Newspaper Page Text
Savannah. Raymond is the original “ Toots ”
in Brougham’s dramatic sketch of Dombey &
Son. He was a little spoiled by his success in
that character, but bids fair, with proper care
and attention to become a good commedian.
Mr. Lovell is a good actor, but of the “mouth
ing ” school. His wife is a charming lady and
equally charming actress. Miss Cushman has
left us for Baltimore and New Orleans, and
probably will not visit Savannah. I believe
she returns by way of the Ohio, Niblo's season
has terminated, and the Broadway has been
closed for three nights, but re-opons on Mon
day at reduced prices, and with some addition
to the stock company. A new local comedy
called “Extremes” is underlined, and a series of
the old legitimate oBes, ns they are termed, are
to bo produced. Burton’s theatre is the “ the
atrical gag-shop,” ho is doing pretty well by
anything but the legitimate, but what ho makes
'here lie is losing in Philadelphia and Baltimore.
As very cunning men do sometimes, he rather
over-reached himself by a speculation at the
latter place. He secured both theatres and
supposed of course that all the stars in the
country would want to play in that city, and
thetefore he could make his own terms. But
not so, “ Charlotte,” the great “ card,” would
not play for him on any terms ; Miss Daven
port is at the East, and no others being avail
able, one house has been closed, and tho
other converted into a circus! Hamblin is
doing well at the Bowery, with spectacle
dramas. Mr. and Mru. J. Wallack have lefthim,
and Sue’s Wandering Jew is now the princi
pal attraction. Tho Italian Opera is still bril
liantly attended, and Anna Bolenn has made
quite a hit. Batucca sings divinely. She is a
little woman with a sort of pug nose, and a
homely but intellectual face. Signor Forti is
a short chap, and in some characters looks like
a banker’s clerk dressed up for a fancy ball,
but ho sings sweetly. I will describe some of
tho others at another time.
f Freights to California.—At N. York freights
to California arc 60, 70 and 80 a 90 cents per
foot for San Francisco, according to vessel,
time of sailing, &c.; and 90 cents for a car
go to Sacramento City. /Tho ship Serampore,
750 tons, built in Maine, seven years old, was
sold for $28,000, and is about half full for San
Francisco at 60 cents per foot and $50 per M.
for lumber.
„cr« r ; George F. Parkman, son of the late Dr.
George Parkman, returned from Europe in the steam
ship Canada at New-York, and arrived in Boston no
V ednesdaj. lie was on a tour of the Comment for
the benefit of his health, out was sent for when it was
first supposed that his father was on longer living.
Rf The engines ofthe steam ship Georgia (says the
N. Y. Journal of Commerce of Friday last) were but in
motion, for the first time, on Wednesday. Every thing
worked well. It is expected that she will leave the
dock, for a trial trip, next Wednesday—the day on
which the Canada sails.
1" t if ' Mr. Amos Jackson, of Pottawatamie country,
la, is exhibiting an invention of his—a saw mill which
derives its propelling power from th$ weight of the
log tg be sawed
At New Haven-Conn., on the 10thult.,by
tho Rev. Mr. Cook, Rector of St. Paul’s Church,
BETH G. Wayne—both of this City.
Isaac Higbsmith, Marion Co; M H Powers,
Effingham Co; S Moody, W W Garvin, J W
Rounjroe, J J Wood, B Hochvun, M Moody,
R M Tison, So Ca; W C Riddle and son, J W
Castan, G W Byne, Washington Co; J H Jois,
Scriven co; J A Spence, Emanuel Co; J Lord,
Wilkinson Co; J L Cobb, RT Cobb, Dalton, J
Chandler, Burke Co.
Jas L Vallatton, P B Nickerson, N Y; J D
Roland, W L Staples, J Kyle, Columbus, Ga;
AMD King, Culloden; J W Bothwell, Louis
ville; U B Todd, Jeffersonton; J B Bostick,
Twiggs Co; Wm Bryan, ; P Fitzgerald,
Perry, Ga.
Per steamer DeKalb from Augusta—J Wood,
J VV Wood, J W Roundtree.
Per steamer Ocamulgee, from Charleston
Mrs. Franklin, Mrs Polk, Miss Whitfield,Miss
Moaely, Messrs T H Wood, G H Harding, H
Smith, R. P. Yeadon, G Smith, H L Bilbo, J
Moon, R Polk, Chus Schott, J Mosley, A C
Athbune, Blake, 10 deck.
