Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 13, 1867, Image 3

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(Wt* City Printer—Official Paper isstd^i fHi ciIWIaWOK. AUOUBT*. »*•' Sunday **. IBt 11807. ! s J*"'**’ 3*a ■*>. is*-*?. i ,\nfrShys TX.turday itr~cpfi »Fjri? - 1 ***n»r* *■* < T 8* * lOiUjtt ■ * Tj »! tlO It HUS iSiclis tammS'l H itb xyKiyi iWSi£ 1 SET ™ ' -foW* iNj i*r io!lifts is-Hjwfion linj!, s 14]I !7<is|i9:se ; iila:s3 1 isiitwti »|m« ■ ?* : Eif.'iid! t7il* 19 Mtims'l W r M|l7|lKl»®Jl ipr. ~nlglßs4 Oet ~H >! 33 ■•[* p j s »wn!ii!ij « 1! «, ; HilS IS 17 IMS*' 1 U I**l3 ICjITItMI! Ji|a!a:*»itr 1 »'si!*: »(**»;*»! »;»» _l_|-.U ij _ »,» »,»:si... ... 1 - "#jiii if ,«f atiiuis s' ?t it»; *mm pip Jne .~Ud*** •**!—!•-! 1* : « ... L.C. ...I f! 8 4 *1 6! 71 8 : V*t* li t| ) 4 M 6 7 9 loin 18 ishliis! 8! 9iM 11 18 IS 14 iß'i7 isiwiaisra: w,w i7hts it so til 384 »alr 28 2911 23'23;:M*lftjl»f«r tß< at... ...1... ... LL. 1 89;aoisiiZQ—] TQ BUSINESS MEN AND THE Advertising' Community Generally. The DAILY PRESS publishes the Official I.lst •! Letters remaining in the Anfutls Postoffice, at the end of each week, agreeably to the following Section of the New Post office tewi as the Newspaper having the Largest Circulation.: Section 5. As Jhe it further smarted, Thru liiti of lettere remaining uncalled for in any /W.jJSre, is any city, town o * village, tehee a newspaper ahull be printed, ahull hereafter be published twice only in the Heabspaper trhirh being published weekly or oftener, ahull hare the la HORST CIRCULATION within range us delivery us the ani l ojJScc. The DAILY PRESS is nl.o the Official Paper of the City of having been elected by the City Council as their Official Organ. Range of Thermometer. At Daily Press Office, J January 12ih, >867. { 9 a.m. 12 mi. 3 e.m. . 6 p.st. 43’ 41® 49° 50° Sen Advertisements. Hons ior Roonn to Rent—T. C. Crews. Osnaburgs—Fleming & Rowland. Carver and Gilder—J. J. Browne. Corn—Fleming k Rowland. Auction Sale—Day & Inman. French and Italian Goods—W. B. Griffin. Coddert Hall—Mr. and Mrs. H. Watkins Established in 1850 —A. Prontaut. Consignees—i’er Central Railrpad. Stoves, Tin Ware, Etc.—D. L. Fullerton 18G Broad street. THE DAILY PRESS lias the Latest News, by Ttlegraph, from all parts of the world, up to twelve o’clock eaeh night. The Subscription Price is only Five Dollars per annum. Advertisements inserted, by special con tract, on more liberal terms than any othe newspaper in Eastern Georgia. > Single copies of the Daily Press—to be bad of all the Newsßoys—Five Certs each. Newsboys are charged two and a hall cents a copy. The Daily Press is the cheapest and most readable newspaper issued in this sec tion. Remember the price—ss per year. K. U. PUGIIE, Proprietor, 196 Rroad and 153 Ellis street. Citt Attorney. —We are pleased to learn that his Honor. Mayor Foster, has appointed Judge W. Milo O'.in City Attorney, in accordance with a recent resolution of Council. The appoint ment is an excellent one, as the Judge is an experienced lawyer, and his ad vice will be of great service to the City. Auction Sale to-morrow, hj Co’. Charlie B. Day. As everybody in the City reads the Daily Press, of course everybody who wants to purchase Gro. ceries, Dry Goods, Boots or Shoes,' and a thousand other thiugs, will attend early at the Auction s Rooms of Day & Inman, to morrow morning. Recorder's Court.—ln this Court, yesterday, there was one 18th Section case. A colored man was playing ball, broke a glass, and then wanted to break away without paying for it. He also endeavored to induce the Policeman to take alter some white boys for the offence, but he didn't. The defendant was fined $5 and costs, and required to pay for the glass. Daring Burglary.—The hohse of* Mr. Weigle, in the lower part of the City, was entered . ott Friday night, about 9 o'clock, while the family were sitting in an adjoining room, and robbed of a feather bed, the bed clothes, and a large quantity Os wearing apparel, together wi h a large trunk containing valuable bedding, etc. The adroit rascals made their escape. The trunk was found during the day in the Freedmen'S Cemetery. City Election. —lt will be seen, by reference to the list of recently elected Municipal Officers, that several of the late officers have been re-elected. In fact, there have been but few changes. Among them is Isaac Levy, Esq., Oity Sheriff. This gentleman, is a wor thy and efficient officer, and has held this position for a number of years, satis factorily to Council and creditably to bitnself. Our old friend, James Mullen, St*, it gives us no little pleasure to an nounce, has been re-deftted Keeper of the City Hall., A more faithful and attentive officer can not be found ; and every Council recognizes the old gen tleman's merits by keeping him in a position which he so honorably filis. May he long live to enjoy the honors which he so well deserves. Mr. W. D. Tant, the Keeper of the ~ City Hospital, is the son of the late worthy and respected Keeper, Wm. R- Tant, Esq. , , We tender to all the officers elect our congratulations. T* £T»a»«l4*rs. —If you want a nice