Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, December 30, 1866, Image 3

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£l?t jjatig ytsi City Printer—Official Paper LARtiKST HTf CIRCn^TIOS. t*A.: SUNDAY MORNING Deo. 30, 1866 Range of Thermometer. At Otti.T I'rksx Okkick, ) Deeomhei 28, .886. ’ ( 12 m. 3 3*° 37 J 3S’ 3S’ W*w tilvrrtUei)ieii(B. Stovos. Tin Ware, Eli.—D. I„ Futlerto i iS'i liroi'l slri*i‘t. Consignees per Central Railroad. Pointer I)og Wanted—A. 8., Key Box 124. Smoking Tobacco—P. Ilansberger A Cos. House To Rent—R. F. Uouyer. Special Notice—J. Alma Pelot. Social Notice—Webb's Lodge. Baker Wanted—George Evers. Boarding—No, 142 Green street. Auction Sale—Day «(• Inman. THa DAILY PRESS Has the Latest News, by Ttlegraph, from all parts or the world, up to twelvo o'clock each night. The Subscription Price is only Fivn Doh,.vrs per annum. Advertisements insertod. by special con tract, on more liberal terms than uny other newspaper in I'astern Georgia. Single copies of the Dailt Pkkss— to be had of all the Newsboys—Kivu Cunts each. Newsboys are charged two and a half cents a copy. Ihe Daily Prrss is the cheapest and most readable newspaper issued in this sec tion. Remember the price —ss per year. PI. H. PUGIII', Proprietor, 190 Broad and lo t Ellis street. County Court.— The adjourned term of this Court will be held to morrow morning, at the City Hall—Judge Wm. R. Me Laws, presiding. Canine.— Any dog wanting a good home will be accommodated by address ing A. 8.. Key Box 124. Put’K.—Smoking tobacco to suit the tastes anti nerves of the most fastidious may be bad i t TTausherger's. To thk Hou.ski.kss.— Those in want of a small cottage house can be accom modated by applying at No. 30 Ellis st reet. Baker. —A baker who can make good bread, and is not addicted to the ill-bred vice of ‘‘crooking his elbow,’ can get a good place as ever was at Even'. Boarders.—A few genteel boarder' did you ever knoiv anybody to wan any others ?—can obtain excellent ac commodations, with a pleasant family, a 1 142 Green-' street. Auction Medley.—Day & Inman wi 1 close the year with an attractive sale on Monday, when a wide range of good things will be dispensed at the buyers’ own price. School Notick.— J. Alma Pelot. will r-sutne the exorcises of his popular school on Thursday next, Jan. 3d. He enjoys an excellent reputation, and we take pleasure in commending his acad emy to our readers. Enoch Lodge of Pkrffction, A.\A.\ S.'.R.n—The first regular annual elec tion of officers of this Lodge will take place on Thursday next, at o’clock P. M., in the “Secret Vault.” A punc tual and prompt attend ance is requested. Death of Sergeant W. W. Glover. After a brief but painful illness of some two weeks, Sergeant Glover, of the City Police, died on yesterday morning, at his residence in this City. He was u generous, courteous gentleman, a kind, sincere friend, a faithful, honest, and effici 'i t public officer. His fun .1 will take place at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Peace to bis ashes ! &TAY l.Art i.\ Sot in Carolina The Courier says that the Court of Errors of South Carolina have unani mously decided that as to all contracts entered into after the passage of the Stay Law, these are effected by its terms. In other words, that the Stay- Law, being then in existence, formed a part of ad contracts entered into during that period. Masonic Election. —At the Annual Convocation of the Augusta Royal Arch Chapter, No. 2, held at Masonic Hall on Wednesday, December lilth, the follow, ing named Chaplains were duly elected officers for the ensuing Masonic year. A. I). lKfiti, and by A.\l.\ 2,3% and 2,397: Companion : “ SOL RORI MS ON, M.-.K.Uf.-.P . “ SYDNEY It. HOLLAND, K.--K. . “ AUGUSTUS K. It LA LOOK, E.-S.c “ J AMES MIIRIMIY, C.- of 11.- “ WILL! . M If. RICH. P. -5.., " ALONZ" E. CROMBE, R.-A.-.C.u “ If. T DONIPHAN, “ E. H. SUMMER, M.-.2d.\V.-. “ JAMES L. GOW, M.-.lst.-.V.” “ FRANCIS COGIN, J'reatnrer. “ WILLIAM B. Bit IT ION, Secretary. “ JOHN E. NAVY, Sentinel. A Snow Storm Almost. —The at tempt on the part of the clerk of the weather, on yesterday, to gel up an imita tion of the snow et,,rnt which the tele graph tells us has been raging at the North for the las*, few days, was a dis agreeable failure. About 12 o’clock it commenced snowing in real Korean style —the soft feathery flakes floated in the freezing wind, and in an hour or two the boys began to pelt each other with a dirty mixture of mud and water, and called ii snow-balling; hut soon the snow flakes stiffened into sleet, and sunk away into a chilling drizzle, which bids fair to last till morning. i Mb ‘ •**" y ‘ is - Watkins.—The Macon i l ,n I ,pr » ‘••‘ter in very complimentary terms to the representations recently given in that city by* the sterling company in which Mr. and Mrs. Watkins are the leading performers. A benefit was ten dored them on Friday night. They open at. Concert Ila 1 to-morrow night, when our citizens will have an opportu nity of witnessing their rendition of a number of pieces which have been performed by them with great success to this Country and Europe. Times.