Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 01, 1866, Image 3

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I flailfr flress. PLiiftgST CITY CIRCULATION. if AUOWSTA, QA. ■FRIDAY MORNING .....June 1. ISM SI*®'HEAR IT IN MIND THAT THE ■daily PRRSS ADVERTISES MOKE THAN ANY DAILY IN THE ■IITY. MERCHANTS WHO DESIRE TO families will find it a ■host valuable medium. jg| Job Printing H In Plain and Fancy Colors, neatly, and promply executed at this Haring fast power presses, the lieat and skilled workmen, enables us '■■do Job Work at the lowest figures and manner. _ I Hiew Advertisement*. ■f to-day -Day. Russell A Benjamin. . and Mutton—John P. Foster. ißb Hooks —C. A. Williams A Cos. Bacon, and Feed—C. A. Williams A 7 Place in the City—J. Chennell. Stolen—Dah.y Pbkss Office. Turtle Soup—Oglethorpe. tßß’luriiip Saeil—C. l’einblo. *. U. Waruer. s. of Schedule—S. C. Kail Road Cos. f' iu Kegs—E. Muslin. Lodge—To-night. p- I LOCAL MATTERS. Am*—So I’ai.i.kp.—Wi'lin.r n ■Ld from Mr. J. Mullaly, editor and pro- of the M.tropulitin Record, New a copy of Rill Arp's Rook. It is a L ~Mfcseme piece of typography, and is illustrated. The l'ollowiug is page: Arp. so called, a side show of the sitlc of the War. I'm a good Hn man. ‘so called,’ hut I’ll bet on Dixie as I’ve got a dollar. Illustrated A. Sullivan. Metropolitan Decani New York, 1866.’’ ■c Rook is sold at $1.56 per copy, finer bound editions can he had for I people in the South who 11 Arp, but would like to t book. They will find it them and much to amuse, t the booksellers will, very lies for sale hero, when our pply themselves with this rous work. ite Gas Machine.— A tsoful invention can be seen segar store, under our lachine for manufacturing ire of the vapor of hydro ,mon air. The liquid era ating this vapor is called tho moro volatile portions • tccupios but a comparative nd consists of two parts—in Under containing water and ;ar an upright tank or gas t the gasolene is contained nerated. The pressure is is of weights and wheels, 'work, and is so well ar number of lights are burn wJre are extinguished the iuced properly. Tho light steady, while for economy L The first cost of the ma y considerable expense at the gasoline is sold at a in fact the expense for a could scarcely exceed one iVhen the gas is placed in re is no further trouble for :cept to wind up tho ma- Tbe ordinary pipes and for this as well as the coal ve our readers, in this brief i description of tho Empire hino as we would wish to, accessible to all of our citi an iutcrest in it, we shall is for the present with ad go and inspect fur them be seen at the establishment irncr, who is the agent for od, and who will take great ing a full and satisfactory , a nd its mode of operation. Bath. — Kendall, of the cayttne, relates she following he wi’nessed recently at a Germany: “At thisjunc ined by an English p»rty, :t matter brought under dis hing. ‘1 take a cold shower ning, when at homo,* said So do I,’ retorted Brother inter and summer,’ con inglishman. ‘My system nded the Yankee. ‘ls your ater cold?’ inquired John •hilly,’ continued Jonathan, iquired John. ‘So cold that ■flßßkties upon the floor in the shape .. ; Vis reaponded the Yankee with the twinkle the y>-;- Mk , JEieKt room to me, in America, ‘and could hear mo as I am ,frW iff .Sower bath of a morning, you s ii dslni I was pouring dry beaus upon gSkk* The Englishman shrugged his ; u-: eMMwith a chill, and marveled.” E individual has counted ,ront stylos of hats worn He made no attempt to cts. To do this would be e flakes of a snow storm, of a Summer morn ; the rs are so impalpable and jE.mects tonight. All ke notice. War on tub Duos.— Tho war on tho dogs bar commenced in earnest, and many a friendless cur has been made to bite the dust by the unerring aim of the remorse less Policeman. Can not some generous lover of dogs purohaso a lot of collars for those animals which have no kind-hearted owners, or tho owners of which are too poor to pay for them? We fear not. All that can be said, therefore, is— “ Policeman, spare that dog! Touch not a single bow ! now ! In youth ho was a gentle pup, Oh, do not shoot it now!” Respite.