Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, May 04, 1850, Image 3

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bTtelegraph. ^Vendaysla ter frome urope. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA, millpartherudvRnceln Cotton* rpmnsmUteifor the Daily~ Morning News. Washington, May 3, 4 P. M. The royal mail steamer Canada arrived at Vw York to-day bringing Liverpool dates to the 20th ult. Cotton had advanced fully J of a penny on nil American descriptions. Sales of the week amounted to Bixty thou- gniid hales* The quotations given are for Fair upland CJ, and for Mobile 7j. Flour has experienced a slight decline— market dull. The Pope has returned to Rome. mayor. This movoment upon the part of the Americans will make the peoplo of New Grena da open their eyes. The Baltimore Clipper thinks the choice proves that the Americans there must have vot ed without having their eyes open. &3P Rumors aro prevalent say the accounts by tho Cambria that the English Ministry, ow ing to the fact of being unsuccessful in Parlia ment, will bo compelled to resign. I5P It is said that a suite of rooms ha3 been engaged at tho Bellevue house in Newport, for the family of President Taylor, during the sum- PA8SENGERI. Per steamer Gen. Clinch, fror» Charleston—Mr. T Tattnall, Mrs Wall, Dr T B Habersham, W Wright and 2 servants, T Talbird, J W lopo, J A Kendall, S W Arnold, Capt Hadley, J Sevelr, J 9 Taylor. Per Steamer Win Seabrook,'from Charleston- Miss C llurritt, Mrs Costc, Mrs Holmes, J Anspack, J C Martin, 8 D Burritt, C Manfcault STEAMBOAT LINES. Stoppage at Lowell.—Tho directors of llie Suffolk Cotton Mills, at Lowell, Mass., have decided to stop making cloth, and on the 2tith ult., gave notics to the 500 persons they 'employ, that the services of one half of them must be dispensed with immediately. It is added also, that a similar action will bo taken by the “Boot,” “Tremont,” and “Massachu setts” Cotton Mills, which employ 3,200 per sons, and represent a capital of $3,500,000. It is also stated in the Baltimore papers, that in consequence of the high price of cotton, and the low price of cotton goods, several of the mills in that vicinity will either stop entirely, or only make half time. How this advance of 'the great staple is to affect our Southern facto ries, remains yet to be seen. We think tho most injurious effect that will result to our manufac turing interests will bo in the diversion of capi tal from the manufacture to the production of cotton. In one respect we have certainly the advantage of either the Northern or English manufacturers. So far as tho supply of our homo market is concerned we have in our ,favor the cost of trnnsitto and front the foreign mills. Under any circumstances, wo hare thought this advantage of tho Southern manu facturer equivalent to a protective tariff, and now that tho high price of cotton is closing the Northern mills, and the prices of foreign manufactured goods must go up, our people will have an illustration of the utility of their own manufactories, in protecting them from the exorbitant demands of the British or Northern manufacturer. The Northern and English mills may stop for a time, but let tho pricoteof cotton be what it may, they must either shortly resume, or leave us of the South to supply the world with manufactured cotton, as we have heretofore supplied them with the raw material. The news by the Cambria statos that tho British mills will shortly bo reduced to the necessity of working short time.' At the Treasury in Washington, during the week ending Saturday, the sum of $639,- 000 in U. S. Stocks, was transferred to for. eigners. Tho week before it was 330,000. Foreigners are selling out French funds, at a great loss, and purchasing ours at a large ad- ScitIcc in the Cliui'chca. Divine Service will be held at the Churches of thi city to-morrow, Sunday, May 5th, as follows : INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, South Broad street—Rev. W. Preston, D. D. Preach ing Morning and Afternoon. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 167 Brough ton street—Rev. J. B. Ross, Morning and Afternoon- CHRISTCHURCH, (Episcopal) Monument Square. —Rev. Edwabd Neufville, D. D. Morning and Af ternoon. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, (Episcopal,) South Broad street—Rev. Rufus White. Morning und After noon. TRINITY CHURCH, (Methodist) St. James’Squnre. Rev. James E. Evans. Morning, Afternoon and Eve ning. Second Quarterly Meeting.—Tho Rev. Josiah Lew is, P. E., will preach in the Morning and Evening, YVESTLEY CHAPEL, (Methodist) South Broad street.—There will lie no service in this Church, which will remain closed until further notice. ANDREW CHAPEL, (Methodist) New street— Rev. C. A. Fulwood. Morning, Afternoon and Eve ning. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Chippeway Square- Rev. Thomas Rambaut. Morning, Afternoon mid Evening. Evening discourse on four lust things. 11 Heaven.” Seats free. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, Wright Square.— Rev. J. P. Tustin. Morning and Evening. LUTHERAN CHURCH, Wright Square.—Rev. A. J. Kahn. Morning und Afternoon. CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, (Ro man Catholic) Drayton street—Rev. J. F. O'Neil, and Rev. J. F. Kinnv. Morning and Afternoon. UNITARIAN CHURCH, Armory Hull, Wright Square—Rev. J. A. Penniman. There will be no service in this Church in consequence of the absence of the Pastor. PENFIELD MARINER'S CHURCH. Bay Street. Rev. T. Hutchings. Morning, Afternoon mid Eve ning. KAAL KOASII MICKVA ISRAEL. Liberty nnd Whitaker street)—Levi Haet, Reuder. This duy [Saturday.] COLORED CHURCHES. First African Church, (Baptist,) Green Ward, John Cox, Preacher. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. SecondAfrican Church (Baptist,) Franklin Ward— Andrew Marshall, Preacher. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Third Afncnn Church, (Baptist,) Oglethorpe Ward Preacher. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. CONSIGNEE*. Per Bark Peter Derail], from few York—Rowland it Washburn, T R Mills, T S Wayne, 8 M Pond, Ym>"e St Gammell, M J Solomons, Snider, Lathrop St N'-vitt, N A Hardee St Co, W Warner, A Welles & CoJWood.Claghom St Co,J P Btnum, M Eastman, M A Cohen, Hamilton St Hardeman, A Haywood, J llous- senu, N B A. H Weed, Brooks & 'Dipper, Pbilbrick St Bell, M Pendergast, E O Byrne, CE Smith, J D .lease, J C Cady St Co, Jus Sullivan, J Van Ness. W Kems- hurt, W'BHulo, Collins & Bulklcy, IIJ Gilbert, A Champion. „ , Per Balk Savannah from New York—T S Wayne, T R Mills, S M Pond, Wood, Clnghorn St Co., Brig- ham, Kelly & Co., M A Cohen, T M Turner, F F Wood St Co, W II May St Co., Ambler, Barnum St Co, H A Crnne St Co, G S Nichols, 1) B Nichols, Ham ilton St Hardeman, W 'B Hule, Yong & Gamniell, A Welles & Co, A Haywood, WP Williams. A Minis, Washburn, Wilder & Co, J W Morrell, J M Cooper, Jas M Poe, N B Knnpp, .Ins Anderson St Co, Order, Swift, Denslow St Webster, G S Harding, Russell &. Ehilick, Colieu &. Fosdick, McArthur & Morse, Davis St Copp, J V Counerat, A A Solomons, F Shlels, W M Davidson, Pierson St Hcidt, W. Carruthers, N A Hardee St Co, S Austin, S St. H Hoyt St Co, J C Brown, W Knv. Smith &. Humphries, F Orlain. Per Schooner CAL Lamar, from New York—T S Wayne, B ,Morel, R D Walker, 1 W Rowland, Price A-AVeader, T M Turner & Co, Raburn St Fulton, S M Pond, T R Mills, Swift, Denslow St Webster, A Welles St Co. Per steamer Gen. Clinch, IVom Charleston—J Wil liamson, J M Cooper, G S Webb, Wood, Clagliovn St Co, S Solomons, Brooks & Tupper, Stratton & Dob son, Turner St Oden, FI F Wood, J Dickson St Co, R Einstein, Einstein St Eckmuu, Verstille, Lufburro St Butler, S A Wood, W Wright, W Curtis, C R R Steamer DeKalk. Per steamer Wm Seabrook, from Charleston—C R R, Steamer DeKulb, Fla Boats, W T Williams, Tur ner & Oden, M King, Wood, Clnghorn & Co, Brooks & Tapper, R Habersham & Son. C H Guerard, J M Turner, W C O’Driscoll, A Miller, J II Ilume, S D llurritt. , FOR HAMBURG AND AU GUSTA.—Tho fine new steam-packet 'OREGON, Capt. T. N. Phllpot, will leave Saturday, May 4th, at five o’clock, P. M. For freight or pnssago, having fine accommodations, ap ply on board, or to M. A. COHEN. Way-freight payable by shippers, and must be on board by 4 o'clock. ’ may 4 METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, For April) 1850. Prepared for theDoily Morning News. The Court of Inquiry.