jr*nk, valieo of carpet bag, the place to get it is Mr. Cohen's, opposite the Aa* gusts Hotel. if .J %**£*&*** Mrs. Watkins, end their excellent com pany, have, st the earnest solicitation of citizens, who apprecia|te real historionic merit, been induced to prolong their stay fyr another week. The pat ronage yhjcWlthi6y bfvff received—dur ing much of ~thc time in very unfavor able weather—affords ample evidence that the people <*f Angwffhare ready to reWMfclU. We doubt not that they will be greeted with crowded the entire w|*tl> Jewelry. —Mr. Prontaut, one’of the oldest and most reliable of our mer chants, is now abs.ent muking additions to his stock of Jewelry and Silver Ware, whit-ha re being, received regularly. His stoylc is always sflected with care, which ■fiivsWll aitd expeneilce enable him to exercise, and will be largely increased, to meet the demand of his growing trade. Those iu want of bridal or birth day presents, or rich jewelry or silver ware of any kind, will do well to look puVugh histfoek. 1 P 1 OiJa Binder.-*-A( gay and festive daryr sel who is known .about town as ‘'China nooga Liz” was out stargazing last night, and became so dizzy that she fell by, the wayside, and was picked up by the police, Several soldiers of a sentr mental and sympathising tnrn of tilled-, were star-gazing with her at the lame time, and being indignant that the police should thus “tear the dear charm er away" assaulted them with bricks. The police bore the frail and fallen Lizzie to the guard house, where, we trust, a little reflection on her erratic habits will have a salutary effect. New Boot and Shoe Store— Messrs. E. F. Blodgett & Cos., will open on Wednesday next, at 279 Broad street, one of the best selected stocks of Boots and Shoes ever brought to this market! The goods were purchased by Mr. Blod gett himsel:, and are from the most re' liable manufacturers. The stock em brace every variety of style and quality, suitable to the tastes and wants of all- It is the intention of the firm to keep a first class Boot and Shoe establishment. Mr. Blodgett is a son of Foster" Blod gett, Esq., and is a “chip of the old bfock” in energy and devotion to busi ness, and we commend the firm to the favorable notice of our readers. Outrage.—As a daughter (about six years old) of one of our citizens, on Friday morning, was goiug to a neigh bor's house, she was accosted by a negto girl, who politely addressed her, saying r “Sissy, your ear rings are loose—let me fix them for you.’’ The little girl yielded. But instead-of se curing tke ear rings tor the little girl, the sable damsel secured them for her self, and then took to her heels, saying, at the same time, “I ain't got no time to fool wid you, Sissy.” The negro was arrested and recog nized by the girl, aud brought before Justice McLaws for trial. County Court.—ln this Court, yes terday morning, Judge McLaws pre siding, the following cases were dis posed of: Charlotte ms. Stallings, application for habeas corpus to recover a daughter of the former, a child of thirteen years of age. It appears from the evidence that the plaintiff parted from her daugh ter some eleven years ago; and now comes to Augusta from Columbus to recover her. Hence the application for the writ. The, Court will give its dfe cision on Tuesday next. A colored man, charged with cheat ing and swindling qnother colored man, by attempting to piss upon him a brass coin for u S2O gold piece, was bound over. Annual Meeting or Council.—At tie meeting of Council, last night, pre vious to the election of Officers, |he following petitions were granted : ' J From John Smith, for , free liquor license ; Michael Sullivan, for free dray license ; one from sundry planiers near the City, relative to drainage; was re ferred to the Street? and Drains Com mittee ; and a communication from Mr. Cherry, relative to |epai‘fTng the roof of the-Houghton Itwfflute, was referred to the Houghton Institute Committee. , The following Ordinances were adopt ed : Creating two Inspectors and Meas urers of Wood, instead ot ope. Ex-, plaining the Tax Ordinances to include National Banks and Banks ot Issue ; authorizing the Mayor to appoint one Assessor from! Council; and requiring the Registry Clerk to give hail to the sum ol .2,000, Du. M. Bernhardt Remain's One Day LoNr.ER.--In consequence of the great number of applications for relief, and at the earnest request of many of our prominent citizens, Dr. Bernhardt has consented to remain, in the City a few days longer. Per sons suffering from defective vision, should call at once at his office, Plant ers’ Hotel. He is able to give relief to nearly dll diseases of' the eye, and to s reugtlien and restore the sight of those who are partially blind. His glasses are warmly recommended by profes sional men, and by all who have used them, as the best adapted to remedy defective vision that have ever been manufactured. The citizens of Au gusta may not have another chance for years of obtaining the best quality of glasses. P. 8. In consequence of the great pressure of business, Dr. Bernhardt has found it impossible to fill all the orders