—For several days the G’ltv has been exceedingly quiet. The festivities '"-Went to Christmas were succeeded by sharp, disagreeable weather, which has produced a general pr -ference lor the quiet enjoyments of home, to those public diversions inci dent to the season. The home-staying bubit of our citizens, and the absence of visitors from the country, have rendered the City peculiarly quiet. We have missed the happy groupes of colored people, who in the olden time enlivened city and country up to the close ol the holiday period,and contribu ted no little to the thrift of trade, in the liberal diffusion of their small change among the merchants. Alas, that free dom should bring with it that depress ing sense of impeeuniosity which weighs down the spirits of the white and black alike, and is the ruling cause of the prevailing dullness. Ihe Election.—The election for Judge of the Superior Court of the Middle Circuit takes place on Wednes day next, January 2d. The candidates are Judge Janies S. Hook, the present incumbent, and Hon. William Gibson. 1 liev are both gentlemen of excellent social qualities and judicial experience. Judge Gibson is a resident of our City, and is very popular, both as a civilian and as a military leader. His Senatorial term of office has expired, and if electe 1 to the Judgeship he will not hold the office of Recorder; so that there need he no objection to him on account of holding a multiplicity „f offices. lie will hold but the one. We say this much in justice to .Judge Gib son, and leave him with his friends, who, we are sure, will use every honorable exertion to elect him. Quiet Times.-—For several days the City lias been exceedingly quiet. The festivities incident to Christinas were succeeded by sharp, disagreeable weath er, which has induced a general prefer ence for the quiet enjoyments of time to those public diversions incident to the season. The home staying habit of our citizens, and the absence of visitors from file country, have rendered the City peculiarly quiet. We have missed the happy gr ups of colored people who, in the olden time, enlivened city and county up to the close of tho holiday period, and contributed no little to tho thrift of tra’e in the liberal diffusion of their small change among the merchants. Alas that freedom should bring with it that depressing sense of impeeuniosity which weighs down tho spirit of the vvnite and black alike, and is the ruling cause of the prevailing dullness. FOE TO-DA y. St. John’s Methodist Church— Rev. A. Wright, Pastor. Preaching at A M., by Bishop Andrew, and at 7 P.M., by the Pastor. St. James’ E. M. Church—Greene st., Rev. G JI. Pattilio, nastor. I’r-ac ng at toy A.A:., by Rev. 11. W. Hilliard. No service at nigtit. Church of the Atonement (Episcopal) —Corner Telfair and Kollock streets. Rev. W. 11. Harison, Rector. The usual services will he held at this Church this morning. St. Paul’s (Episcopal)— Reynolds st. Rev. Joseph Neely will preach at ]oj this morning. No service in, the tiiter noon. Sunday School at ‘ the usual hour. I irst Baptist Church —Corner Greene nni Jackson streets. Preaching by the Pastor at lUj A. JI., and at 7 P. M. Sunday S'-hool at 11 P. M. No Prayer Meeting at 9 A. JI. Second Baptist Church Kolloek street. Preaching at !UJ A. JI., by the Pastor, Rev. D. G. Daniel!, and at 7i P. JI. Church of the Most Holy Trinity (Catholic). —Corner Jackson and Telfair streets. .Services at seven and at half past 10 A. JI., also Vespers at. -1 P. JL, by the Pastors, Rovs. Duggan and Kirby. Christian Church—Reynolds street, above Mclntosh. Preaching by tho Pus tor, Rev. J. S. Lamar, at 104 A. JL, and at 7 I>. JI. German Lutheran Church— Walker streot, between Centre and Washington, ltov. D. P. Cam man, Pastor. Services 104 A. JI. STATE ITEMS. Mrs. Susan Echols, motherof General Robert Echols, who was long Speaker of the Georgia House of Representa tives, and President of the Senate, died on the 25th, at Rome, aged ninety nine years. The steamer Clara Bell is running between Rome and Resaca on the Oos tanaula The freedmen of Rome gave a supper on Christmas night, for church purpos. s, which yielded $175. * ihe Atlanta Medical College have elected Dr. 11. V. M. Miller, Professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children, and Dr. Eben Hillyer, Proles sor of the Institute of Medicine. Rev. Vardy Woolley, formerly of Sa vannah, and well-known in Macon, where he resided during the war, died at Brunswick, on the 18 li inst. The Columbus Enquirer tells of a freedwoman shot in the leg on Wednes day, by the accidental discharge of a pistol. To paraphraze the language of Butler : “Unsophisticated youths and ‘Diggers/ Should bewaro of things with triggers.” William Bridges, says the Sumter Republican, was stabbed by his brother in-law, E. B. Wheeler, on Wednesday of last week, causing death. They were both esteemed citizens. Wheeler made his escape. Sg ®tlcgraj)t). [/Yum the United State* and European ii ltyruphic Arte* Association.