Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 01, 1866, Image 4

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®jjt Uiiia 'jprcSS. üßmf FRIDAY MOKNiyO..-... : .-Juo» J, lb«» Song of the Decanter. There ni an old decan ter, and the mouth was gaping wide; the rosy wine had Hod away, nud left it« cryg. fide: and the wind went humming— humming, as up and down tbo aides it flew: and through the roed-like, hollow neck the wildest notes it blew. I placed it in the window, where the ' blast was blowing free, and fancied that its pale mouth sang tka queerest strains to me. “They tell me, puny conquerors ! the Plague has slain his ten, and War his hundred thousand of the very heat of men ; but I”—’t was thus the bottle spoke—“but I have conquered more, than all your former conquerors so feared and famed of yore. Then, come, ye youths and maidens all, come drink from out my cup, the beverage that dulls the brain and burns the spirit up! that puts to shame the con querors that slay their scores below; while this lias deluged millions with the lava tide of wo. Tbo’ in the tide of battle, darkest waves of blood may roll; my vic tims in ther homes are crushed; I’ve damned the very soul. The Cholera, Plague and Sword, such rain never wrought, us TANARUS, . in mirth or malice, or in nocence have brought. And still I breathe upon and they shrink before my breath ; and year by year my thousands tie id the Dismal Road tu Death !” Brokers and Merchants. JOHN CEAIG, Banking and EXCIIANG E OFFICE, 289 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., nrrs and si;lls GOI,D BULLION GOLD and SILVER COIN BANK NOTES BONDS, STOCKS BILLS OF EXCHANGE, myt—ly Foreign and Domestic. CHARLES D. CARR St CO., 00,1 BROAD STREET. /COQi STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Will buy and soil on Commission STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER and BANK NOTES. Alsu, REAL ESTATE. roli27—3m W. HENItr WAtIREX. W. B. HARDER. J. W. WALLACE. w. HENRY WARREN & CO. AT WHOLESALE, GROCERIES, BAGGING. ROPE, TWINE, HATS, BLANKETS, NOTIONS. Et>;„ Etc., 175 and 177 BROAD STREET, August a, Ga. We purchase and sell COTTON, TOBACCO, PRODUCE, Etc., OS COMMISSION, And forward Goods to any soetion of the country, North or South. To Owners and Shippers of Cotton. JNO. K. OILLIATT A CO., Liverpool, England. OBER, NANSON & CO., New York. OBER, ATWATER A CO., New Orleans. LEWIS, NANSON A CO., St. Louis. W. HENRY WARREN A CO., Augusta, Ga. advances made on shipments of COTTON to New York and Liverpool. W. HENRY WARREN A CO., 175 and 177 Broad Street,' tnh2S—tf Augusta. Gi. NEW MUSIC. O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. OH, SAY NOT WOMAN’S HEART IS BOUGHT. WHY DOST 'MIOIT LINGER ? I AM HAPPY AS THE DAY IS LONG. WHEN FENIANS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. HOME THEY BROUGHT HER WARRIOR DEAD OH, SWEET BE THY REPOSE. WHERE ART THOU ? LEAF BY LEAF THE ROSES FALL. VIOLETS UNDER THE SNOW. GET OUT OF MEXICO t (comic) WE MEET NO MORE AT TWI . LIGHT. I BELIEVED HER TRUE TO ME. ANGEL SISTERS. SOMEBODY’S DARLING. ONLY A WITHERED ROSE. SWEET S PIRI T II KA R MY PRAYER, And a great many others too numerous to mention, just received at J. C. SCHREINER & SONS, myl—tf 193 Broad street. Government of the United States. TIJ» ■ XECUTIV*. /Va*fde*b—Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee. Acting Vice-»ndtnt —Lafayette S. Fos ter, u! Connecticut. THE CABIHET. Secretory of S'ate —W. 11. Seward, of New York. Secretary of liar—lldwain H. Stanton, of Pennaylrauin. J’oehnaeter General —Win. Dennison, of Ohio. Secretary of the S'ary —Gideon Wolls, of Connecticut. Secretary of the Inter tier —James Harlan, of lowa. Secretary af the Treasury —Hugh Mo- Cullongh, of Illinois. ‘ Attorney General —James Speed, of Ken tucky. J'reeif/ant of the Senate —Lafayette S. Fos ter, of Connecticut. Speaker af the House —Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. SUPREME COURT. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Justice. 1. James M. Wayne, Georgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. 3. Rob’t. C. Grier, Pennsylvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, Maine. b. Noah H. Swa.vne, Ohio, fl. Daniel Davie, Illinois. 