Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 26, 1867, Image 4

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<£bt gaitg fuss- City Printer—Official Paper LARGEST CITY CIiCELATWN immTHmiMN *» DRKAMTIME. Alone I watched *0 «•»!«• In« it* flat* of oreog* P*i»“*i And jlrt t*y««i ik« r.«J bny, Ore, mCu of purple b«H. nr. *•«*« : Upon Ik* roof weird •»*•» P'V, ij) toe wind* nr* full of T Ifn’i AMfl beok bifoTt Bt HB» And M flan In hack, (Wlntly Shiao M of old—diolno nod Mindy. One* mot* I hear the goo'lo^jm; Where foiling toeree ““I ,„“ P ' no wood* low mmrmor *»d ‘k.«ki». Os ellrery streamlet*M the whimple, And lire uoio tb. f*M.n «»• Os childhood'* joy—to pure ond oimple. Wbot pretty pebble* p*»*d iho ereok, Th. d«r old creek b, «nlb*rri*. .boded! Thof* th. .by frof* pUyod bWo-»od-»c«k Through lillo*—with iwool »pico* laded ; And oar woe »h»dow *ocm to *pesk From wbitporing wareleu, o* w* wndod. Wbol league* of noeter woooi tho boo*. To buckwheat hill* ond told* of eloror ! Wbot twittorod bird* on blooming true* Qftood tenderly, nod ployed lb* low 1 While time, with odorou* breoth of eo«e, Told tb* dolioiou* idol low 1 We reckoned then each year again ; Now, they are coanted with oar lo»*o* j Sharp thorn* and thistles give a* pain, Where then we trod Spring* velvet mo**a* j Then of oar flowery garland* vain, And now aweary with our oroiae*. X gathered wild flower* yesterday, But somehow flower* hare lost their sweetness { Some quail were startled —even they S4tm to bare loat their old dUcreetne**, And only hopped boride the way, A* if they had no need of fleetness. But when I *ee the children meet, Flower laden, from their play* returning; Care trampled by tbeir boodle** feet, ’Their trustful eoul* all ahadow spurning; Their heart* wild with impatient beat, And hope*, bright Are* within them burn in g. I know life blooms the same, but I Shall breathe its old time fragrance— never! The dreary now—the dear gone-by, The bridgeles* flood* of sorrow sever; Ah, me I how wistfully I sigh For dreamtime lost—and lost forever ! Brigham Young's Wives, First Last, and Several Intermedi ates. Mary Angell Young is the first living and legal wife of tbe prophet. She is a native of- New York, and is a fine look injr, intelligent woman. She is large, portly, and dignified. Her hair is well sprinkled with the frosts of age; her clear hazel eyes and melancholy coun tenance indicate a soul where Borrow reigns supreme. She has been much attached to her husband, and his infidel ity has made deep inroads upon her mind. Her deep seated melancholy often produces flights ot insanity, which increase with her declining years.' Lucy Decker Seely is the first wife in “plurality," or the second •‘woman.” Lucy Decker was married to Isaac Seely, and had two children. She af terward became a Mormon, and went to Nauvoo to reside. Her husband, Seely, was somewhat dissipated, Out treated her well. She, however, saw brother Brigham and loved him. He visited her, told her that Seely could uevet give her an ‘•exaltation” in the eternal world, that he, being "high in the priest hood,” could make her a queen in the first resurrection. She yielded to these inducements and the promptings of her inclinations, left her husband, and was “sealed” to Brig ham Young. Lucy Decker has brown hair, dark eyes, small features, a fair skin, and short of stature, but embonpoint. She would strongly remind you of a New England wife, “fat, fair and forty.” In common with nearly all the inmates of the harem, she is of very ordinary intel lect and limited education. Clara Decker, sister of Lucy Decker, is a short, thick set person, very much like Lucy in appearance. She is much more intelligent and agreeable than her sister, and in every way her superior. She is also a great favorite with the Prophet, has three or four children, and is much attached to her‘'husband.” Harriet Cook was early in tbe plurality, hariug been sealed to Brigham at “Win ter Quarter,’’ on the Missouri river, while ibe Mormons were on tbeir wav to Utah. This was five years before polygamy was publicly proclaimed in Utah as a divine institution. Harriet is very tall, has light hair, bine eyes, a fair complexion, and sharp nose. She is slender, but has much power of endu ranee, and a look of deiermination.