— The two men, Wm. Burns (white) and John Jackson (oolored), who, wo announcod a low days ago, were to be hung to-day for the murder of Qaptain Few, noar Marietta, Us., in October last, have been respited by the Secrotary of War for two weeks —a dispatch to that ettbot having been received yestorday. The news was receivod with great joy by the pris oners. Consignees per Central Rail May 31.—A JG A Cos, W& M, Eli M, AP, W HS, F AS, J N A .Son, D A Cos, .1 D B A Bro, J 0 M, L Levy, J W P, I K A Cos, W A C H C, C F A Cos, L A J, B A H, G K <f- Bro, J D A M, J R <t- Son, G A Oates, W II A Cos, P A L, B A B, B A J, E R S, J S A Cos, [B], [D], J W B A Bro, PA S, E P C, J A A <k Qo, II F R A Cos, F A B, Mrs A F, D S, l’latt Bros, W J Farr, F A R, M P S, S Wyatt, B <£ Cos. A New Gas burner has been intro duced in Edinburg. The nip is composed of “patent adamas,” a silicicous substance not liable to corrosion or trexidatiot ; and tho result is that the flame is always steady ana the gas thoroughly consumed. Beef and Mutton.—ln another col umn Mr. John P. Foster announces that ho has at Stall No. 1, Lower Market, fresh killed Mutton aud Beef of the finest quality and fattest kind, every day. Income returns will not be allowed to be published in future, nor will any journal or individual be allowed in future to make a copy of them. Some wretch of a punster says the recriminations of married people resemble the sounds of the waves on tho sea shore— being the murmurs of the tied. A Soldier who needed it, has invent ed a loft handed knife and fork combined, with which a person who has lost his right a m can feed himself very conve liently. Arms or no arms, you can be fed at the Oglethorpe to-dny. Sec advertisement. City Council.— The City Fathers assemble at the Council Chamber, at <J o’clock this morning, to look after the in terests of their public family—tho Commu nity. Recorder’s Court— There was but one ease in this Court yestorday, and that a colored one—“of no consequence,” as Mr. Toots would say. County Court. — This new Court, Judge Wm. R. McLaws presiding, will con tinue its first session at the City Hall, this morning. Lost or Stolen.—A libera! reward is offered in another c’olumn, for a newfound land dog, strayed from the residence of Mrs. J A. Williams, on Campbell street. Read the advertisement. Corn, Bacon, Etc.— Messrs. C. A. Williams <t Cos. offer for Ale, in another column, corn, bacon and feed. Also, a lot of fish hooks, to arrive from London. Call and examine. Oglethorpe Saloon.— A free Green Turtle Soup will bo served up at this placo to-day. The usual variety of well selected and desirable goods aro offered by Day, Russell A Benjamin, for sale to-day. Mr. Pemble advertises superior tur nip seed in another column. 110 keeps a fine assortment of seeds, and deals liberally. A Change of Schedule, on the South Carolina Railroad, is announced in another column. . Nails, in kegs, different sizes, are ad vertised by E. Mustin. John Chennell, at the “Hole in the Wall,” have cooling condiments. —lt is in contemplation to build a new and costly Executive Mansion on the high grounds East of the Capitol, and turn the White House into a fire proof building for the State Department, k was for that purpose leave was asked to bring in a joint resolution directing the proper committees to make a recou noisance for a site. —ls men would but follow the advice which they bestow gratuitously on others, what a reformation would be effected in their characters! —Happiness consists in a virtuous and honest life, in being content with competency of outward things, and using them temperately. —Strange as it may appear, it was not