Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, February 04, 1850, Image 3

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Mr. Clay'a Compromise Resolutions. The following are resolutions int roduced into the Senate on Tuesday by Mr. Clay, with the view of settling, by compromise, the slavery mid territorial questions:— Whereas, It being desirable, for the pence utwl harmony of the union of these United States, to settle and adjust, amicably all exist ing questions of controversy between them, rising out of the institution of slavery, upon a fair, equitable and just basis, therefore. Resolved, That California, with suitable boundaries, ought, upon her application to be admitted as one of the States of this Union, without the imposition by Congress of any re striction in respect to the exclusion or introduc tion ot slavery. Resolved, That as slavery does not exist by law, and is not likely to be introduced into any Jjiw, UliU I* 1 * ' 1 * J Iimu J nf the territory acquired by the United Stutes final the republic of Mexico, it is inexpedient [(Mil IIIU |»|#UUIIV W* JO lor Congress to provido by law, either for its introduction into, or its exclusion from any part of the said territory: and that appropri ate territorial governments ought to be estub- ate territorial gover Q -- lished by Congtess in ull of the said territory not assigned as the- boundaries of the proposed State ot Calitornia, without the adoption of any restriction or condition on the subject ol slavery. Resolved, That tho western boundary of the State of Texas ought to be fixed on the Rio del Norte, commencing one marine league from its mouth, und running up that river to the south ern line of New Mexico; thence with that line eastwardly; and so continuing in the same direc tion, to the line as established between the United States and Spain, excluding any por tion of New Mexico, whether lying on the east or west of that river. Resolved, That it be proposed to the State of Texas, that the United States will provide for the payment ofall that portion of the legitimate and bona fide public debt of that State contract ed prior to its annexation to the United Stutes, ami for which the duties on foreign imports were pledged by the said State, to its creditors, not exceeding the sum ot $ , in considers tion of the said duties so pledged, having been no longer applicable to that object after, tho said annexation, but having thenceforward be come payable to tho United States; and upon the condition, also, that the said State of Texas shall, by some solemn and authentic act of her legislature or of a convention, relinquish to the United States any claim which it has to any part ol New Mexico. Resolved, That it is inexpedient to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, whilst 'that institution continues to exist in the State of Maryland, without the consent of that Smte, without the consent of the people ot tho Dis trict, and w thout just compensation to the own ers of sluvcs within the District. But resolved,That it is expedient to prohibit within the District, the slave trade in slaves brought into it irom States or places beyond the limits of the District,either to be sold therein as merchandise, or to be tfonsported to other markets without the District of Columbia. Resolved, That more effectual provision ought to be made by law. according to the re quirement of the Constitution, for the rest i i u- tion and delivery of persons born d to service or labor in any S ate, who may e.cape into any other Slate or territory in the Union. Resolved, That Congress has no power to prohibit or obstruct the trade in slaves between the slaveholding States; but that the admis sion or exclusion of slaves brought from one in to another of them depends exclusively upon their ownpnr'icular laws. I or Califounia.