Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 22, 1866, Image 2

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Silt ffailjj Dtrgi-.,, (iMH«EST CITY CIgCD^ATION. AUOtTWTA. <* A • * TUESDAY' MORNING May 22. lSf>6 Fir bear it in mind that the T>AILY PRESS ADVERTISES MORE CHEAPLY THAN ANY DAILY IN TIIE I'ITY. MERCHANTS WHO DESIRE TO REACH FAMILIES WILL ;FIND IT A MOST VALUABLE MEDIUM. Insulting the Dead. We print elsewhere a pretty full account of the occurrences, at Augusta, (la., hereto fore briefly nuticed. Ou tha 2Glh of last month, tha Rebel women of that eity went In proeers'on to the Cemetery to decorate with flowers the gravel of tho Rebel dcnd. The ceremony was made as imposing »s uninhere and solemnity could niaho it- n less than three thousand persons joinir " tho rites. Side by side with the Ref -6 ln the Union dead, but nobody had / e J s I *- v for any of the latter. The leys’ * Augusta, including tho ter , - . freed men, and many of the wo made an attempt to rep A th|i olnißsion I hey arranged for a r 4 „ f W sh e ot, . c t h H a " P in ,h « Freedmon’s schools were .to for A tbe principal portion- The Mavo' Vtook the aUrm "*»«• 1 , bf Augusta prohibited the de monstra .ion, summoned a large force of ponce, an <l oarred (he gates of the C'emo ter - T - lh.e procession of women and children v« r o met at the gates by the armed Rebel l ,r lice, denied an entrance, and spite of 'entreaties, were obliged to go borne, unoblo to pay this simple and touching tribute of rswpoct to the Union dead. That is South ern chivalry, magnanimity and loyalty,'all rolled into ono. It is humiliating to bs obliged to add that tho refusal of the Hebei Mayor to allow 1 nioa graves to ho garlanded with flowers was sustained by two Union ofii ,erf—-by General lirannau, commanding tbe Distr' i(l j and by General TilUon, who is Or mn'i ■' tinner es the Freedmen’s Bureau * or j “gial These.two offieials united J , n . v t( elnn ,_ Sng to restrain the slight tribe. t<J 0 f inßoect to their former comrades, v n thc , ' that it would create ill feel'.n g between the wmtes and tho blacks! It would he chari table to disbelieve tUem datable of such an net, but both tbe Rebel Atn \ the loyal ac counts agree on this -,'oint, nnd General Bran nan even regretr,ug that he had no troops at band to prevent llio demonstration by force. While incffi officers command at tlio South, what r eason id thcro to hone that the bittomess and hatred shown by the Rebels wilt be softened? What right have wo to demand tl, at the Rebels shall respect, a flag which Union Generals combine to insult. —.New York Tribune, May ICM We have already said so much nr this subject that tve deem any fv ryrimiiff.tDß superfluous. rfuch ns the Tribune (ind it t'o their i , ulleLt^ • - . . , . .Merest lo misrepresent not only the \d out | ]; bu{ even those United States officers’ who ’ •“*«M*H ( Hfc 9 .?u mbr ' tUon bieh ’ " ! " y be will .r all, u” so j 0, cx and the colored ’■ ,i of tho schools. It was altog' gher a negfc affair, and as thc CemeVry belongs , H white people the latter had a riglp, to exclude negroes froiA it, believh ns they had reason to do, the air ’was gotten up only to insult the «e jratnnllilv> and not to honor the Fed>. ra i So i ( Ji e r S who are buried there. '"Vhese soldiers ’were buried carefully all j d ccell ,ly during the wfft "and their graves have been and are still c' ire fully attended to ; but they do not lia alongside the “Rebel’’ .graves, and the placing of flowers upon the latter was s\m ply an act of love, an ovation to husbands, fathers and broth r.