—The Court of In quiry at Annapolis, M. D., on Monday, con cluded receiving testimony, and will make up their record, to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Navy, for the action of the government. Great Reduction in Telegraphic Toll. N otice is given that, on the 1 Morse line of tele graph, on and after may 1st, the rates of tolls between Boston and New York, and between Boston and Portland, w.II he twenty cents in stead of fifty on the first ten words or less of each communication. To New York two cents for each additional word; to Portland one cent each added word. Awful Tragedy.—We learn from the Mis souri Whig, of the 2nd inst., that a Mr. Bevans living near Tully, Mo., had a German living with him by the name of Hohn. This man and Mr. Bevnns being alone in the house, the former took down a gun, and pointed at Bevans, who knocked it down and received the whole charge in his leg. A scuffle ensued, in which Bevans’ skull was fractured, and Hohn left him for dead. Per ceiving Mrs Bevans coming to the assistance of her husband, he returned and shot her with a pistol, wounding her,though not mortally. Af ter this he disappeared and was discovered dead the next day, a short distance from the house with his throat cut, and mangled dread fully, evidently the work of his own hand. Mrs. B. is doing well, but no hope is entertain ed for her husband. Pittsburg, April 29 Tho 9teamer Anthony Wayne, while oppo site the town of Vermillin, burst her boiler yesterday morning about one o’clock, killing from thirty-five to forty persons. There were, ^ it is said, eighty-four souls in all on board, of whom thirty composed the crew.—The others Were steerage and cabin passengers from vari- ■ous parts of the west. Of those killed and missing thirteen were attached to the boat—the troBt were passengers. Fr*m Nassau. N. P. By the Br. brig Laclarita, Cnpt. Spencer, ar rived at Charleston on Wednesday, the Courier is iu receipt of dates to the 21st ult. The number of buildings destroyed by the late Tornado at Nassau, was near one hundred and twenty others more or less injured. The loss was estimated at $20,000. The General Assembly closed its session on the 18lhult. Several important bills were pas sed and received the Royal sanction ; The dhty on Pine Apples, as well as on all descriptions of Fruit grown in the colony, has been suspended for twelve months, and hope are entertained that it will be entirely repeal ed. The prospect of Salt was very encouraging at lnaqua, and a good raking season was antici pated. L#" Chagres has become a city. Captain M- K. Taylor, of Baltimore, has-been elected FOR AUGUSTA and HAM BURG. to leave every FRIDAY o’clock The New and splendid Steam- COCK, Capt, Murray, will leave for the above ports and intermediate landings, on Friday, May 10, at 9 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or t 0 JOHN FOSTER, Agent, may 4 Anderson’s Lower Wharf. FOR. NUW-YOUK, Old Established Line. The superior regular Packet Ship, MARION, ’SggJJCnpt. J. Johnson, will have despatch. For frcTgiTt or pnssage, having good accommodations, ap ply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to Price of Passage, $15. may 3 BRIGHAM, KELLY, St CO. DRAWS THIS DAY. 9ft 40,000 DOLLARSt! $25,000! 910,0001 GREENE A PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. Extra Class No. 36 for 1850. To bojdeclded by drawing of Virginia Monongalia Lottery, Class 50, to be drawn a» Alexandria, Vi, on Saturday, May 4th,-1850. J. W. MAURY & CO. Marsafen, 14 drawn Ballou out of 78. SPLENDID- SCHEME : 1 Prize of *40,000 1 25000 1 10,000 1 4,000 1 3,000 , Tickets, *10—Shares in proportion. I'or sale by may 4 E. WITH1NQTON. 