till 186G r by the constitutional amendment, that slavery was legally abolished in Massachusetts. The happiness of life like the light of day, consists not in one brilliant flash, but in a series of mild, serene rays. What are the Fenians doing ? Are they wearing off the green ? Dry Goods, Notions. MORE NEW GOODS. IN ADDITION TO OUR BEAUTIFUL AND VARIED STOCK OF LADIES DRESS GOODS LINEN GOODS COTTON GOODS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES VEILS PARASOLS CUFFS and COLLARS TABLING TOWELLINO HOOP SKIRTS and SKIRTING BONNETS and HATS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, And our endless variety of NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS, —we have just received. 8-4 Black IltON BEREGE 8-4 White IRON BfcREGE 8-4 MANTLE BEREGE MOURNING DRESS GOODS COLORED DRESS GOODS 10-4 and 11-4 LINEN SHEETINGS 8-4 LINEN PILLOW CASINGS LONG CLOTHS, ranging from 221 to 50c. IRISH LINENS. Assorted GALLOON RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS, FANCY TIES, RIBBONS, BUTTONS, etc., etc., and many other articles, too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourselves, and thereby afford us an opportunity of proving that we can and do sell Goods as Cheap or Cheaper than any house in tbc South. Being in receipt of .Fresh Goods almost every week, we arc enable! to offer great inducements to Country Merchants as well as to our retail customers. J. D. A. MURPHY A CO. 314 Broad street, Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. ap24—tf Selling Off at Very Low Prices 1 The entire stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Segars, etc., etc. To make room for Goods constantly arriving at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ WHITE GOODS SILK BASQUES AND JACKETS, HOSIERY ANI) DRESS GOODS Jflst received, and for sale at a bargain, in THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. THE LATEST ± and BEST STYLES . OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING anb GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At lowest prices, at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. Country Merclianfs Will find it to their advantage befo r pur chasing elsewhere to call at THE FANCY BAZAAIt, mh2B No. 253 Broaii street* M 1 s s L ’ J • REA and > AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER’S SE WIN G MA CHINES, 326 Broad Street. A eompleto stock of Needles, and all the improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always for sale. jal.3—fiin rPO THE LADIES: 1 MADAME DEMOREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Branch at Augusta, No. 326 Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmcd, for sale. NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. ja 13—6 m Miss L. J. READ. " Office ha. immigration co., ) No. 258 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., > March 28th, 1866. J This company—organized for the purpose of supplying labor—facili tating Immigration and promoting the agricultural and commercial interest of the State—is now prepared to .receive and promptly fill all orders for FIELD LABOR ERS, HOUSE and ME CHANICS—to be delivered in Augusta. Stockholders aro entitled to Select Hands, at Half Commissions. A limited supply of Stock can be fur nished. J. JEFFERSON THOMAS, President. Wm. It. DAVIS, Secretary. FRANK J. ROBINSON, mh3o 6m Gcn’l. Sup’t. " notice to PHYSICIANS. ’ The publication of the southern medical and SURGICAL JOURNAL will be resumed on the Ist of July, 1866 —Third Series. It will every alternate month, each , number to contain at least One Hundred and Seventy-Six pages of reading matter, aud will be equal iu size to the largest American and European Journals. The price will be only FIVE DOLLARS kper Annum, in advance. It will be edited by Dr. Joseph Jones, assisted by many of the most distinguished Physicians in the country. Subscribers will please send in their orders and subscriptions as soon as possi ble, so that the number of copies to be printed may be regulated accordingly. Advortisement3 inserted on very lib eral terms. E. H. PUG HE, Printer and Publisher, Augusta, Ga. ***Pap*rs throughout the State will please extend this notice. Insurance. Oglethorpe Insurance Company^ Os Savannah, Ga. rpHE Oglethorpe INS UII AN C E CO All'A NY, OF savannah, ga. Insurance Effected at Equitable Rates. 