Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 15, 1850, Image 4
IV EW CARRIAGE ESTAB- 1” US *18 IMJi.Vt’.— TIi'! -"ilnr.ribuns have lhis sriay firmed th" nselve* into a Co 11 tiicrs'iip in tin 1 Ciin in.M* H isioess, on the rimer of Con* gross-*irei'l, frontingFranklin sipuirr, ncvi.r the market, whore nil Uiniloof Carrie ze \Vork ’.'illI>p finin' with dosp itch, mid in n workmanlike milli ner, and im ron.nnnhlo terms. IIARDOASILR & CARliUTIJERS. OKI fi Gill* Iinprovotl .!• hi )0. Pocket Its, I’umw I’nrt ft New »n«! ji 1>KA St ms i ,M(.mni ii i ;i I urn Be Miami", &.C., Fill'Sid ' bv nuviJ-d. .1. B.CUBBEDGE. ( : 1 Jill'S, MEAL A N D CBAC M- U< I'll) CORN.—Tim n.id 'rsiil.intl "inud IP- spi'iilfnlly inform the c.tixens of S iviiiiinili, that ho in now prepared to tumi.lt them wilb Grits und Corn-flower, of tin* host. quality. Grits fur shiping put up in strong pne/t'iges nod delivered froo ofchtirge. Shopkeepers supplied iiiirnismm- blo terms. Cracked r.orn nmntnntl' on hninl. Orders loft nt his stand in tho market, or ut the mill, will receive his prompt titiomion. ir. gilluj/. CnWor of/fnhersham and Liberty streets, dor. 25 Am New Dry Goods Establishment, CornKn ok IjiviUOHTon ajjk IUunarii its., SOUTH SIDK iVlARKRT-SqtlARK, I.ll.t.lBUITHlK’S NEW IIKICK HUir.niNli. fTME friends ol tho undersigned. nmlnueii- JL oroils pnlilio nro respectfully iiil’orni"d, thift wo tire nmv opening mi I'litiro now Slunk of I- m. cy nod Staplo 1 try Goods, Bonnets. Ribbons, ,t i.. which nro otforod nt n s null ii Iviincoon first oust, Please give u t a mill. SPENCER CURRELL doc 12 \VM. A. HOGGS. rglgBE SUBSCRIBER HAVING A just returned from tho North, with a choice selection of French. English, and Ameiicnn Cloths, Qnssimeres. Fancy and Pliiin Vlistings, ho is now prepared to make any Garments in his line, at reduc' d prices for cash or approved paper. JOHN W. KELLY. Owens Buildings opposite the Pulaski House, Sava ninth Georgia. N. B -Cutting, Mauling, Altering and Clean ing, done at tho shortest notice. sept 11 Cm UNITED riTATKdPOSTAGE, lute trenty Cliui'luifed with Great Hritnin and Under tl as niuililied by tl The inland postage h deris ID cents uu ouuci atipruved MiiielGI, 184!). three hundred iniicsointl u tor null an ounce s X: «ter flintnnc«’« ts, for lmit C i <> k* v sizt-s.ua rii s a z« p.—Tim / Undersigned would respectfully inform the public generally, that they lire now prepared to do all kind 'of COOPBRSMITH WORK, in tho host manner, and at reduced prices for cash. Steam Pipes and Worms made und re paired at tho shortest notice; also House und Ship Plumbing will ho done in a superior n an- tier. They have now on htinil und for sale, 4,000 lieot of assorted sizes Lead Pipe, sheet Lotid,t&c. July 31 McARTIIOR & MORSE. ■I'l'b' .TOBIN A. MAYIlifi, Druggist, NO. 154 BBOUOHTON-ST11KKT, NEXT Dobll TO tll.M Bill dob's new ii hick stoke. J^”EE PS constantly on Imrnl a fresh DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, l'EKFUMK- RY, AND FANCY GOOD.-). ALSO, T.a np Oil, Camphine, anil Terpentine. Physicians' presriplions ettrefuly prepared. Orders from the country promptly uttciukut to. nov 24 pilHAI* CASH STOKE—The un- tlorsigned will in future keep a competent and experienced person til the North to purchase their goods oil the cash principle, and will sell them at. the lowest possible price for cash or up* proved paper. Our stock will he large, consist ing of every variety of Goods suitable for the 1 all anti Winter trade. Planters and Merchants visiting the city, will plons ! call and examine our Stock. M. PRENDERGAST &CO. nag2 Cr. Wldtakorand Congress-sis. PAINT AND Oils STORK, K WEST SIDE OF MONUMENT SQUARE.— IOHN G. FAULIG ANT invites his friends und the public generally, both from town and country, to call and examine his stock before they pur chase. Every article is selected by himself and will he warranted of the best quality, and lie will sell at low prices and on accommodating terms. ,iy W iMtOW SASHES & BUNDS. 