awaiting his attention, and will remain a few days longer. His rooms are at i the Planter’s Hotel. TBB lmrtGlfAL ELECTION. The following is the result if the 1 etedSttn Ibr wnftlefpal officers' which took place before Coon oil bust, night: Collector and Traaaurer —l. P. Garvin. ‘ Aaefeennl tMketdr bakd Treaaurte—J, 8. Palteraod. ; u»A A / A Clock if OtmUL jU-rWisse. Chief of Police —J. A. Christian, i :i ,i John-1 rod; 2d, XhQtpaa Walsh; 3d, Chaa. Brine. Sergeaatte If IPettcr—lst, W. B. Cheer* borough: M. Holt; Wm. P. Bottoms; Devid Li Hopkiaa; Anderson' ITtmoher; T. W, Shackleford; J. W. D'Antignac. r ni , \ of, Street, efad Draine-r John Morrison. . Superintendent of Water Wofhe, Pumpi,> and Welle —Peter Sheron. ’ f ~ J Keeper ts the Bridge— Lents A-. Piequei. CVjri jAr bower R. th. Keener. Lamplighter —J. M. tSueJJin^. Keeper of the (Sty Ceinctcty—Jttr& Motrie. ft.cper q/ the City Hall— (efter of the City Hoepital —W. l iurt. Keeper of the Jail —T. G. Bridges, City Cfat-ton —T. A. K*n«». Cemetery Brick A/neon —Jas. 0. Clarke. Small Pox Hoepital PriyoUiicin —M. J. JOO 68. WkarJkujtr | Jg. C. Foster. Lot elector —First Division—John Lot Intpeotor—r Second Diviaipi—Jobn McKenoey. Junctor and A/eaturer of \Vood. \et Biv. F.T?nr^iß. Inspector and Measurer of Wood, 2d PiV. —Matt, tfberon. vT :•.*«> j 7 liegistry Clerk —J. C. Green. Clerk of the City Court —J. Taliaferro. i'a}£3gssre*% Keeper of the City Clock —G. Hart)ig. )City Police —W. J. D«ian, L. J. Bradford, 'Jphn Kavariagh, A. si. Prather, T. J. But ler, Jus. Reilly, T. W. Oline, Patrick-Pdes, Thornton J. Waters, John Stiieltir, Jss. Lawler, Peter Purdue, Daniel Buckley, Jos. T. Godwin, Jos. W. Ramsey, Patrick Hughes, E. J. Hfckr, Richard Bays, Jae. Ganahan, E. Rumley, Dominich Conlon, John C. Lewir, John Lillis, Patrick Kearney, Jne. Jennings, Joshua DhSjl, Wm. Vale, Jes. MoDonough, Henry Harris, John MeArdle. Bell Tower Men —JtlS. Lysaught, Wm. Dennond, John Dolan, put Wardens —J- A. Robert, D. H. Den ning-, J. B. Platt, 0. A. Platt. CITY ASSESSORS. Frptn Council —Charles Estes,, BVrrf Ko. 1-—Josiah Sibley. * Ward Ko. 2—Thos. R. Rhode*. Word -Vo. S—Frederick Lnraback. Ward A’o. 4—Wm. If. Goodrich. Vendue Masters—lsaac Levy, Day A Inman, C. V. Walker <fc Cos. CHURCH RECORD I' ’ FOR TO-VAY. Stv John’s Methodist Church— Rev. A. Wright, Pastor! Preaching at i O4 A.M., by Bishop Andrew, and at 7 P.M., by the Pastor. St. James’ E. M. Church—Greene st., Morning Service 101. School 2* P. M. Evening Service at 7. Preaching by the Pastor.' Church or the Atonement (Episcopal) —Corner Telfair and Kollock streets. Rev. W. 11. Harison, Rector. The usual services will be held at this Churoh this morning. St. Paul’s (Episcopal)—Reynolds st. Rev. Joseph Neely will preach at 10J this morning. No service ih, the aber noon. Sunday) School at the usual hour. PtRkT Baptist Church—Corner Greene and Jackson streets —Rev. J. II Cuthbert, Pastor. Preaching at 101 A. M. f-un T day School at i of 3, P. M., and Prtach ing at 7, P. M. Second Baptist Church Kollock street. Preaching at 10J A. M., by the Pastor, Rev. D. G. Daniell, and at 7| P. M. CRurch op the Most Holy Trinity (Catholic). —Corner Jackson and Telfair streets. Services at seven and at half past 10 A. M., also Vespers at 4 P. M., by the Pastors, Revs. Duggan and Kirby. Christian (Juurcii —Reynolds street, above Molntosh. Preaching by the Pas tor, Rev. J. S. Lamar, at 10J A. M., and at 7 P. M. German Lutheran CnußCH—Walker street, betwoon Centro and Washington. Rev. D. P. Camman, Pastor. Services 10* A. M. First Presbyterian Chup.ch— Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, pastor. Services at lfl!) A. M. and 71 P. M. Sunday School at 3P. M. Prayer Meetings Saturday 4P. M., in Lecture Room. Bn Ctlcpapt). TO TJiE ASSOCIATED PRESS. FROM WASHINGTON. C^ngmilonal. HOUSE. Jan.. ,12 —P. M. In the House, to day, Mr. Upson intro- bill authorizing the payment of the reward* offered in 1865, the capture es Jefferson Davis, which was referred to tho Committee < n Appropriations. Mr. Clarke, of Kansas, introduced a bill to secure the speedy completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Referred to Pacific Railroad Committee. The discussion in relation to the appro-, priatum for the agricultural department, was resumed. The amendment to reduce the appropriation from SBO,OOO to $45,000, failed, without completing the bill. Tho House adjourned. ; ' s Washington, Jan. 12. Yesterday a telegram waa received here announcing that the House of Representa tives of Cploracfo, had passed resolutions protesting against tho admission of Color ado as a State. Thore is however a counter-’ blast from the sarfie territory, annouofing that two hundred colored citizens are anx ious for its admission. They have tele graphed to Representatives Ashley, Sum ner, and other friends, that they are anx ious for adoiissiou under the provision tbat the word “irbit*’?, in the Constitution of Colorado, shall not operate prejudicially to citizens of any race or color. FROM COLORADO. She Refuses to he Made a State. Washinoton, Jan. 12. A (lisp itch line been received fnra Governor