Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, July 04, 1867, Image 1

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VrfSS — SI!S»SS-S Hit? print..—®® c a *** r “'**-*'^JEL- *W !^ nto „. 0. Flfc^c- CARmIcS* SMITH, Qreenzbot*’, p K P T B a HEARD. j n'pKRRV, Lester's District. Ga. £• s\vßßißs.B» ro r". : t ‘“ l A ~nu ' r R ' b ' K XEBIU T. Union Voint. O. - • V M. WILSON, timnitoTi lc, - • C. WM. T. JONHS, Aiken, S. C. TP SLIDER, Charleston.^- y- 0 LpU OS i PHILLIPS, Cincinnati, 0. JoUNSOS_*POYLK. Lomsrdle. Ky. General Travelling Agent- R. L. Gentry, Esq., of » h,a \i* ~ y Generttl Travelling Atrent for the Daily Pkkss. SCISSORS. —There nre signs of prosperity in the South, for we begin to have our railway disasters. —Carlvle, in his advice to young men, „„ • “If vou doubt whether to kiss a pretty girl, give her the benefit of the doubt.” —Mrs. George Vanderhcff, an accom plished teacher"of elocution, and wife of the well known English actor, has several engagements to lecture ill the west. —A French mechanician has made a pin for a necktie, the head ot which ia a small piece of malachite, containing a musical box, which plays with inarrel ous beauty a number of modern Italian operatic airs. —The Court Journal says of Carlyle : “For knotting the language and making the sound unpleasant, there is no man his equal. Is it real, is it an embodi ment ot his knotted thoughts, or is it affectation ?” —A certain logical, though punning executor, having three bauk notes of £IOO each to divide among five legatees, of whom he was himself one, said; “There is one for you two, one for you two, and one for me, too,” —A Mobile paper says to the citizens, “Die while you can die cheap,” and says of the city sexton, “Our old friend, Ber roujon, will burv any one—friend or foe —at twenty per cent, reduction of former prices. Here’s your time.” —A negro preacher, while holding forth to the colored soldiers at Port Hudson, said; “De whole of God’s re lation to us am like de wln-el. De Lord ain the hub, de Christians am de spokes, and de tire am de grace of God bindin all togedder.” —A cross grained wife is for her hus band what a heavy burden is for an aged man. A good and gentle wife, on the contrary, is a crown of gold for her husband Every time he looks at her his heart and his eyes rejoice. —Blankets of a sort of felt or flannel, made of white pine, it is said, are man ufactured at Breslau, and are extensive ly used in the prisons and hospitals of Vienna, as they are considered to be more cleanly and better than blankets made of wool. —A man in Pennsylvania, while at work making a fence, hung up his coat, with seventeen hundred dollars in green backs in the pocket. An old sow, hap pening in the neighborhood, chewed up the garment, completely destroying the money. —How many young men are carried away by a fine musical, charming voice —a pretty, light foot, reeling ball room dancer—a lazy, lounging, street yarning Hut—an oily tongued; hollow hearted, deceptive piano pounder, and regret their folly when, alas, too late. —“I believe that mine will be the late of Abel,” said a wife to her has hand one day. “Why so?” inquired the husband, “Because Abel was tilled by a club, and your club will kill ‘f you continue to g o to it every A printer and a painter loved the same girl in Chicago. The parents "Md the printer, and the girl loved the painter. Ihe printer married the maid en, but after two days of wedded bliss lle P ril *t.er s exchequer was found to be 'ery low; a divorce was applied for, nnd the third day it was granted. The painter is hopeful. ~[ n England, the pastors of some of ine churches are trying an experiment, . 18 S! “d t 0 meet with favor. They buld an eariy morning service on o and r n £ ‘ hehot L weather - »o as to u«d the heat of the day, a „ d much I: l a°^ re?i ‘" 0 " 8 lhan formerly as fohettS. thatSeaSOD ’ a ' er ‘ !p6rtea i/IcUt'H-n 'T 1 men - recently organ is caltd H * ad ’ Solltl ‘ Carolina, numbers 6 L l ! nCo,n ar >d now number, one hu n dr „ and and fift men) _ Head K, ®] a,e f ele t c,ion bel,i on Hilton there were d f’ sor L Justice «f ‘he Peace, Republican °1 r un '^ r,J d and seventy Hemocratic. CaSt againsl BeTent y livelier says that the nearly one ir at i P ort average m gold id r l0 " P cr week, 38 Per'cem dd " l|f to . thiß tl,e Premium, other Charles^ ““missions, freight and amount tL ’ \ he "“ports would *"01!, in e, :6ar y lwo millions each ‘i'"c, «on, e fiT" C n T - M the J>re.e„t their Z V T an, l barks are on at H ort hum foreign Pa ' ace at Berlin, toneously lini„ W ? X | can< * leß are inztan mode ot o™l d by •° ne rnatcl '- Tlie the wicks P, • 18 simple enough, by a t )revio “ s b' ail connected lixhting of Put* cotton, on die, ot which all the caii th “‘ U» thoffofTh Uue ° Ußly ’ a,,d a Partuients are ill l “ ,tVBn hul| 4red The p4«r.n m "’? te ' 1 at ‘mee ts that it j s ‘ Hu", the wonder an d generally c *tei;aively known same iugenmu. • ,B Russia the lighting up 18 employed for lions. P ch «ches ou grand occa- THE DAILY PRESS. VOL. 111. CITY DIRECTORY. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Hi A y «it: Hon. Foster Blodgett; office, Ist floor, southwest corner, City Hall. ooit n c 11. n kn: Ward No. I — Jnmes B Bishop, Henry T Peay, Thus N Philpot. Ward No. 2—Ephraim Tweedy, Jos B Reynolds, Samuel Levy. Ward No. 3—Beoj F Conley, Jacob B Platt, Wm H Tutt. Ward No. 4—R B Bullock, Otis G Lynch, David L Roatli. Clerk of Council — L. T. Bloine ; office, City Ilall, 2d floor. Collector and Treasurer —l. P. Garvin ; office, Broad Street, over Sherman & Jessup’s store. CAitf of Police —John A. Christian ; office, City Hall, basement, N. E. corner. Lieutenants of Police —Benj. F. John son, Thomas Walsh, and Charles Evans. Keeper of City Tlall —James Mullet., Sr.; office, City Hall. Superintendent of Streets and Drains — John Morrison. Superintendent. of Water Works,Pumps, and Wells —Peter Sheron: office, Tel fair street, near Spaeth's saloon. Keeper of the Bridge —Louis A. Pic quet; office at the Bridge toll-gate. Deputy Keeper oj the Bridge —Charles H. Rogers ; office, with the Keeper of the Bridge. Clerk of the Lower Market —H. R. Phil pot; office at the Scale House, below the Market. Clerk of the Upper Market —William Keener. Lamplighter —J M. Snelling. Keeper of the Jail —T. C. Bridges; of fice at the Jail, corner of Elbert and Watkins’ streets. Keeper o f the City Hospital —William D. Tant; office at the Hospital, Greene street, between Houston and Wilde streets. Keeper of the City Cemetery —Jerre Mor ris ; at Cemetery, Lincoln street, be tween Watkins and Taylor streets. City Sexton —Thomas A. Kunze. City Surveyor —E. V. Sharpe. City Hospital Physician —Dr. M. E. Swinney. Wharfinger —H. C. Foster; office Mc- Intosh street, corner of Bay, up stairs. Lot Inspectors —First Division, John Reilly; Second Division, John Mc- Kenney. Inspector and Measurer of Wood —First Division, J. F. Turpin ; Second Divi sion. Keeper of the City Clock —Geo. Harbig. City Police. —V. J. Deween, L. F Radford, John Kavanagh, A. M. Pra ther, Janies Reilly, T. W. Olive, Patrick Pows, Thornton Waters, John Shields, James Lawlor, Peter Pardue, Daniel Buckley, Joseph T. Godwin, Joseph W. Ramsey, Patrick Hughes, E. J. Hicks, Richard Hays, James Garrahan, E. Rumiey, Dominick Conlon, John C. Lewis, John Lillis. Patrick Kearney, John Jennings, Joshua Dean. Wm. Vale, James McDonough, Henry Harris, John MeArdle. Fire Wardens —J. A. Robert, D. 11. Denning, J. B. Platt, C. A. Platt. City Assessors —From Council, Charles Estes: Ist Ward, Josiah Sibley ; 2d Ward, Thos. R. Rhodes ; 3d Ward, F. Lamback ; 4th Ward, Wm. H Goodrich. HOUGHTON INSTITUTE. Greene and Ellis, between Elbert and Lincoln streets. Boys' Department (Entrance on Greene street) —Principal, Jos. T. Derry ; Assistant, Miss Kate E. Parmelee. Girls' Department (Entrance on Ellis street) —Principal, Mrs. Sarah J. Lathrop ; Assistant, bliss Fannie A. Scott. AUGUSTA FREE SCHOOL, Greene street, between Mclntosh and Jackson. Boys' Department —Principal, Martin V. Calvin. Girls' Department Principal, Mrs. Josephine Jones. CITY COURT. Judge —Hon. John C. Snead. Clerk —J. Taliaferro. City Sheriff- —Isaac Levy. Regular Terms— Fourth Mondays in February, May, August, and Novem ber. RECORDER'S COURT. Recorder —Malt. Sheron. Clerk —L. T. Blome. Sheriff's— City Police Officers. Regular Days— Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, at 10 o’clock, A.M. AUGUSTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—J B Platt. First Assistant—V A B Jennings. Second Assistant— Daniel Galvin. Secretary— W in Crane. Treasurer —A Iversen. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1867. Ice Notices. 'pHE McINTOSH STREET Xc© Honse IS REOPENED. trust my old patrons will remember it, a~u send in their orders. R. A. HARPER. marS—lf Jewellers. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Eh. SOMMER— • 184 BROAD STREET, Three doors below Daily Press office. Auisusta, Ga. • WATCHMAKER’S TOOLS, MATERIALS, and GLASSES. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired and warranted. JEWELRY mado and repaired All kind of HAIR BRAIDING done. ho7—tf Hotels, Restaurants. BERZELIA ! This well known and popular PLACE, situated twenty miles from Augusta, with ample accommodations for visitors, a FINE SPRING OF MINERAL WATER, Delightful climate, in the midst of tho Pincy Woods, and 500 feet above the level of Augusta, has been refitted for the ac commodation of the public. Tho Proprie tors are ready at all times to make oach visitor feel at home, and the Table is fur nished wiiK the best tho country affords. Givo us a trial. H. A. MERRY A CO., fe22—om Proprietors. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. This first-class hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public, and possesses every accommodation and comfort calculated to please the most fastidious. Th'e patronage of the travelling community is respectfully solicited. JOSEPH PURCELL, au2S—l2m Pronrietor. SCREVEN HOUSE, gAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Having been ronovated and newly furnishod, ia now open for tho rocoption of the travel ling public. GEO. McGINLY, Proprietor. mhl6—tf Heating house, Berzelia, Georgia R. R. PASSENGERS BY THE PASSENGER Trains 'leaving Augusta at 6.30 A. M., and Atlanta at 7.15 P. M., also, those leaving cither Augusta or Atlanta by Freight Trains, can get a GOOD HEAL AT THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR HOUSE. H. A. MERRY CO., fo22—6m Proprietors. PIONEER Yeast Powders. LADIES, USE THIS AND NO OTHER, And with your Pastry you* will have no bother; At every grocer's you can get it, Try a box and you will ne’er regret it. This Yeast Powder is used by all first class Hotels and Restaurants through* the country, and is finding its way into every household where good Yeast Powder is ap preciated. Samples Free. Every box war ranted to give satisfaction or money refund ed. Manufactured by TAYLOR & YOUNG, 186 Front Street, N. Y. Trade supplied at manufacturer's prices by JOHN D. BUTT & BRO., Ag'ts., 266 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. ja27—6m* Pioneer Soap. GIVE IT A FAIR TRIAL, This c*oap requires only to be used to prove its superior quality. Use it as you would any common Soap. TRY IT, And you will be convinced that it is supe rior to any other article in market. For sale by Grocers generally. Manufactured by TAYLOR A YOUNG, 186 Front Street, New York. Trade supplied at Manufacturer's prices by JOHN I). BUTT A BRO., Ag'ts, No. 266 Broad st., Augusta, Ga. jn27—6in* WHISKERS AND M onstacii es! smoothest face in CAPILLAIRIib the most wonderful discovery in modern science, acting uponthe Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by tbo elite of Paris and London with tho most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will bo cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, zealod and postpaid, sl. Descriptive circulars a.nd testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER, SHUTTS k CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for tbe United States. ma2o—ly ALUMINUM PENS. rpilE UNDERSIGNED ARE APPOINTED AGENTS For the sale of the above justly eolebrato English. Pen Mado from a Mineral found in the Mines of Cornwall. They are superior to any Pens now in use, inasmuch as they will not corrode, which is of great, advantage. They are cheaper than any other Pen now ÜBB ‘ J. SCHREINER A SONS, 199 Broad Stroet. GEO. A. OATES, us _tf 240 Broad Street. Crockery. Mosher. Thomas & Sobanb, C)A A BROAD STREET— -6 x z Under Masonic Hall AUGUSTn., 'jib, Direst Importers and Dealers in ENGLISH AND FRENCH China! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH and AMERICA G-lass 'W'are! AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. Try os, and we will convince you that you can save the Freight fruin N'w York to this point. JOSIAH MOSHER, J. .THFFERBON THOMAS, GEORGE SCIIAUB. oc2—ty New Crockery House. BEAN & ADAM, 269 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Agents for English Manufacturers, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA, GRANITE, AND COMMON WARE. On hand, and arriving, 200 Crates, selected by one of our firm in Europe, to suit THE SOUTHERN TRADE. Being sole Agents for one of the largost Potteries in England, our facilities for ob taining Goods will enable us to compete with any city in the United States. fe2B—tf Insurance. B. H. BRODNAX, AGENCY. OFFICE AT THE OLD SAVINGS BANK, 229 BROAD STREET juß—ly Snuff & Tobacco. P. HANSBER6ER & CO. 204 BROAD STREET, W holesale and Retail Dealers IN SEG ARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF,TIPES WALKING CANES , Etc. OUR BRANDS OF SEGARS AND TO BACCO arc of the finest selection, and will suit the taste of the most fastidious. Call and examine for yourself. fe2B—tf AUGUSTUS BOHNE, OOn HROAD STREET, (Opposite Planters’Hotel Has always on band a large assortment ot IMPORTED & DOMESTIC SEGARS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meerschaum PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES, Eto., AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL au4-ly] TERMS. “The Daily Press” IS NOW THE Official Paper OF THE CITY. AD VEIi TISEME NTS INSERTED ON VERY LIBERAL,'TERMS. E. H. PUGHE, PROPRIETOR TO SPORTSMEN. Guns, tistols, and ammunition. Just received, a full assortment of Sin gle and Double Barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, all sizes Smith A Wesson, Mcrwin A Bray’s, and Remington’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN WADDING Best quality Water Proof CAPS AH kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for all Pis ols All kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR an and DRAWER LOCKS, all sizes. jjJjfcL BELL HANGING, jia-jSL KEYS FITTED TO ORDER at short notice. A general assortment of everything to be found in a well stocked Gun and Locksmith Store. Repairin g done promptly and in the best manner, and on tbo lowost, terms. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, 200 BROAD Street. Overy Barry <fc Batty’s Drug Store, apll—3mo E. F. BLODGETT & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, 279 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Georgia. WITH A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK AND SHOES FROM SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL MANUFACTORIES North and East, and some experience at our command, wc feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction. We are constantly in reoeipt of as fine an assortment of Ladies’ and. Misses’ Shoes As can bo had in this Market. Givo us a call at 279 BROAD STB 3ET. fehl —ly jromxr HAHN, 120 BROAD STREET, Baker and Confectioner, AND DEALER IN Oakes, Candies, Wines, and Liquors AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALWAYS ON HAND, A FINE SUPPLY OF FRESH GRAHAM BREAD, RYE BREAD, WHEAT BREAD. All kinds ot CAKES—aII kinds of CA.YUIES. fel3—6m FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. "W. W. BARRON QFFERS ms FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE, SITUATE ON ELLIS STREET NEAR THE CONCERT HALL. marS—tf APPLY ON THE CLQSING_OUT SALE. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY AND DRESS GOODS, :F\A-XSTOIT IsTOTIOFTS, AND ALL KINDS OF GOODS USUALLY FOUND IN SUCH STORES, AT MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 Broad Street. Spring Dry Goods! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I. KAHN* CO., No. 262 Broad Street, OFFER GREAT B A It G- _A_ I IN' S FOR CASH OR CITY ACCEPTANCE : PRINTS at from 12 cts. to 20 cts. (the best brands). DRESS GOODS at from 20 cts. to 40 cts. (the latest styles). TO CLOSE THEIR LARGE STOCK OF LADIES’ SILK COVERINGS. THEY OFFER THEM AT A Reduction of Fifteen Per Cent below Cost. Also B adleys’ and Other Superior HOOP SKIRTS AT LESS THAN COST! GOOD HOOP SKIRTS FROM 50 cts. to $4.00 EACH Wishing to Reduce our LARGE STOCK of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. WE OFFER A Discount of Five per cent. ON ALL BILLS OVER SIOO TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. j.22—tf NO. 156. Miscellaneous. ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, MADAME 11. A. PERRIGO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, etc., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives infor mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness, and characteristics'of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the firmament— the melific stars that overcome or predomi nate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never aghin hayc ao favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, sl. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inqui ries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or de stroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plain ly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MADAME 11. A. PERRIGO, P. 0. Drawer 21)3, Buffalo, N. Y. mh2o—ly BEAUTY. tA U B E R N , and Silken Curls One application warranted to curl the most streight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been used by tho fashionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid sl. Descriptive Cir culars mailed free. Address BERGER, SHUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 285, River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. ma2o—ly Afflicted! SUFFER NO MORE. WHEN BY THE USE OF DR. JOIN VILLE’S ELIXEIt you can bo cured per manently, and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which has atten ded this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, or any of the consequences of youthful in discretion, renders it the most valuable pre paration ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insan ity, etc. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by “Quack Doctors” and ignorant practition ers, bnt send without delay for the Elixer, and be at once restored to health and hap piness. A Perfect cure is guaranteed in every instance. Price, sl, or four bottles to one address, $3. One bottle is sufficient to effect a euro in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DK. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Uiethral Dis charges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to five days. They are pre pared from vegetable extracts that are harmless to the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Price, $1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be; sent to any address, closely sealed, post-paid, by mail on receipt of the price. Address all orders to BERGER, SHUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. ma2o—ly Reparator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig— Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig: Come aged, come youthful, come ugly aud fair. And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. REP ARATObTCAPILLI, For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It. will force the beard to grow upon tho smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of tho hair or beard. Their assertions are false, .as thousands of living witnesses (from their own experience), can bear witness. But many will say, liow are we to distin guish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different preparations advertised for the hair and beard arc entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchaso. To such we would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations. If your Druggist docs not keep it, send us one dollar and we will forward it, post paid, together with a receipt for the monev, which will be ro turnod you on application, providing eutirc satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayotto st., Syracuse, N. Y. mb2o—]y EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! CHASTELLAR’S HAIR EXTERMINATOR!! For Removing Superflous Hair. To tho ladies, especially, this invaluable de pilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensiblc article to female beau ty, is easily appliod, does not born or injure the skin, but acts directly on k• roots. It is warranted to remove superth.ua hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally, and radically extir pating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth, and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory iu existence. Price 75 cent* per package, sent post paid, to auy address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS k CO., Chemists, mh2o—ly 28a River st., Troy, N. Y. gailg frrss. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING or EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER. The Fat lee t Power Prettet, and Best Workmen tnablet at to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Ratet than tltewhere. Dry Goods and Clothing. ATTENTION! MW GOODS AND Grood Goods, AT LOW PRICES, AND One Price Only. I. SIM k MB., MANUFA CTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN MENS’, BOYS’, <£• YOUTH’S CLOTHING, 224 BROAD STREET, OFFER TIIEIR WELL MADE AND FAS ION ABLE CLOTHING to the public and to their friends, at LOW PRICES. Their stock of Clothing was carefully and fashionably manufactured, and therefore guarantee to all who favor them with their patronage, a good and fashionable fit. They offer Gents’ Ready Made Clothing FROM $3 UP TO S4O PER SUIT. In connection with t-hoir stock of Gents’ Clothing, they have a full stock of BOYS’ & YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, which they likewise offer inducements to their young friends. In their GENTS’ and BOYS’ FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT they aro entitled to special notice. Among them they have fine LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, of tho host Brands and Manufactures. GOOD GOODS FOR LOW PRICES is their advertisement. They ask their Patrons and the Public to examine their Prices in cither line of their Goods, for their own satisfaction. I. SIMON & BRO’S. FASHIONABLE Clothing' Emporium, 224 BROAD STREET. ju(s New York and Charleston Steamship Line. SAILING EVERY °SATURDAY FROM ADGER’S SOUTH WHARF. T HE elegant Side Wheel Steamships MANHATTAN, M. S. Wooduull, Comd’r, CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander leave each port on SATURDAY', and for speed and comfort have no superior on the coast. Both ships have splendid Cabin accommo dations for Passengers. All outward Freights for this Line should he consigned to Courtenay & Trenhotm, who will forward same free of commission. Freights received daily at the pier. For Passage and business connected with inward freights, apply to Street Bros. & Cos., 74 East Bay. HENRY R. MORGAN A CO.. Agents, 26 Broadway, New York. STREET BROS, db CO, • COURTENAY A TRENIJOLM, Joint Agents N. Y. & C. S. S. Cos., junc 12—-Ira Charleston, S. C. OHTWamer PLUMBER, GAS aud STEAM FITTER, 255 BRO4D STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA fSSs" Pumps, Gas, Stoam and Water Pipes, Rubber Hoso and Hose Pipes, promptly furnished or aps—tf T. MABKWALTER, Ain i 'LI < •AY'” ii •l^] Broad Street , Augusta ,• Ga. MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, ETC. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNITURE WORK Os all kinds, from the plaine|t to the most elaborate, designed and furnished to order at short notice. All Work for the Country carefully Bojced. my 14— ts IST otice. MY WIFE, MARY J. DAVIS, HAVING left my bed and board without my consent, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her from and after this date. JAMES 11. DAVIS. Augusta, Ga., June 17th. joI9-tam2iu*