-s, who repose beneath the sod ! There were no “Keitels’’ present at that de- ! monstration; nor have we a Rebel Mayor, thc lies of the Tribune to tho contrary notwithstanding. As to the gentlemen who hold official military positions here, their character is 100 well known at the North to need any defence at our bauds, and our peo ple have learned to know and respect them here. The idea of their encourag ing disloyalty and acts of rebellion is too absurd to be noticed ; and besides that, their statement of the affair, should tliev feel called upon to make one, will not only do justice Io our community, but vi ill be believed by all those whose good opinion is worth having, in spite of the Tribune, and its all lies. WAR IN EUROPE. The arrivals from Europe announces at one time war imminent, now between the Germanic States, now between Austria and Vcnetia, and then peace breaks through the dim clouds of war like a gleam of sunshine on a rainy April day. We have been trying to understand the nuture of those warlike reports and peace rumors, but we con fess our inability to do so satisfactorily. It is only evident that somebody across ♦he water is “spilin’ for a tight,” and if it can’t be got out of one nation it will bo sought for from another. Austria, Prussia and Yenetia, all stand like a parcel of school boys, with each a chip on his head, during the other to come and knock it off! What a pity man kind will never learn to appreciate the blessings of peace, and cease to indulge in “war, horrid war.” Rut there is rib hope for such a happy result short of the. Millenium j for nations, like indi- viduals, have their bad passious, and when they become excited and inflamed it is as difficult to restrain thorn in the one cuse ns in the other. The conse quence is that there is scarcely a day of iferinterfcupted pence in the world. If there ortl no actual hostilities are preparations for them, nnd the work slaughter goe» on, unit'd oue p- both is exhausted, and ft set' - diffictrtties Ims lobe made .‘'lenient o 'there had been no fio’ ". jnst a* though 4s no necessity of Bu *‘ h « r ' ! . . , i«r „ a homily upon the subject. Ve c- 3 y t „ _»nnot stop tbe evil. W e can onlv sc ... . • r j. ’ -y with Uerangers peasant “All . tbe world should be at peace, Or if uieD must show their wight, Why, lot those who rnaWo the quarrels Be the only men to tight.” WRONG. We regret to observe that some of our Southern journals are expressing serious doubts about the genuineness of .Stan ton’s conversion to the President's pol icy, on account of his past intense hatred of the South and persecution of her people. Now, wo think that this is wrong policy. We should father <' ' e can to encourage thc conve r ' "* ‘ wo by the hand and lead '.- L > * ake hi™ along into the broad 01111 p easantly reason: show hi- , path of justice and ■ ence in his *° tlmt we confi- t i t ■' conversion, and so induce !e lu lo^ow his example. lie may ~ - -nest, and it is, we thinlc, the wiser I . leas* the more Christian or Ito believe him so. You know tha’ "While tho lamp holds out to bn * The vilest sinner may returr ‘ D ’ And if the vilest sinner •’ ’’ ~ return, do not dampen ’ ." S j le lrSt to ardor of others bv do ‘ l,s ardor and the of his returning • -abUng the sincerity ton, therefore, ' ’^ SOn ’ To