Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 19, 1850, Image 1

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<§> ontttu p rOUU DOLLARS PEKANNIJM. ——Publication Ollicc at No. 117, Bay Street, near the new Custom House.— S1NUX.12 COPIES TWO CENTS. VOLUME I.] SAVANNAH. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 19. 1850 •UBL1SHBD DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, «y JOHN M. COOPER. w. T. THOMPSON, EDITOR. terms: The Daily Morning News is delivered to City Aibacribers at £4 per annum, puyuble half yearly in tdmnce, or for ten CKNT3 a week, payable to the Carriers. Single copies, two cents. " The Tri-Weekly Morning News, for the coun try, containing all the news matter and new advertise* oients uf the daily, is furnished for three dollars per- Uunum, in advance. Advertisements inserted at the following rotes : 1 square, 1 insertion, @0,50 | 1 square 1 month, @7,00 Each continuance,.. 50 1 square 2 months, 12,00 1 square, l week,... 2,50 | 1 squure 3 months, 15,00 r ^ Ten lines or less to constitute a square. Advertisements published every other day, and those inserted once or twice a week, are charged 00 cents per square for each insertion. Legal advertisements inserted at the nsual rotes. Advertisements from transient persons orstrungers, must he paid in advance. Yearly advertiser* will be restricted to their regu lar buisuesses, ond all other advertisements not pertain- ingto their regular business as agreed fur, will boclmrg 'ed extra. Yearly advertisers exceeding in their advertisement! 'the average number of lines agreed for, will be charged 'at proportional rates. All advertisements for charitable Institutions and religious -Societies will be charged half price. Advertisements sent to this office without di rections as to the number of insertions, will be pnb lishetl daily, until ordered to bo discontinued, and 'charged accordingly. {^“All newadvertiesments appear in the Tri-week* ; ly News, for the country. *,* All Letters directed to this office or the Editor, must he post puid. lhitcs of Hold. United StateB Eagle, old emission. “ “ new do ..-. England, Guinea “ Sovereign “ Seven Sniffing piece -. France, Double Louis, before 1786 11 Louis, do “ Double Louis, since 1786 “ Louis, do “ Double Napoleon, or 40 francs.... “ Vapoleon, or 20 francs “ Same as new Lotus Guinea Frankfort-on-tht-Muin, Ducat Humbug, do Malta, Double Louis “ Louis “ Demi Louis Mexicnn, Doubloon Holland, Double Rix Dollar “ Rix Dollur “ Ducat " Ten Gilder Piece Portugal, Dobruon “ Dobrn “ Johannes .. Spain, Doubloon,1772 “ “ since 1772 " Pistole Colombia, Doubloon Specie Dollar of Norway and Sweden Specie Dollnr of Denmark Thaler of Prussia and Northern States of Germany Florin of Southern States of Germany Florin of Austrian Empire and of tho City of Augsburg Lnra of Limbardo-Venetion Kingdom and Tuscany Franc of Franco and of Belgium, and Livre of Sardinn Ducat of Naples Ounce of Sicily Pound of tile British Provinces of Nova Sco tia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Canada @10 66 10 00 5 07 4 84 1 60 0 60 4 84 0 15 4 57 7 70 3 85 4 65 2 27 2 27 0 27 4 85 2 33 15 53 12 20 6 04 2 27 4 00 32 70 17 30 17 06 16 02 15 35 3 88 15 35 1 06 1 05 18 80 2 40 Weights and Measures Foreign Countries* 1 here are denominations frequently met with in reports of markets, but their English value not al ways renilily recollected. The following fable will he found, we believe, corrrect: Ahm, in Rotterdam, .....nearly gals 40 Almude, in Portugal contains, gals 4.37 Alniude, in Madeira do 4.68 Alquiere, Madeira over pks 1 5-8 to nearly 2 Alquiere, in Bahia bush 1 Alquiere, in Maranliam do 1 1-4 Alquiere, Rio Jen’o, Pernam do 1 to 1 1-4 Anno, of rice.in Ceylon lbs 260 2-5 Arroba, in Portugal lbs 32 Arroba, in Spain t lo 2 Arroba, in Spain (targe) .gals 4.246 Arroba, in Snain (small) do 3.337 Arroba, in Malaga, of wine about do 4 1-4 Arsheen. in Russia .' inches 28 Mahar, in Batavia peculs 3 to 4 12 Hale, ot" Cinnamon, in Ceylon, net lbs 104 5-8 narili, in Naples equals about guls II banter, the Levant, contains 44 okes. .