Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, December 27, 1866, Image 4

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aiic Daily Jlrtss. City Printer Official Paper L4R6FST fITY Cim LATWX TH l'R' 0A Y M01N1• DU- HI Two Little Pain of Boot! Two Ullle p.ir« of hoote^to-might Before tne tire ore Irvine. TrV > little pairs of tired feet in tran ll«*-betl net* lying ; Thr track they havo upon iho tl >or Mttkvft me Ltd much like sighiug. These little b<» •!« with toes, hev run the livelong day, And g: mu«*' l altn wish rhat they were inn** h»#t ; So tin and l a:u to hear s.» ofl Their hea%y tramp at play- They walk .ibont the new nlnwe.l ground, Where nnul in plenty lies; Thev roll it up in marble* round And bake it into pie* ; An ! then at night upon the floor In every shape it Aries. To-day I was disposer! to scold: But when I look to night At those littl# hoo * before the tire. With those copper toes so bright. I thiuk how sad my heart would bo To put them ohl es »ii?bt. For in a trunk up “'airs I’ve laid Two socks of ivhi'c »nd blue; If culled to put those boots away, 0, tiod. wbat should 1 do ? I mourn that they uro not to-night Three pairs instead of two. I mourn because I thought how nice Mv neighbor “ 'eress the way,” Could keep her carpet* all the year From getting worn and gray : Vet well 1 know she’d smile to own Some little boys to-day 1 We mothers, weary get and worn, Over our load of care ; But how we speak of those little ones Let each of ns beware ; For what would our firesides he to-night If no littlo boots were there? Tus Petersburg Express announces, with astonishment, that the 12th l\ S. Regiment, stationed in that citv, contains between fifteen and twonty-five young men belonging to Petersburg, who have been driven to it as a last resort by a stern necessity. The Express man calls it “the desperate expedient of selling their bodies to the army of the country which denies liberty to the laud of their nativity.” —The war does not seem to be ended yet. A baud of bushwhackers rode into Lexington Mo., on the 14th instant, under command of Pool and Clemens. Colonel Montgomery demanded the surrender of Clemens, and upon his refusal a fight ensued, in which Clemens was killed, and other bushwhackers were mortally wounded. Col. Montgom ery has arrested several of the most prominent secessionists, and holds them as hostages for the safety of loyal citi zens. A Roman paper says of the French Emperor, in its issue of November 27 : ‘•Napoleon the Third has fallen back; he is lost. He has retreated from Poland from fear of Russia ; he has retreated from Germany from fear of the needle’ gun ; he has retreated from Mexico from fear of the United States; he has re treated from Rome from fear of Ursini and Mazzini. —The legislative committee appointed to investigate the means for faeditating travel in New York city have reported in favor of the underground plan. One road, double track, from the Battery to City Hall, and thence two, the one under Bowery to Harlem river,the other, Hud son street to Harlem. —Moses Randall, a wealthy and well known farmer of Petersburg, N. Y., has been arrested for violating the person of his own daughter, a girl only eleven years of age. The child was coerced by threats of chastisement. Such a case should not wait for a jury. —1 he constellation Coronna has a star which, from its j miliar appearance, is called the “burning star.” It has at tracted unusual attention among as tronomers, both in Europe and America. The extraordinay outbursts or changes in its apparent size and condition leaves but little doubt that it is really a burn ing world. —A man was found in the gutter near 2Gth street, New York, on the morning of the loth almost frozen to death. He died in a few hours after being taken to the hospital. His name was S. Ifyslop, “Ob, it was pitiful, Near a whole eityfuf, Home be bad