Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, February 23, 1850, Image 3

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fly Last Nigh* ® Western Mail. Firs in Sparta.—A friend in Augusta, writes us—“there has been b great fire in Spar ta, Geo., supposed to have been the work of an incendiary” (Correspondence of *be Daily Morning News.] MILLEDGEVILLB, Feb. 21,1850. My reports of the proceedings of the Legis lature for a few days past, have been like tinoeVs visits, “few and far between," from the fact that the House of Representatives was doing nothing. On yestordav at 3 P. M. a quorum appeared, and they proceeded to busi ngs ; and during the evening and night ses sion, disposed of many of the Bills of Senate. Mr. Nesbit, of Bibb, has spread on the Jour nals his reasons for withdrawing from the House; which movement of the Whigs brought n a dead halt, the business of the country. His reasons for leaving, may just fy him before his constituents—thoas for returning to his Seat are just such as should have influenced him to have kept company with Mr. Jenkins, whom I consider a safer guide than any of those who left the Hall. The Legislature will probably adjourn on Saturday night. Yours C. (Correspondenes of the Morning News.) MILLEDGEVILLE, Feb. 20. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bills Passed.—The bill to alter and umend the 12th Section of the 2d article of the Con stitution of the State of Georgia. The bill to curtail the labors of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, and to reduce the costs. The bill amendatory of the Statute of Limi tations. The bill to rogtllale Vendue Musters in the ■city of Durien. The bill to change the time of holding the Supremo Court at Cassville and Guinesville. The bill to amend an act passed Dec. 29, 1838, to deflno and affix the punishment of u crime or misdemeanor committed by a slave by the counsel, persuasion or procurement or other means of free white persons. Also, the bill to allow tho widow and chil dren of deceased persons a support out of the estate of the deceased, for the term of 12 months, in cases where no Administration has been granted on the estute—to ascertain the amount necessary for such support and to ex empt it from levy and sale for the debts of the deceased or by an administrator, and vest the title in the family of the deceased. in Semate. The bill of the House of Representatives to extend the Charter of the Central Bank of the State of Geoigia for five years. After under going the strigj^st scrutiny, and violent at tempts to abolish the ofliee of Director-—was finally passed without amendments. OFFICIAL. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. By and with the adxice and consent of the Senate. Benjamin Everett Smith, cf Maryland; to be Consul oi the United States for Turk’s Isl and. Alfred Mitchejl, of New Jersey, to be Consul of the U. Slates for the port of Cork in Ire land. Harvey Gleason, of Louisiana, to be Con sul of the U. States foi the port of Chagres, in New Grenada. Thomas Turner, of New York, to be Con sul of tho U. States for Bahia da Sail Salva dor, in Brazil. Samuel Simpson, of Virginia, to be Consul of the U. S. for Bombny. William P. Rogers, of Mississippi, tobeCon- sul of the United Slates for Vera Cruz, in Mexi co. Amos B. Corwin, ofOhio, to lie Consul of the United States for Panuma, in New Grei a- da. Horace Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be Con- ofthe U. Stales for Portugal. Daniel Le Roy, of New-York, to be Consul of the U. States for the port of Genoa, in Sar dinia. Charles L. Fleischmnnn, of