*. lbs 118.8 bantar, in Leghorn, of oil lbs 88 banter, in Malta do 174 1-2 banter, in Naples lbs 106 to 196 1-2 bantar, in Sicily do 175 to 192 1-2 barro, in Naples is equal to about bush 50 burro, ir. Naples, of wine gals 264 batta, of tea, in China is about lbs 1 1-2 buyang, in Batavia lbs 3581 bhetwert, in Russia nearly bush 6 banega, in Spain bush 1.599 Hectolitre, in Franco do 2.84 j lofc’unmie, France and Netherlands lbs 2.21 Last in Amsterdam, of grain bu6h 85 1-4 Last, in Bremen, of groin over do 80 2-3 Last, m Cadiz, of salt do 75 4-5 i ! n J?antzic, of grain nearly do 93 , “*7 ! n Hushing of grain.. do 92 1-2 •nst, m Hamburg, of grain do 89.6 Last, in Lubec, of grain do 91 I “i*1“ Portugal, of salt do 70 , 1,1 Rotterdam, of grain do 85.136 i S® Utrechet, of grain over do 59 Lisno ma ® Hamburgh, lbs 16 5 oz M, k'"“^"HoUaml do 18 4 oz "lark, in Holland... oz 9 Minmin n r ,,1CUtt, ‘ V.'.V.ifc'iB to 84 Saraa.?— >nk n T? rna His 2.83 Jina! “f oa e ^.° " ine -- Sals 14.94 ‘!ecul , ’in 1 l? , ! F ^ a is a little over inches 10 ecu ' in rT aVla and . Aladras lbs 133 1-2 A in Leghorn .V.V.V.V.V.V.V. .. . . . j !ch'ctlpi n f ? icily from bush 7.85 to 0.7? lliib-noi’imftr • • V • varies from 1 1-2 to nearly bush 3 i 'Inn P° und > Hamburg and Denmark lbs 331 bush 2 a fnw.’ *1 ' OZ 11-9 “ 5i°.Janeiro ...1 1-4‘yd nearly MORNING NEWS. Cb>'r in iboare equaltoyda 9ta) -^ mRu89 ‘“ - ----flit 3500 PENS, Plain and Fancy Pen Holders, ap 15 For “le by J. B . CUBBEDGE. MaiVaziii® andGodey’s Ladies’Book ^Apnl, Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE. '-' A f^ I of?hn P ? AR1L . INLAID desks. .. rtr, (..I™ above . °f »ery superior quality and y-firush, received by JOHN M. COOPER. An Angel iu the House. BY LEIGH HUNT. How sweet it were, if without feeble fright Or dying of the dreadful, beauteous sight, An angel come to us, and we could bear To see him issue from the silent air At evening, inpur room, und bend on ours His divine eyes, and bring us from bis bowers News of dear friend^, and children who have never Keen dead indeed,—us we shall know for ever. Alas I we think not that we daily see About our hearths—angels that are to be, Or may be, if they will, and we prepare Their souls nml ours to meet in happy air— A child, u friend, n wile whose soft heart sings In unison with ours, breeding its future wings. How lo detect Counterfeit Gold.—There 1ms been a lurge increase of late, of counterfeit gold coin. The Journal uf Commerce furnish es tho following description of the most spe cious of the counterfeits, founded on data furn ished by the Assnyer at the United Sates Mint. First—an imitation of the well known doub loon of Bogota, in New Grenadn. The die is very well executed, and the coin itself is com posed of 653 thousandths of gold, with the balance of silver. Its value is, therefore, $11- 70, while tho genuine is worth about $15,61. The date is 1843—it cunuot be detected by night, its size having been increased to bring it up to the true standard, ubout 416 grains. It wunts, however, the true color, and persons dealing in patriot doubloons have therefore to beware of pieces looking too pale, or too much like One gold. The most important cluss of counterfeits are the imitations of our own coin, and some have lutely been brought to light worthy of especiul