Cunningham, of Colorado, containing a resolution of tbs Legis lature, protesting against Colorado’s ad mission—first, on the ground that we have a right to a voice in the selection of the character of our Government. Second, that we have not a sufficient population to support the expense of a State Govern ment. For tbes’S reasons wo trust that Congross will not foroe a Government on us against our will. i ‘i . FROM BOSTON. Boston, Jan. 12. The Labor Committee reported to the Legislature a majority oppoaing any legal interference. A minority favoring ten hours for factory and farm, and eight hours for mechanical labor. Large meetings are being held in various parts of the State, i supporting the minority report. ; A FEOM IHDIAHA. Governor's message. t IzDiAiroLiz, Jaa. 11. Governor Morton's Message eayr the StalertUbt.i* S»,m,MOL. The population is 1870 0(1 1 be 2,000,008. Br|eee»mends separate «ehool* fpr negroes, to be' eupport ed try h foil properflon of the school fund; far of* taxation «hy. esMeienfr.'to pay'ex ponseb and f*terest. ; %nd‘ leave# the jiqolda-' tion nf the debt foFa mope generally pro>- perous teasen ; oeoepts negso suffrage at a neoerairy, -and Urges tke passage of the Amendment. - FROM JEW 7FOBK. ' " rr -r r . I Arw-TeeHrJaD- 12. who fcriived by ihh steamer San Franolsdo, from Nicarauga to-day, report *t Ban -Jti*ns Del 'fiat she found 700 passengers sooth tfie' Steamer Santiago, of whom 300 wore soldiers, who had been'left by Moses Taylor. Found the steamer San Franesaro at 'Groytown, with 800 more pas sengers for the'Amerioa’s return 'trip, 1,30# in all. Official reports said 9 passengers, and 27 soldiers died of cholera. If the Amer ioa tries to errry them 011, cholera is nearly sure to 'Break out. They loft Grey town January Ist, and the next day three eases of. cholera was in the steerage aud three deaths by Other diseases. There were: efght deaths during the voyage, five by cholera. Put in Key West 6th, ohiefly to allay fright us passengers. Twenty one became frightened and deserted the ship- Ano.ther account’Haya twenty six soldiers, and one officer, Maj. Gamble, fell victims to disease; also two passengers and four employees of tho river steamer. Up to the time, the Saa Franoisoo left, for 43 hours bo new- eases* No women or childron bad disease. THE MARKETS. New York, J0n.,12- r Cotton very firm at 34£a36. Flour dull, at sal#o lower ; Southern drooping. Wheat nominally easier. Corn dull arid declining. Oats nominal. Pork steady; new me6s, 20.25. Lard dull. Dressed hogs higher; Western, SiaSS, Whiskey quiet. New Yore, Jan. 12—P. M. Cotton opened firm, and closed jdull and heavy. Bales, 1,300 bales, at 34ia35e. for Middling Uplands. New Oblsaws. .Tan. II—P. M. Flour—Superfine, $11.25; Single Extra, $11.50a12; Double, $12.50a13; Triply sl3 50a15; Choice, $14.50a15. Mess Pork, $22.50. Lard, in tierces, 12}c.; kegs, 13Jc. Bacon market bare. Mixed Corn, $1.06a1-071; -yellow, sl,lO, white sl.loa 1.121- Oats, 75a82c. Hay, 29a30c. To bacco—common leaf, 6Ja7ic.; medium lens, 8al0c.; fair, 10al2e. Sugar—lair, 10|c.; prime to choice, 10Jiil24o. Mo lasses—fair, 63c. : prime to choice, 6Ss72e. Cotton Low Middling, 31Jc.; Mid dling, 32e32Je.; sales, 3,C00j receipts, 2,302; cleared, 12,683 ; Stock, 209,159. New York Sight, J ; sixty days, 3e. dis count. Bank Sterling, 1441a145. Gold, 133 j. St. LourS, Jan. 12—P. M. Cotton dull at 30Jc. Flonr firm and un changed. Wheat firm, $2.25; No. 2 Spring, $2.70a2.§6 ; prime, $2.90 Corn declined : 78aSlc. Oats dull: 61a61ie. Provisions unchanged. Hogs steady: 6a6f; number packed to date, 136,0#u. exceeding entire packing last season, li.DOO. Whiskey firmer, at $2.10n3.15. Louisville, Jan. 12—P. M. Tobacco unchanged: $3.25a12.50. Su perfiuo flour, $9 75. Prime red Wheat, s2.Be. Shelled corn, 70c.; ear, 00c. Oats, 65c. Bulk hogs, nominal, at 6ic.; no re ceipts. Cotton 31a32c. Sales 100 bbls of perk, $20.59; bulk shoulders, Bc.; sides, It. Lard 12}o. Tierces baeou shoulders, 12Jc.; olear sides, 134 c.; hams, 164 c.; sugar cured, L74c. Whiekey, $2.31. Cincinnati, Jan. 12—P M. Flour dull at $9.50a10.50. Wheat dull; Spring, 5o lower. Whiskey dull; 26 bond. Hogs dull, $7a7.40 ; receipts, 3,000 head. Moss pork firm, at $20.00. Lard firmer, at 12c. Savannah, Jan. 12—P. M. Cotton market flat. Liverpool Mid dling, 314 c. New York Middling, 324 c. Charleston, Jan. i2—P. M. Cotton market quiet and unchanged. Sales to-day, 170 bales. Middling, 324a 33c. Montgomery, Jan. 12—P. M. Receipts of the week, 622 bales. Ship-' monts same time, 1,819. Receints from Sept. 1, 1566, to date, 36,099. Shipments Eatue timo, 20,071 bale. Liverpool, Jan. 12—P. M. Corn selling at 42a435: 6d. Wheat is sleady. Pork is quoted at 2£. 