5000 lights, 8 hv 10 Sash ; 2000 do 10 hv 12 do ; 1000 do assorted sizes ; 101) pair Vender.inn Blinds, assorted siz.es. For sale by jlv 3k J. G. FALLIGANT. M AGAZINES, Go. ley’s mill Graham's Magazines’*'for January are received. Those who wish to subscribe for the vein will please cull, $2.50 — tin postage—if paid in ad vance— if charged, $3, Of). J. B.CUBBEDGE ifffe 13 JOSIiV iYIALHaEKY, DRA- ]PER AND TAILOR, having resumed ufJl iAfl* business at the old stand, invites the at tention of the public to his stock of NEW AND qHEAP GOODS, now opiwinr. consisting of ready made Clothing, furnishing articles, and a full supply of Cloths, Cassimeree and Vestings, which he is prepared to make to order in the most approved stipe. July 10 Iv 15 O O T S A N D SHOES. The subscribers having formed a copartnership under the livgi of E. D. f I kn nit* So Co. for the manufacture of Boots and S loes, in this city, will rocuivo a few while and colored hoys as apprentices, to learn the shoo making business. E. D. HENDRY, out 11 Iv S. H. FISK. N ~~EW STYLE CASS1ME11E.— Received per steamer Tennessee a fine assortment of fancy and mixed Cits- . simere, Merino Vestings, Black Satinets, &c. J. S. MAGILL, 115 Con.mress-sl. oct4 monument square. B ONNETS —N ew Style. Just re «• civ oil perstenua* er, und for aule low, l»y JOHN VAN NESS, nay 6 157 Cowgreas st 1 40 RENT or lease, a five acre lot with a comfortable dwelling in u convenient part of tlie city. Apply EXTRAORDINARY iy O It K—50.1)00 piot* sold in six months.—The Married Wo- ^aosT ify cop man’s Private Mudical CoMipanion, hv I)r. A. AI. Mauriceau, Professor ofDiseases ot Women HAPPINESB THE AIM.OF AI.L. Happinoss is doubt less the aim of all. The ques tion is how it shall be obtained- It cannot be de nied that one indispensable condition is health, to be enjoyed alike by the husband and father, the wife und mother, and children. The wife and mother is sub ject to many complaints incident to her sex, from which the husband and father is free; it is thus that we see her often dragging out a sickly existence, painful to contemplate. Let the husband,then, as he values his own happiness and that of the companion of his hosonu and the mother of his children, avail himself of “The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,” by Dr. A. M. Mauriceau,in which he will find those matters treated of which he should not be iguoant."—Pa. Inquirer. From the N. Y. Advocate. Female Beauty.—It is melancholy to be hold the decay of female beauty; long before maturity, we seo females emaciated—with the clearness of complexion, and brightness of the eye departed; though not thirty in years, they have less youth than they ought to possess at. at 50. Why is this/ Let every female obtain a copy of the Married Woman’s Medical Com panion and she will discover by it- perysal why it is. Consumption.—The ravages of thisdisease is fearful und appalling among females arising from causes pointed out in “The Married Wo man’s Private Medical Compan-ion.” Fortu nate indeed 'is the female who obtains u copy in time to restore her to health. [Medical Journal. jn]y 16 J. B- CUBBEDGE. Agt. this oflice. dec 26 (P 0-fl 3 A RTN £ B81I1PN OTIC E The subscriber having this day associated with him Mr. L. J. GUI LM APT IN, the busi ness hereafter ill be conducted (at the old stand corner of Whitaker and Congress-streets) under the style of M. PREN DERGAST & CO. mar 1 M. PREN DERGAST. Hie Dlanri postage, for miles, is 20 coni* uu ounce; 1U ami under. Thu whole postage by the British or American mail steuinori*, from or lo Great Biilaut or Ireland, if-Is cents an ounce; 114 cents for a single hull ounce or less. The United States inland postage, whatever may be t he distance, on letters sent by the British siuumtirs to foreign countries, other than Great Britain or Ireland is 10 cents nn ounce ; 5cents the single half ounce. The postage, by tho Aiueiicau steamers, to foreign countries other than Great Britain or Ireland, or letters to be sent through the British mail, in -PJcents an ounce, 21 cents the single luiifouuee. To and by Bremen, from the post, and the reverse. *18 cents an ounce; 2*4 the single half ounce. The in land postage to be added. To ana from iJuvauu 