Per steamer Metamora, from Charleston—
A Ferguson, lady, and 2 children, R Williams,
lady and servant. T T Smith, lady und servant,
Miss Stiles, Mrs Steifater, W Blake, E W
Treadwell, C Epping, J Oliver, E Reed, A II
Whitfield, 5 deck.
Per bark Veata, from Boston—S & H Hoyt, TR
Mills, McClmky & Norton, Snider, Lathrop &Nevitt,
I W Morrei, R DeMartin, Ga Steamboat Co, T S
Wayne, J Jones & Son,Verstille,Luf harrow 4t Butler,
H B &. H Weed, A Haywood, Brooks & Tupper, J M
Schley, J E Ward.
Per brig Josephus, from Now Orleans—F Sorell, T
8 Wayne, E Parsons & Co, Hamilton & Hardeman,
Scraaton, Johnston A' Co, Swift, Denslow & Webster,
J V Connerat, T R Mills, J A Fawns, R A Allen, A
Allen, Wood, Claghorn & Co, Cohens & Hertz, and
Per sloop B S Newcomb, from Riceboro—50 bales
Cotton and 1500 bushels Rough Rice to R Habersham
At Son, G W Gnrmany & Co.
Per steamer DeKalb from Augusta—706 bales Cotton
and 102 tierces Rico to G W Garmauy & Co, Brooks
Tupper, S Solomons, P H Behn, Boston & Gunby,
N Gruger, Willians & Hollis.
Per steamer Metamora from Charleston-—Brooks &
Mupper, Central R Road, Steamer DeKalb,J M Cooper,
on * e Sc Gammel, J VanNese, Ambler, Barnum Sc
<'o, Verstille, Lufburrow Sc Butler, EF Wood, M
batman, GS Nichols, R Habersham & Son, L Bald.
w ' n & Co, S A Wood, Cohen & Fosdick, D F Hoi*
* ey> P Willberger, W T Williams.
Per Steamer Ocamulgee, from, Charleston—Central
« Road, Steamers DeKalb and Wm Gaston, Irou
Steamboat Co, A B Luce, Burt & Dally, M A Cohen,
L Locke & Co. Einstein & Eckman, M Eaatmau.
T iVjlmot, Planters' Bank, Scraaton, Johnston A
Co,Marshall A Aiken, W Woobridge, E F Rowland.
Commercial intelligence.
Liverpool Dee. 20 | Havre Deo. 27 | Havana Jan 9.
Savannah Cotton Market, Jan. 25.
COTTON.—-Yesterday our market waa quiet, and
the sales amounted only to 490 bales at 11% to I2%c
PHILADELPHIA—Schr Mary Sc Louisa—257 bales
Cotton, 108 tes Rice, 50 bales Yarn, 10 Osnaburgs, 22
Domestics, 10 do Mdze.
NEW-ORLEANS—Schr Oeorge Engs—331 casks
Rice, 1 bale Chmpeting, 1 set Barr Stones.
NEW-YOBK—Bark Texas/—1150 bales Cotton, 166
casks Rice.
PROVIDENCE—Brig Althalia—664 bales Cotton.
Brig Foster—403 balos Cotton.
LIVERPOOL—Ship Avon—1675 sacks Salt, 2503
bars Rail Road Iron, 40 bundles Sheet Iron 65 crates
and 6 hhds Earthen Ware.
CHARLESTON, Jan. 23.—Cotton.—'The Upland
market yesterday, remained in a very quiet state, but
without change in prices Buyers took but 251 boles
at prices ranging from 12% to 12%.
CHARLESTON, Jan. 24——Cotton. The cotton
market was in a depressed state yesterday. The sales
reached 1700 bales at a reduction of an %c in prices.
The transactions were at extremes ranging from 11%
to 12%o. and 34 bales at 13c.
BALTIMORE, JAN. 23.—Coflee is on the advance.
Rio is now held at 15 cents.
NEW YORK, JAN. 23.—One thousand bales Cot
ton sold to day at a decline of an eighth to h quarter of
a cent.
Coffee is advancing, and sales made at 13% cts.