—The Tabernacle recent ly occupied by the Plymouth Congregation at Booklyn, has been sold to a gentleman from California, and will immediately be shipped for San Francisco. A Bill has been reported in the Virginia House of Delega tes, appropriating $30,000 per year, for the removal of the free negroes to Africa. The Sixtesk-Horse Sleigh.—The Balti more correspondent of the Washinnton Union says: “I learn that the officers at Fort McHenry have received a severe reprimand from tho de partment at Washington for their recent degra dation of the service, by using men in uniform attached to their command as postillions on several sleighing excersions through the city, with sixteen horses attaftoed to the sleigh.” New Lines of Steamers to New-York. Mr. Pike is building, at Cork, an iron steamer of 1,400 tons, for the New York trade. She is expected to he in readiness by June next, and is to be commanded by Capt. Hall, a naval office of Cork. The Hamburg papers announce the ap proaching establishment of a line of trans-at- lantic steamers between that place and New- Ytn 'k, to commence on the fitli of April next. The first vessel to start will be the Helena Slo gan, iron built, 1,400 tons register. She will sail under German colors, and is expected to make her outward trip in 22, and her return v »yage in 18 davs. Departure of the Arctic Discovery Ships. 'e jailing of a new Artie Expedition in search ° “ir John Franklin und his gallant compau- jojis, took place from London on the 11th ult. us expedition consists of the Enterprise, apt. Collinson, and the Investigator, Com- 'luni or McClure. The best wishes of man- nif go with them. They went to Davenport lo await final orders. . * 1 * ARRIVALS AT HOTELS. FEB. ‘1. CITY HOTEL. A M’Millen, Montgomery OoJ C H Shep- pnrd, J M Roberts, T H Strange, W B Cone, T E Lyons, Jas Cone, Washington Co; S H Picket, David Flanders, Macon: R Royal, U Ingram, Wilkinson Co; W H Royal, Law rence; T R Green, S W Lee, Cowota; John Brenke, R F Rozsn, W W Beall, H Jackson,.! Juckson, Wilkinson. CONSIGNEES PER CENTRAL HAIL ROAD. .Tan. 1, 2, and 8.-2334 hales Cotton, nud Mdze to N A Hardee & Co, Boston & Gunby, C Ilartridge, E Parsons & Co, Hamilton, G N Neyle, Allen, Ball & Co, F T Willis & Co, F H Wehlmati, Washburn, Wilder & Co, Rabun & Fulton, J LSwinney, N B & H Weed, A Holt,Franklin & Brantley, Hardwick & Cooke, W Bitncan, G S Frierson, A Williams & Hollis, Yonge & Gainmol. S Goodall, Way & King, Capt Mills, Jacob Miller, A Champion. Rail Road Agent, A Welles & Co, Brigham, Keliy & Co, Snider, Lathrop & Nevitt, John Lowe', G B Conway, P Rielly. CONCERT! CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Metamora, front Charleston—Brooks & Tupper, W H May & Co, Philbrick & Bell, Agent C Rail Road, Steamer DeKalb, Florida Boat. Per steamer Win Seabrook, from Charleston—C Rail Road, Fla Boat, R Habershunt & Son, Marshall & Aiken, W G Wylly, Jones & Son, Goo Steamboat Co, Me M C King. Persteamer St Mathews, from Palatka, &c.—12 bales S I and 13 do Upland Cotton to N A Hardee & Co, W II Mongin, Capt M S Mills, Agent Central Rail Road, R Lachlison. Fer steamer H L Cook, from Augusta—92 bales Cotton ntid Mdae to G VV Garmany & Co, R A Allen, and othens. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Metamora, from Charleston—Mrs E A lYonholm, child, and servant, Nrs Elankenship and chid, E I, Trenholm, P B Glass,P A Punchard,P Cusby, VV A Pringle, C Cusby, J J Strange, R B Strange, and 33 deck. Per Bteamcr St Mathews from Palatka—Mrs Run - nels, Mrs Anderson Miss Hill, Miss Gibbons, J M Mo. Farland and lady, J B McIntosh and lady. Dr Sullivan. Dr Pope and son, Mrs Vinnis, Mrs Neil, Mrs Racklin, Dr C Irtels, L Lainor, E D House, Wm Gibbous, W Sanders, C C Stewart, McMillen, J H Dilworth, and 11 deck. Per steamer Wm Seabrook, from Charleston—Mrs H J Hall, Mrs C VV Houghton, Mrs W Joslin, Mrs M C Jones, Miss E Moyatt, Capt Brooks, W M V ightman. J W Henry, F Fink, H G Hall, M C M Swaly, C W Houghton, W Joslin, B Fort, A Brenhley. D Baker, N O Anderson, and 50deck. Per steamer H L’Cook, from Augusta—J Oliver, T Tyler, W Tyler, W Wetbersby, E Clayton, J Tyler, J Pelote, S Tant, Miss M Williams, Miss L Keener, C McDanold, Jos Boston, M White, Dean, W Green, S Luke, W Johnson, E Love, J Bartee.J Williams, John Folley, J Pitue. Savannah, that he will give a GRAND CONCERT, The only one he can give on his way to New- York, at the ARMORY HALL, This Evening, February 4th, 1850. Violin SIX SPLENDID COMPOSITIONS. He has created great enthusiasm in e Concerts. UUIIIUU. uc IIUU UI IUO I U1U3IVI utilise, I at i he Door on the evening of the Concert. IdtT 1 Doors open at o’clock; Concen commence at 7£ o’clock precisely. ATHENiEUMT" A great Bill for the Benefit of MADAME MACALLISTER, This Evening, February 4th, 1850, Who, on this occasion, will appear in her 2ERIAL SUSPENSION, AS THE Qloinmeraat intelligence. LATEST DATES; Liverpool Jan. 12 | Havre Dec. 27 | Havana Jan 21. Savannah Cotton Market, Feb. 3. COTTON.—On Saturday the market allowed a ten dency to decline, and the sales amounted to 1030 bales at 11A4 to 13c—principal sales at 1214c. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, FEB. 3. NEW YORK—Scbr Memento—498 bales Cotton, 70 casks Rice, NEW YORK, Jan. 30.—Money Market.—Money is scarcely so easy to-day as noticed yesterday, though the rates are not materially ebanged. Tbe inquiry yesterday was rather greater, and holders were not inclined to lend to any great extent at the current rates. The Banks however continued to discount freely with a less amount of first class paper offering. There is nothing of consequence doing in Exchange, but holders evice a firmness which indicates an advance for the next steamer. The following are the nomiual quotations—Bills on London 108 a 1U8>4, Pairi 5f. 304 a 5f 32. Amsterdam 40 a 42>4, Hamburg 35 a 35V., Bremen 77 a 77t£ Should these rates continue to in crease for the next steamer or two, which it is fair to presume they will, we may expect to see an immense quantity of apeeie transferred from the vaults ol our Snb 'Treasury to Europe. CHARLESTON, Feb. 2. — Cotton.—'The Cotton market continues in a depressed state. The sales yes terday were limited to about 820 bales atextremes ranging from 12 to 124,0. ATLANTA,Feb. 1.— Cotton.—'There baB beeu hut slight variation in prices during the past week. Yes terday transactions in cotton were limited and the re- ceipts for the day light. Priucipal sales, were for fair 1214c. though we heard of a tew sales as high as 12Vfe. Shipping Jntclltgence. PORT OF SAVANNAH, - FEB. 2. ^ The q uef »tion when the first half of the im.tec nth Century terminates is an unsettled "no with the London Press, as well as with our n. i he 1 imes thus commences its resume ol the events of the year 1849 The close of the first half of the Nineteenth Century, which mow hoqueatiis to posterity its unclouded tide, ■»vues us to survey iho ewmful curse of the H* tW lve montl ' 3 * -” The Chronicle, on the er hand, insists that the completion of the resent year brings the first half of the centu- T .v to a close. „, TEXA . S , AND JUDGE Baihd—The Govern- - nt Texas seems to be in possession of in- ormatjon going to prove that Judge Baird has * ayea the interest confided to him in his mis- n to unta Fe. A bill has passed the low- ,r V r-' JSe .