none.” —lleiiey Morrill, of England, has turned over to the United States Gov ernment £4OO sterling, which remained in his hands when the rebellion was sup. pressed, belonging to the Confederate States. Mr. Morrill is liberal of other people’s money. —“Hallo, there, how do yon sell wood?” “By the bundle.” “How long has it been cut ?” “ Four feet.” “I mean how long has it been since you cut it? ’ “No,longer than it is now.” “Look here, old fellow, you are too bright to live long.” Ihe sale of pews in the Rev. Dr. Chapin s church, Filth avenue, was con tinued Friday evening. The highest price paid for a seat over the premium was .*2OO. No. 40 was knocked down to Mr. Horace Greeley, the price of which is $1,200. New V ork bankers are beginning to think of employing detectives who arc posted on thieves and rogues as regular attaches of their offices the same as tellers and accountants. —A tnan in Brooklyn advertises : “Wanted, a boarding-pi ace, where the terms are not moderate, and where none of the ‘comforts of home' are guaran teed, and in a pious family not pre ferred.” Gen. Butler is at nil times confident. He never doubts upon any subject. Now a good many patriots would be glad to see him in a state of suspense. —A Boston paper complains of onr calling black people “niggers.” We call them negroes when they behave hemselvcs, and niggers when they don t. Costar’s Exterminators «-t< v.-ar» established la N. Y. City.” •• Only infallible remedy known.” <• Free from Pui.ona.” , ■‘N.u dangerous in the Human Fsinllv. * Hut* come out of their hole* to die.” •• Co«lur*a ” Ital, Uonclt, I.lc-* EXTKKMINATORS I, a guide- used for Wilts, .Vice, Hunches, Mark and tieJ A id*, nr , nr. “C'OnliirN" x i ei’ini n a to v Is a liquid or wash -used to destroy, and also a preventive for tird-thnjn. etc. • Cosiar's” ric.Uic Powder FOK INSECTS, Is Per Moth*. Mosquitoes. h'ltns. lied-Ituqs, Inn cli I’D I’lunlr, / o«Y*. Animals, lie. ! ! ! Beware ! ! ! of all worthless itni tutioos. Sec that “COSTAITS'* name in on each Box. Bottle, ami Flask, before yvtt buy. Addroaa, IIIvIYRY R. COSTAR. 484 Broadway, N. Y. ’ASu Sold in Augusta, (la., by I’LUMB £ LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, tia. BARNES, WARD A CO., 2t Magazine street, N. ff. Wholesale Agents for the Southern States, and all Druggists and Retailers every where. “Costnrs” CKI.EttR ATEDj BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Wounds, Boils Cancers, Broken Breasts. Sore Nipples, Bleed ing, Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and 111-conditioned 8ore.«: Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous -Af fections. Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chi! hlaius, etc.; Chapped Hands, Lips, etc.; Bites of 4 Spiders, Insects, Animals, etc., etc. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes, jp©** kSold by all Druggists everywhere. p&*And by HENRY K. COMAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. I . And by PLUMB A I EITNER. 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BABNEF, WARD A CO., 24 Mag azine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. Costar’s ” UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions. Warts, etc. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 81 sizes. JpS'' Sold by all Druggists everywhere. J'.n" And bv HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 48 1 Broadway, N. Y. And by ' PLUMB £ LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, (la. gSSr BARNES, WARD <£• CO., 24 Mag- 1 nzine street. N. 0., Wholesale Agents lor the Southern States. “C os tar’s”: PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & BBAISEE BLOSSOMS FOR Beautifying the Complexion Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, ro move Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, etc. Ladies arc now using it in preference to all others. &** Bottles, sl. TfcsS" Sold by all Drujrjrists everywhere. And by HENRY R. COSTAK, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMP. & LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD and. CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. “Costar’s” I‘ECTOItAL COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 ceuts, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. y?T‘Vt“ Sold by all Druggists everywhere. 