} lthl'ilhTtl) FOR THE DAILY I'Rt.sN. FROM WASHINGTON. Wash ikckon, Dec. 2'J. The following is a statement of the National Finances for the week : Frac tioirnl printed $348,100; cancelled $22,8074 ; National Bank currency issued $305 950; making to date $300,370,951. Internal of revenue re ceipts $2,479,300. Jefferson Wilkinson, of Bolivar, Miss., has been pardoned under the. 13th section. I be position of the Supreme Court on the test oath, as reported by this Associ ation three weeks ago, is fully confirm ed. It Judge Grier’s health permits, the decision will be delivered Monday, but each Judge will deliver a separate opinion, five against, and lour favoring its constitutionality. Jhe I resident holds bis usual recep tion Tuesday at 11 o’clock. He will receive Diplomatic, Judicial, an 1 Con gressional dignitaries; at half-past 11 he will review officers, and from 12 to 2 the general public will be received. Washington, Dec. 29—P. M. The Ernes, of yesterday, contained a statement to the effect that the World was making efforts to get back into the Associated Press. To this tho World, of this morning, replies: “The lie is out of whole cloth, and its purpose is sinis ter— therefore can only be described by that coarse term." It goes on to de scribe the success of the new Associa tion, and accuses the Times of using mendacious means to deter the more timid of the papers of the country from joining in its triumphant march. FROM ATLANTA. Atlanta. Dee. 29—P. M. A heavy snow storm is prevailing here this evening. It is good sleighing, and the street are lively with sleigh riding panics. FROM TENNESSEE. Chattanooga, Dec. 29. I he Judges of the municipal election held on Thursday refuse certificates, de claring the election illegal and void. Mayor Lewis sustains the Judges. FROM LOUISVILLE Louisville, Dec. 29. John \V. Perkins, aged sixty-five, j who has been pardoned for recent pecn | lations, cut his wife's throat, killing her | instantly, and then cut. his own. The j latter's recovery is doubtful. Generally : considered to have been caused bv late trouble. FROM NEW YORK. New York. Dec. 29. The Steamer Australasia, from Liv erpool Dee. 15th, via Queenstown Dec. 16th, nrri'ed up t ! is morning. The steamship Kasrnnnia had arrived at Southampton, with yellow fever on board, from the West Indies. She had ninety-two cases and twenty one deaths on the passage. Details of the explosion at Oak's | Colliery, near Barnsley, show that three j hundred and eighteen deaths occurred, six having died out of eighteen rescued j A second explosion caused twenty-eight i more deaths, most of the latter being mining engineers and foremen of neigh* J boring Collieries. Two more explosions i followed the same day, and the si arch : was sus, ended Another explosion had occurred near Newcastle, Staffordshire, seventy-four lives being lost. Ihe Queen subscribed £2.000 for the relief of the sufferers. 1 he I- enian alarm in Ireland is re ported subsiding, and no more arrests are being made. The claim against M. Arman, in I‘ranee, by the In it ed -States is 2,280.000 francs, which is the ,amount paid by the Confederates for ships of war. 'i he mission of Genera! Fleurv to Florence refers solely to the Roman question. All idea of the Pope's leaving Rome has been abandoned, although Cardi nal Antonelli made satisfactory expla nation to Minister King, yet the state ment made by the dssertotivc Romano remained uncontradicted by that jour nal. The proposal by Austria for negotia tions for commercial relations between that Government and the Sollwrein had received a favorable response from Prussia, and V ieutia was suggested as the place to hold them. The Prussian Plenipotentiary will soon arrive at Vienna for the Conference. The Foreign Minister of Bavaria has resigned. Baron Goethal, appointed War Min ister ot Belgium,' stated that a revolu tionary proclamation in print had been seized in Faubourg St. Dennis, Paris, inciting a revolution in Spain under the lead of General Prim. I nc Invalid h’umse takes exceptions to tiic comparison tna ie by La France, between the Caudiau insurrection and the Polish rcvoititiuiq; saying the “Cnt dian affair brought about agreements on the part of 1 urkey.” A Constantinople telegram states that the French squadron has been put at the service ol Turkey to render the blockade of Candia more effective. Marshal Bazaine telegraphed to Na poleon on Dee. 3d as follows : “Maxi milian is still in Mexico, and has not come to any decision witit n ct to his luture movements. 