Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 16, 1866, Image 2

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(ilit pail!) %itrfes. lAItUBsT CITY CIRCULATION. AtOWSTA. C*A.« SATURDAY MORNINH.....«Jui>4 “ Democratic Gains ” The telegraph tells us of Democratic gains in Washington Territory, and, if we interpret correctly, of Democratic gains in the far off State of Oregon. “Democratic gains 1" bow that re minds us of the good old times when battles were fought with ballots instead of bullets, and when the ‘'lists of killed and wounded ” were mere trifles, only the work of John Barleycorn, at some disputed point, and nothing to be much alarmed about. But then, *' time changes, and with it all things change/ and armies have taken the place of parties and bullets of ballots; the good and great have gone down in battle ( and “we shall know them no more for ever.” Tyranny and oppression have been substituted for 11 liberty and inde pendence,” and sectional hatred for that glorious old feeling which knew “no North, no South, no East, no West”— only one common, one great, one glori ous country. 'For this sad change pa triots have wept and prayed thut better days might dawn upon our country once more. When the wires flash the glad tidings of “ Democratic gains ” to us, we feel as though these prayers may yet be answered. We feel as though there was hope yet— “ life in the old land yet,” and that the days of fanaticism and tyranny are drawing to a close. We feel thus hope ful because we know that the Demo cratic party, whatever may have been its faults and errors in the past, is now the only bulwark of safety, the only beacon of hope, for our downtrodden section. It is the nucleus around which the good men of all parties, North and South, can rally for the re stor tion of the Union and the perpe tuity ot the principles upon which it was founded. It is not singular, therefore, that the people of the South, as well as the patriotic of the North should r -joice at the intelligence that the Democrats buve carried this State, or have made gains in that State. Our good wishes attend them, and we hope the ball will roll on from the P icific to the Atlantic, and from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, until it shall have crushed to atoms the huge despotism which the wild passions ot the hour have erected upon the ruins ot the grand old temple of Constitutional liberty. The Wat the South is Miurepre sested. —Senator Trumbull, some days since made something of a stir upon a pe tition said to be from Augusta County, Va., asking for tbe return of Federal soldiers there, to keep peaco and order. Tbe Hun. A. U. 11. Stuart, member of Congress elect from that district, never having beard of such a potition there, sent to Congress for a copy, but. none was allowed to go to him. Finally, however, one was got, and most of tt>o signatures were found to be fogeries. Mr. Stuart says: Une ot the petitioners, a baker by trade, bur bad the candor to acknowledge that bo did so bceause he had tound the United States troops profitable customers when they were here before, and he thought if they were sent back they would enlarge his mar ket for bread Probably others were influenced by mo tives equally patriotic and disinterested. MARRIED, On Thursday