Mr ’ Stan ’ the right ha. , We are wll W to extend other w-v jd ot fellowship, and with the his biv /S an a^ect ‘ ol,! ' te welcome to our ' yl^er Radicals to come over to a p “There is room enough for | —A minister of the Gospel and his wife were stopping at one of the hotels | ill Bourbon, Marshall county, Indiana, for a few days, while the husband went i over to Warsaw to look up a location. While the good man was absent, a •lashing young blood and gay deceiver of Bourbon eloped with his wife, ts>’ ’ all thc preacher’s money, »' ( ’ a !ca “ in^ him penniless nnd a l ' „„ -n c 1 . ’ -one. ihe young man has jinee Returned, but had neither ' f - cv oiury or wuman w jt|] (jjn,. jy suit <,ftl »’.ages and theft will be instituted a £ a '“’ d t him. —A meeting called at New London, ocentlv, to sec about the building of a monument to the soldiers from Now London lost in (he war, was attended by eight persons. Patriofie New London ! —Among the distinguished foreigners in Washington, is the Count de Las teyric, a lineal descendeut of Lafayette who was a prominent member of the French Cham her of Deputies untii Louis Napoleon came iuto power. —Beecher's congregation lmd eighty niue “regulars” added to it a few weeks ago. NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. THE PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL will be resumed ou Ihe Ist of July, 18(16—Third Series. It will be issued every alternate month, each number to contain at least One Hundred and Seventy-Six pages of reading matter, and will be equal in size to the largest American and European Journals. The price will be only FIVE DOLLARS per Annum, in advance. It will be edited by Da. .Toskph Jones, assisted by many of thc most distinguished Physicians in the country. Subscribers will pleaso send in their orders and subscriptions as soon as possi ble, so that the number of copies to be printed may be regulated accordingly. "AtS- Advertisement-; inserted on very lib eral terms. E. H. PUG HE, Printer and Publisher, Augusta, Ga. throughout tho Stale will please extend this notice. THE HOME CIRCLE. The undersigned proposes the publication of a FAMILY JOURNAL with the above title, to be commenced as soon as thc necessary arrangements can bo perfected. It will be issued WEEKLY, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, in advancej nnd will contain a variety us interesting and instructive reading matter, suitable to the home circle, the field and the fireside. It will bo the aim of tho publisher so make it a welcomo visitor to every Southern family, and au acceptable substitute for those journals which are so inimical to our sectiou of the Union, and seem to take so much pains to insult our people. He hopes thus lo build up a patronage in the South, and shall spare neither efforts nor expense to make it every way worthy of that patrou age. A dow press has been ordered, and thc paper will bo neatly and handsomely Printed on large, elear Typo; making it, altogether, one of the most readable journ als in tho country. E. 11. PUGHE, Publisher of the Difily Press, Augusta, Ga. friendly to this enterprise will pb a-e publish. CtALICGES, MUSLINS, AND i DRESS GOODS of all kinds, at MRS. PUG HE'S, 190 Broad Street, Special Notic*^ iS* Mi ? lf "^ :^lETY'-Tl,e Vby T“' of ..ugi audits vicinity ar. re.peo»fn Jny j^“ ul «* R t the Medical d °! „«, on WEDNESDAY, tbe 23<1 inst., at o’clock P. M„ for the purp"=o <*f reurgau- ixlng tha MEDICAL SOCIETY. SOCIAL NO. 1, F.