NEW ORLEANS, JAN. 22.—Yesterday, seven thou
sand bales Cotton were sold; at very full prices, taken
mostly for Northern account. Middling is quoted at
11% ; Fair 12% lo 12%. One thousand hhds. Sugar
disposed of at 3% to 3%ths. Prime Molasses brings
19 cents.
JAn. 23.—Yesterday, the sales of Cotton were at an
eight to a quarter of a cent advance on the prices of
the previous day. Middling quoted at 11%; good mid
dling 11% to 12. Rio Coffee 13% to 14.
AUGTSTA, Jan. 24.-—The quietstate of our market
noticed in oUr weekly report, continued on Tuesday
and yesterday ; the sales of both days have not ex
ceeded 200 bales. The sales made yesterday were at
a decline of % to %c.
Shipping Intelligence.
JAN. 24.
Br bark Susan, Marshall, London, to E A Soullard.
Bark Vesta, Flynn, Boston, to Washburn, Wilder
Sc Co.
Brig Josephus, Picher, New Orleans to Wood, Clag-
liojn & Co.
Schr T Hale, Gilkio, Camden, Me., with Lime to
Brigham, Kelly & Co.
Schr Levant, from Ogechee, witfl 3500 bushes R
Rice to R Habersham & Son.
Schr Cotton Plant, from Ogechee, with 3500 bush.
Rough Rice to R Habersham Sc Son.
Sloop B S Newcomb, Riceboro.
Sloop American, Stephens, from Darien, with 3500
bushels Rough Rice, to R Habersham & Son.
Cuyler’s Boat from plantation with 500 bushels R
Rice to G W Anderson & Bro.
Steamer DeKalb, Moody, Augusta, to Bjooks Sc
Steamer Ocamulgee, Wilson, Charleston, to Brooks
Sc Tupper.
Bark Texas, McNair, New York—Brigham,Kelly & Co
Brig Athalia Kuowlton, Providence—Brigham Kelly Sc
Schr George Engs, Smart.N Orleans—Cohen «fcjHert2»
Brig Foster, Lewis, Providence—Brigham, Kelly Sc Co
Schr Mary £ Louisa, Adams, Philo—C A Greiner.
Steamer Ocamulgee, Wilson, Charleston.
Steamer Jvanhoe, McNelty, St Marys, See.
The ship Lancashire, Hadley, hence, at Liverpool
23d ult.
The schr Mary Ann, for this port, cleared at New
Orleans, on the 18th ult.
B oarding.—a few respectable per
sons can be accommodated with Board,
at No. 154 BRYAN-STREET, near Frank-
lin-square. 1 j an 25
cent arrangment with the importers of this
article, Messrs. Geo. B. Morewood & Co., of
New York, the subscriber is enabled to offer it
at wholesale, in largo quantities, at the same
prices at which it can be bought from them, and
in smaller lots at little advance on New York
FORCE AND LIFT PUMP,” which will raise
14J gallons per 30 revolutions, and a good ar
ticle of BEER PUMPS, for sale by
jan 24 No. 12 Whitaker-st.
•A—A AND CHEAP.—Suspending, Side, and
Parlor Camphine Lamps.
Wilnrot Williams’ Premium Pine Oil Lamps,
which give a light equal to 10 Sperm Candles,
at a cost of less than one cent an hour.
Spirit Gas Lamps in great variety.
Solar “ “ “
Globas, Wicks, Chimneys, &c., for all the
above kind of Lamps.
Hall Lanterns, Signal Lanterns, for burning
either Oil or Gas; Guarded and Bull’s Eye
Lanterns; Girandoles, Silverod and Gilt; Can
dlesticks of Brass, Britannia, and Tin; Cam
phine and Spirit Gas or Burning Fluid, of tho
purest quulity that can be procured, always on
hand, and for sale low by
jan 24 100 Bryan-st.
G old pens and GOED PEN
and pencil Cases—a new sup
ply just received by
jan 24 JOHN M. COOPER.
a young Wliito Woman as a Child’s
Nurse, or to attend to the affairs of the house.
Apply to
H. J. CHALMERS, Broker,
jan 23 wfm3 No. 39 Bay-st.
a /v Anri FINE english ea *
VING BRICK, for sale on
board British ship Ottawa. Apply to
jan 22 3 At New Eagle Saw Mill.