65., and shows a declining le idency. Lard, 535., and advanced 4s. on the week. Liverpool, Jan. 12—Evening. The Cotton mar.ket closed dull to-day, and prices fell off slightly. Middling Up lands are quoted at 14}d. Sales did not exceed the noon estimate of 800 kales. Manchester, Jan. 11—Evening. The market for goods is falling. New York, Jan. 12. The money market continued to increase in ease till the close of bank hours, and the supply was ample to brokers at 7 percent., while some business was done at £ per cent', on government. Money reccnlty locked up bas boon lot loose, and thus code disastrously attempts to prostrate the whole trado of the country. Gold market closed up at 133J«134. Market fur foreign oxchango was quiet to day, and somewhat nominal as usual. Just afier tho sailing of the packets, prime banker’s bills are quoted at 1094*1993. Stocks hotter. Gold, 1333. Money, 7. Sterling, 93. Coupons of ’Bl, 1084at08| j d0.’62, 1073a1f173; do. ’64, 105f*10B; '65, 105falO5J; 10-40’s, 9#|a993; treasuries, 1044a104i; new 5-20's, 1044a1043; Virginia 6'e 58. Losnow, Jnn. 12—Natio* . 5-20’s, 725; how do., 71§; Erie, 425; Illinois, 80$. Lohdok, Jan. 12—Evening. Consols closed at 91 for money. Bonds, 725. The ourrent rate for the bonds at Paris to-day was 72. Frahlcfort, Jan. 11—Evening. 5-20’s closod at 70$. Paris, Jan. 11—Evening. 5-20’s 725. Marine News. * . New Yore, Jan. 12 — 1*. Ms- The steamsbio City of Baltimore is ashore near Flynn’s Knoll, bnck of Swash Channel. A tug is trying to pull her off. Savannah, Jan. 12i— P. M. Cleared—Brig t-cotland, for Boston. Sailed—Steamships San Salvador, for New York : Tibbetts, for Boston; and steamer Hard Times, (or Augusta. Arrived, —Steamship Tonawanda, from Philadelphia, fpttr days behind, having loosened propeller ; and steamship Zodiac, from New York.- li 10 ff i Charleston, Jau. 12—P. M. Arrived—Steamships Monoka, from New York: Falcon, from Baltimore; and sohooner Charlotte Swan, from New York. Cleared—Steamships Saragassa and Del aware, for New York; Whirlwind, for Philadelphia; bark Helen Sands, fur Liv erpool ; brig J. Baker, for Philadelphia ; and brig L. Mi Merrill, for Boston. "Wm. EL Crane Desires to inform his Friends and Acquaintances that he is now with tho House of D. R. WRIGHT & CO-, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS (Globe Hotel Building), 250 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Where he will be happy to soe them, and take pleasure in showing a complete and ohoioe assortment of GOODS, at prices as low as any honse in the trade. NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY! jatO—fit j FOREIGN NEWS. J 1 * FROM ORE AT BRITAIN. ‘ Impeachment *f the PtmOdptuTi The Times of this ■morning has a long argumentative artiele on the enbjeet of the |. T impeachment es the Preeldept es the. United 1 Btatee, and eaQra the scheme looks like-a fhtal Mow at tho CcneUtattun. dpi ■ -r', , FROM fJFAUi. T Madrip, Jan. 12. The proffered mediation of the United j States, in difference! between Spain and Cbi)i is regarded almost certaiu as a forerunner of honorebi# and permanent peace. ViebXa, Jan. 12. The morning journals of this city to-day contained the official announcement that the Sublime Porte bas called 150,000 men into service, to quell the Greek insurrections in the Medeterranean. FROM ITALY. Florence, Jan. 12. The Chamber of Deputies hate adopted a draft ol an address in reply to the speech of Victor Emanuel. ' o< * S ’ GREAT REDUCnON : -111 Ur, m PftIGES OF WINTER DM GOODS! SSO 000 WOHTH til bv ‘ ‘ "Winter DRY §OODS T O BE SOLD AT AN ADVANCE OF ONLY 10 per cent, on Prime Cost The well known Southern firm of J. D. A, Murphy & Cos., Being desirous of closing out their entire Stock of WINTER GOODS, Have decided to reduce their prices to precisely TEN PER CENT. ON PRIME COST. To Merchants, Planters, and the public generally, is here presented a rare opportu nity for .purchasing all kinds ol Goods at unprecedentedly low prices. TERMS —Cash on delivery for all sums under One Ilnndred Dollars ; for One Hun dred Dollars and over, a credit of fifteen days will be given, upon approved City acceptances. * It is to tho advantage of all who desire good Goods at low prices, to coll and exam ine our Stock before making their pur ;j. D. A. MURPHY A CO., No. 314 Broad Street, Opposite Planters’ Hotel, deß—tf Augusta, Ga. TO THE MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN OF AUGUSTA. NOW IS YOUR TIME to subscribe!" I WILL ENGAGE TO DELIVER THE NEW YORK HERALD or any other New Yerk Daily‘at your Office, or Place of Business, for $5 a quarter or $9 for six months : - •The Papers will bo delivrr*d immediately on the arrival of the Mail, and.very often abend, so that Business *-en will find it to their advantage to subscribe in this way, and the cost of the Paper is much loss. P. QUINN, New# Dealer, 189 Broad street, Next to Constitutionalist otlico. jal2—fit 265 WANTED. 