-.A A.-.M.’. —A Cnllml Communication a of Social Lodge No. 1, will be held at Masonio Hall TIII ,S / (Tuesday) EVENING, at 1 i ' o'clock. The Third Degree will be conferred. By order S. D. Heard, W.\M.\ WM. 11. CRANE, Ja., myl7—l Scerejary. DR. J. P. It. BROWN, DENTIST 1 (formerly of Atlanta), Office 220 r Street, over llerscy’s Clothing S’ -»road Dental Operations executed -ore. All neatest and most durable ' n tke cs *» my 19—’tin* manner. jj b • : ~ moTr Ho ' S ’ *KAN v.lll represent SURA' J SOUTHERN ACCIDENT IN- Pro . -.sCE COMPANY during my absence m the city. _myl7 —fit A. 0. HALL, Agent, New Advertisements EXTRA CASTOR PERPOF' their Ca, % DESIRING U 1 cor frames repien 'ip > can bo supplied with Low n- ;r ' ■ or Cotn' l ' o ' l Bottles. dozen 1 > Booking glasses by tho SF • , or *angle ono ; Fish Globes : French v to rover TTax Flowers: CLOCKS, STONE TOMATTO JAHS, GLASS JAILS of every size, at iiiy22—lfc E. MUSTIK’B. TURTLE SOUP, jJ’REE AT THE “OGLETHORPE” to-da r. my22—lt* Here’s Ycnr Mule 1 GlO AND. SEE A. BRANDT, WHO HAS • on hand and fur sale a large and se looted stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies*, Misses*, Gents’, Boys* and Children's SHOES, And Ladies* HATS of all descriptions. A. BRANDT 321 Broad St**' , * mv?o—3 Opposite Tip- uiors Hotel. \ S Mi' F r ‘ Aon »' 'USE AND SHOP ARE NOT l w ;»* o roadway, or a public ..thorough fare, ..i offer an iuducein*. nt to tli »so who will call on me a* 190 Greene Street. I will furni«h SIGNS lo mv facilities. I buy Ja?>aii«a Tin Plates in New York for $6 per dozen, just such as a certain Druggist ffi th : s city sells here (or $lB per dozen. 1 have just as good SIGN BOARDS, made at my place, at the Beaver Dam, for twenty five cents per feot, as other Painters iu town pay the carpcuters seventy-five cents por foot for. Persons, therefore, wanting SIGNS might, at the same time,.consult economy and give s ime work to ono who has been showing specimens of good Oil Gilding in Augusta for nearly half a conturv. inyl9—3t* R. P. SPELMAN. WOOD AND LUMBER. JOHN TILKEY, ConxEß Fenwick anii Kou.ock Sts. Near Augusta Factory, Keeps constantly on hand all sizes of LUMBER. Also, WOOD by the Cord or Car Load, delivered in any part of thc city. my 19—1 m* NEW RIBBONS! NEW RIBBONS! BONNET RIBBONS, in different-styles MEDALLION RIBBONS LACE EDGE RIBBONS, in all colors LUTE STRING and CORD EDGE, in a variety of shades, etc., etc., etc., Just received at 190 Broad street. Mits. E. H. PUGHE. TO ARMS! FUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE •I low. a line a.-> . ;ment of SHOT GUNS, COLTS’ PISTOLS, and many other of tho latest invention. Gun and Sword CANES, Bowie and Pocket. KNIFES, and many other articles too numerous to mention, at A. PRON TAUT’S Watch and Jewelry Establishment, lfio Broad Street, mylß—fit Below Augnsta Hotel. Summer Bonnets. TEST RECEIVED— A A small supply of tho “Marie Stuart ” latest style Ladies’ BONNETS, at MRS. PUGHE’S, _ myl6 3 190 Broad street. DENNIS’ QORNUS FLORIDA BITTERS. THE BEST TONIC OF THE AGE! USKFITL IX DYSPEPSIA, FEVERS FEVER and AGUE GENERAL DEBILITY Or, in any DISEASE In which a Tonic Medicine is indicated. A. HOPKINS MARSH & CO., _ , Augusta, Ga. For salo.by ail Druggists, my 10—6 r PILL AUGUSTA 1 CRACKERY BAKERY. Is now in full running order. Tho Merchants of this city and vicinity would do well to call aud fiud out the PRICE. We are making a far better Cracker