notice. The varieties include the eagle, half eagle, and quarter eagle. Tho die is very per fect, for although a coiner might discover that the impression is not quite so sharp and decid ed as tho genuine coin, yet none hut a practiced eye can detect any difference. Even when ex amined under a microscope, they nre found to correspond in the most minute particular to the genuine coin. This shows that the dies must have b um transferred from our coin by some mechauicul process not yet known to hones workmen, as the most accomplished ar tist in the world, could not tuke up the graver and make such a fuc-similo. The coins hnve rather a dull sound in ring ing, hut not us if flawed, nlthongh they are ac tually composed of three distinct pieces of metal. Where ihcy nre full weight, they are necessarily thicker thun the genuine, hut gen erally the half-eagle rim, us in the good piece, fropi 55 to 60 thousandths of an inch within the raised rim. They appear lo bo made ns follows:—A thin planchet of silver [of Span ish standard] is prepared so nearly of the right diameter, that lhe subsequent overlaying of the gold plate at tho edge, will make itexnct. Two plnnchets of gold nre then prepared—one of them lo correspond with the true diameter of the coin, the other about one quarter of an inch 1 irgcr. Theso two plates are soldered upon the silver, the projecting rim of tho larger is bent up to meet tho smaller—so as to cover the edgo of the coin, and tho piece is finished by a blow iu the coiner-press. The half eagles, which are, perhaps, the most numerous, bear various dates, such as 1844, 1845, and 1847. Of the quarter eagles only one date 1813 and hearing the O for the New Orleans mint mark, has as yet been detected, hut doubtless there ave others in circulation. The value of tho half- eagles assayed was from $3.to $3,40, and the quarter do, $1,25. They are so well calculated to deceive that they have passed undetected through the hands of good judges, into the mint, in one instance as many us five ia a single deposite. The only reliable method of detection is by their weight. If they come up to the true stand ard, their increased thickness will be at once apparent to a careful examiner. There is a little machine invented liv Mr. Wtn. M. Sni der, of the Philadelphia Mint, which tests by a single movement tho weight, diameter, and thickness of nny coin in this series, and it would bo a valuable addition to tho furnituro of any office, where gold coins nre received. A general jail delivery took place nt Norfolk on Tuesday night last—all the prisoners confin ed there-in, with one exception, making their escape by picking a hole through the brick wall, and then letting themselves down on the out side,by means of strips made from theirblankcts. Among the prisoners was one Seth Pearl, charged with murder. The States.——In the courso of a speech re cently delivered in the House of Representa tives by tho II in. S. R. Thurston, he gave this information in relation to the extent of the various Suites of the Union, iu square miles: Mnine - - - - 35,000 Vermont - - • 8,000 New Hampshire • 8,030 Total Free States 45-1,340 California • - 145,000 599,340 Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina - 28,000 Georgia Kentucky - Tennessee - Louisiana - Mississippi - Alabamn • Missouri Arkansas Florida Total Stave States 610.798 Texas 325,520 936,318 Dish of Columbia 50 337,028 Fatal Accident.