1 Prize of. *2,500 1 2,110 10 1,850 22 500 25 300 FOR. NKW-YOHK, Old Established Line. Packet of Saturday, 4th of May. The new nnd elegant Packet Barque TEXAS, JTMcNnir, Master, will positively sail on Saturday, 4th iust. For freight or passage, having superior ue- commodationa, apply on board at Tellair’s wharf, or to BIUGHAM, KELLY &. CO. Price of passage 815. may 1—tf - - ^ t M Savannah, April 30th, 1850. y A FTER THE 1st of MAY, only throe Freight Trains a week, will leave Snvannah and Mason, viz : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays may 1—lw (signed) W. M. WADLY, Sftlpt IFOR BALTIMORE—REGULAR LINE. « The Schooner, STRANGER, Capt. Black .. t ..... . a. A % 1 : A tiri 11 well, havingjmost of her cargo enguged, will [iuve quick despatch. For freight (on deck,) or pas sage, having good accommodations, apply on board Telfair’s wharf, or to may 1—tf BRIGIIAM, KELLY & CO. t For Sale, at n low price, to close a concern the property occupied by Mr. Samuel Clair' rn, situated in that part of the city of Savannah known as ‘-Oglethorpe Town." For farther particu lars, apply to JOS. BANCROFT,117 Bay-st. ap 27 tf. Jfhc FOR. BOSTON.—Tho ship CHAS. COR- ROLL, Mnrclmnt MaBtcr, will sail for tho alio ""port, for freight engagements, apply to may 3 PADELFORD, FAYACO. TO LET.—Rooms for single gentlemen' Apply at this office. may 3 TO RENT.—A two story house in South Broad street, a few doors west of Barnard, being, tho tenement adjoining that occupied until recently, by M. H. McAllister, Esq. Apply at J. M. Cooper’* Book Store. may 1—lw JJOREflOUND CANDY, and Liquorice Lo- (lommcrrial intelligence. LATEST DATES. Liverpool, Apl 20 | Havre, Apr 18 j Havana, April 22 Savannah Cotton Market, Mny 4. COTTON.—The market was firm yesterday, nnd the following sales were mode at I udvauce : 7 hales at 111! 25 at 12J ; 89 at 121 ; 33 at 12i ; und 115 at 12|}cents. Total 269 hales. Savannah Exports, May 3. Philadelphia—per brig Henry—66.400 feet Lumber. Baltimore—Per schr Stranger—100 bales Cotton, 20 bales yam, 25 tcB Rico, 5 boxes Mdz. Savannah Imports, May 2. New Yobk, April 30.—Money continues easy.— Loans on good securities are made at 5 to 5} per ct. per annnm. The best class paper is selling at 6 to 7 per ct.but there is plenty of jobbers’ paper in the mar ket at 9 to 12 per cent. The auction sales are dimin ishing and nearly every description of goods have fallen. Shipping intelligence. BAROMETER. TH’R. RAIN. WINDS. 7 A ill 2 PM 7 PM 7 2 7 inch a 7 am 2 F M 7pm 1 30.15 30.15 30.10 45 65 56 SE SE SE 2 99 29.95 29.88 58 70 64 1.760 E SSE SE 3 29.68 56 53 64 78 74 sw SW w 4 72 68 64 61 80 70 NE W w 5 53 42 42 60 72 66 SW W w 6 64 70 83 51 60 54 WNW WNW NW 7 94 97 98 47 65 56 NNW NW s 8 30.02 99 99 52 68 62 wsw NW WNW 9 02 30.02 98 53 73 64 wsw 8SE S 10 29.93 29.95 88 60 68 65 0.015 wsw NNW SSE 11 86 85 8fc 64 70 61 1.765 sw N N 12 76 74 74 57 56 58 SSE NNE N 13 80 go 87 57 70 60 NW WNW WNW 14 30.06 30.06 30.08 54 75 66 WNW NW NW 15 11 08 08 57 83 69 W SW S 16 09 05 29.99 60 82 69 W SE 8 17 29.88 29.78 86 65 83 73 0.085 S NW W 18 30.14 30.19 30.23 48 68 55 N NE ENE 19 21 16 13 53 74 63 NE SE ESE 20 04 29.93 29.93 64 85 71 8 SW S 21 29.98 30.02 30.06 68 84 66 W SSE K 22 30.06 04 05 76 84 72 SE SSE SE 23 07 03 06 70 90 77 WSW w S 24 16 17 17 70 75 65 ENE E R 25 12 03 00 62 82 73 ENE 83E 9 26 011 00 02 70 88 75 SW SW N 27 05 08 29.98 70 85 78 W SW S 28 29.94 29.85 84 72 91 75 1.070 W8W wsw 8 29 8f 93 30.01 63 77172 WNW NW NW 30 30.09 30.13 12 59 82 12 ?f095 N 8 SE 29.97 25.99 20.94 60|7Gl^g PORT OF SAVANNAH. - - - MAY 4. PORT CALENDAR. moon’s phases. Last qr. 4th, 5h. 37m., M. I Fst qr. 18th, lOh. 44m., M New Mn. 11 6h. lm., M. | Fll Mn, 25th, 7h. 12m., M 8 l] N MOON High Water. Mny. Rises. Sets. Rises. Morn. Even. IS 5 O. H M. H M. H. M. H M. H.M. 4 Saturday,... 5 10 6 43 0 51m l 22 1 51 5 Sunday, .... 5 09 6 44 1 30in 2 24 2 57 6 Monday,.... 5 08 6 45 2 6m 3 35 4 14 7 Tuesday.... 5 07 6 46 2 39m 4 45 5 17 8 Wednesday.. 5 07 6 46 2 39m 4 45 5 17 9 Thursday,... 3 06 6 40 3 14m 5 45 6 12 13 Friduy 5 11 6 43 0 10m 0 29 0 53 ATTENT'm coj OGLETHORPE FIRE COMP Alin “_You are requested to ns- tfapK sembleiwo fc] le a Engine House,” this ^25- evenii* 1 ’ AXUaturday,) at seven o’clock, to receive tho Ogletl ffrpe Fire Company on their re turn from ClmrleeJ'Sh'. The members of the Wash ington Fire Company, are respectfully invited to join • By ordetrof the Company. may 4 ^LAW NOTICE.