25 cents an ounce; 12 1-2cents single. To and from Cliagree 40 cents an ounce ; 10 cts single. ' To and from Panama 00 cents an ounce, 30 cts single. To and from otlies places oil the Pacific, 80 cents an ounce ; 40 cents single. To and from the West Indies (except Havana) and islnudg in the Gulf of Mexic<,: 0 cents ; 10 cents single ; with inland postage. Any fractional excess over an once is always to he regarded as un ounce. The above postage may be prepaid or not. at the op tion of the sender; except to foreign commies, other than Great Britain or Ireland. And where the letters pass through the Bremen post office,in most cases, the whole portage may he preuaid. (.See Table I, Exhib it D. .Senate Document, Kxeutive No. 25, 30th Con gress 2d session.' A postage of ficents is charged on letters and pne- quets brought into the United States in any p* ivutn ship or vessel, or earned from one post therein to another, if they are to be delivered ai the post office where filename shall arrive; and two cents are ad ded to the rates of postage if destined to be convey ed to any place. And post-masters are to receive one cent for every letter or pacquet received by them to be conveyed by any (private) ship or vessel beyoud sea, or from any port to another in the U States. One cent is to bo added to the rate, of each way let ter. Way letters are those brought to a post office by the post riders, and other carriers of the until, whose duty it is to receive them, when presented more than one mile from a post office. There is clmrgfcd upon lectors and other matter he- liveredfrom steam boats, except newspapers, pam phlets, magazines and periodicals, the same rates as it the, hud been transmitted by mail. Drop letters, or letters placed in any post office for delivery, they are charged two cents eacii. Advertised ltters are charged with the cost, of adver tising, which is not to exceed four cents each letter, in addition to the regular postage. No more than two emits is to be paid to the letter carriers employed in cities for the deliver y of tatters, or for receiving them to be deposited in the post of fice * Newspapers of and under the superficies of 1900 quare inches are conveyed lroxn one post office to another in the same State^or one cent, und any dis tances nntmorc than 100 miles, at the same rate, and 1 1-2 cents for any greater distance. One quitter’s postage is always to he paid in advance by those who receive newspapers by post. The sea postage on newspapers is three cents each, with the above rules added when transported inland. Newspapers may he mailed ordelivered at any post office in the United States to or from Great Britain or Ireland, on the pay ment of two cents. Letter curriers employed in cities, are not Lo receive more than 1-2 cent for the delivery of newspapers. The postage on newspapers not sent front the office of publication is required to be prepaid : and the whole postage in all cases, when they are directed to foreign countries. Ilftnd-bills, circulars and advertisements, notexceed- ilig one sheet, are subject to three cents postage each, whatever the distance [inland.] to be prepaid The sea postage on price currents is three cents with in land postage added, when so transported. The 1 makes no distinction of hand-bills, circulars, adver tisements, or price currents when' regulating su be paid to the letter carriers of cities. Newspapers are defined in the lfith section of the asetapproved March 3 , 1845. When they ..xceef sheets or a superficies of 1900square inches,they nr- to bo charged with tho same rates of postage as that on magazines and pamphlets. All pamphlets, maga zines, periodicals, und every other kind of printed or other matters (except newspapeis) are charged at the rate of 2 1-2 cents per copy, of no greater weight than one ounce, and 1 cent additional for each additional ounce, any fractional excess of not less than 1-2 ounce being regarded as nn ounce. The sea postage, on each pamphlet, is three cents with the above rotes added, when transported inland. There is to be paid on pamphlets sent to, or received