—On Saturday afternoon last, a man by the mama of Kelly, in attempting to pass from the wharf to the steamer Sarah Spnhling, missed his footing and fell into the river. As soon as assistance could be obtained he was drawn out, but life was extinct, appar ently in consequence of a blow which ho had received in falling on the back of the head. It is understood that the deceased belonged to Troy, N. Y., where be has relatives residing. —Jacksonville (.Fla., News. TO BUSINESS MEN. T HE Publishers of the “CHATTANOOGA GA ZETTE” offer their paper to the business meu of tho Southern cities as ono of the best Advertising Mediums in the South-West. Our Mr, Danforth, lute Publisher in Athens, Ala., brings to tile “Gazette” several hundred new subscribers from the Elk River country, which addition gives our paper u very ex tensive circulation among Planters, Farmers, Trad ers, Merchants, and others. Advertisements hand- somely displayed, and terms very moderate. DANFORTH A. PARHAM. Chattanooga, March, 1850. r ECTURKS AND ESSAYS, BY IIENRY 1J GILES.—John Howard and the Prison World of Europe, from original and authentic documents, by Ilcpworth Dixon. Elfriede of Goldal and other Poems, by Marks, of Burliamville. Part 4 Dictionary of Mechanic's Engine Work, See. by Oliver Byrne. Graham’s Magazine for March. The Black-Plumed Rillemun, u Tale of the Revo lution, by Newton M Curtis. The Clandestine Marriage, by Ellen Wallace. The Debtor’s Daughter, or Life and its Changes, by T S Arthur. Received by mnr 9 JOHN M. COOPER. rrt ALLIS’S ILLUSTRATED ATLAS.— -*• The above work is spoken of by the Loudon I’reSs ns being the best, cheapest and most correct Atlns e\ er puplished. Each part nt 25 cents contains two ei until egantiy engraved Maps, very carefully Colored u.td embellished with suitable borders, of elegant and ap propriate Engravings, illustrative of the manners and customs of different countries, and accompanied with four folio pages of descriptive letter press. At the conclusion of the Atlas a complete Index will be given of the principal cities and towns in the world —their latiude and longitude—country in which situ ated and population. The whole to be completed in thirty-two parts, ut 25 cents. Purts one to seventeen received und for sale by mar 8 JOHN M. COOPER. POSTER’S HAND BOOK o! European Lite A ruture, for the use of Schools and private fami lies, by Mrs. Foster. The American Illuminated Abbotsfo’ d edition of tile Wuverly Novels, embellished with tinted engrav ings, by Hewet, vols. 1 and 2. Notes on the Miracles of Our -Lord, by Richard Chenevix Trench, M. A., Professor of Divinity, King’s College, London. Milman's Gibbons’ Rome, uniform with Hume and Maccutay, vol. 1. The Law Student, or guide to the study of the Law, by John Anthon. The Cutholic Almanac, for 1850. The American Drawing Book, by J..G. Chapman, N. A.; No. 1, Primary and Elementary ; No. 2, Ele mentary ; No. 3, Perspective. Part 6, Iconographic Encyclopaedia. Ireland as 4 Saw It, by Will. S. Balch. The Eust; Sketches of Travel in Egypt and theHoly Land, by the Rev. J. A. Spencer, M. A. Modern Literature and Literary Men, by Gcorgo Gilflllan- Lit'e of General Nathaniel Greetie, by W. Gilmore Simms. School Dialogues, by Charles Nortljcnd, A. M. The American Speuker, for Schools, by Churlcs Northend, A. M. The Little Speaker, and Juvenile Header, for schools, by Charles Northend, A. M. Also, a further supply of .James Montjoy, by A. S. Roe. Lodge’s Portraits of Illustrious persons of Grest Britain. No's. 8„9 <fc 10, Copperfifcld. The Mercy Seat, by G. Spring, D. D. The New Timon, by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Soyer's Modern Housewife. 1 An Historical Geography of the Bible, by Rev. Ly man Coleman. Received by mar 15 JOHN M. COOPER. C ONSUMPTION.—Rushton, Clark & Co.’s ccle hrated genuine Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, for Consumption, Scrofulous Affections, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. For sale by L. J. MYERS, mar 23 Sniets’ Building. O LIVE OIL-—Superior Olive Oil, inquurtand pint bottles, also on draught, for sale by LaROCHE Si GODFREY, mar 23 Gaudry’s Building. 