— Mr*. Waite's “Mormon Ihrophct." toukg's last wife. Dr. Adonis, alter various wander ings, has turned up in Utah, in a letter from the promised land, he writes, under the date of November 22d, as follows, about Brigham Young's last wife : *'l saw the President's last wife at the tabernacle on Sunday last. The lady’s name before marriage was Maria Folson. He fcjrmer residence was at Council Bluffs, lowa. She is an impe rious-looking young beauty, of tbe Grecian rather than the Roman order, and is very imperious aud jealous. Like all passionate and jealous women, •he is noble-hearted. Miss Folson is Brigham’s last wife and pet. Two of the President’s daughters play at tbe theatre, and are great favorites with the Gentile portion ot the community. One is married (Mrs. Clawson), and the other (Miss June) is single, but is being waited on by a distinguished editor.”— Milicaukie Wisconsin. The Waste of War.— The immense amount* of arms aud ammunition used during the war by the Union armies are shown by a report just made from tbe Ordinance Bureau, at Washington. By this report it appears that from January Ist, 1801 to June, 30th, 1866, there were provided lor the military service 7,832 caunon; 11.787 artillery carriages; 6,333,21)5 artillery projectiles, shot and shell 6,530,003 pounds of grape and caunisterthot; 2,862,177 pounds of fixed artillery ammunition ; 3,477,655 small arms, muskets, rifles, carbiues aud pis tol*, 544,476 swords sabres and lances; 2,146,175 complete sets of infantry ac coutrements; 530,544 complete sell of horse equipments; 28,164 sets of two horse artillery hurness; 732,626 horse blankets ; 1,022,176,474 cartridges. otice. TWO MONTHS AFT Bit BATE, APPLI CATION will be made to tbe Honorable tbe Court or Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell tbe Heal Estate belonging to ibe estate of t-berle* W. Bond, of Co lombia county, deceased. GEO. P. BUTLER, n,,3 0 —2tnJ Administrate Cottar’s Exterminator*. - t "uaG *■■»■*’-’*** ’■ ■ " - LvM I MAJORS^ •• II years esubttabed la N. Y. City **Oblj infallible remedy known. “ Ft** from Poison*." “ Not dangerous in tb* Human Fanrity." “ Kate com* out of their kotea to die.’* Bat, Batch, Ete., EXTERMINATORS TANARUS» a paste —u»dd for Jt*«, Hies, Roaches, Black Red Ante, Hr, Me. Collar's” Bed-Bus Exterminator I* a liquid or wash—used to destroy, sad *|wa preventive f or jtmi-h.y., etc. ‘‘Cuatar’a” Electric Powder FOR INSECTS, Is for JtHtu. Fwyritaa, Heat, Bed- Bag *, tntrtie an ffamtn, hotel*, Animate, etc. kdk. ! ! ! Beware ! ! ! of all worthless imi tation*. See that "COSTAR’S” name is on each Boa, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. bia. Address, HENRY R. COSTAR. 484 Broadway, N. Y. 'Jsm. Sold in Auguita, Ga., by PLUMB A LBITNER, 112 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD * CO., 24 Magazine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agent* for the Southern State*, and all Druggist* and Retailer* every where. “Costar’s” CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cut*, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils Cancers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleed ing, Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and 111-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Af fections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chil blains, etc.; Chapped Hands, Lips, etc.; Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, etc., etc. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 eenta, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. fSt' And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB k LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD k CO., 24 Mag azine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. “ Costar’s” UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For OuinOj Bunionoj Warts, ot o. £2s* Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and si sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. 