evening, June 14tb, at St. Jtinier’ M E. Church, by the Rev. tie. rgo Kramer, MARTIN V. CALVIN, Associate News Editor of the Augusta I'hrmi'ele & Sentinel, and Miss ABUIE daughter of Capt. JOHN CAKNIOIIAN, of Charleston, S. 0. Tbe highest confidence ever implied hy one bumun being in another is exhibi ed in tbe satisfied, confiding security that a husband gives his wile —bis greatest treas ure. JUST- Charleston papers please copy. In Savannah. Ua., on the 13th inst., by Rev. S. Landrum, AUVERGNE D’ANTIG NAC, of Augusta, Ga., aud Miss MARY S. FERRILL, daughter of John C. Ferrill, Esq., of Savannah, Ga. On Tuesday, June 12th, by the Rev. W. B. W. Howe, P. GADSDEN HASELL aud ELEANOR, daughter of Commodore D. N. Ingraham, all of Charleston, S. C. In Atlanta, Ga., on the evening of the 13th inst., by Rov. R. Q. Mallary, Mr. T. D. ADAMS, of Roswell, Ga., and Miss MARY S. ROBERTS. At Leadside, S. C., on the evening of the 39th, by tbe Rev. B. Johnson, of Abbeville, GEO. B. ADDISON, of Edgefield, and MARY CARROLL, eldert daughter of the late Hon. Preston S. BROOKS. On tbe stb inst., at tbe residence of Mr. 6. W. Gardner, tbe bride's father, hy the Rev. D. D. Brunson, Mr WM. M. HEATII and Mrs. BETTIE THOMAS, all of Edge field, S. C. On Wednesday evenisg, June 6, 1863, at Grace Church, Charleston, 8. C., by the Rev. Mr Pinckney, STRATFORD B. WOODBERRY. of Charleston, and Miss VICTORIA IDA COCKROFT, daughter of Mr. A. Cockroft, of Beaufort, 8. C. On May 14, 1866, by the Rev. Dr. P. Ryan, Mr. GUST NOKDELL and Miss MARGARET BURK, both of Charleston, S. C. DIED. On Wednesday, the 13th instant, at bis residence in Greene Street, Charleston, M/t. SAMUEL GAGE MILLS. . August* Market. AttatiTi, Oli, June GOLD—Baying 143 S sailing 148. SlLVEß—Buying 116 l sailing 140. COTTON—Market quiet. Salaa limited. Middling 32c ; strict middling 33 ; good middling *4. Special Notices. flCgg=»Dß. J. P. H. BROWN, DENTIST (formerly of Atlaute), Office 230 Broad Street, over llrrecy’i Clothing Store. All Dental Operations eieouted in the best, neatest nnd mat durable manner. my 19 —3m* New Advertisements. The Noble Steer, “Bragg." THIS TREMENDOUS ANI MAL was not related to the yj/i „n* was captured by Boone, and caused »o much excitement in the war in Chili f but one that has figured greatly in the American war: and waa selected from a drove of Keniucky Beef by General Buell, who had promised himself a great repast, when he was surpris*d by General Bragg, aud captured and carried into his camp; when he was changed to a farmer In Tennessee for 18 horses, 32 bead of cattle, and two mules. After awhile John ston fell back from Tennessee, and General Wheeler made a raid there and re-captured the same Beef again. Ho theu was styled Chief of Artillery, on account of bis size, and used to haul the famous Long Tom (a guu captured by Gen. Johnston in Virginia.) From his long and tedious tramp, and being heavily bur dened, he became so pour that he was dis abled from travelling, when be was turned loose to pick for himself. He strayed into a farm y trd where be was immediately cared for and recognized by the farmer's son. lie was sold in Atlanta by the farmer's son and realized money enough to buy two brick yards aid a saw mill, from which be has furnished material enough to rebuild half of