Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, July 11, 1867, Image 1
'jjJTflatl! " ld»e.tii.r»TM.« I»«er«ert 0 „ I iVral T. r.n» ~ .rBSOiai'TION PRICK: A. c Ye»r.'» J 5# ®” v Monlhs.>»,» Jv » nc * - _ i J 5 nm Months, in ».lv»no« •• ZrAr”-*~'*'*£ , £ ' *7, „„ (V«t ,ff,. ..S<w , * r «. City Printer-Official Paper PtmtTitv riKmVTION; r «#i.AT MOHNwe'-'-’” 1 *». ,MT the DAILY PRESS Hw th. utntM bTWor.ph.ftoa ~l rtr„ of th« art °P ,# ****** 0 C l>ck “S.’tLipt.on Rriee to only Ffv. "X'S hr n~w C trad. on mam lih«r»l terms than any other ■ cioanor in KasMrn Georgia. Sioglc oopiM of .ho Da.lt P R «.«_to bo b.,,1 „f .11 the Now.boy.-ftv. Oiara onch Newsboy, are charged two and a half cents * copy. The Da.lt Press is the olioopc. and most readable newspaper issued in this aoc tion. Bemember the prico-$5 per year. E. H. PUG HE, Proprietor, 190 Broad and 153 Kliis street. SCISSORS. _lt is intended by the English to ra ise a national monument to Byron. —Grant and a party of Congressmen are going to Sherman’s battle fields in Georgia the latter part of this month. —lndustrv and economy will get rich, while sagacity and intrigue are laying their plans. —One hundred and fifty tailors are forming a cooperation shop in New York, with about ?10,000 capital. —When a man takes more pleasure in earning money thau in spending it, he has taken the first step toward wealth. —A thousand parties ol pleasure do no! leave a recollection worth that of one good action. —A servant girl applied to a druggist s few days since for six penny worth of she "glory of rhyme," (chloride of lime.) Let your recreuion be manly, moderate, and lawful; the use of recrea tion is to strengthen your labor and iveeten your rest. —lt is a great blunder in the pursuit of happiness not to know when we have got it. that is not to be content with a reasonable and possible measure of it. —lt is stated that the Arkansas Gen mi Hindman is soon to stump the State on behalf of the Republican party, —The Hudson River lias been fully stocked with carp or goldfish. They originally got into the river from a private pond at Newburg. —Teu years ago the number of work ing horses in New York city amounted to some 50,000; five years ago it had increased to 70,000, aud is now esti mated at 110,000. —J. M. Langston, the colored lawyer irom Ohio, who was sent into Virginia to agitate agrarianism, basely aud treacherously tells the freedmeu to go to work. - if. <* dinner given to the President on board the fiaval School ship in Bos ton harbor, included peaches at $lB a dozen, and grapes at $5 a pound, one cluster ol tour pounds costing S2O. —Ex-Confederate General Louis T. Wigful!, formerly United States Senator Iron, the State Texas, is about entering upon the practice of law in England iu connection with American cases. —A new attempt will be made to connect Europe and America by cable. This time it will be undertaken by a l’reneh American Company, which will lay a cable between Brest aud some point on the American coast. The colored ehildren of Washington have formed an organization known as the “Vanguard of Freedom." The members pledge themselves to abstain (rom intoxicating drinks, and to avoid profane and vulgar language. —St-enty three years ago the first boat started from Cincinnati up the Ohio. It was bullej, proof, equipped Rith two cannon and small arms. The round trip to Pittsburg was made iu four weeks. —ln Portland, Me., the liquor bnsi ae>.s is a thing of the past. All the old resorts on Fore street are closed. Une of them has put up the following pla card : “ Bar taken out; prayer meeting at four o’clock.” —The Emperor