7Z?!~ And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 48 i Broadway, N. Y T . And by PLUMB k LETTNER, 1 , 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BABNES, WARD <t CO., 24 .Mag azine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the- Southern States., “ C ostar’s”! PREPARATION OF eiTM-SVEET & OBAIEE BLOSSOMS FOR Beautifying the Complexion. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, re move Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, etc. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. - Bottles, sl. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, jar-And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB k LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. JW BARNES, WARD CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. “Costar’s” PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hrarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes, jar* Sold by all Druggists everywhere. S*. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by PLUMB A LEITNER, 212 Broad street, Augu.'ta, Ga. tCBARNES, WARD A CO., 24 Maga zine street, N. 0., |Whole»ale Agent* for tbe Southern States. Costar’s ” CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A Universal Dinner Fill, For Nervons and Sick Headache, Costivoness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipa tion, IHsrrhccs, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and gen •rat derangement of the Digestive Organs. VST Boxes, 25 eta., 50 cts., niul $ 1 sizes. Sold by all Druggist* everywhere. *&“ And by HENRY It. COSTAR, 484 Broadway, N. Y, tST And by PLUMB & LEITNER. 212 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARNES, WARD a CO., 24 Magazine street, New Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents for th* Southern States. not#—3m ART AND REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Tin* ASSOCIATION HAS BURN FORMED UPON THE FOLLOWING PLAN i There will be Usued to member* Cartifleate* for 2,509 gk.re*, at TEN DOLLARS each, numbering from I to 2,500 inclusive, which entitle th* hulder to admUriea to a Grand Musical Entertainment TO BE GIVEN AT CONCERT HALL, In this City, and a Share la tb* awaad of Premium*. Plwt Prwmfum, Lot No. 64, of T 80-100 sore* us Laud, eompririug tb* Betutiful Grenada aud Commodious Dwelling, with eioven outbuilding*, *d|oinlng this OUy, in HarrieooTille, tb* property or Thoma* P. Stovall, and valued at *IO,OOO Aud *aeb of the following Lot*, adjoining the *.me, lying on th* Turkaett Spring Came* Road* sad tho Georgia Railroad, not far rumored from tb* pro posed route of the City Railroad : r Second Premium, Lot No. *O, containing 8 ST-100 Act**, valued at,.„ 1,200 Third Premiens, Lot No. 01, valued at...... „ i io * t Fourth Premium, Lot No. 02, valued at 1000 Fifth Premium, Lot No. 08, valued at . LOOO Twaive Premium*, Lot* No. Ito 12. valued atsSo6 eaeh g',lloo Twenty Premium*, Lot* No. Id to S3, valued at *2OO each 4,000 Seventeen Premium*, Lola No. 34 to 43, 57 and 50, value 2,400 *25,000 Person* to whom those Premium* may he awarded will raoolve at the olSoe of Hoa. HENRY W. HILLIARD, conveyance* in fee of an unencumbered till*, on the day subsequent to the award. Due notice will be given, through tho puhlio pro**, of the tlmo of holding th* Grand Musical Entertainment, immediately after whioh the Premiums will b* awarded by the gentlemen named below. Details of the Award of Premiums s The Subscription Books, on being closed, will be placed in tho hands of tho fallowing gentlemen, who have kindly oonsented to act as a Committee to conduct the Award of Premiums: Hon. Robert 11. May, ex-Mayor. Edward Thomas, Esq , formerly President Gen. A. R. Wright. of the Union Bank. F. C. Barber, Esq., Broker. Hon. J. T. Bothwell, Judge of the