—The subscribers having ■sw re united their professional interests,will con tinue the practice of the law in all its branches. Their ofiice is in the building lately occupied by M. H. Mc Allister, Esq. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, niuy 1—3t JOHN E. WARD. ITaeS 0 A FINE OIL PAINTING, FOR $5. ® —SAVANNAH PORTRAIT CLUB, after the ilan of the “American Arts Union.” The undersigned ias established a Portrait Cub upon the following principles: 1st, Every ten of the subscribers will draw for one fine Oil Portrait, painted from life of themselves, or a Painting of equal value of any other description. 2d, A Drawing for the prizes will be had, ou the re ceipt of every thirtieth subscriber, so that the Paint ings mny be distributed every two weeks. 3u, Those drawingiPaintings, (and one must be drawn .o every ten subscribers,) may choose either a For- tait, a Landscape, or any other subject, which will be Painted to order, and finished in the Artist’s most elaborate style. Tho following Paintings wlgth may bo seen at rooms No. 121 Brough ton-street \ftll also he drawn for: The Madonna; The Early Friend,s Portrait Capt. Mar shall, of the Palmetto’s; The Infant Savior; and the Virgin and others. Call and see. Subscriptions $5 ■received until the first of July. T. J. JACKSON. apl 24 Rooms No. 121 Broughton-street. PORTRAIT PAINTING, by T. J. JACKSON, No. 121 Broughton st. Mr. J. will also take Plaster Faris Casts of deceased persons, from which, (far better than from Daguerreotypes) life-like likenesses may be painted. nprl 20—tl TURNER’S StjIlinKhn rpiIIS preparation is a Concentrated Extract, con- l taining all the Active Medical Properties of the Conyza, (commonly known as Black Root,) and the Styllingia, or Queen's Delight. These plants have been long used among our South ern Negroes, and recently by the Medical Profession, with tile happiest results, in ca«es of Chronic Rheu matiem, Ulcers of long standing, and Secondary Syphilis. It is much superior to any preparation of Sarsaparilla as an alterative, being more active and prompt in its operation on the system. These facts have induced the subscribers to present to the atten tion of Physicians a fluid extract prepared strictly ac cording to Chemical and Parmaceutical science, de void of all the feculent and inert parts of the roots, not doubting that it will supersede the unscientific and crude preparations hitherto used. Pricp $1 per bottle, or six bottles tor 85. Pr epared and Bold by TURNER St ODEN, Monument-Square, And by T. M. TURNER, mar 29 181 Bay-street, Savannah. Ga. nrTSqo SCHOOL.—The subscriber respectfully US? announces that he has opened a School m the basement of the Second Baptist Church, in which will be taught all the brunches of a thorough English Eu- Particular attention will be given to the el- zeugers, for Coughs, may 4 For sale by JNO. A. MAYER. M ILK OF ROSES, For the Complexion. For sale by * JNO A. MAYER, may 4 * D ISINFECTING and Antiseptic Liquid, for pre venting the sprendof cholern, and other contagi ous diseases. For sale by apl 26 LaROCHE & GODFREY. H EPATIC ELIXIR—a new remedy for Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness and Sour ness of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Stc. This is a Vegetable production, and may be taken, witli per fect safety, for any term of time, by persons of tho most delicate constitution, however low they may have been reduced by disease. It will also be found a sure remedy for Blotched FaceB, so troublesome to young persons. For sale by apl 26 LaROCHE St GODFREY. PANAMA HATS.—Geo. S. Nichols has oil hand u good assortment of l’nnama, Leg- _ _ horn, and Straw Hats; for gentlemen, hoys and children, which he offers at areasonable price, and in vites those in want to call nnd see, at the Cheap Coth ing Store, Gibbons’ Range. GEO. S. NICHOLS. A few extTa fine Spanish Fashion Panama’s muy be seen, and bought cheap. apl 27 . HARD CASTLE & CARItU T1IERS, COACH MAKERS, east side Franklin square, return thanks ■ to their friends for past favors, and beg leave to inform them that they are prepared to recei ve nnd execute with despatch all orders in their line, ns usual. They are happy to state that the inju ry sustained by the recent fire lias not seriously af fected their operations. 