Atlauta. Was bought by Mr. John Foster, Jr., and killed for W. B. Willis, ami which he offers for sale, on the Ice, in small quantities to-day. Jai-Pefaont procuring some of this Beef fr'-m him to day, can lay it on lee until it is wanted for use Sunday. julfi-lt Important to Planters! THE RICHMOND FACTORY Is now prepared to manufacture Wool for Planters, as formerly, in io Plain or Twillefl Cloth, at 30 cents a yard for the Plain, and 83§ cents per yard for tbe Twilled. Wool carded into Rolls at 15 cents per pound. All packages should have the owner’s name plainly marked on the same, aud all instructions, etc., sent to FLEMING As ROWLAND, Agents, in Augusta. Charges lor manufacturing payable on delivery of goods. A. JOHNSTON, President Richmond Factory. juiß—lm Just Received. pOWDERED SUGAR Granulated and Yellow C SUGAR Common Cuba SUGAR Java and Rio COFFEE Ferina »t>d Butter CRACKERS Paragon ALMONDS PEACHES, in 2 and 3 lb cans LEMONS Family Soap—various brands Barrel PICKLES TO ARRIVE. BACON—Hams aud Shoulders LARD Cider VINEGAR, ete., At 308 Broad Street. juIO-1 JAMES STOGNER. Cheap ! Cheap! Cheap ! 1 200 BUSHIiLS PRIME CORN burnt lbs BACON—for Plantation use 75 bbls Superfine FLOUR. And a general assortment of CHOICE Gr< >ceries, For pale low, by CERATY & ARMSTRONG, ju6—3 337 Broad Street. Genuine Soft Shell Turtle Soup P REE FOR ALL! Made with all tbe Flourishes, Will be served up TO-DAY, AT THE “OGLETHORPE” Retwcen the hours of II A.M. amWl P.M. julfi—l* Barber Shop and Bath House. NEW AND ELEGANT BARBER SHOP and BATH HOUSE Is now open at Hewitt’s Globe Hotel. Prof. JOSEPH CANET. julfi—lw KENNEDY & RUSSELL, WATCH MAKERS AND ft /gm JEWELLERS. Watches, -.it Jgp Clocks, and Jewel'y carefully ■gSjgQjMfcreijniretl and warranted. Wheeler 4c WiUon’i Sewing Machines repaired. All Work Neatly and Promptly executed. 290 Bruad Street, up stairs. mh7 —ly Estray Mules. TWO MULES TAKEN UP ON WED NESDAY NIGHT last. The owner is hereby notified he ran find tho same at Mutual Accommodation Stables, corner of Jaeksun and Ellis Streets. jel6—lw TO RENT. TWO COMFORTABLE FURNISHED Sleeping Rooms, conveniently located, i Inquire at this office. je!s-2t tfry Goods, Notion*. J9Q BRO&.D STREET. 190 Mrts. E. 11. Pughe,, BAS SOW OS & A Fine Stock Jpr New Goods JHH |||P|||k Etc., Etc., CONSISTING OF IN MOURNING GOODS: GRENADINE BAREGE CREPE MERETZ ‘ CIIALLIES DeLAINES BOMBAZINES LAWNS—Black and Plain LAWNS—Figured LAWNS—PIaid ALPACA POPLINS—BIack and White GINGHAMS CALICOES, Etc. GRENADINE—CoIored GRENADINE BAREGE—figured CAMBRIC MUSLlNS—Figured LAWNS ORGANDIES BISHOP LAWN MESSEIJA N AlNSOOK—Cheeked and Plain SWlSS—Dotted and Plain SWlSS—Striped aud Checked BRILLIANTES CHAMBREYS DEBAGE MOHAIR—Leno MOHAIR—PIaid PERCOLES POPLINS PARIS POPLINETTES CALICOES MUSLINS GINGHAMS, etc. fLADtEti' and Misses' TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED Bonnets LATEST AND IMPROVED STYLES Flowers aud Ribbons IN GREAT VARIETY. WHITE GOODS : FLANNEL—for Infant’s Wear LINENS SHIRTINGS TABLE DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS LINEN SHEETINGS P. C. COTTONS VARIETIES: PARASOLS SUN SHADES FANS HOOP SKIRTS HOSlEßY—Ladies’ and Misses’ HOSIERY—Boys’ and Gents’ LACE MITTS KID GLOVES—aII Colors L. C. Pocket HANDKERCHIEFS • SHIRT BOSOMS COLLARS—Linen and Paper