from, Great Britain und Ireland, one cent for each ounce or fractional excess. Letter carriers employed in cities are notto receive more than l-2cent for the delivery of pamphlets. Post Office, Washington, D. C., 21st March, 1849. r - Jomria! of the Franklin Institute, O b" the Wfato of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion o the Mechanic Arts. The oldest M rchunicul Pe* rindical extant, in America, is published on the first of each mouth in the City of Philadelphia. It her been regularly issued for upwards of twenty-tlir years, and is carefully edited by a committee of/-’ eutific gentleinnn appointed for tho purpose, by: If Franklin Institute. The deservedly high reputation, both ut home an abroad, which this Journal has acquired and sustained, has given it a circulation und exchange list of the best character, which enables the Coinimtt.ee on Publica tion to make the best selection!* from Foreign Journals, und to give circulations to original communications on mechnnicut and scientific subjects, and notices of new inventions; notices of all the Patents issued at the Pa tent Office, Washington City, and published in the Journal, together with «large amount of information oa Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Engiiiee:*iiig, de rived from the la ten and best authorities. This Journal is published on tho first of each month, each number containing at least seventy two pages, and forms two volumes annually of abou t 432 pages, each, illustrated with en^raveingsMi copper and on wood of those subjects which require them. The subscription price is Five dollars per annum, * payable on tho sixth number; and it will be forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for one year’s sub scription. Communications and letters on business must be directed to “the Actuary of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia,” the poastnge paid. a. WILLIAM HAMILTON, 4?T S CE1\ T £S IN THE OLD WORLD; or Scenes und Chios in Foreign Lunds, by Wil liam Furness, accompanied will) a Map and Lus trations. The practical Frcnch Teacher; nr, a New Me thod of learning to read, write, and speak the French Language, hy Norman Thinney, A. M. First Book in French ; or, A Practical Intro duction to the French Languuge, by Norman Phinnev, A. M. with Key. Exercises in Greek Prose Composition, adap ted to the First Book of Xenophon’s Anabasis, by James R Boise. Received by oct 30 JOHN M. COOPER. R 1 E€’IX. lVr bulk Tfxiift 10 blU Ctii.al Flowerchoice nitidis. 1 cask Now York Big Hkith ru'W. 10 Boxes Herring. Buck- Wheat Flour in barrels boxes und lings. m,v 3 J. D..IBSSE. L OOK AT THIS.—The subscriber respectfully informs bis customers and the public generally, that, he has removed from the corner Burnnrd & Broughton sts., to 157 Con gross street—oposite Col. Kimpp’s Sudlery Ware House, where helms opened u fine assort ment of Dry Goods, received per lust steamer, which he cun, nml will sell as low as nan ho pur chased in the city.—Purchasers will please call and see fur themselves. S. H. VAN NESS, july 7 Agt. for John Van Ness. I ' RECEIVE» ANirIN STOltiC> V fresh supply of Prunes. Black Berry Ji lley, Currents and Guava Jclle\. uug 18 JOHN D JESSE' R ECEIVE!! mid in store, n fresh sup- ply of Goshen Butter, and a choice lot ol Codfish. tutg 30 JOHN D JESSE. W INDOWGLASS.—500 boxes of American and French Window Glass, from 7x9 to 16xlS; do do do Coach and Pic ture do from 16x18 to 36x44. For stile by july 31 JOHN G. FAT/LIGANT. 1 ,4 NVELOPES.—A 1 ■U for sale by mar 27 sorttnent, J. B. CUBBEDGE. J UST REC'D, Per stunner Cherokee, n new tie sortment of Plain Cashmeres, Delaties, Alpacas, !,ueters, &c,. t veiy pretty and cheap. Also, a few hue Long cihawip. For sale low, at the Cheap Cnsh Store, by JOHN VAN NESS, nov fi J UST REC'D. Another lot of (,'aameres. For sale cl clioap, by nov fi JOHN VAN NESS City PiratonL MAIL AJtP.ANOKMFiNT. - Nobthkkn Maid. Dne daily „ fii A jt|.—Close- daily at 7 1-9 P. M. WnsTEitN Mm.. Due daily af ~ p j|,—(Purt.-s daily nt fi, P. M. Xl ri'. 