265 JWERYBODY TO CALL AT 285 BROAD STREET, And examine our stock of Dry Goods, CLOTHING ’ ' 3*l BOOTS SHOES, Etc./ oo2T—tf Salisbury, Bra. & Cos., EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS And Importers of Gold, Plated and Oreide Jewelry, SOLID AND NICKEL SILVER WARE •American, English and Swiss WATCHES, eased by ourselves, and every description <f Fancy and Yankee Notions, especially . adapted and designed for Southern aid Western trade. Circulars and full descriptive Price Litli sent free. Agents wanted everywhere SALISBURY, BRO. a CO, 51 Dorrnnce Strtbt, nod—Bm Providence, R. I. \; Qity Ordinances. Alt ORDNAIVCB, To Equalize the several Ward! of tse City i-jfiLisr Be it Ordained by t\e City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby Or/ dained hy the authority ©/ the same, That on «nd after the second Monday it Af>ril, IBBT, the Boundaries of the Wards'of tbi# City ehall be Obanged as follows : Swc. 11. All that portion #1 *be Cilj lying East Boundary and Centre streets, between the Biver and toitb B6ifn(tbiy^snwlj Ftrtifl be known and nated as Ward Number One. Sue. 111. All tb&t portion of the City lyiig between aod Jackson streets, aud between and FoatU Boundary street, shall be known and designated as Ward Number t*wo. Sbc. IV. AU that portion of the, lying between Jgckson and Camming streets, and between the River and South Boundary, streot, shall be known and designated as Ward Number Three. -6so. V. All that portion nf the City : tying Detween Curaiuing and Boun dary street, and between the and South Boundary street, shall be kpown and designated aa Ward Nutoßer Fouf. 6b«. VI. An 4 he it further Ordained, That* all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Done in Council this 4tb day of January, A. D., 1867. JOHN FOSTER," [L.J3.] Mayor C. A. Attest. L, T. Blpjie, C. C. jan6—lflt AN ORDINANCE, * ToAmend the One Hundred and Eighteenth Action of the General Ordinance. Sec. 1. Be it Ordain-d by the City Coun cil of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That -from aal f ‘ after the passage of this Ordinance, the pne Hundred and Eighteenth Section of tho General Ordinance shall be sw amended as to read as follows i The House heretofore kdown as the Best House In this City, shall hereafter be known as the Small Pox Hospital, and shall be subject to the same regulations which gov ern the City Hospital. The City Council shall, 6n the second Saturday in January in each and every year, elect cue Physician to thd Small Pox Hospital, for a term of one year ; his salary shall be one thousand dollars per annum : and he shall fye subject to tb© same regula tions which goverh the Physician in charge of the City Hospital. It shall also Bfc his duty to attend all pauper cases in he City . without extra charge. In case of sickness or Deccssary absence, he fehall appoint a substitute, to bo ap proved hy the Mayor. lie shall, also, have power to appoint a Steward and ft Nurse, to bo approved by the Hospital Committee. The salary of the Steward ihall be forty dollars per mouth, and that of the Nurse twenty-lire dollars per month. Both Stew ard and Nurse shall be under the control of the Physician in charge of the Hospital. SkC. 2. And be it further Ordained , That all ordinances and ports of ordinances mil itating against this ordinance be, anil the same are hereby, repealed. Done in Council this 4th Hajjtof January, A. D., 1867. • £L.S.] JOHN FOSTER, Attest: Mayor C. A. L. T. Blomb, 0. C. ja6—lOt AN ORDINANCE, For the better protection of the Firemen of* Augusta: Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby Or dained by the Authority of the same, That it shall lie the duty of the Members of the several Fire Companies in the City of Au gusta, to register their names, ages, and tho Company of which they are Members, at thu Clerk of Council’s Office, in a book, or books, to be kept by that Officer for that purpose. Sec. 2. Each ard every Fireman, upon registering, shall be required to take the following oath, before the Clork of Council? “I, A. B. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a Member of Fire Company, No* —, and .was duly elect ed according to the rules of the Fire De partment and the Acts of the Legislature in reference to Fire pompanies—so help me, God !” Sec. 3. Each and every Fireman, upoh taking the foregoing oath, shall be fur nished by the Clerk of Council with a Cer tificate, showing that said Fireman has been duly registered, fyj which he shall pay to the Clerk the sum of Due Dollar. It shall then be tae duty of tho Fireman thus registered to prosept Certificate to the Chief Eugineer of the V\tS Department, who will furnish him with a Registered Badge, of the proper number. Each and every Member, so registered, shall, ujiou ceasing to be a Member of any Fire Com pany in this City, be required to return his Badge to the Chief Engineer, under a pen alty of not exceeding Ten Dollars. Pro vided, That any Member transferring his membership to another Compauy shall be required to chnuge his Badge, for which be shall apply to the Clerk of Council, as in tk« original instance. Sec. IV. Any Fireman found guilty of loaning his Badge to any person whatever shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Fifty Dollars ; and every person who has failed to register his name and procure his Badge, as hereinbefore required, shall not be cob* ; sidered a Fireman. Sec. V. Any person found guilty wf oonn -terfeiting a Registered Badge shall be fined in a sum of not less than One Hundred Dollars. - A» ■•* k ) ■ Sec: VI, And be it further Ordained, That all Ordinances and parts of Ordi nances mil>tn,t)bg -ngainst this Ordinance, be and the same arc hereby repealed. Done in Council