'ihe evacuation of Mexico, requiring to be completed by March is urgent. Transports should arrive without delay. Minister Camp bell and General Sherman arrived at Vera Cruz on the 29th, and left Decem ber 3d. Members of the mission appear to be animated by- sentiments of a most conciliatory character." the markets. New York, Dee. 29. The Brokers’ Circular reports on the . h that business in Cotton was extern xive during the week at hardening prices, and although husiuess was lighter on I hursday and Friday than the first part of the Meek, an advance was quoted in all descriptions. Sea Island is in fair request at steady prices. American is in good demand at nil advance of jjaj on Common and Middling. Egyptian materially advanced. Sales for the week 107,160 bales, including 19,460 on speculation and 18,650 lor export. Fri day’s sale were 10,000. including 2,000 on export and speculation. The market closing firm, the fallowing are the offi Gal quotations: Orleans Fair at 164.; Middling 14.j.1; Mobile Fair at 15R; Middling 1-lid.; Upland Fair at 15}; Middling 14r). Stock 484,320 bales, including 159 860 American. The Manchester market was easier on thelotl. The Breadstuff Circulars of the 15th report Hour in small request, but u: - Cianged. Wheat firm, with light dt maml ; winter red and Southern 125.9d. al3s.3d. C irn easier at a decline of ls.als.6d. per quarter, on the week; mixed American. 375.6d.a385. Ameri can barley, 2d. lower. Beef declining. J ork lower. Bacon steady, but demand 1 gilt. Lard in better demand, and holders pressing tho market. Cheese firm, for fine. Butter dull. Tallow, 3a6d. 1 >wer ; Aineriean, 445.6d.a455.6d. Ashes cosed firmer. Sugar, 3a6d. higher. C ifteo easier. Rice steady. Ros n steady ; common, 95.a9.53d. Spirits 1 urpentlne quiet at 38s. for America!. Petroleum firmer; refined scarce at ls.sjd.als.Bd. In London Breadstuff’s were un changed. Sugar firmer. Tea unchanged. Iron dull at £5.55.a£5.105. Spir.ts Tur pentine easier at 385.6d.a395. Tallow quiet. New \ ork, Dec. 29—Noon. Cotton firm, at 334a34 je. Flourdull, at 11.I0»$17 for Southern; sales 150 barrels. Wheat quiet. Corn dull. Oats dull. Pork quiet; sales 8.000 barrels. New Mess. $20a20.50. Lard quiet at 11 a124. Whiskey quiet. Gold, 133 j; Money, 6a7; Exchange, 109}; Sixes, IHi I; Fives, 105$; Tens, 99f; Sevens, 104: New Fives, 107$. New York, Dec. 29—P. M. Money market firm, at 7 per cent, on call. Foreign exchange quiet at 109a 109} for first class banker's hills. Gold firmer; opening at 133, advancing to 134}, and closing at 133f. Government stocks fymer. Freights are dull and nominal at 3}a id. forgrain to Liverpool, per sail. Liverpool, Dec. 29—P. M. Estimated sales ol Cotton, 15,000 bales. Middling Uplands, 14$. Five twenties, 72J. Charleston, Dec. 29. P. M. Cotton in irket active and dosed firmer. Sales, -106 bales. Middling Uplands, 317 c. Rice dull—stock light! Sales small, at B}e. Gold, 132-s 1.3 J. Sterling hills, $6.17a6.22. Weather ' ol 1 and rainy. Cincinnati, Dee. 29—P. M. Flour—demand fair at $9.50a 10.50 Whiskey firmer; $2.26 asked, am! $2.25 offered; no sales. Hogs firm-r, and in good demand ; taken at $7.50a $7 65 at the door; $7.75 asked for ex tra arge ; receipts, 4.600 head. Mess pork hold at, $20.50 ; sales outside the city being $19.75. Bulk meats quiet; green meats firmer; holders ask }c higher. Lard firmer; prime kettle, 12c; fork and lard cooperage scarce, aad prit,higher. Market ctinsiil, lably excited. Gold, 1324 money tight, St. Louis, Dec 29—P. M. Tobacco, nothing doing. Cotton, 29}c. j Flour, muhing. Wheat firm and tin j cnanged. Corn dull and lower at 70a76c ! Oats lower ai 62aC5c. Moss Pork easier J "*■ S2O. Bacon unchanged. Hogs, ; $ -On.} and little doing. Uieneral mar ie t stagnant. Louisvii.ee, Dec. 29 —P. M. Tobacco, common lugs, $2.70a4.20- light leal. s(i.2sal 1.75. Superfine Flour, $9,50. 01 1 Wheat nominal at $2.75. Ear Cor hulk, 55 i57c.; shelled, 65a6S -. Oats, 63c. Ilogs scarce at $6.25a6.50 ; total receipts, 141.000. Mess Pork, S2O. Prime Lard, 12c. in tierces. Whiskey, in bond, 28c.; tree nominal. Low Mid dling Cotton, 2Sa29e. Bulk shoulders, Bc. Given Hams, 9}e. Marine Charleston, Dec. 29 —P. M. Arrived—brig Chebueto, from Hali fax. N. S. Cleared—steamer Saragossa, New York; Falcon, Baltimore; schooner Gertrude, Bahamas. New York, Dec. 29. Sailed—Steamers Andalusia, for Charleston : Mrrriniae, for New Orleans; Juno, for Wilmington ; Geo. Washing ton, for New Orleans; Sun Jacinto, tor Savannah. Schooners Marine, for Wilmington; Catamanteak, for Jack sonville; A. P. Avery, for Galveston London, Dec. 29—P. M. The Henrietta arrived at Cowes, at 5.45 Tuesday afternoon. The other yacht not in sight. London, Dec. 29 —P. M. The Fleetwing arrived at Cowes at 2 this morning, and the Vesta at 3.30. [ To f . S. ami Euriiftcixn A’eirtt Aeeoeintinn j FOREIGN NEWS—BY CABLE' Vienna, Deo. 28. The Presse says the rupture of rela tion between Greece and Turkey is inevitable. Great agitation in the lonian Islands, and disturbances in Cephu louia. Bulgaria is moving towar 1 a revolu tion to sever from Turkey, and. M. Abramorick, and M. Dimitroke nr mentioned as candidates lor the ne t Bulgarian throne. Ihe East Indian Government has offered a loan of £ijll!),000 to defray expenses for the relief of the sufferers by the Orissa famine. ihe French expedition to Corea penetrated as lar as Kang Chan without resistance, on the 15th of November. Two hundred houses were destroyed by fire in Hong Kong, Oct. 20th. The civil war in Japan is suspended. On the lGth the Loudon money market was steadyiwitli fair demand. J. J. BROWNE, QAItV Elt AN I) G 11, DK R . LOOKING GLASS And PICTURE FRAMES CORNICES, BRACKETS, CONSOLE TABLES, JT-O" JTade to Order "'feu Old PICTURE and LOOKING-GLASS FRAMES REGILT, and OIL PAINTINGS RESTORED, LINED, and VARNISHED At 135 BROAD STREET, Auyueta, Oa. Old CHANDELIERS .nude to look EQUAL 10 NEW, at a moderate price. de3o—lt AUGUSTA MARKETS. AUGUSTA, Ga., SaUfr.i'iy .