1 '* r Anpnatn. Plainlmrg, Macon. M*U*dee. V'Ue.Onlli", Flawkinsville. New Orleans und Mobile, which aiu cl used at d, P. M„ but letter* ter tin,..,,11. ice. Mat arc not |,y tliut time, are made up in ox* in package. i a ,y morning ut II o'clock. Southkhn Mail bv Steamijhs. Due : ntnrdny nnd Wednesday at fi. P. M. Llo«i.p TuHuituy nnd Saturday nt -.1, A. M. Dne T, Sol'tiiekn .M ,i 'day and F'riclay, at 8. P. M. C O- Tlie Subscriber would inform his friends and the public gene-nliy, that he bus This Dnv entered into Co-pnrtnership with T. W. McAR- THOR. The business will he conducted in future under tlie name of McARTHOI! & MORSE. mar. H. MORSE. E piscopal prayer books— Just received, a supply in various new and very elegant styles of binding. nov 6 ' JOHN M. COOPER. A LMANACS FOR 1850.—F sule by J. B.CUBBEDGE. P ARKED PORT-FOLIOS —A new and convenient article '• received by. nov 6 JOHN M. COOPER. C OPYING PRESSES.—Aline as sortment received hv out 30 JOHN M. COOPER. «ept.l4, 18497 tf Actuary, F. I. R EC’D. Per ship Hartford, 11) boos ■des, five bids, choice Mercer Potatoes nov 8 JOHN I).JESSE up G RAPE Shawls- white anti black. Just received, und for saio Imv for cash, by . 1iy 29 J. S. MAGLL Prospect itw. Ap TUFF SOHOOLF’ELLOW: A Magazine for * * Girls and Hey a, laeied in Monthly Number* uf 32 'pages, Illustrated yvith FFngravings, at the low price of g 1 per annum—in advance! The Pub i.her of Richard* Weekly Gazette anuotin- ces that he issued the first number of the above work , last January, with a view of affording to the Rova and ^Urle of the South a tonrnnl of their own. in which in- atructions nnd aiuuaoment ahull be happily blended. Tlie Schoolfellow containa nrlicies. Imth original and selected,’from many pens tliet have written chnraiiugly for tho young. We will mention the inline, of Mary Huwitt.MisaSedgwick, Peter Parley. Misa McIntosh, Mia* Gilman, Mra. Jnahpli C. Neal, Mary K. Lee, Miaa jlither, mid many other, might lie added. Many of the articles ill The School fellow are beautifully illua- t ail'd, and the twelve number* of one year make two volume of nearly 400 pagea and one huudreden- Tftvinga* of which, every hoy and girl who may own f Tt maybe proud. ■' i A TKRM5 V number cotituiiis Jinatres, and .. 1,-ait 8 engraving., and i.iasurd on thetir-f of every ■> Theauhacriptiun price ia Cue Dollar u month* 2 Theauhacriptiun pnoe Lear in advance, l’lie C!)uha : 5 cop ea to one addreaa, ^8: 2ildp v l?i5. * 5rsr» Tnute ai .’teeny sctiools in which at least twen- be taken, a* the price to each one will be '«Vf-*dV ivFBVent*. niimmv ition nrn.l he po»t pod nnd nddreaaptl to l liri ffl'rtoeLKIil.t.uW, Athena, Ga. C N OLD PEWS, Pocket and Pen Knives T Purses, Pocket Books, Port Monies, Port Folios, &c,; for sale by oct 16 J. B. CUBBEDGE. R EC’D per steamer and in store, a choice lotofdried Peaches and Plums. nov 3 J. D. JESSE. F asiiiows fob ladies.— Just received, a large assortment ol Ladies Bonnets, such as Devons, China Pearl, F'ancy Chip, Chain, Albino, Embroideted English Straw. Imperial, Pedal, Tuscan, Fluted, Mode and Hungarian; Misses Hungarian, China Pearl, Fancy, &c. Pink. Blue and Dial-., Silk. Pink,Blue, Drab, White and Black Satin. Pink, Blue and White jncut Silk Velvet; Pink, Blue and White uncut cotton Velvet, &c., for making bonnets. Inside and outside fitnveis, roses, rose buds, Silver hunch (lowers, Tnlihs, Feathers mid Wreaths. A variety of ribbons, ladies dress and mourning Caps; infants, do; blue Gauze Veikj; black Luce do; block Silk Lace, for do ; liufe capes, muslin do ; kid gloves, Embroidered slmwTs, zephyr worsted, chroebet and knitting needles ; coronation braid, straw and gimp cord : belt ribbon ; ollildren's boots; silver head dresses ; spool sewing silk ; fancy knitting pins, &c. All of which will he sold very low, at the Savannah Cash Stork, 115 Congress si., next dcor east of the Golden Lamb, sent 29. J. S. MAGILL. TARR1FF OF CHARGES. WASHINGTON TRLEOKAPH Mar. oil Columbus Montgomery Cnhawba Mobile Now Orleans Charleston Columbia Camden Chbraw Fayetteville Raleigh Petersburg Richmond F rederickshnrg Alexandria Georgetown Washington AND NKW-ORLEANS COMPANY. Miles 1st 10 words. Koch nd’l wd' 385 437 609 802 270 405 438 495 505 854 904 912 914 94 100 105 B onnets.