^^holding his salary, and some men Hs being made for his impeachment. ARRIVED. 8chr Cotton Plant, Arno, Ogecheo, 3500 bushels R liice to R Habersham &. Soa. Schr Levant, 3500 bushels Rough Rice to R Haber- sham &. Son. riteumar Wm Seabrook, Blankenship, Charleston, to Brooks & Tupper. Steamer Metamora, Barden, Charleston, to Brooks &. 1 upper. Steumsr St Matthews, King, Palatka, to Brooks & I upper. A Barcley's Boat with 1000 bushels Rough Rico to R Habeieham & son. Steamer H L Cook, Shaw, Augusta, to M A Cohen, t-teamer Lamar, Creswell, Augusta, to T R Mills.— 102o bales Let ton to suudry persons, BELOW—Br brig Salubriau from Newport, Wales, Railroad Iron to Master. CLEARED Schr Memento, Terry, New York—Master. DEPARTED Steamer Wm Seabrook, Blankenship, Charleston. Wm Gaston, Freeborn, Palatka. Metamora, Barden, Charleston. Orogou, PUilpot, Augusta. MEMORANDA. The brig Augusta, Stone, for this port, cleared at N York ou tho 29th iust. The bark Chieftain, Drinkwater, for Liberia, via Savannah, chared at Baltimore on the 30tb ult. Tae ship Southport, Roberts, hence, at New Yorh, on me 29th ult. SLEEPING ARAB. A truly wonderful and philosophical feat, which has excited the admiration and astonish ment of all who have witnessed it. Mr. Macallistjer will introduce a variety of new experiments, both Mechanical and Philosophical. tlP Doors open at 7; performance com mences at 7£ o’clock. SE®' 5 ’ Admission to Boxes and Farquette, 75 cents; Centre Gallery, 50 cents; Side and Colored Galleries, 25 cents; Children half price. LsT - Seats secured from 3 till 5, P. M. feb 4. DRAWS TO-MORROW. #20^000! GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. Class No. 5 for 1850. To be diawn at Savannah, Ga., on Tuesday, Gebruary 5th, 1850. J. W. Maury &Co., Managers, SCHEME. 1 prize of $20,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 1 prizes of $1,000 1 “ 300 40 ” 200 257 “ 100 &C., Jfcc., &c. Tickets, $5; Halves, $2,50; Quarters, $1,25 For sale by E. W1THINGTON. feb 4 •8*5 RE WARD.““Lost Last Night, on the Common, a small ihuruughbi ed SKYE TERRIER, of a brindled grey color, with long coat. The find er will receive the above reward on leaving him at this office. 3 feb 4 Dcek Load wanted for New- Yorh. The bark WYANDOTTE, Houdlette, 'muster, having a fnll under deck freight engaged, can take 100 to 150 bales Cotton on deck. Apply to fob 2 PADELFORD, FAY & CO. N ew goods.-- -Just received, a handsome assortment of Gents’ Boots and Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, &c. Also, an assortment of Ladies’ Gaiters, Slips, lies, Buskins, &c. Every description of Boots and Shoes con stantly on hand. SA.Vl’L A. WOOD, feb 2 106 Brya i-st. PRAHAM’S MAGAZINE FOR VT Februrary is received. Subscribers will please call for their numbers. fib 2 J. B. CUBBEDGE. R ECEIVED, per bark Savannah, 10 I'urrws Morcer Potoes a choice article, 10 barrels Planting Potatoes, 10 barrels Apples, 10 boxes Oranges. JOHN D. JESSE, feb 1 QUININE’ QUININE T50 oz. Fans’ Sulphate Quinine. For sale by W. HUMPHREYS, jan 29 lm #5 me British ship Ottawa, a BOAT REWARD.—Lost or stolen from Uuuut 24 feet long, painted black with a white streak outside, green and lead color inside— marked “Ottawa, Bridgewater, Geo. Thrift.” Any person finding tho same, will receive the above reward by delivering the Boat to ROBT. A. LEWIS, or J. QUANTOCK, Jr.. feb 4 3 Now Eagle Saw Mill. F LOUR, dec.—Received per schooner jf. K. Randall, 20 barrels Baltimore Flour, 10 boxes Adamantine Candles, 50 superior Baltimore Ham*, e.