1LTUSLIN GINGHAMS.—Just received, a few 1T - 1 pieces Muslin Ginghams—choice patterns. inar6 J. S. MAG ILL. (SPIRIT GAS OR BURNING FLUID—A! ^ so, Spirit Gas Lumps. F'or sole by J. A. MAYER. mar 16 No. 154 Broughton-strcet. (^LARK’S MATCHES. For sale by ^ LA ROCHE Sc GODFREY, feb 26 Gaudry’s Building. PLAIN AND M,ACK BAREGES—Just re -*- ceivcd and for sale low. J. S. MAGILL. (ROWLAND’S LOTION, for improving and VJ beautifying tile complexion and rendering the skin thir, soft, and transparent. Received nml for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON Sc CO. mar 14 Gibbons’Buildings. Y7ESTIMENTAL SOAP, nlso Bullard’s cele- ’ hrated I’ntent Animal and Vegetable Oil Soap, for cleaning coat collars, woollen, Linen and Cotton goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tnr, varnish and oils of every description, received nml for sale by mar 14 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. T ATHROP «fc FOOTE arc now receiving, and I-’ will continue to receive, during the summer, a full supply of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Merchants, planters and jothers are invited to exam ine the stock, which will be offered on favorable terms. mar 11 LTARDY’S ANTI.DYSPEPTIC AND Anti- BUlious Elixir. For sale by LaROCHE St GODFREY, fell 26 Gaudry’s Buildin I' 1 ANTON CRAPE SCARFS.—A few Cnuton '■* Crape Shawls, Mantles Scarfs. See. Just reciev- ed, and for sale by LaROCHE, BOWNE CO. mar 4 I CE CRMEAN CHURNS and Freezers, Rotary and Staff' Butter Churns, Spungeand Hipp ltaths. Clothes Hampers, Corn Poppers, Egg Fryers nnd Poachers, Plated Tuks and Spoons, Knife Rests. Pink ing Irons, Apple Roasters. Foot Baths, Chothes Pins, Glove Stretchers, Tea Bells,Lamp Scissors,Cork Draw ers, &c. Just received, and for sale by COLLINS & BULKLEY, apl 4 No. 100 Bryan-street. TRAVELLING TRUNKS, Travelling Bags, J* Gutta Perclia Bags, School Satchels. S. A, WOOD, npril4 106 Bryan st N EW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.— The subscribers have juct opened a large and well selected assortment of Spring end Summer goods, comprisifigevcry variety of material and style, suitable for the present seuson, all of which they arc prepared to muke up to order at short notice, and in the most fashionable manner, april 10 HAMILTON & SYMONS. P.ALHOUN’S SPEECH.—The Speech of Hon. ^ John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, as delivered in the Senate of the United Stntea, March 4th, 1850 For sale by mar 11 JOHN M. COOPER. HLACK TEA.—10 Chests Black Tea in 5oz pa- -D pers, landing from ship Hartford, and for sale by april 1 W. M. DAVIDSON. P JACOBS, SF.OAR AND TOBACO STORE, • No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian near Monument Square) Savannah, Geo. N. B.—Keep* constantly on hand, Spanish, Half Spanish and American Segura, at Wholesale end Re tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, See. mar 29 i nr.ian-isiimiafr- Enammsyca sjjhw© BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, GAUDRY’S BUILDING. BULL-ST. J. B. CUBBEDGE, Printer of the Daily Mobxino Nkws, respectful ly informs his friends and tile public, that having made extensive additions to his well selected assort ment of printing materials, he le prepared to excecute with despatch every variety of BOOK and JOB PRINTING, and on' terms as reasonable as those of any other establishment in the South. By tho em ployment of the best materials and superior work men, nnd giving his personal attention to tile business, ho doubts nol that he will he able to give the fullest satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pa tronage. rjs?" Orders may be left at the Book Store in Con gress street, or at the office ot the Daily Morning News. No. 117 Bay-street. mar 25 r P0 THE LADIES.