Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 16, 1866, Image 1

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i-ftt ttoiln fc.H.POGHr, Publisher k Proprietor. DAILY PS ESS ISlHS er#ry Mumtay, urrepf throughout the mtir « TVfv, thereby Knmv M* LA HO VST CIRCULATION menlN lunerled Bh I.llmthl Trrmi. |H ftC OFFICE —Corner of Pro,id an,l I ninth Streets, off atilt Pen il-OJtrt, I'p ————— —■»- ■ 9 Furniture. |H Furniture of All Descriptions. B PLATT BROTHERS, I I A 1 Formerly I_t C. A. PI,ATT A CO. 214 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. now the beat assortment nfFURNI HTRK on hand that has erer been in this and constantly receiving—consist ing of Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut SETTS. CHAMBER SETTS, SETTS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, CKN- Hi: TABLEB, BUREAUS, etc., etc. K. IN OCR ■pholrtering department ■d have SHADES, I,ace and Damask CUR- CORDS, TASSELS, GIMPS, MIOPS. CORNICES, BANDS, and all ne- articles required. Hru MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT !;?;■ still in operation. Special Orders attended to. Repairing done in of the business. 9K IN Ol B Undertakers’ department keep eonstantly on band, COFFINS of quaiitv and sire. METALLIC ■sKS and CASKETS of the most im- styles. can bo supplied with nil 'Hus of TRIMMINGS. my2—tf I NOTICE. nE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A store at No. 350 Broad Street, rear Upper Market, for the purpose of BE rRTNG OLD FURNITURE; also, KING NEW FURNITURE. [e is prepared to furnish COFFIN?. My made. He has lived in Augusta ifeen years, and was in the Third Geor Regiment during the war. hose wishing to have work well douo please give hiin a call. ALBERT WALLEN, iy24—ly .350 P>r»'ad .Street. I FURNITURE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE on band, and are receiving,a tine assortment of Ifituxe, nt very low figures. I to make to order and our line of business at irs ro-seated at a living and, opposite Monument WEST A MAY. FURNITURE! ! HOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 & TAYLOR, CRY ANP IRISTIE STREETS YORK, .rted stock of Parlor, i and Bed-Room ITURE! and BEDDING IN THE CITY. H POST BEDSTEADS, r Southern trade. HOTELS FURNISHED AT :cks. DOWN CANE WORK OST BEDSTEADS, in cases. RANTEED AS REPRESENTED. or manufacturing defy myl—ly itiatry. SPEARS, 264 BROAD STREET, Tntt’a Drug Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, riving all necessary ma to his prof, ssion, of the and best stylos. the Corn. :t D SHELL IT— AND SELL IT. aTbones r ing PLOUGHS, ONES, er thing* ED AT PRESENT. Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA.. SATURDAY JIORYISC, JUNE 16, 1866. VOL. 1. Dress Making. Mrs. E. R. Pritchard, j YI7TLL ATTEND TO AM, ORDERS ! *V for DRESS MAKING, EMBROID ERY, all kinds of KAN' V BRAIDING, BLEACHING and PRESSING. Work entrusted to her will he executed neatly and with dispatch. TELFAIR STREET, uiy26—lm Opposite Catholic Church. Hues. BEGINS’ MILLINERY A !I P DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT 142 GREENE STREET, (Near Bell Tower.) DRESSES, MANTILLAS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cut by S. T. TAILOR’S system and finished in the neatest manner. MILLINERY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, FRENCH CORSETS, etc., constantly on hand. myl 2—3 m Wheat Wanted. WHEAT ! WHEAT! HEAT I WHEAT I WHEAT! The Market Price paid for WHEAT. THOS. P. STOVALL, jn9—tf At the Excelsior Mills. WHEAT WANTED. 5000 BtftHELS NEW W ”®^, El) Highest Market price will be paid for Prime. C. A. WILLIAMS A 00. inS—l m Brokers and Merchants. JOHN CRAIG, Banking and EXCHANGE OFFICE, 2R9 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., BUYS Attn SELLS GOLD BULLION GOLD and SILVER COIN BANK NOTES BONDS, STO2KS BILLS OF EXCHANGE. my4—ly Foreign and Domestic. CHARLES D. A .HR &. CO., OQ A BROAD STREET, ZOftb STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Will buy and sell on Commission STOCKS. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER and BANK NOTES. Also. REAL ESTATE. mh27—3m Painting &. Gilding. J. J. BROWNE, Q.ILDER, LOOKING GLASS AXI) PICTURE FRAME MAKER. j OLD FRAMES RE-GILT, TO LOOK EQUAL 10 NEW, OLD PAINTINGS CAREFULLY CLEANED, LINED ANT) VARNISHED. ALL WORK WARRANTED, ANl> DONE AS CHEAPLY AS AT THE NORTH. 