—j ust received per Chpokcr, a new assortment of Queen’s Braid, Varie gated Brown and Drab Chip, Dunstable, Pearl Cord Lace, and Corded Plain nnd Fancy J n* WJ htt ny Lind Bonnet*. For *»nle low hv JOHN VAN NESS. imv 3 157 Congreag-st. 100 5 106 5 It will he noted that despatches going farther north tlmn Washington, D. C., are forwarded from that post by another company, whose rates do not differ materi ally from those above. No charge for address, signature or date. Communi cations must he prepaid. An nnswer to a message to he sent may be afterpaid, if the person sending it in forms the office that he will also pay for the answer. Every message must have the address and signature in full—no figures allowed except for date. All commu nications strictly confidential. Communications des tined for any place beyond the termination of this line or for any place in the vicinity of any of the above sta tions, will he faithfully written out and mailed as di rected. The offices will be opened at sunrise, and preparation made to commeuce business as soon af ter ns any may he offered. D entistry.—Preservation of She Teeth For Better than Extraction.—DR. S. PARSONS, Surgeon Dentist, No. 100 Broughton-Street, would respectfully inform the citizens of Sa- vunnuh, that lie is prepared, at the above place, to attend to all calls in his profession, and that, lie will remain permanently. From his experience, during thirty years of extensive practice, he feels confident in offer ing liis service to an enlightened public ; trust ing that all who may be in need of the services of his profession, will feel amply paid for what ever of patronage they may bestow upon him. lie relies with confidence upon his skill in filling and thus preserving tlie natural teeth, nnd also upon his mode of inserting artificial uiistitntes; his operations in those brand having, in numerous instances, been su mmed to the special inspection of enlightened judges, and have as often received their ap probation. He will pay particular attention to tlie regu lation of Children’s teeth. It is a mattei of deep regret that parents, in general, hold in so light estimation the advantages which may he derived to their offspring, from tlie timely ad vice of the judicious Dentist. An error com mitted here, either by extracting tho dccidrous teeth too soon, or by permitting them to remain too long inThe mouth, may materially injure tlie entire permanent set. It behooves every parent, then, us he regards the well being of his child, carefully to watch tho dovelopement of these organs, and seasonably to avail himself of .the advantages which ourart is ready to bestow. Teeth will be extracted with great caution; guardifig against fracture of tho alveoli, or in jury to the adjoining teeth. All diseases of the teeth, and gums, and max illary bones, will be treated with especial refer ence to their speedy and perfect cure. All his operations will be performed with the greatest tenderness and care, giving tlie least possible pain to the patient. He trusts that, that carelessness which is so often exhibited in some operators, and that harshne?#with which they handle these tender organs, and which gives so many timorem dread of the employ ment of our art, will never he found to consti tute an objection on the part of those who shall favor him with their patronage. Knowing, as lie does, that the teeth are among the most sen sitive organs of our whole system, he is also aware that whatever operations are necessary for their preservation, should he performed with the greatest carefulness and skill, in order that the desired end may be attained. He never will exact exorbitantly; but his charges in all cases will be reasonable, and in proportion to the good accomplished. He would therefore invite all those whose teeth are in anywise aflected with decay; and those upon whose teeth there is collected, in any degree, a hard scaly substance, of a yel lowish, dark or greyish tint, called tartar ; and especially those who have lost a part or all their teeth, and would wish their place snp- pliedwith a beautiful and perminout substi tute, to call nnd test his operations. N, B.