Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 20, 1866, Image 4
fk Bailg |lrtss. LARGEST CITY CIRCILATION. scndAy morning .j—-~M»y so, ism [From the Crescent Monthly.] Lee to the Real-. AS INCIDENT OF THE AMERICAN WAR. Pawn of A pleasant morning in May, Jlroko through the wildcrnoss cool and While perched in the tallest trcl ‘Yu'fis, the birds Were carolling Mendelsohn’s “Songs with out words.” Far from the haunts of men remote, The brook Urawlod on with a liquid note, And nature, all tranquil and lovely, wore The smile of the spirits, as in Kdcn of yore. Little by little, as daylight increased, And deepened the roseate flush in the East— Little by little did morning reveal Two loug glittering lines of steel; Where two hundred thousand bayonets gleam, Tipped with the light of the earliest beam, And the faces are sullen and grim to see, In the hostile armies of tyrant and Lee. All of a sudden, ere rose the sun, Pealed on the silence, the opening gun— A little white puff of smoke there came, And anon the valley was wreathed in flame. Down on the left of the rebel lines, Where a breastwork stands in a copse of pines, Before the rebels their ranks can fo^n, The Yankees have carried the placo by storm. Stars and Stripes o’er the salient wave, Where many a hero has foqnd a grave, And the gallant Confederates strive in vain, The ground they have drenched with their blood to regain ! Yet louder tho thunder of battle roared— Yet a deadlier fire on their columns poured— Slaughter, inferral, rode with despair, Furies twain, through the smoky air. Not far off in the saddle there sat, A grey bearded man, with a black slouch hat; Not much moved by the fire was ho, Calm and resolute Robert Lee. Quick and watchful he kept his eye On two bold rebel brigades close by— Reserves that were standing (and dying) at ease, Whero the tempest of wrath toppled over the trees. For still with their loud deep hull dog bay, The Yankee batteries blazed away, And with every murderous second that sped A dozen brave fellows, alas ! fell dead. The grand old grey beard rodo<||jthe space, Where Death and his victims Stood lace to face, And silently waved his old slouch hat; A world of meaning there was in that! “ Follow me! Steady! We’ll save the day !” This was what ha seemed to say ; And to tho light of his glorious eyo Tho bold brigades thus made reply— “ We’ll go forward but you mnst go back”— And they moved not hu inch in their peril ous track ; “Go to the rear, and we’ll send them to h—!” Then the sound of the battle was lost in their yell. Turning his bridle, Robert Lee Rode to the rear. Like the waves of tho sea, Bursting the dykes in their overflow. Madly bis veterans dashed on the foe. And backward in terror that foe was driven. Their banners rent and their columns riven, Wherever the tido of battle rolled, Over the Wilderness, wood and wold. Sunset, ont of a crimson sky, Steamed o’er a field of ruddier dye, And the brook ran on with a purple stain, From ibo blood of ten thousand loemcn slain. Seasons have passed sinco that day and year Again o’er its pebbles the brook runs clear, And the field in a richer green is drest Where the dead of tho terrible conflict rest. Hushed is the roll of tho rebel drum, Tho sabres arc sheathed and the caunon are dumb, And Fate, with pitiless hand, has furled The flag that once challenged the gaze of the world ; But the fame of the Wilderness fight, abides, And down inlo history grandly rides, Calm and unmoved as in battle ho sat, The Grey Bearded Man in the black slouch hat. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. C. H. WARMER, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, In rear of 255 Broad street, Augusta, Geo. Gas, Steam and Water Pipes, Rubber llose and Hose Pipes, promptly furnished or repaired. ja2i!—tf Gan and Steam Fitting and Plumbing. / A. ROBBE. • \J, Having re opened a Gas and Steam Kitting aud Plumbing Shop in the re'&r of 272 Broad street (Concert Hall place), is now prepared to do all kinds of work connected with GAS, LIGHTING, STEAM HEATING, and WATER SUPPLY, On reasonable terms and at short notice. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. All work warranted. mh6-3m IIORSE SHOEING. JpATRICK SHARKEY, HORSE SHOER AND BLAOKSMITIIING GENERALLY. Remember the’location—Bounded on tho North by Br<»d Street; on the South by Ellis Street.; 4hd located in Centre Street between the two of them jadl ’ Rail Roads. t South Carolina Rail Road. dmsaiflTl schedule o Trains now running on this Road: Leave Augusta 7.05 a. m. Arrive at Branchville 1215 p. in. Arrive at Columbia 6.10 p. in. Arrive at Charleston 6.50 p. m. Leave Charleston .. 7.00 a. m. Arrive at Branchville 11.15 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 6.10 p. m. . Arrive at Augusta 4.45 p. m. H. T. PFAKE, my3 General Sup’t. Change of Schedule on the Ga. R. R April 20th, 1866, the trains on this Road will run as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN WILL Leave Augusta 7.00 a. in. Arrive at Atlanta 6.38 p. in. Leavo Atlanta 7.05 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 6.43 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN WILL Leavo Augusta P* m. Arrive at Atlanta 5.33 a. in. Leave Atlanta 6.30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 6 30 a. m. K. W. COLE, myl— General Supt. Central Rail Road. OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL R. R., 1 Savanjmji, Ga., Jan. 29, 1806. j Y, TWO will run betAeen Augusta and Savannah, con nectingwin both directions with trains on the Georgia Rail Road os follows, viz.: Leave Augusta 9.30 A. M. aud 8.45 I\ M Arrive at Angusta 5 P. M. and 5.45 A. M Leave Savannah 7.30 A.M. and 7.30 P.M. Arrive at Savannah 7.00 P. M. and 6.35 A. M. Passage SB. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at passenger shed Forty minutes before departure of train. J. M. SELKIRK, fehl Master of Transportation. Painting & Gilding. J. J. BROWNE, ft ILDER, LOOKING GLASS - AND PICTURE FRAME MAKER. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT, TO LO'jK EQUAL 10 NEW, OLD PAINTINGS CAREFULLY CLEANED, LINED AND VARNISHED. ALL WORK WARRANTED, AND DONE AS CHEAPLY AS AT TIIE NORTH. 137 BROAD STREET, mhlfi-fim Augusta, Ga. PAINTING, GLAZING. Eta A LL orders connected with tho above xY branches promptly executed in tho neatest manner, on reasonable terms. SHOP NO. 48 JACKSON STREET, Near the Bell Tower. The best quality of PAINT used, and GLASS of all sizes (obtainable) set to order. fe2o—tf WILLIAM BARROW. J G. ~ House, Sign ami Ornamental PAINTER, Jackson St., opposite Van Winkle Range AUGUSTA, GEO. jal2—6ra* KELLY & KAVANAIIGII, House, sign, and decorative PAINTERS, 330 Brood Street , Aur/vrto, Go., mb2s-3m Opposite Planters Hotel. Roofing. LOOK TO YOUR ROOFS. HAVING SECURED THE STATE RIGHT OF THE PATENT MICA ROOFING, We are now prepared to supply it in any quantity, or to apptv it to Roofs. The MICAROOFING is adapted to build ings of every description, and can be ap plied to Steep or Flat Roofs, or over old Shingle Roofs, without removing the shin gles. We recommend its use on Factories, Foundries, Store Houses, Cotton Sheds, Railroad Depots and upon all buildings where steam is used, and a Fire Proof re quired. It costs about one-half the price of Tin. It is cheap, durable, and is easily and quickly applied. The upper surface of the Roofing is protected from the action of the weather, by its -covering of Ground Mica, which is pressed into the water proof com position, making a hard surface of stone, beautiful in appearance, and a sure protec tion against fire. We shall also keep constantly on hand a supply of % INDIA-RUBBER ROOFING PAINT, which is the best coating that can bo used for Tin Roofing. Leaky Tin Roofs ca.n he readily repaired, so as to last many years, at a trifling cost, which would in many eases save the expense of anew Roof. Full directions for applying, and prices, sent on application. COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS & CO., Corner Jackson and Ellis Streets, aplfl—3 m Ice Cream and Sherbert! ANDIES \J AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT TPK FRENCH STORE, jalO—ly 200 Broad streot. Southern Express. Southern Express Company, Office, No. 179 Broad St., EXPIt ES S FORWARD 1?R S . The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM PANY Is now prepared to forward, by all land Routes, on Passenger and Mail Trains— GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY, LETTERS, .PARCELS AND FREIGHT TO Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, „ Lynchburg,! Petersburg, Danville, Bristol, Greensboro’, Salisbury, Wilmington, Charlotte, Newbern, Beaufort, Morehead