7. Samuel Miller, lowa. 8. Samuel F. Field, California. I.IKUTKKAVT GENERALS. Ulysses S. Grunt, Ohio. Adjutant General —Lorenzo Thomas, Dela ware. Judge .1 dvocaie General —Joseph Holt, Dist. Columbia. Quartermaster General —Montgomery C. | Meigs of Pennsylvania. Government of Georgia. F. XEC I’TIYE UK P A RTXIKNT. Governor —Clias. J. Jenkins. Secretary Executive Department —U. L. j Hunter, H. J. G. William ** J/cetenger —Z. D. Harrison. STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. Secretary ts State and Surveyor General — N. C. Harnett. Comptroller General —J. T. Burns. Treasurer —John Jones. Librarian— J. T. Montgomery. Captain of State House Guard —Jesse Horton. JUDICIARY. Judtjee Supreme Court —Joseph Henry Lumpkin, of Athene; Iverson L. Harris, of Milledgevillo; Lawson A. Walter, of Dalton. Clerk—C, W. Pußose. v Augusta Post Office. ARRIVAL A DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Closes. Arrives. Northern 8.00 p.m. 4.50 p.ra. Eastern .8.00 p.m. 450 p.m. First Western 4.00 p.m. 0.30 a.in. Second Western 8.00 p.m. 043 p.m. First Southern 4.00 p.m. 6.30 a.m. Second Southern 8.00 p.m. 6.43 p.m. First Savannah 8.00 a.m. 5.15 a.m. Second Savannah 8.00 p.m. 4.15 p.m. First Atlanta 4.00 p.m. 6.30 a.m. Second Atlanta 8.00 p.m. 6.43 p.m’ Nashville B.CO p.m. 6.43 p.m* Macou 1.00 p.ra. 6.30 a.m. Southwestern Georgia...4.oo p.ra. 6.30 am. Montgomery 4.00 p.m. 6.30 a.m. Now Orleans t.OO p.ra. 6.30 a.m. Macon A Western R0ad.4.00 p.m. 6.30 a.m. LaGrange Road (way)..4J’o p.ra. 6.30 a.m. State Road (way) 4.00 p.m. 6.30 a.m. Georgia Road (way) 8.00 p.ra. 6.43 p.m. So. Carolina Road( way )8.00 p.m. 450 p.ifi. Aug. a- Saashv s h R’d(way)B.oo a.ra. 4.45 p.ra. On Sundays all Mails close at 1 p.ra. The Office will be opened after the arrival of each Mail as follows: Opens—B a.m , 6 p.m., and 7.30 p.m. Closes—4.3o p.m., 6.30 p.m., and 8 p.m. O.Tice open on Sundays—from 8 30 to 10 o'clock a.ra ; and from 7.30 to 8 1\ M. The Postage Law. For the convenience of our reader?, many of whom aro uninformed as to the present Postal Kates, wo extract and prepare the following from the existing regulations, as published in the “United States Mail :” LETTER POSTAGE—PREPAYMENT. Tho law requires the postage on all let ters to he prepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes—payment in money being pro hibited. All drop letters must also be pre paid. The ouly letters on which payment is not demanded, are those addressed to tho President or Vice President, Members of Congress, and letters on official business to the Chiefs of the Executive Departments of tho Government, the heads of bureaus, and chief clerks, and others invested with the franking privilege. RATES. The rate of letter postage is 3 cents per half ounce throughout the United States, and 3 cents for each additional half ounce or fraction thereof. Tho ten cent Pacitio rate is abolished. The rate of postage on drop letters is two ecuts per half ounce or fraction thereof, at all offices where free delivery by carrier is established. Where such free delivery is not established, the rate is ono cent. NEWSPAPER POSTAGE. The following is tlie postage on news papers, when sent from the office of publica tion, to regular subscribers: Postage on Daily Tapers to subscribers, when prepaid quarterly, or yearly, in ad vance, either at the mailing office, or office of delivery, per quarter, 35 cents. Six times per week, per quarter 30 conts For Tri-Weekly, per quarter 15 cents For Semi-Weekly, per quarter 10 cents For Weekly, per quarter 5 cents Meekly newspapers (one copy only), 6ent by tbo publisher to actual subscribers, within tho county where printed and pub lished, free. FOSTAGB ON TRANSIENT MATTERS—BOOKS ANII CIRCULARS. Books, not over 4 oz. in weight, to ono address, 4 cents; over 4 ounces, and not over 8 ounces, 8 cents; over 8 ounces and not over 12 ounces, 12 cents; over 12 ounces, and not over 16 ounces, 16 cents. Circulars, not oxeeeding three in number, to one address, 2 cents; over tbreo, and not over six, 4 cents ; over six, and not ozer nine, 6 conts; over nine, and not exceedin'*- twelve, 8 cents. • MISCELLANEOUS. On miscellaneous mailable matter, em bracing all pamphlets, occasional publica tinns, transient newspapers, hand-bills and posters, book manuscripts and proof sheets, whether corrected or not, maps, prints, en gravings, sheet musio, blanks, flexible pat terns, samples nnd sample cards, photo graphic paper, letter, envelopes, postal en velopes or wrappers, cards, paper, plain or ornamental, photographic representations of different types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots nnd scious, the postage to bo prepaid by stamps, is, on one package to one ad dress, not over 4 ounces in weight, 2 