-vi 29 boxes Raisins- jan 30 JOHN D- JESSE. A3ECEIVED PER BRIG WILSON AAl'ULLRE, 8 firkins choice Goshen Butter, ami a choice lot of Cheese, jan 30 JOHN D. JESSE. i^LOLD PENS AND GOLD PEN VX AND AND PENCIL CASES.—A new sup ply just received by jan 24 JOHN M- COOPER. YTALENTINESs also Valentine Books, ▼ Paper, and Envelopes, received Hnd for sale by JOHN M. COOPER, jan 24 JNFA N T S’ EMBROIDER’D ROBES AND WAISTS—Just received and for sale lowi for cash. J. 8. MAGILL. jan 24 ILfTLLINERY AT COST, TO -LTA reduce Stock, such as Bonnets, Flow- r, u, . t.v.. 1 ere, Gaps. Wreaths, Tabes, &c. jan 24 J- 5. MAGILL, r astern maySSSS? ” fine order, on board ship Rhine, and for saieby PADELFORD, FAY & 00. * jan 26 h TYf ADEIRA WINE.—10 Sigth casks J-’-L of superior qunlity, in store, and for 1 sale by PADELFORD, FAY & OO. f jan 26 4^ ANAL PLOUR.—100 bbls. superfine - Yv* Genesee Flour, lauding and for sale by ' jan 26 PADELFORD, F£Y & CO.p pnSH HOOKS AND LINES.- Y A Limerick, Kerby and Virginia Trout Hooks Silk, Huir Grass, Hemp, Cotton, and Gimp, Twisted Snell and Fly lines. Just received and (or sale, by E. LOVELL, 1 aug 1 11 1-2 Barnard-stroet. & T)URE SPERM OIL.—Just receiv- - A ed, a lot of pure Sperm and Bloached | Whale Oil. For sale cheap, at 111 Bay-st. * apl 7 GEO. H. BROCKr * T~\RESS SILKS. — Received per - JiJ Steamer Tennessee iOpieces dress Silks, which will be sold very low. - 1 J. S. MAGILL, oct 4 Monument-square. A 1) JACOBS, SEGARANDTOBAC- ’ A . CO STORE, No.27 Bull Street, (Sign u of the Indian near Monument Square) Savannah, 8 Geo. N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand, Spanish, 1 Half Spanish and American Segars, at Whole- J sale and Retail. Also Chewing Tobacco, I Snuff, &c. st JYBSERVATIONS on Stevens’ Histo- H YA ry of Georgia.—A farther supply received — by 71 nov 29 J. M. COOPER. - 1 - f I TURPENTINE.—10 Barrels City Dis- -| A tilled for sale by I July 31 J. G. FALLIGANT. * (RENT’S. KID GLOYES.—Just re YX ceived: a good assortment of white and oolored Kid Gloves, Silk do. For sale low for f cash, by J. 8. MAGILL, nov 29 Savannah C’aah Store. w (2 ILK Umbrellas, of a large size. IJ Just received, and fur sale low. hy J. S. MAGILL, I nov 29 Monument-square. TTELVET TRIMMINGS.—Just V received: a good assortmet of black and £ colored embossedJVelvets, Scolloped do., Forest 8a Trimmings, &c. nov 29 J. S. AfAGILL. PRIVATE BOARDING A HOUSE.— MRS. CHRISTIAN—Lib- B erty-street, second door west of Barnard, „„ feb 10 l y M ■ vRANK FORRESTER'S Fish and Fishing, illus* 17 trated from nature by the author of “Field Sports ict ofAmerica,” &c. w : The History, of tbe County of Westchester, New i n , York, from its first settlement to the present time, by ' John Bolton, Jr. Received by oct 16 JOHN l^, COOPER. un "1" U S KJSCJEMVIJO) per steamer Cherokee, a splendid assortment of Tuff. Sat- T n and Velvet Ribbons, Embossed Velvet Gimp Braids I Silk and Velvet Neck Ribbons, Cuffs, Silk Rraids, L,. C. Hd'kfs, Love Veils, Kid Gloves, and all kinds of Buttons for Dresses. For sale low for cash, by *■ „ JOlfN VAN NESS, I nov o . 157 Congress-street. ^ LADIES’ GAITERS.—Just received, a new supply of Ladies’ Bl’k ^1 and Col’d Gaiters. For sale cheap, by ’ „ JOHN VAN NES8, in nov 6 157 Congress-.t. y” YUEVDOWGLASS.—500 boxes of v v American and I rench Window Glass, from 7x9 to 16x18; do do do Coach and Pic- ture do from 16x18 to 36x44. For sale hy wi july 31 JOHN G. FALLIGANT. nef ATNVELOPES.