In- Hon. John Foster, Mayor. ferior Court. Those gentlemen will have the sole management of the Awards. In ordering Certifirates, send in payment therefor Drafts, Postoffice Money Orders, or Currency, with the address of the Town, County, and State, as every Certificate will be fully registered, and the money held by Messrs. BRANCH, SONS A CO., Baukars, ol this City, nntil th* Premiums shall bare been awarded. A Remittance from one person for 20 Certificates, will entitle hint to one Extra Certificate* All communications or order* should be addressed to THOMAS P. STOVALL, or BRANCH, SONS * CO., Bankers, d*27—tf . Augusta, Ga. pSfpfj|i[ Charter Oak jiSSSR^TOVE. This celebrated stove, so favorably known in mobile New Orleans, St. Louis, and other Southern cities, is now being offered to the oitizens of Augusta, as ouo of tbe best and cheapest first-class Cooking Stoves in the market—its baking qualities are nnsurpassed, which is acknowledged by all who have used it. The draught flues are so constructed as to ensure a perfect draught, while a hot air fine which surrounds the oven insures tbe baking and roasting of bread and meats, to entire satisfaction. We warrant the perfect baking of every Stove we sell. In our stock will bo found TOILET SETS, CHURNS, TUBS, COFFEE MILLS, SCOURING BRICKS, TEA TRAYS, SAD IRONS, CAKE CUTTERS, JELLY CAKE PANS, etc. A full assortment of nousefurnishing Goods always on hand. We arc, also, pre pared to do ROOFING, and all manner of work in the Tinners’ line of business, jafl—lm D. L. FULLERTON. 186 Broad street. TO SHIPPERS. THE SPLENDID AND FAST A NO. 1 IRON STEAMER. 6 Two Boys,” WILL COMMENCE HER REGULAR weekly trips on TUESDAY next, Jan. Btb, 1867, leaving tbe Wharf at 6 o’clock A. M. Tho Rates of Freight will be as low as can be effected, and persons desirous of ship ping Cotton, Produce, ete., to Savannah and Northern ports will find it to tbeir interest to patronize this Line. Parties in the interior shipping to Savan nah can do so, free of charge for forwarding, by consigning to us. All goods for parties in the interior, ship ped by this Line, will also be forwarded free of choree. STOVALL k EDMONDSTON, Agents, No. 2 Warren Block, Jackson street, janl—lino Augusta, Ga. SCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECOND YEAR. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST Magazine in the South The proprietor of this popu 'LAß Monthly will publish an edition of several thousand copies in January next, to meet the increasing demand for it in all portions of the South nnd West. Its Corps of Contributors is already large , and will be strengthened by the addition of several Fxcellent Male and Female Writers Beside* tbe usual variety of Original and Selected Prose and Poetry, there will be contained tbe admirablo ‘History of tbe War, entitled ‘‘FIELD AND CAMP” BY AH OFFICKR. ALSO, 1 TIE SECRET MARRIAGE. By Mrs. Warfield, of Kentucky. A I.SO, The Tropes and Metaphors of the Bible, As Illustrated by Science, By A. Means, D.D. LL,D. Also, a series of articles on LIFE IN THE EAST, By Rev. R. A. Holland, of Kentucky, now •n a tour in Egypt and Palestine. It will be elegantly embellished with Steel Plates, Lithographs, and Wood Cuts, pre pared expressly for this publication, con sisting of superb likenesses of Lee, Davis, Joe JobDSon, Polk, Forrest, etc. Its quantity of reading matter will also lie increased, so that it will contain nearly twice the amount of either Godcy or L’etersun. We shall also introduce ,a department of Wit and Humor, and occasional Wcod Cut Illustrations ot Southern and Western Scenery. U will be perceived that this plan involves much additional expense, and we invito the lovers ot a sound and elevated literature to rally to this enterprise. It has already received tbe highest encomiums of the press; let it now have material aid, and we promise a Magazine equal to any ever before the Amcricon public. TERMS—Single subscribers, 05; eleven copies, S2O; twenty-two copies, *100; and at tbe same rate* lor and