City, Raleigh, Weldon, Goldsboro’, Charleston, Columbia, Morganton, Cheraw, Atlanta, Huntsville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma. Vicksburg, Jackson, New Orleans, and ALL STATIONS ON TIIE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Central Railroad Richmond and Danville Railroad Piedmont Railroad South Side Railroad Petersburg Railroad North Carolina Central Railroad Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Western North Carolina Railroad Wilmlngt.on ; Oha,loue & Rutherford HR Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Northeastern Railroad Cheraw aud Darlington Railroad Charleston and Savaunah Railroad Memphis and Charleston Railroad Louisville and Nashville Railroad Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Western and Atlantic Railroad Mobile and Ohio Railroad Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad South Carolina Railroad Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Georgia Railroad Macon and Western Railroad Southwestern Railroad Atlanta and West Point Railroad West Point and Montgomery Railroad Southern Railroad Mississippi and Central Railroad New Orleans, Jackson and Great North ern Railroad Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Alabama and Mississippi Railroad Florida Central Railroad Florida and Gulf Railro and Pensacola and Georgia Railroad. All Goods shipped by Adams’ 01 Harndi-n’s Express Companies, and marked to iho care of the Southern “Express Com pany,” will be promptly forwarded to desti nation. Freights shipped by Steamships to onr care will be forwarded inland to destina tion, without charge for commission, storage or drayage. If orders aro left at our Office, Packages and Freight will be called for by our wagons in any part of the city, and go forward by first Express. H. B. PLANT, President, fc3—6m Autrusta, Ga. [AVERY KIND OF PRINTING -LJ and BOOK BINDING Neatly and Cheaply Executed AT THIS OFFICE. HIVE ITS A EAT,! rJIBBONS 7n EVERY NEW .AND V IMPROVED STYLE at MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 Broad Street, CIALICOFS, MUSLINS, AND “ ' , DRESS GOODS of all kinds, at MRS. PUGIIE S, 190 Broad Street. Brokers and Merchants. JOHN CRAIG, BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, 259 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., BUTS ASD SKI. 1-9 GOLD BULLION GOLD and SILVER COIN BANK NOTES BONDS, STOCKS BILLS OF EXCHANGE, m y4—]y Foreign and Domestic, i MILO HATCH, for 40 years Cashier of Mechanics Bank. Augusta, Ga. CHAS. !!. PHH*PS, for 6 years Agent and Cashier Southern Express Cos. HATCH ami PHELPS, JANKERS, BROKERS, AND GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS NO. 9 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, (Entrance on Now Street). TtRFKREXCRS : R. n. Lowry, Esq., President Bank of Re public, N. Y Josiah Oakes, Esq., V. Pres’fc Shoe and Leather Bank, N. Y. J. D. Vermilyc, Esq., at the Merchants’ Bk, N. Y. Nourse A Brooks, 127 Pearl street N. Y. Brodie «fc Pettes, 122 Pearl street, N. Y. D. D. S. Brown, Esq., Editor and Proprie tor Rochester Democrat, Rochester,N.Y. John L. Bunee, E3q., President Phenix Bank, Hartford, Conn. James M. Niles, Esq., President Exchange Bank, Hartford, Conn. Francis Fellowes A Son, Attorneys at Law, Hartford, Conn. D. A. Dwight & Cos.. Boston, Mass. Calvin Taft, Esq., Worcester, Mass. Thomas S. Metcalf, Esq., August*., Ga. John Davison, Esq., Augusta. Ga. 11. B. Plant, Esq., President S.mtbern Ex* press Cos., Augusta, Ga. R. B. Bullock, Esq., Superintendent South ern Express Cos., Augusta, Ga. E. Hwlbert, Esq., Superintendent Southern Express Cos., Atlanta, Ga. James Shuter, Esq., Sn peri n ten den# South ern Express Co*, Memphis. Term. A. B. Small. Esq., Superintendent Southern Express Cos., New Orleans. And Agents of Express Companies. fob6—tf €3l 19&L.ES 15. € IPtt & €O,, OQ \ BROAD STREET, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Will buy and sell on Commission STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, ..YKR aud BANK \ >TES. Also, REAL ESTATE. mh27—3m W. HENIIY WARREN W. B. HARi'tlß. .1. W. WALLACE. W. HENRY WARREN & CO. JpXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLESALE, GROCERIES, BAGGING. ROPE, TWINE. HATS, BLANKETS, NOTIONS. Eto.. Etc., 175 and 177 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga. Wo purchase atjd sell COTTON, TOBACCO. PRODIHS, Etc., ON COMMISSION, And forward Goods to any section of the country, North or South. To Owners and Shippers of Cotton. JNO. K. GILLIATT & CO., Liverpool, England. OBER, NANSON A CO., New York. OBER, ATWATER & CO., New Orleans. LEWIS, NANSON & CO., St. Louis. W. HENRY WARREN « CO., Augusta, Ga. %-§.