—Just received from the - 1 - North, a very fine und targe assortment of Bon nets—Pearl, Chain, White, Albino, Fluted und Luce, with n splendid ussortmentof Parasols, Misses Albino, and Laces, Jenny Lind, Flats ond Riding Huts, &c., which are offered at low prices by WICHMANN & LICHTE, 139 Broughton st., opposite J. Dixon Sc Co’s. Con fectionery. mar 11 HANDS’ SARSAPARILLA. For ertlo by ^ LA ROCHE Sc GODFREY, feb 26 Gnudry’s Building. THOMPSONIAN MEDI CINE S.—A fresh supply of the following articles: Composition Lobelia Ginseng, Spice Bitters, Horc hound, Thyme, Air. Cayenne, Poplnr Bark, Golde' Seal, Comlrcv Root, Blood Root, &c. For sale by JOHN A MAYER, Druggist, 156 Broughton-st. Next door to Lmibridgc's new Building. J UST RECEIVED, per Burk Vernon, Twenty Boxes Macenu Orunges, Ten bbls Apples, by niur 29 J. D. JESSE. SPIRIT GAS LAMPS.—-Just received, a com ^ plete assortment of Lamps, for burning Gas or Fluid. The light is much more brilliant tliun oil oi candles, far superior in point of cleanliness, and are more economical. Also, constantly on hand, the best quality of Fluid for burning in tile lamps. For sale by mar 15 COLLINS Sc BULKLEY’, 100 Bryan st. TVORY TABLE CUTLERY.—Just received A per Southerner, a full supply of ivory and Burk Horn Cutlery, nlso. Pocket Knives Nut Pickers,Nut- Crackers, Lamp Scissors, &c. For sole by mar 4 COLLINS Sc BULKLEY. ■yANILLA BEANS, at 6) cents; also, Extracts ’ for tlavoring Ices, Jellies See. ut reduced prices. Received and fob Bide by O. E. HENDRICKSON & CO. mar 4 Gibbons' Building. MOURNING DRESS GOODS.—Blk Barrages Blk Silk Warp Alpacas; Blk Lawns; Blk andwlit Miislins; Blk and Wht Plain Ginghams, Sic. for sale mar 2 by LATHItOP & FOOTE. JEF* TO THE LADIES! FANCY AND TRIMMING STORE OF W ICHMANN & LICHTE.—Just received another targe assortment of BONNETS, as Jenny Lind nnd Hungarian, new styles, Sicilian, Neapolitan Lace, Spanish, Diamond, Pamila, French, and Misses’ Bon nets of every description. The ladies are respocti'ul- y invited to call and see at 139 BROUGHTON-ST, R ECEIVED per brig Wilson Fuller live barrels l’roeli Soda Biscuit, 5 barrels fresh Butter Crackers, 5 “ “ Pilot Bread, 5 Firkins choice Goshen Butter, 5 boxes Cheese; 20 bbls. Mercer Potatoes, n choice article: and a choice article of Green und Black Teas. JOHN D. JESSE, mar 21 LJOWELL, 157 Congress-street, has just XX received a very fine lot of Note Paper und En- Pnper velopes, Pearl Card Cases, Flower Vases, Segnr Cuses, &c. mar 22 M emoirs of the- life and writ- ings of Thomas Chalmers, D. D., LL. D. By his son-in-law, the Reverend William Hanna, LL. D. Vol. 1. Cosmos: A sketch of a physical description of the Universe. By Alexander Von Humbolt. Women in America: Her work and her rewurd. By Maria J. McIntosh, author of “Charms and Coun ter Charms,” See. The Wilmingtons: A Novel. By the author of “Norman’s Bridge,” “Angela," &c. Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, with Incidents of Travel in tliut Territory dur ing the Summer of 1849. By E. S. Seymour. The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Part 2. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women of the Bible. By P. C. Headley. Tho Genius ot Scotland. By Rev. Robt. Turnbull. Dictionary of Mechanics, Engine-work and Engi neering. Part 5. Memoirs of the Rev. John Williams, Missionary to Polynesia. By Ebenezcr Prout, of HatateuiL F’irst American Edition. Memoirs ot the Rev. Walter M.I.owrio. Missionary to China. Edited by his Father. Egypt and the Books of Moses, Translated from the German. By K. D. C. Robbins. Caprices. The practice of Surgery nnd the application of Dressings, etc. By John Hastings, M. D., U. S. N., with Illustrations. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Midwife ry. By P. Cazeaux. Translated from the second French Edition by Robert P. Thomas, M. D. A Modem History, from the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon. By John Lord, A. M. Daily Bible Illustrations: Being Original Readings for u Year. By John Kitto, D. D., F. St. A. A Grunirnur of the Lutin Lenguage. By C. G. Zumpt. The Physicnl Atlas of Nnturnl Phenomena. By Al exander Keith Johnson, F. R. G. S„ T. G. S. Received by JOHN M. COOPER. mar 27 S ARATOGA WATER, in pint bottles. For sales by I.. J. MYERS, mar 27 Sraets’ Building. T UBIN’S EXTRACTS, rs Jenny Lind, etc., id’s Eau lustrid, Lavender Water, “A la l_i Jules HaueV , cloche d’or." F’or sale by I.. J. MYERS mar 27 Sinets’ Building. C OME AND SEE.—A very rich assortment of Bugs, Purses, Pc nmonaios, Card Cases, i’apcr Cutters, &c., ut HOWELL'S, mar 22 157 Congress-street. OUR. ” Tim si. GUARDIAN, A novel by Mrs McKenzie Daniel, author of My Sister Minnie, &c. Hands not Hearts, a nove. by Janet W. Wilkinson. Tho Fencing Master, or 18 months at St. Peters burg, by Alexander Dumes. I- imny Hervey, or the Mother’s Choice. New supplies of Dark Scenes in History, by G. P. R. James. New York by Gas Light. feb 25 . B. CUBBEDGE. F mo CONFECTIONERS..^*-! RESU Coriander Seed, tor sale by L. J. MYERS, apl 3 Smcts’ Building. fs ARDEN SEEDS.—An assortment of choice VX fresh A-arden Seeds,, april 5 just received and for sale by LaROCHE Si GODFREY. T IQUUIII ADHESIVE PLASTER, for sole by Lt april 5 LaROCHE & GODFREY. XXr RIGHT’S Pure Concentrated EXTRACT of IV LEMON, tor Savoring Ice Creams, Jellies, Sta. fJV UMBER 81. Ilf RS. MILLER’S FINE CUT TOBACCO, for mar 30 by LaROCHE & GODFREY. ^tKCIijlVED,- a fresh supply of Ilappety aud ^Vwabi y ,Snuff; and Dir sale by mar Ju LaROCHE Sc GODFREY. T^INE SPONGE lor sale by X mar .10 La I! Grit LaROCHE St GODFRE Ju8 ‘ H OPS, HOPS.-Now crop, jim'received atidfu.- sdeoy LaROCHE * GODFREY, Gaudry’s Building. SANDS, a TOWNSEND’S SARSAPAR (X LA, tor sale by | LaROCHE & GODFREY ninr 30 Gaudry’s Bi (JANAL FLOUR.—50 bbls. superfine Flour, landina from briir Atitm.fn Flour, tending from brig Augusta, mar 16 CHAS. A. ( CARD.—The undersigned haring re-opened with an entire Now stock of DRUGS, OHEM 1CALS, and FANCY ARTICLES, at No. 139 - South-side Broughton-strcet, (formerly Wal ker’s Mnrhle Y’ard) is now ready to furnish anything in his line, at tho shortest notice. SODA YVATER' made in his own peculiar «tay, sent to any part pf the’ city, und ulwuys to be had .at tho store, In tho heigh est state of perfection. Prescriptions put up with core nnd despatch. The subscriber having served tho public lull* und faithfully, rcfpcctftilly solicits a share of patronage. mn r 27 THOS. RYERriON. T> ECEIVED per ship Hartford, 10 boxes Oranges; XV ID bbls. choice .Mercer Potatoes; 5 firkins (Joshon Butter; tine Cheese; 100 lbs. Smoked ftalmcffi; 1 bbl. Cranberries; Parsnips, Beets and Carrots. m °r 29 ,INO. D. JESSE. 1) ECEIVED per schooner Ocean, from XV more, Fif ty superior Homs, Ten bbls Flour, bbls Dried Apples, by mnr 29 Balti Five’ J. D. JESSIE. TXOUSERUEPEUS’ URU8IIEH.—-Diletinc: XI and Moor Brushes ; Scrub and Hearth Brushes- Popes Hfc.nl, end Furnituro Brushes; Whitewash Brushes; Puinters’ and Sliuc Brushes; Crumb, Flesh, mid Tooth Brushes ; Bed Bug Brushes, for oradicut- iug bed bugs; Piute and Bottle Brushes. The above Brushes ure ol' superior quality, and are for sale at low prices. COLLINS Si BULKLEY, mar. 27 i«o Bryan-street. D r. mcmlnn’n elixir of opium.