Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 15, 1850, Image 1
Bay Street, iieav the ii^n r |('ustum House.-' >A Y ADORNING; JANUARY 15, 1850. SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS Stblisiied daily and triwveekl BV JOHN 91. COOPER. w T. THOMPSON, EDITOR 1 ijkhms; Till* Dally Mornlu« News i« drlivsrpil to C eulxrribm lit $1 per annum, payable lialf yearly); ■advance, or for TEN CENT.) a week, payable to ft , ClirrirMv- Single topiei, two cents. l'lio Tri-Weekly MorfHiig News, for the a : try containing*U the nowsuiaiter !m4--pew adver inelit* of the daily, i« furnished for thrt* dollati jr- anuum, in odvaitoe. ; / Ailveniiementa inserted ot tbn following rated 3 square, 1 insertion, #0,50 t 1 square 1 lurtnth, 4V> Kach continuance,.. 50 | 1 squnre 3 months, f00 i square, l week,... 2,50 | 1 square 3 months, /00 rsf Twelve lines or lot to sgnstituu a square , Advertisements publislied ; 4V*Vy atbnrday, and/oin inserted once or twice a week; ato charged BO l ots per square for each insertion. Legal advertisements inserted at the noialirtes. Advertisements from transient porrfoiis ur stt; r«, must he paid in advance. Yearly advertisers will be restricted to tbei'repn lar buisnesiea, und all other advertisements not /rtaia- lng to their regular business as agreed for, will hi hatgs and Goat Skin Walking Shoes, of all sizes; tor solo at the One Price family Shoe Store, in Yearly advertisers exceeding in their adverti|»knls ( ' . 1<K’01. G 1J 1 ij.Vb I K L1.1 ■ e average number of linea agreed forpwill be 1 largo# ' mw y 1 «d extra. the average ■at proportional rotes. All advertisements for charitable Institu* keligiotis Societies will lie clmrged half' price. rj** Advertisements sent to this office wit ‘ructions as to tho number of insertions, will li«lr<d; daily, until ordered to be tlisccntioid vharg'fl ncaordingly. .. gjgr All new advorticsinents appear in tho 'JJnv for the country. * * All Letters directed to this office or t!.-Editor, situsr. be post paid. I i t^TJLLIOtV PARTIES.^*' dug? Sgsjt, I rec«i«««l■ J*irge assortment »(iu p# white KltHUuveS, also Ma'Olc dark and light i* aired, do* of™ vitigba. M fill ILL. dec II P1L-LIG AJWT’fc R &ir- *>1: vlAPlO LlNl.UENT Oili'.p 11 KIL „ L i'l iL—I'l tviiig foniiiutiiligf of y«ui .mitde anrl . _ jold my liniment, and useiFtlu* saint; S; my own - fn'rao.i, 1 feel pe.Tuctly sect,iitj in o|)t tug it to <jti»e [tultlic.iM it safo and curtain care f bains in t.ho limbs, joint*, ami gemunt of the hones. Savannah,-Mny 8 [. Wi G. Kniligant*—Sir : T Ijijf v,ts severely attacked witlif Lin my fctjvso as to prevent me fruit to my business. llaviugJteati leconilieiided ! ■ try yoitr llheUaMtic Linimqnt, or Pail Kiiti i. I did l! 'go, and was lived from all pain liMidiorttlnv 1 1 am no w porfeclly well. , I have nit felt any pain tyysiiuh*, and would olieeri't.tly ree.t* jjnetid il|tfemy *t doliow tjilizi'IIS. '* ’ j 1 t ’| K 'A It A K T. ■ Scuiven CouhtY jjfty.12, 13 18. -l$iud.bft«.