LADIES’ LINEN COLLARS nnd CUFFS—Embroidered & Plaiu HAT ORNAMENTS I)RESS ORNAMENTS DRESS CORDS ALPACA and SILK BRAID SKIRT BRAID MANTILLAS LACE MANTILLAS SILK MANTILLAS Mali LACE POINTS JpHa INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS CAMBRIC JACONET SWISS, etc. LADIES’ EMBROIDERED and HEMSTITCHED IIDKFS ®S»AII of the above Goods, with a’ great variety of valuable and necessary articles, can be bought cheap, at 190 Broab Sreet, Mrs. E. EL PUGHE’S. Job Printing House! Corker Broad and Mclntosh Streets opposite post orrics, up stairs. This establishment has been furnished *ith everything in the TYPE and PRESS DEPARTMENT that the hast F"undore could supply, and is prepared tu execute orders for every descrip tion of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL Job Printing FOR MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS MECHANICS AUCTIONEERS BANKS RAIL ROADS STEAMBOATS EXPRESS COMPANIES INSURANCE COMPANIES HOTELS RESTAURANTS BOARDING-HOUSES THEATRES CONCERT HALLS CLERKS OF COURTS SHERIFFS CONSTABLES LAWYERS DOCTORS DENTISTS COLLEGES SCHOOLS §And for all other persons, corporations fur twenty years, and having new and ihe petition for any and P BCfcJSpecimens of work can be seen at our Office. Call and WE PRINT Business Cards Checks Visiting Cards Nytea “At Home" Cards Drafts Wedding Cards Prices Current Ball Cards Title Deeds Show Cards Trust Deeds Admission Cards Leases Election Cards Receipts Time Tables Tax Rills Way-Bills Licenses Circulars Bonds Bill-Heads. Insurance Policies Shippers’ Receipts Calendars Steamers’ Bills Notices Druggists' Labels Bills of Lading Tobacco Labels Manifests Clothing Labels. Bills of Fare Dray Tickets Concert Bills Coal Tickets Programmes Wood Tickets Theatre Bills Bread Tickets Show Bills Milk Tickets Posters, all sizes Reward Tickets Passenger Tickets Election Tickets. All work ordered wiH be done in the most artistic manner, and at very low priceb JOB PRINTING HOUSE, CORNER OF Broad & Mclntcsh Sts. up stairs. Printing in every color, shape and form, ON ANY KIND OF PAPER, EXECUTED PROMPT, NEAT, CHEAP. E. 11. PUGHE, OFFICE OF THE DAILY PRESS, Corner Broad and Mclntosh sts., Up Stairs, Auocsta, Ga. Boarding. BOARDING. Gentlemen desiring day board cau be a«com wo dated with tb* §»u»e 1 by Applying at N»». 145 U»#*ne A \ limited number cau bo furnished with Ho*ri and lodging. je!s—■dua Boarding, Corner ei.lis and cumminu sts., by MRS. E. K. SKGO. Per Day.... $1.50 Per Week 7 00 Per Month ~..25 00 Good Pare and comfortable Lodging, jul*— Im CHEAP BOARDING. Mrs. hicks is now prepared to accommodate Day DOAKDKKS lor $1.50 per day, $7.00 per week, or $25 u 0 per month, on (Jreene Street, north side, third door below the Bell Tower. my 15— 1 m Rail Roads. Central Rail Road. OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL R. R., 1 Savannah, Ga.. June 12. 1866. ( O.N and after to-morrow the Passenger Trains of this Load will be run as follows, viz: Up Day Passenger Train Leave Savannah, daily, a» 8 00 a. m. Arriw hi Macon at 8.00 r>. in. Arrive at Augusta at 6.15 p. m. Down Day Ptt*9cnyer Train Leave Macon, daily, at 7.00 a. ;n. Leave Augusta at 3*45 a. in. Arrive at Savannah at 7 05 p. in. Up Nig h t Passenger Train Leave Savannah, daily, at 7.05 p. tn. Arrive a r Macon at 7.00 a. in. Arrive at Augusta at 4.00 a. in. Down Night Pai-engrr Train Leave Macon, daily, a f 5.40 p. m. Leave Augusta or 8 25 p. m. Arrive at Savannah at 5.30 a. m. J lillrdyevitlt and Gordon Train « Connect dnilv wrh the Up Dov and Down Night Passenger Trains of this Road at Gordon, Leaving hVonton nt 150 p. m. Leaving Milledgevilic at 3.55 p. m. Ret urn in?