tfcau the NORTHERN CRACKER. You can purebaso them cheaper aud get at all times FRESH. Go and see the SOUTHERN CRACKERS, Wallace! voct & co’s H ! yto BAKERY jUI Bread street. PARASOLS, FANS AND SUN SHADES - JL ’ NEW STYLES, at MRS. I’UGHE’S, 190 Broad Street. Auction Saloa. r< * e*w wt«. «•. M »y a? IN wfLL J - tin 1 it MONDAY pt,:NE 11,186«, wt By tbe bndersigneJ, who reserves (be right lo rtyeet all bids not deemed for the interest of the Government, £>r tbe pur chase of tbe following property of the United States, viz.: 1 Frame Building, about HO feet xV 7 * . East side of M.i'Aosb Au^a . u , 1 Frame Ba” rt , „ ft , re ar ’ th ® Georgia Rail Road, aud back of I y Factory . . Building, about 20 ft x 1 , ncJ|r the Georgia Bail 1>7.f,, Bn d back of tb« Augusta Factory. 1 Frame Bcl’Miug, about 60 ft x 40 ft, at May Sold, Ga. i - Frame Buildings, at Mac op, Ga., (a part of tho Bakery EatabP mment), nine of which are on tbs, North side of tho Y\ eßteru R. it., and one on the South side ; two. of thege nre t wo stories, and onc eont ' in s a boiler, engine and ovens. 1 Tannery Esta |>ij s bment in Palmyra, Lee 8P " mty, five miles from Albany, to gether with ten acres of Land, and a small Dwelling lIOItSS. 1 "Frame Building, about 40 ft x 30 ft, at Boston Station, No. 18, Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road. 1 Frame Building, about 3ft ft x 24 ft, at Gtoversville, Station No. 17, Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road. 1 Frame Building, about 00 ft x 24 ft, at Quitman, Station No. IG, Atlantic and Quit Kail Hoad. 1 Frame Building, about *lO ft x 24 ft, at Quituian, Station No. IG, Atlantic and Gulf Kail Itoad. 2 Frame Buildings, 40 ft x 24 ft, ot Valdos ta. Station No. 15, Atlantic and Gulf Bail Hoad. 1 Frame Building, about 60 ft x 30 ft, Te beauville, Station No. 9, Atlantic aud Gulf Bail Iload. 1 Frame Building, about 60 ft x 24 ft, at Screven, Station No. 7, Atlantic and Gulf Kail Hoad. will be received for any part or all of tbe property, at each place. Payment will bo required within thirty days after no tification of acceptance of proposal, in V, 1 currency. Further information desired \ regard to the property can be obt** .' n this Office. C. T. WAT*' T -‘ ned at Captain i»- ’ , < ' X \ Chief Q. M. Bureau ” - a , A ; Q- sr my 13—t.T» -i., I. & A. L. for G» _uJ itress Mailing. Mires. SEGINS’ PREXCU M ILL! NE R Y A N D DRESS’ MAKING ESt.VBLJSHMENT, M 2 GHHEXE STREET, (Noflrßell Tower.) DRESSES, MANTILLAS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cut by S. T. TAILOR’S system and finished in the neatest manner. MILLINERY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, FRENCH CORSETS, etc., constantly ou _ my 12- 3m DRESS MAKING. MRS- S. S. CLANTON, OF COLUMBIA, P. C., Informs the Ladies of Augustaand vicini- ! ty, that she is prepared to make DRESSES, and ladies’ Clothing in the latest style. She solicits patronage. Residence on Mclntosh street. South side, between Broad and Reynolds, npponta Singer’s Priming Office. ’ np2s—l m* Lost and Pound. $25 REWARD. T OST, ON SUNDAY MORNING LAST, -1-4 on I'Jbcrt or Keynolds street?