }•.lin* inten *n to aib-w Lr t<- a tearful eye w; ■*n r 11,1,1 r :,v, ‘ -h' '■• | rom irk. • ‘su• M»' iite." W 11 "* because an o hi how Fi4AlHSfefi<?BT.—The inn .-rest in this f%;lv ’ tin g d-vr; *• t a "are. Vteyhi 4 gellS»eon:iime to vi.*it it at and ail who have- .-ten §$ admiration of it as a .ffc'&riv K portrayal of the great hta iHParud:.*. List; really ex m&mX-wp&P-- fail to awaken in the hMfllder boding.- <*i awe und Bi exhibit...n is uee-.mj.a- Kli^j}danat. ry •-f the \ ieas t gril4 pus.'Uges troin the I'e-em WkXM sai|Hfc represents. k l'il h"'H|ay exiiibiti'-n. at o*e!.,ek ?lsTs- tho accommodation of a ■' Bes. All who have not ft rtvßHthe:n - -b. ~‘ :b•pr • • uilerll..oil HI).I «•-..•• ?4ka; -HB. as iu last oxh:biuoas Oood News fobTbavei.i.kks. —From tho Report of tho President of the Charlotte Rail Pond, so take the following extract : <% U is gratifyiug to state that the Columbia and Augusta Head is being vigorously pro secuted, with ajfair prospect of completion within a reasonable time. Tho opeuiug of this Road will add very greatly to the through business of your Road, as it will be shorter by over sixty (f»0) miles from Augusta to New York, via Columbia and Charlotte, than by any other route.” Scott’s Monthly for May is, as usual, full of Interesting reading mutter. The publication office is in Atlanta —sub- scription price, $5 per annum. Perhaps it would not bo out of place, in this eounectiou, to state that the typo graphical execution of this Monthly cannot be surpassed either North or South. The paper it is printed on was manufactured by our friend Craig, of the Rath Paper Mills, and will bear comparison with that made by any Mill in any section. To our Advertising Patrons.—As our office is rather high up in the world, we have prepared a Box, at the foot of our stairs, for the purpose of receiving adver tisements, etc. Our patrons can deposit their advertisements there if they do not wish to walk up a couple of flights of stairs. After dark it will be necessary to hand their favors in the composing room. The Weather Yesterday wns as fair and smiling as a young lady j and the ladies showing their appreciation of Apollos beneficent rays were out in largo numbers, shopping, promenading, and making our streets look cheerful. Fire in Aiken. —We learn from Mr. Heyward, the agent of tho South Carolina Rail Road, that the wine press of Mr. Cbas. Benson, in Aiken, S. 0., whs burned to the ground on Thursday night The house was wholly, and the partially, insured. The fire was, without doubt, the work of an incendiary. Just the Place. — Green Turtle Soup will be served up at the Oglethorpe, free, to day. Jake, the accomplished manufacturer of pyramids, punches, and tho like, will be on hand to accommodate any who, in this dry and parched season, have an inclina tion to “smile.” Live while you live, go to the Oglethorpe to-day, and got something to gladden tho heart of tho inner man. Fine Beef.—H. B. Willis announces in a poetical effusion, in another column, that ho will have some very fine beet to-day at hia store, corner Campbell and Ellis streets. All those who would like a superb steak,roast,or anything else in the beef line, would do well to call on him early to-day. Auction Sale.