4*4- And l.y HENRY 11. COST AR, Depot 184 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB & LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, tla. 52y.. BARNES, WARD A CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern .States. fc Costar’s” CEI.KBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A Universal Dinner Pill, For Nervous and Sick Headache, Costivonoss, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipa tion, Diarrhoea, Colies, Chills, Fevers, andgen ouldei-atigement of tho Digestive Organs. v*™’ 2!» ets., fill els., untl $1 sizes. , , |'s’ 1,11 Druggists everywhere. Bn^:w ,:N,tY u - ( ' asirAR ’ •**-» AOr And by PLUME A LF.ITNKU. BARNES, Au fi u “ lu ’ ,)a no 16 —3iu Educational. Important Notice TO EDUCATOR S. John P. Morton & Cos., LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, pun 1.1 s;n ebs OF TIIE AMERICAN SCHOOL SERIES; GOODRICH'S NEW SCHOOL READER, ltv Noble Butler. BUTLER’S ENGLISH GRAMMARS. TOWNE’S ARITHMETIC and ALGEBRA. BRONSON'S ELOCUTION. BUTLER’S SPEAKER, etc. THIS IS THE ONLY SOUTHERN HOUSE Engaged in'Jthe Publication of School Books. Chancellor LIPSCOMB gives his tosti mony in the following terms! UmvensiTY ok Obowc.ia, ] Nov. 14th, ISfifi. 1 “T have examined with great care toe Goodrich Series of School Readers, edited by Noble Butler. A. M. I consider these Readers admirably adapted to secure the end for which they have been prepared. The selections are judicious, and the ar rangement is excellent. Beading is here presented as an art : the consecutive meth ods of instruction arc thoroughly exhibited, while tho principles of correct nud elegant Reading, with the illustrations that em body them, are so happily introduced, that easy and natural progress may he made. I inn particularly pleased with tho NEW SIXTH READER. This work has pecu liar merits. It combines, in an eminent de gree. the best features of our most philo losphic systems of Elocutionary Reading: and, apart from its other recommendations, is especially worthy of the attention ot Teachers on the ground of its eclectic value. I shall introduce the New Sixth Reader into the Elocutionary Departmont of this Uni versity. A. A. LIPSCOMB, Chancellor.” •‘Butler’s Grammars impress me very favorably. So far as ! have been able to examine them, they strike me as very suc cessful efforts to adapt the subject of Gram mar to young minds. They teach the pupil h«»w to think in the study of Grammar; and us most Grammars fail at this point, I can very fully commend these books to the at tention of Teachers. A. A. LIPSCOMB, Chancellor.” Wc could append the endorsement of these rare Books from all the important Teachers in the City of Augusta, who will hereafter use them exclusively in their schools. Our Books have recently been adopted as follows: Readeis and Grammars into all the Schools of Texas, through the action of the State Convention at Houston, July 4th, 18fi6. Grammars, Arithmetic, and Algebra in all the Public, and most of the Private Schools of New Orleans. Readers, Arithmetic, and Algebra in all the Public and Private Schools of Mobile, Alabama. Readers in the Public Schools of Nash ville, Tenn. Readers, Grammars, and Mathematics in the Public Schools, Jackson, Mississippi, and hundreds of Schools throughout the South. Our Books tnnv be bad of THOMAS RICHARDS <t SON, A. BLEAK LEY, G. A. OATES, SCHREINER SONS, and P. QUINN, Augusta, tin. JOHN P. MORTON A CO., de2—liu Louisville, Ky. Tailoring. J- A. Van