3 ' IJBIN’SEXTRACTSforthehank
-J etebief, Jules Hauel’s nymph soap, de
pilatory powder for removing superfluous hair
without injury to the skin, shaving creams, om
nibus soap, eau lusirnl, for the hair, colognes, ox-
marrow. bear's oil, combs, brushes, and various
other perfumeries aud fancy articles from this
celebrated perfumer, just received and for sale
by J. A MAYER.
Druggist, 156 Broughton street.
Fresh Caw-dtine, for sale by J. A. M.
dec 15
r’« Compound Fluid Extract of Con*
yzs and HtHHitgia,
This preparation is a highly Concentrated Ex
tract, containing all the Active Medicinal Prop
erties of the Conyza, (commonly known as Black
Root,) and the Stillingia, 01 Queen’s Delight.
These plants have been long since used among
our Southern Negroes and in empyrical practice,
with the happiest results, in cases of Chornic
Rheumatism, Ulcers of long standing, and Sec
ondary Syphilis. It is much superior to any pre
parations of Sarsaparilla us an alterative, being
more active and prompt in its operation on the
system. These facts have induced the subscrib
ers to present to ihe attention of Physicians a
preparation prepared according to strict Chemi.
cal and Parmaceutical science, devoid of all the
feculent and inert parts of the roots, not doubt-
ing that it will supersede the unscientific and
crude preparations hitherto used.
Price—$1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5,
Prepared and sold by
Monument-square, Savannah, Gn.
nov 6 ly
The subscriber respectfully announces that he
has opened a School in the basement of the
Second Baptist Church, in which will be taught
all tho branches of a thorough English Educa
tion. Particular attention will he givon to the
elementary studies
O. Wyer.
•Rev. J. T. Robert, Rev. II
$30,000 ! $13,000! $10,000!
IOO Prizes of 1,300 Dollars,
113 Prizes of IOO Dollars.
Extra Class No. 8, for 1850.
Extra Class No. 5, for 1850. To he decid
ed by drawing of Va. Monongalia Lottery,
Class A. To be drawn at Alexandria,Va., Sat-
urday, Jan. 26, 1850.
[3?° Under the superintendence of Commis-
J. W. Maury &. Co., Managers.
1 prize of
I prizes of $7,000
1 “ 5,000
1 “ 2,835
63 “ 100
&c., &'c., &c.
Tickets, $20; Halves, $10; Quarters, $5.
For sale by E. WITHINGTON.
jan 25
T7~AEENTINES; also Valentine Books,
V Paper, and Enveloi
sale by
jah 24
s, received and for
F rench neele worked
COLLARS. — Just received a hand
some assortment of French Needle Work’d
Collars; mourning do; needle work’d Cuffs
mourning do; for sale low for cash,
jan 24 J. 8. MAGILL.
AND WAISTS—Just received nnd for sale
low for cash. J. S. MAGILL.
jan 24
reduco Stock, such as Bonnets, Flow
ers, Caps, Wreaths, Tnbbs, &c.
jan 24 J. S. MAGILL.
T he battle summer; be
ing transcripts from personal observation
in Paris, during the year 1848; by J. K. Ilar-
vel, author of “Fresh Gleanings.”
Sir Edward Graham, or Railway Specula
tors ; by Catherine Sinclair.
Dark Scenes in History; by G. P. R. James,
Esq., authpr of tho Woodman, &c.
Part 2d’Easy Lessons in Landscape.
People I have Met; or Pictures of Society
and People of Mark, drawn under a thin veil
of fiction ; by N. P. Willis.
Wp.rnga, or the Charms of the Nile; by Wil
liam Furniss.
The Principles of Moral and Political Phi
losophy ; by William Paley. D. D.
The Early Conflicts of Christianity; by the
Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, D. D.
Received by JNO. M. COOPER-
jan 19
N ew books for Sunday
SC HOOLS, just published by the Ameri
can Sunday School Union.
Evening in the South of France.; from the
French of Madame Guizot.
The actsof Life, and lessons from them.
The Daisy dingle Sunday School.
Hubert Lee ; or, How a child may do Good.
Received by JOHN M. COOPER.
Also a large supply of Tracts from the Ame
rican Tract Society. jan 24
D aguerrian skylight
GALLERY.—The Subscriber respect
fully announces to the Citizens of Savannah and
its vicinity, that he has taken tho rooms over
Zoghaums &. Co’sMusic Store, corner of St.