— Arrive at Milledgc-ville at 8.15 p. m. Arrive at Eaton tun at 10.20 p. m. jels-2w WM. M. WaDLEY, Pres’t. Change of Schedule on the Ga. R. R. f»SiA.LI l OXand AFTER THURSDAY, June 7th, 1860, the traius on this Road will run as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN WILL Loave Augusta 7 00 a. m. Arrive nt Atlanta ft 35 p. m. Leave Atlanta 6 15 a. m. Arrive at Augunta 6.00 p. m. NIGIIT PASSENGER TRAIN WILL Leavo Augusta- 6.25 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta 5 30 a. m. Leave Atlanta 6 30 p m. Arrive at Augusta 5 25 a. m. Both Trains connect at Augusta with Trains on Central Rail K« ad; tbe Night Train with Train on South Carolina Rail Road, and at Atlanta wih Trains on Macon & Western Rail Road. Atlanta k West Point Rail Road, aud Western k Atlantic Rail Road. E. W. COLE, juß—2m General Sup*. Central R. R. Cos, Savannah, Ga. L'ROM AND AFTER JUNE Ist. DRY * GOODS, CLOTHING and MEKCHAN DISK in general packed in trunks, will be charged n> in first class, instead of third class, as *t present. This change is made necessary in consequence of tho facility for pilfering afforded by the present mode of packing in trunks. J. M. SELKIRK. M. TANARUS., C. R. R. Savannah, April 20, 1866. In accordance with »ho above notice, Trunks packed with Goods or Merchandise of any description wdl be charged in first class hy our tariff. WM. M. WADLEY, in B—lm President. Country Merchants YT7ILD FIND IT TO THEIR \V ADVANTAGE To call and examine the STOCK at I. KAHN & CO’S. A* they receive NEW GOODS daily, julo—6m City Taxes. The city tax digest, for is 66, has b*-eu placed in iny hands for Col lection. All persons indebted for such Taxes are required to pay the same with in sixty days alter date. City Currency and City of Augusta Coupons which fell due ou and after April Ist, ult.. will be received in payment, Persons who have failed to make their returns, are notified that if these are not made before the 20 h i» stant they are liable to a fine of not exceeding $lO every day they remain in default. I. P. GARVIN, follector and Treasurer C. A. June 9. 186 ft. j u 9— 10 Just Received. Anew invoke of thermome- TERS, made to order aud warranted, Travelling and Business ALARMS. Also, a variety of Fan»*y Goods. AH of which are for sale low at the old stand of A PRONTAUT, 163 Broad Street, ju!3—4t Below Augusti Hotel. Straw Goods J7OR LADIES AND GENTS, SELLING VERY LOW AT I. KAHN & CO’S, ju!s—6m 262 Bruad Street. Bricks aud Shingles for Sale. First quality of bricks— IN ANY QUANTITY delivered or shipped anywhere. ALSO 300,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES. Apply to l-OUIS DELAIGLE, B. BIUXON, lu6 if Execute™ Amusements. Cctillcn Baud. TIIE CKDERf IGBEB ANXOHtr* I*, the public generally. that ,h_ * now risdy, with their STRING BAJifl to furniab ,«>id Munir at rkorteat Batfett. Pit Nits, Parti*, Serenades tr,d ii] „ lL r“ Pleasure Partita at the lowest |.