3m ap26 N EGROES WANTED.—The subscribers, Con tractors on the Augusta St Waynesboro’ Rail Road, wish to hire until the first of Jununry next, on for a shorter period, Sixty able-bodied men; Twenty boys, and a few women, to work upon said Road, be tween the Central Rail Road and Waynesboro'. For further particulars apply to Joseph Bancboft 117 Bay street. april 6—tf JOHN D. GRAY St Co ARRIVED. Ship Georgia, Mills, from Philadelphia, in ballast,to F Mills. Bark Peter Demill, Hoey, from New York, to Row land St Washburn. Bark Savannah, Crowell, from New York, to Wash burn, Wilder St Co. Brig Leopold O'Donnell, Dunton, New Orleans, to Wood, Clnghorn & Co. Schr CAL Lamar, Lightbum, New York, to Co hens St Hertz. _ Steamer Gen Clinch, Dixon, from Charleston, to Brooks & Tupper. Steamer Wm Seabrook, Peck, Charleston, to Brooks St Tupper. CLEARED. BrigHenry, Baker, Philadelphia—Cohens St Hertz. Schr Stranger, Blackwell, Baltimore — Brigham, Kelly St Co. DEPARTED. Steamer Gen Clinch, Dixon, Charleston. Steamer Hancock, Murray, Augusta. Steamer DeKalb, Moody, Augusta. MEMORANDA. Baltimobe, April 30—Cld schr Ocean, Parker, for Savannah, Arrd schr II N Gambrill, Bradford; and schr Alvarado, Booze, from Savannah. Philadelphia, April 29—The schr Julia Eliza, on the 23d ult, for whirl- .. _ Henlopen, which carried nway mainmast, main boom and split mainsail. She returned to the city yesterday after noon to be repaired. _ _ , . April 30.—Arrived Schooner D C Brooks, Allen, from Darien, Geo. _ . „ New-Yobk, April 29—Clrd brig Egyptam, Oram, for Jacksonville, Fla; bark Vernon, Faye, tor Savan nah. Arrd ship Southport, McCormic, from Savon Georgetown, S C., May 1—Arrived brig Lady of the Lake, Hand, from Savannah. The brig Kate Boyd, at Ncw-York, 1st instant, re ports that when otf Savannah, passed 10 square boxes murked “ II & F.” Blowing fresh: could not pick them up. „ Loss of BniG Merchant, of Richmond, Me. The brig Louisa, from Ponce, brought Capt Stinson and crew, late of brig Merchant, having taken them from brig Martha Kinsman, hound to l’orto Rico,about 15th inst, that vessel having rescued them trom the wreck. Captain Stinson states that the vessel sailed from St. Mary’s, Ga.. 3d instunt, with a cargo of lum ber, for Demerara, and the second day out was cap sized in a squall. All hands remained on the wreck six days, when they were taken oft by the Martha Kinsman, and subsequently transferred to the Louisa. Notice to Mariners. Department of State. Washington, April 27, 1850. The following information has been received at this Department from the Spanish Minister near this G AS FITTINGS.—The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Savannah, that he will shortly receive a large assortment ef Gas Burners, Peneants, Brackets, &c, &c, from Philadelphia. Hav- ig competent workmen engaged, ho is prepared to 11 any orders on the most reasonable terms, and re spectfully solicits their patronage. r U. CRANSTON, 91 Bryan at, ap 117—6m next door to Hamilton &. Symon o M adeira grape juice.—2 halt pipe and 4 quarter casks, of superior quality, in store nnd for sale by april 22 PADELFORD, FAY St CO. S' TRATTON & DOBSON, Practical Gas-Fit ters, No. 72 St Julinn-streeti Work shop corner of State and Bull-streets. Dwellings, Stores, Churches, Stc. fitted up at tho shortest notice and in the best manner. Personal at tention given to all work entrusted to their eare. Re ferences^—R. II. Griffin, Esq., President of the Gas Light Company, and the contractors erecting the Gas Works. c apl 29 Compound Fluid^ Ex-tract of Conyza and na med Colon, and erected at the entrance o? the old Bahama channel, on 4epoint call ed Matemillus, in the Island ot Cuba, will be lighted for tlie first time on the evening ot the 1 st ot May next, and subsequently every day from sunset to sun- r * This light house is situated in latitude 20deg. 39 min. 39sec. North, and longitude 70deg. 53mm. 17sec. west of the meridian of Cadiz. It is a reflecting hght, rf tLe first dass of Tresnel’s rotary, and from minute t0 TheTight!