-Ca=h advances made on shipments of COTTON to New York and Liverpool. ' W. HENRY WARREN A CO., 175 and 177 Broad Street, mb2B—tf Augusta, Ga. NEW MUSIC. K O'CLOCK IN TIIE MORNING. 0 OH, SAY NOT WOMAN’S HEART IS BOUGHT. WHY DOST THOU LINGER 7 1 AM HAPPY AS THE DAY IS LONG. WHEN FENIANS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. HOME THEY BROUGHT HER WARRIOR DEAD OTT. SWEET BE THY REPOSE. ■WHERE ART THOU? LEAF BV LEAF THE ROSES FALL. VIOLETS UNDER THE SNOW. GET OUT OF MEXICO! (comic) WE MEET NO MORE AT TWI LIGHT. I BELIEVED HER TRUE TO ME. ANGEL SISTERS. SOMEBODY'S DARLING. ONLY A WITHERED ROSE. SWEET SPIRIT HEAR MY PRAYER, And a great many others too numerous to mention, just received at J. C. SCHREINER & SONS, mvl—tf 199 Broad street. OFFICE GA. IMMIGRATION CO., ) No. 258 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., I March 28th, 1866. J This company—organized for the purpose of supplying labor—facili tating Immigration and promoting the agricultural and commercial interest of the State—>s now prepared to receive and promptly fill all orders for FTELD LABOR ERS, HOUSE SERVAXi •, and ME CHANICS—to ho delivered in Augusta. Stockholders are entitled to Select Hands at Half Commissions. A limited supply of Stock can be fur nished. J. JEFF LliSCa liOMAS, President 1 Wit. R. DAVIS, fSoci cfary. FRANK J. ROBINSON, | inh3o 6m Gou'i. Stir'*. I Medicinal. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Etc. |)LUMIt A LKITNKK. 1 212 BROAD ST., Augusta, Ga., whoi.emalb awd retail dealers ia DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Surgical ami Dental Instruments, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy <fc Toilet Articles, Brushes, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, ja3—tf Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Hiller. €SH§> WE ASK THE ATTEN jtion of the public to this long % tested and unrivalled FAMILY MEDICINE! It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have received thousands of testimo nials, showing this Medicine to be an almost never failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon— Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side, Back and Loins, as well as in the Joints and Limbs; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains in any part ol the svstem, Tooth-ache aud Pains in the Head and Face. Asa Dlood and Tonic fur the Stomach, it seldom fails to eure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint. Acid Stomach. Heart burn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ring worms. Boils, Felons, - Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General De bility of the System. It is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painters’ Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds, Burns, Sprains Bruises, Frost-Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Cen tipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous In sects and Venomous Reptiles. SEE DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOTTLE. It lias been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the Missionary and the Traveller —on sea and land—and no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Price Iwenty-Five Cents. Fifty Cents, aud One Dollar per Bottle. SOLD lIY DEALERS EVERY WHERE. ap3—2mo Q P. HUNT. M D„ ► HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur, No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row), Augusta, Ga. ia1(l-1v-3in* 'j 1 ti E E C CTP S E FAST FREIGHT LINE. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. Established for the purpose if ‘jiving dispatch TO' HE A V Y FREIGHT , at REDUCED RATES! Is now prepared to receive aud forward be tween Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta. Maoon, Albany, Eufaula, Columbus, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, and Way Stations. Ship from. New York to core Eclipse Fast Freight Line, Savannah. THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN, AND Insurance Effected When Desired. For further information, rates, etc., in quire of Agents SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., and at the office of the HARNDEN EXPRESS, jafi—Cm 65 Broadway, N. Y. NEW FIRM. TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Asso ciated themselves in trade under the firm of CLARKE & BOWE. For of conducting a GENERAL COTTON AND PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS, And have taken '.he c ..