*, near Centro, a T.ady's Hunting Case GOLJ) AV A ICII and CiIAIN. Whoever finds the same will receive tho above reward by re turning it to LFAVIS LEVY, my 15—ts 126 Broad Street. MUSICAL LEAVES. A SABBATH SCHOOL HYMN BOOK, containing over Ono Hundred l’uges of Hymns and Tunes. Every Song a Gem. Price Fifty Cents per copy. Apply at office of the ' “ DAILY PRESS, ’’ ap29 ts Augusta, Ga. FOR SALE. ■' A FINE PIANO, IN GOOD ORDER, Will he sold cheap if n])plicd for soon at the Store of G. TI. MEYER, my 1J- ts No. 144 Bread Stroor. Ice Cream and Sherbert ! Handies V AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE FRENCH STORE, jfl.lft—ly 200 Broad street. MATS AXD liOi\\JETS. Reduced Prices. AND MISSES’ HATS AND BONNETS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, IN ALL THE LATEST SPRING Jt SUMMER STYLES, For sate at REDUCED PRICES, nv MRS. E. 11. rUGHE, 199 BROAD STREET. Latest styles, I N GREAT PROFUSION OK LADIES’ and MISSES’ HATS and BONNETS Trimmed and untrimmed. AT MRS. PUGHE’S, SEW 81’Hf SG GOOJJS QF FVERY KIND FOR LADIES’ WEAR AT MRS. PUGHE’S 100 Broad street. Amusements* Tic hicsi picjiics!! ! Hi ■ ,ji d... v«»».«. « c -a -K SICS, or BARI’.KCVW -an be *«' applying at 4’ cENKfcNGUAM. myff—-Im Vv' Groceries, L*j^ae>rf. I*jj Jf ~ ■» —z— — ——- oLij Butter, Etc. /- KEGS CHOUtE MAV BUTTER 100 BEEF TONGUES—Terv •*» 4} bhle Family BEEF 1 \ Heroes Extra Family HAMS. Just received and for sale by - JOHN NELSON k SON. my2fl —6 Bacon, Corn, Peas, Flour, Etc. HHDS BACON SIDES 7000 Bushels Choice White CORN 1000 Bushels PE AS, YVhito and colored 100 Barrels FLOUR 600 Bags Choice Ml A If? In Store and for sale ly C. A. WILLIAMS k CO., mylfi—lftt HOW ARE YOU NOW ? T WISH TO SELL THE FOLLOWING 1 articles at once : CIDER. 25 bbls. Choice New Jc-rer*' CIDER. ale! 20 crisks Barton on J’rent ALE, in quarts. JO ' asks Tiarton on Trent ALU, ’,?! I'ipts. CRACKERS. L 5 btjxts and barrels of Choice and Fancv CRACKERS, of every variety, received ibis date, FLOUR. 100 bbls. Northern and Western FLOUR. BACON. 20 hbds. SIDES and SHOULDERS. LARD. 50 kegs Choice Family LARD. MACKEREL. 100 bbls. Largo No. 3—very tine. CORN & HAY. A regular supply arriving usual. AST* Every thing elt»e in my linn usually found iu first class Grocery Stores, for sale on reasonable terms, by np!9—tf A. STEVENS. JOB PKLYTIi\« Comer of Broad and Mclntoah Streets, VP STATUS. THIS ESTABLISHMENT has X been furnished with everythmo- j„ the TYPE and PRESS DEPARTMENT that tbe best Founders could supply, and is prepared to execute orders for every’doscr... tiou of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL J ob FOR MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS MECHANICS AUCTIONEERS BANKS TRAIL ROADS STEAMBOATS EXPRESS COMPANIES INSURANCE COMPANIES HOTELS RESTAURANTS BOARDING-HOUSES THEATRES CONCERT HALLS CLERKS OF COURTS SHERIFFS CONSTABLES LAWYERS DOCTORS DENTISTS COLLEGES SCHOOLS and for ail other persons, corporations, and institutions. WE PRINT Bigness Cards Checks Visiting Cards Notes “ At Home ” Cards Drafts Wedding Cards Prices Current Ball Cards Title Deeds Show Cards Trust Deeds Admission Cards Leases Election Cards Receipts Time Tables Tax Bills W av-Bills Licenses Circulars Bonds Bill-Heads. Insurance Policies Shippers’ Receipts Calendars Steamers’ Bills Notices Druggists’ Labels Bills of Lading Tobacco Labels Manifests Ciothinir Labels. Bills of Fare Dray Tickets Concert Bills Coal Tickets Programmes Wood Tickets Theatre Bills Bread Tickets Show Bills Milk Tickets Posters, all sizes RewartJ Tickets Passenger Tickets Election Tickets. All work ordered will Lo done in tho most artistic manner, and at very low i-kites. Printing in a ery color, shape and form, ON ANY KIND OF PAPER, _ EXECUTED PROMPT, N E AT, CHEAP. E. H. PUGHE. . OFFICE OF