Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 01, 1867, Image 4

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fbt flaili] \Utss. City Printer—Official Paper J.4KGKST CITY CIRtTI.ATIOX Tl CBUAT NORNIMti In. 1. Ui: SCATTER SEED, by (idiRUK doorKK. In Uie furrew.« »»f thy life, S-*»tter ! Sina‘l in*y he thy spirit field, Hut a gnedly cr«»p ’twill yield : Sow the kindly word auvl deed, Sent ter sfv . Sun anJ show* : * thee now, r - •• l! Who can toll where may grow ? Winds are blow ng t * an l fro, Pailv gi*» I thy rimplecreed. Scatter seed * Up! the morning (lies away, Scatter seed ! Hand of thine . u*t never tire. Heart must k*c* ,t- pure desire , While thv br-'tf r < taint and bleed, Scatter se ! ’ Though thy word should seem to fail, Scatter seed ’ Some may fall on < * • 1 Flower and blade are • a» and In the clefts we little ht 1. Scatter seed ! Spring tm« always daw* . >r the© ,* Scatter sand ! Ope the spirit's g \ u sto. \ Stretch thy furrows more and more, God will give to thee thy meed. Scatter seed ! SCISSORS. —John Slidell is said to be now on of the richest men in l’aris. —The advocates of female stiffi-ngr in England aie actually at work. —The National Democratic Commit mittee at Washington arc going to c< bratc the Sth of January. —The French exhibition will certainly open on April Ist aud close on October Ist. —The mission of Mr. Uright to Ire land is spoken of as a mistake and a iailure. —A L ;ndo:i newspaper recently con tained the tol l.wing : ‘ For President of England—John Bright.” —There are in London 8,000 or 10,000 cabmen, and 4,000 or 5,000 omnibus drivers, representing iu all a population of 00,000. —Sixty .-even new n oney-order offi ces arc soon to be openeflon the Pacific coast. The lYst office in X- w York paid 2.-50 money orders last week amounting to $45,000. —The leading railroad manager! of New Ei glai and i ave j eti ti tied Congress to reduce the duty on railroad axles, tires and rails male ot iron, to one cent, per pound, and ot steel to one half per pound. —The Tennessee Republican State Convention is to be held at Nashville, and the Kentucky Democratic State Convention at Frankfort, on the 22d of February. Rev. George W. Whaley, of the M. lb odist Church, South, one of the pioneers of Methodism in the West, died at Urban*, Ohio, on Friday. —Morrissey, who was recently elected to Congress, is selling out his gambling establishment, declaring his intention to cease all connection with gaming or gambling concerns. —lt is announced from Galveston that no less than 300 families of the Scotch working classes had sailed from Liverpool, dc.: dtot! at point. They will find in 'lex c an excellent field tor thriftr industry. — A dispat< 1i from St. Cloud, Minn., says that the increase to the population of Minnesota by immigration, in IH6G, will i ot fall far short of 100,000 souls, a considerable portion being from the older Western States. —More than half of the income tax comes from three States. Thus, in 1865 ) the total income tax was $20,509,000, of which Massachusetts paid $3,193,000, New York $0,222,000, and Pennsylva nia $3,431,000 —the States aggregate $11,846,000. Keep Yota Lamp Tuim.mkd and Bcbxixo.—The keeper of the light house at Calais was boasting of the brightness of his lantern, which can be seen ten leagues at sea, when a visitor said to him, '-What it one of the lights should go out?" “Never 1 impossi ble 1" he etied, horrified at the bare thought. ‘'Sir,' 1 aid he, pointing to the ocean, “yonder, where nothing can be seen, tie re are ships going by to all parts of the world. If to-night one of my burners went out, within six months would come a letter—perhaps from India, perhaps from America, perhaps from some place I never heard of — saying, on such a night, at such an hour, the light of Calais burned dim, the watchman