<>uib|» l .,"V fisher 4 Baku JOS' Order, left with Mr. Charles huja win be pr. mplly tttei ded to. jnS— In* Fcr Kent acd £ai e . ~~ House and Lot For Sale. TYrO. 234 GREENE STREET— „ COTTAGE Hom Containmr four Rooms, pood Kitchen, aud necssary ouibailtUiq;?, Lot 30 feet front by 165 teet deep! P c , session given Ist of Oi tober. ' ” For further particular? apply to J. N. FREEMAN ju!3—tf 312 BROAD STREET. TO REST. A A COMMODIOUS BTORE, Fitted up with Shelves, Drawers, u < Counters. Under Planters’ Hotel- Apply at 313 Broad Street. jul2—tf To Rent, UNTIL Ist OF OCTOBER NEXT * comfortable CoftaL-e HOUSE, uo its corner of Telfair and Forsyth streets. It contains four Ri ms. with fireplace in On the p'r.-e is a Ki’eben. servant’s ruon and Smoke House, ete. Apply at tbe residence of JOHN FOSTER, Sb,. ju!2—6* River Bank. BUILDING LOTsi SIXTY LOTS ELIGIBLY LOCATED just without the Corporate Limiu. They are on the old Savannah It- ad,extend ing directly from what is known as Twir U Street. ** Terms —Reasonable. Apply to LOUIS DELAIGLE, B. BIG NON, jufi—tf Executors. Groceries, Liquors. CLARET. JUST RECEIVED— -500 cases of Imporred Pe«t CLARET, For sale VERY LOW, at iul.l—Pm L KAHN k CO.'S, SPARKLING ALE! /IjPpSaWiA FRESH SUPPLY OF “E. YOUNG’S ALE.” for sals low. •' F'ne supply of Mackerel k, tbe kit aud half barrel For sa'e hv jelS—fit CLARKE A DERRY. Choice Country Bacon. 40Tlfl LBS ' c P I ' NTKY ba CON. ttv/UU Hams, Shoulders and bidet, for family use. Together with a full assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Etc., Etc. FOB SALE BY JOHN NELSON A SOX. jnlO—6t SUNDRIES. QHHDS. BACON— OvJ SIDES and SHOULDEB3 25 bbis FLOUR 50 kb;? WHlSKEY—different grade) 25 bbls MOLASSES | 5 bbls Bee Hive SYRUP I 25 sacks COFFEE 25 half chests TEA—very fine | 25 boxes PlCKLES—quarts, 1 gallonl, ■ * and gallon iars 25 boxes LOBSTERS—I and 2!b Cat) 1 1 bfl cases Wahoo BITTERS 50 boxes SOAP 50 b .xes CANDLES 20 nests Cedar nnd Painted TUBi 55 doeen BUCKETS 25 dozen BKOOMS 15 dozen SKIVES In store and for sale low. We have also on hand a small lot of SHOES AND IIATS Which will be ssid VERY LOW to clou fl out our Stock in tbi3 line. O'DOWD & MULHERIX. § juO—lo SUNDRIES. CAHHDS. CHOICE BACON, Clear Sides, Ribbed Sides, Begnltrl and Shoulders 50 Bbls. Northern and Western FLOUR il 10 Tierces Prime CAROLINA RICK 25 Rhbls. Refined R. SUGAR 5 Hhds MUSCOVADO SUGAR 10 Uhls. Ist Qualitv Golden SYRUP 10 Hhds. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES 50 Bbls. La-ge No. 3 MACKEREL 1000 Sacks Choice RreaiCOßN 75 Boxes FAMILY SOAP 30 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES 75 Bbls. »nd Roses CRACKERS zso BISCUITS 50 Bbls. Bnurbon|and other WHISKEYS Largo Lot of CASE LIQUORS »9 varieties 25 doz. lIEIDSICK CHAMPAGNE. Pints and Quarts 40 casks BURTON ON TRENT ALE, in Pin is and Quarts 10 ( bests lenxius <t Co’s, TEAS ia Small Packages 75 keirs Old Dominion NAILS, assert ed Sizes 25 Bbls Now Jersey CIDER CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES RAISINS, ALMONDS, PEPPER, GINGER, SPICES. And every thing usually kept in my li n *r FOB SALE BV j.is—tf A. STEVENR, Kid Gloves. QNLY ONE DOLLAR A PAIR! For tho Best KID GLOVES, at I. KAHN & CO.'S, juls—6m 262 Broad Street. _ JADIES’ AND MISSES’ HATS | J AT MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 Bread