THE HA 11. Y PRESS, Corner Broad nnd Molntosh sts„ Up Stairs, Auovsta, Ga. Ribbons in every new and IMPROVED STYLE, at MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 Broad Street. Dry Ooocu., _ 190 BKOA3 ' \C n ) 1 J ti A o Cdvr*- ■- of faery Oeserifltio., '' ' CA * 1 Htjpl> SKiltrj Dress Groods, J* all Material need then-far. LADIES’ HATS AND BONNET^ 11AT ORXAMEXTS DRESS SBtMMtXOS PABASOU and fayi wnm: coons BHKCTIXdS AND SHIETIXOX nr-.uris, 4 rjL> lv RI6KOSS, LvLLARo ■ — J H ' fIVKS >IA NTH,LAS AXD l-.UuCt HOSIERV, GLOTES. PINS AXP NEEDuj FANCY SOAPS. PERFUMEHV And every other Article usually/mud »i First Clues I>nj Goods Store. • 3*S'CAl.h AND OOOPSH AT MRS. PUGIIE'S, 19» Broad Stbi-si Next door below Jonc«’ Tin gi^ MORE NEW GOODS. " TN ADDITION TO OUR' BEAtTTIFK X AND VARIED STOCK S LADIES DRESS GOODS LINEN GOODS COTTON GOODS HOSIERY HANDKET.CHIIa GLOVES VEII.S parasols CUFFS and COLLARS TABLING TOWELLING HOOP SKTItTS and SKIEIffI BONNETS and HATS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, RIBBMj And ouy endlees variety of NOTIONS of FANCY GOODS, —we Have just receirei 3-4 Black IRON BFREGE 3-4 White 2RON EERBS MANTLE BEREGE MOURNING DRESS GOCK COLORED DRESS GOODS 10-4 and 11-4 LINEN SEEE’HMI 6-4 LINEN PILLOW CASINGS LONG CLOTHS, rnugt as f roa 225 telfe IRISH LINENS, Assorted G Ai.LOON RIBBONS and TKIMMIY6I FANCY TIES, RIBBONS, BUTTONS,ett,' etc., and many other articles, too auaiuim to mention. Call and examine for yanrselree, uj thereby afford us an opportunity ofproriij that we can and do sell Good, as.fheip » Cheaper than any house in ihe South. Being in receipt of Fresh Goods a!m«4 every week, wo are enabled to offer gnu inducements re Country Merchants «»•! as to our retail-customers. J. D. A. MURPHY k CO. 314 Broad street. Nearly opposi.e Planters’ Hotel. ap'24—tf Selling Off at Very low Prices! UPHE ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 DRY GOODS, FAvcY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, LADIIVV AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GGOS«, Hat Sr Caps. Bocu arid Shoes, Trunks. Valises, pegnrs. etc.,etc. To make room ior Goods cocstaDtlv arriving at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 25TBroad»iwL \ FINE ASSORTMENT OF 11 LADIES' WHITE GOODS SILK BASQUES AND JACKETS, HOSIERY AND DRESS GOODS Just received, aud for sale at a bargain, ia TIIE FANCY BAZAAR, Ne. 250- Bread street. fPHE LATEST 1 and BEST STYLES or SPRING xxn SUMMER CLOTHING AND ’• GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At lowest prices, at THE FANCY BAZAAR. No, 2JS Broad street Country Jlerrftanfs Will find it to their advontage heft) r pur* chasing elsewhere to call at THE FANCY BAZUB, mb 23 No. 253 TlroaUßtretp L. J. READ, AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER'S -S' E WIN G MA CHIN ES,. 326 Broad Street. A complete stock of Needles, and til t* improvements, together with SewiDg chines, always for sale. jaiii—f>m I'O THE LADIES: MADAME DEMUREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHIOf ’ Branch at Augusta. No. 320 Broad sheet. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for ssb NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. ja 13— 6 m Miss L. J. h k-tP- E. S. J AFFRAY & CO. J IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS . or Dry GroodSy 350 Broadway, NEW YORK. fe27—fim QALICOES CALICOES MUSLINS MUSLINS, . AND DRESS GOODS of all kinds at MRS. HUGHE'S, li/j Broad Street-