*u troubled with very. Acyehp p/'ids in njt’ limbs, ami particularly in u\ buck, sp tpmclt «o as not to *he able to attend ttfiny. planting in- j terost, a id having been reoi/npnended o use I* Ynlllg/tit’s Rheumatic Linimiyit, ir Pain Killer, VYT5, gilt l would do so, undjl found it to give 1 nn: iltnnst immediate relief, and what is most L aitjsalar,|my wife having an enlargement and \ A r <ii mss ef the joints of her tiumls, by applying ■t the reinijdy to the affected parts, recoived great relliifherself. v t j *i 1 solid recommend it Ii every person nf- i flirted, m being a sovereign cure and a very f heap one. Jso. Lucas. IniKitTV County. January 19,1849. L. Mr. m(L Palliguiit—Sir: I do hereby certify I tlnp Lhale used your Rlieutnatic Lirti- ment, or i'lMiii Kilfer, for Uli"itmaii.im in my hands and s, an! a^iperfectly cured, not having the use my hitWs tor eighteen m tilths and in the spare three weeks L could use nv bauds as well as lid. • Yours, Truly, Maiioarbt A. Banks. or sale by L, N. KALIGANT. West side market sip one are gomiiua uttlegis bearing the signa- of the proprieti.i in Nis own hand writing in lable. W. Ct. KALIGANT. uly 111 .UIYSI-GUM SI-EDVVARD LOVELL, Mainimeturer mid ii..porter elV description of |l)nuble and Single bn -- SGur.s anil Hi tiles, Dutili/jig, Belt,Holster, Pock- tnd Siv.-i_)ari'cletl ijtevolvmg Pistols, and niple- iHisccllanfous. ®|S . . JL linnefick, Kerliy and Virginia Trout Hooks Silk, Hair Grass, Hemp, Cotton, and Gimp, Twisted ^nell and Ply lines. J list received uAd ioriulo, by E. i.OVELL, T A DIES KID JL-i Moroeo tlliimers. 11 1-tl, Biirtiavd-atreet.. tUijme AM) FRENCH blatk, bhie iuid ‘bronze Gaiter Bontges; also. Waek S elvet tuiil Pru- nelia Slippers and Ties. v\>rv wide, at the ■PRO 1J GH T 0 N - ST. SHOE STORE may I P URE SPERM OIL.—dust receiv ed, a lot of pore Bporm and l’leiiclied WhuleOil. For sale cheap,at 111 B«y-st. npl 7 GEO. K. B ROCK. TODIES’ RID, MOROCCO JL-d and Gt D 1 ESS SILKS. — Received per Steamer Tennessee lOpieces dress Silks, which will be sold very low. J. S. MAGILL, ett 4 Monument-square. P .B ACOBS, SEGAR AN 1) TOP.AC- • Cf> STORE, No.‘37 Bull Street', (Stem of the Indian near Monument Square) Savannah Gent * N- B.—Keeps constantly on hand, BpAiiish, "Half SpaiiislTnnd Americuii Sugars, tit Whole sale nail Ream. Also Chewing Tobacco, SuulT. &e.' 50© SPff,EJ¥DI3> ENGLISH and GERMAN Double and single barrelled Guns, of every variety and dHr- idUPO pnir belt aral pocket iflos. 4 do super plantation) Pistols. 4 cases Muskets. 300.000 Walker’s, Westlv'e, Richard’s, Stark- npy's and, Ely’s Waterproof Percussion Caps; 1 case qf Gil. percussion cans. « 200,000 Walker's, Stuikueyfs, Joyces nmd Ely’s Wads. 50.000 Musket nnd Ride Flints, a splendifi assortment of Dixon’S I’owdcr |vlusjis, Bolts and Pouches. “Allen’s”, and “Colt’s” Revolver Flasks and'Cups, common and fine Game Bags, also, even- article iq the sporting trade. 200 kegs, “American spurting” and Dupont’s :§.'twder, in who'e, halves rtr.4.spiariB» bc.gs, Aisir,- IliT lii. Canistes. 500 Bugs Drop Shot, 200 Bags “Patent compressed” lluVk Shut. Just received and f'oh sale very tow hy E. LOVEI/L, No. 11 Barnard-st., sign of tlm Indian. N. B.