Julian-street and Market-square, for the purpose
beautifully Colored, if required, and put up in
Splendid Morocco Case^, Lockets, Breast-Pins,
Medallions, and Finger Rings; and ventures to
assert, that he will furnish as good, if not a bet
ter Likeness than any other person ever located
in Savannah He feels himself justified in tho
above assertion from a pi notice of several
in Boston, assisted by all the most recent im
provements in the art.
‘'Surpassed by none, nnd equaled butby few,
This is my motto, and my pictures prove it true."
The Subscriber has, at great expense, fitted
up his appartrnents so as to secure light directly
from above, whichis considered one of the great
est additions in taking perfect Daguerrian Like
nesses. The Citizens of Savannah are respect
fully invited to call at his rooms and examine
specimens. Pictures taken at reduced prices.
Permanently located.
N. B.—■ Instructions given in the art on mode
rate terms, corner of St. Julian-street and Mar
ket-squire- (UpStairs.) jan 17
'•■^"'••^RKYNor.DS most respectfully in
forms the Ladies of Savannah and its vicinity,
that ho has commenced tho above business, In
all its branches, at J. L. Olivkr’s, Boot Maker,
No. 17 Bull-st., whore he will endeavor to give
satisfaction to all who may favor him with tlieir
patronage, os he intends to confine himself to
the Ladis’ work alone,
jan 18 i m
ABSEKV ATION S on Stevens’ Histo-
VA ry of Georgia.—A furlhi
nov 29
rther supply received
M ouslin Do Lain. —A handsome as
sortment plain col’d M. De Lain, all
wool, for sale low. J.S. MAGILL.
dec 11
A Hale, lute Editor of the Journal of Com
merce, with selections from his J/iscellntteous
Grecian and Roman Mythology; by M. A'
The Neighbors; Fredricka Bremer—a new
edition, with a portrait of tho authoress'
The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Gold
smith; by James Prior.
The American Almanac, for 1850.
Miller s Planters’and Merchants’ Almanac,
for 1850.
A copious and criticnl English Latin Lexicon,
by Joseph Edmond Riddle. M. A. Received by
« le c6 JOHN M. COOPER.
TUST RECEIVED, per steamer
Cherokee, a splendid assortment ot Toff. Sat
n and Velvet Ribbons, Embossed Velvet Gimp Braids
Srik and Velvet Neck Ribbons, Cuffs, Silk Braids,
I- C. Hd kfs, Love Vnil B , Kid Gloves, nnd all kinds of
Buttons for Dresses. For sale low for cash, by
nov ” 157 Congress-street.
A good wngon HORSE for sale.
Apply at this office,
dec 13
received, a new supply of Ladies’ Bl’k
and Col’d Gaiters. For sale cheap, by
nov 6 157 CongresB-st.
J —5 bhls, Putty in Bladders; 30 bbis
Whiting; 150 bbis Chalk. For sale by
nov 22 J. G. FALT IGANT.
R ECEIVED per bnrk Texas 20bbls Apples,
10 bhls Mercer potatoes, 5 »ncks Almonds,
aud 5 kegs choice Butter. J. D. JESSE
dec 11
R ECEIVED per brie Macon 1 bhl Dryed
Apples, 2 hundred lbs Sugar Toys, and 10
boxes Assorted Candy. J. D. JESSE,
dec II
T YPE FOUNDERY.—59 Gold Corner of Ann
Street n. York.—The subscribers have taken
the Type Foundery, and will continue the business lute
ly conducted by Robert Taylor. They will attend to
all orders they may receive with punctuality and des
patch. All the Type manufactured by them will be
Hand Cast; and they will furnish all kinds of Printer's
A/n(crin/s, of the best quality. Mr. J. T. Overend is
still employed in superintending the manufacturing de
Proprietors of newspapers, who liavo not advertsed
for the subscribers, who may publish this notice for
three months, will bo entitled to receive pay in type,
on purchasing five times the amount of thoir bill for
Old Type taken in change for new at 9 cents, per lb
octlfi Successors to Robert Taylor.
F ine denascus double
BARRELED GUN£.—The subscriber
lias received from the Manufacturer direct per
ship Yeomqn, his stock of fine guns, guage No.