six months. Cler gymen of all denominations, and President* and Profewor* of Colleges will receive it at *4. The person who will *end us tho largest club of subscribers, not less than twenty five, previous to March Ist, shall receive a premium of Fifty Dollars. Address, W. J. SCOTT, jail)—lm Atlanta, Ga. Gifts For CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS. GREAT WATCH BALE l ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICE PLAN ! Giving to every Patron a Handsome and reliable Watch for the Low Price of Ten Dollars! WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE! AND NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNLESS PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY! •'Have seen their Watches, know them, and can testify that they are excellent timekeepers, and as good in every respect as represented, and no humbug.”— Sentinel, Waterford, N. Y. “Business is conducted in this establishment upon strictly honor able principles, and purchasers get the worth of their money.”— Herald, Peru, 111, “This Company is no bogus affair, and is prompt in business and perfectly reliable.” Courier, Handout, N. Y. “This Company is known throughout the Union to be re liable for anything it proposes to do.”— Independent, Monticel/o, 111 . “They are honorable in their dealings, and satisfy the just expectations of iheir customers.”— Democratic Prcs» 9 Lyon*, N. Y. “This Company has a fine reputation, and their goods are of a very superior quality.”— Daily Time *, Xewbern, N. C. “There is no humbug in this Company.” —Valley Senti nel, Shippenbury, Pa. “Their Watches are inauufacured of superior articles, and hy the best workmen.” —American Union, Den ton, Md. LIST OF ARTICLES. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches. ..J250 to 7750 ICO Magic Cased Geld Watches 250 to 500 100 Ladies' Watches, Enameled... 100 to SUO 200 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 200 Gold Hunting English I-evers.. 200 to 250 800 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches. 150 to 250 500 Gold Hunt’g American Watches. 100 to 200 500 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 150 500 siiver.llunting Duplexes. 75 to 250 500 Gold 1-adie.- Watches 50 to 250 1000 Gold Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 leoOMiscellaueousSifverWatches.. 50 to 100 2500 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 5000 Assorted Watches, all kinds-.. 10 to 75 Every patron obtains a Watch by this arrangement, costing but $lO, while it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. HICKLING k CO.’S GREAT UNION WATCH COMPANY, MANU FACTURERS, 149 Broadway, New York City, wish to immediately dispose of tho above magnificent Stoek. Certificates, naming articios, are placed in scaled en vol.pcs, and forwarded as ordered. Th* return of any of our certificates entitles the holder to the article named tbereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, if $750, and as no artiole valued less than $lO U Darned on any certificates, it will at once be seen that this is TVo Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate Transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious! A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for sl, eleven for $2, thiriy-tbrce and elegant premium for $5, sixty six and more valuable premium for $lO, one hundred and most su perb Watchforsls. To Agentsor those wish ing employment this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly authorized by tbe Government, and open to the most careful sorutiny. Try us ! Address, J. HICKLING <t CO., {*lo—3m 149 Broadway, N. Y. IN otice. All persons indebted to the Estate of Wm. B. Taut, late of Rich mond county, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the under signed; and those having claims against said estate are required to present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN U. MEYER, j*9— 6w Executor. DAILY PRESS 808 & JOB PBIIIK AND Bookbinding Establishment 190 BROAD AND 153 ELLIS