11. W. MERCER, President. J. T. THOMAS, Secretary. Office ll7 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Directors: H. IV. MERCER C. S. HARDEE WM. HUNTER A. S. HARTItIDGE A. PORTER R. MORGAN J, STODDARD J. T. THOMAS IV. REMSHART F. L. GUE H. A. CRANE A. A. SOLOMONS M. HAMILTON IV. IV. GORDON M. S. COHEN J. LAMA J. W. NEVITT O. G. PURSE A. FUALARTON J. McMAHON L. J.GUILMARTIN F. W. SIMS G. BUTLER R. LACHLTSON E. 1». CLAYTON Augusta J. W. KNOTT Macon B. F. ross Macon IV. 11. YOUNG Columbus B. \l. BRODNAX, Agent, tnayiu-fim "AUGUSTA, GA. Etna Life Insurance Company. AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS Western South Carolina and Eastern Georgia. Office 15 Melntosh Street, rear of Messrs, Schley’s La w OJKcc. CHARLES W. HARRIS, myl6—3m Gen’l Agent. JOSEPH E. MARSHALL, TNSURANCE AGENCY, 240 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ap26—ly if. 11. RROnMAX, JNSURANCE AGENT, Losses Adjusted and Paid by me at my Office, comer Broad and Jackson streets, opposite Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Insure only in. old and tried Com panies that arc well known. All business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. $10,000,000 CASH CAPITAL. /ETNA, of Hartford, Conn PIKENIX, of Hartford Conn TRAVELLER’S, (Accident) Hartford NORWICH, Norwich, Conn EQUITABLE LIFE, New York INTERNATIONAL, New York WASHINGTON, New York * CONTINENTAL, New York WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, Mass GULF STATE, Florida ALABAMA, Alabama JAMES RIVER, Virginia mh7-3m Southern Mutual Insurance Cos., Athens, Ga. Young L. G. Harris, President. Albion Chase, Secretary. HOLDERS OF ONE YEAR POLICIES entitled to participate in the PROFITS of tho COMPANY. F. PHINIZY & CO., Agonts, Augusta, Ga., At old office of Phiuizy & Clayton, a p 12—ts Iron, Nails, Plows, Horse Shoes, Tobacco, Snufl', Blacking. J* A TONS IllON—all sizes, O\J From 1 inch to 10 inches. 2 TONS CAST STEEL— From i to 2i inches kAA kku s OLT) dominion nails— OUU 4d to 12d inclusive. PLOWS, all patterns, with and without Stocks. HORSE SHOES in any quantity. Macaboy and Scotch SNUFF, in Barrels and Kegs. TOBACCO, all grades, from fine to com mon. Baltimore BLACKING, equal to Mason’s. ONE SUGAR MILL. All of which we will SELL LOW for Cash, or exchange for Cotton, Corn, or any product of the farm, at the market prices, or receive those commodities on con signment from persons wishing to purchase, thereby giving them facilities to get what is needed to conduct their farming opera tions. NEAL, WHITLOCK CO. ap"l S—ts Augusta, Ga. E. S. JAFFR4I & CO. JMPORTERS AND JOBBERS op / Dry Groods, 350 Broadioay, NEW YORK. fe27 —6m NOTICE. General Georgia land agency No. 258 Broad street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA, GA. Negotiate loans for Farmers, Miners, etc. Procure White Laborers of either sex ; or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the settlement of Georgia Land ; Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, etc. All Land left at this office for sale or lease, is advertised in pamphlet, freo of charge to the owner. JACOB R. DAVIS A. SON. mhl6~3ra Accident Insurance. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS IX THE PIONEER COMPANY OF THE SOUTH. THE SOUTHERN ■ Accident Insurance COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA, HOME OFFICE, 160 MAIN STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. INSURES AGAINST ALL ACCIDENTS, Giving tho holder of an Annual Policy TUE FULL AMOUNT INSURED IN CASE OF DEATH, AND COMPENSATION EACH WEEK IF DISABLED FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY-SIX WEEKS. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For SSOO with $3 Compensation each week, may be obtained for $3 per annum. TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Will secure $2,000, and give $lO compen sation each wook. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Secures a Policy for $5,000, with $25 weekly compensation. FIFTY DOLLARS Secures a Full Policy for SIO,OOO, with SSO compensation each week. SHORT TIME POLICIES ($3,000 for Ten Cents), Travellers may obtain at the HOME OFFICE, 160 MAIN STREET, Lynchburg, Vn., and at the Rail Road Stations, Ticket Pol cies for ONE DAY TO TWELVE MONTHS, Receiving, in case of death from Acci dent, $3,000, and iu case of injury, sls per week. Tho STOCK of this COMPANY is EXCLUSIVELY IN SOUTHERN HANDS And represented by a Directory WIDELY AND FAVORABLY KNOWN. We, therefore, appeal with confidence to tho good will and patronage of the South ern public. Don’t bo misled by the Yankee Com panies, with Southern names and officers, that have recently been inaugurated in the South'. EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH THEM IS THAT MUCH TAKEN FROM OUR CIRCULATION AND FROM A COMPANY WHOSE INTERESTS ARE IDENTICAL WITH YOUR OWN. OFFICERS: COL. MAURICE S. LANGHORNE, President and Treasurer. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON, of Georgia, 17ce President. GEN. HARRY T. HAYS, of Louisiana, Vice President. LUCIEN PEYTON, Actuary and Secretary. G. W. LATHAM, Solicitor. COL. HENRY E. PEYTON, General Agent. DIRECTORS: john r. McDaniel, WILLIAM D. MILLER, GEO. M. RUCKER, STEPHEN D. PETERS, G. W. LATHAM, MAURICE S. LANGHORNE, JOHN H. FLOOD, ABRAHAM D. WARWICK, CIIAS. M. BLACKFORD, * LUCIEN PEYTON. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON, Chief Office at ATLANTA, Ga., Agent for the State. A. G. HALL, District Agent, AUGUSTA, Ga. SUB-tGENTS APPOINTED AT THIS OFFICE. my!2—Cm Dry Goods. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THE WELL' KNOWN AXD POPULAR STORE or X. Kahn & Cos. 262 BROAD STREET, CAN NOW BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK OP SEASONABLE GOODS, HAVING REFITTED OUR STORE AND LAID IN A STOCK - EQUAL TO ANY EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUR PATRONS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VAN! TAGE TO DEAL WITH US, AND TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE FACT, WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILLS PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON SAVANNAH OR ANY SOUTHERN CITY, THEREBY SAVING " ONE HUNDRED MILES FREIGHT. WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED AND ARE CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP co o r> si CONSISTING OP CALICOES MUSLINS GINGHAMS LAWNS CAMBRICS NANKINS TWEEDS BAREGES CRAPES LINENS - BRILLIANTES DRAPERING TARLETONS CASSIMERES SHIRTINGS CLOTHS JEANS SHEETINGS BOBBINETS COTTONADES TISSUES Lisle Thread SHIRTS and DRAWERS Lisle HALF HOSE, Ladies’ HOSE Childrens’ HOSE and HALF HOSE Ladies’ and Gents’ LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS Embroidered COLLARS and CUFFS Embroidered SETS, EDGINGS, eto OUR ASSORTMENT OP SMALLER ARTICLES SUCH AS Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Tapes, Bobbing Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Belts, and Buckles, Portmonies, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hair Nets, Table Cloths And a thousand other articles too numerous to mention, defies competion, both in PRICE AND EXCELLENCY. especially call the attention of tho Ladies to our beautiful assortment of LADIES’ BASQUES SAQUES AND CIRCULARS, Trimmed in the latest Spring styles of Bugle, Beaded, and Lace Trimming. ALSO, DUSTERS, CASSIMERE SACKS, etc.,etc. I. KAHN & CO., 262 Broad street. mhiß—tf