—A good assortment, cot Aj for sale by the mar 27 J. B. CUBBEDGE. TTUST RECD, Per steamer Cherokee, a now as TT sortment of Plain Cashmeres, Delanes, Alpacas, T Lusters, A-c., veiy pretty and cheap. Also, a few fine Long Shawls. For sale low, at the Cheap Cash Store, vel by JOHN. VAN NESS, nov 6 TUST RECD. Another iot of Casmeres. For sale U cheap, by JOHN VAN NESS 11 nov 6 TUST REC’D, an assortment of white f*' 1 and colored Shirts, merino and cotton Under t * e Shirts and Drawers, Cravats, Neck Ties, Pock- I’ rt et. Hankerchiefs, cotton and merino Hose, color- on ed and white Kid Gloves, woolen and Silk do. ter For sale at reduced prices, hy JOHN W. KELLY, Opposite the Pulaski House. — dec 15 ,f # r'RAPE Shawls—white and black. N Y-f Just received, und for sale low for cash, by __ nrv 29 J. S. MAGLL ^ CTEEL BUTTONS, fdr trimming jus Dresses, just rec’d and for sale by c«r deoil J.S. MAGILL. all \1700D, WOOD.—Always on hand. VV a supply of Oak Hnd Ash Wood For vm sale low by DAVID R. Di LLON, 8te Old stand, foot of West Broud-st. ^ TUST RECEIVED—Superior black Doe- */ skins, fancy mixeu, striped and plaid Cas- f, c simeres, for Pants; fine wool-rtyed blnck Cloth, tr for Coats, &c. J. S. MAGILL, nov 6 Monument-square. 8 Uil/n JOHN MALLERY, DRA- 1 fijn[|J)ijPE-R AND TAILOR, having resumed A- wTr/r business at the old stand, invites the at- ^ >a tention of the public to his stock of NEW AND ^ qHEAP GOODS, now opening, consisting of w “ ready made Clothing, furnishing articles, and a at . full supply of Cloths, Qassimeree and Vestings, j which he is prepared to make to order in the J most approved style, july 16 ly ^ YTE W STYLE CASSIMERE.— I X l Received per steamer Tennessee a fine assortment of fancy and mixed Cas- " a simere, Merino Vestings, black Satinets, d ! e &c. J. S. MAGILL, 115 Congress-st. PJ oct 4 monument square. {, ar ONNETS.—New 8tyle. Ju«treceived par.tesm- U er, and for «ale low, by JOHN VAN NESS, j nov 6 157 Congreie-ot T1INE DEMASUUS DOUBLE fl A BARRELED GUNS.—The subscriber “ has received from the Manufacturer direct per p e ship Yeoman, his stock of fine guns, guage No. a 1( 10,11, 12,13. 14, 15 and 16. Also, a complete the assortment of Ely’s shot cartridges, whioh will | bo sold low for ccsb Or city acceptance. E. LOVELL, ine' 'KS, P«ne f Received by J. B, jan 28 for sale b le by J. B. OURBEDCflg, —'■’"j • vJiTJuura c January ore received. $2,50--nn postage—if nrndTlh "di dec 18 *4— and Improve# DIARIES, For 1850, Pocket Memorandum Books, Purses Pori nov 22. J. B. CUBBEDGE. oct 16 looks, Port Monies, Port J. B. CUBBEDGB. — m. It M. CW UP V • ***** J by J. B.CUBBEDGE "Frayer rooks AND BIBLES.—Prayer Books and Bibles in finest Extra Turkey sept 29 J. B. CUBBEDGE. july 16 J. B .CUBBEDGE. july 16 i LANKS.- by. ets and other J B. CUBBEDGE. 'Bills of Lading’ Dray Ticks r Blanks kept for sale, and may 17 South Side Market Square jnly 17 For sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, ►AN £ CHECKS on the various ► Bank » of tho citjf. For sale by msr 10 J, B. CUBBEDGE" A LBUMS, of various and beautiful pat* -lY erns, a hew supply just received and tor ■ supply just nov'2 J. B. CUBBEDGE. ' HIE CO MERE HE N SI YE COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY BI- uug 1 ItUUGCU jJlH D, (IV ■ M, J. B. CUBBEDGE. nov 6 l» FORT-FOLIOS—A new and t article: received by. ** JOHN M. COOPER. oct 30 RE9SES.—A fine us i bv JOHN M. COOPER. riNDOW SASHES & BLINDS. 5000 lights, 8 by 10 Sash; 2000 do ^•PARTNERSHIP NOTICE ' The Rubscrtber having this day associated M. PRENDERGAST. Episcopal prayer books-, Just received, a supply in various new and * JOHN M. COOPER. [ ORE NEW GOODS by late arrivals a furthe READY MADE CLO" -Received r' Keanu ui imper. JOHN MALLERY, at 155 Bay-st. 16 lm Adjoining city Hotel. j YOUR HOUSE. ’wabing’s range, opposite thb MARKET. public l > may I BURT & DALY, tf 0816 low Dy COLLINS & BULKLEY,. 100 i THE SUBSCRIBE * hand a large assortment of B( •consisting of Tuscans, Pearls, "“ot vR5U |»riCvr« ’ Bonnets and Hats Bleached, Pressed ■•v 17 jan fP