STREET, AUGUSTA GA.. E. H. PUGHE, Proprietor HAVING MADE ADDITIONS TO OUR mk anb fob J^artment, AND HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF PAPERS AND CARDS, WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING ON AS FAVORABLE TERMS AS ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH, AND IN AS GOOD STYLE. COLORED PRINTING DONE IN ALL STYLES, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER OFFICE IN THE SOUTH, EITHER FOR CHEAPNESS OR NEATNESS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PRINTING OF BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DRUGGISTS’ LABELS, NOTES, DRAFTS, CHECKS, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, DRAY RECEIPTS, SHOW CARDS, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, PAMPHLETS, BRIEFS, ETC.. ETC., ETC. I-HT’ All Orders from the Countryj will be attended to with Dispatch. OFFICE— I9O BROAD STREET, Opposite So nth era Express Office. COME AND SEE I. KLAHKT cto CO.’q HEAVY AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF ‘.fi -j A) ftt e ' *J S'tiU f •“ m' _• .‘,r , •' " ' I FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ! DRY GOODS At 262 Broad Street, Augusta. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC WILL FIND \i TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO EXAMINE OUR GOODS BEFORE THEY BUY ELSEWHERE. LONG CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, OSNABURGS, LINSEYB AND KERSEYS, COTTON FLANNELS, APRON CHECKS, JEANS, TICKINGS, CELF.CIAS, BROWN HOLLANDS, IRISH LINENS, DIAPERS, TABLE PA VASE towellir BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, LADIES’ CLOAKS, Newest Style, SHAWLS, ’ MOURNING GOODS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CALICOES, IRISH LACES, Imported, GLOVES RIBBONS, FRENCH ANI) ENGLISH BROADCLOTeI CASSI MERES, 1 TWEEDS, COATINGS, MERINOES, GEMS’ AND LADIES’ HAI BLANKETS, FLANNEJJ NOTIONS, l £3T In our Wholesale Department we offer a carefully selected STCf of GOODS, and at the LOW EST CASH TRICES. In our Retail Department, a variety inferior to no other Houseii» South. „ ■I. KAHN & t.O. NOTICE TO PLANTERS' WE ARE RECEIVING AND WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAM PURE No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO WHICH WE WARRANT GENUINE. CRUMP. DAVISON & CO., T'T'o. 200 "Broad Street' _A_ u;st;,. Gi oc4—6m* Coal and Firewood. COAL! COAL! AT Reduced Prices! GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE or TBS FINEST QUALITY OF COAL! AS LOW AS TEE LOWEST! APPLY TO G. S. HOOKEY, de2o—tf GAS OFFICE. COKE FOE SALE. CiOKE CAN BE HAD > At the GAS WORKS AT ALL TIMES. Ticket* «*n be procured at tbe Office from 9 A. M. until 2 P. M., every day. de4—tf G. S. HOOKEY, Sup’t. COAL. A CARGO OF SUPERIOR COAL TO arrive, and will be sold on the Whar' by the Ton and upwards, to suit pur chasers, by A. POULLAIN. no2fl—tf WOOLLEN GOODS, W oollen Goods FOR WINTER WEAR! BRJEAKFA6T SHAWLS SONTAGS CHILDREN’S BACQUES NUBIAS LADIES' and CHILDREN’S HOODS INFANTB’ HOODS LEGGINGS and SHOES In great variety, at MRS. PUGHfc’S, 190 Broad street, no 27 ts Augusta, Ga. ABBEVILLE PRESB, LEE A WILSON Pbopristors. The above named newspaper is issued weekly, at Abbeville Court House, 3. C., and offers splendid inducements to the basineea men of Augusta, to oxtond their notice* In that vicinity. nolO—3m Bankers and Brokers, m DRAFTS QN THE ROYAL BANK OF IK EL A.J LONDON. PARIS, sod UERJfiS 8 Id sums to suit. C. 8. PLANK, Agent, Soothers Express Company's 0S« de23—3m Angniti,! —'-*"**“*- —,f 1 ■ wi»m g AUGUSTA BOBBIN WORE AUGUSTA, GEO., i H. T. NELSON, Proprietor des—Ungs 265 265 The Cheape§t Store in Tom in TUB BEST BARG A I NS IN HEY GOODS,Ett' “ «. 1 265 BROAD STREET. OC2l—rtf Brinley’s Steel Plots »pHBSK JUSTLY CELEBRATED PLOWS! Are fbr t*]6 bj tb© undersigned* for the Manufacturer?. . They are sold at tbe shop price* tm added. Their best recommendation * trial. Among them will be found bis UNIVERSAL PLOW for ono or two horse*. Try Than! . JAS. STOGNER * ca > jsllh—tf