Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 16, 1866, Image 4

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4if flailg srr ss. LABCESTCin ImiLAKO^ Saturday morning Jn ° e * B,lS6< Love on the Brain. Thl« werld’a a very fanny world. And everybody trie* To ride tome bobby, it be cen, Regardless of its sise; gome ere in for politic*. For leebion or for gem ; But ore end ell here bed eome time Lore on tbe brein. No wonder tbet be grumble* now, Tbet bachelor forlorn, He’e thinking of en eerly vow Made one bright eummer morn; And bow ahe cut hia feelings up, And sold his lovo foi gain, And left tbe fellow pining with Love on the brain. Each haughty monarch on his throne, Has felt love’s mighty power, And many a titled lord, for love, Has forfeited hia dower; Our soldiers on the battle field, And sailors on tbe main. May bravely fight, but yield their arms To love on the brain. Our modern days bring out gay belles, Before they’re in their teens ; And often Young America Would wed. but wants the means; And while our Romoo despairs, Our Juliet would fain Hope, sing and sigh, laugh and cry, Love on the brain. Now, when you seo a maiden glance Quite anxiously around, Then blush and cast her eye-lids down, As if to scan the ground ; Or when a young man takes to rhyme, To ease his heart in vain, You may be sure they both have got Love on the brain. And now I havo a word to say To friends and parents too, Don’t gmmble if the boys aud girls Should tmlow after you; For well yoo know, f* r now you’re old, You really can't complain. For you have had, or should havo had, Love on the brain Southern Medical & Surgical JOXTK.3Sr-A.Xs 1 Third series— KDITED BY JOSEPH JON ES, M. I). Professor of Medical Chemistry in the Medical College of Georgia, at Avgusta; cad | Formerly Surgeon in the Army of the Confederate States Tho SOUTHERN MEDICAL and SUR- 1 OICAL JOURNAL, of Augusta, Georgia, was established in 1836, by the late Professor Milton Antony, the illustrious founder of the Medical College of Georgia, and baa al ways commanded the respect and patronage of tho Profession, not only as one of the oldest and largest American Periodicals, but chiefly by those valuablo original com muuicatiois, contributed by the most emi nent, scientific men and practitioners of the Southern States, which have enriched its pages during the past thirty years. The volumes already issued, embrace over six teen thousand closely printed pages, con taining more than six hundred original communications from professional men throughout the Southern States, besides an immense number of valuab'.o articles, select ed from Us ample list of American aud foreign exchanges. During tbe reoent civil war, tho pub!'ca tion of tho SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND 8 jRGICAL JOURNAL was necessarily sus p mded. At the cl=£o of a bloody and dia a.trous war, which has ended in tho destruc tion and surrender of the Southern armies, a d in the destruction and capture of the a hives of the Cou federate Government, and o the immense stores of medical facts and o .aervations accumulated by the Medical Oificers of tho Confederate Army, under the direction of their intelligent and efficient Surgeon General, it is believed t.y medical men of he highest standing in this section of the South, that it is important to estab lish at this time a Medical Periodical of sufficient sire to furnish ample room for the publication of tho valuablo experience of the Medical Officers of tho lato Confederate Army. u will be the earnest offort of the Editor to aus’-ain the former uscfulAis of this Journal as a medium for the communica tion of the discoveries and advancing doc trines ofseienoc and of all the department# of Medicine, and of the faots and discove ries tending to develop tho material pro«- perity of tho South, and especially of the valuable Medical statistics and observations of the recent disastrous revolution. In view of the good accomplished in times past by the publication of tho SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, ths Editor feels no hesitation in urging its olaims upon its former patrons and friends. The SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND HUR- GtCAL JOURNAL will be issued every T/'O MONTHS, commencing Ist of July, ISfifi. and each number will contain ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX PAGES of printed matter, (octavo); the yearly publication will therefore number One Thousand and Fifty-six pages, and bo equal in size to the largest American and Euro pean Journals. TERMS — Fite Dollars Per Annum, in Advance. Subscribers are requested to send forward their names at once, as it is important that the Publisher should have some idea before hand of the number of copies to bo printed. The Publisher would respectfully call tho attontion of Druggists, and of tho Import ers and Manufacturers of Drugs, Chemicals and Philosophical Apparatus, and of Book Publishers and Sellers, and of Business Men generally, to tho SOUTHERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL as the best means of Advertising in the Southern coun try TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One Third Page, per annum S2O 00 Oue Half Page, per annum 30 00 Whole Page, pcranDum 50 00 Transient advertising insorted on speoial contraot. All Exchange Books for review and Com munications relating to the Literary De partment of the JOURNAL should be sent free of expense, and addressed to tho Editor, DR. JOSEPH JONES, 117 Telfair street, Augusta, Ga. Si®- Communications on all Business connected with the SOUTHERN MEDI CAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, must he addressed to the Publisher. E. H. PUGHE, Publisher end Printer, “Daily Press” Establishment, Augusta. Ga. HOOP SKIRTS, GORE SKIRTS, Aud all other styles, at MRP. PUOHE’S. UP Broad Ptrtet. Boot* Sit Shoe*. The Oldeet Shoe Howe in the State, WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS ami SHOE FINDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. No. 258 Broad Street, two doora above the Globe ap°2l— 2m CONLEY, FORCE <t CO. SHOES! SHOES SHOES M. Cohen, BROAD STREET, Has just received « large SPRING STOCK of the I,most styles of Ladies’, Misses’. Gents’, and Boys’ SHOES consisting in part of— Ladies' GAITERS Misses’ SUPPERS Ladies’ Kid SHOES Ladies’ Morocco SHOES Gents’ Pump Sole BOOTS Gents’ OXFORD TIES Gents’OXFORD TIES, patent leather Boya’ Red Top BOOTS Children’s Copper Tipped BOOTS and SHOES All styles of BOOTS and SHOES, for Boys and Girls ; the latest styles Gents’ II ATS ; a large lot of TRUNKS and VAL ISES. Also a fine assortment of STRAW nATS at New York Prices. Don’t forget the place— 182J BROAD STREET, ap4-3m Opposite Aupusta Hotel. — E. Remington & Sons, muhKETS and ca If dikes For tho United Service. ALSO, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES, REVOLVING RIFLES, Rifle and Gun Barrels, and Guu Materials, 8<»ld by 'Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In thc*e flays of If oust breaking and Rob ber y % every Houttt, Store, Bank and Office, should have one of REMINGTON’S REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves oi tbe late improvements in Pistols, and supe rior workmanship and form, will find all combined i« tho new REMIX G TON RE VOL VERS. Circulars, containing Cuts and descrip tion of our Arms, will bo furnished upou ap plication. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Y. MOORE & NICHOLS, Agents, No. 40 Courtland Street, juß—eodlm New York. ARTIFI lIL LEGS AM) AOS. fjjtr j * MANUFACTURER IN IM ATLANTA, GA. |(* gS I Office and Mnnu fa* |HEI |z I ry, over Taylor, William l| i V |m Crookshanka, Commer / ial Building,Whitehall at., y zff Atlanta, Ga. M. G. GORDON would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Augusta and vioinity that ho is manu facturing ARTIFICIAL LIMBS IS ATLASTA OF THE LATEST PATENT AND MOST APPROVED PRINCIPLES. For Lightness, Durability and Simplicity of Construction his Limbs aro unequalled by any other