neglected his post, and vessels were in danger. All! sir, some times in the in stormy weather, I look out to the sea and feel as if the eye of the whole world were looking at my light. Cos out? Burn dim? 01), never!” Was the light-house keeper so vigilant? Did he feel so deeply the importance of his work? And eliail Christians neglect their light, and sullcr it to grow dim—grow dim, when for need of its bright shining some poor mariner on the sea of life, struggling amidst the waves ol temptation, may lie dashed upon the rocks ot destruction ? No. “i.et vour lights shine. J.et your example lead others into paths ol morality, rather lha. ..ito paths ol vice, whither so many ot the youth ot the present day are hurrying with steady steps, only to find them be. .el wiut thorns and liriars- Bet your light i.mue, x aii-iiy bewing. t int RING OK AM. KIM/8. , IK'I 8, < 111 LDREN'n *ml LAD IKK’ •. I win I-.. , minis tu writer. Also. •■VVMNi;-. iilt AIN met 81.01 It 8 A (hany ipnnliiy mads at short notice, at 320 BROAD nTIH KT- Mirth b. J. READ, Agent fur (trover A linker's celebrated Noiseless hewing Machines. lto2l—3m Educational. linpoitant Notice TO EDUCATORS. John P. Morion & Co.,] LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, PU it LIS II Kits OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL SERIES: ooonuicirs nkw school header. !<v Noble Butler. BUTLER'S ENhl ISH GRAMMARS. TOW MVS ARITHMETIC and ALU EUR A. BRONSON'S ELOCUTION. BU rLER’S SPEAKER, ote* THIS IS THE ONLY SOUTIIKISN HOUSE Erg-gcd injibe Publication of School Books. * Chaurfd* - LIF?CgMB gives his testi mony in the fdi*» * term*. I n. ■•kkmty ok GkorCia ) \ ' I j “T h:». ex;*!!:.?!'*!* r. :h _rrcnt car- *.,e Goodrich or; . * .<»« 1 Headers, oditi i T <• • A. >l. i , ns»d**r the: J: ' «i- admirably adapted io secure the tor wh h they have been prepared, he selertitius arc judicious, and the nr rat cement i. excellent. Rending is boro prc'cn'c.’ ns an art: the consecutive im* h odd «>f instruction aro thoroughly exhibiu-l, while the principles ot correct and elegant beading, wMh the iUustrations that em body t hem, arc so happily introduced, that easy an i natural progress may be made. I air. joti t’eulnrlv pleased with the SIXTH READER. This work hu> pecu liar merits. It combine, in an eminent de cree, the best features of our m*'«t philo • i sphic sy stem »f Elocutionary and. apart in if.- thor recommendations. j wur ;• ot tin* attention of Teachers on the ground of its eclectic value. I shall introduce the New Sixth Header into the Elocutionary Department of this Uni versity. A. A. LIPSCOMB, Chancellor.” *• Butler’s Grammars impress me very favorably. So far as I have been able to examine them, they strike me ns very suc cessful efforts to adapt the subject of Gram mar to young minds. They teach the pupil how to think iu the study of Grammar; and as most Grammars fail at this point, I can very fully commend these books to the at tention of Teachers. A. A. LIPSCOMB, Chancellor.” We could append the endorsement of these rare Books from all the important Teachers in the City of Augusta, who will hereafter use them exclusively in their schools. Our Books have recently been adopted as follows : Headers and Grammars into all the Schools of Texas, through the action of the Stat© Convention at Houston, July 4th, Grammars, Arithmetic, and Algebra in all the Public, and most of the Private Schools of New Orleans. Headers, Arithmetic, and Algebra in all the Public and Private Schools of Mobile, Alabama. Readers in the Public Schools of Nash ville, Tenn. Readers, Grammars, and Mathematics in the Public Schools, Jackson, Mississippi, and hundreds ci Schools throughout the South. Our Books may" be had of THOMAS RICHARDS A SON, A. BLEAK LEY, G. A. OATES, SCHREINER d* SONS, and P. QUINN, Augusta, Ga. JOHN P. MORTON A CO., dc2—lm Louisville, Ky. Holiday Gifts! BY THE NEW YORK PRIZE ASSOCIATION, 599 BROADWAY, N. Y. KACII. 