\uou, / December 2‘J, IbGO. $ REMARKS. When wo clo*e i uur lust weekly review, busi nesu was quite brisk under the influence of the Christmas trade ; but as usual at the close of the year after the demand of the season has been tilled, everything has slacked oft', and but very Pule trade has been done. The stocks are some what reduced, and there is a better feeling in pro visions, without much visible improvement in prices. It will be observed that there are really very few alterations in prices, but in the compilation of these Prices Current, we have endeavored, so far as possible, to base our quotations on actual sales, and having carefully reviewed the market, we feel that we can confidently refer you to the table* It should be borne in mind that out flo tations represent wholesale prices. Small bills , to Planters and others, are filled at a shade higher rates. Currency remains very stringent, and Securities (except strictly first-class) have beeu exceedingly dull of sale. Tho demand for all classes of Bonds, Stocks, and Uncurrent Bunk Notes is but nominal, and we note n considerable decline, and refer to table for full particulars. Specie has again met with a heavy decline, and transactions remain very limited. When we close our report the following are Brokers’ rates: Gold, buying 1 30 Gold, selling i 35 Silver, buying 1 30 Silver, selling l 33 PROVISIONS. BACON.—The stocks have been so much reduced that they are now very small. There is an im proved feeling in the market, and we note an advance in prices. Wc quote Shoulders at 13® 13'*c.; B. H. Sides, 14©14kc. ; C. R. Sides, 15® 15 J^c.; Clear Sides, 15^£fcl>16c.; Hams, plain, 18© 20c.; Canvassed, 22©>25c.; Choice, 25®28c ; Country, 20©25c. it will be noticed that there is no change in the price of Ham. The figures given are entirely nominal, as there is really no sale for Hams. BUTTER—Remains sternly and stiff, at figures given: Goshen, 4©<3»soc per lb.; Western, 30 @ 35c.; Country, 35c. The supply is ample, with fair inquiry. CHEESE.—The inquiry has been good, ami the stock is ample. Figures are the same, viz.: Factory, 20@22c. per lb.; State, 18@20c ; English Dairy, 243>26c. FLOUR—The stock of Northern and Western Flour is still quite limited. A strictly good article is very scarce in the market. There has been no perceptible change this week. Flour remains stiff at figures given. RUCKW HEAT.—The supply has improved, and prices favor buyers. We quote whole barrels at *l2 50@13 00. SUGAR.—'There has been no perceptible change, but prices are stiff at figures given. LARI) Remains the same as last week. Stock limited. We quote: !*rime Leaf (bids), 13@15c. perlb.; Prime Leaf (in kegs), 141*16c.; Pressed, 12>i@l3c. Prices firm. „ GRAIN. COHN.— I The supply on sale in this city is now quite limited and the demand improved. It will be noticed that White and Yellow Corn command the same figures. Thfcre is an improvement in prices. We quote: Maryland White, $1 f»0@l 65; West ern White, SI 60; Yellow, #1 60; Mixed, #1 55. OATS—Are steady; the stock is light, and they are often asked for. Prices range: $1 per bushel. HAY—Continues to be asked after, and is very scarce. Quotations remain unchanged, viz: Northern, $225; Eastern, $250. WHEAT—Cannot be had except for seed. A choice article will quickly bring higher figures than those quoted. SUNDRIES. DIG GS,—There has been much I:T*' manifested in this branch of trade during the week, but wo .have no changes of note in the price of goods to chronicle. DRY GOODS.--After av,• k•> •?. ■ ~j briskness, the trade seems to havu . !lC .piite stagnant. I'ERI ILI/KRS.--There aru. hut few inquiries for fertilizers now, an i Healers have reduced their jo Ires of ivrutlT!. tiutillt). »r»; tjium: u m $n 120 per ton. DRIED FRUIT.—Stock more than adequate to the demand; prices unchanged BAGGING AND ROPE.—There is a regular de mand for these articles, as the trade requires their use, but not a heavy one Prices steady. We quote: Hemp, Greenlcaf, 15>TlTc.; Missouri, 15® 16c.; Flax, 11 «-lf»c. The quotations for the lat ter arc only nominal. It should be remembered Unit inside figures represent prices at which large lots cm be purchased, an 1 the outside figures smaller lots. Sl’AßCU.—Good supply and fair inquiry. Prices range: Pure, 13C*cl4c. per lb.; Silver Gloss, 15 ©l6c. TOBACCO.—Stocks very liuht. The demand is very good for Common Sound and Medium Grades. It should be remembered that in all cases the qm . tations given are “tax-paid.” Prices still'. LEATHER.—The stocks are full, and prices re main steady. There has been a good inquiry, ami quite a brisk trade in this article during the week. YARNS—Are steady ami have met with no noticeable change We quote: Nos. 4to 12 at $2 50 per bunch ; Nos. 14 to 20 at $3 00. DOMESTICS.—The demand for Augusta Do mestics has been steady, and there has l>.