— Day, Russell & Ben jamin will have a very extensive sale this morning, at No. 241 Broad street (T. Savage Hey word & Sons), in whioji they will sell groceries, hardware, dry goods, Wo would advise all in want of such articles to bo there at the appointed time. Head the advertisement and call around. A Certain Cure for Toothache. — Hold the root of the offending menber in your hand. Dr. J. V. 11. Brown, Dentist, formerly of Atlanta, can accommodate you and do anything else in his line with neat ness and dispatch. Read his advertisement in another column. To Arms I —Under this head A. Pron taut announces to the public the fact that he has a line assortment of guns, pistols, bowie k»ivcs, etc. This is an old and es tablished house, and parties desirous of obtaining such articles cannot do better than to step in and Jake a look at bis stock. Don’t Neglect to go and see the grand Miltonian Pauorama, this afternoon. There will be an exhibition for ladies and children, at reduced prices, ladies fifty cents, children twenty-fivo cents. To-night is positively the last night, therefore don’t neglect to go, for it is well worth seeing. * Attention —The stockholders of the Georgia Petroleum Stove and Gas Light Company meet on Monday evening, under Planters’ Hotel. Let every one be present, business of great importance will be trans acted. See advertisement. Wood and Lumber. —John Tilkey has opened a. lumber yard at the corner of Fenwick and Kollock streots. Wo would call attention to bis advertisement in this morning’s Press. Coffins, Etc— 11. Caffin desires to dispose of his large stock of furniture, cof fins. etc. Those who desire such articles cheap may find them at Mr. Caffin s. See advertisement. Economy'.— Parties in business desir ing to consult economy, and to patronize an old painter, can do so by calling on R. P. Spelman, 190 Greene street. Masonic. —Webb’s Lodge holds a Called Communication to-night. Jlemljprs will take notico and bo governed accord ingly. River News. — No arrivals or depar tures. Water mark—24 feet. Augusta Market Auocsta, Ga., May 18, 1868. COTTON —Good demand at moderately improving prices—say for Middling 28c. Offering stock vory light, as are receipts. GOLD —Buying, 127 ; selling, 129. SILVER —Buying, 122 ; selling, 124. An American who was asked by a haughty Englishman to bound his coun try, thus replied: ‘-America is bounded on the North by the aurora borealis, on the East by the rising sun, on the West by the procession of the etpuinoxes, and on the South by the day of Judgment. AUGUSTA PRICES CURRENT. RETORTED SPECIALLY POR TUB DAILY TRESS. OFFICE DAILY PRKSH, I Augusta, Ga., May 18,1866.| REMARKS, We have to report « continued dullness in trade, in nearly all branches of business, except those articles of provision which Are needed for every day consumption. Our quotations have not been mnteritniy altered, with the exception of a decided Advance in Flour. We linvo carefully examined and revised our list of quotations, and refer to them as an index of prices. “ Bacon, whicli, at the date of our report of May 4, had advanced in Baltimore, Cincinnati, and the larger markets, has still further advanced in those markets, and though prices here have stiffened somewhat, still there Is only a slight advance as yet, and at the date of this writing, the prices for Bacon are merely nominal, it being impossible to get the exact state of the market. F"iN.visrci>vr.. The demand for ail classes of Securities during the week has been very dull, principally owing to the scarcity of money. lYices, however, ure firm, especially for all the better classes, and we refer to our quotations, which will be found sufficiently comprehensive to embrace all the Bank Notes and Securities usually offered in this market. The demand for specie during the last week has been but slight, but owing to late New York advices there has been an advance in prices. We may quote (iold and Silver as follows: Gold, buying 127 a .. Gold, selling 129 a Silver, buying.. 