—1 will receive in a few davs a lot. of ve ry fine double and single Guns from one of the best Gbit-makers in England, also, 2 dozen dou ble Guns for boys Merchants. Factors and Pur chasers are respectIfully invited to call and look as above. act 6 G baefeaberg m Cl J fi'm oiix-niUTOted tlevolving t tstols, y variety nf Gun ntltterial and Gun n Its, A -. Flasks, Pol hes, Percussion C Caps, yler Shot, L -ad, aim every article in the Jirts-uan’s linn, for suite low. / p" Giihi re-stockedj. Flint-locks nlteiCd to ‘illusion, and repair/Sg tlot/e as usual. Vo. 11 [ViroanL sti c|-t, South side Mat : litW 'be attention of the public to his [icraasod Stock of OTHING, SADLERY\ TRUNKS, &c. Market 1 uly 16 AI> —10,000 LBS.AT ■ Lcafli warranted pure.; . tV' saje^iv «. FALT,1 tANT. fTBR GOODS. Mliibm, Agent. J KFYKRSON-STKBKT. utntly on hand an assortment Frock Corns,from $10 to $12 v , "antsefrom $4 uo hi;. Vand colM, from $2,50 tip. Shi •** Dioiilrera. Smtdles and Bri- if, .ink &C- Wf reduced pricca. Iq’. fl ii. 6. from $12 up. IgRVANTS CLOTHING * ihanthcy ■:«> be purchaseo in uieclty. i. ions a,her articles in his line, at pri- !. n«i, it! >ii to please. an assortment of white ■ i) tlhli dt merino and cotton Under .nap. Cravats, Nock Ties, Poclt- •i and merino Hose, color- 1,3 i woolen and Silk do. by in w. Kelly, ie Pulaski House, tf E I> I- C1NES.—Toe Graefenburg Compound Sarsdparilla is given up,by all who have occasion to test its virtue, to be the most genuine and valuable Stvrsapat ilia that is now ottered to the public. The Gaafeiiburg Health Bitleis, Eye Lotion, &e., are now extensively used by some of the most respectable eiti-.ens of Savannah, all of whom have spoken in the highest terms df their value; and it is a fact worthy of note, that if any person buys one of these articles, they are sure -to -eturn and purchase again. The AgeVt hits always on halt'd a supply of Snr- rsaparilla Compound; Vegetable Pills; Fever and Ague Pills; Health Bitters; Eve Lotion; Consumptives Balm; Uretine Cntholecon; Green Rimntuin Ointment; Children’s Panacea ; a very valuable spring Medicine fur children; Dysentery Syrup and Pile Ointment, both of which are warranted to core—no /sure, no pny. SARSAPARILLA. The Compn SaVsaparilla id of this company is almosilit- erally a sulphate, of sarsaparilla. So high- y, concentrated is it .chat the dose is but the half of a very small tensp no nl’ii 1, while the dose of that whichissold ill large bottles is nearly a wine g ass till, in addition to Sarsaparilla i contains n powerful concentration of mandrake, bur-dock,queens-delight, elder yellow dock gui- acum, andother important nu^icaments which are not found in any other preparation. In consequence of this unpardonable dilution, and of the imperfect modes of extracting, the noble and healthgiving Sarsaparilla has passed through many changes in the estimation of medi cal men. Properly prepared nnd of proper strength it is the most powerful ngont in the world to cleanse tho system from its foulest taints. This Compound is prepared on an entirely now plan, by costly and elaborate machinery, hy means of which all the delicate pgoportties of Sarsaparilla and other ingredients are obtained in their higheetdegree of excellence. The inert feculent matter which encflmberJ all other Sar saparilla preparation's also precluded from this Compound by the same means. One bottle of the Graefenberg Sarsaparilla will go as far as ten bottles of ordinarv Sarsaparilla, and is, therefore, TEN TIMES CHEAPER Price $1. The names of the Graefenberg Medicines me: Vegetable Pills, 25 cents per box. Green Mountain Ointment, 25 conts per bu^. ~p LAN ICS.