Alexander, of Rus- Sia ' Iras given orders that there shall be sent to the Emperor Napoleon, to be deposited at the invalides, a sword "iiieh belonged to Napoleon 1., and "hick his Majesty offers as a tribute of respect to France. ,—A Montreal paper says : “In addi- Lon to the unequalled water highways 'thicn we possess iu our great lakes aud Were, the Dominion has no less than -tj' miles of railway already opened, h'e construction of which cost $133,- 400,409. —A. gay deceiver named Riddle, wt J odd years old, ran away from the f «nerable partner of his joys, iri Rich jnowl, Ky., the other day, taking with ilra & I1 her money, and, worse still, her ‘■’’“"dduughter, a blooming lass of six teen. editor of the Charlottesville 1 n.) Chronicle says he slept in a room utli a farmer the other night, who kept rack a grunting that he asked him *tethcr he had the toothache. “ No,’’ ®> “ l,ut he was afraid the wheat *ould rust.” j wom;ul gave birth to a child one o | 3,1 week in a street car in New •'aits. All the passengers vamoosed ;cpt two gallant old bachelors, who ' Weathered many a storm. The U ? , P r<, P OKGS that if the child is a e-t! Je Calk ' d > if a g ir l, Cur- Poru!t^ l ’°i! e 0!‘ and the Su,tan are rc- LJ U ’ distant cousins. The Em. LV|, 8 I " , ’ t "tr was u daughter of Jo- Aj b J her first husband, while the j '! 8 grandmother was a cousin ol AliJr i"' 6 ’ httvi "« 1)66,1 captured by an me corsair and sent to the Seraglio 41 Eenstantinople. b Or,nit'' English civil engineer named Position* ||i. 66 stated that the juxta tndir W ? ler f''l ,e * w ' lb gas pipes uuiH»» Ul l d detrimental to able 1 0 * ater > a “d gave a reumrk says tliat\ l< t. pr ° Ve t,l!s assertion, 'dthe lt 0,1 the authority Hnv th- K t * er ° the N<iW River of the W A’ " l ap P , y ,n K a light to some ipect, ii,no[’ >,pe * which h,! had to in 'hey THE DAILY PRESS. YOU 111. CITY DIRECTORY. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. MAYORS lion. Foster Blodgett; office, Ist floor, soathwest owner, City Hall. counci i. men: Waiul No. I—James B Bishop, Henry T I’eay, Thos N Philpot. Ward No. 2—Ephraim Tweedy, Jos K Reynolds. Samuel Levy. Ward No. 3—Benj F Conley, Jacob B Platt, Win II Tntt. Ward No. 4—R B Bullock, Otis G Lynch, David L Ronth. Clerk of Council —L. T. Blome ; office, City Hall, 2d floor. Collector and Treasurer —l. P. Garvin ; office, Broad Street, over Sherman & Jessup’s store. Chief of Police —John A. Christian ; office, City Hall, basement, N. K. comer. Lieutenants of Police —Benj. F. John son, Thomas Walsh, and Charles Evans. Kecjter of City Hall —James Mullen, Sr.; office, City Hall. Superintendent of Streets and Drains — John Morrison. Superintendent ot Water Works, Pimps, and Wells —Peter Sheron: office, Tel fair street, near Spaeth's saloon. Keeper of the Bridge —Louis A. Pic quet; office at the Bridge toll-gate. Depulp Keeper of the Bridge —Charles H. Rogers ; office, with the Keeper of the Bridge. Clerk of the Lower Market —ll. R. Phil pot; office at the Scale House, below the Market. Clerk of the Upper Market —William Keener. Lamplighter —J M. Snelling. Keeper of the Jail —T. C. Bridges; of fice at the Jail, corner of Elbert and Watkins’ streets. Keeper of the City Hospital —William D. Tant; office at the Hospital, ( reene street, between Houston and Wilde streets. Keeper of the City Cemetery • —Jerre Mor ris ; at Cemetery, Lincoln street, be tween Watkins and Taylor streets. City Sexton —Thomas A. Kun/.e. City Surveyor —E. Y. Sharpe. City Hospital Physician —Dr. M. E. Swinney. Wharfinger —H. C. Foster; office Mc- Intosh .street, corner of Bay,j up stairs. Lot