10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Jnd 16. Also, n complete
assortment of Ely's shot cartridges, which will
be sold low for cash re citv acceptance.
nov 17 No. 11 ZJarnard street.
R E€)’!>• Per steamer Cherokee, 5 bhls*
Choice Apples, 10 bhls. Carrots and Beets
50 lbs. Smoked Salmon, 75 lbs, Bolona Sausages,
5 half bbis.choice Fulton Market Beef, 1 bbl.
Smoked Beef, West India Orranges and New
Raisins, 6 Firkins Butter, 1 bbl. Quinces,
nov 8 JOHN D. JESSE,
Groceries, Fruits, &c.
rilHE Subscribers have now on hand and in store
JL the following goods, purchaued in New-York the
past week, and will be sold at a small advance
fromcost for cash or good credit: Woolseys, Stu
art’s and Harris’ crushed, ground, loaf and granulated
Sugars; Porto Rico and Muscavado do; fresh Rice:
stnoked Halibut; Hyson, Young Hyson and Oolong Teas,
of superior qualities for family use; Pork llama (I flan-
ford Sc stagg& Shay’s curing, equal to any in the city,)
Herring; New-York City Mess Pork; superior Starch;
London Brown Stout and Scotch Ale; a superior ar
ticle bottled cider: Water Pails ; smoked tongues,
a few half boxes Bunch Raisons, in layers of excellent
quality; a superior article Mouritus Syrup; Judd’s
patent Candles, by the box, and at retail; together
with a general assortment of dried Plums, Peaches,
Zante Currants, Prunes, paper.shelled Almonds, Cit
ron, Capers, Ca.iton Ginger, Oliva Oil, Peacan Nuts,
Tapioca Macsrona. Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, prepared
Barley, Farina, Pepper Sauce, Castile Soap, Mace,
Nutmegs, &e., Scc., on hand and for sale by
■op 25 6m 9% Barnard street.
\ WHUALS for I S3©.-
il liunt, a Gift Book for 1850.
-The Bril-
The Sacred
Annual, a Gift Book for all seasons, by Rev. H.
Wold. The Gem of Beauty, or Literary Gift for
1850, by Emily Percival.
Tho Rosemary, a Collection of Sacred and
Religious Poetry.
Tho Poet’s offering, for 1850, edited by Sarah
Josepha Hall.
Christmas Roses and New Year’s Gift, a pres
ent for Young People,
The Rosary, or Illustrations of the Bilible, ed
ited by be Rev. Edward E. Hale.
Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE,
nov 6 South of the Market.
T HE Undersigned beg leave to inform tl»
public that the abovs Establishment ha>
just been entirely renovated and refitted for th*
coming season and they will be happy to serve
r11 who may favor them with a call. Their lar
der will always be stored with the choicest
viands the market affords, viz: Venison, Beef
steaks, Mutton-chops, Woodcock, Snipe, Oys
ters, &c., &c., which will be served up iu the
best style.
The senson for_ Oysters having commenced
a choice lot will always be found on hand, and as
“trying ijrthe naked truth,give us a call.
sept 25 tf
■pAflfCY INKSTANDS and School
-1- do. lor sale by
The Chain of Destiny, or the Adventures of a
Vagabond; by tho author of the Orange Girl of
Mary Moreton, or the Broken Promise ; by T,
8. Arthur, ’ 1
jan 15 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
by late arrivals a further supply of
Piece Goods and Furnishing Articles for gen
tlemen’s Apparel, of the latest and most ap
proved slyle and patterns, whicii are offered
on the most reasonable and accommodating
terms for cash or approved paper.
JOHN MALLERY, at 155 Bay-st.
jan 16 lm Adjoining city Hotel.
A-J NER8HIP.—The copartnership here
tofore existing botween the undersigned, un
der the name ami stylo of E. D. HENDRY &
CO., is This Day dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by E. D. HEN-
jun 15 s. H. FISK.
We cannot suffer the present opportunity
to puss by without saying something for the very
liberal patronage which you have extended to us.
Our success thus far, is without a parallel. For
nil this, however, we nre indebted to you, and for
which jouhave our unfeigned thanks.