120 a Silver, selling 125 a SUNDRIES. PROVISIONS.—Bacon is firm, with an advancing tendency, owing to recent advances in the principal Northern and Western markets. The market is well supplied, and there has been a fair demand during the week; prices are hut nominal. We quote Ribbed Sides 19a20c. per lb.; Clear Sides 2i«22c.; Shoulders 16a17c. per lb.; Hams 23a .25c.; Country Hog Round 20021 c. Mess Beef and Mess Pork are not much iu demand. laird is firm, at our quotations, viz.: 22a25c. for Prime Leaf, and 19a20c. for Pressed. In kegs Leaf Lard is bringing 25c. readily. GRAIN. —There is still a declining tendency in Corn, and we quote Yellow 2c. lower, viz.: $1 35a 13S per bush.; White $1 40al 45. We heard of one or two sales yesterday at $1 38 for White, but this is an exception, and the above prices will be found as near correct as it is possible to obtain them. Oats are in good demand, at 80c. per bush, l eas are not much iu demand. We quote nomi nally ; prices ranging from $1 90 to 2 25 per bush. BAGGING.—There is a decided decline in the demand for Bagging, and we quote Kentucky Bag ging 28 to 30c. The season being about over, causes this decline. FLOUR.—The demand is brisk, and prices have advanced. We quolpNorthern Superfine, §lO 50 all 00 per bbl.; Extra §ll 00al2 00. DOMESTICS.—There is only a limited demand for Factory Goods, the market being dull, and prices weak. W*c quote Augusta Factory 7-8 Sliirt ing 16>ic.; 4-4 Sheetings 20c.; Drills 2*2c.; Os uaburgs 26n27c. Yanis arc lower, and dull, at $2 Goa 2 25 per bunch. DRY GOODS.—We give the following as the quo tations for the leading classes of Prints, etc., by the piece: American 22c. per yd.; Sprague's 23c.; Pacific 20c.; Atnoskeag 20c.; Wamsutta 15c.— Bleached Shirtings, 7-8, 18025 c.; Bleached Shirt ings. 4-4. 3ta4sc. Brown Shirtings by the bale, 7-8, 10%c.; Brown Shirtings, 4-4, 20c.; Drills 22c. IRON.—Refined 7nS)£c.: Swedes Iron, lOallc.; Sheet Iron 12>ic.; Nail Rod, 20c. SUGAR.—Thare has boon a oligM derlina *- our lust quotations. We quote Clarified B at 17a IS; Clarified C 16Jaal7; other prices remain as before. COFFEE. —This article has declined. We quote Rio 26a28c. per lb.; Java 40n44c. BUTTER.—There is very little good Butter on the market, and prices are full. We quote Goshen, by the keg, 58afi3c. per lb. FlSH.—There is but little demand for Fish, and we note a decline in the market. We“quote No. 1 Mackerel, per bbl, §22 00; half bids, 12 00; kits 3 50a3 15. Codfish 9aloc. RICK. —The supply on sale is limited, and prices range from 15 to 17c. per !b., according to quality. SALT.—There is a good inquiry for Salt, and we quote Liverpool at £1 90a2 00 per sack. HAY.—Northern §15()al 75: Eastern §1 75a200. HIDES. —Dry Hides find ready sale ut lOallc., and Green at 4c. per lb. LIME. —Northern §3 50 per bbl. TOBACCO.