Winkle, MERCHANT TAILOR, 230 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. (Under Central Hole],)" Has on hand the following Goods lor uianutuctur ng into Gar ments, at LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICES! Fine BLACK CLOTHS Fine BLUE CLOTHS Fino AMI LIE CLOTHS Fine AMILIE TRICOT CASSIMERE— for Suits Fine BLACK BEAVER CLOTn Fine BLACK TRICOT CASSIMERE Fine BLACK DOESKIN CASSIMERE Fine FANCY CASSIMEKES Fine FANCY COATINGS—for Suits Fine BLACK SILK VESTINGS Fine FANCY SILK VESTINGS Fine CASHMERE VESTINGS Clotliiiip;: Fino Black CLOTH FROCK COATS Fine Black CASSIMERE BANTS Fino Black SILK VESTS Fine Fancy SILK VESTS Fine Fancy VELVET VESTS Fine Blnck VELVET VESTS Fine Black BEAVER CLOTH SACKS Fine AMILIE BEAVER FROCK COATS BUSINESS SUITS BOYS’ CLOTHING FINE STOCK OF C ) v ei‘c o a ts! AT VERY LOWfPRICES. SHIRTS COLLARS GLOVES HALF HOSE TIESJ SUSPENDERS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Etc. All kind* of Good* will he cold at tho VERY BO VEST PRICES My customer* may rely on getting their supplies as represented. J.iA.'-VAN WINKLE. de!2—2w Holiday Gifts! HY THE NEW YORK PRIZE ASSOCIATION, S‘JO BROADWAY, N* Y. KACH. 25 Rosewood Pianos....worth S2OO to 5< 0 20 ” Melodcon*... “ 10 Oto 200 100 Sewing Machines.... ** 60 to 125 ?00 Music Boxes ** 15 to 150 500 Gold Watches ** 00 to 2:»0 1,000 Silver Watches “ 20 to 00 1,000 Silver Teu Setts ** 25 to 150 Together with a largo assortment of NEW AND ELEGANT JEWELRY! VALUED AT $ 500,000. WHICH WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS ! The name and value of each article of our goods are marked on Tickets, placed in SEALED ENVELOPES, and well mixed. On receipt of 25 cents, an envelope con taining such TICKET, will be drawn with out choice, and delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The pur chaser, after seeing what article it draws audits value which may be FROM ONE TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS—can then, on payment of ONE DOLLAR, re ceive the article named, or may exchange it for any other article marked on our Circu lar, at tho same value Every ticket draws an article worth ONE DOLLAR or more. Ifetfr NO BLANKS! Our patron* can depend on prompt return*, 7 he articles drawn trill he immediately tteuf hy Ksprett* or return mail, or delivered at our ojfice. Letters from many persons, acknowl edging tho receipt of VALUABLE GIFTS from us, may be seen on file at our office, luong whom we are permitted to refer to : John S. Ilolcomb, Laiubertville, N. J., Gold Watch, worth $250. Mrs. S. Bennett, 252 Cumberland street, Brooklyn, Pewing Machine, SBO. Edwin Hoyt, Stamford, Conn., Gold Lever Watch, S2OO. Hon. K. 11. Briggs, Washington, D. C., Diamond Pin, $175. J. C. Sutherland, 100 Lexing ton Avenue, Piano, $250. Mrs. M, Jack son. 202 Nineteenth street, N. Y.. Sewing Machine, SOO. Joseph (’amp, Elmira, N. Y., Melodcon. $15«». Miss L. Collins, At lanta, Ga., Diamond Cluster King, $225. Dr. Henry Bmith, Worcester, Mass., Sewing Machine, SBS. H- Shaw, 122 Sixteenth >treet, New York, Gold Winch, $l5O. Ed ward Boynton, Nashville, Tenn., Melodcon, SIOO. James Bussell, Montgomery. Ala., Gold Hunting Watch, $250. B. T. Smith, Providence, K. 1., Silver Lever Watch, SOO. Oscar Purdy, Madison, N. J., Music Box, $45. Hon. K. S. Newell, St. Paul’s, Minn., Gold Watch, $lB5. J. K. Sperry, Litch field, Conn , Silver Watch, $55. Wm. B. Peck, Harlem, Illinois, Music Box, $75. Wm. Kayiuond, Dayton, Ohio, Silver Tea Set, $125. Miss E. M. Scbenek, Detroit, .Michigan, Diamond Ear Kings, $225. Pierre Bcaudin, M. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Diamond King,sl7o. Mrs. Martha Barnes, St. Louis, Misssouri, Melodcon, value, $125. A chance to obtain any of the above articles for ONE DOLLAR by purchasing a SEALED ENVELOPE for TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Entire £• atmjaction Guaranteed to all. Six Tickets for One Dollar ; 12 for Two Dollars : 22 for Five Dollars. Great in ducements to Agents. All letters should be addressed to J. 11, RAY A- CO., BOX 6130, NEW YORK. del s—3m* SEWING MACHINES. WHEELEIi cfc WILSOVS NEW IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM Axn FAMILY LOOK STITOII SEWING MACHINE. A HOUSEKEEPER WITH A SEWING MACHINE needß to hire no scam* stress : she has an u'.-n one that never kills itself with tight lacing or dyspepsia, nor gives up by n -on sick with the head ache. A young woman with a Sewing Machine is independent. It will bring her in more money than many a, husband would, and would never grumble when she uses it, either : and. besides, it will neither smoke, dr J nk, flirt with the girls, nor run up a board bill for her to pay. Still, not withstanding all this, ro don I; >oin|;* silly girls will prefer beaux and husbands to a “Wheeler «t Wilson but plenty who have tried husbands, would like the chance to choose again, and take the Machine, I warrant you. But the beet of all is, when having got a husband, lie, nice man that he is, goes and buys the hewing Machine, and, perhaps, learns to run it himself; and while she sits and cuts and bastes tho cloth, he runs it through the. Machine with a rush, and. like magicians who pull all sorts of things out of all manner of strange places, so lie tumbles in bits of cloth at one end and pulls out at the other .all manner of those men’s clothes, women's clothes, boys’ clothes, girl’s clothes, and baby clothes, which arc so handy to have in the house, where a happy couple live. Now, uiv friend, hadn’t you better go and get your wife a Sewing Machine ? It will be better than to get anew wife when yours has sewed herself to death, won’t it? “What will it cost ?” Oh ! any where from fifty to one hundred dollars, and thereabouts. “Can’t afford it.” O, you can’t! How long will it take you to make up that, amount of money in cigars at present prices ? fc'cll a cow, if you have several, and buy a Machine. Sell a horse and buy a Machine. Use tho old furniture and buy a Machine. Use the old wagon and buy a Machine. Wear the old clothes and buy a Machine. A Machine is hotter than a melodcon. A Machine is better than a piano. And, besides, with a Machine.yi/xt you can saveandearn enough to buy many other things. ‘•What one shall I get?” ‘•We prefer the Wheeler and Wilson Sew ing Machines for family use.” There is no MACHINE in the WORLD that can do so GREAT A VARIETY OF WORK as the IMPROVED WHEELER ,fc WILSON, or give such thorough satisfac tion; it cannot he equalled for Stitching, Hemming, Quilting, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, and will sew anything from tho THICKEST CLOTH to tho Finest Cambric, etc. The reeent improve ments render this Machine far more effi eiuiit, and is now universally acknowl edged to be the leading FAMILY SEWING MACHINE of the WORLD. Repairing. Tho most complete REPAIRING ES TABLISHMENT South of Now York* where every kind of Sowing Machines are repaired in the most prompt and efficient manner, and warranted for one year. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine our Machines. Call in the Ladies’ Parlor, Augusta Hotel, where ser vants will be in attendance to show them to the Machine Rooms ; or, address LOCK BOX 174. 