makers. For farther particulars address MATT. G. GORDON. IS®- Office and Manufactory over Tay lor, Williams & Crookshanks, Commercial Building, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga; ami 11)2 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michi gan. juO—lm JSO. C. SCHREINER A SONS, Macon. Ga. JNO. C. SCHREINER A SONS, Savannah, Ga. J. C. Schreiner & Sons, NO. 109 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, and FANCY GOODS. Keep constantly on hand a choice selec tion of the above articles, All orders from the Country promptly attonded to. THE BEST or ITALIAN VIOLIN and GUITAR STRINGS. AGENTS FOB Steinway A Sons’, Soehbeler A Schmidt’s, and Gale & Co.’s CELEBRATED PIANOS. fe4—ly Every kind of printing and BOOK BINDING Neatly and Cheaply Executed AT THIS OFFICE. GIVE US A CALL Inmniiw. Oglethorpe Insurance Company, Os Savannah, Ga. rpnß Oglethorpe INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SAVANNAII, OA. Insurance Effected at Equitable Rates. H. W. MERCER, President. J. T. THOMAS, Secretary. Office ll7 Bat Street, Savannah, Ga. Directors: n. W. MERCER .1. W. NEVITT c. S. HARDEE . 0. G. PERSE WM. HUNTER A. FUALAKTON A. S. HARTRIDQE J. McMAHON A. I'ORTER L. .T. GUIEMARTXN R. MORGAN F. W. SIMS .T, STODDARD G. BUTLER .1. T. THOMAS R. I.ACHI.TSON W. REMSHART E. P. CLAYTON F. L. GUE Augusta H. A. CRANE J. W. KNOTT A. A. SOLOMONS Macon M. HAMILTON B. F. ROSS W. IV. GORDON Macon M. S. COHEN W. H. YOUNG J. LAMA i Columbia B. H. BRODNAX, Agent , moyll—Cm AUGUSTA. GA. Etna Life Insurance Company. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED At all principle points in Western Carolina and Eastern Georgia. Liberal Commissions given. SSS- Office 15 Mclntosh Street, rear of Messrs. Schley's Low Office. CHARLES W. HARRIS, mylfi—3m Gen'l Agent. B. H. Brodnax, JNSURANCE AGENCY. CORNER OF BROAD & JACKSON STREETS. Ii«8—1y JOSEPH E. MARSHALL, JNSURANCE AGENCY, 210 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ap2fi—ly Plumbing and Gas Fitting. C. H. WARNER, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, In rear of 255 Broad street, Avgusta. Geo. Pumps, Gas, Steam and Water Pipes, Rubber Hose and Hose Pipes, promptly furnished or repaired. ja2o—tf GAS! GAS! GAS! STATE GAS MACHINE. The public are invited to witness the operations of this new GAS GENERATING APPARATUS, now on exhibition at the Cigar Store of llansbergcr A Cos., Post Office corner. This Machine, without fire cr heat ap- makes a Pure and Brilliant Gas Light, at a cost of about one cent per hour for each Burner. Being small and compact, it can be placed in a Store, or room in a house, and connected with tbe pipes used for burn ing City Gas. Those living iu the country can, by purchasing one of these Machines, havo cheap and beautiful Gas Lights. The Machine can be soen at any time between 7 A. M. and 9 P. M. CHAS. It. WARNER, jul—lxu Agent. Gas and Steam Fitting and Plumbing. p A. ROBBE, U. Having rc-oponcd a. Gas andStoam Fitting aud Plumbing Shop, in tho rear of 272 Broad Street [Concert Hall place], is now prepared to do all kinds of work con nected with GAS, LIGHTING, STEAM HEATING. and WATER SUPPLY, On reasonable terms and at short notice. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. All work warranted. jnS—3m The Augusta Pistol Gallery TS NOW OPEN 1 ON’ TnK CORNER ELLIS & JACKSON STREETS, Immediately in rear of Globe Hotel, Up Stairs. Gentlemen wishing to INDULGE IN THIS AMUSEMENT, CAN BR ACCOMMODATED AT ALL HOURS From 6 A. M., to 10 P. M. GOOD PISTOLS and RIFLES WILL BE FURNISHED. Tho Conductor of tho GALLERY has had considerable experience in tho Busi ness. Gontlemen, call in and trv yonr nerve. J. W. JETT & CO. my 23 —lm FIgHJIOOKS 200,000 IN FlNfi OUDER Daily expected from London. FOR SALE AS LOW AS NEW YORK PRICES, by C. A. WILLIAMS A CO. jul—2ot Summer Bonnets. JUST RECEIVED— A small supply of tho “Mario Stuart,” atoat atyle Ladies’ BONNETS, at MRS. PUGHE’S, mylfi—3 190 Broad street, QHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, o PILLOW CASE COTTONS, and all kinds of White Gooda, at MRS. FUGUE'S, 190 Bread Street. ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS. Accident INBUBE AGAINST ACCIDENTS IK TBP. PIONEER COMPANY OF TJIK ffoUTH. TIIE SOUTHERN Accident Insurance COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA, HOME OFFICE, lfiO MAIN STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. INSURES AGAINST ALL ACCIDENTS, Giving the holder of an Annual Policy THE FULL AMOUNT INSURED IN CASE OF DEATH, AND COMPENSATION EACH WEEK IF DISABLED FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY-SIX WEEKS. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For SSOO with $3 Compensation each week, may be obtained for $3 per annum. TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Will secure $2,090, and give $lO compen sation each week. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Secures a Policy for $5,000, with $25 weekly compensation. FIFTY DOLLARS Secures a Full Policy for SIO,OOO, wit! SSO compensation each week. SHORT TIME POLICIES ($2,000 for Ten Cents), Travellers may obtain at the HONE OFFICE, 160 MAIN STREET, Lynchburg, Va., and at the Rail Road Stations, Ticket Pol cies for ONE DAY TO TWELVE MONTHS, Receiving, in case of death from Acci dent, $3,000, and iu caso of injury, sls per week. The STOCK of this COMPANY is EXCLUSIVELY IN SOUTHERN HANDS i And represented by a Directory WIDELY AND FAVORABLY KNOWN. We, therefore, appeal with confidence to j tlic good will and patronage of the South- j era public. Don’t be misled by the Yankee Com- ! panics, with Southern names and officers, that have recently been inaugurated in the South. EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH THEM IS THAT MUCH TAKEN FROM OUR CIRCULATION AND FROM A COMPANY WHOSE INTERESTS ARE IDENTICAL WITH YOUR OWN. OFFICERS: COL. MAURICE S. LANGHORNE, President and Treasurer. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON, of Georgia, Vice President. GEN. HARRY T. HAYS, of Louisiana, Vice President. LUCIEN PEYTON, Actuary and Secretary. G. W. LATHAM, Solicitor. COL. HENRY E. PEYTON, General Agent. DIRECTORS: john r. McDaniel, WILLIAM I). MILLER, GEO. M. RUCKER, STEPHEN D. PETERS, G. W. LATHAM, MAURICE S. LANGHORNE, JOHN H. FLOOD, ABRAHAM D. WARWICK, CHAS. M. BLACKFORD, LUCIEN PEYTON. GEN. JOHN 15. GORDON, Chief Office at ATLANTA. G a., Agent for the State. A. G. HALL, District Agent, AUGUSTA, Ga. SUB-AGENTS APPOINTED AT THIS OFFICE. mr!S—Am Southern Express. Southern Express Company, Office, No. 179 Broad St., EXPRESS FORWARDERS. The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM PANY ia now prepared to forward, by all land Route., on Passenger and Mail Traina— GOLD ANI) SILVER COIN, CURRENCY, LETTERS, PARCELS AND FREIGHT to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Lynchburg, Peterabu g, Danville, Bristol, Greensboro’, Salisbury, Wilmington, Charlotte, Newbern. Beaufort, Morehead City, Raleigh, Weldon, Goldsboro’, Charleston, Columbia, Morganton, Cheratv, Atlanta, Huntsville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma Vicksburg, Jackson, New Orleans, i ASD ALL STATIONS ON THE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Central Railroad Richmond and Danville Railroad Piedmont Railroad South Side Railroad Petersburg Railroad North Carolina Central Railroad Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Wilmingtou and Weldon Railroad Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Western North Carolina Railroad Wilmington,Charlotte & Rutherford R R Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Northeastern Railroad Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Charleston and Savannah Railroad Memphis and Charleston Railroad Louisville and Nashville Railroad Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Western and Atlantic Railroad I j Mobile aud Ohio Railroad i Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad | South Carolina Railroad ! Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad i Georgia Railroad Macon and Western Railroad Southwestern Railroad Atlanta and West Point Railroad West Point and Montgomery Railroad Southern Railroad Mississippi and Central Railroad New Orleans, Jackson and Great North ern Railroad Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Alabama and Mississippi Railroad Florida Central Railroad Florida and Gulf Railro and Pensacola and Georgia Railroad. fSif" All Goods shipped by Adams’ oi Ilarnuon’a Express Companies, aud marked to the care of tho Southern “Express Com pany,” will be promptly forwarded to desti nation. Freights shipped by Steamships to our care will ho forwarded inland to destina tion, without charge for commission, storage or drayago. If orders are left at our Office, Packages i and Freight will be called for by our wagons in any part of tho city, and go forward by first Express. H. B. TLANT. President, fe3 -Am .Vngust*, Ga- CIHCINIATI TYPE POUIDBY axd PRINTING-MACHINE WORKS 201 Vine street, Cincinnati. Send for Specimens and Estimates. n>hl-fim rpt ECLIPSE FAST FREIGHT LIKE. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, t’KOPKISTORS. Established for the purpose of giving dispatch TO HEAVY FREIGHT, AT REDUCED RATES! Is now prepared to receive and forward be tween Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta. Macon, Albany, Eafaola, Columbus, Montgomery, Seim 8, Mobile, and Way Ststicns. Ship from New York to care Eclipse Fast Freight Line. Savannah. THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN, AND Insurance Effected When Desired. For further information, rates, etc., in quire of Agents SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., and at the office of the IIARNDEN EXPRESS, ja9—Sm 65 Broadway, N. Y. Iron, Nails, Plows, Horse Shoes, Tobacco, Snuff, Blacking. ff A TONS IRON—all sizes, OU From 1 inch to 10 inches. 2 TONS CAST STEEL— From } to 21 inches fAA KEGS OLD DOMINION NAILS OUU 4d to 12d inclusive. PLOWS, all patterns, with and without Stocks. HORSE SHOES in any quantity. Maeahoy and Scotch SNUFF, iu Barrels and Kegs. TOBACCO, all grades, from fine to com mon. Baltimore BLACKING, equal to Mason’s. ONE SUGAR MILL. ■J33t-411 of which we will SELL LOW for Cash, or exchange for Cotton, Coro, or any preduct of tbe farm, at the market prices, or receive thosec muindities on con signment from person* wishing to purchase, then by giving them facilities to get what is needed to conduct their farming opera tions. NEAL, WHITLOCK it CO. aplß—tf Augusta, Ga. NOTICE, n ENERAL GEORGIA U LAND AGENCY No. 258 Broad street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA, GA. Negotiate loans for Farmers, Miners, etc. Procure White Laborers of cither sex : or ganize Associations for tho Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the settlement of Georgia Land : Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, etc. All Land left at this office for sale or lease, is advertised in pamphlet, freo of charge to the owner. JACOB R. DAVIS A SON. mb 16-3 m FISH ! OYSTERS ! I C'IAMEM! 1 POULTRY 1 VEGETABLES! t A?;b FAMILY GROCERIES!!I OF EVERY KIND A ’i'oß SALE LOW. Call and see sr.e. WM. HALE (colored). Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, Augusta, G*. mb 6—6 m Furniture and Piano Hauling. J.JAVING A NEW AND LIGHT Spring Dray, I am prepared to haul FURNITURE, PIANOS, and any thing else, without scratching or bruising, as is too often tbs case. Orders left at my Grocery Store, on Washington Street, between Broad and Ellis will be promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. Particular care given to moving Furniture and Pia Dos. Wm. HALE (colored), apl4—6m Dealer in Family Groceries. Old Frames Made Hew. TJARPER & LADEVEZE Are now prepared to RE-GILD OLD FRAMES. Parties having old portrait frames, (me mentoes of the past) can have made to LOOK AS IF NKW, If sent to their shop,No. 82 Mclntosh street, opposite the Post-Office. mhl4-tf PARASOLS, FANS AND SUN SHADES NEW STYLES, at MRS. FUGHE S. 190 Broad Street-