—-The market continues dull, and transactions limited. Wo note a decline, quotations are about ns follows, viz: Common 25a30c. per lb.; Medium 35a50e.; Good Medium, sound, 60a 75c.; Fine 80a§l 00. FREIGHTS. —Cotton to SnvHnnnh, bv River $1 00 per bale; by Rail Road $2 50. By Rail Road to Charleston $2 50 per bale. COTTON. Our last Weekly Report, of Friday morning. May 11th, closed on a dull market. During the whole of the past week the market has been quiet; very little ot the staple being offered for sale. Receipts both by Rail Road and Wagon have been light. At Ihe present time of writing prices commence to look up, and we may close our report on a quiet market, at about the same quotations os last, though more defined and regular, viz.: Middling.. 26 a Strict Middling 27 a Good Middling 28 a 29 Wholesale Price List. COMMERCIAL. APPLES— Northern bbl.slo 00 a ;. BAGGING— Gunny yd . 30 a 32 Dundee. yd.. 40 a Kentucky yd.. 28 a 30 BEEF— Mess bbl.. a 35 00 Mess. Y* bbl. .20 00 a . BACON— Western Shoulders lb.. 16 a 17 Ribbed Sides lb.. 19 a 20 Clear Sides lb.. 21 a 22 Hams lb.. 20 a 25 < Country, Hog Round lb.. 20 a 21 butter— Goshen. lb.. 58 a „63 Western. lb.. 55 a 57 Country lb.. 50 a 55 CANDLES— Adamantine. lb.. 24 a 27 Tallow lb.. 15 a 17 CHEESE— Goshen lb.. a 30 English Dairy lb.. 28 a 32 Pine Apple lb.. 40 a C ° F il, E - >» • 90 a » Java lb.. 40 a 44 domestics— m i , nl/ Augusta Factory 7-8 .. yd.. 16, oa Augusta Factory 4-4 yd.. 20 a Augusta Factory Drills, yd . 22 a Other Mills 7-8 yd.. 16 a Other Mills 4-4 yd.. 20 a .. Osnaburgs yd.. 26 a 27 EGGS— J OA Fresh ■ ■ doz . 25 a ou FERTILIZERS— Peruvian Guan0....... ton 130 00 a Excelsior Guano ton. 125 00 a Soluble Pacific ton. 85 00 a JchaboeGuano ton. 80 00 a Phoenix Guano ton. 60 00 a Hoyt’s Superphosphate ton. 63 U 0 a 58 00 BuugU'sSuperph’sph'te.ton. a 70 00 Rhodes* Superpli’sph’te.ton. 70 00 a Whitelock’sCerealizer .ton.llO 00 a American Guano ton.. 50 00 a \ FISH— Mackerel, No. 1 bbl .22 00 a Mackerel, No. 1 % bbl.. 12 00 a Mackerel, No. 2 bbl. .21 00 a 21 50 Mackerel, No. 2 bbl 11 00 a 11 50 Mackerel, No 3 . large bbl .19 0O a 20 00 Mackerel, No. 3 lrge ,S' bbl. 10 50 a Mackerel, No. 3 small bbl .17 00 a 18 00 Mackerel, No. 1 kits 350 a 375 Codtibh !b.. 9 » 10 Herring. . lb . » FEAT A KRS- lb a FLOUR— Northern Superfine. .bbl 10 50 all 00 Northern Extra bbl..lt 00 al2 00 Northern Family.. bid 13 00 a 15 00 St. Louis Fancy Brand bbl .18 50 a 19 00 City Mills Superfine bbl .14 00 a City Mills Extra.. bbl. .15 00 a City Mills Family.. . bbl. 17 00 a Country Superfine bbl a Country Extra bbl . a <:?l mLr y Family bbl . a GRAIN— Corn, white . bush 140 a 145 Com. yellow bush . 1 35 a 1 38 >\ heat.. . . bush . a 2 ,,s bush 80 a 65 "f O, bush. . a jj \Y— H bush. 190 a 225 Northern cwt 150 a 175 HIDES—- Cni t 0“ 1 a 200 IRON*?' lb 10 * 11 LAllli 7 * 10 Prime Leaf. u> <*3 a o. r > Pressed ib. 19 a 20 LEATHER— * Knoxville mfg. co., sole. .lb.. 42 a 45 Knoxville mfg. co., hrnss.lb.. 45 a 50 Hemlock Sole lb 38 a 45 Baltimore Oak lb.. 55 a 60 Southern Oak lb . 40 a 50 Harness n,.. 50 a LIMF Pl>erS doz . 48 00 a Howard bbl.. 3 50 a Northern bbl . 3 50 a LIQUORS— Whiskey gal .. 2 50 a 475 Brandy ga l 350 alO 00 Bum. gal . 2 50 a 4 00 „ <*»» gal.. 375 a 500 MATCHES— Telegraph gross.. 1 80 a 2 00 Shanghai gross.. 3 00 a 325 Parlor, No. 1 gross.. 3 35 a 350 Parlor, No. 2 gross.. 3 60 a 400 MEAL— City ground, bolted.. .bush . 1 50 a Country ground bush.. 1 45 a MOLASSES— New York gal . a 90 Golden Syrup gal.. 1 20 a 1 25 Sugar Cane gal.. 75 a 80 Cuba Clayed gal.. 52 a 55 Muscovada gal.. 55 a 60 Sorghum gal . 40 a 50 NAILS— Cut, assorted sizes lb.. 7*;a 814 OILS— Linseed pal.. 1 75 a Kerosene burning gal.. 90 a 100 Kerosene lubricating, gal.. 1 40 a 200 Sperm Winter gal.. 3 75 a 4 50 Tanners* Common gal . 