Inspectors —First Division, John Reilly; Second Division, John Mc- Kenney. Inspector and Measurer of Hood—First Division, J. F. Turpin ; Second Divi sion. Keeper of the City Clock —Geo. Harhig. City Police. —M. J. Deween, L. F Radford, John A. M. Pra ther, James Reilly, T. W. Olive, Patrick Pows, Thornton Waters,' .fchn Shields, James Lawlor, Peter Pardue, Daniel Buckley, Joseph T. Godwin, Joseph W. Ramsey, Patrick Hughes, E. J. Hicks, Richard Hays, James Garrahan, E. Rumley, Dominick Conlon, John C. Lewis, John Lillis, Patrick Kearney, John Jennings, Joshua Dean. Wm. Vale, James McDonough, Henry Harris, John McArdle. Fire Wardens —J. A. Robert, D. H. Denning, J. B. Platt, C. A. Platt. City Assessors—From Council. Charles Estes ; Ist Ward, Josiah Sibley ; 2d Ward, Thos. R. Rhodes ; 3d Ward, F. Lambaek ; 4th Ward, Wm. H Goodrich. HOUGHTON INSTITUTE. Greene and Ellis, between Elbert and Lincoln streets. Boys' Department (Entrance on Greene street) —Principal, Jos. T. Derry ; Assistant, .Miss Kate E. Parmelce. Girls’ Department (Entrance on Ellis street.) —Principal, Mrs. Sarah J. Lathrop; Assistant, Miss Fannie A. Scott. AUGUSTA FREE SCHOOL, Greene street, between Mclntosh and Jackson. Buys’ Department —Principal, Martin V. Calvin. Girls' Department Principal, Mrs. Josephine Jones. CITY COURT. Judge —Hon. John C. Snead. Clerk —J. Taliaferro. City Sheriff- —Isaac Levy. Regular Terms —Fourth Mondays in February, May, August, and Novem ber. RECORDER’S COURT. Recorder —Mall. Sheron. Clerk —L. T. Blome. Sheriffs —City Police Officers. Regular Day*—' Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, at 10 o’clock, A.M. AUGUSTA FIRE yEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer —J B Platt. First Assistant —F A B Jennings, Second Assistant —Daniel Galvin. Secretary— Wm Crane. Treasurer —A Iverscu. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1807. City Ordinances. AM ORDINANCE To establish the rate of Wharfage in the City of Augusta. lit it ordained by the City Council of Atn/iitfa, and it »• hereby ordained by the authority of the tame, That from and after the parage of this Ordinance*the rates of Wharfage in said City shall be as follows: Anvils, each 3 Anchors, 5001b*. anil under 1200 12 “ moth* is “ upward,. .„ 25 Barrels, Ale. Apple? 3 44 Alcohol 5 44 Beef, Beer, Bread, Bacon 3 44 Coffee, Co*n, Cider 3 44 Empty. t 44 Flour, Fish 3 44 Gun powder, 1 uOths. and up ward.... 5 44 Gun powder under 100 Iba 4 44 Gin 5 44 llams, Herrings.) 3 44 Molaeses a*.... 5 44 Nut« 3 44 Onions 3 44 Oil 5 44 Potatoes, Pork, Pepper, Pimen to, Porter, Plaster Paris, Pitch 3 44 Rioc * 4 44 Rice in half barrels.. 4 44 Rum and other spirituous liq uors 5 44 Salt, Sugar, Turpeuliue 3 44 Tar. Rosin 3 44 Vinegar 5 44 Wine 5 44 Whiskey 5 44 halves of Liquor 3 44 half quarter casks Liquor 3 44 halves of Provisions, Ale, Beer, Cider, etc.! 2 Butts and Casks, 200 gallons and upward 25 Bolts, Bugging, Canvass, Buck and Usnaburgs, or per piece 2 Boilers, Steam 5 00 Boxos l)ry Goods, upward four feot square 6 44 Dry Goods, under lour leet square 4 44 Axes, Candles, Chocolate, Cheese, Cordials 2 44 Dates, Figs, Herrings, Indigo, Prunes 2 44 Raisins, Segars, Starch, Tin plate 2 44 Lemons and Oranges.. 3 44 Sugar..... * 5 44 Tobacco 3 Balos Cotton 5 44 Bagging, Blanket ting, Carpeting, Canvas 5 44 Dry Goods, Kmpty Lotties 5 44 Hay 0 Baskets, Nests, Oil, Wiuo, Cordials, etc 2 Bacon, per 1000 lbs 371 Bellows, House 2 44 Blacksmith’s 6 Brick, Fire, per UOO 25 44 House, per M>00.... 