tho District of Columbia, to be Consul of the United States for Siudtgardt, in Wuriemherg. PAS53ENGERS. Per Steamer General Clinch, from Charleston— Miss Martin, Mrs Morgan & Daughter, Robt Martin, J 11 Lenpold, E It Cox, B Lord, J A Read,Mr Duginas Mr. Moore ft 9 on deck. Per Steamer Metamora, from Charleston—Mrs Mon roe, M B Sc Ketchum L Boyert, S II Van Ness, J M. Lichte, TPeck, H Weller, W Blake, R De Treville J Greene, L E Glenn, J M Kibbee, J Belton <ft Servant H G Bostick, J Roach, M Grace, W Bunker, M Jacob •on, W AG Johnston, G Giichrist, E Sobring and four on deek. CONSIGNEES. ^•4" Scrvioe in the Churches. Divine Service will be held in the Chnrches of this city to-morrow, Sunday, Keb, 24th, as follows: INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. South Broad st. Rev. W. Preston, D. D. Preaching Morning and Afternoon Lecture in die School Room in the evening. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 167 Brough- ton st. Rev. J. B Ross. Morning end Afternoon. CHIR8T CHURCH, (Episcopal) Monument Square. Rev. Edwabd Neufville, D. I).'Morning and After noon. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Episcopal) South Broad st. Rev. Rur-rs White. Morning, Afternoon end Eve ning. TRINITY CHURCH, (Methodist) St. James Square. This Church will be Dedicated at 10 o’clock, A. M The Rev. A. T. Mann will preach the Dedication Ser mon. The Rev. Dr. WtGHTMAN is expected to be p-esent, and several other distinguished clergymen from abroad. There will be service in the Church morning, afternoon and evening. WE8TLY CHAPEL, (Methodist) South Brond- st. There will be no service in this Church, in conse quence of the dedication of Trinity Church. ANDREW CHAPEL, (Methodist) New st. Rev. C. A. Fulwood. Morning, Afternoon anu Evening. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Chipaway Square. Rev.Thomas Rambaut. Morning, Afternoon and Evening, in the Evening e discourse will be deliv ared to Young Men, on "The Value of Time"—by the Pastor. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, Wright Square. Rev. J. P. Tustin. Morning end Evening. LUTHERAN CHURCH, Wright Square. Rev. A. J. Karn. Morning and Afternoon. CHURCH OF ST, JOHN THE BAPTIST, (Roman Catholic) Drayton st. Rev. J. F. O’Neil nod Rev. J. F. Kirby. Morning and Afternoon. UNITARIAN CHURCH, Armory Hall. Wright Square Rev; J. A. Penniman. Morning and Evening. PEN FI ELD MARINER’S CHURCH Bay Street. Rev. T. Hutchings. Morning and Evening. KAAL KAOSH MICKVA ISRAEL, Liberty and Whitaker st. Levy Hart, Reador. This day [Satur day.] COLORED CHURCHES. First African Church, (Baptist,) Green Ward. John CoX, Preacher- Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Second African Church, (Baptist,) Franklin Ward. Andrew Marshall, Preacher. Morning, Afternoon end Evening. Third African Church, (Baptist) Oglethorpe Ward. Preacher. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. ARRIVALS AT HOTEL. CITY HOTEL. B. G.Christee, Ga. W. Baker and Lady, Va P. Rollhouse, N. Y. M. Smith, Ga, T. G. Dix on, Burk Co, R. Read, Boston, E. B. Cox,S. C. R. R. Brown, 8. C., B.Lord, N. Y., J, Foun tain, Miss, E. Buitholume, T. B. O’Driscoll, .lEolug. (Eommcrtial intelligence. LATEST DATES; Liverpool Jan. 26#| Havre Jan. 24 | Havana Feb. 17. Savannah Cotton Market, Feb. 23. CQTTON—-The market was quiet yesterday, with out tshange in prices, operators waiting the arrival of the Steamer. The following are the sales which amounted to 609 bales : 19 bales at 11% ; 56 at 11%; 49 at 11% ; 58 at 12 ; 71 at 12%; 110 at 12% ; 7 at 12% 175 at 12% ; 52 at 12% ; and 12 at 12%c. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, FEB. 22. NEW-YORK—Per bark Veruon—1185 bales ootton 5 pkgs, and 50 empty bbls. CORK—Per ship Java~304,895 feet P P Timber. SAVANNAH IMPORTS, FEB. 22. HAVANA—Per ecbr Midas—192 bbds, 30 tierces, 12 bbls Molasses, 27 M Segara, and 11 quantity of Fruit. Charleston, Kbu- 22— Yesterday was compare* tivelyaquiet day, the sales having beeu confined to about 750bales; prices,however, were very full, and have very nearly reached the highest point they have attained this season. The operations during the week comprise 9,558 bales, and the receiptain the same time may be put down at 10,443 bales. Extreme quotations, 11% to 13 cts. New York, Feb. 19.—The week thus far has open ed very|favorably for business. Money continue abun dant and, in favor of the buyer. Capital is freely offer* ed nt the Banks at our quotations, which we continue. For paper, 6 per cent for 60 day high grade, 7 per cent for three to four months, 6 per cent, for six months- 5 percent, for call loans and government securities; 6 per cent on other securities. Shipping intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH, - - - FEB. 23. ARRIVED. Steamer Metamora, Barden, Charleston, to Brooks & Tupper. Steamer Gen. Clinch, Dixon, Charleston, to Brooks & Tupper. Steamer Tennessee, Gould, Augusta, with boats 7 and 8, to S M Pond. 5c.hr Midiis, llaggerdon, 4days from Havana, to Pad- el ford. Fa< Sl Co. Schr J. Frasier, from Satilla River. Sloop Washington, Collins, from Ogeechee. Sloop C Chard, from 8t. Marys. CLEARED. Bark Vernon. Faey, for New York—Washburn,Wil der & Co. Br. ship Java, Samson, Cork—Jas Quautock, Jr. DEPARTED. Steamer Gen Clinch, Dixon, Charleston. Steamer Hancock, Murry, Augusta. Steamor De Kalb, Moody, Augusta. Steamer J Randolph, Postell. Augusta. ATHF-NjEUM. F. C. ADAMS & CO , Lessee.. H. V. LOVELL, Acting Manager. Loader of Ochaatra Mr. Brewer. Benefit and last appearance of Mr. BOOTH. TUI8 EVENING, Feb. 23,1850. Will be presented Shnkspeare’s Tragedy of RICHARD III. OR, THE BATTLE OF BOSWORTH FIELD. Richard, Duke of Gloster, - * Mr. BOOTH. Earl of Richmond, King Henry 6th * Buckingham, - Queen Elizabeth, Lady Anna, - - Dutchess of York, - - Mr. LOVELL. - - Mr. BELLAMY - - Mr; HENKINS, - - Mrs. LOVELL. Miss CARPENTER. - - Mrs. PENSON. To conclude with POOR PILLICADDY John Peter Pillicaddy, - - Mr. RAYMOND. Mrs. Pillicaddy, - * - - Mrs. LOVELL. Miss Davenport is enguged, and will shortly appear. feb 23 C UBA MOL ASSESS.—192 hhds. 30 tierces, 12 bills., the cargo of sch. Midas, from Havana, in fine order, and of superior qunlitv. Landing >ind for sale by fob 23 PADELFORD, FAY & CO. A gain.—i expect to receive by way of the Charleston Steamers, and open th’a day, another supply of those beautiful SHIRT?, and will sell them at veiy small profts. Ct>l and see GEO. 8. NICHOLS, feb 22 Gibbous Range. DRAWS THIS DAY. F ob sale or lease.—a plantation or farm 3^ miles from the city, having 100 hundred acres 'of cleared, low and high lands, suitable for gardening ar;d forming, all under good fences. On the premises arc a good dwelling house, 2 barns with suitable negro houses, &c. A few old negroes, may be sold or let with the place. Apply at this office, feb 22 ftu 10— B OYS, NOTICE THIS.—Just re ceived at the cheap clothing store, Gib bons’ range another assortment of boy,e Tweed Oasimere Sacks, and business Coats. Call soon or you will be too late to get one. For sale cheap for cash, by feb 22 GEO. S. NICHOLS. TV OTICE. —Books of subscription to the X i Capital Stock of the “Bank of Savannah" wilt be opened at the office of Joseph Ban croft, on Monday, the 4th March, and con tinue open for three days, between the hours of ten and two o’clock. SOLOMON COHEN, LEWIS F. HARRIS, I. W. MORRELL, ASA HOLT, W. W. STARKE, HIRAM ROBERTS, HENRY 1ATHROP, ALLEN A. DENSLOW, feb 22 ASk FOB NEW YORK.