—TOOTHEACHE CURED. Reference by permission, to Valentine Mott, M. D.; Thos. Boyd, M. D.; T. Kennedy, M. I).; James McNaugbton, M. D. Ne\\- York; YVni. Van Deursen, N. D., N. 1L, N. J. Mineral Teeth and Foil for filling Teeth, for sale. N. B.—Dr. P. also Magnetizes with tlie Rotary and Vibrating Magnetic Machine, in the treatment of various diseases, with success. Tic Douloureux, Rheumatism in the Face, Deaf ness, Bronchitis, Strabismus, Inflamed Ey Blindness, Inflamatory and Chronic Rheuma tism, Disease of tho Spine, Brain, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Intestines, Liver, Kidneys, Mus eles and joints of the Limbs, &c., &c. Aj ply No. 100 BROUGHTON-STREET. jan 8 Lloau- ’JjjiujrMiuy nml Wedm-Hilny, ut 8 V. M NoivrikKBN >Vav Mail. One Smnlsy, Tnrmlny and Tlinrudny. i-lorit** Montliiy. IVt’diipfuiuy anti F'riduy. J'F.OltGK SCHLEY, f'u.t Master. J. G. Iioun, Deputy. .., CITY OFFICERS, j f’J—^-.'.Tlionia* I’liise, .Solomon Cohen, Knli't u 'n. n !, I !" D1M M. Turner, John F. J’oary, M. I>. ,o >t. JJ. VValkzr, Joseph Lipprnnn, John Mnllerv, Montgomery Humming, Jam P. A rmen, M. 1)., Dumi- n, " t ° hynie, und j. K . 8u„*»y, M 1). /- er ^’’Unuil—Edward G. Wilson* l ity X ref surer—Jottepli Felt i*y Marsh&H—l)ani« m l II. tHewart.- Ry Purveyor, Jan es W. D’Lyon Messenger of council-F. F. ritrobluvrr. Keeper ot Guard House—Thomas Ileuereu. (. Jerk of the Market—John 1L JoliUNon. Keeper of Powder Magazine—Jos. E. SUviera. hiiperintciidontStreetsanf] Lanes—Owen O'Rotirk©, Lnmuiey Contractor—Edgar McDonald, hnx City Constables—Dennis Holland, John A. Richardson, H.D.Papot, A. C. Jones, M. Uoulliliau., and J. C. 11 lance. Superintendent City Watch—M. Sheftall, J*r . Superintendent City Watch—Henry G. Ol- Second Liet tenant City Watch—John A. Ftaley. ° er ^ ea,, t® City Watch—John Devnuuy, John II lliode, J. H. B. Harley, and Thomas Kyan. Keeper nfthel’esr House—Anthony O. Fegur. Port Wardens—Cnpt. John Ii 'liter, 'J’hoinup lloL combe, Franca Shiela. Wm. H. Kelly, Henry W. .Smith, Inspector of Dry Culture—Wmi A. l'ollard. Sexton—II. haihrop Measumrs aud Inspectors of Lumber—Jeremiah Richards, Tlioams IJoynes. Thomas Wylly. Rohr. Honiiikcr; Joh.t r J'. OMiyrne, Solomon Zeiclar, Jus. F. Wolf. A. F.Bennett. Pump C’ontnctors—Stibbs ut Davis. Conti actor t. light tlio City Lamps—Morris Hackatr* * Contractor to light the Market Lamps—John B. Gnorge. Keeper of thf City Clock—Moses FlAstiiim,. City Printers—J. i,. i.ocke, ot the Rupuhlicftn, 1 and Iiullucli, Jnckson A Puncli, of the Georgicn. Ranks in savannah. HANK OK TIIK STATE OF OKOBOIA. Capital $1,500,1100—ajiproprinted to Savammli, $75C- 10. A. Porter. Proident, J. K. TefTtra.Iiier, Offerinf days, Mondays nml Thursday*. Discount days, Tuesday* and Fridays. Directors—Vm. 'J' William*, C. I'. Rieliardsone, It. Hutchison, H. D, Weed, B. Snider, N. A. IJardee, • Joseph Washburn on the part of the individual stock holders, and John Boston Director on the parr, of the State. Teller—S. B. Williams. Branches ut Augusta Entonton, Alliens, Washiagtoi , and ugencies at Macon, Griftin, und Columlms. PLANTERS' RANK. (,’apital paid in, $535,400. Geo. W.Andenon, President: II. W. Mercer, ('sell.. Offering days, Tuesdays—Discount, Wednesday*. Directors—Francis Sorrel, J. C. Niroll, Isaac Cohen, W. If. Cuyler, John Williamson, Geo. Jones, John Stoddard—J. C. Ferrell, Teller. Agency in Griffin. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK. Capital paid is, .$:> 14,Cfi0—-privilerrd to iociesse the ■ same to 5800,000. FF. Padelford,President—J.lOmstead, Cashier. Dis count days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Snturd„,,\ Pa per received up to 10 o’clock, on the mornings of dis- count. Directors—Geroge Hall,Elias Reed A. Champion Octavos Cohen, N. B. Knapp, ft F. Mills,—C. F„ Preston, Toller. Agencies in Griffin »,.a Macon C. K. H. AND BANKING CUSIPAN. OF GA. Capital, $9,<>4t),lbo, all of v.tin'll J,a* bee., pain in- appropriated for hanking purposes, $9(15.000. It. It Cuyler, President—George J. Bulloch Osh'r Offering days, Moiiduys, Discount d.ivc Tue.u.y. | Directors—J. VV. Anderson, W. Oiunirce. a. (; t hen John R. Wilder, H. McAlpin.J. W*ldburg, Josephs! F’ay, W. B. Julmsun. SAVANNAH INSTITUTE FOB SAVINGS. C. P: Richardsoue, President; J. Olmst surer; Hiram Roberts, Secretary, Directors—II. I). Weed. I. W. Morrell, l!e. jsmilt ffiiider, N. 11. Knapp, G. R. Hendrickson, H. l.athrop, T O ]YIERCHANTS AND BU SINESS MEN.