*en no change in prices. COTTON. In closing tills, our last Weekly Report fur the year lsilfl, we would direct your attention to a cursory glance at the action of the great staple of commerce during the final week of the year. We closed .our last report on Friday night the 2*l instant, on cn irregular market, quoting Strict Middling nominally at 31 B (a 33c. On Saturday the market was decidedly fiat: there was no demand, and a very light offering stock. This was attributahle to unfavorable Liverpool advices. The sales of the day were 145 bales; re ceipts H 32 bales. On Monday there was a quiet market, and but limited transactions in the staple; holders were obliged to make concessions of about ’ (e. in order to effect sales. Sales 325 bales; receipts -18 b bales. Tuesday, being Christmas day, we have no re port to make concerning trade on that day. On U ednesday holders became quite firm in their views, and sates of 2-14 bales were made. Receipts 568 bales. Cn Thursday there was a fair demand, and the market was quite firm at 31c. for .Strict Middling Sales 4SI bales; receipts -182 bales On Friday, there was a fair inquiry, and a very I light offering stock. Sales 11)5; receipts 151 bales, j KKOAPITULATIOS. I-’rom Ist .September: Sales up to the 22d inst., wore 25,811! bales. Sales since 1,390 Total to date 27,033 Re-eipts up to 22d inst., were 3-1,45! hales. Receipts since 2.019 Total to date 37,072 STATEMENT OF STOCK OF COTTON Stock on hand September 1 9.1188 bales Receip.s to date 37,073 bales Total to date. 40,100 At the close of the market yesterday, holders were firm in their views and sales made at full figures: Middling 33 ©3o!-4 Strict Middling 31 (icditd Good Middling 31>4^32 COMMERCIAL. AITT.FS Green . hid 74 00 a 000 Dry !b.. 97 a BAGGING— Gunny, heavy, wide .. .yd.. 33 a 31 Gunny, light, narrow . .yd.. 33 a Dundee .! yd . 2*. a SS Kentucky vd.. 30 a BURLAPS yd.. 19 a 21 BKEF— Mess bb1.,32 50 a Mess. Xht’i..ls 0u a 17 50 Extra Family - -JObbl. .19 09 a 111 50 BACON Western Shoulders lit.. 13 a 13k. B B Sides lb.. It a 14yj Clear Ribbed Sides lb.. a 15' Clear Sides lb.. 15 1 .,a 10 Breakfast lb.. IB; 3a 10 Hams, plain. lit.. 18 “a 20 Hams, canvas -1 lb.. 22 a 25 Hams, Choice lb 25 a 28 Hams,Country lb.. 20 a 25 buti'kr— Goshen lb.. 45 a 50 Western lb.. 30 a 35 CANDLES— lb ” ” * 33 Adamantine lb.. 24 a 20 iit How ll>.. 12'->u I,'» CIDER—Best Newark, N. J bbl] ilB 00 a CHEESE— Factory Jb.. 20 a 22 •State lb.. 18 a 20 English Dairy lb.. 24 a 26 COFFEE— Kio lb.. 28 a 32 Java. lb.. 40 a 45 Laguvra lb . 35 a • 37U DOMESTICS— Augusta Factory 7-8... yd.. 13 a 18'' Augusta Factory 4-4 ..yd . 20 a 2(0, Augusta Factory DrilU. yd.. 22 a 22,** Other Mills 7-8. yd 18 a 19 Other Mills 4-4 yd 21 a 22 Osnaburgs yd . 28 a 29 DRUGS—Package Prices— Acid—Benzoic, German . . 50 a Benzoic, Amur 75 a Muriatic 15 a Nitric 25 a Sulphuric 10 a Tannic 50 a 75 Tartaric 1 *5 a Alcohol, 05 percent &00 a Alum 10 a Ammonia, FEE. 25 a Annatto 1 25 a As.-afuetida 50 a 75 Balsam Copaiva 1 50 a Bismuth, Sub. Nit 750 a 8 00 Borax, Ref 45 a Brimstone g a Calomel, Eng 2 00 a Camphor, Ref 1 50 tt Cantharides Plaster 2 50 a Castor Oil 4 00 a 4 50 Cinnamon . . fto a Cod Liver Oil, doz 10 00 a Cream Tartar 40 a 75 Elixir Opium 400 a 4 50 Copperas 5 a Epsoin Salts 8 a Ether, Sulph 200 a Gum Arabic, Select 100 a 1 25 Gum Arabic, Sorts 60 a 75 lp«cac 650 a Lunar Caustic, oz 2 00 a Opium : 12 00 a 13 00 Quinine 280 a 300 Shellac 65 a 75 Soda, BC 1R a Sulphur 10 a ” Vitriol, Blue .... 18 a Indigo, Spanish 1 5a a 250 Madder 18 a 20 Logwood, Ext 2o a 25 Muriate Tim 20 a 4o Window Glass, Bxlo 600 a Window Glass, 10x12 700 a Putty 10 a FERTILIZERS— Peruvian Guano ton 110 (K) al2o 00 Phoenix Guano ton. .60 00 a Baughs’ Raw Bone ton .60 00 a American Guano ... .ton 50 00 a Columbian Guano ton .40 00 a Baker’s Island Guano ton 65 00 a FISH New Salmon kits . 6 00 a 7 New Mess Mackerel kits !i (!•! a 550 No 1 Mackerel kits 325 a 4 No 2 Mackerel kits 300 a 350 No 1 Mackerel .1-4 bbls . 751 a 8 -No 2 Mackerel .. .1-4 bbls. 550 a 7 No 2 Mackerel .1-2 bbls 15 50 a 13 No 3 Mackerel 1-2 b!!s . *.» 00 a 950 No 3 (Extra) 1-2 bbls 11 00 a No l Codfish . cwt. ll 00 al2 Sealed Herrings box.. 1 Oo a 1 25 FLOUR— Northern Superfine bbl . ,18 a 14 Northern Extra 0ut..11 a 15 Northern Family bid.. 15 a 16 SX Family bb1.,16 a IS St Louis Fancy Brand..bid.. 1.3 50 a 19 Granite Mills Canal bid.l4 a Granite M ills Superfine. bid.. 15 50 a Granite Mills Extra bid. .mute in market Granite Mills Family, .bid. .18 50 a Excelsior XX b 1.1.. none in market LxceUiur Mills Extra..tit)!. 1(5 a ExccdsiorMiilsSup'fine.bbl. .15 a Excelsior Mills Canal, .bill. .13 50 a 14 00 Buckwheat bt>1..12 50 a 13 00 GRAIN— Corn, Maryland white.bush.. 1 GO a 1 65 Corn(Western),white.. bnslj.. .. a 1 60 Corn, yellow bush.. 160 a Corn, Western Mixed.bush.. a l 55 V* heat bush.. 275 a 325 Gats bush.. 1 00 a 1 lo Peas bush.. 1 50 a 1 75 Rye, seed bush”. a 2 25 HAY— Northern cwt 225 a HlDES—Green U>. . a ’ Suited I') o LAUD— Prime Leaf (bbls) .... lb.. . n 15 I'rinie Leaf (kegs) .... tb.. a 16 Pressed lb.. 12 a LEAD—Bar lb.. 13 a 14 LKATHKi:— Hemlock Sale 11> . 31) n 33 Northern 0«k !!