25 44 Tile, per 1000 25 Buudlcs, Brooms, Baud-boxes, Collars, Humes 3 44 Pans, Scythes, Spades, Shovels, 3 44 Trees, Vines, Vices, Axe-helves 3 Bags, Almonds, Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Pepper 3 44 Pimento, Ginger 3 44 Guaoo aud other Fertilizers 3 44 Graiu ] 44 Shot ) Ballast, per ton 25 Bale Hope, per coil 3 Corn Shelters 61 Cotton Planters .J. 6$ Cambouses 20 Cheese, per fOOlbs. iu bulJ^..... 2 Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, etc 50 Chairs, Sitting 1 44 Rocking 2 Carboys Vitriol and Acids 3 Cannon Carriages 3 Cordage, per coil 3 Cables, Chain per ton 25 Coal, per ton 35 Crates, Crockery, Onions, Oranges, Cabbages, etc 10 Cabbages, per hundred 12) Casks, ( rockery, Coffee 8 44 Cheese 4 44 Porter, Ale, 6 dozen anti upwards S 44 quarter, under 40 gallons and over 20 gallons 5 Cattle, Bulls, Oxen, Cows 25 Cultivators 61 Demijohns Liquor. 2 Furniture, Tables, Bureaus, Sideboards, etc 6 44 Sofas 12£ 44 Settees 10 Fish, Dry, per 100 lbs 2 Furnaces, portable '. 2 Graiu, iu bulk, per 100 bushels 25 Hams, each A i hds., Liquor, Molasses, etc., 80 gals. and upward 10 44 Liquor, Molasses, etc., 60 gals 8 44 Sugar, 1000 lbs. and over 121 44 Sugar under 1000 lbs 8 44 Coifoe, 700 lbs. and over 10 44 Coffee, under 700 lbs 1. 8 44 Dry Goods 121 44 Tobacco...,. 20 Hampers, Bottles 6 44 Potatoes 2 Hides, each £ 44 Bales 5 Horses, MuLs, Jacks, Jennies, etc 37) Iron, Bar and Pig, per ton 25 44 Hollow Ware and other Castings, each under 40 lbs. weight... 1 44 Hollow Ware and other Castings, over 40 lbs. weight, per 100 lt>s. 2* 44 Grates, Stoves, etc 6 44 Pots, Kettles, Uv»en- with Covers. 1 44 Dogs, per pair, and Wagon Boxes per set, to be considered as one piece 1 Jugs, Jars, and othor Clay or Stuue Ware ) 44 Pickles, Grapes, Raisins, etc 1 Kegs, Nails, Tobacco, Lead 3 44 Butler, 50 lbs. and under 2 44 Butter, over 50 lbs 3 44 Liquors, 20 gallons and under 2 44 Powder, per 25 lbs 2 44 Biscuit, Lard, Crackers, etc 1 44 Paints and others same size 1 44 Shot Lead, etc., per 100 lbs 1 44 Tobacci 3 Lumber, Timber, Boards, and other Sawed Lumber, per 1000 superficial feet 30 44 Mahogany, per 1000 superficial foot 40 44 Pipe and Hogshead Staves, per M 30 44 Barrel Staves, per M 20 44 Heading for Pipes and Hogsheads per M 50 44 Heading for Barrel*, per M 25 44 Shingles, per M 12) 44 Reeds aud Hoops, per M 25 44 Laths 121 44 Lightwuod, Codar Posts and other Logs, en ) Nests, Tubs 3 Onions, per 10ft Ropes 121 Oranges, pur 1000 121 Pipes Liquor, 100 gallons aud up wards 12) 14 Liquor, 60 gallons and upwards.. 8 44 halves, under 60 gallons 6 44 quarters, under 40 gallous 5 44 eights, under 2ft gallous 3 Ploughs, each 6) Pino Apples, per 100 6 Potatoes, per 100 bushels 25 Paper, Bundles of two reams 5 44 Printing 2 44 Wrapping, large size, 1 ream 2 44 Wrapping, small size, 1 ream 1 44 Writing, one ream 1 Salt, in bulk, per 100 bushels 25 44 iu bag ?, per bushel ) Stones, Paving, per ton 25 44 Mill, large, each 25 44 Mill, small, each... 12) 44 Grind I£ 44 Marble, per ton 50 Sheep, each Sugar boilers * 12$ Sugar boilnrs, small size Tieroes, Good*, 60 gallons and under... 8 44 Good*, 40 gallons and under.... 5 44 Ric# and halves 4 Trunks, G00d5...... 4 44 Empty 3 Tea, in ohests, 50 lbs. and upward 5 44 in chests under 50 lbs 3 14 in chests under 20 2 Tubs, Bath 6 Wagons, large two horse 50 44 small one horse 50 Wheelbarrows, each 6) Agricultural Implements, Corn Mills... 6J “ 44 Cotton gins 25 “ 44 Fan Mills 12) 44 Harrows 6) " 44 Straw Cutters.. 6) “ 44 Thrashers 12) 44 Mowing Machines 25 44 Seed Drills 6) 44 4 * Horse Powers...... 