—Bills of Bailing, Drny Tick. JUL.ots and other, Blank* knit for sale, und ulso printed to order at short iptice, by J. «. Cn'BBEDGE; , miiy 17 , South Sidi^Mnrket Squnre I’S AHSIST- Arcbi tort uml rrilE CAR PENT J. ANT, tiiiiT oiln-r vitluabj works. For sale hy jlj^y 17 J. B. qUBBKDGB, ?>'AN C oiiiiScics o| tho variodfs .13 bank s of tho city, if or siau bv tnsr.10 ‘ J. B. (JjBBEDOE of vorious beautiful ]»at- •firns, a now supply just S^ceiveci aml tvr sale bv 4 ; ■$ nuv2 J. *B. qjBBEDGE. rj^UEi • CO MFKK ftp N S Jl V E QOMMENfAKV ON T 15containing tho text aciorcling authbrized version. Scofis M^gifiiil Refere i OomincntiiiHr Cnmlet E H01A 7 151- the ncca. Mutbew Henry’s^ Oomtnontar 4 /. Condensed, but containing every useful thou^Vit., the PracH- ical bbservatibns of Rev. Tborntfe'.Scott, 1). D., with extensile oxplanatory,^ri6i-'al and Philo logical Notes A IVw ?sehs of the. above w Rimes', will bo gold at a reduced p uugl J. B. C si* vol- ^e, bv JBEpCJE. 7^ t T KW M-WSIC fill Uy >4iit»rii]8 tlui.jmtflio^ tlmtj, ‘fi.nn^l a large Btoak of Alusir, of ' ioti, offiie Americuii publiciiliou, of Hie iriont fftxi vices of Mr. llcig in its > Nmv Y. ro all the new Hn viog engaged tl}< •f.ri.iou, on hia rei’.oai.A Bit Mtjll find at, AVftlt/.eH, PqJk.iB^ ^Ma 'foreigrt Mastersoven, Mozart, .JHert'z, Beyer, liosellen, Uu fur ilie Giiirur; Flute, V'iolin, Jnslrucf kinds, Violin nnii Guitar, String Be has ulso nm^ ariUngeinerits (with Kew ^ ork uiid Philadelphia, to rueeiv li'JHtious inpnediatqly nfier thoi Orders /efi n^jjis atort* for -- Musiii \ i crilier if Hpect- will ketj^on Foreign aou frire - . tiiy j>r %r (fehi<f pir.ct iirst steamer leuviug for New Ohi- >drs, J)uett?, lOfiitioiiH of the Tlialrtlrb, ■thet H; Music nks of all Been, #c. , both in, west glib- iw&'roih the preps, f dH Kit hand, iiL II bui lent oti oytlvtfe. York, d rooeived^n, ct 1(> JOHN M. OOOPEIt. I^EPDRLSC, ^PEOPLES J- CHOtiJE,” Uncle Common Sense,’ and “Green's Erunonii8K? ,, 'i'he above sjilundid (.-noking Stoves, of va rious size^nre received an d for sale b^ihe l^fejbscYiber, at u'icejj as lo\y a« they n^lio ^brought irtim New York. *T\vo of the above . limned Stoves will challenge any Stovo that has Drink” *over beeufinude for economy and good cooktng.t .An assortment of OHice,Siore and Room Stover, wdl also be found on band as cheap as else-' whtfre. . Sjuje Pipe of aM si'/.ef- . »*«L*kev.t <»: •bond diiritdf .*^nsoii, to jefher \* ill. a full jvc- wirtment of Plain and Japanned Tin V birir, ;\f wholesale and retail. * f - ^ k i JAMES. SULUVAN,' sept k 2.> No. 1t2 5Vbiml;or, near I\av-st MORNING, NEWS. Ojjleinl ltt'lurns,of thr Ihitfiess of the l i- Many ot" the tallies ami wdiibita append- eil to the report of the Stjwetajry of the Trehs- my tire of deep intercut ashvejl ns of vital im portance to the*country as aVeuratu aourees of infimnution. The following is a Summary statement of the value of the Ex ports oj the Oi-owih, Product and ‘Manib* far,lure of the t . States during the year ending June, 30. 1844. Pioduct of tint Fisheries $2,547*654 Furs and Skins 656,228 Ginseng 2 182,966 Other products of the forests 5,078,800 Beef, tallow,. hides and horned cattle $2,058,958 Butter anil cheese,.... 1,654,157 l’ork, Button, lard and live hogs 9,245,885 Horses, mules ami sheep, 113,287 Wool 81,015—13,153,302 Wheat, -- -- $1,756,848 Flour, 11,280,582 Indian corn & meal',.;.. .. 