25 Rosewood Pianos....worth S2OO to 500 JO “ MelodeonSr.. “ 10 Oto 200 1( 0 Sewing Machines.... “ 50 to 125 200 Music Boxes ” 15 to 150 500 Gold Watches u f»0 to 250 1,000 Silver Watches “ 20 to 60 1,000 Silver Tea Setts u 25 to 150 Together with a large assortment of NEW AND ELEGANT JEWELRY! VALUED AT $500,000, WHICH WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS : The name and value of each article of our goods are marked on Tickets, placed iu &LALKI) ENVELOPES, and well mixed. On receipt of 25 cents, an envelope con taining such TICKET, will he drawn with out choice, and delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The pur chaser, after seeing what article it draws and its value—which may be FROM UNK TO FIVE 11 ENDUED DOLLARS—can then, on payment of ONE DOLLAR, re ceive the article named, or may exchange it for any other article marked on our Circu lar, at the same value. Every ticket draws an article worth ONE DOLLAR or more. fitsjr N O B LANKSI "irfl Our jattrouM can depend on prompt returnh. Tht artidet drawn will be immediately end hi/ E* preen or return mail , or delivered at our office. Letters from many persons, acknowl edging the receipt of VALUABLE GIFTS from us, may be seen on file at our office, among whom we are permitted to reter to : John S. Holcomb, Lambertvflle, N. J., Gold Watch, worth $250. Mrs. S. Bennett, 252 Cumberland street, Brooklyn, Sewing Machine, SBO. Edwin Hoyt, Stamford, Conn., **old Lever Watch, S2OO. lion. L ’ 1 Briggs, Washington, D. C., Diamond j , *175. J. ('. Sutherland, 100 Lexing ton Avenue, Piano, s2;'<h Mrs. M, Jack son, 203 Nineteenth street, N. Y , Sewing Machine, S9O. Joseph Camp, ’Elmira, N. Y., Al* !< deou, $l5O. Ah.-.s i,. * ollin , At lanta, Diamond Cluster Ring, $225. Dr. II :nry Smith, \ r a ii M: Sewing Mu hue, s > >. 11. Slunv, I. . Sixteenth street, New York, Gold \\ ’ujch, $l5O. Fsl - Boynton, Nashville, Tenn., Mrlodoon, SIOO. JaiucH Russell, Montgomery, Ala., Gold Hunting Watch, R. Smith, Providence, R. 1., > r !*• vyc Wat«*h, SBO. Oscar Purdy, Madison, N. J., Music li-.x, $45. II <n. K. S. Newell, St. I'atiPs, Minn., Gold Watch, $l y 5. J. i«. Sperry, Lileh field, Conn., Silver Watch, $55. Win. B. Peck, Harlem, Illinois, Music Box, $75. Win. Raymond, Dayton, Ohio, Silver Tea Set, $125. Miss F. M. Sehenek, Detroit, Michigan, Diamond Ear Bings, $225. Pit lb a 1 . OrD'of. Diamond I'.ag 1 .‘j : 170. Mis. Martha! Barrie , St. Louis, Mifcß<uuri, Melodem., value, $ 125. A •Jinnee to obtain any of the above art ieltn I *»r ONE iJOELAI' by purchasing a SEALED I.NVELOI'E for IWEMV FIVE ( J . I.*. Entire Ftih </u</nut, (iutiranlml to all. Six Ticket* lor One Dollar ; Id for Two Dollars ; lor Five Dollars. Great in ducements (o Agents. All letters should be addressed to .1 11, RAY & CO., is OX 0180, NKW YOISK. de!s - Jm* Costar’s Exterminators. *• IS yearn established in N. Y. City.” “ Only intnlliblo moody known. * 4 Free from Poisons.” “ Not dangerous in the Human Family.” ** Rats come out of their holes to die.” “CoNlarN” Rat, Koucti, Elf.* EXTERMINATORS Is a paste —used for Kate, Mice, Koachee, /Hack anti Lift/ Ante, etc., etc, • 4 loafarN v - R«*i9~Rug Extermi n a t o r D • liquid **r wash—used to destroy, nnd alsw u preventive for lied-vie, 4 C’oNl'irS” ElcHrlc Ftmdcr FOR INSECTS, Is for Mi)the, Mo*quit /**, Flea*, lit>l-Hu y*, lueee'* on /'/idtifi, £•■!, «’*•, Animate, etc. I ! Beware . !! of ull worthless imi- See that “C -'TAB'S” name is ou each Bov Butt If, and Fin >k, ovfore \ou buy. SAX- Address, m:\nx it, (oviail 48 i Km ad way, N. Y. Sold in Augusta, Ga., by PU MR A LEITNER. 212 Broad street, Augusta. Ga EARNER, W ARD A 'CO.. 2! .Vagiuia* street. N. ()., Wholesale Agents * r (he Southern States, and all Druggists and Renders every where. 