conts; over 1 ounces, and not over 8 tmuces, 1 cents; over 8 oitneee, and not over 12 ounce*, (1 cents; over 12 ounces, and not over It ounces, 8 cents. now TO BH WRAPPED. All mail matter not sent at letter rates of postage, embracing hooks, hook manuscripts, proof-sheets and all other printed matter, except seeds, must be so wrapped or envel oped with open sides or ends as to enable the postmaster to examine the package without destroying tho wrapper, otherwise such packagos must be rated with letter postage. No communication, whether in writing or in print, cau ho sent with any seeds, roots, cuttings, or scions, maps, en gravings or other matter not printed, ex cept upon the separate payment of postage upon each separate matter, at the establish ed rates. Boots & Shoes, The Oldest Shoe House in the State . . WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS and SHOE FINDINGS OFJALL DESCRIPTIONS For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. No. 258 Broad Street, two doors above the Globo Hotel. ap2l—2m CONLEY. FORCE A CO. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES Pyf M. Colien, RROAD STREET, Has just received alarge SPRANG STOCK of the Latest styles of Ladies’, Missis’, Gonts’, and Boys’ SHOES consisting in partof— Ladies’ GAITERS Misses’ SLIPPERS Ladies’ Kid SHOES Ladies’ Morocco SHOES Gents’ Pump Sole BOOTS Gents’ OXFORD TIES Gents’ OXFORD TIES, patent leather Boys’ lied Top BOOTS Children’s Coppor Tipped BOOTS and SHOES All styles of BOOTS and SHOES, for Boys and Girls ; the latest styles Gents' lIATS ; a large lot ol TRUNKS and VAL ISES. Also a fine assortment of STRAW HATS at New York Prices. Don’t forget the place— 182J BROAD STREET, apt-3m Opposite Augusta Hotel. Down With High Prices! rn BOOTS AND SHOES, VJ BROGANS Phj* asp TRUNKS At Wholesale and Retail . We would respectfully inform tbo people of Augusta and surrounding country, that we have opened a branch of our New York city Store at 314 Broad ttrect, where we are now prepared to show all in want of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS and TRUNKS, The host selected nnd finest stock of Goods in this section of the country. To City and Country Merchants, we would say we can sell you Goods in our lire as low as you can buy the ra North ; for our Goods are direct from the Manufactu rers, as one of the firm is in tho wholesale business in New York City, and our motto is “quick sales and small profit?,” and to do a big business. One trial is sufficient to prove the truth of the above statement. Don’t forget the place. W. & C. 11. CLARENDON, 314 BROAD STREET, Augusta, (la., Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. npL-tf PALACE STABLES. THE UNDERSIGNED begg leave to return bis thanks V.V to the citizens of Augusta and the public generally for the generous pat ronage heretofore extended to him, and so licits a continuance of the same. Having recently fitted up this establish ment throughout, and added to the stock some new and ELEGANT CARRIAGES, GENTLE AND FINE HORSES CAREFUL DRIVERS, etc., etc. lie is prepared to accommodate the pub lic for occasions of BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. The especial attention of families wishing to avoid the expense of keeping carriages, horses, etc., is called to the fact that he has provided several new and elegant outfits, which will he retained EXPRESSLY FOR THIS CLASS OF BUSINESS. They may find it to their interest to make cither a special or general arrangement for them. BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TOP AND OPEN At all times kept for hire. FINE SADDLE HORSES, Among t&em two or three fine pacers, for ladies—perfectly gentle and kind. WEDDING PARTIES Will be attended in the most elegant style. FUNERAL OCCASIONS WILT, MEET WITH PROMPT ATTENTION. IIORSES AND MULES KEPT BY THE DAY WEEK MONTH OR YEAR At cuptomaiy ratos. And always on hand for sale. Pledging his best efforts to please, he hopes to merit and receive a share of tho public patronage. mhU—tf M. A. DE HONEY. Southern Express. Southern Express Company, Office, No, 179 Broad, St., EXPRESS FORWARDERS. The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM PANY is now prepared to forward, by all land Routes, on Passenger and Mail Trains — GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY, LETTERS, PARCELS AND FREIGHT TO Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Lynchburg, Petersbuig, Danville, Bristol, Greensboro’, Salisbury, Wilmington, Charlotte, Newbern, Beaufort, t