> . Ml a !><l Southern Oak 1!,.. 311 a 40 Northern Harness. ... 11,.. 50 a 60 Sot.them Harness .!!>.. 30 a 40 Upper Sides doz .3) 00 a 36 00 French Calf Bkin« doz 35,00 a fin no French Kips do;. 70 00 nIMI 00 Northern Coat doz 35 00 a French Kips doz. 60 00 a French Patent Caif. ...doz. So 00 a an I loppings doz 13 00 a SO 00 Howard hbl . 2 05 a 3 15 t IQUOits—" bbl 325 « 3 69 Alcnlnd. 95per ct ... gal 600 a v* in.Mvey I'.oiir.'MHi ftui a a sdo Rectified .. gal 250 a 375 Rye gal 300 a 500 Iri'h gal 700 a 9<m f> hootch gal. . 700 a !) 00 Brandy—Cognac gal.. 8 00 a 15 00 I '‘ Dustic gal. 350 a 500 Gin —Holland gal.. 0 00 a 8 00 American gal.. 2 00 a 3 50 Rum—Jamaica gal.. 8 (JO a 00 New England.... gal.. 325 a 550 MATCHES— Telegraph grogs.. 1 80 a 2 00 Shanghai grog* . 300 a 025 Parlor, No. 1 gro?-s 035 ;i ;> 50 •IP [V 1,0r ’ “ Su * ~ gross.. 380a 400 City ground, bolted.. .bush.. 175 a 185 Country ground lmsh 1 (>5 a MOLASSES— Now York gal . 05 a 80 (i ;-D \vriip gill l (in a \ m Sugto Cane gal . 75 a 80 Cuba Clayed gal . 52 a 5s Muscovada gal . 00 a 0,5 Sorghum gal.. 40 a 50 NAILS —Cut, assorted sizes—lb.. S a at- 1 OILS — Linseed gal 180 a 200 Kerosene burning gal . DO a 100 K - resell. 1 lubricating, gal . 1 40 a 200 Sperm Winter gal . 375 a 4 50 Tanners* Common gal.. J 25 11 1 75 Machinery. gal.. 1 SO a 200 L»«np gal . 3 00 a 4 00 Lard, Winter gal . 2 75 a 3 25 ONIONS bid.. 3 50 a 4 00 PAINTS— White Lead |>t.. 15 a 20 Chrome Yellow. U . 3o a 40 Chrome Green lb.. 30 a 40 Spanish Brown lb.. 5 a Venetian Red lb.. 8 a Venetian ground in oil.. .lb.. 18 a 25 Red Lead 20 a 25 Gold Leaf' 13 00 a 10 00 Varnish—Copal 4 00 a f> no C‘»»cb 5 00 a ti 00 J«P«» a 3 50 TORK —Northern Pickled — bhl .35 00 a I POTATOES—Irish bhl.. 4 50 a 6 00 j RAISINS— i Malaga box 550 a 600 Malaga box 300 a 350 RR’K lb 11 a 13 ! IiOl’E— ! 1 letup, Greenleaf 11) 15 a 17 ! Missouri Ib 15 a 10 Flax lb 14 a 15 SALi —Liverpool pack 325 a • Soap—American Yellow . lb . D a 12 SHOT— bag . a 3 50 SUGAR— Rrown, Raw 11».. ll>' a 14 F'rtn Rico lb . 15 a 15 Clarified a lb . IS a Clarified M lb a Clarified C. extra ib . lttjfa 17 Crushed lb . 19 a Pov dered lb . ID a 1 Veil, wC. lb . lOl^a j Yellow Kell led lb . 15 “a iblt TEAS— Gre n ! 1 to n e no Block lb.. 1 00 a 1 50 TO AACCU.— Common Soim*’ lb.. 60 a 70 Medium Sound lb.. a 00 Fine Bright i., .1» u 1 1*) Extra Fine to Fancy lb 100 a 125 Extra Fi ie Bright (m w).ib. 1 25 a 1 50 Fine Cut gr ss . 6 00 a 12 00 SMOKING THJACOO— Lurham lb . 75 a llnrmuni/.er lb . » 75 Bird's Eye per gross . ..a 1000 Guerrilla Club Jtflb . n 55 Navy lb. 75 a Maryland Club i( I 75 WINKS.* KTi . Chirr t case 450 all 00 Port case 13 0 ) a Sherry case 13 00 a IS 00 Madeira case 1 .*> 00 a Champagne, Import od.bskl 2S ou a 4') IK) Champagne, Inferior, bskt IS On a25 00 A ie, qts... il «/. . 0 50 a 7 5!) YARNS— Nos 4to 12 bunch .. 250 a Nos. 12 to 20 bunch.. .. a 300 Augusta Market. Augusta. Dec. 29 - li P. JI. COTTON—Tiic market wvs firm with a fair demand. A limited amount of sales were made at full prices. tVrict -Middling, 32c. GOLD—The market stiffened a little to •day. Drokers were buying ac 132, and selling at 135. SILVER—There is but little demand for Silver, and it is dttii at 130 for buying, and 133 selling rates. WHITE ALPACA, Beautiful quality, for sale hy MRS. FUGUE, dclO ISO Broad street. ART MD REAL ESTATE AoSOCiATION. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 'THUS ASSOCIATION HAS BEKX FORMED I'l'OX TflK FOLLOWING PLAN : 1 There will be issued to member* Certificates f r 2,500 Shares, at TEX DOLLARS each, numbering from 1 to 2,500 inclusive, which entitle the holder to admission to a Grand Musical Enetrtainirenti TO BE GIVEN AT CONCERT HALL, In Ibis City, and a Share in the award of Premium?. b irst I remium, Lot No. Rl, of 730 100 acres of Land, comprising the Beautiful Grounds and Commodious Dwelling, with eleven outbuildings, atl,oiui; : - this City, in Harrisonville, the property of Thomas P. Stovall, and valued au .410 000 And each of the following Lots, adjoining the same, lying on theTurknett Spring ’ and Carnes Roads arid the Georgia Railroad, not far removed from the p-o --posed route of the City Railroad : 1 Second Premium, Lot No. 60, containing 3 57-100 Acres, valued at .. l ana Third Premium, Lot No. 61, valued at ’ Fourth Premium, Lot No. 62, valued at 1000 Fifth Premium, Lot No. 63, valued at I'ooo Twelve Premiums, Lots No. 1 to 12, valued at §3OO each 3 600 Twenty Premiums, Lots No. 14 to 33, valued a: S2OO each Vooo Seventeen Premiums, Lots No. 34 to 43, 57 and 59, value "MOO Tr,„ P HUAUv a ho ur, h fr e xn r , emium< ma ? bp ”™rded will receive at the office°of lion. HI-A 1.5 A. HILLIARD, conveyances in fee of au unencumbered title, on the day subsequent to tho award. Due noth- will oo given, through the public press, of the time of holding the Grand- Alusical •infe.-.fumsnt, immediately after which the Premiums will be awarded bv the gentlemen imiu and below. DeSasls of the Award of Premiums: . Ul T'T'' On t® 0O u S ’ °" be ’ n £ closed, will be placed in the hands of the following ‘ " " J ' “ a ' e km<lly consented to act a* a Committee to conduct the Awa.'