137 BROAD STREET, tnlilG-fim AropgTA. Ga. PAINTING, GLAZING, Etc. ALL orders connected with the above branches promptly executed in the neatest manner, on reasonable terms. SHOP NO. 48 JACKSON STREET, Near the Bel! Tower. The best quality of PAINT used, and GLASS of all sizes (obtainable) fe2o—tf BARROW. J G. COFFIN, House, Sign and Ornamental painter, Jackson St., opposite Van Winkle Range AUGUSTA, GEO. jal2—6m* KELLY A KAVAKADGII, House, sign, and DECORATIVE PAINTERS, 330 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga,, mh2s-3m Opposite Planters’ Hotel. WOOD AND LUMBER. JOHN TILKEY, Corner Fenwick and Koluock Sts. Near Augusta Factory, Keeps constantly on hand all sizes of LUMBER. Also, WOOD by the Cord or Car Load, delivered in any part of the city, my 19—1 m* RIBBONS IN EVERY NEW AND IMPROVED STYLE, at f MBS- PUOHE'S, 190 Broad Street. (The Dailg |)ttss. LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. SATURDAY MORNING June 16, 1566 SCISSORS. —lt ia stated that pickpockets re lieved General Grant of his watch, and Speaker Colfax of his purse at General Scott’s funeral. —There is something exquisite in l our countryman’s reply to the European | traveller, when he asked him whether ;he had just crossed the Alps. “Wal, I now you call my attention to the fact, I ! guess I did pass risin’ ground.” ' —A serious proposition has been made to Head Centre Stephens, to unite with Santa Anna, for the purpose |of founding an Irish Republic in Mex ico. The Canada corollaries are lo be solved before the original proposition is demonstrated. —A gigantic cotton factory, called the ‘‘Manassas” manufactory, has been built at Carrollton, Miss. It contains 180,000 spindles, 1,800 looms, and goes into operation July Ist. The stock now stands 15 per cent, above par. —One Johu M. Dugnal publishes a volume of blank verse with the pretty title of “Daisy Swan,” which for origi nality and delicacy of diction beats Walter Whitman hollow. Athol, the hero, heroically declares— “ We’ll yet lower the pride of That pusillanimous puke !" A style of verse which the Albany Argus calls “the true epic, or rather epic-ac /” —“Rould aisy, Mike,” said one of two Irish pedestrians, as he approached a milestone. “Thread lightly,” said he, “for here lies an ould man.” Pat care fully spelled out the inscription, “Balti more 154 miles,” and then continued, “He was 154 years onld, and his name was Miles, from Baltimore.” —The Portland Argus says that Captain J. J. Boyd has secured a patent which will make a complete revolution in applying buttons to garments. By this invention buttons can be attached to any part of wearing apparel without the use of thread. The invention con sists solely in making the button with a wire, to be inserted into the cloth like a cork-screw, and then pressed down flat, so as to form a riug, to hold the button iu place. Death of Col. Samuel Buffington. —We learn that this event took place at his residence in St, Augustine, on Friday, the Ist inst., and on Sunday afternoon he received interment from the hands of the Masonic Fraternity. Few men in Florida, perhaps, are more generally known to her people than Colonel Buffington, among whom he had a ho3t of friends. He moved to this city from Milledgeville, Ga., many years ago, and established the House which bore his name, and betaine at once distinguish and for his genial char acter, and libera! public spirit, laying the foundation for that personal pop ularity which early after bore him to the Legislature of the State as a Represen tative from Duval county. The unfor tunate fire of 1859, which destroyed his large aud popular hotel, determined his removal to St Augustine, and lost to this city an enterprising and worthy citizen, whose presence and enterprise have been since seriously felt by this community. We have not been able to learn any of the particulars of his death. He had attained the meridian of life, and from the apparent enjoyment of high health, he Las been thus suddenly called to a higher lodge by the Supreme Master, where he will enjoy perpetual rest from his labors. Ho leaves a worthy family who have our unaffected sympathies. —Jacksonville [Fla.) Union, 9th inst. French Lessons. T ADIES WISHING TO LEARN THE Li FRENCH LANGUAGE, may apply to Mademoiselle H. ARCHER, 31 Reynolds Street. References can be bad at the French Store. juS—lrn STYLES, GREAT PROFUSION OP LADIES’ and MISSES’ HATS and BONNETS Trimmed and untrimmod. MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 Broad Street. BONNET RIBBONS, in different, styles MEDALLION RIBBONS Just receivod at 190 Broad street. MBS. E. H- PUGHE- Ice Dealers. Ice Delivered Free TO CUSTOMERS, IN ANY PART OF the City, who will take TEN POUNDS or MORE. Oir charges are—For LESS than FIFTY POUNDS. FOUR CENTS per pound. For FIFTY POUNDS and OVER, THREE CENTS. Ice House, near the Bell Tower, one door South of Greeno Street. ICE can be hsd at any time, day or night at the Ice House. my23—3m PORTER A SEGO. ICE • Fresh mutton,' AND Fresh. Beef! ALWAYS ON HAND CORNER CAMPBELL A ET.LTR STS. H. B. WILLIS. my27—lm Ice Notice! A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF ICE may he found at THE AUGUSTA ICE HOUSE, opposite tho South Carolina Kail Road Depot, and at the Branch House on Jackson Street, immediately in the rear of Antoine Poullnin's s f oro. Both houses will be open for del if try of ICE from 6 o'clock, a. m., until 7 o’clock, p. m (Sundays excepted.) The hours ou Sunday from 6 to 9 a.m.; fr ua 12 to 2 p. m.. and from 6 to 7 p. m. The above hour®, on Sunday, will not be deviated from unless a physician’s certificate renders it neoessnr}'. Price for the present for 50 lbs. and up wards, three (3) cents per pound; four (4) cents per lb. at retail. ap4—tf ICE. 