Morebead City, Raleigh, Weldon, Goldsboro’, Charleston, Columbia, Morganton, Cheraw, Atlanta, Huntsville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma, Vicksburg, Jackson, New Orleans, AND ALL STATIONS ON THE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Central Railroad Richmond and Danville Railroad Piedmont Railroad South Side Railroad Petersburg Railroad North Carolina Central Railroad Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Western North Carolina Railroad Wilmington,Charlotte ft Rutherford RR Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Northeastern Railroad Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Charleston and Savannah Railroad Memphis and Charleston Railroad Louisville and Nashville Railroad Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Western and Atlantic Railroad Mobile and'Oh'O Railroad Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad South Carolina Railroad Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Georgia Railroad Macou and Western Railroad Southwestern Railroad Atlanta and West Point Railroad * West Point and Montgomery Railroad Southern Railroad Mississippi and Central Railroad New Orleans, Jackson and Great North ern Railroad Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Alabama and Mississippi Railroad Florida Central Railroad Florida and Gulf Railro and » Pensacola and Georgia Railroad. Ji 39-All Goods skipped by Adams’ 01 Hamden's Express Companies, and marked to tke care of tbe Southern “Express Com pany,” will bo promptly forwarded to desti nation. Freights shipped by Steamships to our care will be forwarded inland to destina tion, without charge for commission, storage or dray age. If orders are left at our Office, Packages and Freight will bo called for by our wagons in any part of the city, and go forward by Hrst Express. H. B. PLANT, President, fe3—6a Augusta, Ga. Medicinal. DRUGS. MEDICINES, Etc. PLUMB ft LEITNER, 212 BROAD ST., Augusta, Ga., WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DEALERS IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soapa, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stufls>, Fancy ft Toilet Articles, Brushes, GRASS ANI) GARDEN SEEDS, j»3—tf Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Miller. WE ASK THE ATTEN gg&jf tion of tbe public to this long tened and unrivalled FAMILY MEDICINE! It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have received thousands of testimo nials, showing this Medicine to be an almost never-failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon— Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side, Back and Loins, as well as in the Joints and Limbs; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains in any part of the system, Tooth-ache aud Pains in the Head aud Pace. Asa JBlood. Duxifier and Tonic for the Stomach, it seldom falls to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heart burn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ring worms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General De bility of the System. It is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramp nnd Pain in tbe Stomach, Painters’ Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds, Burns, Sprains Bruises, Frost-Bites, Chilblains, as well <« the Stings ot Insects, Scorpions, Cen tipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous In sects and Venomous Reptiles. SEE DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOTTLE. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and by r almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost' constant companion and inestimable friend of the Missionary and the Traveller —on sea and laud—and no one should travel on oar lakes or rivers without it. Price 7wenty-Five Cents, Fifty Cents, and One Dollar per Bottle. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERY WHERE. ap3—2mo Risley’s Extract of Buchu, pERFORMS THE CURES So freely promised for other preparations, iu cases of URINARY AND GENITAL DISORDERS. You who have been been beguiled by specious advertisements, and disappointed in receiving tbe expected benefit, TRY RISLEY’S BUCHU, Before concluding that all remedies of the kind are humbug, SOLD BY THE DRUGGISTS. mvl7—lm q P. HUNT, M If., Os HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur, No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row), Augusta, Ga. ial 0-Iy-3m* Hotels Restaurants. AUGUSTA HOTEL. T ONES & RICE, J PROPRIETORS. AUGUSTA, GA. The undersigned taka this method of informing their friends and tho public gene rally, that they have taken a lease upon the above WELL KNOWN HOTEL, and have bad it thoroughly renovatod and painted throughout. CLEANLINESS IN EVERYTHING Is our motto. Our tables are abundantly supplied with everything the market and country affords. . No pains will ho spared to make the Augusta Hotel a pleasant home for the traveller. JONES A RICE, fclS—ly Proprietors, Notice. Thankful for the patronage conferred on the St. CHARLES, Y will ever be ready to wait upon my guests ; and having employed one of the best bar keepers, I hope to give entire satisfaction to the public. Any number of day boarders will be accommodated with day boarding at $lO per week. Aud a few with good rooms well furnished, at the low price of sls per week. r Day Board $2.50 per day. n Pl2~tf SAM’L P. BRADFORD. SCREVEN HOUSE, gAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL .Havingbeen renovated and newly furnished, is now open for the reception of tbo travel ling public. GEO. McGINLV, Proprietor. mlilfl—6m Every kind of' printing nnd BOOK BINDING Neatly and Cheaply Executed AT THIS OFFICE. GIVE US A CALL ti Yr&J&KgT ms-r. IrZ£>/t3Bm CINCINNATI TYPE POUHLIT —AND— * PRINTING-MACHINE Wo^ SOI Vise street, Cincinnati, Bend for Specimens and mhl-6m _ Foundries, Machinery. AUGUSTA FOUzVDKY' AND machine Works, AUGUSTA, GEOBGIa rpHESE EXTENSIVE WORKS HAVING BEEN REFITTED And Supplied with ample material, The Proprietors are preparid to erect, EVERY KIND OF WORK IX TBETR LB, AT THE SHORTEST-POSSIBLE NOTIC|| BEST MANNER, • At New York or any other Northern eitj’i prices. FARMERS’ UTENSILS of all kinds; RAIL ROAD WOBK HOUSE WORK: ’ RETORTS ;FOR GAS HOUSES SUGAR MILLS; SUGAR BOILEBP Plain and Ornamental IRON RAILIXGB GIN GEAR: PULLEYS, all sizes and best Pattern*- cart and wagon uoxes HOLLOW WARE; SASH WEIGHTS, Church, School, Factory and Fire Alan BELLS; MILL WORK; » CASTINGS of all and every kind, heats or lighl, in iron or brass. BLACKSMITIIING in all its branches. fplf Railroad Companies, Car Bnildm, Factory and Mill Owners, Corporate An thcrities, and all those wishing a large amount of Castings, will find it to their id. vantage to give us a call before contractitj clsewherp. ANTI-FRICTION METAL, For Heavy or Fast Bearings, furnished it shost no tree, and warranted of best quality, JCStf Mr. J. R. Howell’s celebrated TURBINE WATER WHEEL Is me at our Foundry. PHILIP MALONE 4 CO., Augusta Foundry nnd Machine felG—Cm Augusta, £eorgit Look to your Interest. The phcenix iron works, on Marbury street, near the Cotton Factory Buildingr, known as tbe old Pistol factor)’, has been converted into- a FOUJ. DRY and MACHINE WORKS. Steam Engines, and .JJoilers, Saw Mill* Sua:ar Boilers, Mill Spindles. Gudgeon Qin Gear, Gas Retorts, Sash Weigh ts, and other IRON and BRASS CASTINGS in among the many articles of superior work manship, which we are daily furnish’Dg ts our customers, and the public geuerally, M the very lowest prices. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly filled. Competent Machinists sent to any part of the country to erect r.r repair Machinery. JOHN W. DAY, Proprietor. REFERENCES. Mr J R Unwell, Millwright, Auzust*,Gfc Mnj Geo T Jackson, Augusta, G.v. Mr W Brenner, Augusta, Ga, Mill Fw nisher. Jesse Osmond, Esq, Augusta, Ga, Car Builder. Beany & Merry, Berzelia, Ga, Proprietoa Saw Mill. Cook A Larapkin, Columbia county, Ga, Proprietors Saw Mill. mb 13—3® FISH ! OYSTERS!! QAMEI! 1 POULTRY! VEGETABLES!! FAMILY GROCERIES!!!; OF EVERY KIND AND FOR SALE LOW. Call and see me. WM. HALE (colored), Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, Augusta, Gs, . mh6—6m Furniture and Piano Hauling. JJAVING A NEW AND LIGHT Spiking Dray, I am prepared to haul FURNITOT* PIANOS, and anv thing else, without scratching or bruisiug, as is too often tia case. Orders left at my Grocery Store, <* Washington Street, between Broad U* Ellis will be promptly attended to, rt reasonable rates. Particular care given to moving Furoitit* and Pianos. M m. HALE (colored), apl4—6m Dealer in Family Groton* Old Frames Made Hew. J_JARPER ft LADEVEZE Are now prepared to RE-GILD OLD FRAMES. Parties having old portrait frames, (•• mentoes of tho past) can have made 1# LOOK AS IF NEW, If sent to their shop. No. 32 Mclntosh strtj opposite the Post-Office. rnhll-w Bills of lad ing ALWAYS ON HAS AT THE DAILY PRESS JOB OIEICt , Corner of Broad and Post-Office atr»o * jafitf Up Sfaire.