tins 4th day of January, A, D., 1867. [L. S:j JOHN FOSTER, Mayor 0. A. Attest: L.iT. BUme, C. C. jatf—lot AN ORDINANCE, To Create the Office of Assistant Collector and Treasurer: SeC. J. Be it Ordained by the City Council of Augusta , and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That oq. the second Saturday in January, 1867, and every fourth year thereat ter, unless sooner discharged by a majority of‘Council for incouipetcticy pr neglect of duty, there shkll bo elbctfrl by the City Gounpil Augusta an officer known as Assistant Col lector and Treasurer, who shall, %eM*o h entering upon the discharge of his official duties, give bond aud security in the sum of five thousand dollars, and shall receive an annual salary of one thousand dollars, payable monthly. It shall bo his duty to assist the Collector and Treasurer in col lecting all taxes and business licenses due the City. Council, and perform such other duties aa belong to-thoj office. Sec. 11. And be it further Ordained , That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Done in Council this 4th day of January, A. D., 1867. JOHN FOSTER, [L. S.] . Mayor C. A. Attest: L. T. Blome, C. O* janfi—lOt AM ORVINAKCE, .Creating the office of Uomotory Brick Mason: Sec. I. lit it Ordained by the City Coun cil of Auyueta, and it i« hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Ktnte, That tho City Cfonncil shall annually, on the second Sat urday in January, elect an Officer, to bo termed Cemetery Brick Mason, whose duty •it shall bo to brick and finish all graves which ho may bo called on to do, under direction of tb6 City Sexton. His prioes shall always be regulated by the City Coun oil. Said Officer shall pay personal atten tion to bis duties. Provided, that other . Lrick Masons bavo tbo privilege of (loiug this work when called on. Sec. U. And be it further Ordained, That all Ordinances and pans of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Done in Couucit this 4th day of January, A. D., 1867. [L. S.l JOHN FOSTER. Mayor C. A. Attest: L. T. Bloni, C. C. , jafi—lOt ft* din wees- AM ORDINANCE, To Amend th. On* Hundred and Nia«- teenth Section General Ordinance. S*C. I. Be U, Orjuisesd is,jlefbty down. eil * ansUi* MvSj Or+tind h,, the amthority vs tke setme, Itat on am a u-r tke passage of this OriUnanee, that mrtion of .aid Ordinance fn 'reference ts Brick Work, and finishing Graves, ihuUbeSfrickcu militaring-apainM tbia Ordinance, be, and Jka eatue are hereby, repealed. Dane To Council, thin 4tß day of January, a: ts., iwr " [L.S.] ’ JOHN FOSTER, Major C. A. Attest: 'L. T. BlomS, (S’ Cf ■ ... AX ORDINANCE, To Authorize the Apppintmenfc of Standing Committees : Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the City Council of Augusta, aud if is JtyjJof .Ordained by the authortty of the tame, That at the first reg ul»r> upoetipg after the regular elfeptfoq for Mayor and Members of Cduntil, £iall bo the duty of the Mayor to appoist the fol lowing Standing Committees: Finance,, Streets and Drains, Police, niugbto* Institute, Bridge, Pumps and Wells, Engines, River Banks and Wharves, South Commons, Turknett Springs Water Werks, Market, Health, City ■ Hall, Jail, Lamps, Augusta .Canal, Hospital, Printing, Magazine, Military Stores and Exhibitipns, Railroad, Special Water Works, Cemetery. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of these Committees to examine ipso jtfl subjects referred to them, and report the Council, or to act, as they may be directed; and to perform sueh other duties as may be required of {Serf by Ordinance!. Sec. ’TTI. *The Mayor shall be ex-officio Chainttan pf 'these Committees, and may call them whenever the public interest# require’it. , < f . • Sec. IV. And he it further Ordained, That alf Ordinances and pkrts of Ordinan ces, militating against this Ordinahoe, be, and the tame are hereby, repealed. Done in Council, this 4th day of January, A. D., 1867. [L. S.] JOHN FOSTER, Mayor C. A. Attest: L. T. Blome, C. C. " ja6—lOt AN ORDINANCE, To Amend the One Hundred and Fifteenth Section of the general Ordinance: Sec. I. Be it Ordained by the City Council of Augusta , and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same , That, front and after the passage of this Ordinance, the One Hun dred and Fifteenth Section of the General Ordinance shall be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 11. The City Council shall, on the second Saturday in January, 7, elect a City Surveyor, who shall hold his office for the term of three years, unless sooner dis charged for incompetency or improper con duct; and shall recive an annual salary of nine hundred dollars per annum, potable in monthly installments. He shall, before be enters upon the duties of his Office, give bond and good security, in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faith ful discharge of his duties, and shall take the following oath, or affirmation, before the. Mayor, or any Member of Council: “Ido solemnly swear, [or affirm, as the case may be,] that I will, to the best of my knowledge and skill, and without favor or affection to any party, correctly survey any lot or lots, street or streets, wli; n called upon for that purpose ; and also, report any and all en _croa<jJ.Hnents upon any of -the streets af this City, that may come to my Knowledge*— So help me, God !’