-d of Gen " A iT' wn' eX ~ MayOr ' Edward Thomas, Esq., formerly President F r Vt' n P L , us ,he Hnion Bank. Hon; “1* Mayor!* trior CourT"’ ° f lß * Tbese gentlemen will have the sole management of the Awards. In ordering Certificates, send in payment therefor Drafts, Postoffice Money Orders, f..,w‘S::^ th rr rUS3 l,f V”. n \V n " nty ' ,ln<! State ’ a * e v e r y Certificate will ho ih.r-tf T - i ! the money held by Messrs. BRANCH, SONS & CO., Bankers, of this ity, until the 1 rein turns shad have be«m awarded. All communications or orders should be addressed to THOMAS P. .STOVALL, or BRANCH, SON A t£ CO., Bankers, Augusta, Ga. Charter Oak cooking ST 0 VE. 'T'HIS CELEBRATED STOVE, SO FAVORABLY KNOWN IN .MOBILE J- New Orleans, St. Louie, and other Southern cities, is now being offered to the citizens of Augusta, us one of the best and cheaper! lirrt-rfass Cooking Stores in tho market—its baking qualities are unsur;assed, which is tuknowieOged hv all whoh- vo u?ed it. The draught flues are so constructed as to ensure a rorf'et draught, whi'e a hot air flue which surrounds the oven insures the baking and roasting of bread and meats, to entire satisfaction. Me warrant the perfect baking of every Stove we sell In our stock will he found TOILET SETS, CHURNS, TUPS COFFFK MTITS SrOUIUNG BRICKS, TEA TRAYS, SAD IRONS, CAKE CUTTERS. JELLY CAKE I ANS, etc. A full assortment of Housefurnishing Goods always on hand. We arc also nro parod to do ROOFING, and all manner of work i u the' Tinners’ iine of business. ’ P d’-9—lui D. L. FULLERTON. ISB Rroad street. For Rent and Sale. To Rent. r J I HREE SMALL HOUSE.} TO RENT. SB. sl2, and sl6 PER MONTH. Apply to L. C. DUGAS, de2S —3t No. 47 Broad street. TO KENT. fj'ROM THE FfK.STOF JANUARY NEXT -1. the House, Store, and Lot ou the cor ner of Twiggs and Watkins streets. For particulars inquire on the premises, del 9—ts To Rent HP HAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ON I the us per end of* Greene street, con taining six iarge rooms, with tiie neccssnrv out buildings—all in good repair, and a , well of excellent water. j Belonging to tho place is four acres of | first-rate Lm.d, suitable for gardening, ami | a number ol choice Fruit Trees. Posses- II sion given immediately.'. Apply to * >f L. HILL, in* 14—ts Augusta Factory. HOUSE TO j&ENT. ITU ATE ON THE CORNER OF CAL IIOUN and Mclntosh streets, Contain ing Eight Rooms; Kitchen with Two Rooms. 't here is also a good Garden attached to the ; itoudv. Water on the premises, lor purlietiuars apply on the premises, or to j. w. Junes, 149 Ellis street, oclS—*.f Opposite Palace iPaides. TO RENT, \ DWELLING liOU.SK— i On ill- south side ot Greene street, Between and Washington— I Containing Seven Room?. JVdl’.S W. WALKER, oed ti No. 3 Mclntosh street. j For l& e, / V-K DOUSI-: AND LOT, ON TIIK V-/ ivirnur u! Sou it Buttmiary ami Kullwtk i strevlj—tiktul as a Grocery Store at prevent, ! anti two in tire HU i i.DING i.f.t IS adjoin i g—a'! under separate, good fence* ; and i twn tin feet by too, and one 6ti by 1UI), more ; or less. Apply at 11. IIAKER’S, Corner Lower .Market and Centre st., X 0.44 i dc2S—-fit, or 14f> road s tect. ! FOR SALE, IX BEECH I SLA Ad, A HESIDKXCE ON TIIK A l ~1,-1 A Road, six miles from the City. Fur particulars apply to 11. F. RI’SSi'.LL & VO.. Dry- Goods Merchants, del9—l2t Augusta, Ga. U ——— Mosher, Thomas & Schaub, i)A 1 BliOAI) SIR KMT— via Under Masonic Hall AUGUSin, a.-, Direct Importers and Denier? in E NGLISH AND FR E N L Cliiiia 1 BOHEMIAN, y BENCH and AMERICA Glass "Ware! AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. 'A-vt.. Try us, and we will convince you i that you can save the Freight trout York to this point. JOS IAII JIGS TIER, J. Jefferson tuomab, GEORGE SCHAUB. oc2—fitn AUGUSTA DOBBIN WORKS,: AUGUSTA, GEO., j H. T. NELSOJT, Proprietor. do3—tauj_s Garden Seed*. PLUMB&LEITNEH 212 BRC/.r AUGUSTA, GA. WE ARK NOW RECEIVING OUR stock of YELLOW and WHITE OMo v SETS. Our supply of FB I’S ii (j A EBEN bEEBS IN PAPERS AND BULK Rid be shipped to us as fast as the new crop is h.irtvsted. Gtir stock will be the most complete ev offered in this market. Descriptive Cata logues an j Almanacs furnished .-rati* PL CM 15 A LEITNKR, 212 Broad street, Augusta. oc27—tf Garden Seed. \\ 71: II WE JT T ST RECEIVED A _ ' complete as< rfuiPDt c»i new GAR DEN SKhf), w’hit !i we will *<el 1 low to tho trade ; also, at retail. RAR.Ufc.TT, CARTER & CO. dc6 —1 m Miscellaneous. Cotton Yam.?, 1 OH bales superior i VJ\ J COTTON YARNS From Fontenoy Jlills, Jow in store and for sale ; assorted num : tiers, from fi's to 12’s constantly on hand ! n029 —ts A. VOULLAIN. FRANCIS E. TIMMONST .1 11 O X AND Grass l^ounder MANUFACTURER OF STATIONARY ENGINES, ' '' 1 SAW MILLS sugar, mills, sugar boilers, COL UMNS AND GIRDERS, PIPES, PUL LEYS, WHEELS, EAILROAD WHEELS AND JIACIIIN ERY CASTINGS 0E EVERY DESCRIPTION. SPKCJAI ATTUNTIOM PAID TO General JobbingMadiiucWcrk NO. 170 FENWICK STREET, Opposite the Water Tower, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, oc!4— 3m