1 25 u 1 75 Machinery. gal . 2 00 a 2 50 Bat‘o) gal 300 a 400 Laid, Winter gal.. 2 75 a 3 25 ONIONS— bbl. 4 00 a 500 PAINTS— White Lead lb.. 10 a 20 Chrome Yellow./ lb 35 a 40 Chrome Green lb.. 35 a 40 Spanish Browu lb.. 5 a Venetian Red lb.. 8 a Venetiau ground in oil.. lb.. 18 a 25 Putty lb.. 13 a PORK— . Northern Pickled bbl ..35 00 a POTATOES— Irish bbl.. 500 a 600 Sweet bush.. Lfia a 1 50 RAISINS— Malaga. box.. 5 50 a C 00 Malaga }' box 300 a 325 Malaga *4 box . 1 50 a RICE— lb.. 14 a 10 ROPE— Bale lb.. 20 a 22 Cotton lb.. 40 a 50 SALT— Liverpool sack.. 1 90 a 2 00 SOAP— American Yellow lb.. 13 a 15 SHOT— bag.. <FSO a 375 SUGAR— Brown, Raw lb.. 13 a 16 Clarified A lb.. 18 a 18>£ Clarified B Ib.. 17 a IS cimilieu u ID. Jl»> 3 a 1 < Crushed lb.. 19 a 20 Powdered lb.. 19 a 20 TEAS— Green lb . 1 25 a 250 Black lb.. 1 25 a 200 TOBACCO— Common lb.. 25 a 30 Medium lb.. 35 a 50 Good. lb 50 a 60 Good Medium Sound lb.. 60 a 73 Fine lb.. 80 a 1 00 WOOL— Unwashed .? lb.. 15 a 20 Cleaned lb.. 20 a 23 WINES— Claret case.. 600 a 12 00 Port case. .13 00 a Sherry case. 13 Ot) a Madeira case.. 15 00 a Catawba case.. 15 00 a Porter, London. doz.. 4 50 a 800 Ale doz.. 350 *4*^l YARNS— — . bunch.. 2 00 a 2 25 FINANCIAL, Latest Quotations for Uncurrcnt Money ana Securities. GEORGIA. Bifi/ing. Georgia Rail Road A Banking Company 98 Marine Bank of Georgia 85 Bank of Fulton 35 Bank of Empire State. . 23 Augusta Insurance & Banking Company 5 City Bank of Augu:ta. * 26 Manufacturers Bank of Macon. 20 Northwestern Bank 5 Merchants* & Planters’ Bank 9 Planters* Bank 15 Bank of Columbus 18 Central Rail Road Bank 97 Bank of Middle Georgia 90 Bank of Athens 42 Bank of Augusta 43 Union Bank of Augusta 9 Augusta Savings Bank 13 Timber Cutters' Bank 5 Bank of Savannah 40 Bank of the State 25 Bank of Commerce 9 Mechanics’ Dank 12 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile 75 Eastern Bank of Alabama 40 Bank of Selma. .* 35 Commercial Bank 35 Bank of Montgomery 80 Central Bank. 515 Northern Bank 50 Southern Bank ... 75 SOUTH CAROLINA. Union Bank 62 Bank of Chester 18 Bank of the State Odd) 18 Bank of the State (new) 5 Bank of Charleston 20 Exchange Bank of Columbia 18 Merchants' Bank of Clieraw 18 Bank of Georgetown 20 Planters’ Bank of Fairfield 16 Planters’ A Mechanics’ Bank 20 People’s Bank ... 47 Bank of Newberry 45 Bank of Hamburg I? South Western Rail Road Bank 50 Farmers’ &, Exchange Bank ? Bank of Camden 45 liank of South Carolina 14 State Bank 6 Commercial Bank of Columbia 18 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear 20 Bank of Wilmington Bank of the State 30 All other North Carolina Banks from 80 to 90 per cent, discount. But little doing in Tennessee and Virginia Bank Bills. STOCKS AND BONDS. State of Georgia Bonds, old 6 per cents ®s a 3ti State of South Carolina Bonds, old City of Augusta Bonds ' 87a88 City of Savannah Bonds 90* • City of Macon ‘£ tt • Georgia Rail Road Bonds. • - • 07a . South Western Rail Road Bonds 95a97 Georgia Hail Road Stock.. * 35a87 Central Rail Road Stock • 97a98 South Western Rail Road Stock. 95a98 South Carolina Rail Road Stock, old 72a75 South Carolina Rail Road Stock, new 36a.. Atlantic and Gulf Kail Road Stock 60a62 oouroNS. Generally less than Bonds. City of Savannah 90a92 . State of Georgia 80a86 State of Soutn Carolina 60a.. 'V KEKLY CoTTOW CIRCULAR of Win, Bryce & Cos., Cotton Factors, New York: 1 yjf- Y r k ’ i,a » I!