* Sec. 111. It shall be his duty, on the appli cation of the City t'ouncil, or of any citizen, to repair to any place within the City, and then and there designate and define the boundary of any lot or lots, street or streets, and perform such other work in his line as may be required of him by Council, without extra charge; and for such service rendered by the Surveyor to any person or persons he shall receive from he person or pe’rsons so employing him, five doihirs for The survey of each lot, and making out & certificate of the same. It shall also be his duty to re port to the Recorder’s Court, all violations of the Sixteenth Section; and the said Re corder shall give parties violating this Sec tion thirty days notice to comply with its provisions, under a penalty of not exceed ing one hundred dollars per day for each day thereafter that such violation continues. IV. No person or persons shall hereafter build upon any street or public alley in this City, without fiist obtaining a certificate from the City Surveyor, that his, her, or their street lines coniform to the plan , of the City of Augusta, made by Wifliain Phillips* in the year eighteen hundred an<J fifty-five, or to such other plan as may be deemed necessary and proper by the City Surveyor, under a penalty of not exceeding tpn dollars for each offence.. Sec. V. It shall, also, be bi* duty to pre piro a Map of this City, without extra pay, if Council requires it. Sec. VI. And be it further Ordained, That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Done in Council, this 4th day of January, A. D., 1867. JOHN FOSTER, [L. 6.} Mayor C. A. Attest: L. T. Blome, C. C. jaf>—lOt The New Novelty Microscope. PATENTED MAY 24, 1564. This is the only magnifying Glass ever invented which is adapted to tho examination of living insects, ppn fining them within the foeus, feet up or down. It is also suitable sot examining bank bills, engravings, flowers, leaves, seed*, minerals, cloth, wool, the skin, etc., being adapted to a greater variety of pur poses than any other microscope. Every Banker, Merchant, Farmer, Gardener, Bee keeper, Seedsman, Naturalist, Miner, Druggist, Student, and Pleasure seeker should have one. It is also an in structive and amusing gift a frieoit or child. It eftn be t'otyed lip and carried in the pocket—ever ready to make examioations from : Nature-* great laboratory. Price $2. Liberal terms’ to agents and dealers. Sent in a neat box, prepaid, to any part of the world on receipt of s2>®cd fivt three cent puftase stamps. Addtess Gfe6. lIEADE, Racine, Wisconsin. jalO—tf> AUGUSTUS BOHNE, QQH BROAD STREET, (Opposite Planters’Hotel Has always on hand a largo assortment of IMPORTED & DOMESTIC SEGARS ( Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meerschaum PIPES] AND CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES. Etc., AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK IMUCES. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL au4-lv] TERMS. !NT otice. TWO MONTHS AFTER DATE, APPLI CATION will ho made to the Honorable the Conn nr Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sql! the Real Estate belonging to the estate of Charles W. Bond, of Co lumbia county, deceased. GEO. P. BUTLER, no30 —2m Administrate otice. All persons indebted to the Estate of Wm. H. Tant, late of Rich mond oounty, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the under signed ; and those having claims agaiust said estate are required to present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN U. MLYiill, ja9—6w Executor. ~~~ RyiSogair ** CHEAP! 33RY GOOT)S DEY GQQiUS. The Best Goods XT TH* . LOWEST PRICES! John Setze, AC EXT. OPENING DAILY, v AND Selling Off as Fast as they Arrive / AT til otm Sstze’s Old Corner, v ..... .BUUi&B A . iT '1 IU y : i > DRY GOODS STORE Has been kept nearly FORTY YEARS by the same family. Ladies and gentlemen catling at this House will be served with tbat attention which bas always characterized this estab lishment under the old regime, and Goods will be freely and patiently shown FREE OF CHARGE:. Wo offer our Goods at the LOWEST FIGURES, and warrant them to be of the BEST QUALITY, and as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPESTI JOHN SETZE, Agent. defi—l2m Great Reduction IN > PRICES! I. SIMON & BR0„ . • fi.: ... L u!« . 224 BROAD STREET, i- ' : ;i ■ .tilts 1 V -.'III (Four doors below th* Central Hotel), Mi J. .. “—t .*v .. K Have considerably marked down the Prices in omr Stock of CLOTHING! ty. Vsi • GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERJES, CLOTHS, JEANS, TWEEDS, Etc., t > Vtnqjd '*!»& ' Boots and Shoes, WVd r - .. ; •if.'t'i { w-if: HATS, TRUNKS, & VALISES, In order to make room for our SPRING GOODS, and to meet the ealhulation of those wishing to economise. CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES AT I. SIMON & BRO.’S FASHIONABLE Clothing Emporium, 224 BBOAD STREET. ja9—tf .