9,135,994 Rye meal,. 1.218,248 Rye,oats and oth er grain 139j793 Builcuit & ship- 354,318 • 83,313 93,904 2,509,362- breqd.. Potatoes . Apples... Riee Tobacco.. Cotton All other agricultural products... Coal, lead atftl ice » Manufactures.fe . Soap and tallow candles,$627,2$0 Leather,boots and shoos, 151,77 ■( . Household furniture..t. 237,342 Sunlf and Tobacco 613,044 JtVjn, nails, eastings and manufactures of iron. 1,006,172 Manufactures, of col ton. 4,933,129 Gold and Silver coin of the United States.... 956,874 Other enumerated nmnu- factures.......-. 2,182,858 H&i-enumerated manu factures 1,408,278 All otlicr^ articles nut enumerated.* 769,557- -25,642,362 5,804,207 66,396,967 62,540 165,621 10,792,450 ,tRANK KOUREHTER’S Fish Mid Fishing,’ illus- tratud fi-oiri uaturu hy the author of “Field Sports Ameriea& • '1’lie History, of the (’orally of Westchester, New York, from lie first settlement to the presuht time, hy i, Jr. Received hy JOHN M. GOOFER. Joint Rolto P AKTICUJLAH Tile subscriber oilers fo NOTICE.— for sale SOFT SOAP, a very superior article, in whole, half andquar- ter Mils, and by the single gallon, very cheap. lie still continues manufacturing TOILET jOAP, which will hi sold cheaper than e\ dr be- tlered in this place. Total domestic exports... .$132,666,955 Summary statement of the value of Goods, , ,11:’ores, the Groudii. Product and. Man- mfaetnrc of Foreign Countries, exported from the- V. S. during the year ending June 30, 1349, free of duty Geld jjpid silver coin and billion $4,447,774 Ten? 3,105,980 lbs.... 1,094,897 Cotlee, 14,389,429 lb Other free goods Total free goods. Manufactures of wool, do do 850,400 70,518 fm N. B.—Soap dies and greasi exchange for woo di 15 GEO. 11. BROCK, 111 Bav-street. 3 J) ii S V A T E Si O A IS H I N <i HOUSE.—MRS. CHRISTIAN—Lib erty-street, second door west of Barnard, fi;b 10 l v V iireen mountain uintment, uo conts I, j 1 Dyaentary Syrup, 50 cents per bottle - Sartmparilta Compound, $] per bottle. Children’s Panacea, 50 cents per h.)tt,„ Eye Lotion. 35 cents per bottle. Health Bitters, 25 cents per psner. Fever and Ague Pills, ft p j. oox. Consuraptive’s Balm. S:t per hot tin Libby’s Pile Ointment, <1 per hntn. Marehallis Hterme Catholtcon, ,?3 per bottle, or Sale by * ’J. B. CUBBKDGE. aeg ^ Agent lor Savannah,Ga. - ft El E A P E A § SE STOKE.— The subscriber res|ieetinlly infornSs bis cus tomers and friends, andcimnirv people and every body else .that wish to purebase goods cheap, that be bus just, returned from New-York, with a general assortment nf goods suitable to the weather. Among which will be found the fol lowing articles. Silk and Cotton Hosiery of every description. “ “ Gloves all kinds plain nnd Emb. Alppcas, Madonns, Lusters &c., all kinds and all prices. Blk. Blue and Brown Cloths, very cheap. Flair and Fancy Casimores. Satinets. Kentucky .lanes. Bleach’d Bro. and Cnl’d Homespuns, Jacone' Swiss Mull and Nansook Muslins. Fluid Strip’d and Fig'd M'*slins. Jenny Lind and Tyrolise Hats for children. 1’rinee of Walds Hoods. “ “ Silk, Crape. Wool and Cotton Shawls. Very fine Long Shawls. Besides almost every thingelse in the Div good lino which he wiil sell as cheap as can be purchased in the city. S. H. VAN NESS.' sept 15 Agt. for John Van Ness. T EKPENTINE.