-The oTf-liy new and fast sailing coppered and cop- p er fastened brig GOV. CARVER, will have immediate despatch. For deck load only, apply to master, on board, or to fob 21 JAMES A. NORRIS. For New York. The fastsailing bark PENTUCKET, Taylor master, having the larger portion of her freight engaged, will meet with des patch. For balance of freight, apply to feb 13 PADELFORD. FAY & CO. fat Steamer Geaeral Cltnob, from Charleston— Central R R. Stm’r IHKelb, Florida Boats. H Wede. man, JW Morriee, Laroaeh ft Co, W Cartio, L J Myera, Cohen ft Fosdiek, C Hartridge, E S McGin. m«, Dewitt & Morgan, Jne Williams, Weedman ft T.itchie, Price ft Vender, J B Cubbedge.G Anderson ft Bro. D Abrahams ft Bro, L E Bych, E F Wood ft Co. Snider, Lathrop ft Nevitt, O Johmou ft Co, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, R Habersham, L E Bych, H & Hardeman, Geo S Nichole, S E Denning; P Wilt- berger, John Van Ness, Wood, Claghorn ft Co, G W Adams. W T Williams, E Love, W P Y. ung. W Bat- tersby, A Champion, Dr D II Hamilton, A Haywood & others. Per Steamer Tennessee, from Augueta—245 halo, Cotton, 54 bbls Turpentine and mdze, to Allen, Ball ft Co, J H Burroughs; and J P Hart. Per Steamer Mrtamora, from Charleston—Brooks ft Topper, C Hartridge, Hamilton ft Symons, P Ja- Harper ft Stoart. J P Williamson, Snider, La- throp ft Nevitt, J T Doe, F Kendrick, L Robider, M C Kl0 G,RHsbersham ft Son. Per sloop C Chard, from Bt. Mays—-300 bales Pea * Cotton, 18 bales Upland Cotton, to Boston ft , .J'; N A Horde, ft Co, Way ft King, S Solomons, w Anderson ft Brother. Per schr J Frasier, from Satilla River—3,500 hq.tr “' wo * h riw. to G W Anderson ft Brother. '. * r 8loo P Waahington, from Ogeecbao—1700 bush JS* r “"* h ,ie »> 25 *»!•« cotton, to G W Anderson * • A Hardee ft Co, R Habersham ft Son. • MEMORANDA. Charleston, Feb 21, cld, ship Columbia, Setxer, for Savannah. Feb. 22.—Arrschr Florida, Read, from Darien, Baltimore, Feb 19—Cld schr Gen Irwin, Wilson, fbr Savai Rail, N*W Yonsc, Feb 18— Cld brig Excel, Revel 1, for Savannah; arr bark Wyandotte, Woodley, from Sa vannah ; brigs Damascus and Gen. Wilson, from Apa lachicola. Boston, Feb 18—Arr bark Vesta, from Savann ah aud brig Palmyra,from do. New Bedford—Arr 17th inafc schra Znlette, from Savannah ; Tamara, from Darien, Geo. Philadelphia, Feb 15—Arr Bchrs J K Randall, Dean, from Savannah, and Falcon, Call, from do. W ANTED TO HIBE, a trusty man servant, to wait in a printing office. Apply at this office. feb 14 W ANTED TO BENT, A small comfortable House, suitable for a small family. Address W, at the office of tho Morn ing.News, giving location, rent &c. feb 6 STBAYED OR STOLEN Monday night last, a buy PONEY, about eight years old, branded with the letter H on his fore shoulder, and a scar on his hind quarter. Also, n large sorrel, short tailed HORSE, about ten years old, a suitable reward will bo paid for their delivery to the owner, at the foot of West Broad Street. feb 21 3 W IBE DISH COVEBS, For covering dishes from flies and other in sects. A full supply of the above useful arti cles. just received and for sale by feb 21 COLLINS &. BULKLY. R eceived, per brig American nnd bark Vernon, a choice lot of Mercer Pota- toes. feb 20 J. D. JESSE. Lowest three number prizes $1,000. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. Extra Class No. 16, for 1850. To be decid ed by drawing of Va. Monongalia Lottery Class B. To be drawn at Alexandria,Vo., Sat urday, feb. 53, 1850. r®*- Uunderfhe superintendence of Commis sioners. J. W. Maury A Co., Managers. ^LLEN’S IMPROVED EDIT CATION sale bv feb 19 TABLE, for Children. For JOHN M.COOPER. P EBFUMEBY .—An extensive assort ment of Lobin’s Extracts, also GueSain’s, Prevost’s. Monpeln’s and Gueland’s. Received and for sale bv V ieb 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON&Ca 78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots SPLENDID SCHEME! 1 Prize of 60.000 1 Purizo of 10,847 1 35,000 280 10,000 1 20,000 65 000 1 15,000 65 150 1 11,000 65 100 PERSIAN OTT« i LIP SALVE.—Also i for softening and beautifying", the skinand pre venting it from clmpping, prepared by Patey & Co. London. Received and for sale by , G. R. HENDRICKSON, & CO. feb 13 Gibbons’ Buildlficr. t'emon syrup. —100 boxes of J JLi B. Rey’s superior Lemoq^yrup, assort ed qualities; just received and ftr sale by feb 11 G. R. HENDRICKSON SeCO. MEDICAL NOTICE. - D XYA MOREL. Office No. 157, Brought' feb 7 — Doctor :on-St. tf Q See., Tickets $20; Eighth 2,50. For sale by feb 23 Ac., Halves Sec. 10 ; Quarters $5; UININET qUININ’E.—150 “ oz. Fans' Sulphate Quinine. For sale by W. HUMPHREYS, jnn 29 lm ECEIYED, PER BRIG WILSON FULLRB, 8 firkins choice Goshou Butter, aud a choice lot of Cheese, jan 30 JOHN D. JESSE. E. WITIHNGTON. DECEIVED, per bark Savannah, 10 AV barrel. Mercer Potoes a choice article, 10 barrels Planting Potatoes, 10 barrels Apples, 10 boxes ©ranges. JOHN D. JESSE, feb 1 tt»nVeuofes And Note 1’npcr. Pm-" sale by jun 16 j. B. CUBBEDG2 MarKet-sqin "DRENCH NEEDLE WORK’D JC COLLARS. —■ Just received a hand some assortment of Fre.nch Noeiilo Work’d Collars; mourning do; needle work'd .Cuff, mourning do; for sule low'for cash, jun 24 J. S. MAGILL. NO ATCOST.-fhe Sub D AMUiiRMlAN 6JMs.1l JLiMjaH A* GALLERY.—The Subscriber respeit- fully announces to the*Citizens oft Snvanrah and its vicinity, that he has taken the .rooms over Zogbnums Se Co’sMusic Store, corner of St. Julian-street nnd Market-square, for the purpose of taking DAGUERRIAN LIKENESSES, beautifully Colored;if required, nfid put up in Splendid Morocco Cases, Lockets, Breast-Pins, Medallions, nnd Finger Rings; and ventures to assert, that he will furnish a. good, if not a bet ter Likeness than any other oprson ever located in Savannah He feels himself justified in the above assertion from a practice of several years in Boston, assisted by all tho most recent im provements in tho art. ‘‘Sorpaxed by non*, and equaled but by few, This is my motto, and my pictures prove it true.” The Subscriber has, at greut expense, fitted up his appartments so as to secure light directly from above, whichis considered one of the great est additions in taking perfect Daguerrian Like nesses. The Citizens of Savannah are respect fully invited to call at his rooms nnd examine specimens. Pictures taken at reduced prices. W. V PRENTICE, Permanently located; N. B.—Instructions given in the art on mode rate terms, corner of St. Julian-street and Mar- ket-squnre- (Up Stairs.) feb 22 WASHINGTON HOUSE, (formerly hartwkll’s,) Chesnut Street, above Seventh, Philadelphia A. F. GLASS. T)ARCHMENT, Tracing Paper, also JtT Parchment Envelopes for important doc uments, Rubber Bands, White Rubber, also a large supply of Steel Pens, among which are several new and excellent kinds; also a further supply of Copying Presses; also 1 rench Copy ing Books. Just received by feb 19 JOHN M. COOPER P AINTS, OILS, GLASS, ftc.