64 Costar’s” 'celebrated^ BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wound?, Boils Cancel.-, broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Breed ing, Blind anti Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and 111-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Af fections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Ruuions, Chil blains, etc.; Chapped Hands, Lips, etc.; Rites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, etc., etc. _/£*&■* Boxes, Jo cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. >*>- And bv HENRY R. COSTAU, Depot 484 Broadway, N. f. And by PLUMB k LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. JJSQ" BARNEP, WARD A Cos., 24 Mag azine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. “Costar’s”. UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions. Warts, etc, _,rc Box.'}*, 25 rents, 50 and $1 sizes. Sold b\ nil Druggifls everx w here. And bv JIENKV B. COSTAR, Depot 48 i Broadway,‘N. Y. And by PLUMB A LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. JZ**' R \ 11N V. S, WAR D (1: I t *., 24 M ag ar.ine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern .States. K y () 8 t <1 P I PREPARATION OF BlffiHfEiTHMßffill FOR Beautifying the Complexion. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, re move Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, etc. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. Bottles, sl. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And bv HENRY K. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB A LEITNEIt, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. “ C ostar’s” PECTORAL COUCH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hrarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, \\ hooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by HENRY K. COSTAR, Depot 18 I Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB A LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD A CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. Costar’s 55 CKI.KUKATKI) BISHOP PILLS, A Universal Dinner Pill, For Nervous and Rick Jlcudncbe, Conti venous, IndixoMion, Uys|»c|>nio, liiliouHiicss, Constipa tion, fhurrl.o ii, Colin*, Chilli, Fevers, and Ron ent) ot tint Incentive Organs. gfryV Biixck, 2.*> rts., f>o ctA., nud $1 sizrs. Hki/‘ Sold l»y all nvfrvwhcre. fivi And by lIKNBY It. CO.STAR, 4H4 Broadway, N. Y. - And by PLUMB .V LEITNEH, 212 Broad tired, August it, (in. BAItNFR, \VAKI> A, CO., 21 Alaj;i»y.ine Htruut, Now Orlcitis, l a., Wholesale Agent* for the btutttft. nolfl—3m Carpets & UphoTsteryT^- ISTew Supplies OF CARPETS! MATS, RUGS, DRTTGGETTS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades," PICTURE TASSELS, Cord and Nails, COCOA AND CANTON MATTINGS, WALL PAPER AND Lace Curtains, I.\ A’EW STYLES, WITH FINISHED BORDERS ! DAMASK, REl’, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS! CORNICES, Ban (1 s an and P ins! JUST RECEIVED, IN NEW STYLES AND AT REDUCED PRICES! Tho attention of those in want of such articles is invited to the above New and Beautiful LINE OF GOODS! J. G. BAILIE & BUG., © 205 BROAD STREET. Groceries! Anew and beautiful stock of GROCERIES jimt received, embrac ing all of those Fancy Groceries require 1 ai out Christmas times. ALSO,' Tabic anil Cooking WINES, OLD IiRANDY, OLD WHISKEY, RUM, aiid (JIN. 5 kegs Pure Old IRISH nnd SCOTCH w u n ii K v. Jusl arrived and for sale by JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 BROAD STREET de2O- lm DAILY PRESS BOOK It JOB PRINTING AND Bookbinding Establishment 190 BROAD AND 153 ELLIS STREET, AI J G U ST A GA. B. H. FUGUE, Proprietor HAVING MADE ADDITIONS TO GI R llooli anb |ob department, AND HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF PAVEUS AND CARDS, yVE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING ON AS FAVORABLE TERMS AS ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH, AM) IN AS GOOD STYLE. COLORED PRINTING DONE IN ALL STYLES, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER OFFICE IN.THE SOUTH, EITHER FOR CHEAPNESS OR NEATNESS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION WILL RE GIVEN TO THE PRINTING OF BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DRUGGISTS’ LABELS, NOTES, DRAFTS, CHECKS, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, DKaY RECEIPTS, SHOW CARDS, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, PAMPHLETS, BRIEFS, ETC., ETC., ETC. IdgT'All Orders from the Country will be attended to with Dispatch. OFFICE-190 BROAD STRESS, Opposite So uhern Express Office. COME AND SEE X. KAHN c So OO.’JS HEAVY AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF FOREIGN AN.D DOMESTIC dry goods, At 262 Broad Street, Augusta. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. OUR FRIENDS AND TFF PUBLIC WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO EXAMINE OUR GOODS BEFORE THEY BUY ELSEWHERE. LONG CLOTHS, SIIIRHNGS AND SHEETINGS, OSNAP.U!';O‘ ; . L*r-T.VS AND KERSEYS, CO'J'To *N FJ.ANNELS, APRON CHECKS, JEANS, TICKINGS, CELKCIAS, IIROWN HOLLANDS, IRISH LINENS, DIAPERS, TABLE r>AMASKS TOWELLING NAI KINS BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, LADIES’ CLOAKS, Newest Stvle, SHAWLS, MOURNING GOODS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CALICOES, IRISH LACES, Itnvcited, GLOVES, RIBBONS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS. CASSI MERES, TW EEDS, COATINGS, MF.RINOFS, GENTS’ AN I» LADIES’ HATS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, NOTIONS, our Wholesale Deparlmeut we offer a carefully selected STOCK of GOODS, and at the LOW ESI CASH PRICES. Incur Retail I ej artnient, a variety inferior to no other House in thai South. L KAHN & ( (). | M M 8 . 8 EGIN S’ 1 U FRENCH MILLINERY |i AND ■ DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, M 328 Broad Street, .Augusta, GaJ T.ADIES and CHILDREN’S DRESSES and CLOAKS, Cut and Basted, at the shortest notice. New styles for BOHNETS, DRESSES, AND CLOAKS, of every description. EVENING and Bit IDA L TOILEIB, ISALL COSTUME? etc on stanily receiving. ’ | All kinds of STITCHING 1 ONE on Wheeler A Wilson’s Sewing Machine. NOTICE TO PLANTERSTYT" WE ARE RECEIVING \ ANI) WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON llANft.** FUIIK ISTo. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO WHICH AVE WARRANT GENUINE; CRUMP. DAVISON & G67-—| iSTo. 209 "Brood Street' -A.uc;tisto, Ga. I oc4—6m* ■ Coal and Firewood. COAL! COAL! AT Reduced Prices! fIIiEAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THK FINEST QUALITY OF * COAL! JS LOW AS THE LOWEST! APPLY TO G. S. HOOKEY, dc2o—tf OAti OFFICE. COAL. \ CARt; > OK {•I'PKKIOK COAL TO ■A arrivo. and wilt bn said cm the Whar r by tbo Ton aud upwards, to suit pur chasers, by A. POCLLAIN. no29—tf COKE FOR SHE. / 10KK CAN HE HAD " v ' At the OAS WORKS AT ALL TIMES. Tickets «an be procured at the Office from 0 A. M. until 2 P. M., every day. d«4—tf O. S. HOOKEY, Sup’t. Bankers and Brokers. JOHN CRAIG, I RANKING ANI) J EXCHANGE OFFICE, 259 11 HOAD STREET, Ai'gi'sta, Ga., Burs AXD SELLS | gold m-T.r.roN '■ and SILVER COIN RANK NOTES BONDS, STOCK? |-s i : Os EXCHANGE, l/ iny i ij i!-»' Foreign and DRAFTS ( V '* nß ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND LONDON, TARIS. and UER.MAIj Iu sums to suit. C. S. BLANK, Anise, | Southern Express Oorapany'x Office,] | Jo -" " m Augiin*. A A. BRANDT, 1 304 BROAD SIREJ opposite tbs FIkoK tj. Hotel, invitee tile .ft, tion of the Ladles * Gon'lemon to a full stock of HA ROOTS, and SHOES, of tho latest « most tWbinnnble styles. / Also, ZEPHYR GOODS, «f e/¥rv J» scription—all cheap FOR CASH. • docl—tf