—10 Barrels City Dis tilled for sale by July 31 .1. G. FALLTGANT. /"i ENT’S. KID C1EOVES.—Just re VT eeived: a good assortment of write arid colored Kid Gloves, Silk do. For sale low for cash, by J. S. MAGILL, nov 29 Savannah Cash Store. l^ILK Umbrellas, if a large size. Just received, and for sale low. by J. S. MAGILL, nov 29 Monument-square. AlFother articles of cotton of silk of silk &. worsted eamh- f flax mid hemp -$6,463,589 201,404 571,082 404,087 27,970 245,498 >,175,235 Grand total of foreign goods and products. $13,038,865 Grand total of domestic products exported as previous statement. 132,G66,955 Total exports, - - . - $145,755,820 * Exports of Coin and Bullion. Domestic, - - - - $ 956,874 Foreign, - - - - - - 4,447,774—5,404,648 Total exports, exculsivo of coin bullion, $140,351,172 The official returns fop the fiscal year 1849, show the imports and exports, as compared with previous years, to he as follows : 5ECES g.? m c c, j,- ■; n s n j at - c: y is f/> 2- o P ? cd ® Z P = S -,. at <t c- c- tf E ,, = = GO GO .X CO 00 00 9 a q a oi <- 5 1 1 1 II II ra p ? C2 CC C. Ii H i- s- GO M GOJ^I Oi -I H- 2 X 1 ^ 2 If- g C7 -1 "w "r- h- "s— Ci Jit Oi IV p f— a zr C- ri rs c T ■,r ^ 00 00 CO CO CJ jW O' O' J o Ci CO "sU "cO "o Cl '' I Cl N W ui 4- ti iL CO j— j— vt o jr: v-t to tv 'vz 'oi *05 "cr. C5 CO *■! sU W’t Oi Cl 4-C c 3 - *v - CO p Vx ^ Ci O ^ o co c; ci 00 C — sU Qo c, oo go ^ jr, c; h- tv co "o "h- c; bo oo "o St h- C« IV W Oi to Cl o GO Vi o '•l o i £. oo vZ E £ M O 05 "b- Cl Jc CO Cl CO CO CO sfc- O »i». O' t V O- GO 05 ZO 05 'oo'*—' 05 ct C!CV <0 W ►- O st- CO w ►- Iw 05 05 05 O C ►U C! ^ 40 re- o 05 r 1 J 55 ** ^ 00 iU CO o c< O' M O C» CC Cl •. 1 Oi t— 4- C> <w ►L* 00 05 NT Ci O M CO lO 05 CO 05 CO <50 CO 05 CO ,U C« CO M 3 V CUVET TRimtMIN«S.-Just reefeived: a good assortmetof black nnd colored embossedJVelvetSj Scolloped do., Forest Trimmings, Sec. nov 29 .1. 8. J/AG1LL. J^EC’E. per schoner Jane, 45 whole a"p half bljs Baltimore Flour. .1. D. JESSE. J^EC’D. Per brig Augusta, 10 bits choice Apples 5 bll? Mercer Potatos. 1 bl! Holli- .'fad: ct dut Fins and New nov 3 eril. 5 per cent, ot the do mestic exports. This proportion hns been de creased by tho enhanced export of farm produce but of this latter n coi stfrahle portion isexport- ed from the soutliefn ports via the Mississippi al ley. Until the mutual modifications nf the Brit ish awl Americnn taiiffi.—the former commenc ing ill 1342, and the latter in 1846—almost tho whole increase that hns taken place in ourexter- nnl cornmerco has been in the transportation a- hroadof the southern staples, nnd bringing home their ^proceeds. Tire progress of tire export trade is seen in the following tnblc: United States Exports. Other do Year. Cotton, lbs. Value. mes. exp's li“05. ‘38,390,087 9,445,000 32,76(7.961 1815. 82,998,747 17,5' 9,000 28,445,403 .1625. 176,449,907 86,846,049 30,088,096 1 1835. 387.358.992 64,961,302 37,227,780 18417. •743.941,061 63,870.307 50.025,3*27 3845. 872.905,996 51.739,643 47,560,133 1849? 1,020,602,669 66,396,967 56,269.988 J. D. JESSE. 