- 200 kegs Wiiitu Lead, assorted qualities; 100 Cans Chrome Greene in Oil; 2 cusea do. do. in boxes,5 lb. each; 3 casks Venetian Red; 3 do. Spanish Brawn; 2 cases Prussian Blue; 2 do. do. in Oil; 10 barrels English LipBoed Oil, warranted; 2 do. Copal Varnish, No. 1; 2 do- Japan, do. No. 1; 200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes; 50 doz Paint Brushes and Sash Tools; 10 do White Wash Brushes. Received per late arrivals, and for sale on accommodating terms, by G. r! HENDRICKSON St CO. Feb. 22 Gibbons’ Buildings. \KTODD, WOOD.—Always on hand, W a supply of Oak and Ash Wood. For Bale low by DAVID B. DJLLON, Old aland, foot cf West Broad-st. TYTOTICE.—The Executors under the X v will of the late Mr. ANDREW LOW, apprize all parties indebted to the firm oi Andrew Low St Co. on the 31st August, 1849, that liquidation will he required prior to 1st March, proximo. Accounts then unadjusted will of necessity pass into the hands of their solicitors for suit. ANDREW LOW & CO. feb 38 6— ladies* shoes MADE TO ORDER.—Wm. J. Reynolds most respectfully in forms the Ladies of Savannah and its vicinity, that he has commonced the above business, in all its branches, at J. L. Oliver’s, Boot Maker, No. 17 Bull-st., where he will endeavor to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage, as b« intends to confine himself to the Ladis’ work alone, jan 18 CUBING CASS. PLANTS.—A O choice lot of Tweed and Fancy Cass. Punts, suitable for spring, for salo by feb 19 HAMILTON & SYMONS. G loves—gloves.—white Ber- Kn and Lisle Thfeud Gloves, saituble for military, feb 19 Forsnle by HAMILTON & SYMONS. ling I WINTER CLOTHING, will sell the balanc* of their Stock at co.r for’ cash. They res pectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. feb 9 HAMILTON & SYMONS. I NFANTS* EMBROIDER'D ROBES AND WAISTS—Just received and fonalo low for cash. J. S. MAGILL. juu 24 V ESTS! VESTS !—An assiirtmentof black and fancy Satin nnd Silk Vest*, for salo bv HAMILTON & SYMONS. fob 8 1 _ * j ^ F ish hooks and nN*is.- Limerick, Kerby and Virginia Trout Hooks Silk, Hair Grass, Hemp,'Cotton, and Gimp, TwistedSnojl and Fly lines. Just received and for salo, by * f E. LOVELL, aug 1 11 1-2 Burnard-stroet. A LABGE VABIETY, of Fancy and Black Doe Skin Oa<s. Pants. For sule by HAMILTON & SYMONS , feb 8 m \Y7-HITE 3HIBTS.-A fre.l, .up- ▼ V ply of W*' pty for sifle by feb 8 " White Shirts, just received and HAMILTON Se SYMONS. TJAIN EXTRACTOR .—A fresh sttp- X ply of Dailey’s Magical. Pain Extractor. Cures all Kinds of sores and inflamatiqns. Just received and for sale bv ' G. R. HENDRICKSON &CO, (eb 12 Gfnbons’ Buildings. “ RISTOL BBIClfe DUST.- The best asticle in use fur cleaning table cutlery’ Also Mt. Eagle Tripoli for cleaning sil ver and all other metals; its superiority is ac knowledged by all nhohuve used «. For sale at the House Furnishing store of * COLLINS & BULKLEY feb 13 100 Brvan-streot. B’ R ECEIVED, per ship Hartford,-40 bbls planting Potatoes, five Kegs Goshen Butter, un-l e. cheap lot of„0beese, feb 20 J. D. JESSE. P \J tierces prime Molasses, cargo of i he schr. C. C. Stratton, from Cardenas. Landing and for sale by feb 19 JAMES A. NORRIS. V ESTS—VESTS.—White Mars, and Fancy Linen Vests, a large assortment. Just received and for sale by feb 39 HAMILTON & SYM ONS. CPBIIG COATS.—A small assort- k? mentof Fancy,Cashmeret and Spring Coat ing. Prom and Pelto Coats. Just received and for sale by feb 19 HAMILTON & SYMONS. THE SUBSCRIBER has on hand a lnrge assortment of BONNETS, consisting of Tuscans, Pearls, Cobergs, Peddles, Fancy and Tulip Braids, &c; also, a large assorment of Ribbons and Flowers, at the lowest cash prices. IST Bonnets and Hats Bleached, Pressed and Altered to the Latest 8tyle, at No. 15 Bar- nard-street, South side Market-square, jan 29 8. TOMB 1V1 EW BOOKS.