- 1 his is the essential Extract from tho native Drug. It contains nil the valuable qualities of Opi um, without its deleterious nnd Useless principles For sale by G. It. HENDRICKSON Sr. CO, n >ar 27 Gibbons’ Buildiiigs. aEltRING’ai RESTORATIVE c6rDIAL,- ^ lor nervous affectio* s mid dyspepsia. For said by LaROCHE & GODFREY, mar 9 Uiiudry’s Building.- r’LAlUFIED HUGAll.—25 barrels landing tier barque Exact, und for sulc by mar? JAS. A. NORRIfl. WRAPPING PAPER.-—For sale hy TT fob 25 a J. b. CUBBEDGE. SPBUM. LAMP, TRAIN Biid NEATS^ FOOl OIL. i’crr-Rfili* by mar 1 J. G. FaLLIGaNT. 1YT O. SUGAR.—50 lihds Prime N. O. Sugar, lit ’ store and for salo hy feb 28 PaDELPOHD, FAY & CO. riODKY’8 MA GAZl'NEfur March, received by mnr 2 J. b. CUBBEDGE. L’ANCYDREHH GOODh*.—Colored Barrages; a- French Printed Cambrics; French Lawns; Foil-- lard Silks ; Ginghams ; I’aitey Muslins, &c &c. jusq received by I.ATHHOP & FOOTE, mur 2 PIIINTH.— Spring Prints; English do; Frirticii Cambrics, for sale by mnr 2 LATIIROP Si FQQTE. T->EN KNIVES.—A fine assortment olTes nmi L Pocket knives, jiiHt received bv fell 27 J, B. CUBBEDGE, Market-square. pERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER. Just re ceivcd and for sale by LaROCHE Sc GODFREY, Gaudrcy’s Building. feb 25 SPERM AND SOLAR OIL^-Lnnding from brig Excel and lor sale by LaROCHE & GODFREY, feb 27 Gaudi v’s Building. being i Cooper’s Novels. Historical Studios, by George YV GBerne, late United States Consul nt Rome. Mnnuul of Commbrclnl Correspondence, English nnd French, by a Merchant. Beccived by mar 9 JOHN M. COOPER. SPRING BONNETS.—Just received a beauti fill assortment of Ladies’ Bonnets, such as Span Isli Lace, Gimp and Lace, French Luce, Open Gimp Lace ami Pearl Straw. Also, Misses Ojion Pearl Straw, Wliftb Lace, Lace und Braid, French Lnceand French Chip Bonnets, Jenny Lind, Gipsey and Leg-' horn Hats. J. 8. MAGILL, mar 9 Savannah Cash Store. MULLS’ CINNAMON SOAP. For sate by rJ LA ROCHE & GODFREY’, feb 2G Gaudry’s Building, F rench rose, orange-flower aniv Peach Waters, for sole by L. J. MY’EKS, n-ar 23 Emets’ Building.- F EATHER DUSTERS.—a fine assortment Plain and C'ol’d Feather Dusters, for dustirig Furniture. Just received, and for sale by COLLINS & BULKLEY; mar 20 No. 100 Bryun-stroet TVlRJEh'^ GOODS; See.—Per Steamer Southern- ^ er.- Burages, Ginghams, Prints, Muslins and Lawns, Bluck Lace Shawls and Scarfs, Ribbons, &c. For sole by mar 16 LATHROP & FOOTE. piSSENCES for FLAVORING ICF, CREAMS. f J Sic.—Preston’s pure concentrated Extract of Lemon; Essence Vanilla; Essence Bitter Almonder Essence Rose; Essence Jamaica Ginger; Essence Nut megs; Essence Wintorgrcen. F'or snle by uiar 23 L. J. MYERS, Emets’ Building. S ARATOGA WATER.—100 dozen pint arid or bottles of Saratoga Water. Just received froup the Springs, und for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON Si CO., mar 26 Gibbons' Building, I kKESH GOODS.—Tissues, ftulard Silks, **■ XP rages, Albamnns, See. A targe assortment rVa’rf per Isaac Mead. F’orsideby mar 26 LATHROP & FOOTS G AMEH.—A large assortment of Back Gammon/ Boards and Extra Men, Cheaa Men and Chess Boards. Dice, Dominoee and Dice Boxes. Jurt rceiv ed and for sale by G R-HENDRICKSON & Co., V. feb 2.5 Gibbons’ Building* XUBT RECEIVER j per steamer Northerner n " beauiiiul assortment of Dry C . CRxxt*, part of the following—Silk Mufitina, Plain, Col’d. and Printed Bk Muslins and Ginghams, Silk Grei Also, French worked Muslin Colters * mourning do, Children's Needle Worked! dies and Caps, Mueltn Bands, a full assortment of Linen Cambric Hhditts, Ribbons end ffosievy in av»