13.594.072 6,583,350 32,590,643 20,504,495 18,190312 15.346.830 tv PPPPP -•« • v* -t-t Durmg the thirty years ending with 1825, the exports of foreign good*, or the cavryir*> Exports of form go’ds trade, had greatly fallen oflj with the cxccp- ' tion of the year 1825, which wits a year of great speculation and,high prices in England; and during the same period there was no in crease itr the aggregate national exports, with the exception of coffltin. The your 1840 was one ot short fcrops nlvryad and of large exports ot breadstuff's, with a consequent diminution in the value of cotton. Thus, in 1840, the [NUMBER 1. planters gnvo nearly double the quantity for less in 1835. The Quantity timed lave money than e quantity time have sold tins year is 300 per cent, groute than in 18.1;>, nt hut 10 percent, more money; but 1835 was a speculative year. Seventy per cent, of the quantity sold this year has been to Bngv^Hj land; she having taken 739,344,205 pounds it- _ i gainst. 157.187,396 pounds it, 1829—uu ii-” * crcnsc of 500 per cent, in twenty years. Norn,, it w ill be observed thuf. nt an average freigln ot one cent per pound, the increase in the c^st ot transportation is $10,266,000 this year u- guinst $829,987, in 1815; that is to say, om* ships hnviMin increased freight on cottoti.of $9,437,000 per unnuni. It is, howe' er, to bo remembered that the direct consequence of tint grout inert ase of the cotton manufacture in Kn^iuml hits been not alone tiiia increased rev enue of the shipping, hut tho withdrawal of • Luglund,s labor from tho production of’ food to W uu extent which lias forced upon her free trado * in corn; and this necessity it is which l as within the last three years so raised the «:x- port ot farm products limn tho United States, flic export o cotton from the South to Great* South to Grout iiritnin and Europe bus quadrupled in twenty * years. J What mny not then bo its further increase und great influence, seeing vjiitt it has done in breukin’g down England’s protective policy, i he correspondent of the'Union also gives is billows, the number of spindles, hunde employ ed, and capital'-invested, according to the census of 1840, in working up u certain num ber d l ales then, in the United States, us com- pured with the number now takga by our spin- Namtierof S]iindles. Hands. Oap^tl. V ,!. co;ton . S ' 2 ’ J “’ ,i:U 73 * n ' J #3U02.35!» t #a.M“(Sri E4.I 528,039 3,420,000 150,000 1*20,000,000 4,933,190 l lie writer concludes th*»! it is certain, that social strife between the North and the South is tho only menus by which England 'cun hope to retain its manufacturing ascendonejv „ The In/ertropicul Sea.—The GulfofMofidg'l und tins Caribbean Sea—call them the inteitje-, 2 pical sell of America, lor they are in <acttm£gmjpr sen—ait* supported by the most systeiq of river basins in tho w orld, utfliiiWi-’ grandest buck country on the lam*, of the The rivers which empty ituo-tliis American sea m ruin more back country than do ail the sPkts of Europe: and they drain more climates than do all the other rivers width empty into ary one of , the three great oceans. ’ . • .JiS This intenropieal sen is the receptacle mid nutlet for gll the variety of [iStduee that is know),* ' to the cliqnites and soils “■ • ' Is of seventy degrees «f>* latitude. (L am considering the Amiikon ns iritlntary fo the Caribbean S a, and will show'it ....i„ % The back country which purports a, d so to be.) / |* l"’I HTt'IU > supplies With the elements ot commerce this sea % of ours, extends frhin 20 south to 50<* uin r)i. Tt 0 land w ithin