—THE 0ASSV1LLE STANDARD is |iuhlishf'I in Cnasville, Gebr- gin, the center ofCherokee, Georgia, and circu lates freely in many of thecounties, The Fall and Winter trade from this part of Georgia is very extensive, nnd as the Merchants and Plan ters deal principally in the cities of Augusta, Charleston and Savannah merchants nnd bnsi- iness man in any nnd nil of these cities, will find it to their interest to give an advertisement to the Standard. We will publish ndverliemnts couMpicuomly.and notice them editorially, and when an opportunity is n(forded we will give our personal attention. Try us, nnd we promise | you shall get the worth of pour money. t au^Il ’J rails - city F>st of Bull’ South-broad. Indicated by the Thomas J. Walsh. Tho Investing Committee is composed of H. D. Weed Jionj. Snider, nnd Hiram Roberts. t FIRE DISTRICTS, 1st Mstrict—That part of tlie str-fiet nnd North of South-bre talking of the Exchange bell. 2d District—That part of the city Fast of Bull and •--/util of South-broad—the hell strikes twice with shout intervals. 3d flistrict—Tluitpnrt of the city North of Pouth- fif-nd street, between Bull and West-broad-sts.. —tlfiree strokes of the hell. 4th District—That part of the city South of South- broud, between j'.ull and West-broad streets—four strokes f the bell. 5th DistricfrVAlI that pnrt of the city West off West-broad'k*treet—five strokes of the tell. ===*. M ACAULAY’S HISTORY OF KNGLAN D * for sule bv. july 16 B.'cUBBfDGE. 4- P UBLIC A Tl\nNS OT Til AMERCAN SUN\)AY .SCltlOLU T iie plays, prose and poet ry of Charlotte M. S. Barnes. Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science.Litera- ttiro and Art, systematically arranged by G. Fleck, with Five Hundred Quarto Steel Flutes, by the most distinguished Artists of Germany. The Life and Writings of David Hale, late Editor of the Journal of Commerce, with selec tions from his Miscellaneous Writings. Grecian and Roman Mythology; by M. A. Dwight. The Neighbors; by Fredricka Bremer—anew edition, with a portrait of the authoress, Miesellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith; by James Prior. The American Almanac, for 1850. Miller’s Planters' and Merchants’ Almanac, for 1S50. ■ A copious and critical English Latin Lexicon; by Joseph Edmund Riddle, M. A. Received by inn 1 JOHN M. COOPER. * gTEEL BUTTONS, for trimming ION.—T sortment of School Tickets, &c july 16 uliseriher has rN^rived a M'lei-t i the above jni'niuVjliom, Suiuj J. B .CUBBEDGE PRAYER BOOKS; AND BIBLES.—Prayer Book*, and Bibles in finest Extra Turkey and Velvet lining, with and without clasps-foe sale low by J. B. CUBBEDGB- ^ sept 29 Dresses, just rac’d and for sale by dec 11 J. S. MAC W OOD, WOOD.—Always on hainLi a supply of Oak nnd Ash Wood Fur* sale low by DAVID R. DILLON, V Old stand, foot of West Broad-st. f J UST RECEIVED—Superior hlnck Doe skins, fancy mixno, striped and plaid Cas-t simeres, for Pants; fine wooi-dyed black Cloth, for Coats, &c. J. 8! MAGILL. nov 6 Monument-square. O DD FELLOW’S OFFERING for 1850, embelished with elegant Eanivmgs, contributed chiefly by members of the Older. The Twelve Stars of our Republic; publish ed hv Edward Walker. Received by j 0 j, l JOHN ML COOPER. T iie people’s choice.— Juftt received another lot of these superior Cooking Stoves. They will challenge nil others in the market, in price and quality. Also the “Republic" and common Cooking Stoves, Air tight Parlor Stoves. Those who wish to pur- Minse vill plrjlse call at tba '-^"ennnh Stove Depot." at short. 1 oct 20 Stove Pipe and 8hei it ice. 4 JAMES Man ManuSir. j«' n work done I.L1VAN. * j<- ; of Tin Wurt"