'J'hk Mclntosh street # Tee House (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE) IS NOW OPEN. Prices for the present four (4) a pound, retail. For fifty pounds or more three (3) cents. R. A. HARPER & CO. apt 4—3 m ( colored). Snuff & Tobacco. AUGUSTUS BGHNE, OOA BROAD STREET. tJZ\r (Opposite Planters’Hotel Has always on hard a large assortment of IMPORTED A DOMESTIC SEGARS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meersehaum PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES. Etc., AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PKICEB. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL Uiy2-3m] TERMS. P. HANSBERGER & CO-, CORNER BROAD A M’INTOSD Slo. (Opposite Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN And Importers and Manufacturers of HAVANNA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipes and Tobacco of all kinds, Lorilliard’s, Rappeo, STooceboy, Scotch SNUFFS, ETC. mys-3m SEGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE. ESTABLISHED IN 1544. Q VOLGER A CO., Importers and Manufacturers of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, AND CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF AND PIPES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Nos. 193 and 254 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA mhßO—3m . Tobacoo, Snuff, Iron and Bacon. 200 COXKS TOBACCO, VARIOUS BRANDS AND GRADES. From Common to Fine. TWO HUNDRED KEGS AND BARRELS SCOTCH AND MACCABOY SNUFF, A Good Article. THIRTY TONS IRON, All Sizes, including Band, Hoop, Round and Square- A Fow Hogsheads PRIME BRIGHT BACON SHOULDERS. For Sala by NEAL, WHITLOCK & CO. jaSO—tf BROAD STREET. ITiLLS OF LADING ) ALWAYS ON HAND AT THU DAILY PRESS JOB OIEICR. Corner of Broad and Poet-Oftice streetr, jafttf I'p Stall.. NO. 142. Medicinal. * DRUGS, MEDICINES, Etc. PLUMB k LETTNER, 212 BROAD ST., Augusta, Ga., WHOLESALE and retail DEALERS IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALB, PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Dye Stnflfa, Fancy A Toilet Articles, Brushes, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, jaS—tf Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer. tWE ASK THE ATTEN tion of the public to this long tested and unrivalled FAMILY MEDICINE! It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have receiver l thousands of testimo nials, showing this Medicine to be an almost never failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon— Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side. Back aud Loins, as well as in the Joints and Limbs; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains in any part of the system. Tooth-ache aud Pains in the Head and Face. Asa Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Stomach, it seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heart burn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ring worms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General De bility of the System. It is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramp and Pain in thelStomaeh, Painters’ Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Intantuiu, Scalds, Burns, Sprains Bruises, Frost-Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Cen tipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous In sects and Venomous Reptiles. SEE DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOTTLE. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the Missionary and the Traveller —on sea and land—and no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Price Iventy-Five Cents, Fifty Cents, and One Dollar per Bottle. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERY WHERE. ap3—2mo Risley’s Extract of Buchu, pERFORMS THE CURES So freely promised for other preparations, in cases of URINARY AND GENITAL DISORDERS. You who have been been beguiled by specious advertisements, and dissppointed in receiving the expected benefit, TRY RISLEY’S BUCIIU, Before concluding that all remedies of tho kind are humbug. SOLD BY THE DRUGGISTS. myl7—lm Q P. HUNT, M I).. O* HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur, No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row), Augusta, Ga. ialfl-lv—lm* Roofing. LOOK TO YOUR ROOFS. Having secured the state RIGHT OF THE EXTENT MICA ROOFING, Wo are now prepared to supply it in any quantity, or to appiv it to Roofs. The MICA ROOFING is adapted to build ings of every descr prion, and can be ap plied to Steep or Flat Roofs, or over old