25 Bells, 500 lbs. and under 12) over 600 lbs 25 Barrels, Cement, Phosphate Lime, Plas ter 3 44 £yrup, Varnish 5 44 Copperas, Putty 3 Half Barrels, Flour, Ale, Beer, Fish 2 44 44 Liquor, Varnish 3 44 44 Bread 2 Boxes, Furniture, Blinds, Doors, Ma chinery 4 44 Fancy Soap, Soda, Citron, Oys ters 2 44 Lemons 3 44 Glass, sft feot ~... 2 4 ‘ Glass 100 feet 3 Pianos 12) Bags, Flour 1 14 Nails 3 Bundles, Wood, Willow Ware 3 Collars, per dozf 3 44 Rakes and Hoes, half dozen.... 3 44 Sieves, Shafts, Feiloos, Spokos Hubs..... 3 Crates, Bottles 6 Casks, Ale, Porter.. 8 44 Oils 80 gals, and upwards. 10 44 Hardware, 1000 lbs. and under.... 8 44 Hardware, 1000 and over 8 44 Crockery, 40 feet and under 8 44 Crockery, 40 feet and ovor 8 44 Potash, Copperas 8 44 Bacon, 1000 lbs. and over 10 Eighth Cask Liquor 3 Chairs, Railroad, pur tou, 2210 lbs 25 Castings, Machinery, per 100 lbs 2) 44 Water Pipe, Gas Pipe, etc., per 100 lbs 2) Carriages, Omnibuses 2 00 44 Stages 1 00 44 Plantation and Lumber Wag ons 50 Firkins, Bui ter and Lard 3 Furniture, Stands 3 44 Wardrobes 12) Hogsheads, CoaJ 10 Iron, Railroad, per ton 25 Kegs, Soda 3 44 Spikes, 200 lbs 3 Ivitts, Fish 1 Pigs, Load, Tin, Zinc, and Spelter , 3 Rolls, Leather, Bagging, Wire 3 44 Belting, Carpet, Matting, etc 3 Tierces, Lard 5 44 Hams 6 Quicksilver, per flask 3 Springs, Carriage 1 Separators 10 Safes, iron, 3,000 lbs. and under 25 44 44 over 50 Wheels, Railroad, por ton 2 240 lb.* 50 Wood, per cord 10 Every other article iu proportion to fore going rates. Sec, XL. He it further ordained, That all goods, wares, or merchandize remaining ou the wharf more than forty eight hours, shall be liable to pay extra wharfage for •very twenty four hours until removed. SfiG. Ill*, Ami he,ii.further ordained. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances mili tating against this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Done in Council, this sth day of July, A. D., 1567. FOSTER BLODGETT, (L. S.) Mayor C. A. Attest : L. T. Blome, C. C. ju7—lo AIV ORDINANCE To provide for the time and manner of auditing accounts against the City Coun cil of Augusta. Sec. I. lie it ordained by the City Council of A ut/neta, and it in hereby ordained- by the authority of the same, That all accounts against tho City Council shall bo paid quarterly : and must bo presented to tho Clerk of Council, properly certified by the officer ordering the account, and by the Chairman of the proper committee, within three days previous to the first days of January, April, July, and October of each and every year. It shall then be the duty of the Mayor or Finance Committoo to ex amino and properly audit said accounts, and present the same to Council for its action. Sec. 11. He it further ordained, That no account presented otherwise than under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered or passed until the next subse quent quarter; unless tho same b** for pro visions or forage purchased for cash. Sec. 111. And be it further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances mili tating against this ordinance be and the samo arc hereby ropealed. Done in Council this sth day of July, A. D.. 1867. FOSTER BLODGETT, (L. S.) Mayor C. A. Attest, L. T. Blome, C. C. jy 7—l Ot Hotels Restaurants. BERZELIA ! This well known and popular PLACE, situated twenty miles from Augusta, with ample accommodations for visitors, a FINE SPRING OF MINERAL WATER, Delightful climate, in tho midst of the Pinoy Woods, and 500 feet above the level of Augusta, has boon refitted for the ac commodation of the public. The Proprie tors are ready at all times to make each visitor feel at home, and the Table is fur nished with the best the country affoids. Give us a trial. 11. A. MERRY A CO., fc22—6m Proprietors. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. THIS FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IS NOW opened for tho accommodation of the public, aud possesses every accommodation and comfort calculated to please the most fastidious. The patronage of the travelling community is respectfully solicited. JOSEPH PURCELL, au2B—l2m Proprietor. SCREVEN HOUSE, gAVANNAII, GEORGIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Havingbeen renovated and newly furnished, is now open for the reception of tho travel ling public. GEO. MoGINLY, Proprietor, mhlfi—tf EATING HOUSE, Berzelia, Georgia R. R. PASSENGERS BY THE PASSENGER Trains leaving Augusta at 6.30 A. M., and Atlanta at 7.15 P. M., also, those leaving either Augusta or Atlanta by Freight Trains, can got a GOOD MEAL AT THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR HOUSE. 11. A. MERRY & CO., f»22—Bin Proprietors. E. F. BLODGETT & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, 279 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Georgia. WITII A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK Vlii AH SHOES FROM SOME OF THE . PRINCIPAL MANUFACTORIES North and East, and some experience at our command, wc feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction. We are constantly in receipt of as fine an assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoes As can be had in this Market. Give us a call at 279 BROAD STB SET. fchl—ly JO II IST HAHN, 120 BROAD STREET, Baker and Confectioner, AND DEALER IN Cakes, Candies, Wines, and Liquors AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALWAYS ON HAND, A FINE SUPPLY OF FRESH GRAHAM BREAD, RYE BREAD, WHEAT BREAD. All hintls ot OAKES—aII kinds of UAIVUIUS. fcl3—6m # FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. AV. AV. BA.RjROISr QFFERS HIS FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE, SITUATE ON ELLIS STREET NEAR THE CONCERT IIALL. mart!—tf APPLY ON THE PREMISES. C'OSM OUT SALI ‘THE ENTIRE STOCK OF-'V" DKY AID DRESS GOODS, ‘ itroTioisrs, AND ALL KINDS OF GOODS USUALLY FOUND IN SUCH STORES, AT MRS. PUGHE’S, 190 J3road Street. C. a. Warner PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 255 KROAIXSTKKIIT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Pumps, Gas, Steam aud ’Voter Pipes, Rubber Hose and Ilose Pipes, promptly furnished or rem ! aps—tf Head This I DR. A. II O L S ON BA KE, Dear Sir; Seeing your CHOLERA AND DIARRECEA S y i* n p ADVERTISED IN THE DAILY PRESS, and having had CHRONIC DIARRHGCA more than three months, and having taken medicine without relief till I had almost despaired of getting well, I was induced to give your’s a trial, and am happy to say 1 am well of the J. R. je3o ts SASH, .BUND, AND DOOR MANUFACTORY. TMIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUII -1- chased the entire interest in tho SASH, BLIND, and DOOR MANUFACTORY of Mr. Jesse Osmond, is now fully prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him. LUMBER DRESSED TO ORDER. MOULDINGS of all description, Constantly on hand Factory, on corner of Fenwick ami Mul berry Street*, near tho Augusta Factory. jut6-3in. ii. G. WHITING. wiiU3Di]sra AND VISITING CARDS, NEW STYLES ! J UST RECEIVED, J BY THE UNDERSIGNED, A SOPPI.Y OP KNOI.I.SB MOTHER OF PEARL CARDS, LATEST STYLES IN THE NORTH! They are tho most beautiful Cards ovoj gotten up for tho purposes intended. E. H. PUGHE, ap3—tf Proprietor. WHITE ALPACA, Beautiful quality, for sale by MRS. PUGIIE, dolS I#o Bread street. Boarding. BOARD pAN BE OBTAINED FOR FOUR OR U-V Five. Persons, on reasonable terms, by applying at NO. 189 GREENE STREET. ap2s—tf „ BOARDING. A FEW SINGLE GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with BOARD AND LODGING, by application to J. J. LATHROP, Corner Lincoln and Ellis streets. fcß—tf ESTABLISHED IN 1850. INTENSIVE AND ATTRACTIVESUP i plies of Rich Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, and solid Silverware of every de scription, Diamond Rings and Pins, Ladies* Gold Leontine and Chatelaine Chains, Gent’s Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains, Wedding Rings, Bridal Setts of Pearls, ALSO, STERLING SILVER FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS AND A GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY AHTICLES. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired at A. PUONTAUT'S OLD*STAND, 163 Broad street. One door below Augusta Hotel. ju7 —ts ALUMINUM PENS. qUIK UNDERSIGNED ARE APPOINTED AGENTS For the sale of tho above justly celebrate IBnglisli Pen Made from a Mineral found iu the Mines of Cornwall. They arc superior to any Pens now is use, inasmuch as they will not corrode, which is of groat advantage. They are cheaper than any other Pen now iu use. J. SCHREINER A SONS, Iftft Broad Street. GEO. A. OATES, us—-ts 240 Broad Street. TO MERCHANTS. QN HAND— AN ASSORTMENT OF T A. G S ! FOR PACKAGES AND MERCHANDIZE OF ALT, KINDS. They are made of Linen Paper, very strong, and are Eyeletted. Designed to bear a Business Card, which will bo Printed upon them at very low rates Also JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at the DAILY PRESS OFFICE. leß—tl NO. 101. Crockery. Mosher, Thomas * Scbaub, Q 4 A BROAD STREET— -OTT Under Masonic Hall AUGUS'i/i, 0.^., Direct Importer, and Dealer, in ENGLISH AND FRENCH China! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH and AMERICA Gflass NV are ! AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. Try us, and we will convince you that you can save the Freight from N'w York to this point. JOSIAH MOSHER, J. JkFFKRSON THOMAS, GEORGE SCHAUB. oc2—ly New Crockery House. BEAN & ADAM, 269 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Agents for English Manufacturers, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA, GRANITE, AND, COMMON WARE. On hand, and arriving, 200 Crates, selected by one of our firm in Europe, to suit THE SOUTHERN TRADE. Being sole Agents for one of the largest Potteries in Eugland, our facilities for ob taining G<>ods will enable us to compete with any city iu the United States. fe2B—tf Insurance. B. H. BRODNAX, JNSURANCE AGENCY. OFFICE AT THE OLD SAVINGS BANK, 229 BROAD STREET ,juß—ly Snuff A, Tobacco. P, HANSEERGER & CO, 204 BROAD STREET, W holeaale and Retail Dealers IN SEGARS,TOBACCO AND SNUFF,’PIPES WALKING CANES , Etc. OUR BRANDS OF SEGARS AND TO BACCO are of the finest selection, and will suit the taste of tho most fastidious. Call an I examine for vourself. fc2B—tf AUGUSTUS BOHNE, OQA BROAD STREET, (Opposite Planters’Hotel Has always on hand a targe assortment of IMPORTED & DOMESTIC SEGARS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meerschaum PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES, Etc., AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL au4-ly] TERMS. “The Daily Press” IS NOW THE Official Paper OF THE CITY. A I) VER TISEMENTS INSERTED ON VERY LIBERAL, # TERMS. E. H. PUGHE, PROPRIETOR TO SPORTSMEN. Guns, pistols, and ammunition. Just received, a full assortment iff Sin gle and Double Barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, all sizes Smith A Wesson, Merwiu & Bray’s, and Remiugton’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN WADDING Best quality Water Troof CAPS All kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for all Pis ols All kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR an and DRAWER LOCKS, all sizes. Abell uaiyginl, KEYS FITTED TO ORDER at .short notice. A goneral assortment, of everything to bo found in a well stocked Gun and Locksmith Store. Kepairin q; done promptly and in the best manner, and on the lowest terms. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, 290 It ROAD Street. Overy Barry and. Butty’s Drug Store, apll—- 3nio Cjic Dailj |jrfss. BOOK ABB JOB PBISTIKG *r ■VERY DESCRIPTION ■XICTTTKD IN THE BEST MANNER. The Fastest Power Presses, and Best Workmen snables us to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Rates than elsewhere. Dry Goods and Clothing. attentToF HEW GOODS AND Groocl Goods, AT LOW PRICES, AND One Price Only. I. ME k MB., MANUFACTURERS O F A ND DEALERS IN MENS’, BOYS’, & YOUTH’S CLOTHING, 224 BROAD STREET, OFFER THEIR WELL MADE AND FASTONABLE CLOTHING to the public and to their friend l !, at LOW PRICES. Their stock of Clothing was carefully and fashionably manufactured, and therefore guarantee to all who favor them with their patronage, a good and fashionable fit. They offer Gents’ Ready Made Clothing FROM s:{ UP TO S4O PER SUIT. In connection with their stock of Gents’ Clothiug, they have a Tull stook of BOYS’ & YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, which they likewise offer inducements to their voungfriends. Iu their GENTS’and BOYS’ FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT thoy nro entitled to special notice. Among them they' have fine LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, of the best Brands and Manufactures. GOOD GOODS FOR LOW PRICE#! is their advertisement. They ask their Patrons and the Public to examine their Prices in cither line ol their Goods, lor their own satisfaction. I. SIMON & BRO’S. FASHIONABLE Clothing Emporium, 224 BROAD STREET. jn6 T. MARKWALTEH, JVTarbl© W oiffis, Broad Streciy Augusta , Ga. Marble monuments, TOMB STONES, ETC. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNITURE WORK Os all kinds, from the plainest to the most elaborate, designed and furnished to order at short notice. 7j£&' All Work for the Country carefully Boxed. my 14—ts MECHANICAL WONDER ! The Hicks Steam Engine, Manufactured by the Hicks Steam Engine Co-, of Delaware, BLANTON DUNCAN, President. TIIOS R. SHARP, General Superintendent. I BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN -L TION of the public to this wonderful Steam Engine, which is cheaper, lighter, less intricate, occupies less spaeo, consumos less fuel than any other engine, and is superior in every other way, it being in fact a double cut off Engine, without tho friction ol a double set of valves with their multiform attachments, aud for its superior merits was awarded the gold medal at tho Maryland Institute Fair, iu October, 1866, over all other engines. This invention, therefore, forms tho most radical and entire ebango iu steam engines which has occurred since tho days of Watts, being durable, accurate, and econ omical in operation in space beyond all comparison with the past, and at far loss original cost than ever before attained. All orders promptly tilled at tho DAILY PRESS OFFICE, 11)0 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Send for circulars giving a miuuto do r ipt io u of Engine. ap2—fim Piano-Fortes Tuned. TO MEET THE TIMES, 1 HAVE RE duced the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Orders left at Mr. GEO. A. OATES’, 240 Broad Street, or at my Shop, opposite ibo Poßt-OEico, promptly attended to. eel—ts ROBERT A. HARPER.