“of e natural color, and stands 190 feet above thi level of the sea. It may therefore be seen at the distance of fifteen miles, more or less, accord- ?ng to dictate of the atmosphere, and the elevation trom which it ‘‘^“^n'ximenez de Sandoval, Havana, April 18, 1659. T HOM S ONIANCOUGHSYRUP.-Forgie ementary studies. BERNARD ^ References.—Rev. J. T. ROBERT, Rev H. O. WYER. mar 29 ISDUSVl.UEVABr.E H. may 4 S T £ m i^e% ?laia md F Tt cubbe$e: ap 15. |^JULL»8 CINNAMON SOAP, • variety of other kinds. rosy 4 F or sale by JNO. A. MAYER RENCII MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, &CV —French Muslinsof superior qualities and Colors, French and English, Plain and and Colored Cambrloa Chomburgs, Ginghama^&c._Forsalo^rjr mar 4 LaROCHE, BO\ * CO T O RENT, for one or more yews, all that wharf lot situated East of the Union Ferry Dock, front ing on Savannah RiTcr 330 feet togethef with th« Railway, Engino and Fixtures attached thereto. ' O, to lli: ‘ lire, 10 hands, all Mechanics. 3 Hons* Carpenters j 1 Blncksmith; 6 Ship-Carpenters and Caulkers; Also, a Blacksmith’s Shop and Tools. The above will be hired cither separately or together. FOR SALE, a quantity of Live Oak and Cedar tim ber and knees. Also, a lot of Lignum Vitas; a suit of second hand sails, suitable for a vessel from 30 to 40 tons burthen, and one large second hand main-sail; one pair of large timber wheels, seven feet ip height; a two horse waggon and harness; a Canoe Boat just finished, 24ft long by -lift wide, fur six oars. For fur ther particulars enquire of april 13 tf H. F. WILUNK. fJOTTON OHNABURGH 00 bales Cotton-Os- VJ nnhurgs, assorted qualities. 10 hales Fancy Striped, do., just received and for salo by april 13 SNIDER, LATHROP St NEVITT. B ROWN SHIRTINGS.—10 bales I Brown Shirtings. 25 bales { do., just received and for salo by april 13 SNIDER, LATHROP St NEVITT. 1VEW SPRING GOODS—1850.—T’he sub scribcrs have received, and will continue to re ceive by future arrivals, a large and well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS, which they otter tor salo at the lowest market prieez, and to which they invite tho attention ef country merchants, factors nnd planters. ^ feb 28 SNIDER, LATHROP St NEVITT. PORT WINE & HYSON TEA.—10 quarter I. casks Port Wine, and 10 hf cheats Hyson Tea, in store and for sale by april 1 W. M. DAVIDSON. DMINI8TRAT0HJS NOTICE.—A11 per- NEW SPUING BOOTS «fc SHOES F. KOPMAN, 102 Bryan street, has just re ceived per harks Exact nnd Texas, a beautiful assortment of Ludies Misses anu Children’s shoes. Also, a complete stock of Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters,and Brogans, all of which are offered on the most accommodating terms. P. S. Expected daily, a small assortment ot Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Hats. apl 23—Im becca ) will j tested; and all persons indebted to said make payment to me, EMANUEL SHEFTALL, Administrator, apl 3 36t properly a Estate, v D ll. LUMMUS’ AROMATIC VEGETABLE Bitters, fur the cure of Jaundice, indigestion. Weak Stomach, Diarrhoea, etc., just received and for sale by L. J. MYERS, april 1 Smuts' Building. fYIIAMPAGNE WINE.—25 hskts Grape Cham Vj pagne, landing from ship Southport for sale by April 1 W. M. DAVIDSON G ERMAN COLOGNE, In pint and quart hot ties, just received and for sale by april 5 LaROCHE St GODFREY. LIVE OIL.—Superior Olive Oil, in quart and Dint bottles, also on draught, for sale by LaROCHE St GODFREY, mar 23 Gaudry's Building. V OTIOE.—1 forewarn all persons against cred- . i Ring Maboahet Wood on my account, as 1 am determined not to pay any debts that she inqy con tract. J. W. WOOD. Savannah," April C, 1850. lm rpiIE ABOVE SUM will he paid for the apprehei sion and placing in custody of Mr. GEORGE - PHILADELPHIA SHOES.—Ladies Black. . . Bronze and blue Morocco half Gaiters. Ladies Blk and Bronze Morocco I’olku Boots. S. A. WOOD a pl 2 100 Bryan-strcet. 