tliis region is fruitful beyond meusitre*’ !t includes all the producing iatiiuiles on the face of God’s footstool.und evyry variety of production except tea und a few spates, that the three grand kingdoms of nature, afford, is to be found herein the greatest perfection, profusion, rtnd abundance. Coal measures without limit; moui. tains of iron; tho best silver nnd tiio richest copper mines,and nil the materials of mineral wealth, ahomid in tin's roginn ns they do nnwltlre else. Nor is the vegetable kingdom less prolific ip f.eantifu!. ’l ln* finest ofwheut, the best of traits, corn With om measure, hemp, cotton, l ice, sugar, w ine, oil indigo, coffee, nnd India-rubber, tobacco’and tim- l ,, r. dye stuffs, and tho finest of woods, are all to he found in this magnificent system of bas’iis in vast quantities and in great beamy and . perfec- Nor m e the supplies from the annin.nl king dom on a scale less grand. Everything that i land or mountain, sou-shore or inland basin plains nnd pampaifl tierras templadus or tirrrns’ culientes, cun produce, is brought down to en rich this great cornucopia of commerce. It occupies a gepgiaghieal posjtiqp flint makes it the commercial centre of the sola; and on nc- count of this very position it possesses advan tages which no other part of the widi;V<*tpi|fau» ever enjoyed. It is between tun liepdspijfc*. It hns u continent to the north and a ’continent to the south. When it issued timenri oSe'sftfo of it, it is Imiyest time on the other;* find there will be, w hen its hack countrwjj sortie up, a per petual d* livety of crops in n» markets.' With Europe to the east ai«l Asin to tbe'wdst. it is miilwnvbeiween the two purls of the Old' World, and it stands on nn eminsiwktdn tfayfcn- tiun nnd commerce which places lillqini is of tlie earth at its met, and fnar which it mnvbe made to send its surplus produce down the current* of the ocean or before the w ind* of heaven, to the poeple nf every city and clime wlio are to ba, found on the sen-shore.—Lieut. Money. ^ Liberal Movement in Canada.—E> a mottl ing of the Montreal Branch of the Brills' American League, Judd last weak, ro?ohiLkjjin s were adopted in favor of applying tligikdcc- tivp nrinrmlp fn Lpfrialativa i- i * *' 1 uve principle to the Legislative Coiincbtnimdy.^' equivalent to the Senate of the United States' and which is at present created bw,%pointnient of the Queen—and fora eonfeOKated union of all British American provences. This, ifaccom- plished, would be the first step, towards, if it were not uctiml indopendencc. Message of the Mayor of Nevt York. The annual message ofmayot* Woodlmll. ofN. Vork suhmitted t#> the Councils on Mondav, sets dow n the city debt at $12,522,768. The stuck issued for the construction of the Chotori waterworks originally amounted to $13,837,000, of which $1,079,232, hasbeen redeemed. The revenue now pledged for the redemption of the city debt, w ill extinguish the whole in thirty-five veers.' The (lumber of arrests in the city during the past year, was 14.188, of which .10,177. were for drynkennesb and disturbances oi'thejfeaco. Turkish Sympathy for ike /’opl*.—'The 8i!$K‘ lime Forte has dispatched to Piu s J.\. cnr.K.„,u Uto . latior.s on the rosalt of the Freni h si-ego and wishes for the speedy re-eatalnf.sh'Yrwptj Pontifical throne.