< *. IB6o.—Since our Mt Circular, dated the 4th inist., was issued wo have Liverpool advices by the China to April 2Stb. The report of that market for tho week shows large *»nsac tione, amounting to 95,550 bales of all de scriptions. An advance of about one penny on American was made early in the week, but lost toward the close, and the author ized quotations are about the same as for the previous week. The entire stock has' slightly increased, as will bo seen by our subjoined figures; American Cotton exhi biting the greatest increase. The immense stock of East India Cotton afloat and in port, amounting to 872,000 bales, caused that variety to be depressed to a point where it attracted the attention of both ex porters and spinners, and on this account tho amount of American taken to the mills for tho week formed a smaller proportion than usual—oo,7lo bales being the total amouut entered for consumption, of which 25,950 bales were American. The entire receipts at Liverpool for the week were 75,860 bales, of which 33,893 bales were American. The bill imposing the five cent tax on Cotton has not yet become a law, and while under debate this week, a very considerable opposition was discovered among the prac tical Representatives of New England, who understand the matter in question; while on the other hand the depth of fanatic igno rance was touched by Thaddeus Stevens, who asserted as his belief, that “Free ne gro s could raise cotton for one cent a pound.” It is an unquestioned fact that excessive taxation restricts the production of any article, whether field or factory, to which it is applied. Bearing this fact in miud, and considering the present condi tion of things in our country, we think every effort should bo made to stimulate and not restrict the production of our most valuable staple, as by so doing the revenue of the Government is reduced, atid Ameri can commerce deprived of its most impor tant power in maintaining the balance of trade in its favor. We claim that tho crop will be severely damaged by the imposition of so large a tax as at present proposed, for men will be unwilling to risk the invest ment of their capital in planting an article where the majority of the profits will be consumed in the payment of taxes. We deem it a short sighted policy which would make the United States endeavor to stimu late the production of Cotton iu other coun tries beside our own ; and every increase of cost imposed on our Cotton beyond a cer tain limit is leading a helping hand to tho Cotton growers of other countries. America can raise Cotton enough to supply the world and pay the Government a hand some revenue in addition, but whether Cot ton, surrounded as its present production is j with countless difficulties, can stand a tax of 20 to 25 per cent, on its probable value, is a question so hazardous we fear to see its solution attempted. If “Protection of Home Industry” is to bo the policy of the Government, then let the industry of the Cotton States receive it* share of protection. Snuff & Tobacco. AUGUSTUS BOHNE, QQA BiIOAD STREET, O.’CxJ (Opposite Planters’ Hotel) Has always on hand a large assortment of IMPORTED & DOMESTIC SEGAKS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Loriliard’s SNUFF Fine Mecrscnaum PIPES A»D CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation AI.SO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clav PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES, Etc., AT THK LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. THK TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL my2-lm] TERMS. P. HANS3EHGEB, & CO. ( CORNER BROAD & MTNTOSII STS. < Opposite Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN And Importers and Manufacturers of HAVANNA AND DOMESTIC REGARS CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipos and Tobacco of all kinds, LorilUard’s, Rappee, Maccaboy, Scotch SNUFFS, ETC. mya-Sm SEGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE. ESTABLISHED IN 1844. Q VOLGEU & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGABS, AND CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Nos. 193 and 254 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA mbSO —?,m Tobacco, Snuff, Iron and Bacon. 2QQ boxes tobacco, VARIOUS BRANDS AND GRADES. From Common to Fine. TWO HUNDRED KEGS AND BARRELS SCOTCH AND MACCABOY SNUFF, A Good Article. THIRTY TONS IRON, Ail Sizes, including Band, Hoop, Round and Square. A Few Hogsheads PRIME BRIGHT. BACON SHOULDERS. For Sale by NEAL, WHITLOCK & CO. Ja3«—ts EROAD STREET. Accident INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS 15 THE PIONEER COMPANY OF TnE SOUTH. THE SOUTHERN Accident Insurance COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA, HOME OFFICE, 10fl HAIN STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. INSURES AGAINST ALL ACCIDENTS, Giving the holder of an Annual Policy THE FULL AMOUNT INSURED IN CASE OF DEATH, A:rb COMPENSATION EACH WEEK v IF DISABLED FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY-SIX WEEKS. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For S6OO with $3 Compensation each week, may be obtained for $3 per annum. TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Will secure $2,000, and give $lO compen sation each week. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Secures a Policy for $5,000, with $25 weekly compensation. FIFTY DOLLARS Secures a Full Policy for SIO,OOO, with SSO compensation each week. SHORT TIME POLICIES ($3,000 for Ten Centt), Travellers may obtain at the HOME OFFICE, 160 MAIN STREET, Lynchburg, Va., and at the Rail Road Stations, Ticket l’ol- ONE DAY TO TWELVE MONTHS. Receiving, in case of death from Acci dent, |s3 ,000, and in case of Injury, sls per week. Tho STOCK of this COMPANY is EXCLUSIVELY IN SOUTHERN HANDS “And represented by a Directory WIDELY AND FAVORABLY KNOWN. Wc, therefore, appeal with confidence to the good will and patronage of the South ern public. Don’t bo misled by tho Yankee Com panies, with Southern names and officers, that have recently been inaugurated in the South. EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH THEM IS THAT MUCH TAKEN FROM OUR CIRCULATION AND FROM A COMPANY WHOSE INTERESTS ARE IDENTICAL WITH YOUR OWN. OFFICERS: COL. MAURICE S. LANGIIORNE, Freiidmt and Treaeurer. GEN. JOHN B. GOKDON, of Georgia', Vice President. GEN. HARRY T. IIAYS, of Louisiana, Wee President. LUCIEN PEYTON, Actuary and Secretary. 0. W. LATHAM, Solicitor. COL. HENRY E. PEYTON, General Agent. DIRECTORS: JOHN R. McDANIEL, WILLIAM D. MILLER, GEO. M. RUCKER, STEPHEN D. PETEBS, G. W. LATHAM, MAURICE S. LANGHORNE, JOHN 11. FLOOD, ABRAHAM D. WARWICK, CHAS. M. BLACKFORD, LUCIEN PEYTON. GEN. JOHN B. GOKDON, Chief Offico at ATLANTA, Ga., Agent for the State. A. G. IIALL, District Agent, AUGUSTA,- Ga. SUB-AGENT3 APPOINTED AT THIS OFFICE. myl2—6m