85,000 REWARD. CENTRAL RAILROAD St BANKING CO. OF GA Savannah, March 4,1850. irehen- BULLOCH, the absconding Cashier of this Bank. He is charged with having stolen in notes of tha Company, the sum of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, moBtly of the larger denomina tion. An additional reward of five per cent will be paid on any money returned with or without him. He is about 5 l'eet 7 inches high, medium size, dark hair, dark eyes, dark complexion, black beard, fine teeth, speaks slow and soft, steps quick when walking. He was last seen in this City, so far os can be ascertain ed, on the night of Wednesday last, 27th February. By Order of tho Directors, mar 5 tf R. R. CUYLER. President. J ENT’S GAITERS.—A fine supply oi Gentle JT men’s Linen Gaiters, for sale by SAM. A. WOOD, april 18 106 Bryan street. OVERNESS WANTED. A LADY who is \JT qualified to teach Music, French, Drawing anu the brandies of an English education, is wanted to take charge of the education of a young lady. The location is in the country, and is perfectly healthy and pleasant. To one who can bring satisfactory recom mendations a liberal salary will be given. * H *Address bill to this office. May 2—tf B altimore bacon.—10 iihds superior Baltimore cured sides. 200 Hams. Landing from brig Henrietta, and for sale by . . __ may 3 BRIGHAM, KELLY St. CO. M AHOMET and his Successors; By Washing ton Irving. ... , Nincvah und its Remains; by A. H. Layard, new and cheap edition. „ „ . The Hungarian Struggle for Freedom; by Johann Pragg. Received by may 3 JOHN M. COOPER- yf REAM ALE.—50 barrels Cream Ale, a supe- VV rior article to any in the marke., brewed ex pressly for me, for sale, to arrive m brigs Savannah and Ma lason,by May 1 W. M. DAVIDSON. c OLUMBIAN EMBROCATION, a certain cure for sea-sickness, lor sale bjr Smets’ Building may 1 W ANTED, two Boys who can read and write as apprentices to the printing business. Ap ply at this ofiice. ap30 I17 ANTKD, an aged Negro Man, and a Boy W from 12 to 14 years old. Wages paid monthly, Apply to DAN L N- LA 1 N - apl 30 6t M ORE NEW GOODS.—The subscriber has just received per Southerner, an addition to his stock of Fancy Cassimerea which wiU be made up at the shortest notice. S. P. DIBBLE. Corner of Broughton and W hi taker-street. ap l 26 6t Sign of Golden Lamb. C 'GRAHAM’S Magazine andGodey’sLadies’Book If for May Received by J. B. OUBBEDGE. H/riSS D. A. GARDNER, has returned lfl irom New York, and nnd is now opening every variety of fashionable SPRING BONNETS. She has also a handBome assortment of Ribbons, Flowers and Bridal Ornaments. The Ladies are in vited to call and examine. N. B. Dress Making done in a superior maimer, at No. 159 Congress street. tf apt 13 P ER SOUTHERNER.- -1000 LADY’S AND _ MISSES BONNETS, of every description, and ulso a very handsome assortment of Bonnet and Belt Ribbons, just received and ctfcnfd at cost price. WICHMANN St LICHTE, 139 Broughton st. opposite J.Dixon & Co’s Confec tionary. apl 88. G ODEY’S LADIE’S BOOK, For May Graham’s Magazine, do.; Sartain’s, do. do. Littcll’s Living Age, Nos. 308, 9 and 10. Maud Lilly; or the Gypsey’s Vengeance, a sequel to “ Gretna Green," by G. W. M, Reynolds, received by april 26 JOHN M. COOPER. cleaning coat collars, woollen, goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish and oils of every description, received and for solo by mar 14 G. R. HENDRICKSON St CO. Ptri VOX. SHIRTS, of all kinds and qualities, OU at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ Range, and for sale by apl 27 GEO, 8. NICHOLS. T> EFRIGERATORS. — Gold’s Patent Union XV Refrigerators for preserving Fruits, Butter, Meats and Provisions of all kinds, keeping them cool and sweet. A few of the above superior refrigerators just received and for sale by _ ap 27 COLLINS St BULKLEY, 100 Bryan-st o L si»dt , s , br% b 7‘«^s iu ‘“ april 19 Smeta’ Building. A RTIFICIAL LEECHES.—A supply of II- A exandcr’s Patent Artificial Leeches, just receiv ed a a pril ^^^G. R. HENDRICKS A CO. TUST RECEIVED, and for solo, tho Queen of J the West and Iron king, Cooking Stoves, whiell are the most economical and string °i fuel, of any stove ever invented, afid expressly for the soutoens McARTHOR St MORB7L