Wo have now hut one moro request to make,
and it is this—send all of your friends nnd your
friends' friends to see us—tell them that our stock
Fancy and Staple Dry Good?,
bonnets; ribbons, su-
is now completed. Tell them that we are offer
ing daily great bargains—such as are seldom met
wtth a: this season of the year. Tell them that
our stock of Dry Goods is entirely new. That
our lights are superior to any establishment of
the kind in tho city; so that they need not fear to
buy, ns they cun see exactly what the goods are.
And. lastly, toll them thut we are doing business
entirely on the Cash System—consequently we
are compelled to sell low.
D aguerrian sky-light
GALLERY.—The subscriber rApectfnl-
ly announces to the citizens of Savannah and
vieinity, thnt lie tins taken the rooms recently
occupied by Mr. Hughes, corner St. Julian sts.
and Mutket square, for the above business, and
ventures to assert that he will furnish as good, if
not a better, likeness than any person ever locat
ed in Snvannnh - He feels himselfjustified in the
above assertion, from a practice of several years
in Boston, assisted by all the most recent im
proveraentsin the art.
The suberiber has at great expense fitted up
his apartments so ns to secure light directly from
above, which is considered one of tho greatest
dditions in taking perfect daguerrian likenesses.
The citizens of Savaunah are respectfully invi
ted to call at his founts nnd examine specimens.
Cr.St.Julian-st and Market sq. up stairs,
dec 29
N EW ARRIVALS.—The subscriber has
just received, per steamer Philadelphia a
very largo stock of seasonable Dry Goods,con
sisting in part cf fine French Gingliums; plain
and fancy colored Mouslin de Laine, JWazrino
Blue; chnngpablo and fancy colored Alpaca, at
25 to 37 j cents per yard.
Slate and lead colored French J/erino, 6-4
wide, at 25 to 37 cents per yard.
Black Lustres, at 25 to 37£ cents per yard.
Fine Blanket Shawls, and Long and Square
Shawls, at 75 cents to $5.
Linen, Thread, and Lisle Laces, at all prices
and qualities, together with a great many other
articles, all of which will he sold nt very low
prices. R. EINSTEIN,
Congress-st., opposite il/arshall & Aikin.
jan 1 6
The subscriber respectfully solicits attention
to his stock of
Prayer Books
Annuals, Bibles
Juvenile Books
Fancy Articles &e.
suitable for Christmas presents.
<lec 18 J, B. CUBBEDGE.
To Parents and Guardians.
The subscriber has just re-1
turned from the north, bring
ing with him a much larger as-4
assortment of Boy’s Ready Made Clothing, titan
he has heretofore kept, and intends to keep
p4 u P a general assortment of such goods,
Pj which he will sell nt. ns low prices as canj^g
q be afforded. They having been made by re*
men of long experience in boy’s clothing, ®
l^ho has no hesitation in Baying he can fit and
► please any boy from six to sixteen years old,
2 in any of the following garments: j^.
W Fine black cloth frock coals, sacks and pj
^ round Jackets. ^
H Fine mixed tweed sacks and satinet round ^
® Black casimer, fancy stripe tweed and
H satinet Pants.
Q Fancy silk, alpaca, Valencia, fancy mar-
^ seilles and satin Vests.
Shirts, undershirts, suspenders, and aS
HJ general assortment of cloth caps. V
iS An assortment of children’s small suits 2
©beautifully trimmed, for boys from 5 to 83
gyears. _ 'J;
£4 Ladies and gentlemen having boys toS
cloth, are invited to call and examine mypx
5 stock, and assist me in the effort to keep up •
■J nn assortment of such goods, at the cheap
t* clothing store, No. 150 and 69 Gibbon’s
sep 29 6m GEO. S: NIG$|OLS.
HHHE TllVELLEB ; by Washington
A Irving; Illustrated.
Knickerbocker, do do f dp
The Sketch Book, do do do
Oliver Goldsmith, do do do
Geniusof Italy ; by the Rev. Robt. Turnbull.
Poetical Quotations; by J. T. Watsort; Illus
Essav on Christian Baptism; by Baptist W.
Noel, M.A.
Cosmos. A Sketch of a Physical Description
of the Universe; by Alexander Von Ilumbolt—
Translated from the German by B. C. Otte.
The Works of the Right Rev. John England,
firrt Bishop of Charleston, fit five vols.
Received by JOHN M. COOPER,
jan 5