11. JEROME <1 CO. de!s—lm daily press BOOR & JOB PRINTING AND Bookbinding Establishment 190 BROAD AND 153 ELLIS STREET, ATJCJTJ Sa’ A GA. E. 11. rUGIIE, - - - Proprietor HAVING MADE ADDITIONS TO OUR I’ooli anil fob .Department. AN'I) HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF PAPERS AND CARDS, WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING ON AS FAVORABLE TERMS AS ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH, AXD IJf AS GOOD STYLE. COLORED PRINTING DONE UN ALL STYLES, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER OFFICE IN THE SOUTH, EITHER FOR CHEAPNESS Oil NEATNESS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PRINTING OF BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DRUGGISTS’ LABELS, NOTES, DRAFTS, CHECKS, BLANKS Cl* ALL KINDS, DRaY RECEIPTS SHOW CARDS, BUSINESS AND VISITING t CAKDS, PAMPHLETS, BRIEFS, ETC., ETC., ETC. JfLhJLS?'" from lle C ° ,ra,ry wm be *» OFFICE— I9O BROAD STREET, Opposite bon! Lein Express Ofliee. COME AND SEE X- KAHN «fc C 0 HEAVY AND WELL ASSORTED STOf’K OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC dry goods, At 262 Broad Street, Augusta. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. OL’R FRIENDS AND TIIE PUBLIC WILT find „ TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO EXAMINE ( I P GOODS BEFORE THEY BUY ELSEWHERE LONG CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, OSNADURGS, LINSKYS AND KEHBEYS, COTTON FLANNELS, APRON CHECKS, JEANS TICKINGS, CELKCIAS, BROWN HOLLANDS IRISH LINENS, ’ DIAPERS. table da v asks TOW ELLING BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, AIKLNi LADIES’ CLOAKS, Newest Stvle, SHAWLS, MOURNING GOODS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CALICOES IRISH LACES, imported, GLOVES, RIBBONS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS CASSIMEEES, TWEEDS. COATINGS, MF.RINOFS, GEMS’ AND LADIES’ IIATS BLANKETS. FLANNELS NO'TONS, onr Wholesale Department wp. offer a carefully selected STOCK of GOODS, and at the LOG EST CASH J EI( ES. In our Retail Department, a variety inferior to no other House in dJ South. ~ , T. KA-TIjST & (. O. delS—ffm Nl-Ms. sK<; i;.n s’ FRENCH MILLINERY AND 9RH-MMG MJSIMT, 32S Broad Street, A-Uigusta, Ga. I.AI'IES and CHILDKEJi’S DRESSES and CLOAKS, Cut and Basted, at the shortest notice. JS'ew styles for BONNETS, DRESSES, AND CL OAKS, of every description. EVENING and BRIDAL TOILETS, BALL COS TIMES, etc., con stantly receiving. All kinds of JSTITCIIIXG DONE on AVheeler A Wilson’s Sewing Machine. dejfttf NOTICE TO PLANTERS. WE ARE RECEIVING AND WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND PTTHE jSTo. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO WHICH WE WARRANT GENUINE. CHUMP. DAVISON & CO., jN7o. 209 Tiro ad Street .Augusta, Ga. oc4—f»m Coal and Firewood. COAL! COAL! AT Reduced Prices! 0 It EAT REDUCTION IN TilE PRICE OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF COAL! AS LOW AS THE LOWEST! apply to G- S. HOOKEY, dc2o-tf GAS OFFICE. COAL. A CARGO OF SUPERIOR COAI, TO k li®* and wi " bo sold «n the V'tmrt SJi'ilr “ J ■"■s* r a, l ~iS,r r no2»L. t f A. POCLLAIN. DEBATES OF CONGRESS. T H th« B» BA J K s °, P COn «»IKSS- FOR J- the Second. Session ot tho Thirty Ninth Congress will bo huKHoK i x v ,ri y Debates in full in el,!.w 5 noaolr. „ "(isbington, P, C, A. BRANDT, S 304 BROAD STREET Aa opposite the Planters Hotel, invites the atten bfe tion of the Ladies *n« Gen’lemen to a full stock of HAT?* BOOTS, and SIIOKS, of the latest aid most fesli ion able styles. Also, ZEPHYR HOOPS, of every de scription—all cheap FOR CASH, decl—tf CALL AND EXAMINE, At 204 Broad Street, FIREWORKS, /'IOXSISTIXA OF ROCKETS, ROM-G L CANDLES. Fire Crackers, SamUroo - ers, Serpent’s Alines, etc., etc. of fino quality Chewing Tobacco, a, ■ it the favuri'o brands— l.ravelj s - Twist; Swanson’s Pounds, <- P £ Co.’s Twist. A splendid JJ Suiokiug Tobacco, and anew afSO |ic Pipes. 300,000 Imported and U Cigars—all of which »re ortcre,. at low rates, at wholesale and rein' • dc7—tf P. HANSBEROEK 4 tu- Piano-Fortes Tuned, rpo MEET THE TIMM. * X duced Hie charge for 11 THREE DOLLARS. fiiTES’, Orders left at Ms- GEO. 210 llruad Street, or at my gl '°P’ L P Notice. mwo MONTHS AFTEff DATE, AIOT 1 CATION wirt.be made to the 1100 tho Court or Ordinary of Htcbmond •< J for le.avo to sell tho Real Ej* a *? ' j f O . to tho estate of Charles V . Bond, ol lutubia county, d eo“* ed - p BrT I.ER, noSO—2m ' ' Administrato