Shingle Roofs, without removing the shin gles. Wo recommend its use on Factories, Foundries, Store J'ouses, Cotton Sheds, Radroad Depots and upon all buildings where steam is used, and a Fire Proof re quired. It costs about one-half the price of Tin. It is cheap, durable, and is easily and quickly applied. The upper surface *of the Roofing is protected fr**m the action of tho weather, by its covering of Ground Mica, which is pressed into the water proof com position, making a hard surface of stone, benutiful in appearance, aud a sure protec tion against fire. W»* shall also keep constantly on band a supply of INDIA RUBBER ROOFING PAINT, which is the best coating that can be used for Tin Roofing. Leaky Tin Roofs can be readily repaired, so as to last many years, at a trifling cost, which would in many eases save the expense of anew Roof. Full directionv for applying, and prices, sent on application. COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. SCOFIELD, YVILLLAMS & CO., Corner Jackeon aud Ellis Streatf. ap!9—-3m fjjf Baity Ps. BOOK AND JOB PBIUTISG or EVERY DESCRIPTION lUCUTW IN THE BEST MANNER. The Fattett Power Preuee, and Beat of Workmen enable* u* to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Bate* than ehewhere. Foundries, Machinery. MACHINERY FOR THE SOUTH WILLIAM PENDLETON. H. M. BOARDMAN PENDI.ETON & BOARDMAN, PRACTICAL MACHINISTS and ENGINEERS, Iron *Works ! 189 REYNOLDS STREET, (On the Premises of W. H. Goodrich,) AUGUSTA, Ga., Are prepared to furnish to order, at low rate*, every description of MACHINERY needed in the South. Such as STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS—PORTABLE or STATIONARY. * CIRCULAR, MTJLEY and GANG SAW MILLS, of the latest improvements. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, HORSE POWERS, COTTON GINS, IRON RATLING, DECORATIVE IRON WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS either heavy or light. RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING, and all STEAM ENGINE FINDINGS. IPUIMIIPS! We have constantly on band PUMPS of overy description—FOßCE, LIFT AMD HY DRANT. New Pumps put up and old onos repaired. REPAIRING OF MACHINERY! We have facilities for promptly repairing every description of MACHINERY, heavy or light; and wlore parties desire work done on their premises will furnish compe tent Machinists at reasonable rates. my2s—3m Look to your Interest. THE PHOENIX IRON WORKS, ON Mnrbnrv street, near the Cotton Factory Building, known as the old Pistol factory, has been converted into a FOUN DRY and MACHINE WORKS. Steam Engiuea, and Boilers, Saw Mill*, Sugar Boilers, Mill Spindles, Gudgeons, Gin Gear, Gas Retorts, Sash Weights, and other IRON and BRASS CASTINGS are among tho many articles of superior work manship, which we are daily furnishing to our customers, and the public generally, at the very lowest prees. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly filled. Competent Machinists sent to any part of the country to erect or repair Machinery. JOHN L. DAY, Proprietor. REFERENCES. Mr J R Howell, Millwright, Augusta, Ga. Maj Geo T Jackson, Augusta, Ga. Mr W Brenner, Augusta, Ga, Mill Fur nisher. Jesse Osmond, Esq, Augusta, Ga, Car Builder. Reenv A Merry, Berzelia, Ga, Proprietors Saw Mill. Cook & Lnmpkin, Columbia county, Ga, Proprietors Saw Mill. jul4—3m HORSE SHOEING, pATRIGK SHARKEY, HORSE SIIOER AND BLACKSMITHING GENERALLY. Remember the location—Bounded on the North by Broad Street; on the South by Ellis Street; and located in Centre Street, between the two of them. ja.3l—6m Mosher, Thomas & Schaub, O A A BROAD STREET— Under Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GA., Direct Importers aud Dealers in ENGLISH AND FRENCH China! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH and AMERICAN Grlass W are! AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND • AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. us, and w< will oonvinco you that you can save the Freight from New York to this Point. Josiah Mosher, J. Jefs-ersoh Thomas, mh3—6m George Schaub. NEW FIRM. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Asso ciated themselves in trade under the firm of CLARKE & BOWE, For tho purpose of conducting a GENERAL COTTON AND PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS, And have taken the close brick store house on Ellis, between Washington and Monu ment streets, where wo are now prepared to receive on storage, or for sale, COTTON and all othor kinds of COUNTRY PRO DUCE. Strict personal attention to all business guaranteed. A share of public patronage solicited. 11. E. CLARKE, ia26—6m R. J. BOWE. Lime, Plaster, and Cement. 1 BBLS fkfsh I,«JUU ROCKLAND LIME 50 bbls PLASTER 50 bbls Hydrulie CEMENT Just received and for sale by mv29—tf CURKE & BOWE. BRICKS pOR SALE. Apply to R. J. BOWE, Executor, Ellis Street, in rear Thoe- H. Rhodes. j«2C—«tu