—The Peer’s Daughter; by X N Lady Lytton Bulwer. Confessions of Concregan, the Irish Gil Bins; by Chas. Lever, author ofChnrley 0'Mnlley,&c. Also, new supplies of AgnesGreyi Shirley; Edmond Dantes; Hearts and Homes, complete; Norwood, or Life on the Prairies, &c. &o. For sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Congrcs"-street jnn 15 J UST RECEIVED, per steamer Cherokee.a splendid assortmentof Tafl'.S«t n and Velvet Ribbons, Embossed Velvet Gimp Braids Silk and Velvet Neek Ribbons, Cuffs, Silk Braids, L. C. lld’kfs. Love Veils, Kid Gloves, and all kinds of Buttons for Drosses. For sale low for cash, by JOHN VAN NESS. nov 6 157 Congress-street. DENTAL .NOTICE.— DR. PARSONSJ SurgeonDent)|i from New York, respectfully ip forms the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah and vicinity, that he has removed to No. 157 Congvese-street, over Mr. Van Ness’ Store, near the market. Where he will perform all opera tions on tnc Teeth and pums, in a style not sur passed by any pretender of the Art in the uni verse. Teeth set on Gold plate or stump, in the neatest manner without pain. Children's Tooth, however irregular ihey may be.paftbo adjusted and pluced in due form. iTtistlpe- rior skill for plugging, filing and extracting dif ficult Teeth and Roots, is unrivaled: Aching und tender nerves pared, and filled, immaterial how large the cavity :'<tTmy be, with cement, pure as gold, to last for life, wiibout pain. Those who have large and tender cavities, and given up as lost,by other Dentists, please call, and it will be proved by ocular demonstra tion, thnt they cun be saved. From 30 years constant practice be trusts to give perfect sat isfaction. Mineral Teeth and Foil for sale. 4 Reference, by permission, to Valentine Mott, M. D., Thns. Boyd, M. D., Jas. McNaugfon, M. D., N. Y.; Wm. Van Deursen, M. D.,N. J. fob 14 3mos P EASE’S CANDY .—J ofm Pease Se Son’s Clarified Essence of Hourhbund Candy, for coughs, colds, &c. Just received and for sale by feb 16 G. R. HENDRICKSON, & CO. Y “ ALENTINES ALSO VAL ENTINE BOOKS, Paper and Envel opes. Received by . J. B. CUBBEDGE. jan 28 * E YE WATER.—Dr. Isaac Thump son’s much celebrated Eye Water, for al complaints of the Eyes. Just received i und for sale bv G. R. HENDRICKSON, & CO. feb 14 Gibbons’ Buildings. •1V7TNDOWGLASS.-500 boxes of Vv American and French Window Glass, from 7x9 to 16x18; do do do Coach and Pic ture do from 16x18 to 36x44. For sale by july 31 JOHN G. FALLIGANT. ENVELOPES. JDa for sale by TJ OLLAND GIN.—4 Pipe* XI Gin, in Rond and for sale by feb 9 Swan W. M. DAVIDSON. mar 27 —A good assort man t, J. B. CUBBEDGE. T>AKEB’8 COCO A—Warranted XJ! pure, and of superior quality; received and for ssle by G. K. HENDRICKSON & CO. « feb 11 V elvet trimmings* —Just received: a eood ussortmet of black and colored embossed Velvets, Scolloped do., Forest Trimmings, &c. nov 29 J. 8. JfAGILL. T AMP OIL for sole by -Li JOHN No. 11 Whitaker Street, POOLE, ! nearly opposite SVift, Dentlow & Webster, feb 14 m M AGAZINES. Godey’# and Graham’. Magazines for January are received. Those who wish to subscribe for the yeat will please call. $2,50—no postage—if paid in ad vance—if charged, $3,00. J. B.CUBBEDGI dec 18 TTOU8 CREEPER’S BRUSHES II of superior quality, comprising Dust- superior quality, ing, Scrub and Hearth Brushes, Bottle and Lamp Glass Brushes, Crumb, Naif and Tooth Brushes, also Plato Brushes for ver. For sale by COLLINS Si BUI feb 14 100