<e briclj store-house on Ellis, between Washington and Monu ment streets, where we are now prepared to receive on storage, or for sate, COTTON and all other kinds of COUNTRY PRO DUCE Strict personal attention to all business guaranteed. A share of public patronage solicited. 11. E. CLARKE ja26—6m R. j HOWE. II BRICKS SALE. Apply to R. J. BOWE, Executor, Ellis Street, in rear Thos. R. Rhodes. I ia26—6 m HAY AND LIME. 300 BUNDLES NORTHERN HAY; 100 bbls. best ROCKLAND LIME Just received and tor salo by CLARKE A BOWE. Ellis Street, in rear Thos. R. Rhodes. ja26—6m GIHOL&NATI TYPE POTS J —AND— PIUNTING-MACHINE W(J 201 Vine street, Cincinnati. B Send for Specimens and mhl-6m S Foundries, Machinery!* AUGUSTA FOVKObI AND H.’iellilH’ WoHiq, [I AUGUSTA, GEOrbiJ rpiIESE EXTENSIVE WORKS | HAVING BEEN REFITIJ Aod Supplied with ample materia! §1 The Proprietors are prepared toereeil EVERY KIND OF WORK 9 IN THEIR imi AT TIIE SHORTEST POSSIBLE XOTlcffl BEST MANNER, ■ At New York or any other Northern fib* prices. FARMERS’ UTENSILS of all kinds- 1 RAIL ROAD Worn! HOUSE WORK; RETORTS FOR GAS HOt'Esl SUGAR MILLS; SUGAR BOILERsI Plain and Ornamental IRON BA 11.1 VIS I GIN GEAR: PULLEYS, all sizes and best Pattern- I CART AND WAGON Boijsl HOLLOW WAREp SASH WEIGHTS,! Church, School, Factory and Fire Aiuil BELLS; MILL WORK; CASTINGS of all and every kind, hem! or light, in iron or brass. | BLACKSM ITHING in all its branehw. I Railroad Companies, Car Bnildql Factory and Mil) Owners, Corporate A*! tin rities, and all those wishing a larpl amount of Castings, will find it to theiratß vantage to give us a call before contractiul • i: cwhcre. ANTI-FRICTION METAL, V r Heavy or Fast Bearings, furchhedj * m not ; ce, and warranted of best qualitj.l JR. Howell’s celebrated I TURBTXE WATER WHEEL I Is mh at our Foundry. PHILIP MALONE & CO., I Augusta Foundry and Machine F-h,I fc!6—6m Augusta, Georgia I Look to your Interest. THIE PH(ENIX IRON WORKS, OS J. Marbtiry street, near the Cotton Factory Building, known as the old Pistol factory, has been converted into a FOUS-! DRY and MACH INF WORKS. Steam Engines, and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Boilers, Mill Spindles, Gudgew. Gin Gear, Gas Retorts, Sash Weights, td other IRON and BRASS CASTINGS as ; among the many articles of superior work manship, which wc are daily furnishingt»: our customers, and 'he public generally, u the very lowest prices. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly filled. Competent Machinists sent to any part of ■ the country to erect or repair Machinery. | JOHN W. DAY, Proprietor. | REFERENCES. Mr J R Howell. Millwright, Angnsta,Gi MajfcGeo T Jackson, Augusta, Ga. MiW Brenner, Augusta, Ga, Mill Pur. nisher. Jesso Osmond, Esq, Augusta, Ga, Cat Builder. Reanv & Merry, Berzelia, Ga, Proprietor! Saw Mill. Cook Lauipkin, Columbia county. Proprietors Saw Mill. mhlo—3m FSSH ! OUTERS J! QAME!!! POULTRY! VEGETABLES!! FAMILY GROCERIES!!! OF EVERY KIND axi> FOR SALE LOW. Call and see me. WM. HALE (colored), Washington s. t*et, between Broad and Eiiis, Augusta, Ga. in h 6—6 m Furniture and Piano Hading. j_J AVING A NEW AND LIGHT Spring Dray, I am prepared to haul FURNITIRE, PIANOS, and any thing else, withont scratching or bruising, as is too often the case. Orders left at mv Gr<>e* ry Store, m Washington Street, between Broad Ellis will he promptly attended to, A reasonable rates. Particular care given to moving Furnituru and Pianos. Wm. HALE (c<red], apl4—6m Dealer in Family Groeerie** Old Frames Made New. JJARPER & LADEVEZE % - Are now prepared l * RE-GILD OLD FRAMES. Parties having old portrait framo!, (»>*■ mentoes of the past) can have made to LOOK AS IF NEW. If sent to their shop. No. 32 Mclntosh s’ree9 opposite the Post-Office. millt-d Bills of lading - " ALWAYS ON HAM>‘ AT THIS DAILY PRESS JOB Ol NICE. Corner of Broad ami Post-Office street* jufit! Up Stairs.